Is this Nazi hysteria the most artificial, manufactured media narrative in decades?

674  2017-08-20 by thisisthetaxi

I've still only seen a picture of one person at the charlotsville rally holding a Nazi flag (the man in the green shirt), and no more than that. And yet the media acts as if Nazism is actually a problem and a significant movement. It's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen. Even the narrative of "Antifa vs Nazis" is totally wrong as there are hardly any Nazis at all.

Again: ONE PERSON at the rally was holding a Nazi flag. While I disagree with the aims of the rally in general, to even call it a "Nazi rally" was highly disingenuous and not descriptive of reality. But one picture of a person holding a flag is alll it takes to whip a country into mass hysteria


yes. It's a mass media hysteria. Race relations are not as a bad as the media is portraying it.

I work with a mix of people. We get along great. Although I live in a smaller town, there is definitely a wide range of people here. We never have these race problems. Everyone is chill and polite.

Been selling eclipse glasses to random people, who contacted me on FB, all day long. A mix of people. Not a single problem. Actually some of the best interactions I've had were with people that were a different race than me.

It's fucking crazy. It's almost as if you get out and interact with people, then shit isn't really as bad as you'd think.

It's not that I'm disagreeing mind you but small towns are a different kind of living. I grew up on the beach in NC and never saw but maybe a few black people until middle school. I'm mid 30s. I've lived in NYC, New haven CT, Dallas. Tensions are out there on many fronts. They've been playing us against each other for centuries now. The internet has increased the reach of many ideas. In small towns though you get to know people on a personal level. In cities it's mainly everyone for themselves apart from loved ones.

True. I mean there's 70,000 people in my town. So it's not tiny by any means. But I get what you're saying.

Oh that's way bigger than I thought. Still not big enough to have racial tensions though. I grew up with like maybe 10,000 during the winter. That would quadruple during the summers. But yeh it's not that Nazis and kkk wernt always there. I do believe the msm is just trying to get ratings firstly. I just think Trump has given these people, in their mind, the OK to just go out there and be proud.

I just think Trump has given these people, in their mind, the OK to just go out there and be proud.

That's pretty much it. He took too long and his first speech they seemed to like. At this point for Trump even if his next speech was just "Go fuck yourselves Nazis" they'd be like...wink...we understand Heir President.

There response to it says it all. They feel since he didn't call them out initially that everything after that is just politics.

This whole comment chain sounds like media talking points.

Seriously. I've seen "Trump has emboldened these individuals" several times over a few posts in the last 10 minutes. Trump hasn't done anything to embolden these people and has never supported them yet there are still people claiming it's his fault. You people claiming that could at least back up what you say with some evidence maybe? The mainstream media is emboldening these people a million times more than Trump is. They're the ones trying to convince the general public that Trump is one of them.

Emboldened? It's like you want to shift the blame to the president rather put the blame where it actually lies.

There gonna end up turning him into a underdog

I just think Trump has given these people, in their mind, the OK to just go out there and be proud.


It gets really bad in metropolitan cities with hundreds of thousands because when you see so many strangers on a daily basis, you assume that you basically have anonymity/"can get lost in the crowd" hence it is really easy to be an asshole to people and just escape from the consequences. It is pretty dehumanizing sometimes. When you're in a relatively small town, if you are an asshole it will come back to you eventually. If you're in a big city, you can be a grade-A fuckwad and it's very unlikely you'll ever bump into the same people again.

Centuries? Slavery was still here 300 years ago, andJim Crow only finally ended 50 years ago.

So many people in here ignore the long history of institutional and cultural racism and act like all the animosity must be faked. The trees in the south sprout peculiar fruits...

I'm people in mass. I'm not a left vs right guy. It's the super wealthy vs everyone else. People need to wake up.

I grew up in Oklahoma. My father is a huge racist and I am frankly happy that I was adopted. It's definitely out there.

I live in about the most dangerous and mixed area in my city, bbq'ing with my neighbors right now. It isn't even a thing. And I'm about as stereotypical white dude looking as you are gonna find.

As I've said before, I'm not afraid of brown people. I'm afraid of white people will do thinking they are doing what is best for brown people. White people are fucking crazy.

True story, crazy white people do some crazy shit.

I too mix with dark skinned neighbors. You treat people like you don't see color, and generally things work out.

You treat people like you don't see color, and generally things work out.

there are those who would view you as racist for voicing that sentiment

I couldn't give fewer fucks about what oversensitive people think. Especially feminists. I have a diverse group of peers and we all get along. And I am okay with that as a baseline for confirming I am on the right path.

I have a diverse group of peers and we all get along

some of your best friends are black, amirite?!

Ha, no. My best friends are all white. But I lol when people feel compelled to say they have bestie black friends, like they have to say it for social confirmation.

Likewise, man.

I've always had more brown friends than white. Funny thing happened today. I went out in public, came across plenty of brown folks. None of them said "fuck whitey" and there were even smiles exchanged!!

Fucking amazing right? It's almost like the perceived racial divide is complete nonsense.

