Open Question: Has /r/conspiracy become nothing more than a political shilling battleground?

183  2017-08-20 by sudo-tleilaxu

Have shilling and vote brigading operations from both sides fucked this place up beyond repair? What happened to /u/sarah_connor and the internal disccussion that was supposed to fix the political shitshow of a partisan/idealogical left/right poop-throwing chamber now known as /r/conspiracy? Has this subreddit been deliberately ruined?

I contend that it has.


It got really bad recently. I don't get decent talks even if a post of mine does make it to the front page.

Isn't it much better now though?

It's pretty obvious that hareblue and whatever other groups are here don't work weekends. And the worst day here seem to be Fridays.

Robots don't take time off

Of course it's gotten really bad recently. I swear some of you don't realize we are on the brink of war and at the brink of the collapse of traditional American values. With all the censorship places like this are the last place for hope.

Meh, trust me I do understand the consequences, but the average person...

Someone is falling for the fear porn.

It is on every side, and everybody has fallen for it. There are good reasons to be concerned.

"It got really bad recently" I've noticed this as well. I wonder if visitors to this sub would be willing to participate in a kind of survey... For provocative post could be created with the guidelines of the sub and visitors could make public whether they voted up or down etc. The post could have a link with a counter to gauge funny business with votes. A few thousand participates would yeild a viable statistical sample.

Just a few cuck for trump mods ruined this place. It's well documented.

Removed. Rule 10.

I've no idea what mods are doing but I haven't noticed anything improving.

Part of the issue is you don't have anywhere else to go, yes you have specific subs for specific conspiracies but many of these are either hard to find or overly spiritual.

Also formerly good members seem to have run jumping naked into the woods desperate to convert everyone to their 'new' system which they have just copied and renamed

This is the main conspiracy sub with the most subscribers and active users. It provides the largest audience. The spin-off subs, while OK in their own right, are generally limited in the amount of people that participate.

I am with you on your fist point, I have not noticed any improvement since the Internal Discussion, if anything it's got a bit worse.

If we got enough people /r/conspiracytheories could become a new ground for discussing less political conspiracy theories.

The issue I've found is often that non political theory subs often become overly focussed on spiritual stuff and obbsess over prophecy. I'll check it out though and remain hopeful

I agree. My hope is if enough of us migrate we can change that through upvoting/downvoting & turn it into the kind of conspiracy sub we want.

Hopefully though it may become a victim of jts own success then with the same issues you get here. But I'll hope for the best

sometimes, yes. But the top level posts like:



WHOLE LOTTA SHILLS nothing but turn the discussion to shilling. It's stupid and a self-fulfilling prophecy most of the time. If everyone would just fucking discuss the topic without derailing the threads, the quality would go up immensely.

It kind of sucks, because I monitor the 'new' queue and upvote the posts that get into the more traditional conspiracy topics, downvote the obvious political propaganda and bullshit, but I am only a single vote in the end. When something is going to get brigaded and certain commentary manipulated to the top of a comment section, my single vote does not seem to have much effect.

I think, in some respects, we are collectively a bitch to our own no-censorship policy. The good intent behind that idea has been hijacked and it's become bastardized by shilling operations and political bullshit. It's become a huge pissing contest here. the tone of our front page fucking sucks right now and it is really frustrating.

Those posts about the shills make me shudder. Most of the time they say they are attacking when there is one post - there will be more anti-shill posts than actual posts.


I've made /r/ConspiracyRight for people who lean right and are tired of being dog piled for talking about R-wing stuff that is deemed thought crime by the CTR/shareblue.

I suggest someone do the same for the left although be warned TMOR already created ConspiracyLeft and it's a shit show from go.

My theory is that the only way to still be able to talk is to segregate based upon political leanings so the opposite shills aren't allowed a platform. And yes I think there are shills on both sides.

Having a mod as obviously biased as you is the exact problem.

Says the very credible source.

I don't think you are going to find many people who disagree that the moderation here is biased and the rules are enforced in a laughable way.

How do you know? You just have been on reddit for 12 days

How do you know? You just have been on reddit for 12 days

So he's been here longer than most pro-trump accounts i see on here.

I've been here 10 years and he's completely correct.

How so? We all have biases. Any specific complaint about their moderation?

