U.S. aid to Israel: 3billion annually. U.S. aid to Detroit: Zero.

410  2017-08-19 by Beneficial1


but does detroit have to buy boeing f15?

only water, but who needs that stuff anyway

You mean flint?

Flint wasn't the only place in Michigan affected. Flint was the worst. (And still is, if I'm not mistaken)

Aint no jews in Detriot.

Nope they all left after the race riots in the 60's. They all live in the suburbs of Bloomfield Hills or secluded towns like Franklin, right outside Detroit.

You forgot west Bloomfield!

3 billion is just the hard cash. When you add it all up its $15 billion for Israel and still $0 for Detroit, $0 for Baltimore, $0 for Los Angeles, etc..

It should be "6 million", they love that number.

Are you referring to how about 6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis in World War 2, in the largest organized genocide in history, fueled by Jew hatred still around today? Because if you are then I'm not sure why Jews would like this number.

Because they were saying 6 million Jews long before Hitler. And I have proof:


Did they also say 5 million Jews?

No, 6 million . I'm not making this up, look at the link of all the you tube vids that show newspapers long before ww2 that are already stating he threat to 6 million Jews. So that idea was already being supplanted in our news before there were even 6 million Jews in existence! Lol it's Jew propaganda.


First results: quarter million, three million, three million, one million, fifteen million, one million. I've gone through the whole first page and haven't seen 6 million even once. Are you familiar with the concept of cherry picking?

You put 'millions' and 'Jews' into a search. That's doesn't disprove what I'm saying. Try "6 million". But I have already linked the vids, so you are grasping at straws.

You know, I think that if I put 6 million in the search box, I'll get occurrences of "6 million". I know it because that's how search engines work.

Then do it and report back with what is said.

I bought a box of cherries and all it had were cherries. Clearly the world is comprised of cherries.

Thanks. Bookmarked


Observe how numbers other than six million Jews were mentioned. You're eating cherry-picked bullshit.

Ugh, that link is crap. In the link I show, in those vids they are mentioning this number in papers before the holocaust was even close to happening. Cherry picking something like that is easy because it shouldn't even be an idea yet.

Besides, your link is mentioning 'millions' and 'Jews' and the articles are about money, mostly. You are cherry picking! I have shown newspapers showing the "6 million Jews" as early as 1906 or 1915, I believe was the earliest.

I gave you a search engine. Search engines enable you to find information. YouTube videos enable you to find what other people think. There's a slight but important difference between things that are real and things that agree with you.

Alright that's enough. Now your going off topic and making this about me. My work here is already done. Ive shown what I intended to.

Alright that's enough. Now your going off topic and making this about me. My work here is already done. Ive shown what I intended to.

Anyone saying Detroit or any incorporated municipality even gets zero federal funding is completely uninformed. Local Public Agencies (think Transit Authority, Traffic Control, Water Management) get tons of federal funding for mundane things like bus stops and fire hydrants. Sometimes it's hard to pin down exactly how this money gets to the LPA because State agencies are often in control of the oversight on LPA projects and they have agreements in place with the LPA to see to it that the federal money is used to complete the projects that the LPAs (and local government) have prioritized. If Detroit is seeing zero federal dollars it has nearly everything to do with local politicians and their relationships with State agencies.

But how is LA, a city that gives massive handouts to illegal immigrant, broke? /s

LA is very broke and very corrupt. They make it look rich like NYC on TV but it's very poor. Many people eat Raman noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner so they can afford their rent. It's a mess.

sure dude.... detroit needs more heavy munitions.

Or you know use the money for infrastructure, updated manufacturing for modern electronics... Unused land that was previously developed and could be used for new industry instead of spending it on a foreign country's military. But nobody wants that.

Pittsburgh re-purposed itself from heavy steel manufacturing to electronics and other tech so its been done.

The currency doesn't matter, it could be 1000 trillion $, which are just created on a computer screen anyway. What really matters are the weapons and research co-operations held with US. & Israeli "Defense" Contractors, such as Raytheon, Lockheed Martin etc.