They want us to fight each other so we won't focus on the real issue; classism.

I'll stand with anyone who is a good person. Race, religion, creed be damned.

Yeah, the average guy on the street is calm and not ready for racial war. The media is such bullshit. Too bad more people don't turn it off.

I couldn't give fewer fucks about what oversensitive people think. Especially feminists.

why do you hate women?

hehe, I don't think of feminists as women. They wanted to be viewed as sexless objects, so voila.

I'm white and I live in a majority Muslim community. All get along fine.

Funny how that works. I'm sure they are all overwhelmed with gratitude for all the rich white kids battling for their honor. lulz

same here.

start listening to right wing talk radio, theyll have you buying guns and gunsafes to put them in and security systems and super vitality energy supplements

White people are fucking crazy.

You want to spin the wheel of racism around some more or do you want to acknowledge that all people are fucking crazy.

You find a brown warmonger I'll find a white one. Find me a scumbag white banker and I'll find you a scum-of-the-earth black one.

You know what ties crazy people together? Selfishness, greed, hatred, and the shit that lies between. And believe it or not these attributes don't choose a specific skin pigmentation to hide in.


Dafuq? So he is racist because as a white man he said white people are fucking crazy?

Triggered much?

Sure, some white people are crazy, but to say "white people are crazy" is a blanket statement that says "if you have white skin, you're crazy". If people don't want to sound racist, just add a qualifier, like "some". It's easy to do.

Look at my quote. I said crazy white people do some crazy things. That means only the crazy white people. That means and infers some white people, unless you are saying all white people are crazy.

Of course crazy people do crazy things. That's tautological. There's no need to add a skin colour into your statement. The skin colour and craziness are not related.

seemed like a joke to me. jeez

Don't fall into his trap. I speak from logic, while he speaks from emotion.

I don't know, I don't know of many black serial killers. dahmer, gacy, many others.

Who is the best known black serial killer? I can't think of one.

I don't know of many black serial killers

of course there are black serial killers

you should look into the zebra murders

I figured there had to be someone.

did you drink your WAKEUP AMERICA Survival Vitality Shake and pack 6 handguns for the meetups just in case one of these foreign invaders decided to take your property

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

Alt Right is a euphemism for white nationalism which equates directly to white supremacy which is the guiding principle of the German Nazi Party. If someone joins the white nationalist bowel movement they are by definition Nazis.

The only thing manufactured here has been the false equivalence of President Donny the Dumbass.

White Nationalism !== White Supremacist or Nazi. Only the ignorant think that.

And only Nazis think that.

No, because it's not the truth.

Oh I see I just don't understand racial centered politics. We both know what any such movement's end goal is.

Well, when you conflate a White Nationalist with a Nazi, it's evident that you do not understand quite a bit about various ideologies and topics. For one, White Nationalism has nothing to do with German National Socialism, which is what a Nazi was.

Close enough. I don't care about your particular brand really.

Close enough.

How is it close enough? You can't just make things up based on your feelings...

I don't care about your particular brand really.

you know he's jewish, right?

Things I don't believe.

Things I don't believe.

why not?

And that doesn't make him not what he is politically regardless.

what are his political beliefs? how have you discerned his political beliefs from his calls for linguistic precision?

Donald Trump is president after all. Nothing is that surprising anymore.

i think you are taking politics, and yourself, too seriously.

You're not here to distract from this at all.

You're not here to distract from this at all.

true, i'm not.

et tu, brute?

No you betrayed yourselves.

No, you betrayed yourselves and us.

the eternal cry of the hate-filled, unreasoning mob

the irony is overwhelming

And I'm the one who takes myself too seriously? lol

And I'm the one who takes myself too seriously?

very much so, yes

You can sit here with your nazi friends and circlejerk. But we will laugh at you and your kind for 100years.

well, at least i will die knowing that i made the world a happier place

Holy shit. You bought the propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

He literally said he was white nationalist moron.

Can you explain how are the two equal?


What is the point of this "nazi" witch hunt you seem so determined to create?

Apparently calling Nazis Nazis is rude these days. lol.

Apparently mass hysteria is not insanity.

And apparently the MSM is always right and should be trusted at all times.

So you can't. Just as I thought.

How many Nazis are in this sub anyways?

exactly 6,000,000

Only the ignorant think that.

When they wear the same sheets and say the same things any distinction is a marketing ploy.

White nationalist is literally the definition of a modern Nazi.

White nationalist is literally the definition of a modern Nazi.

No, it's not. You may feel that way, but that has no basis in reality.

No, it's not.

You may not want to admit the association

But a white nationalist is a Nazi straight up by the very definition of the words.

You may not want to admit the association

There is no association for me to admit to.

But a white nationalist is a Nazi straight up by the very definition of the words.

No, it's not. Propaganda and newspeak may say it is, but that is not the truth.


The only "newspeak" is trying to parse the difference between a historical racist government and the current derivative movements.

White nationalist means Nazi. Silly haircuts and all.

White nationalist means Nazi.

