[Wikileaks] Bribery: King of Morocco gave Clinton Foundation $12 million for a meeting with Hillary, 6 months later Morocco gets weapons

617  2017-08-18 by Bucks2001

  • https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/22030

  • https://i.sli.mg/JaZnPl.jpg (Note: this link is now dead.)

  • http://www.army-technology.com/news/newsus-approves-157m-tow-missile-system-sale-to-morocco-4736092

  • “condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If hrc was not part if it, meeting was a non-starter. CGI also wasn't pushing for a meeting in Morocco and it wasn't their first choice. This was HRC's idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request. The King has personally committed approx $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting.”

  • “She created this mess and she knows it… HRC said she’s still considering.” ​

  • This is AFTER her candidacy announcement!

  • Very important e-mail in that it demonstrates Hillary's poor judgement (her idea) in the face of influence money and foreshadows how a Clinton Administration would be indebted to bad actors and criminal regimes.

  • The "same issues we discussed" mentioned by Robbie Mook in this email is a veiled reference to Morocco's many human rights abuses.

  • Her campaign staff is rightly concerned about the optics of the Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative accepting huge sums of money from a regime that so frequently violates international law and acts in a way that you'd expect the Clinton Foundation to publicly rebuke.

  • It seems $12 million is just too much money to allow morals, ethics, and the best interests and values of American citizens to intervene.

  • The Intercept explores how Morocco is exploiting Hillary's weakness for huge donations, and her desire to be President, to support their own geopolitical interests.

SOURCE: mostdamagingwikileaks.com


So since we've been selling them weapons for a long time there's no possible way any of those weapon deals ovolved bribery, especially with HRC. Nothing to see here, move along. /s

You are right, we sold them weapons long before the Clinton Foundation was started and Hillary was SOS and we continue after she left the government. It was all done because of a donation.

Do me a favor. Slowly start roll back up and read the words OP so diligently fetched out of the dockets of Satan. Aka Hillarys emails she had tucked away in a bathroom.

It literally outlines an email from a representative becoming stern with HTC and adamantly reminding the reader that HTC needs to perform.

Or don't and keep playing stupid.

So we were selling them weapons before she had any influence and continued after she left the government and most likely still do under trump what does she need to perform? Did anything changed?

Do you believe in the possibility of a leveraged negotiation that starts with HRC pulling the arms deal off the table unless she gets her mons?

Do you believe in the possibility that there was no change in policy and that she is not the only person involved in the negotiation?

Do you believe in the possibility that they are two unrelated issues? Are you able to prove that the donation to the foundation was for something they said that they were going to do in Morroco but that hasn't been completed?

I know just because you hate her is not proof of any wrongdoing. Just to let you know, I did not vote for her nor have I ever said that she should be president except in relationship to trump being elected.

Cool story bud

You like it.

Right, bribery of government officials didn't exist before the Clinton Foundation. Good logic buddy.

Where did I ever say that? Not even sure what the two have in common. Like I've asked before and no one has responded with an answer; if we were selling them weapons during the Bush administration and continue through the Obama admin and are still selling them weapons why would he need to bribe her or anybody else? Did we change the type or amount of weapons we are selling them?

Keep in mind the supreme court ruling on political corruption. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., writing for the court, narrowed the definition of what sort of conduct can serve as the basis of a corruption prosecution. He said only formal and concrete government actions counted — filing a lawsuit, say, or making an administrative determination. Routine political courtesies like arranging meetings or urging underlings to consider a matter, he added, generally do not, even when the people seeking those favors give the public officials gifts or money.

You think Bush and Obama weren't also bribed? You think the executive branch ever does anything without being bribed?

If you think the government is so corrupt why are you still living in the US supporting them?

What makes you think I live in the US?

Just a guess, am I close?

Well earth isn't too big, you can't be that far off I guess.

They were betting on her being elected.

Over trump, yes. Still doesn't mean I support her.