The only measure preventing the Sionists of outgunning all the ethnic Arabian people is to lay a total embargo on the Israeli government and US. weapon manufacturers. Sadly the US. politicians, both in Senate and Congress, have stakes in these corporations and won't stop them from supporting the governmental terrorists.

So, we give Israel our universal health care. Nice. I sleep better, as opposed to worrying about my medical bills, knowing we are giving our universal health care to a country that has univesal health care.

The US should copy the Israeli universal healthcare system. It would save the US economy literally trillions of dollars a year compared to what the US spends now on healthcare.

Wow, you defend Israel in this whole thread now you say the U.S. should be like Israel. Interesting to say the least.

As I wrote a few months ago,

Israel spent 7.5% of its GDP on healthcare in 2013, OECD average is 8.9%: https://www.oecd.org/israel/Health-Policy-in-Israel-April-2016.pdf

America spent 17.4% of its GDP on healthcare in 2014. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_finance_in_the_United_States

Israel's 2013 GDP was $292.4 billion. If Israel spent as much as America spends on healthcare, it would cost Israel 10% of its GDP, or $29 billion.

American foreign aid to Israel was about $3 billion in 2013. It's not that Israel can afford expensive universal healthcare because of the American aid, it's that universal healthcare is cheaper than the monstrosity America created.

To put it another way, adopting the Israeli health system as-is would save America 10% of its GDP, which is about $1.8 trillion a year.

And we haven't. Until we did reform healthcare properly this is a mute point. What we are doing now is giving them billions. That is a reality Now. What we can do with healthcare is speculation and honestly deserves it's own thread, not this one.

Healthcare has issues, Detroit has issues, Israel has issues, and they're mostly distinct. Blame healthcare and Detroit on Israel and you're detracting from discussion of healthcare and Detroit. Want to discuss eliminating foreign military aid? Be my guest. Blame it on the Jews? Then A, you're wrong, and B, you're not solving any issues.

I am simply pointing out this system is fucked. Glad you agree. You want to solve it by making us into Israel, then doesn't that make you wonder why why fund Israel while our own city governments are broken? We are giving away our power to them. My power, our power, our taxe, labor, effort, energy. Gone to them, meanwhile our cities fall apart. Thats reality.

Solve it.

He doesn't understand that some problems aren't easy to solve ant aren't fixed in one simple step.

He's not blaming it on israel...He's saying that it is dumb to spend money on israel when we should be spending that money for our own problems.

I'll solve this for you. I blame it on the Zionists who run Israel, and who have subverted the entire US Congress and much of the rest of the US Government.

Moreover, if you reject this, then you are part of the Zionist problem under which we suffer.

When I really looked into it, what you just said turned out to be true.

Why do the Zionists care whether the Americans have a good healthcare system or a bad one? Or about Detroit?

The Zionists don't care that Americans have a bad healthcare system - or that Americans don't have any healthcare system at all.

What the Zionists do care about is that every year they get Billions of Dollars of Welfare (i.e. foreign aid) authorized by the U.S. Congress.

If the Zionist overlords implemented universal healthcare in the US like they have at home, they'd have $1.8 trillion a year more to wage wars with, no?

If you think what you just posited makes any sense at all then why don't you try to express your thought and reasoning in a fashion which is sincere and detailed?

US total foreign aid is tiny. It is less than 1 percent of the federal budget. The problems with Detroit have nothing to do with foreign aid to Israel or any other country for that matter. The problem has to do with an incompetent local government and political infighting among the two US political parties.

Yes our government as a whole is incompetent.

it's that universal healthcare is cheaper than the monstrosity America created.

I think you misspelled dramatically lower quality, with increased wait times, doctor shortages, and death panels.


None of that is true. US healthcare is both the worst and the most expensive healthcare system among first world countries.


Israels healthcare system is many times better than the US. We have the dumbest one imaginable.

