If you join any of their protests, you are very silly.

124  2017-08-18 by Mrexreturns

They don't care about you. You are just a scrub that can be dispensed and sacrificed at will as soon as you join one of their protests. Once you foolishly enter it, your live sadly does not matter.

The only thing they care about is dividing america (Or any country they attempt this in) until it is totally destroyed and ripe for civil war.

Your desires and wishes are being used for death and destruction.

Your hatred against the system is being used against you to destroy your country.

Your anger is being used as the cataclyst for the death of 30 million americans in the future.

So if you join in one the divide directly or indirectly, you are very silly. Any protest from now on is subject to anything regardless of their original intention.

Don't do it.


unlike lives that matter in front of tv?

it's not silly bro, it's the only way to tell the government you do not agree

BS. We could overturn Citizens United tomorrow. Instead we are at war with each other.

How? Even if a huge group of citizens agreed, how would we just overturn it?

To me, it seems the only way would be through protest. If enough people yell loud enough that this important, the ones in power just might listen. How are we supposed to make them listen by not protesting?

Protests aren't nearly as effective as strikes and boy-cots. These two actions got far more done to change policy in the early 1900's than protesting did. We could do this again but the narrative has convinced a majority of the people that just protesting gets it done and so nobody takes greater action than just holding a sign and yelling. What would happen if instead every federal employee not on board with current policy just stopped coming into work? What if we collectively stopped buying products from dubious manufacturers and corporations? These are the actions that hurt them. Parading down the street with a sign just makes TPTB laugh.

Totally fair, I agree, we should do more strikes and boycotts. But I really don't like the idea that joining into any mass movement is to be a scrub for "them" and help "divide the county." Strikes and boycotts would be extremely divisive, but that doesn't make them bad.

It seems to me OP is saying we should sit around and not complain when the system screws us, and I think that's really stupid.

It seems to me OP is saying we should sit around and not complain when the system screws us, and I think that's really stupid.

I couldn't agree more.

Depends what you mean by protest. Most protest is from the position of a victim with no power, erupting in anger as a result of no alternatives. Getting organized with a plan soon realizes that if you are going to go into the street, you do it like MLK or Ghandi did, with millions. Till then, educate.

Also, if you end up a pawn of the media and counterintelligence you are actually hurting any real progress.

There's another way. It happens every 4 years. Every 2 years actually. It's called voting.

yeah, you tried that and look what happened

It's constitutional democracy. The system worked the way it's supposed to.

See you in 4 years.

That's an awfully long off season for a single day of action.

You're right, we should vote once a month. Hell, why not daily?

We're doing it right here right now daily... Yeah what the hell, why not?

Thats so cute you think your vote mattered. Wish I could still look at things that naively

It is silly. The only reason the KKK (or whoever) stage public rallies is because they know people like you will show up. If no one ever showed up, they'd never stage them. By going to their events, you're legitimizing their venue.

Tell the government we do not agree with what? These are protests against "nazis", not the US Government. People protesting other people. That's the point of OP...

I agree with the part of the protesters just being a pawn. I was invited up to DC to protest by civil disobedience, on federal property. What does that mean? I could have federal charges brought up in my name. Now, the organization would cover all legal fees, but thats not the point. The point is that these people use other "like minded" people to get them on board for a cause. I did not go, I do not want to run the risk of not getting a job because of some stupid federal charges that I got "protesting."

Massive protests always make me a bit nervous. All it takes is someone to infiltrate and start some trouble, and soon enough you have a mob forming.

CIA/NSA/FBI/Police have no problem infiltrating groups on BOTH SIDES and causing trouble.

I don't know if you remember, but there was a post about the protest in Serbia against the newly elected president. Literally anyone could join, if I were the president, I would probably want intelligence agencies to infiltrate the protests and start violence. That way they can have an incentive they can show in MSM to persecute the opposition. Thankfully it all went peacefully.

Man thats cynical. Sadly, this happens though.

At some point, it becomes OUR protest. When Trump destroys all environmental regulations, defunds public education, threatens war just to drive up military industry stock prices, and implodes medicare, are you going to just sit at home by yourself? Are you going to let Wall St destroy civil society? Or will you join fellow citizens in protest?
Don't be fooled. They want you complacent, sitting at home, crying in front of the corporate TV news.

Of course i was saying those ones like charlottesville whole only purpose is to whip up further division over distracting matters like left/right, LGBT/Cis or even Antifa/Alt-Right.

