Let's talk about Google, Nazis, and what the media is avoiding.

85  2017-08-19 by HahThatsSilly

We're all aware of the violent showing last weekend. We're all aware a young woman was murdered by some moron who believes his skin color makes him superior (I realize this is up for debate).

We're all aware of the fallout from that. The increased calls for censorship. The acceptance of violence in response to violence. We have watched as GoDaddy, CloudFlare, and Google removed the DailyStormer from their services.

Yet there's a piece of scary information, buried down deep in some (very few) news articles about Google and the DailyStormer. Most seem to want to ignore it. I don't because I think it's the most important piece of information to come from this whole shit show (minus the loss of life).

From the EFF's article on the whole thing:

Google also placed the dailystormer.com domain on “Client Hold”, which means that Daily Stormer’s owner cannot activate, use or move the domain to another service. It’s unclear whether this is for a limited amount of time, or whether Google has decided to effectively take ownership of the dailystormer.com domain permanently.

This, to me, is far more worrisome than a few hundred racist shitheads. It's far more worrisome than a few hundred violent leftists.

The precedent being set here is fucking scary. Why does a private entity, a monopoly really, have the power to seize control of a private citizen's property? A domain name is property. It is owned by the person who purchased it. Google has no legal claim to the domain name.

And nobody is talking about it. It's being swept under the rug, in favor of praise for Google (and CloudFlair, and GoDaddy) for not hosting Nazis. I'm not sure they deserve praise for that (defending free speech should be praised, not curtailing it). However, it's their right as a private business to shut down any user they want.

This isn't that though. This is theft. What's next? Can the government now demand Google seize control over an anti-Trump domain name? The precedent is now there. Can they demand Yahoo seize control over a political opponents emails?


That article is incorrect. clientHold wouldn't prevent transfer of a domain, it just means there's no DNS resolution.

clientHold wouldn't prevent transfer of a domain, it just means there's no DNS resolution.

Is this true? From all the research I've done, I've found the EFF to be mostly correct -- the domain is unusable until Google releases the clientHold.

This is validated for me when you whois dailystormer.com, it's still registered under Google. If DailyStormer.com was usable, why wouldn't they just move it? Why have they now been forced to try other TLDs? (.ru, .lol, etc)

That's what the EPP code means. I used to do domains & hosting for a living when I was younger so I know how it should work.

It's possible that there's something more going on but just clientHold isn't proof of this. You'd expect to see clientTransferProhibited.

Bear in mind that they lied about "Jewish hackers" taking down the site, so they could be leaving it there to make it look like Google are holding it whilst they find someone who will do business with them.

Absolutely. They could be lying.

As I said, everything I found in my research looking into that code made it seem like the domain name becomes unusable. Maybe that's not the case here, it's just what I've found when researching EFFs claim.

If that's the case, does it matter if it can be transferred or not? If it can't be used, it's dead in the water. I get it would matter in terms of language accuracy, but it wouldn't practically.

Of course there's a difference.

clientHold means the domain cannot be resolved so it's non-functional. The registrar doesn't want to provide them with service.

clientTransferProhibited and you can't transfer it to someone who will provide service, the domain isn't behind held by the registrar.

Which still means the domain wouldn't work...

god that article seems like it was written after a bucket of margaritas

nonetheless, my typical argument of they're a private company they can choose not to do business with anyone breaks down here. unless google has some really shitty TOS that grants this power, this should be huge.

thanks for raising

My friend googled an obscure space-nazi and his phone wanted to know his location— Immediately.

We both thought it was weird enough to go:

"That's funny?"

What's a space-nazi?

And how obscure do you have to be to be a particularly obscure space-Nazi?

Which search term? I'd like to try it.

I realize this is up for debate

Ummm, no it's not.

Yeah it is, that dude was a diagnosed schizophrenic psychopath.

Sounds like a perfect pawn for the FBI/CIA

There absolutely is a debate about if the guy they arrested was the guy driving the car. A lot of evidence says he wasn't.

There's also the debate about if he was pushed to that point by our IC. Wouldn't be the first time.

Are we to just accept the official report even though there is evidence to contradict it? I happen to believe he was the driver but I also won't discount that the car he drove looks nothing like his car, or that the driver looks nothing like him (this one is easier to explain as it's a potato quality pic)

A lot of evidence says he wasn't.

A lot of evidence, eh? Anything other than an Alex Jones rant?

Look at the picture of the driver in the car. Look at the car that hit the girl and then the car the kid owns. Look at the license plate numbers.

It's not as cut and dry as everyone thinks. That doesn't mean they arrested the wrong guy, it just means we should ask questions.

And not mock/insult/be snarky towards those who do ask questions.

Don't reply to trolls

It's my weakness. I know I'm doing it. I can't stop myself lol.