No offense but our healthcare system is intended to bilk us as much as possible, and that is why prescription drugs have literally no cost controls. "Obamacare" was a gift to the insurance industry, because the american people are meant to be milked like cows in a dairy for every nickel. It's all about greed, not what is good for the people.

Or copy the UK system..the original.

Charlie Gard wouldn't suggest that. Neither would anyone with three working brain cells.

Israel has a universal system because we give them billions of dollars. How much would it cost them if they weren't so weak and dependant on our money?

Not true, and I've probed it in this thread.

So extra BILLIONS doesn't allow them to spend more on their healthcare? You expect people to believe that?

They're welfare queens.

It can account for at most 10% of the Israeli healthcare budget.


You were only 90% incorrect.

I typically lean towards the right on most issues, but when it comes to healthcare and education, I believe it is paramount to make them public and universal.

Preventative care is much cheaper than catastrophic care, and increasing the human capital in an economy will pay dividends over time.

Are you trying to say that universal healthcare in the US would cost $3 billion dollars...? Here everybody, have $8 and make it last to the end of the year!!

Why don't democrats bring this up?

Who on earth upvotes this? Universal healthcare costs a bit more than 3 billion a year.

Univeral healthcare would probably cost closer to a trillion, but 3 billion would definitely fix flints water.

The states take care of themselves and the federal government handles our foreign relations..I believe that's how the founding fathers intended it.

I've heard from a reliable source that the constitution is just a god dam piece of paper.

Sounds about right.

Repost, and still really, really wrong.

Not only does Detroit get tens upon tens of millions in a myriad of direct, federal to state and city grants, but they also get literally billions from all sorts of different federal programs. From Title 1 monies (>$1000 per year per student, and 200,000+ students qualifying), to SNAP benefits (hundreds of millions of dollars a year), to Medicare/Medicaid, Welfare, Social Security, Pell grants, housing subsidies, heating subsidies, EITC, unemployment benefits, fuel subsidies, and so on and so forth.

Oh so that's why the city is Thriving. It's a fucking welfare dump and you call that aid? Even still, you add all those numbers up and it's Not The Three Plus Billion we give to Israel while our own infrastructure is shit.

Oh so that's why the city is Thriving?

Detroit isn't thriving for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with federal aid.

It's a fucking welfare dump and you call that aid?

You do know welfare is aid, right?

Even still, you add all those numbers up and it's Not The Three Plus Billion we give to Israel

No, it's undoubtedly much more.

while our own infrastructure is shit.

Some new bridges aren't going to fix Detroit's ills.

Stop the lies.

So you are defending us giving Israel this amount , while our own cities go to waste. I think we see Your side of the argument, Thanks!

I'm saying your post is completely bullshit, as well as a commonly debunked repost. I didn't defend the amount we give Israel at all.

It's not bullshit, we give Israel billions and keep the poor folk in defunct U.S cities on welfare.

It is bullshit, because Detroit gets billions of dollars in aid more than Israel, and not $0, like you lied about.


Here's one analysis that's a few years old, only counts a few things, and has numbers much lower than where there are today, and he still puts federal monies to Detroit at well over 2 billion.


No they don't, Welfare just keeps people slaves to the system and with no opportunity. That's not aid. They just give detroit welfare. See the difference?

If you are even saying because a person gets 150 bucks a month for food on a snap card, that is sufficient, then you are part of the problem.

What is aid then?

No idea, what does Israel use it for?

Buying military stuff from the US. Presumably a man would be much happier with a rifle than with a $150/month food budget, yes?

So we give them 3 billion and then we them weapons? What are you talking about? How is that aid?

That's why it's called "military aid".

So i suppose to aid Detroit would be to fix their fucking water , it's poisoned! Ok????

I hate to jump in this late but it's really corporate welfare. We give them the money as long as they buy from lockeed or Boeing or whatever. It's a scam. Either way it's fucked.

It is explicitly and unequivocally aid. I think the issue here you don't know the definitions of the words you're using.