And if there is a legit protest against the deep state, there will be no media reaction, no sympathy for the protesters and overall violent stampedes by riot police. The police will be instructed to use all out force, not stand by like incompetent lads.

great points

When Trump destroys all environmental regulations, defunds public education, threatens war just to drive up military industry stock prices, and implodes medicare

When did he do all this? I will need cites.

I'm suggesting this is the imminent future, based on his appointments and his words.

So you're protesting something that isn't real?


Then what are you protesting?

The criminal elite who are bankrupting our country and sending jobs overseas. The super class of global capitalists who would destroy civil society to increase shareholder profits.

The criminal elite are the ones trying to remove Trump. They wanted Clinton to continue doing what Obama was doing, which was bankrupting the country and sending jobs overseas. They're the super class of globalists who destroy civil society not to increase their wealth, they already have that, but to gain full control of the global. Globalists. That's what they do.

If you were actually concerned about this, you'd be protesting for Trump and against George Soros and Antifa.

Where we disagree is that I believe Trump is still under control of the same corrupting forces that made Clinton so dangerous.

He came in clean.

But he will be surrounded by globalists, both in the WH and in Congress and the Senate, and it will very difficult for him to function. He will be, if he isn't already, compromised by the information he is allowed to get.

We'll see where it goes.

I'm looking forward to the mid terms. We might see more progressive representatives who are not bought out by the corporate donors!

The DNC is toast for the forseeable future.

Who's going to run and win? Democrats? They're toast. LOL.

Too bad Clinton and the DNC fucked him over.

It's a fucking shame.

Yeah. We'd be seeing Sanders framed as a Russian colluder and a NAZI sympathizer.

Also even if Trump is well-intentioned which I doubt, his sheer incompetence is an embarrassment to the country. So not only is he corrupt but he's also an idiot.
The reason the corrupt Elite do not like him is because he shows the true face of America getting raped by corporate capitalism, which is dangerous for them because the people might unite against the whole system.

If you listened to anything he said during the election, you'd know that compared to Clinton he is extremely well-intentioned.

His competence will develop. He's a businessman doing the job of a politician. There's going to be a learning curve.

How is he corrupt? Show me one example.

The problem isn't capitalism, which he represents. The problem is corporatism, which Clinton represents. And corporatism is fascism.

You need to educate yourself on these concepts of government.

Trump doesn't understand that the President is not a CEO. There is a separation of powers, and the President is not a dictator, despite "signing statements" popularized by Bush II.
Trump corruption is very basic. He didn't separate himself from his businesses, therefore his entire Presidency is one giant self enrichment project. He should have put something in a trust. He cares more for money and himself than he does for the country, despite is bullshit speeches.
Capitalism/Corporatism/Fascism. It's all related. The two parties are bought out by the same forces.
We have an opportunity to unite against the elite. Why do you think Trump is being so divisive? Why do you think a unifying politician like Sanders was cheated, and a divisive person like Trump elevated?
To keep us fighting each other.

they already started to remover environmental regulations https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jul/04/trump-emvironmental-rollback-epa-scrap-regulations

The stream protection rule, which prevented mining companies dumping their waste into streams, is axed under the Congressional Review Act. Trump calls it a “terrible job-killing rule.”


Funding for college work-study programs would be cut in half, public-service loan forgiveness would end and hundreds of millions of dollars that public schools could use for mental health, advanced coursework and other services would vanish under a Trump administration plan to cut $10.6 billion from federal education initiatives, according to budget documents obtained by The Washington Post.

I just like giving citations.

Environment: (hate the guardian, but this has pretty comprehensible list) https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jul/04/trump-emvironmental-rollback-epa-scrap-regulations

Education: (Trump proposed budget reduced education spending by $11b) https://www.usnews.com/opinion/knowledge-bank/articles/2017-05-23/donald-trump-and-betsy-devos-budget-would-destroy-public-schools

Medicare: (The house/Senate replace bills supported by Trump have really no significant impacts on medicare, just the proposed elimination of the tax on those who make over $200k that helps fund medicare. Maybe op meant Medicaid?) http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/23/news/economy/tax-cuts-obamacare-repeal-senate-bill/index.html

Defense stocks and war threats: (This one is easy, war threats always help war machine stock prices. Proving that's the sole intention of the President is a different story) http://thefreethoughtproject.com/coincidence-military-industrial-complex-hit-highest-stock-prices-ever-govt-hypes-n-korea-war/

With the exception (perhaps) of war, those are all heavily partisan issues that most conservatives disagree with. You seem to be hoping for a dictator who shares your personal values.

I'm hoping that the people can unite behind issues as opposed to tabloid celebrity politics. I dunno what you're talking about with conservatives and dictators and such. wtf?