Just because you keep repeating things, does not make it a fact. You kind of sound like a Nazi, in fact:

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it


Kind of ironic, don't you think?

Kind of ironic, don't you think?

Yes, it is ironic that the little Nazi ratbastard outlined just how the future Nazis would react to being called Nazis - with lies.

Why can't these contemporary Nazis man-up and accept their fate?

Do they all fear exposure of their depravity or is it just the haircuts?

So, now you are just going to resort to name calling? Fitting. Anyways, if you are incapable of having a civil/rational discussion about various topics and ideologies, I really see no point in continuing the conversation, with you.

So, now you are just going to resort to name calling?

My "name calling" was directed at Goebbels - the little Nazi ratbastard.

I can see how in context this may not have been clear.

But if you are defending white nationalism, then the same may apply.

But if you are defending white nationalism,

Why, though? I've clearly outlined the difference between the two, for you.

I've clearly outlined the difference between the two, for you.

No, you've reacted to my statement. You've outlined nothing.

Maybe, you should try reading? Just a thought.

Maybe, you should try reading?

Breitbart or frog cartoons?

I don't care for either.

How about my words, seeing how you are commenting to me on here?

How about my words,

I am not aware you have made a cogent statement which requires such a dissection.

Which words specifically?

Are you the same person I was talking to earlier? You seem to have a bad memory, or something... Hmm...

I was talking to earlier

I have no idea who you are. I talked to several people during Game of Thrones. A zombie dragon is a great concept in my opinion.

But Putin is twat.

Okie dokie, then... Have a nice night.

Путин любит петух

ער טוט?

ער טוט

So at least we agree on that point.

Do we?

Yes, it is ironic that the little Nazi ratbastard outlined just how the future Nazis would react to being called Nazis - with lies.

Well... u/Putin_loves_cats repeated a common misquote. Here is what Goebbels actually said:

  • "The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."

And Goebbels statement was likely drawing on the following, which appeared in Hitler's "Mein Kampf" [emphasis mine]:

Begin Wikipedia Quote

"But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice.

"All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

"It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[1]

Thus, according to Hitler, the "Big Lie" was a propaganda technique typically used by "the Jews".

[End Wikipedia Quote]

The misquote that Putin_loves_cats repeated is actually a paraphrase of a statement from a psychological report on Hitler prepared by the US OSS (predecessor to the CIA):

Wikipedia again:

  • "[Hitler's] primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.

History is a funny thing in that it can be (AND OFTEN IS) manipulated and contorted by those in power to mean the exact opposite of what actual happened or was said.

This is a fine example: Most people have been led to believe that Hitler and the Nazis promoted using the "Big Lie Technique" for the purposes of propaganda, when in fact, they accused "the Jews" (Hitler)and the British (Goebbels) of using these techniques.

Kind of upside-downy and crazy, isn't it?

Kind of upside-downy and crazy, isn't it?

Great dissertation of the topic.

What do you define white supremacy as?

What do you define a Nazi as?

What do you define white supremacy as?

White Superiority/Dominance over other races. Persecution and subjugation.

What do you define a Nazi as?

German National Socialism.

You're replying but not actually explaining the difference to him yet expecting his perception to suddenly change.

I have explained it here. It's not my fault people do not read.

Point me to it. Nazism was a form of fascism with an increased focus on racial pseudoscience, fervent nationalism and social Darwinism. "White nationalist" is an apt descriptor as each of these applies to them, unless they have some other political ideas that differ from the Nazi party. Please point me to those.

Nazi was a German National Socialist. The only place you could actually have Nazis, is in Germany. It was a German Socio-political movement and ideology of the German/Aryan people being the superior race. White Nationalism has nothing to do with Superiority or Supremacy, merely a preference of one's race/ethnicity/cultural, over another, and the desire to preserve it. Preference does not equal hate or supremacy. A preference is a preference.

Being that historically, people of the same race, ethnicity, and cultural, have lived more happily, safely, and prosperous, throughout history, gives credence to why people tend to agree with the ideology. Multiculturalism, does not work in the long run, hence why we are seeing what we see in the US, versus what's going on in say Iceland, the Nordics, Poland, Switzerland, etc etc. Supremacy would be ruling over minorities, White Nationalism would be having a homeland and trading/commerce with all. That's the difference.

So the only difference is... you not liking multiculturalism? You've failed to discern what the ideological difference between Nazis and white nationalists except pointing out that the former is German.

oh, kind of like communism and how it never works when in fact we never tried it. stalin's russia, NK, china, not communism

and yet, most american will call it that

It perplexes me that these "white nationalists" would decry Zionism when they want their own version.

you may find this to be of interest

Zionists had a campaign to sterilize Ethiopian Jews. Eugenics is big for them too.

Please provide the actual definition with a legitimate source. Not your opinion on what the definition is.

Certain terms, like "white nationalist", are not defined by "opinions" but by the very definition of the words used in the phrase. This is why no one needs to define an exclusive racial designation, "white", or an socioeconomic indicator like "nationalist".