We're not talking about you,a voting American.We're talking about the foriegn countries who gave money to Hillary in "donations"(i.e.money for later favors) and paid her speaking fees(funny how the speaking engagements and donations dried up after she lost)because it is illegal for foreign countries to donate money to U.S. political campaigns,obviously.

It appears that trump didn't know that.


Until after the foundation releases whatever records they are required to release how are we to know that donations have dried up? Do you have a list of major presidential candidates speaking fees and engagement from before and after they lost the election to compare? I know it's impossible to think that someone would want to relax after going through the primary and general election.

From your article:

It's illegal for foreign individuals, corporations and governments to either give money directly to U.S. candidates or spend on advertising to influence U.S. elections. 

And it's also illegal for candidates to solicit foreign money, regardless of whether the donations ever materialize. 

There is now vast documentary evidence that the Trump campaign is continuing to do just that.

Bob Blackman, a member of the U.K. House of Commons, shared with The Hill a fundraising solicitation sent to his government email address from the Trump campaign on July 12.

"I did not sign up, these are sent unsolicited," Blackman told The Hill in an email.

Another member of the U.K. Parliament, Peter Bottomley, said he'd received three solicitations from the Trump campaign.

"Neither [Trump's] sons nor anyone else has answered my questions about how they acquired my email nor why they were asking for financial support that I suppose to be illegal for [Trump] to accept," Bottomley told The Hill in an email.

Fred Wertheimer, president of the campaign finance watchdog Democracy 21, said he's never in his four-decade career seen a campaign continue to brazenly solicit foreign cash after being publicly called out. 

"This is kind of absurd. I don't know of anyone else in this situation who would just go on keeping on soliciting money from foreign interests," he said. "I think the fact circumstances here are unprecedented. 

"If they are put on notice that their fundraising solicitations of potential foreign donors are illegal and they keep doing it, then you potentially have knowing and willful violations of the law, which moves this from civil violations to criminal violations," Wertheimer continued.

Wertheimer said he's going to assess the latest facts and may launch a criminal complaint in addition to his standing FEC complaint.

"It's open and shut that federal candidates can't solicit contributions from foreign donors," he said.

"It's an open and shut that federal candidates can't solicit contributions from foreign donors."

.."it's also illegal for candidates to solicit money whether or not the donations materialize"(paraphrasing)

Did any action against Trump take place for this blatant and obvious solicitation happen?

Nope.Desipte numerous reports,no action against him took place.Why?This was before he was president.He had no ability to use influence to protect him against legal action against him.And with all the shit thrown at him post-election,you'd think tnat would have been used against him.But,nope!Nothing happened.He is a very business smart man.Don't you think that maybe this is more post Smith-Mundt repeal horeshit?

Now if we replaced trump with Clinton you would be screaming from the highest mountain about how corrupt she is.

Now please explain why when foreign and domestic individuals, corporations, and organizations hold events, stay at, or buy a property from trump and his organization they are not doing it to gain influence with him?

I'd like to make something clear.Im not a fan of any president except JFK(and I applaud Eisenhower for his farewell speech).I am not for Trump in any way.I just dont like when anyone is unfairly smeared.Smear him for the correct reasons.The fact that he won't audit the fed.The fact that he and every other president in recent history use the same group of people in U.S. finance.The fact that he allowed our internet info to be sold,etc.

Because he is already a billionaire and that shit is a drop in the bucket.

Corruption is corruption.Trump has done corrupt shit.Obama has done corrupt.Bush,Clinton,Bush Sr.,etc.Fuck any president who screws the American public and/or unjustly hurts the world.

It's good to know that billionaire don't do things for money. Do you know how much debt he has? His cash flow situation? He was a billionaire running 3 companies that went bankrupt. Then again how much of his wealth is considered goodwill in his company?

How recent was said bankruptcy?I remember hearing about that 20-25 years ago.

Of course money matters to a businessman.But my point is that the chump change that these certain people may bring in in comparison to the other things that make his wealth didn't enough to influence.It would take Hillary sized bribes to do that I would imagine.