No, the problem 12 days accounts like yours

And I followed suit with r/conspiracymiddle to void all of that stuff. Its for classic conspiracy theory. Nothing past 9/11/2001. Nothing current, no politics

God that sub is adorable to look in.

Yes it has. The reason it has is because the mods policy to allow fringe discussions basically makes it OK to go back and forth on all the political shit. Worldnews and politics ban for Trump talk, TD ban for non-Trump talk, leaving this as the only major subreddit where the fanatics from both sides can exchange blows.

Spot on answer. The die-hard ideologues on either side reside in online echo chambers. To them this is the only virtual ring to spar in.

The people looking to read and discuss conspiracies have to swim through that bullshit, fend off paid detractors, and then hope to find topics they originally came here for. It's a shame. This sub went from Reddits favorite thing to shame and shun, left to its own accord, to now being a battleground for idiots who want nothing to do with discussion about conspiracies.

who want nothing to do with discussion about conspiracies.

Well lets not be too biased now. I agree that it's a problem but honestly even the battling idiots are here with a certain curiosity.

the battling idiots are here with a certain curiosity.

A curiosity like when a baby shits itself and sticks its hand in the diaper to figure out what just happened. Next thing you know they're running around the house wiping dook all over walls and furniture, laughing the entire time

I don't blame T_D ban. If they want to exchange blows have worldnews/rpolitics be an open ground for debates.

It would be an absolute shitshow if they weren't so heavy handed with the moderation. I think it's a pity that's the way it is, but also pleased that they can even exist against the tide of hatred.

Worldnews and politics SHOULD not ban for Trump talk. They are neutral subs. On the contrary, The Donald is a pro Trump sub. False equivalence at its finest.

I agree but the problem is twofold. Trump supporters are rabid idiots on this website, and this website is also viewed as left-leaning. So you go along for the ride of stay in your containment board (TD).

I think there are only Establishment shills and their goal was to destroy this sub due to us occasionally getting a little too close to the truth.

I see a ton of interesting posts but they get no attention, look at how poorly JFK posts do in a conspiracy sub. I personally lost interest a long while back, looking into online manipulation is more my thing now. r/conspiracy is combination battleground and controlled opposition so it's very interesting in that respect.

Sarah_Connor wrote this:

When I removed perms, ADMINS stepped in and basically threatened to take action if perms wernt put in place.

I didn't think admins interfered with mod stuff in subs, I've read enough posts about other subs where it sounds like they should but didn't - let alone within a matter of hours. That is very interesting and I'd like to know more.

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look at how poorly JFK posts do in a conspiracy sub

No kidding. Plus, ever notice how in some thread with 400+ comments, you always get people saying, "I miss the old conspiracy. I want my aliens and jfk." Even get front page posts expressing that sentiment. Then, when there's Actually a post about aliens or JFK, no one cares, it gets like 300 upvotes at best

I think for a lot of people the political stuff is very current and real. So they might just read something interesting about Iran-Contra, but they'll feel compelled to jump into political BS and spend their time on that.

Iโ€™m often like that, for example today I login and see this post. That one pisses me off because itโ€™s the recent tactic of pizzagaters and clickbaiters taking advantage of someones death to make shit up. I want to call out and combat that.

Yes the damn shills have leaked over after their takeover from the default/politics subs. It's been insufferable ever since and all they do is derail any conspiracy.

It is wierd seeing people here scoff at information because it's not from a mainstream source. Completely backwards really.

I admit I lost it yesterday and was warned about rule 10, calling someone a shill, but it was for defending information that wasn't from a mainstream news source. It seems like people here are constantly down voting sources that dare to put out news. As readers it is our job to discern what is real from what is fake so for someone to read the site and call everything on that site fake is just incredible to me

Pretty much. All a distraction from the Federal Reserve which to me is the root of all that is evil in the world right now. Follow the money they say. Well it all leads to the Federal Reserve. If it doesnt lead to the Federal Reserve then see Gaddafi, Hussein and now Assad. Id place bets Hugo Chavez was CIA'd as well.

Man, are you ever right on the money.

You're with the World Bank and IMF or you are toast

๐Ÿœ‚ or ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Right there with you, please check my history, I've been sick of these vote manipulating trolls for months who do nothing but completely shutdown all objective discussion on any topic. Doesn't matter if it's anti-Trump or pro-pizzagate.