In fact the best way to determine the meaningfulness of the phrase is how vehemently the progenitors react to the definition.

Funny...not a single mention about what a Nazi is in that bullshit you provided. They talked about other white supremacist groups.. but did not say nazis are white supremacists. Wasn't that your LITERAL DEFINITION?

Groups listed in a variety of other categories - Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, racist skinhead, and Christian Identity - could also be fairly described as "white nationalist."

Right there in the second short paragraph from the best NGO tracking these groups.

Yes the second one. The socialist one.

Are you seriously trying to claim that white nationalism wasn't the entire motivation of the German Nazi Party?

Perhaps you should inquire about educational opportunities in 20th century history. White supremacy, ie. Aryan mythology, defines the entire history of the era of Nazi control of western Europe.

Here is the actual definition of a white nationalist from Merriam Webster: one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation.

Whereas, the Nazi Party believed such things as the common good coming before the private good and the individual existing as a means to the ends of the State, which includes his property (which is owned by the State).

one of a group of militant whites who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation.

Or by definition, a Nazi.

the Nazi Party believed such things


Source is at the bottom of my comment.

So your only objection to the reference is exact historical definitions which assume the last Nazi died with the Party?

This may be why the current Nazis are such failures, they have forgotten the face of their father.

Would you like a definition for thw word literal?

If this is your only literal objection, then my point is made.

Assuming Nazis died with Hitler is as daft as assuming the KKK died with Nathan Bedford Forrest. Shithead leaders come and go, witness Donny Trump, but their shithead acolytes remain for a while.

So you have zero recollection of claiming that white nationalists are LITERALLY nazis (i.e. the german socialist party)

white nationalists are LITERALLY nazis

Hitler killing himself didn't kill the Nazis. The disease spreads.

It LITERALLY has spread into the Administration of a US President.

fascists are trying to convince me that they are actually anti-fascist.

Kind of like Nazis claiming that they aren't Nazis and President Donny the Dumbass claiming that some Nazis must be "fine people"?

You clearly do not understand how to use the word literal.


Given the recent coup by orange-tinted fascist Lord Donny the Rotund, yes, literal.

So those oppressive antifa members

Antifascist Action does scare the piss out of the little cartoon frog children. Good.

free speech.

Individual citizens have no reason to respect the hate speech of Nazis. "Free speech" is an aspect of government only. Fascism is an aspect of government as well. This is why punching Nazis was just a pastime recently. Now it is an imperative.

Free speech is a right for everyone. Violence is not.

Free speech is a right for everyone.

A forum is not.

You sound pretty fascist.

Kind of hard to be a fascist without gods or government, politicians or priests. Fascism requires stupid shit like racial identity and admiration of leaders.

Et ses mains ourdiraient les entrailles du prêtre,

Au défaut d'un cordon pour étrangler les rois.

Free speech is still a basic human right. Do you not believe in basic human rights?

Do you not believe in basic human rights?

Individuals are not the arbiter of rights or laws.

So are you saying that you support universal healthcare, universal basic income, the right to unionized internationally and the sovereignty of the individual over government?

One group claiming a "right" to hate speech doesn't somehow override the sovereignty of the non-governmental collective to tolerate hatred.

Everyone is free to say anything they wish.

I am not compelled through government to provide them a public forum.

I am talking about basic human rights, the things that go beyond government and religion. How would you treat your fellow human if there was no government, religion, media, telling you how to treat them?

Right there in the second short paragraph from the best NGO tracking these groups.

why do you consider the splc a credible source?

The SPLC is one of the oldest and most respected civil rights organizations in the United States.

Not only are they a "credible" source, they are the source for information concerning hate groups.

The SPLC is one of the oldest and most respected civil rights organizations in the United States.

according to who?

Not only are they a "credible" source, they are the source for information concerning hate groups.

so you say.

according to who?

The recorded history of the contemporary United States of America.

so you say.

And so says: the recorded history of the contemporary United States of America.

The recorded history of the contemporary United States of America.

[citation needed]

SPLC?? Are you fucking serious?

Yea, Nazis hate civil rights organizations with Jewish attorneys on staff.

Nazis seem to get separated from their property in civil suits when the SPLC takes the case.

Much like the Antifascist Action makes the cartoon frog children piss their panties, the SPLC makes those financing them piss their panties.

If you think that skin color is a meaningful way to differentiate people, and furthermore, you want to live in a space that no longer has anyone other than white people who have very similar views on race - is that person a white nationalist or a Nazi? Sounds to me like both. It's all born of hatred and low self-regard, it all seeks to spread its vile poison wherever it goes. A white nationalist is someone who is obviously a Nazi but thinks as long as he doesn't say certain views in public those believes are anything other than petulant. The only people who think there is a difference are Nazis desperately trying to rebrand themselves as if branding was the problem. No one is fooled.

Nazi was a German National Socialist. The only place you could actually have Nazis is in Germany. It was a German Socio-political movement and ideology of the German/Aryan people being the superior race. White Nationalism has nothing to do with Superiority or Supremacy, merely a preference of one's race over another. Preference does not equal hate or supremacy. A preference is a preference.