And,once again,I'm not a Trump fan.I just don't like unfair criticisms/smear campaigns.Nail him on actual shitty things that is proven that he did.Not horseshit conjecture.

Yes, there are certain weapon systems that countries want from us but can't get. I.E. the bunker buster, anti tank TOW missiles that were off limits to Morocco before then approved after.

We sold them to other countries before so why were they off limits to Morocco but not to the UAE? I'm sure I could find many other countries that we have sold them too.


We are even selling "bunker buster" bombs to Turkey.


Do you have anything to show that they were off limits before?

So what was $12,000,000 for? One of hillary's amazing speeches? Their incredible, life changing charity work in Morocco? What?

Probably the same thing that donations for trumps charities.

thing is, trump was never in politics and clintons have been their whole lives. and at the time, hillary was head of the state department. why am i bothering to argue with you. typical liberal with their narratives and one sided view of the world won't ever change until TPTB are through using you.

Trump might not have been an elected official but to say he wasn't in politics would be a very narrow view. You seem to think that only elected officials have anything to do with politics and my views is narrow and I'm unable to think for myself and the only views I have is what others (TPTB) tells me they are.

Like you said, why am I bothering to argue with you.

This is how hillary started her money making schemes 40 years ago. can you explain why she hasn't traded cattle futures since then if she's so good at it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton_cattle_futures_controversy

I know it's impossible for someone to make money quickly in futures trading. Not that 10 months is quick. Remember the story was 1st mentioned in 'the fake' NYT

Little experts from the article:

Clinton opened a trading account, although Blair made most of the trades

The editor of the Journal of Futures Markets said in April 1994, "This is like buying ice skates one day and entering the Olympics a day later. She took some extraordinary risks."

Clinton's defenders also stressed that Blair and others stayed in the market longer than Clinton and lost much of what they had previously earned, showing that the risk was real.[3] Indeed, some reports had Blair losing $15 million[22] and Bone was reported as bankrupt.[7]

You made my point. Clinton extracted profits from a phony sham system set up to deliver money to her/Bill in exchange for political favors.

She never made another commodity trade again as far as I can tell.

Would you be specific on what political favors they provide?

As soon as I go through the 40+ years of their finances I'll get back to you. It might take awhile.

look to OP comment. Explain what the $12,000,000 was for from the Government of Morocco to the Clintons. Let's start there.... Will be waiting for a legitimate response that is on point...

1st it was to the Clinton Foundation, not the Clinton’s themselves. 2nd, unless they published all the conversations between the Clinton Foundation and the Kingdom of Morocco I'm unable to state the reason. I can guess what you believe because of your hatred of the Clintons.

Are you able to provide a specific reason for the donation that proves that it was illegal? They are our allie and have been for a while, we've sold them military equipment including F-16 aircraft. That sell started under the bush administration.

Waiting on a legitimate response.

So let me get this straight.

  1. You are claiming that the $12,000,000 Morocco gave to the Clintons didn't go to them personally but to the foundation that they started, control and employed their daughter and pay for her wedding, among other things.

  2. You're claiming that the money was spent to do ________ (something legitimate). BUT you can't say what. Where did the $12,000,000 go? For what charitable purpose? It's all public record so lmk.

  3. You also claim that oh no there is no "pay to play" possible even though Hillary was Sec. of State and miraculously the Govt. approved advanced weapons sales months after this ridiculously enormous donation took place?

Maybe you could support your defense of Hillary, Bill, the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative with some facts no just that I hate them, which is really irrelevant.

Also, why don't you give me a specific instance where the Government of Morocco has given $12,000,000 or more to a private US based charity or foundation. Ever. I can't find any record of that but maybe you can.

I know you probably think that Trump is a brilliant businessman and investor but just read the following.


I don't care what you think about Trump. this topic is about Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. Prove to me the $12,000,000 wasn't used to bribe the state department to approve the weapons sale.