More to the point, Israel should get jackshit. They can fend for themselves. Who the fuck are they going to turn to as allies? They have managed to piss off most of the world.

The point is, your title is wrong. US "aid" (which is a vague term) is more than $0 to Detroit. Is it enough? That's worthy of debate.

We give a foreign country more aid than we give u.s. cities that need it. Better?

Yes, that is better (much less misleading).

Why, because I didn't say Israel?

U.S. aid to Detroit: Zero.

Don't be obtuse.

Go to flint and drink their water

We give a foreign country more aid than we give u.s. cities (excluding at least Detroit) that need it

Now it's better.

Uhh, dude, what do you want? It shows your post is a bullshit talking point. You can throw money into a black hole all day. But then you have to question the efficacy of trying to fix a black hole with money.

Arab countries get twice as much US aid than Israel receives.

And? What's your point? Giving away more resources to destabilize and rebuild the middle east while our own country goes to shit. That's my point.

So you admit that your title is bullshit?

I admit not everyone agrees. That doesn't diminish our problems though, so no.

So is Detroit getting federal aid or not? You claim that it doesn't. Do you maintain that claim?

Flint has poisoned water. So no, it is not receiving the aid it needs. Israel gets better aid than our own cities. I'm not really changing my mind on this until detroit has improved Infrastucture through federal aid.

So instead of admitting of making false claims you simply move the goalposts.


So sad, go cry to mommy.

Removed. Rule 4.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

This should be commented on every repost of this thread..


Israel has a really good deal going right now. You give me 3 billion, I will give you 2 billion in campaign funds. Net 1 billion dollars. Seriously though, Israel is a very important and great ally to the US. The laptop battery intel was their intelligence agency.

Even if you gave Detroit 3 billion they'd squander it with fraud and somehow end up with an even bigger more decrepit shithole.

Nice attitude. So that's a good reason to give it to Israel instead?

I didn't say anything about Israel, did I? We don't have to give anyone money.

If you hand a pile of money to Detroit it will be no different than handing a pile of money to New Orleans or a random 3rd world dictator. Might as well burn it.

You have lost faith in the representatives of these major cities, I don't blame you.

I think one of Detroit's previous Mayors (Kilpatrick?) Is still in prison for racketeering.

Detroit don't increase GDP by buying F-15, nukes (sssshh), weapons, lobbying for USA in middle east, and most of all bully Palestine/keep Iran in a short leash.

System is fucked. Let's fix it. We'd rather Israel have some weapons then detroit have clean water and better neighborhoods. I can't believe we allow this to continue. Funding wars for profit instead of clean water for our own American citizenry.

And if they don't give a fuck about detroit, when the city you live in goes to shit don't expect it to improve until you show up at the governor's mansion with fucking pitchforks. That's what it will take.

The fact that we have $3B/year for a country that was complicit in 9/11 while American's in Flint have to drink contaminated water makes me ill.

Thank you! I can't believe people even argue that it's o.k. see this thread for examples.

I've seen it before. You know what is right. Ignore the hasbara.

Yep. Thanks for speaking up.

What are you talking about? All those cities get more federal dollars than some states..Trump just sent 100M to Michigan for the Flint situation alone..

Yeah, this is dumb. I agree that we give too much to Israel, but I guarantee that Detroit gets federal cash

Jews own the USA, and use the Goyim to build their country.

Not defending the puppet master state but this is misleading. Detroit receives federal funding and its poor residents receive welfare...but those residents are tax payers for the most part. Those residents aren't dragging us into Zionist interest led wars. Those residents aren't manipulating our politicians through AIPAC. Those residents aren't stealing the homes of Palestinians in what amounts to asset seizure. Those residents werent in NYC to "document the event". Oh fuck it....

Are these figures accurate? Where did you get them from?

They're not, and his ass, respectively.

And show me where that says Detroit has all of a sudden stopped receiving all federal funding.

It doesn't, so fuck you, liar.