Environmental regulations, public education, and medicare are leftist ideals. Why would conservatives unite with liberals who take the opposite stance on these issues?

You don't think conservatives support clean air and water? You think public education is left wing? Man that's fucked up!

Ever heard of the free market? If you attended public school I'm not surprised you don't know what it is. It's a system through which the services you listed are provided to the people who want them at a reasonable, voluntary price.the free market is very popular among conservatives.

The free market is a myth

You can't say shit like that and then expect conservatives to get along with you. I don't think you really want unity at all.

$25 an hour is $25 an hour.

Who can afford morals these days?

George Soros.

If he suddenly got morals i'm betting his funds would dry up quick.

Where did the 30 million number come from?

It's this stupid bullshit of civil war.

It's something I can not stand, don't like russia? "why are you trying to start WW3!!!!!" Don't like nazis and white supremacists? "stop trying to cause a civil war"

But wait, don't like north korea? "turn them to mother fucking irradiated glass!!!!!!!"

Actually the whole united states rose up as one and denounced the nazis and white supremacists. Right now is about as united as we have ever been. This post is stupid.

Yeah I wouldn't say so. The left is burning statues left and right and calling for the president to be impeached. The left and right are extremely polarized right now.

by design...Do you think this is all just naturally happening?

Lol. alrighty.

Right now is about as united as we have ever been.

On what metrics?

They target the financially desperate.

All protests do is further reinforce divide & conquer, while stoking the flames of hate instead of love. It's also a great excuse for the state to justify the use of violence and lay the groundwork for oppressive legislation that limits free speech or further erodes privacy: problem, reaction, solution.

If you want change within the system, legislation is the path of success. If you want lasting socioeconomic change, start publicly discussing alternatives so we can finally dump the system itself.

The only way they are dividing the nation is with demographic changes. Demographic changes will always polarize the country. The simple fact is that different races want different things and this creates conflict. There is not one place in the world where people come together and sing in peace. A mixing of different people always leads to conflict and war.

What do the different races want?

Well Hispanics and blacks tend to like more social programs. Blacks like less policing. Hispanics and Indians don't mind lower quality of life like 5 kids in a two bedroom apartments. Where whites like to have a big house for two kids. That's why we see white birth rates declining and Indian and Hispanics increasing. They take a 20k salary for something a white person would want at 40k. This is of course in corporate interest but not white peoples. This is why we are starting to see angst amongst whites men who fear they will have to sacrifice a lower quality of life for their family in the future.

There is also the fact that whites see thing play out differently then blacks. Whites saw the mike brown incident completely differently then blacks. Most whites saw the officer in the right while blacks saw mike brown in the right. Those sort of things don't lead to peaceful community bonding.

But there are more white people using social programs than blacks and hispanics. Are they not pure white enough?

Yes because white are a higher % of the population. Blacks and hispanics use it way more when you look at per capita. Just look at South America almost every country is or has turned to socialism. Same with countries like South Africa.

But if white people are racially predisposed to hate social programs why would any of them use them? Russia is mostly white people and they were communist too. It seems like there must be something other than skin melanin driving these behaviors.

I'm not saying they are predisposed to hate it I'm just saying they don't like but don't take to the extreme. White don't want to live off welfare like many blacks have no problem doing.

Communism in Russia was a complex story of them basically being slaves aka serfdom seeing communism as their only way out. Blacks haven't been slaves in 100 years so don't give me that.

Also race isn't just skin deep.

Yeah, it's complicated. Most of the European countries where our white race originated are now socialist democracies and I know that's practically communism because Ben Shapiro says so but he's a Jew so you never know who to trust.

But if the countries that invented white people are now communist does that make us race traitors for not following along with them?

You seem to mixing class/socioeconomics with race. Example: Singapore is one of the most racially diverse places on Earth, yet no conflict nor war. They have a high and fairly equitable standard of living.

Higher caste Indians and rich/educated Hispanics have less children and appear to like higher standard of living (big houses from your fact based research). While impoverished white people seem to like having more children and lower standard of living (mobile homes, using you tried and tried scientific method of anecdotal observation).

It seems that people with limited social power and access regardless of race "see" things differently than those with more, such as: they have higher negative interactions with police, so they have negative views of policing; they have more children because it's one of the few "assets" they can have that no one can take away (plus lack of education, reinforced social stigmas on birth control, etc...); willingness to take lower paying jobs and/social programs because that is what's available to their class, etc...