Then start your own thread about how Trump does the same.

We tighten the noose on personal liberty in the name of protecting ourselves from the people we are arming. Nice...real nice.

If we don't they will buy them somewhere else. Not an excuse, just a fact.

Sounds like an excuse to me.

We are protecting ourselves from the Moroccan government? I didn't realize we are fighting them.

That makes Clinton's overt treason ok?

Please actually learn what treason is.

United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

but what KIND of weapons?

Except for major weapon systems I don't know of any place that breaks down everything we sell.

Maybe Russia isn't the only one who tried to influence our elections??? Crickets from the media because they work for the Clintons

That's the whole point in shifting blame to the Russians. So the DNC doesn't have to acknowledge the real rigging they did.

Even if Bernie lost, that should have been the real battle. Imagine a presidential debate with real substance? I don't think I'll get one in my lifetime.

But of course! The grand juries and bipartisan intelligence committees are all controlled by the DNC.

No, their bi-partisan controlled just like they are bi-partisan guilty of literal treason that no one ever brings up when talking about the Podesta Leak because it isnt as easy to digest as Morocco and takes a little more time and patience to explain. Its so maddening. How the hell it isnt like the only thing in the news (because people should want it in the news) is baffling. Even T_D misses it entirely and I dont know how, they are probably at least 50% armed services or family of armed services. There was one email in the Podesta Leak that actually mattered because that one email could have changed it all. Maybe Assange is a CIA asset.

Uranium One

From 2009 to 2013, the Russian atomic energy agency (Rosatom) acquired Uranium One, a Canadian company with global uranium mining stakes including 20% of the uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset with national security implications, the acquisition was analyzed by a committee of nine government agencies, including the State Department, which was then headed by Clinton. The voting members of the committee can object to such a foreign transaction, but the final decision then rests with the president.[18]

In April 2015, The New York Times reported that, during the acquisition, the family foundation of Uranium One's chairman made $2.35 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. The donations were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite a prior agreement to do so. In addition, a Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin and which was promoting Uranium One stock paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech in Moscow shortly after the acquisition was announced. According to Factcheck.org, there is "no evidence" that the donations influenced Clinton's official actions or that she was involved in the State Department's decision to approve the deal.

One of many

As you quoted, the State Department was only one of the agencies involved in the sale. However, Hillary was not actually involved in the sale and another State Department employee, Jose Fernandez, handled it. Internal documents, and interviews, show that Hillary did not have any input or decision-making power in the deal. Additionally, uranium cannot be exported outside of the US per US law. This means that a Russian company just makes money off of mining and selling the uranium.

I am not doubting your story, but please source your assertions.

You really should just stfu about U1 if you actually have a problem with it. There are far easier to understand and far more damning stories that would hurt the people perpetrating U1.

Reminds me of saudi "donating" 100 million dollars to ivanka trumps fund right after trump sold them shitloads of weapons

That is incredibly misleading. Saudi Arabia donated $100 million dollars to the World Bank Fund for Women Entrepreneurs. Ivanka Trump came up with the idea for the World Bank to make this fund, BUT it is not her fund, it is the World Bank's fund.

Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/21/529417148/saudis-and-the-uae-will-donate-100-million-to-a-fund-inspired-by-ivanka-trump

Some snippets from the article:

The money will help kick off a $1 billion women's empowerment fund that the World Bank will announce in July, he said. The World Bank fund, which provides technical help and investment funding for women business owners, differs from the Clinton Foundation in some significant ways. While Ivanka Trump proposed the idea along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, she is not involved with its operation. Norm Eisen, former ethics official for the Obama Administration and a regular critic of the Trump family's conflicts of interest, noted in an email to NPR, "In my view foreign government donations to a fund run by a reputable international organization like the World Bank for a good cause are generally acceptable."


What would be a good source for information in your opinion?

"everything not stupidly pro trump is fake"

I'm being ironic.

People have been saying that for way longer than Trumps been a political name. Fuck off with the Trump stuff.