I swear, I'm the only one who finds the 1940s so interesting

United Nations, The Roswell crash and Israel were all created in the same year

No wonder I'm everyone's downvote magnet

United Nations was established in 1945, a month after the end of World War II. The Roswell crash was in 1947. Israel's creation depends on your interpretation. There was a resolution in the UN in 1947 calling for the creation of separate Arab and Jewish states in Palestine. However, it was not until 1948 that the state of Israel truly began to form.

And to think jews were helpless and persecuted yet somehow many things worked incredibly in their favor. Makes you wonder whether the Holocaust was an inside job.

wew lad

There are reports from early 1900s were there is discussion of "6 million jews" tell me how do get the number of people killed before and event even happens. They somehow get a $38 billion dollar deal for 10 years where we support their military where Puerto Rico can't get funding, college students are in debt, we have a lack of healthcare, and numerous cities facing crises.

They're siphoning billions from the U.S., I'm starting to understand the Germans.

who the fuck even are you

who the fuck even are you

A concerned Jew

What is the difference between a Israeli and a jew?

Why do we need to provide them with anything? You'd think they could hold their own. Sick of being the goyim

That's the dirty secret of Israel. It's financially unsustainable due to its small size, lack of resources and vast, freeloading population of religious fanatics who don't work. It requires a constant influx of cash from the diaspora and the US government.

Detroit gets tons of federal aid. Any educated person stopped reading after the headline.

Detroit gets billions, all told.



You can argue over if they need that money, or if it's being put to good use, but to lie and say they don't get any is just that, a lie.

Poisoned water. Still. Ill say it again. Poisoned water for years now. Understand?

We get that. You've said that plenty. They got the money they just haven't put it to good use. That's the state's fault, not the federal govt's fault. I agree we spend too much on Israel but to say Detroit got 0 dollars is an exaggeration.

How much would it take to "fix" detroit? Doesn't seem like we are even trying.

Just fix the fucking water, right? What the fuck is going on, it's poisoned!

Just rename White Nationalism to White Zionism and Amazon will stock your books again. Zionist speech is protected, hop aboard.

Oh good good, need 100 copies of the protocols of Zion for me and my fellow cucks

The us has no money to fix infrastructure but millions for war and overseas coups. Think about it.

The us has no money to fix infrastructure but millions trillions for war and overseas coups. Think about it.


Detroit gets far more than "zero" aid ... how is this blatant disinformation so highly upvoted?

Welfare is not aid. Aid is when you fix a poisoned water supply in your own country.

I guess ~$2 billion in aid is equal to zero in your misinformed world:


We give more to Israel , and Detroit still has poisoned water, btw

We give more to Israel , and Detroit still has poisoned water, btw

Doesn't make your misinformed headline any more true ...

  • U.S. aid to Detroit: Zero.

Is an absolute fabrication, period.

Hahaha. Let me get you a glass of flint water. Cheers. I love my headline.

Let me get you a glass of flint water.

Um, no thanks??

I love my headline.

Yup, misinformants are normally proud of their work to distract and spread ignorance.

Totally proud of what I've done here. Call it what you will. My thread stands.

Totally proud of what I've done here.

Well, propaganda is an art and most artists are proud of their work.

Call it what you will.

Lying disinformation seems to suit it perfectly.

PropagandA? Fuck the Jews, they have been using propaganda on the world since they started their 6 million Jews bullshit 30 years before Hitler. And you want to make this a problem? Fuck you! Why don't you address Jewish Propaganda?? Huh? Detroit has poisoned water, Israel gets better aid than our own cities. Fuck you for stringing me along some bullshit argument where you make me a propagandist instead. Shame on you. This is our country and you would like to see it fall apart in favor of Zionism you fucking sellout!

You can go on an unhinged tirade all you want, doesn't magically make your lie true.

George Carlin was right: We are owned. We have have owners.

Americans are so fucking deceived by their "great" allies. You are brainwashed into loving Israel, they are the true leaders of the USA

As an American I support your post.