This is the first historical instance of large-scale corporate censorship (over many platforms) without any US court ordering a shut down. This is unprecedented and should make for an interesting case if it gets that far (and arguably if not as well).

Isn't DailyStormer back online on Tor? They're going to have to shut down the whole net to prevent free speech.

You might as well be offline if you're on tor. So few people use it.

Because there are so few actual white nationalists?

Non-white nationalists use Tor. It's just a tiny portion of the internet who use Tor.

TOR is the online hub for Child Pornography and Narco Trafficking, and yet even though they don't ever care to disavow those awful things, they actively disavowed any White Nationalist who might use their service. This world is going insane

Yeah I see it too, basically it does seem to me that governments, corporations, and various think tanks are coming up with the strategy to limit the flow of information that is going around and are doing so by infiltrating groups wishing to speak on issues and then hijacking that group so that any valid concerns are washed away in a sea of vitriolic rhetoric and nonsense. It should be noted this isn't a "left" vs "right" thing either.

The Anti-Fascist group most likely has been corrupted and taken over by neoliberal groups and government and corporate think tanks to align people who wish to fight fascism with people who loot and destroy and incite violence everywhere they go and most likely BLM has also be destroyed and taken over. I'd also imagine that the Free Speech group on the Right has been corrupted and taken over just like the Tea Party before it. It's now being lumped in as some Far Right group like the Nazis which point blank I don't believe is the case.

It seems to me that this is how the TPTSB (Shouldn't Be) are going to destroy the people rights to protest about how they feel, destroy the people's rights to say what they feel is wrong and most importantly destroy the Internet and thus limit what informs they deem is to "offensive" to others or to be more precise, information that shines a light on phony "left" vs "right" paradigm and expose the bullshit on all sides. While I dislike the white nationalist and white supremacist of the Christian and Alt Right, they have a right to say what they feel just as I have the right to call them out on their bullshit. Rather then arguing and using buzzwords, or skewed statistics that bunk as fuck and cherry picked to show a certain narrative, I point to history as my weapon and show what I feel is wrong with what they are saying if I feel something isn't right.

I'd urge any fellow advocates of Multiculturalism or Social Justice to do the same. Don't cry out and act violent, state facts and historical points to showcase if something is amiss, and if you cannot find anything good, hear your opponent out and consider their criticism. Maybe you might find a bridge to walk on.

Here's the thing.

These people (elite globalists) are already controlling the money, the labor, the power, the humans, the information.

Nothing is going to deter them from this quest to have NWO.

Everyone is going to get a set of thinking/speaking rules, a vaccination and a chip.

All the countries (regions) will belong to IMF and World Bank.

It won't matter who runs the world - you can be sure it won't be us.

So, go ahead and make a clever sign.

Bring some earplugs, a foil suit and a gas mask...You'll need it.

I thought people owned domain names not rented them. I can't see how one company, just because they think they are the internet can just come along and seize some domain name owned by another business.

Agreed. The argument is they didn't "seize" it, they just rendered it unusable. I'm not sure that's true, for one. For two, it's a distinction that's silly to make.

It's the difference between stealing your car keys and slashing your tires (while you have the inability to replace the tires)

and since when was it ok for another business to render something unusable that belongs to another business.

Daily S will probably sue the Goolag's ass.

I hope so. I don't know if they'd win (I don't trust our justice system to hold corporations accountable), but it's a fight that needs to be had.

Not that I want DS to be around, but it's not about what I want. It's their right.

Giphy used to have some funny hitlers (like Hitler sledding down a hill). They took them all off now.

Guess we can't watch Blazing Saddles anymore, huh? (Funny Hitler scene in that too). Sad.

We must collect books, buy them, borrow them but sooner or later they may be our main source of information. Think about it, if it were to shift, it would be very quick.

This is why monopolies are dangerous to everybody. It is much easier to control information (look at the news media) and other large-scale companies that people rely on for information (Google / YouTube, Facebook) when the competition is either dead or bought out. The amount of information stored by Google is staggering, and they have full access to all of it, can delete what they want, change what they want, etc. Amazon is on that boat too now.

I know that everybody loves the argument "it is a private entity, they can do what they want" but what we are seeing here is why there needs to be SOME sort of safeguard for us, the consumers, as well. Companies should not have the same rights as citizens, and I think the court ruling of Buckley vs Valeo was a mistake. When it comes to information, i think that private entities need to be held to some level of regulation not unlike how food companies have to meet regulation standards. The first amendment needs to be protected, and i think the scope of it should extend beyond what was initially set back when it was made by our founding fathers. Disinformation campaigns committed by corporations should probably be illegal because of the sheer influence it has on the population.

Sorry for this being a rant, but i felt the need to throw this out there. I also welcome debate for/against this as well. Obviously there is no precedent for this, but it makes sense that laws in respect to this should favor the individual over the company, not the other way around. Companies having this much influence on us is a globalist's wet dream.