Being that historically, people of the same race, ethnicity, and cultural, have lived more happily, safely, and prosperous, throughout history, gives credence to why people tend to agree with the ideology. Multiculturalism, does not work in the long run, hence why we are seeing what we see in the US, versus what's going on in say Iceland, the Nordics, Poland, Switzerland, etc etc. Supremacy would be ruling over minorities, White Nationalism would be having a homeland and trading/commerce with all. That's the difference.

Cause you assholes won't let this shit go.

Because you assholes won't let this shit go.

Why am I an asshole now?

And it's more obvious than ever that you're the problem.

Seems to me, the ignorant and uneducated are the problem, these days. Looking at you, based on your replies to me. You cannot even have a civil discussion about a topic with out getting all emotional.

This doesn't deserve a civil conversation.

Why, shouldn't we be discussing all ideas?

Nazis aren't a new idea.

When did I ever say they were?

The reason people hate Nazis is not because they were German.

And America has been pretty god damn prosperous.

The reason people hate Nazis is not because they were German.

Pretty sure that's why people hated them. They thought they were the superior race, and were invading countries, which caused a world war.

And America has been pretty god damn prosperous.

Subjective, I suppose. Take a look around. We are a dying empire.

We are a dying empire.

OR we are literally on the brink of world domination. With whichever cabal at the wheel.

Nazism is an ideology and ideologies are not tied to countries. You can have nazis anywhere. Let's be real, most white natilnalists are also white supremacists. Making a difference between them is really only to try to make white nationalists seem less bad.

What exactly is wrong with White pride? Why is Black pride accepted and approved, Gay pride, accepted and approved... but the mere thought of White pride throws the nation in a fit?

Just wondering.

Blacks and gays don't have a continuous line of historical culture or heritage the way whites do, most black people don't know their country of origin because of slavery, so they've created there own. Whites have German Pride festivals, Irish Pride parades, Slavic pride events all the time. It's fine to celebrate culture and heritage, but white is not culture or heritage in and of itself, so white pride is seen as more a celebration of being white than a celebration of ones culture or heritage.

That doesn't mean that white pride is bad. The idea of white culture, apart from separate ethnic festivals for the different European nations, is American culture. Baseball, swing dancing, cars, scientific advancement, no royalty/no titles, cheeseburgers, rock and roll, that is white culture. It was created in America to set us apart from Europe.

That's American culture. Not white culture.

Cars are a German invention, rock 'n' roll was invented by black people in the US. "Scientific advancement" -- whatever you mean by that, is not strictly white. Muslims contributed a TON to science.

It's also kind of dumb to meld all European cultures into one and call them white. It's totally backwards anthropology.

You can have swing dancing, though.

that is white culture

That is straight up racism and white supremacy, my friend. Many different races have contributed to different inventions that created American culture. You believe only white people did these things and as such are superior and should be proud of it.

There's a lot of them that hang around this sub, use dog whistles commonly and don't flaunt it, but you see them using the exact same talking points over and over

Baseball, swing dancing, cars, scientific advancement, no royalty/no titles, cheeseburgers, rock and roll, that is white culture.

What in the actual fuck? Rock and roll, swing dancing, these are literally things that are derived from black culture. I guess minorities don't play baseball? Or eat cheeseburgers? American culture is, by no means, synonymous with "white culture"

The way I understand it is that because most black americans are descendants of slaves, they don't really know what their heritage is or where their ancestors are from. The whole idea behind the black pride thing is that they can come together as a group and put an end to the persecution they endure.

Gay pride came about kind of in the same way. All these gay people realized there's other gay people, and figured out that if they made a group or whatever that they could end the hatred against gays.

White pride though, I'm not sure what to say. I think if there wasn't that whole Jim Crowe period after the civil war, and I think if the KKK never was a thing, then maybe it could have been a successful thing. If it was as simple as "We're all white and we want to show our community that we're the best by making improvements that benefit the entire community" then it could work. The problem is the "improvements" they have historically made have been things like lynching and murdering people that disagree with them.

If you think that skin color is a meaningful way to differentiate people

Race is a pretty meaningful way to differentiate between groups of people, especially when you look at a multiracial society like the US. You might disagree and say that genetic differences don't play a role in the disparities seen, but the topic is not settled.

In the US, identifying as "white" is most realistic since many people are a mix of different Europeans.

I disagree with your assumption that a white nationalist agrees with everything a "Nazi" believes. Just look at Jared Taylor.

So in Charlottesville when people were marching the streets chanting about "the Jews" how many white nationalists stood in protest of that?

Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Let's see...a bunch of Nazis chanting racial hate slogans offends anyone who is not a Nazi, yet huh white nationalists didn't seem offended in the slightest. That's odd.

So when people were marching the streets chanting that they want dead cops and no one stood in protest of that, all of the people marching want dead cops?


Sure, you don't want to put in any meaningful replies. I'll just leave it with this if anyone wants to see what a level headed white nationalist looks like.