I doubt any one has direct evidence of anything. But there are a lot of weird things they do that seem to protect the DS. Like when James Clapper announced his retirement back on November 17 of last year NPR talked about his career history. Im sure you can guess what part of his career was not broadcast despite being arguably the single largest event in his career...

Snopes!!! 😂

You are fake news.

Lol are u a Donny follower? Clinton aint the president

Oh right I forgot, she lost the presidency which means her criminal record is wiped clean!

Noone cares about it... All people care about now is how ur president is fucking everything up... Lets post about that,shall we

Many people care about it, go watch the news or go to r/all if you want to hear about "Donny."

I care.

False I care. Examples need to be made. Clinton's are the sole example of what's wrong with American politics. She is the reason trump got elected. So take your Bullshit somewhere else. Unlike you I want too see justice. She is a cunt devil and her horns need to be sawed off. So stop being a bitch.

lol, who is being the bitch? the one getting worked up on the interwebz? lololl ok kid . go on aobut ur day lol

You are dumb

You are now banned from /r/conspiracy


You get called out and turn into an edgelord.

I care. You don't speak for me.

Many people care about political corruption and see beyond party lines.

I concur, silly person


Focusing on is right out of RT.

Losing an election doesn't absolve her of any crimes she may have committed.

Trust me. I did not want her to win either. Both of them are shit.

Hard to support a party like the DNC when they push a candidate like her down our throats though, isn't it?

You'd rather they conspired with a foreign government right?

Haha absolutely not. This is coming from someone who will likely never vote republican, but what the DNC pulled this last election put them in the same boat for me.

I agree with you for the most part. I'm just trying to frazzle some feathers on r/conspiracy.

I'm glad we can agree that the DNC should not have done either of these things.

Like Ukraine?

You comment on r/The_Donald

Not an argument

I know. I was just pointing out that your either a bot or a retard.

You comment on EnoughTrumpSpam an actual bot sub

I'm sorry I didn't quite get that.

lol people getting their panties in a bunch.. I stop caring whenshe became the fucking candidate..and the way she did it ... nothing to do for the rest

Lol are you a retard? I wish everyone time I lost at something my past crimes would no longer matter.

Yep. People are pissed ISIS has TOW missiles. r/n

How come the armed services dont seem to care at all?

They didn't come from Morocco.


Moroccan collusion literally confirmed. I'm no Trump supporter but it's so clear to me the whole Trump/Russia conspiracy is a Red Scare tactic meant to distract from actual corruption.

I dont like r/conspiracy anymore.. That is a totally legitimate opinion, at least in this sub, and still downvoted

When you have to say "I'm not a Trump supporter" before stating anything not negative about Trump or questioning MSM narrative...

Our argument is essentially we are not gullible which is met back with how gullible we are in regards to something we don't believe.

What is going to come from this information?

Answer: #nothing

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Remember when this sub wasn't full of politically bias people from both sides. Honestly, fuck off with all of you puppet worshipers


Though I agree with your sentiment I have to say the OP seems pretty solid to me and isn't just an empty, partisan claim.

Um, have you even looked at the post history?

"Both sides." Mhm.

I didn't downvote you, why would you assume that? You know anyone is free to downvote a post on this site, right? Have I looked at the post history of the person who posted this thread? No, instead I looked into the content of the actual post, because I'm not an idealogue and ideas don't get their merit from where they lie on partisan boundaries.

I didn't downvote you, why would you assume that? You know anyone is free to downvote a post on this site, right? Have I looked at the post history of the person who posted this thread? No, instead I looked into the content of the actual post, because I'm not an idealogue and ideas don't get their merit from where they lie on partisan boundaries.

"It feels non-partisan, so I'm going to disregard that OP is extremely partisan."

...That's what this reads like.

Hillary is such old news that the only people still pressing it have an obvious and sad agenda agenda. If there was any real, court-worthy dirt to be found on Hillary, Trump would be using it right now to deflect from his russian money laundering investigation.