Yes you are labeling symptoms of race as the problem instead of those symptoms being caused by race. Certain race have lower iqs on average. This means more of them will be in poverty. The ones of that race that have a higher iq act similar to those that also have similar iqs but not 100% considering rich blacks still commit more crimes then rich whites.

Also poor whites use social programs at a lower rate then poor blacks and education is just kind of a bs excuse in 2017. Everyone has access to public schools now a days.

Not sure what you are talking about Singapore being the most racially diverse place in the world considering its 75% Chinese. Hardly that diverse.

I hate assuming, but based on your statements about race and now IQ, it seems you are a The Bell Curve follower. If that's the case, there isn't much I can do to change your mind. I can explain how IQ I'd a theory, where experts can't even agree on a definition of intelligence. I can provide countless studies refuting race based IQ claims. I can provide studies on DNA to show you that your ideas of race aren't scientifically valid (there's a really great Ted Talk given by a geneticist/statistician that shows that we are much more racially heterogeneous). None of that will change the opinion you formed from your Stormfront analysis and studies.

There's only one study on race and income related to incarceration rates, which I've ever seen (as a Criminologist, I've had to study this a lot). It was based on data from 12000 kids whose lives were followed via surveys from 1979 to 2012. The researchers looked at the incarceration data provided up to 1985 and the later earnings of the participants in 2012. The researchers determined that wealth reduces the incarceration rates of all races, but the top 10% wealthiest blacks had a higher incarceration rate than the top 10% wealthiest whites. Most use the study to conclude that even with wealth, there's discrimination against minorities. Based on the data, I think there are significant learnings. The top 10% wealthiest blacks/Hispanics from the study had an incarceration rate lower than all but the top 20% of whites. Lends itself to socioeconomics to me. Considering blacks have a 7 times higher likelihood to be falsely imprisoned than whites plays into the data as well. Lastly, and most astonishing to me, the top 10% wealthiest blacks had an avg income ($70k) that was three times less than the average top 10% white income of participants. The study was out of Duke by a socioeconomic professor and an African American studies professor.

Blacks/hispanics have a much higher likelihood to be in poverty. If you take whites that are in the same socioeconomic situation, as the blacks on welfare, the social program use is equitable. Please source me the study you have that shows that poorest whites refuse social programs at a higher rate than blacks. Again, statistics are fun. Did you know the percent of black and hispanic men on welfare are less than the percent of white women? Is that because they have a higher IQ or because those who raise children alone are more likely to obtain welfare? Even the Heritage Foundation states that race is not a factor in receiving social programs. Search it or Time for actual studies.

Are you seriously stating that public school education is equitable in America? There are numerous studies showing the gross differences between schools in rich areas versus schools in poor areas. God, there are studies that show schools in the same city are vastly different, ranging from: teacher tenure, access to educational materials like books to even the lunch food offered.

I thought your argument is that America is very racially diverse, hence the division. I chose Singapore, as it has very similar demographic diversity to the US. 77% of the US is white, so that's very comparable to your Chinese statistic about Singapore. But I'll concede that is a poor example, since it has a really small population. Did you know these are in the top 10 least ethnically diverse countries, which to your point have really low social conflict: Yemen, Tunisia, Greece, Poland, Italy and Portugal. North Korea is the least diverse nation in the world, but the citizens do seem to get a long really well (protesting wouldn't play out in their culture).

I'm still leaning towards economics, social issues (discrimination) and government leadership/corruption being the things that largely influence civil unrest.

Iq is very well studied and is basically established science at this point. Iq test are some of the best predictors in success in life. I've seen all the genetics test they are all using the same argument. The argument is that our genetic range is all the same so we aren't so different. Which is true but I determine race based on average of genotypes not using two extremes that's pointless. I've never visited stormfront a day in my life just so you know.

So they just said it was discrimination without actually proving it? Study is already bogus because they had scientifically unsturdy base of the whole thing assuming we are all equal so any discrepancy must be caused by racism.

Just look up per capita use of welfare by race and find a good source. It will show you blacks use welfare at higher rates and there are more poor whites in america then poor blacks so obviously poor blacks use it more.

String theory is widely studied but I don't know anyone who claims "it's basically established science". Can you provide me with the source of the study that scientifically states IQ tests are one of the best indicators of success? I'd also like some source on IQ being established as scientific fact or even that it is scientifically agreed upon to be passed via genetics. I'd even accept a source on the scientifically determined definition of intelligence.