> Jared Taylor

In the US, identifying as "white" is most realistic since many people are a mix of different Europeans.

Right, my grandparents are from Greece, and the Czech Republic. Which is why I identify as having Greek and Czech heritage and cultural backgrounds, not "white".

Sadly most of the world thinks differentiating people by their skin is entirely justified and natural. There is popular support among black South Africans to seize white owned farms, many people there will never accept a white person will be African. When white South Africans come to America, nobody thinks they're African American The Japanese don't consider the Korean community there to be in any way Japanese, the Tibetians don't feel they are interchangeable with the Chinese, and I don't think it's realistic for me to live with an aboriginal community in Australia and then announce I am also aboriginal and therefore a traditional land custodian. I wouldn't dream of calling any of these groups nazis for showing a preference for maintaining a racial in group or accuse them of being hateful and spreading vile poison. i just accept that values are not universal and I need to respect diversity of opinion if I want to consider myself a global citizen

You start off saying "sadly" but in the end embrace it. Sorry I don't embrace the idea that someone else on the other side of the world is an asshole so we should be okay with assholes here. Putin is a murderous dictator, that does not mean I should therefore be ok with a murderous dictator here. Some Muslims think if their niece gets raped they should murder her. That doesn't make me cool with it.

To give a little bit of perspective, white nationalists and black nationalists can agree basically entirely on what they want. Both groups feel that they would do better without having multiple cultures "clashing" and ruining their "unity", they each think that the other group is "holding their race back".

Is this sort of tribal thinking good? I don't think so at all. It does lead to conflict. However I can't say that either movement is equivalent with supremacy, it seems like the arguments start on the basis that the "costs" of multiculturalism aren't worth it, rather than that their race is better than the other race. It's certainly implied (ie. "we would be better off without 'them' dragging us down", for either tribe) but unless they take the step of blaming their problems on specific races themselves rather than the societal idea of multiculturalism (which is a very recent idea, hence it isn't quite so crazy to think some people would disagree with it) then they're still somewhat different.

Hence it is basically always a bad idea in practice, but from an idealist perspective it isn't so crazy (just like communism or something). So it's better to pick apart their argument by bringing up the unfortunate reality of how such an ideal would need to be implemented (which would be quite inhuman, deporting people based on race) rather than assuming that they only think such a thing because they're a hateful racist. They might just be naiive, since it's really easy to sell people on the negatives of multiculturalism - it also doesn't help that there does seem to be a weird agenda behind it](

So from my perspective, they aren't wrong that multiculturalism is an ideology to be critically considered at least. Does that mean we should end it? God no, that would be very inhuman. But not wanting to ramp it up even more isn't such a wrong thing either.

We're not talking about people protesting multiculturalism. They were supporting a statue of a guy defending slavery, not a statue of a guy opposing white people listening to rock music or eating at Thai restaurants.

America in particular has been a mixture of cultures from day 1. Good luck getting Irish people to stop eating pizza, and Christ what a fucked up thing to be worried about. But then again, who are we kidding? No one is mad about Irish people eating pizza...they are mad because their insecurities have led them to believe the only way to get ahead is to put others down.

We're not talking about people protesting multiculturalism. They were supporting a statue of a guy defending slavery, not a statue of a guy opposing white people listening to rock music or eating at Thai restaurants.

America in particular has been a mixture of cultures from day 1. Good luck getting Irish people to stop eating pizza, and Christ what a fucked up thing to be worried about. But then again, who are we kidding? No one is mad about Irish people eating pizza...they are mad because their insecurities have led them to believe the only way to get ahead is to put others down.

Yes, American history is filled with a long line of racists, eugenicists, slave-owners, those who committed genocide against natives, and some "traitors". Basically all of their statues are dedicated to people who were flawed in some way. That's the way history works, trying to erase it doesn't help you overcome it.

America is a mix of cultures, hence I don't believe "white people" are any sort of a collective group (they are many totally different subcultures) and any arguments trying to lump white people together is usually either trying to declare them all evil or all superior (good ol' American eugenics theory). So naturally, when the notion that they are all evil gains a lot of support, many will disagree and over-react and start thinking they're all superior instead. It's two sides of the same coin, and that terrible coin is the idea of treating "white" like it means anything. Whether you're calling "white" good or bad.

When has the notion that all white people are evil gained "a lot" of support, or really, any meaningful support at all?

  1. Critical Race Theory posits this and is an extremely popular ideology within "progressive" Marxist universities and humanity programs, and Obama was a follower of the author of this theory while at university. The idea is that white people are suppressing blacks and the only way to fix this is through violent, radical action.

  2. Nation of Islam is founded on the principle that white people have no souls and were made by an evil scientist named Yakub (I can't make this shit up) - they also believe in Dianetics and are partnered with Scientology. Some of the most popular African American figures like Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X are from this movement. They had a march of 400,000 to 800,000 people on Washington DC in 1995. That isn't trivial support.

  3. Most humanities programs at Universities teach this kind of Marxist logic of intersectionality and racist ideology. They judge everyone by skin colour and Whites are the most evil because they have been the most successful (ergo they must be suppressing all of those who are not as successful).