Hillary is such old news that the only people still pressing it have an obvious and sad agenda.

As long as crimes go unpunished, the perpetrators are still relevant.

They aren't if there's no chance the court will ever see the case. Just like those two psychologists doing the CIA torture that just got off scott free by giving away out tax payer money to the victims. Hillary isn't the kind of person you punish in a court of law. It's fun to pretend nobody is above the law, but that has never be the actual reality in this country. If you want her to see justice you need to have the balls to break out the polonium.

How do you feel about Donald's myriad of sex crimes against minors going far beyond his time in politics?

Im ignorant of them. He creeps me out personally but I dont know anything of it. Perhaps I was ignoring it like I ignored PG because I think its disinfo for the most part. I could be wrong.

Have any proof for this claims? Because the underage rape allegations were exposed as slander scheme by a former Jerry Springer producer, and there's zero proof he ever flew on Epsteins jet or visited his island. WJC on the other hand...

He personally admitted to partying with Epstein and has several women alleging he sexually assaulted/molester/groped while they were underage.

That's pretty damning in itself, but more than enough evidence for this sub.

Fuckin Pedo in Chief

You have any proof of your claims at all? Anything?

He personally admitted to partying with Epstein and has several women alleging he sexually assaulted/molester/groped while they were underage.

That's pretty damning in itself, but more than enough evidence for this sub.

He's the Fuckin Pedo in Chief over there

Quoted so you can't edit it away.

Here ya go! All in one concise spot so no one has to dig around. Enjoy Trump lover!

1.Trump himself has said that Epstein is “a lot of fun to be with,” adding that he admired the sex offender's affinity for beautiful women “on the younger side.”

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump once said about the convicted sex offender. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

  1. Trump was named in Epstein’s “little black book.”

Epstein’s “little black book” was stolen by a former employee in 2004. The book, nicknamed "The Holy Grail" by the employee, revealed the name of Donald Trump and listed “14 phone numbers including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.”


He was in his fifties when he said that so of course women in their 20s and 30s are much younger to him. You're really reaching if you think he was admitting to the media that he admired someone for their affinity for underage women.

It's almost as if you can have acquaintances or friends and not be knowledgeable of their crimes/secrets.

The black book section isn't even worth commenting on. Trump never denied knowing Epstein so it stands that he would have his contact information.

You still didn't put Trump on the Island or anywhere near any of his underage sex parties. Your threshold for evidence seems to be extremely low.

Riight. He just "hung out" with Epstein LoL


People hang out with their friends all the time. It still doesn't mean they're knowledgeable/complicit in their crimes. Like I said, your threshold for evidence is extremely low. Meanwhile we know that underage girls were literally used as sex toys on his private jet and island, and there's hard evidence that a former president flew on that jet several times to that exact island, ditching secret service along the way. What you're doing seems more like poor misdirection.

there's hard evidence that a former president flew on that jet several times to that exact island

There's solid evidence the current president went down there too. Lol at the very least, you have admitted they were friends. That's progress! We're moving in the right direction.

Interesting choice of friends your president has- convicted pedophiles who throw under-age sex parties for millionaires and billionaires. Parties your president said were "lots of fun" and even admitted "younger girls were there" lol

But hey, I'm sure the guy who has a woman claiming He raped her when she was 13 is totally innocent..... you know! Cuz, reasons!

There's solid evidence the current president went down there too.

There isn't.

But hey, I'm sure the guy who has a woman claiming He raped her when she was 13 is totally innocent..... you know! Cuz, reasons!

You're literally just repeating debunked MSM bullshit. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/07/donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuits-norm-lubow

You don't even come off as an authentic commenter here.

Not debunked buddy. Not at all. Your link says all that guy did was get them a lawyer.

Furthermore, that's not the same case I'm talking about lol. I'm talking about the case where BOTH Epstein and Trump are named

Still no proof of your points, dude. Also a fake lawsuit naming both of the is just a plot to associate the two. It takes literally nothing but the accusation. It's not like it's the case that got Epstein convicted. It's literally nothing.