Did you know that many, if not most, IQ studies simply use SAT and military aptitude test scores to determine IQ averages? There was a study performed in the 20s or 30s by the US military that showed that officers had the highest IQs, non-commissioned officers were 2nd and black soldiers 3rd then whites. Even The Bell Curve had whites with IQs below Asians. I lean toward the numerous studies that state it's all about testing ability and nothing about genetically inherited intelligence.

As for the incarceration study, I agree, I think it is flawed. That's why I don't go around quoting it's results to make any broad statements, like "rich blacks commit way more crimes than rich whites". I'd recommend that now that you know the basics of the study you not erroneously use it. Frankly, anyone who studies these matters know there are many equitable factors than simply "blacks like committing crimes because they are black."

Lastly, I provided sources on welfare and race from 2 studies, which show race isn't the driving factor and both used per capital welfare and they showed their data and sources. You haven't sources anything but your opinion. Also, you made the per capita error in your assumption. You state "blacks use welfare at higher rates and there are more poor whites in america then poor blacks so obviously poor blacks use it more". In 2017, current year, whites and blacks are at 38%, per capita, on welfare. When you look at women who grew up on welfare and are single mothers, with multiple children. It's around 65% of blacks and 70% whites on welfare. The difference there is more likely due to geographical differences, so most figure it is fairly equal.

If you can source something different, I'd love to see it. I apologise for assuming you gather info from white nationalist sites, it just read like their talking points.

There is a huge huge undeniable difference in IQs between certain groups. Ashkenazi Jewish men are the highest by far and others far lower. There is huge empirical proof. I carry I Ashkenazi male gene, though I do not really express it nor am I religious.

Personally I don't call other races inferior or lesser, but if you continually import low skill low iq groups you're going to run out of jobs and social programs for them.

Automation is really going to wake up folks and the theory of UBI is going to really infuriate the masses when they realize immigration has to completely stop.

Anyway, using history's cyclical changes, things get dicey in the 60s (1760, 1860,1960s) so I predict a massive social divide in the 2060s. Whites will be a minority and still control almost all the wealth and power. Something has to give socially.

lol, why is this being downvoted?

I'm used to it just comes with the territory. People are so brainwashed to assume all races are biologically exactly the same they get really mad at anyone who says otherwise.

They would get triggered AF if they saw this, then.

Even though it is 100% scientifically true.

TIL slave owners in USA wanted to divide the nation apparently

Does this mean we can blame all current problems on them?

I mean we certainly can blame black and white race relations on them. I think we can blame most of our problems on rich elites working in the interest of their own paycheck.

i wonder how many will be at the panthers football game? 2 weeks ago hitting each other with bats, now cheering for the Panthers blind as fuck.

they are sheep.

"If you join any of their protests, you are very silly."

I concur.

sounds like govt suppression



As much as i agree that protests are filled with agent provocateurs and shills, there's the other side of the coin to consider. Now we just don't protest injustices? Hmm...there needs to be a third option because i don't think the end of truly organic protests is a disagreeable idea to the establishment

More like we should protest more but everyone should be an adult about it and not destroy things or beat people up.

They would still send in agent provocateurs to undermine the cause

Dude, $25 an hour isn't bad.


Why would a protest need to inflate attendance.

To poison the well.Take a group of protesters without an agenda of violence.They just want to protest peacefully.Mix in the paid crowd to agitate/start fights.Media steps in and labels entire crowd as violent hate group.Masses buy the lie because media focuses on the agitators and the sheep eat it up because they see only the agitators in the picture.

And that is COINTELPRO.

I was being sarcastic. I totally get it. Someone put up a post about them looking for people for a protest in Charlotte which they associated with Charlottesville. I don't think that's accurate, I'm betting Charlotte's on their radar for the near future.


If nothing else, you are being recorded regardless of what side you're on. Why give them something that can be used against you at a later date?

If I do protest I'll be holding up a sign that says. "Both sides are crazy!"

I would like to see that.

I'll go with you and do this too! 🙂

The only right we can really do is to just be as kind to others, and unite when we need to, not with hatred or voices but in an assembly of silence.

If they could only use this organization and rallying prowess to advocate FOR something like single payer, campaign finance reform, ending the useless wars.

What's a Cataclyst?

What is a potato?

No protests of the eclipse today?? Am I the only one that saw the moon oppressing the sun and blocking its rays of beauty?? Get with it people! Go home moon you're drunk, it's not time for you yet!

The DNC is toast for the forseeable future.

Who's going to run and win? Democrats? They're toast. LOL.

It's a fucking shame.

You don't think conservatives support clean air and water? You think public education is left wing? Man that's fucked up!

You can't say shit like that and then expect conservatives to get along with you. I don't think you really want unity at all.