  4. Very prevalent writers can spout this sort of blatant racism and get no backlash - see Teen Vogue writer for example.

  5. BLM leader in Canada believes that whites are sub-human because they have less melanin or something.

I'd go on with the long list of "Either support that white people are evil or you're a neo-Nazi" which is basically trivial to collect at this point. These are people leading popular movements like BLM and Nation of Islam, popular writers, and very prevalent scholars within the humanities who preach openly racist ideology.

You need to be living under a rock for the last decade to not notice how "progressives" went from "whites are suppressing others" to "whites are inherently less human because of their skin". Just go look on Twitter at what sort of hateful drivel people are spouting.

That still doesn't feel like a lot, especially when you seem to mischaracterize quite a bit. For instance I looked up the Wikipedia for Critical Race Theory and whites being inferior wasn't part of it.

Regardless, two wrongs don't make a right, and oppressed minorities being angry about things makes far more sense than the entitled being angry they aren't even more entitled.

Yes, to be fair Critical Race Theory places more blame on society than white people themselves. Probably not the best example. However, it's still not exactly neutral:

While in law school, Barack Obama told an audience, "Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell." Bell is the same man who famously said, in a recorded television interview, "I live to harass white folks," and proudly advocated what he called a "radical" ideology

Again the more radical elements of "Social Justice" are really easy to find. There are a lot of people calling for "replacement" and saying that White people shouldn't have kids because that is perpetuating racism. I don't wanna be all tinfoil hat "white genocide" but the tone of the most extreme "progressive" types seems to have blatant implications that it isn't just the behaviour of white people that is the problem, it is the fact they exist at all.

Wait so the president in college endorsed a professor who at a different time acknowledged he had radical ideas...therefore racism is okay? Uh what?

What? No, he endorsed someone who had thoughts like these

The theory came around in the 1970s and ’80s as Bell and other law professors and activists became disillusioned with the results of the civil rights movement. Though blacks had supposedly gained equality before the law, they pointed out that whites continued to wield disproportionate power and enjoy superior standards of living. Classical liberal ideals such as meritocracy, equal opportunity, and colorblind justice, they said, actually served the white elite by cloaking and reinforcing society’s deep structural inequalities.

So he's arguing that meritocracy is racist, equal opportunity is racist, and colorblind justice is racist.

I'm not saying racism is OK, I'm saying it doesn't make someone a racist to disagree with people who don't believe in meritocracy and equal opportunity. If you want to know how deep their flawed assumptions go...

Derrick Bell and other legal scholars began using the phrase “critical race theory” in the 1970s as a takeoff on “critical legal theory,” a branch of legal scholarship that challenges the validity of concepts such as rationality, objective truth, and judicial neutrality. Critical legal theory was itself a takeoff on critical theory, a philosophical framework with roots in Marxist thought.

So they don't believe there is such a thing as objective truth or rationality, they do not believe it is possible for the law to be neutral, and they believe in these things because they are Marxists.

These ideas are not "white people are evil" but they basically imply it. They imply a system of equality isn't possible and that every injustice is because white society is evil. It's a non-coherent and philosophically void ideology, but disagreeing with it doesn't make anyone a racist, however obviously some people will go overboard and see it as an attack on their foundations of society (which isn't exactly wrong, that's what Frankfurt School tactics are all about) and then use it to justify racism instead.

But again my main point is that it is an ideology that doesn't believe in equality, hence it is fine to be a racist Critical Race Theory follower, why wouldn't you treat people based on their race? Since it is impossible to have equality, why wouldn't you treat white people differently than everyone else?

So you're saying because some Marxist thinks achieving equality isn't possible in a theory neither of us seems to understand very well, therefore I should dislike people who don't get sun burned as easily as me?

No, I'm saying it is an extremely prevalent academic notion and that it goes as far as the President of the United States believing in such an ideology. Nobody should dislike anyone based on race, however insane Marxists like this want everyone to be in conflict (good ol' Frankfurt ideology, destroy society through relentless criticism) and view everything in the lens of race (because treating people the same no matter what colour they are is racist).

Hence, when something this stupid gets extremely popular and is threatening the core values of our society, it is not a surprise that there is a reactionary ideology which uses it's own tenants against it. Both of those are stupid, racist movements.

Calling Obama a Marxist should have been the craziest thing in that response, but I'll have to give it to the notion that the Charlottesville white supremacists were all grad students so inflamed by theory on social injustice they had no choice but to hate Jews.

Nope it's backlash from a black president, rural folks getting screwed by conservative economics they've been duped into supporting, an internet allowing people to form safe spaces for their bad ideas and recruit emotionally vulnerable followers, and the Republican Party increasingly edging closer and closer to overt racism over the last 15 years or so.