Anti-Trump post?

Lol this sub is TD, can't believe all you Trump supporters can't realize what's happening.

no discussion on actual topic, I'd like to actually talk about the implications of our president's actions.

Pizzagate/Wikileaks/Seth Rich/Awan Brothers/DNC post?

Oh come on guys, this is what your deflecting from Trump with now? This sub is so TD.


Civil discourse is dead.

You gotta read between the lines.

Obviously there is a huge push to destabilize and divide the user base here. A post like this... while speaking to some truth of political agenda shills, is also condemning r/conspiracy and is itself part of the problem.

There is still real substance here... and if you can't find it... that is on you.

Be the change. Shit on those pushing partisan nonsense. Or like comment derisively.

This is my view from someone who's been subbed here for 4 or so years and watched this place grow and evolve over time.

I'd say traditionally this has been a pretty anti-establishment, anti-government-sub that has leaned heavily to the right as the years have gone on due to who was in power. Now there's a right-wing president in office you're getting more left-leaning people coming to this sub because many people believe there was a conspiracy by a foreign country to put that man in power. However the right-wing people are still here and like others have said this has become kind of a battleground of ideological clashes.

Exactly. This is the first time in eight years that there's been a republican president.

Back when Bush was in office there were a million conspiracy theories involving him. Then Obama got in, and everybody shifted to conspiracy theories involving him......... And some people are so committed to those theories that they won't look at Trump suspiciously.

What really distinguishes this is that when Obama was in office, and even beforehand, the conservatives picked up on the potential power of conspiracy theories and started directing them at Obama as a political attack. They'd done it previously, IE the "Swiftboat" campaign ads, or when they planted the conspiracy theory that John McCain had an illegitimate black daughter........ But they took it to new heights, guys like Glen Beck and Alex Jones.

So what you have is one side that discovered that conspiracy theories are an extremely effective way of attacking your political opponent. That's why Fox News was pushing the Seth Rich story, Trump was pushing Birtherism, and all of the right wing media is pushing anything they can.

I'm a liberal that was here before the election and I understand the new influx but those people should be prepared to have their illusions shattered and be prepared to read a history book.

Once side is paid to be here.
The others are right wing refugess from every other sub on reddit .

You can tell them apart because the first group has a lag time between the time trump does something till we start getting the unified message about how it's bad from the anti ppl.

Quit lumping.

All started when the mods let the alt left hijack this sub. This sub has always been a right wing sub. Lefties even have subs to mock us. They even branded us one of the hatesubs. When they saw they could not stopped us, they came here and infiltrated the sub. We can't comment on any of the lefties subs without being ban and the only subs we still have left are being a target. We successfully identified these accounts at the beginning but then mods went after us regular users for calling people out as shills. Very strange step by the mods.


Have shilling and vote brigading operations from both sides fucked this place up beyond repair?

Pretty much.

Has this subreddit been deliberately ruined?

Pretty much.

I contend that it has.

Pretty much.

There is still about 10% meaningful content here, of which maybe 1% has any important substance to it. Get in touch with interesting users directly via PM, instead of waiting for them to pass along the posts commenting.

Go back and find your post on the new tab. The threads that look like yours are the real discussion here. Thank you all for letting me be a part of this.

Hasn't the entire country?


But not actually the entire country, its just the stuff thats reported on *(which is not everything thats happening) its just everything that is happening is boring. So instead you hear about the shit the media wants you to watch for ratings and stuff.

I don't think this sub was deliberately ruined. I don't honestly believe this was the overall intention of other users when some tried to hijack the direction of this sub and push it towards a political ideation. However, I do think that this effect (the subreddit becoming so stagnant and becoming a safe space for like-minded individuals who tell the loudest) was caused by users of the sub becoming so toxic and determined that their own voice was the only right voice; allowing no dissenting opinions. How then, to make this board better, to take it back to its original roots of speculative discussion and interest? My only answer is that maybe if the few conspiracy users who wish to have their subreddit back would collectively agree not to fall for obviously inflammatory bait posts, perhaps the shills/trolls would become bored and stop trying to vehemently push their agendas down our throats. But it would require a lot of concerned, on-going effort; and let's be real, this is Reddit; where yesterday looks like a few years ago and the future belongs to those who can shape the narrative in a subtle, contrived way.