Last tactic of the donald faithful:

Don't like the story? Call it Fake News!

I'll do the same. Everything you claimed is fake news too :) have a nice day

I can see you're trying to bait me into insults or something to get me banned, but you haven't made one solid point backed by evidence, most of which is pure conjecture. I mean it's a super poor attempt at misdirection -- in a post that's has nothing to do with Trump.

You still didn't put Trump on the Island or anywhere near any of his underage sex parties. Your threshold for evidence seems to be extremely low.

Nope. But I can put Epstein and at least one of the girls he recruited and exploited at drumroll MAR-A-LAGO!

I really appreciate you sticking up for Trump the pedophile on this. It's really helping me get all the story out for all those who are following along and interested in more details!

Again, it's no secret that they were friends. Epstein being at a club of Trumps and bringing a guest Also after Epstein was exposed Trump banned him from their and dropped all contact. Meanwhile who was at Chelsea Clintons wedding? Just the procurer of the girls Epstein used, Ghislaine Maxwell. Like I said, you're doing poor misdirection.

Meanwhile who was at Chelsea Clintons wedding? Just the procurer of the girls Epstein used, Ghislaine Maxwell.

So was Donald Trump FUCKIN LOL 😂😂😂

Epstein being at a club of Trumps and bringing a guest Also after Epstein was exposed Trump banned him from their and dropped all contact.

Are we supposed to be convinced of Trump's innocence because he cut off contact with a guy that was convicted of being a pedophile that threw parties for people like Trump??? LMAO do you seriously expect him to publicly rally to his side? (Eh, nowadays with Trump, you never actually know)


someone at a Clinton wedding (and let's just ignore the fact that TRUMP WAS THERE TOO)


Trump admitting to partying and hanging out with a KNOWN pedophile who was in the business of procuring under age girls for the uber rich, admitting his close friendship with him and Epstein taking the 5th immediately when asked if Trump fucked little girls (possibly boys)

NOTHING TO SEE HERE! Totally legit!

🤦🏽‍♂️ LMFAO

The point is that she lived on the island and survivors say she was 100% involved, yet the Clintons still have ties to her as well as Maxwell.

You're still making claims like "he threw parties for Trump etc" with no source/evidence.

So your argument is that since he knew him he's guilty, although other with stronger ties, who can be put on the island, who never cut off Epstein are not to be mentioned. Got it. There's no talking to idiots. You have literally nothing except pointless conjecture. You can put Trump to any sex party and 90% of your evidence is trying to frame past interview answers in a negative fashion.

The point is that she lived on the island and survivors say she was 100% involved, yet the Clintons still have ties to her as well as Maxwell.

Thanks for bringing that point up! So does Trump!

Turns out, he nominated one of the prosecutors who ended up giving Epstein a slap on the wrist and sent him to jail for the bullshit reduction of "soliciting a minor" and 1 year in jail with time served a cushy job as Labor secretary.

Trump's 15+ year old pal Epstein didn't do any real time thanks to this guy and you know gow Trump rewarded him? By giving him a job when he became president!

LOL i just love how you're trying to dismiss my, admitted, circumstantial evidence as fake news and all coincidence while simultaneously trying to push YOUR circumstantial evidence as fact.

Fuckin priceless

You haven't done anything except make poor loosely tied connections about Trump in a post that isn't about him. Furthermore every time I bring up someone/something that has legitimate ties to Epstein, can be put on his jet/island, was actually involved in a case where a pedophile was sentence all you have to say is "but Trump" or "so did Trump" even though it makes zero sense. Not a Trump fanboy because I can see through your partisan garbage in a post that has nothing to do with Trump. Go back to politically astroturfing /r/politics.

Not to mention Trump's choice in wives.All young(and legal)beautiful women.And I would bet that if he was partying with Epstein off island that they would be legal aged young women.Epstein is evil not stupid.