Just remember that Israel have 100000+ people working 24/7 around the clock to disinform, stear, and bring isreal in good light. Watch every thread. Go to youtube anfd find me a video that shows all isrealis and there atrocetys with 500.000 views. To find out who controls you find out who u cant critices


Funny thing is. In around year 2011/12 some eu leaders started to crtices isreal for what they are doing. 2013 comes the big muslim refugee invasion. Its almost as if they wanted to say "ok, you go against us and defend the muslims. Then here you go and now you try to live with them"

Pretty much, They attempt to destabilize any country that wants to break free from banks and the petrol dollar. They also destabilize the participating countries by using fear And social disturbances. Easier to control people when they are afraid of immigration instead of focusing on their slave masters. There is actually a lot of things they do just to keep us from paying attention to what they are doing.

It is not the Federal governments job to fix cities inside the United States, that is and always has been the states job. The Federal government is supposed to deal with securing the borders and international relations. That being said I do not support the funding of forigin militaries or infrastructure.

This is not acceptable! Funding a foreign country while neglecting our own is totally unacceptable.

Like I said, it is not and should not be the FEDERAL governments job to help individual cities. This a Michigan problem not everyone elses. The reasons for Detroit's issues are local and state policies and taxes that encouraged automakers and other factories to move to other states like Alabama so they could retain profits. Michigan decided to become a welfare state companies didn't like it and moved, this led to less tax revenue and no jobs so every one who wanted to be productive moved to other cities and states where there was gainful employment. This decreased property values which furthered the erosion of tax dollars. The city then decided to tax goods at higher rates which led to more people moving. How is this a Federal problem?

It's a problem in our country so it affects everyone here. Let's fix it instead of arguing where the aid should be coming from or how the state government is faulty. This is the United States. We are all part of this country and if an area of it is fucked up its our responsibility to aid that area and fix it. Agree?

Or let it fail and stand as an example of what will happen to any other city that decides to go down this path. I dont care about the city and would rather let it be a ruin than waste resources on people who wont help themselves first.

No need for aid, just send more hotdogs. God I could go for a coney.

Can't go wrong with Lafayette

That's my fave.

Mine too, many drunken nights there after a show at The Shelter. Saw some cool bands there before they got huge. Incubus, Deftones. Used to do urban art and explore the ruins of Packard. Got busted at a Blind Pig, rave party. Early nineties was a cool scene there. Detroit will always be in my heart, I've since moved to marry a girl , but still have family there.

WE GIVE THEM $3.8 BILLION. $38 Billion over 10 years. Let's not forget that extra $800 million.

The real amount we give them is probably insane though. They have unlimited credit.

Someone with a Brain. People try to call me propagandist because they say detroit gets enough federal aid. You my friend just crushed them for me.

Detroit doesn't have jews though.

Someone already said that. :)

Yes, that is better (much less misleading).

We give a foreign country more aid than we give u.s. cities (excluding at least Detroit) that need it

Now it's better.

I am simply pointing out this system is fucked. Glad you agree. You want to solve it by making us into Israel, then doesn't that make you wonder why why fund Israel while our own city governments are broken? We are giving away our power to them. My power, our power, our taxe, labor, effort, energy. Gone to them, meanwhile our cities fall apart. Thats reality.

Solve it.

He doesn't understand that some problems aren't easy to solve ant aren't fixed in one simple step.

He's not blaming it on israel...He's saying that it is dumb to spend money on israel when we should be spending that money for our own problems.

None of that is true. US healthcare is both the worst and the most expensive healthcare system among first world countries.


It can account for at most 10% of the Israeli healthcare budget.

That's the dirty secret of Israel. It's financially unsustainable due to its small size, lack of resources and vast, freeloading population of religious fanatics who don't work. It requires a constant influx of cash from the diaspora and the US government.

I'll solve this for you. I blame it on the Zionists who run Israel, and who have subverted the entire US Congress and much of the rest of the US Government.

Moreover, if you reject this, then you are part of the Zionist problem under which we suffer.

A concerned Jew