How did Jews end up with so much wealth?

0  2017-08-20 by McDuffBSmith

There have been historical accounts of Jews being very wealthy people. Even in today's world, some Jews are very wealthy, they control the media and the US sends billions of dollars a year to Israel, a country of mostly Jewish people, that you can't criticize.

How did they end up so wealthy, when did they start to become wealthy, and why aren't we supposed to talk about it?



This. The Jews love making money on interests from loans which is contrary to Muslims who forbid interests from loans

Knowing the Jews control all forms of media, it's no surprise Muslims have the reputation they do both online and on nationwide broadcasting

Also, Sharia Law does not recognize corporations or businesses

Sharia Law only recognizes individuals

But Jews don't want you to know that so they hire actors posing as Muslims (Jihadi John comes to mind) to commit horrible crimes and the Jew controlled media showcases it on prime time television for the world to see

I personally think Israelis are getting sick of this reputation and they're trying to rid of Benjamin Netanyahu but our media is ignoring it


Cheers, mate

In my opinion the advertisement owns media. That's where media makes their money, whether it's newspaper, internet, or television. The owner may be Jewish, sure, but they're making their money off advertisement.

If you want someone fired, or something changed, you contact advertisement and tell them you're not going to continue buying their product. That's when changes happen.

Good point, Superfly (wrestling fan?)

This is the power many Americans have forgotten and companies fear

The power of unity

When Americans come together to boycott a company over their business practices, nothing can stop them and the companies bend at the knee

This is also what scares me about the current state of affairs in America

TPTB are trying to divide us and they're winning

Not cool

They're are definitely winning with that strategy, unfortunately.

Remember years back when everyone was against the 1%? That didn't seem to last long at all

Also... big wrestling fan :) always wanted to be a pro wrestler when I was growing up

If by everyone you mean reddit, I sure do

It's scary how much reddit has changed since Aaron Swartz was killed by the CIA

Oh yeah. Resist, people I was following on twitter, Facebook/instagram friends, friends and family offline. That topic was hot for a minute, now absolutely nothing.

Stay woke, brother

So true and no more evident than like yesterday in Boston.

Not all Jews are wealthy. The middle class, lower class, and poor ones just don't make the news. They are just regular people.

Whoa hold ok now that's a lot of common sense you're just spouting out


A poor Jew? Get out! There's no such thing. /s


Much like the banking system they invented, all their wealth is meaningless unless we give it meaning.

whhhaaattt thhheee fuuuuccckk...


I know right? Welcome to the world of (((fiat))) money.

you ever think about it being like magic? like it's a magical spell?

It is my dude. One word and poof more (((fiat))) is made into existence thanks to the kikes in the (((Federal Reserve))) and their printing press.

Jews were historically pushed into banking because the Christians were forbidden from doing money lending, so the Jews found a niche

Money lending with Interest is a much different thing than Money Lending without Interest. This is why when you buy a house with a Mortgage loan that by the time you have paid for your home you have bought it 4 or 5 times over.

Why would you lend money without interest?

Why would you not do this? If you had a brother who needed $1,000, why is it important that you collect interest from him? What have you gained?

If you had a brother who needed a goat and repaid you with a goat, would you expect him to repay you with two goats?

The concept of interest is interwoven with the concept of inflated prices and devaluation of the currency. It allows people to earn money off the labors of others simply because they had money to lend in the first place. Now, if the people doing the lending could create money out of thin air, they would not need to perform labor to earn money. How fair is that, do you think?

Oy vey stop being critical goy

Interesting that Muslims religion forbids usury.

And the Holy Bible warns the borrower is slave to the lender.

All monotheistic religions were created by the same forces coming from Sumeria->Babylon->Egypt. Jews are the "economic" wing. Christians are the "religious/spiritual" wing, and Islam are the "militant" wing. All by design. It's all smoke and mirrors, and they all work for and against each other. At the top, they are all the same thing. It's all orchestrated chaos.

Look up the god Waka that's worshipped by a small tribe in Ethiopia. They're generally accepted as the basis, if anything, for the Ten Commandments especially since they are currently the oldest known civ/people with physical commandments that were basically the same.

All monotheistic religions were created by the same forces Any information on this?

Pretty sure it's interest of any kind isn't it?

Usury, specifically.

So reasonable taxation is still fine?

Render unto Caesar.

Christians couldn't make a living lending money due to religious restrictions. Jews could, so they did, which helped the community they lived in.

Jews are nomadic people, historically. If a Jew moves to a new area, first thing you would do is seek out something familiar... another Jew. Just like anybody would do.

Lastly, in most countries, Jews couldn't own land. It was forbidden. They could, however, own businesses. Being an employer is where the money is. However, the employees could own land.

Jews were historically pushed into banking because the Christians were forbidden from doing money lending, so the Jews started doing it

In fact all three Abrahamic religions expressly forbid usury (lending money to people at interest). Jews were historically able to circumvent this by relying on the Talmudic notion that only Jews are people. Lending money to the goyim (non-people) at exorbitant interest was permitted and encouraged by the Talmud.

Interest, control of the printing of money, and other tricks.

Eh, they Jew'd us all out of it.

Venetian financial networks still rule under fun new Jewish names, del Banco became Warburg, and so on.

A few folks crashed the economy 100 years ago causing govt bankruptcies...Enter Fed, Enter Income Tax, lobbyist and media did the rest.

How are you getting downvotes? Ridiculous. Its a fact

well they arent big spenders lol

So reasonable taxation is still fine?

They're are definitely winning with that strategy, unfortunately.

Remember years back when everyone was against the 1%? That didn't seem to last long at all

Also... big wrestling fan :) always wanted to be a pro wrestler when I was growing up

whhhaaattt thhheee fuuuuccckk...


How are you getting downvotes? Ridiculous. Its a fact

So true and no more evident than like yesterday in Boston.