Go start a post about it, instead of turning this post about corruption into the typical brainwashed sheep left/right paradigm.

Nah. I can do what I want and I wasn't replying to you. I don't have to do shit. He made a point and I asked a follow-upz

You are trolling. There's no reason to derail a thread about one suspected pedophile/cannibal, by talking about a different one. We should be in agreement about the suspected pedophiles, not derailing threads about their various crimes.

On the topic of pedophiles, I am bringing up another one.

YOU just don't want me to talk about Trump. That's why you want me to shut up about it. It literally does NOTHING prejudicial to bring up Trump in a conversation about pedophiles and Epstein. It's entirely relevant.

YOU just have it hard for Trump. That's not my problem and I certainly won't listen to anything you have to say trying to get me to stop bringing up your hero's pedophile past (possibly present, who knows)

Not to mention most of the anti-Trump people we're dying to have elected.

Trump sucks.Just not for the reasons the left are saying.

Gotta admit,though.I can't figure if he is a puppet or is playing 3D Chess with the TPTB.

I'd love to believe that he is genuinely trying to unfuck the country but I'm just not sure.

"If you go after the vast number of Hillary/Bill Clinton scandals and conspiracies you're a partisan hack and not a fit in this sub -- one about conspiracies."

You would say some stupid shit like that. Fuck the Clintons, fuck the Trumps, and fuck every other puppet that wasn't/isn't willing to die on a quest to expose and destroy tptb. Also, if that was an attempt to quote me, fuck you too, Cocklord.

You would say some stupid shit like that. Fuck the Clintons, fuck the Trumps, and fuck every other puppet that wasn't/isn't willing to die on a quest to expose and destroy tptb. Also, if that was an attempt to quote me, fuck you too, Cocklord.

Expected nothing less than a response like this. 8/8

bunch of bollocks

Pizzagate v6.3.0037451488 patch notes. Cool!

Trump's in trouble, deflect! Deflect!

The only way to Hillary is through Trump. He's protecting her. Bring him down first and she'll be defenseless.

I entirely disagree. Justice boners fade particularly with obscurity. Trump is in the spotlight. Clinton going first would be an actual step toward wrestling our government away from the fascists without losing the boner. But whatever.

Trump won't allow her to go down. Why do you think he never took even the first step to "lock her up"? Is it because there's literally zero evidence of wrongdoing on her part, or is Trump protecting her? It's got to be one of the two.

Hadnt considered it fully. Ill think about this, thanks.

Ive thought about it. Youre right. Sometimes I forget that Trump was a heel in the WWE and Linda McMahon is literally in the administration. This is theater to convince people to embrace fascism. Thats where Im at in my speculative analysis.

Morocco is the US' oldest treaty ally I believe. We've been selling them weapons forever. This is a non-conspiracy.

shame when you know all the misery in Morocco. Better control the population than feed them

Clinton Crime Family - Go Home.

Many people care about it, go watch the news or go to r/all if you want to hear about "Donny."

I care.

False I care. Examples need to be made. Clinton's are the sole example of what's wrong with American politics. She is the reason trump got elected. So take your Bullshit somewhere else. Unlike you I want too see justice. She is a cunt devil and her horns need to be sawed off. So stop being a bitch.

I care. You don't speak for me.

Many people care about political corruption and see beyond party lines.

I agree with you for the most part. I'm just trying to frazzle some feathers on r/conspiracy.

I concur, silly person



If we don't they will buy them somewhere else. Not an excuse, just a fact.

We are protecting ourselves from the Moroccan government? I didn't realize we are fighting them.

You would say some stupid shit like that. Fuck the Clintons, fuck the Trumps, and fuck every other puppet that wasn't/isn't willing to die on a quest to expose and destroy tptb. Also, if that was an attempt to quote me, fuck you too, Cocklord.

Expected nothing less than a response like this. 8/8

You think Bush and Obama weren't also bribed? You think the executive branch ever does anything without being bribed?

You like it.