At least it's a battleground the politics and world news sub does not allow dissenting anti establishment opinions

I take issue with your assertion that it is beyond repair. That's part of the narrative to keep people from coming here and sharing their ideas.

I don't see the point you are trying to make. Should we stop coming here, stop asking questions, what?

That's what they want you to think.

Yes, at least "little more" than....

It seems like one of the last /s where one can speak one's mind and not get censored or threatened with banishment.

So here come the brigades.


Now I can say whatever I want right? That's how this works?

Fuck the GOP propoganda. Fuck the left too. Both sets of assholes are not really undoing my point. You are wrong. Also? You are wrong.

I'm intentionally going to leave that correct/ambiguous.

I honestly used the "/s" incorrectly to mean "Subreddit" forgetting that it is commonly used to denote sarcasm.

I'm a libertarian, squarely in the middle. The Left and Right are populated mostly by dupes and manipulators.

Freedom scares the shit out of these hacks. Hannity is just another way to spell CNN.

Sorry for the misunderstanding....

Oh hey! I appreciate the mental fortitude. By no means was I trying to be a dick-head earlier...

I will entertain any opinion you throw at me.

Just PM me; may it do ya fine. I wanna pick your brain.

There have always been shills here. Things have been more rough, but that doesn't mean "both sides fucked this place up beyond repair". There will always be subversive elements attempting to control you, the fact that they're here too doesn't make this place useless. You just have to filter out the noise, just like always.

No, it has not screwed it up. Just ignore it like everybody else. We live in divisive times. We are not privy to lots of info, and weird shit is happening. Watch and listen and wait, and when the time comes, act.

When the only conspiracies that are acceptable are the same stuff you see on MSNBC and CNN, then the sub has been compromised.

There are real political conspiracies but the Russia situation is not one. It's a smear campaign and they are derailing all conversation to this and saying "trumps the president now he's establishment" and it's so stupid it's obvious.

Yes there are tons of shills and they push the same narratives you find in politics and CNN. They try to covertly push the same "Russia conspiracy" you find on CNN and they act like its organic. And those comments get tons of upvotes more than any in the thread and if you dissent you are downvoted into oblivion.

Nearly all comments are supporting the narrative too it's crazy.

This is a great example of a partisan post. List of ideas and organizations to attack. The response will be gaslighting.

I think the better and more important question to ask is: "has conspiracy become an echo chamber of conspiracy narratives and anyone who disagrees is considered a shill?"

I think both "sides" of the political debate have a certainn percentage of people who actually aren't at all political in the sense of the debate of policy (improving government vs. limiting government, being the central debate). In most cases, these people are simply born into a family or environment that supports a certain party, and they stick with it.

These people are both extremely susceptible to suggestive half-truths that confirm their self identity as one of the 'good guys'.

I feel like the game of politics has gone so far to influence these people due to our being in the information age, that they areb having a really hard time adapting to it and keeping their sanity.

I just feel like the only political conversation that is worth happening is actually what policy we are pushing, could be pushing, and should be pushing. All else is just noise meant to segment votes out for the politcal parties.

The problem is, the people who know the least, are always the loudest. So these folks, once again DEFINITELY from both sides, are drowning out the actual conversations we absolutely need to be happening right now.

both sides? The two parties are the same level of corrupt.

YES. This sub has turned to absolute shit. I cannot believe the fighting I'm seeing here between people "taking sides".

I don't even really comment here anymore. Anything you say is going to be taken as being a shill for one side or the other. Even better is that saying the wrong thing immediately gets you tagged as a Nazi sympathizer, and those wrong things seem to be growing in number by the minute.

I just don't have the patience or the energy to try and find some actual discourse here, which is probably exactly what they want, but still.

are you implying that this sub has ever made any impact in society? because, besides Trump, this sub have never being relevant to the world outside.

Look what happened at abovetopsecret. That place used to be weird archaeology finds and ufo stories and now look at it. It is exactly what you are saying this place is.


Removed. Rule 10.

I agree. My hope is if enough of us migrate we can change that through upvoting/downvoting & turn it into the kind of conspiracy sub we want.