Firing Bannon was 14D chess and Bannon was in on it.

0  2017-08-19 by LightBringerFlex

Ok, I finally pieced this thing together and this is what seems to be going on.

Trump and Bannon know a lot of secrets but they are sort of handcuffed from telling anyone because they work inside of the government.

Solution? Fire Bannon so he can go back to Breitbart and spill all those secrets out to the public.

As soon as Bannon left the WH, he said is going to war FOR Trump:

Trump tells Bannon: Fake news needs the competition indicating that Breitbart is going to be the official counter to fake news sites like CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.

Assange hints as to how this is all just 14d chess:

Also, the idiots at Huffington Post thought this was a win for the Zionists that own all the fake news networks and posted an article titled "Goy, Bye!" (Goy means lamb for slaughter and is a racist term against all non-Jews typically used by Jewish Supremists aka Zionists aka Khazarians aka the people who control most of American media):



Or he wants to distance. Himself from the shit pile that is the current administration.

He tried quitting two weeks ago?

How many are missing from here that also quit?

You can read Brannon's quotes for yourself. Listen, I don't care what side you're on, I'm a former democrat that voted D straight down the ballot and now I support Trump. He ran on overthrowing the gov't. Go back to the very first GOP debate. Please. Just watch it with an open mind an you'll see for yourself.

Back to Bannon, read the quote about going midevil on Trumps enemy's. This was all part of the MAGA plan. They can't do it without conservative media and Bannon is back in his place where he's most effective. He said at the beginning that he would only serve 8 months in the WH.

He tried quitting two weeks ago...

Spin that for me. Spin the fact that he went out of his way to get fired so he could go back to his old job.

He didn't step down and release a statement before, he was fired and did damage control after to save face with the Trump crowd and not lose his audience.

You think Bannon and Trump are now enemies? Do you seriously think they are at war with each other??


Wait til Monday when Bannon goes on attack mode. He's been unchained. When shit hits the fan next week you'll know this was all part of THE MAGA PLAN.

Like I said, I'm a former democrat. No one has paid attention to Trump as close as I have.

Bannon said, “If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America.”

Never said they were enemies. Just doesn't want to work at the white house and rather be his own boss.

It's not hard to see why...

You're right. Nothing to see, move along. No plans or conspiracy involved. lol only a blind person couldn't see the planning involved in the MAGA plan.

Exposing MSM media and making a push to become the next biggest movement in media for the next 30-50 years is IMPOSSIBLE! It's the same thing the left said about Trump becoming president; impossible.

The MAGA plan has done what in 7 months?

Everyone is leaving...

You're right.. wait for Monday.

PizzaGate and Clinton arrests right?

Even bigger, we said we were taking the country back

14D? Why not go with 18-20D chess if we just throwing numbers out?

I prefer 38DD chess.

1000D Solitair.

144D Multi-Dimensional Hyper Backgammon.

So you are happy that a propagandist was given more power to spread propaganda?

Imagine if Obama had hired the CEO of CNN to be his chief strategist and put him on the NSC (or tried to), and then 6 months later, that guy quit and then went back to being CEO of CNN. You would be having a seizure you'd be so full of rage.

So why the double standard here? It's a disgusting conflict of interest and a horrendous example of media collusion- exactly the thing that Trump is always whining about from democrats.

Those are some pretty good mental gymnastics you pulled there. You must have had a lot of practice.

The only mental gymnastics are thinking that breitbart is any better than CNN.

If you honestly believe that, you are living in a partisan echochamber, no offence intended.

Attacking my intelligence isn't going to get you anywhere.

So you called huffpost idiots, how does that help your argument? Also you advocate leaking state secrets to push your agenda, pretty sure that's a crime. If I did that with my TS-SCI rating I would be prosecuted.

Cool story bro.

Lucky for you it's not a story but hey this is the story time sub.

I did not attack your intelligence, my dude, you must have misread my comment.

I will attack your IQ... Youre stupid as fuck fuck sauce. Your mental gymnastics clearly show your bias without an attempt to reach a conclusion. Yup, that makes you stupid as fuck sauce...

Self-projecting yourself onto me doesn't solve any world crisis. Try to use more mature means to help the world.

You mean to tell me commenting on readit wont solve any problems??? Oh fuck I totally thought I was solving world problems down here... You dont actually think your making a difference though, do you?? Narcissism is a helluva drug bro.

You should change your username to TheProjectorGuy.

You should write a long letter to all your friends and family and blow your soft brains out... Just sayin.

I feel like we are in a confession booth here. Cheer up old chap. The cabal is burning down before our eyes. Just hold off on any drastic actions for another 6 months max and I'm sure you will change your mind once you see how nice life becomes for us all.

Bro I see the illuminati growing stronger by the minute. What are you talking about willis?? In six months I foresee a military state using dildos the implant chips in our buttholes that control your mouth holes with their views and words. Oh wait thats happening as we speak, too late.

Removed Rule 10

Only warning

Get over yourself.

How come some users get rule 10'd multiple times but others it's their 'only warning'?

Bias, bias, bias

Because there is leniency for users that are generally quality posters, versus ones that contaminate every single thing they touch with snide negativity. Like you.

Ahh yes generally quality posters who cry shill when their ideas are challenged in the slightest barely get a wrist slap.

Usually my 'snide negativity' incites actual discussion and gets me sources, but to each their own.

Because im the king of the north and no one threatens my voice or my throne. Thats why. No bias bias bias unless you're with the lanisters. (Their name does not deserve to be capitalized or spelled right)

I wonder what it's like to power trip as a mod on a smallish sub.

I bet its a lot like being a pimp in southern Kentucky. You are technically a pimp but no one takes you seriously so youre constantly being beaten and laughed at by little kids. I bet it feels kinda like that...

breitbart is a million times better than cnn. cnn is awwwwwful, but its propped up just like vice, buzzfeed and huffpo because they each have gained a foothold on the internet. Their overlords simply use them as placeholders for liberal arts grads churning out garbage opeds and explainer articles. Breitbart reports all the stories the aforementioned always sit on. Is breitbart compromised? yeah, BUT we have to read something when t_d is occasionally static

Personally, I think comparing one partisan rag to another partisan rag is a fools errand.

Both of them are garbage, in my opinion. I don't like news orgs that are blatant partisan propaganda, and Breitbart is absolutely that.

He makes a pretty good argument regarding Obama and CNN , don't be so headstrong that you're blind to it and can't at least see where he's coming from.

I'm sure your all good friends and have similar belief system but I would have to disagree. Don't bother twisting my arm into believing this narrative. It won't work.

Ha I don't know him, never spoke with him before. This isn't some conspiracy against you.

And I don't care about changing your view on any subject.

All I'm saying, is you accuse them of mental gymnastics, after displaying that yourself.

You don't know what's truly going on, nobody here does. I don't.

We should all be more open to opposing views.

The syphilitic Bannon is naught but a loose cannon, I, for one, welcome is defenestration, hopefully, following a fumigation, the White House will be purged of such estiferous Vagrants once again!

Ya dumb headline but where on earth are you getting goy='lamb for slaughter' from?

Thanks for the insult. Goy means lamb for slaughter.

no I was agreeing that the Huff Post headline was dumb. Can't find any source for your definition of goy, I'm just curious where you got it from. Obviously the word is used pejoratively sometimes but not like that...

Ah. It appears Goyim is the Jewish word for (multiple) lamb for slaughter while Goy is the singular term for lamb for slaughter.

This term is often used by powerful Zionists (Jewish Supremests) in positions of power.

People who spell heal as "heel" probably can't even play checkers.

I thought the title was a joke

Arianna Huffington is a globalist.

I feel like we are in a confession booth here. Cheer up old chap. The cabal is burning down before our eyes. Just hold off on any drastic actions for another 6 months max and I'm sure you will change your mind once you see how nice life becomes for us all.

Even bigger, we said we were taking the country back