Uhhh what about it is crazy? It's 100% founded in actual fact, do you have any idea about his history? Have you read "Dreams of my Father" and how much he loved Frank Marshall Davis (a registered Communist), he attended the April 1983 Socialist Scholars Conference (100th anniversary of Karl Marx's death), he says of his time at school "Barack Obama sought to prove he had not "sold out" to the system, so he consciously sought out the Marxist professors on campus", he was close with Bill Ayers, he gave public praise of Derrick Bell, he was close to Reverend Jeremiah Wright.... I mean is that just all a coincidence?

It's not like Marxism isn't a common thing in Universities. 18 percent of social scientist professors are self-proclaimed Marxists, not including those who hold those beliefs privately.

Blaming it on "omg black president" is a bit disingenuous. Obama is a drastic departure from what is normal for US politics and was seeking to emulate the Swedish socialist model (no, not Communism). It's not racist for a significant part of the country to be drastically opposed to that, because it is not something seen before in American politics. So if you can explain why Obama isn't a Marxist even though he was inspired by Marxists, studied under Marxists, had close relationships with Marxists, and employed a brand of politics which was a spitting image of Marxism, maybe that'd help me understand more.

I'm not saying he's a Communist. But he's certainly a Socialist, and that isn't the norm for US politics. A few decades ago, Marxism was the US's existential enemy. Expecting there not to be a public backlash against that and blaming it all on racism shows that you ignore policy and facts and only focus on race. Stop projecting your bigotry.

Wasn't Marx white?

Marx was from a Jewish family, although his father was converted to Christianity and Marx himself was an Atheist.

Whether or not Marxism is good or not has nothing to do with his race, it has more to do with his flawed perspective on economics and the harsh reality of the Pareto principle. Hence the economic issue is usually the prime motivator in intellectual anti-Communism/anti-Socialism, not just social causes and who is what race.

Only heavy and repetitive brainwashing can lead one to think that white self-determination or ethnic nationalism is a form of hatred when it is encouraged and applauded in all other peoples.

Heavy and repetitive brain-washing my fat hairy ass. Look at the history of the KKK.....people don't lynch out of love.

I have looked at the history of the KKK. The Tuskegee Institute logged all public lynchings. There were fewer over about 90 years than there are murders in Chicago over the past few years.

Isn't that 90 lynchings too many?

If you mistakenly think they did it "just for fun," then I suppose so.

Either way, it is absurd to think that white people are the only race historically guilty of brutality yet there are those who seemingly think so, and also think that whites must suffer and be destroyed for their exaggerated and misunderstood crimes.

I think you just broke a record in number of straw men per word.

So let me get this straight, you're either cool with Nazis or you think whites are the only race capable of brutality who deserve extreme punishment...?

This may blow your mind, but me and just about everyone else in society holds neither of those two dispicable extremes.

That's the wrong false equivalency. The difference between white nationalists and white supremacists or Nazis is small enough to ignore for all practical purposes, if it exists at all. The false equivalency is the notion that these groups have anything at all to do with President Trump or his supporters.

I'm glad our local nazi is here to set us straight /s

I'm glad our local Hasbara is here to correct the record /s

You're right, anyone who doesn't love nazis, like you, must be CTR.

I don't love Nazis. I try to understand them and where they were coming from, at that point in time in history, but you'll find no love here. When you have a mind like mine, you want to entertain all ideas, play Devil's advocate, and seek truth. You know, really try to figure things out.

According to you, though, anyone who doesn't believe in x,y, or z is a Nazi. That's pretty intellectually dishonest, and lazy. Not to mention, very dangerous. You use the same tactics of Nazis and Authoritarians, and do not even realize it. That's the sad part of all of this...

Holy shit this sub has gone down the drain. Alt right= nazi? Lmfao

You should be shot in the face.


Because you fell for a meme engineered by the left to justify restrictions on speech.

How did I fall for a meme, and how, if I did, does that constitute me being shot in the face (ie. my death)?

It's rhetoric. I'm not gonna shoot you in the face, I just think you should be.

They've been looking for excuses to censor people for years. Then right in the middle of this culture war they're awarded the nazis they always wanted. Fuck you.

It's rhetoric. I'm not gonna shoot you in the face, I just think you should be.

Why should I be, though? You seem violent and unhinged. Scary...

Well I'm not, bulletbrains.

Keep threatening me ;)

Removed. Rule 4.

Alt right is not a euphemism for white nationalism. It was coined by Trump supporters who identified politically as republicans because Trump did, but who didn't support necessarily traditional republican ideas or politicians, such as interventionism and anti-LGBTQ policies.

Alt right is not a euphemism for white nationalism.

Except the very words and deeds betray the truth. Alt-right means rebranded Nazi and nothing else. At this point, Republican is just a short step to overt Nazi, so no love lost from either.

One racist flamer from the UK and cartoon frogs don't make a movement friendly to LGBTQ political issues. The original Nazis were a homosexual movement until Hitler decided that the traditionalist were much easier to control.

I usually see the term used in this way as well. I see people try to conflate it with white supremacy sometimes, but those people tend to be clearly idiots. It seems to me that "alt right" usually means "Trump supporters", specifically Republican-leaning independents who don't like traditional Republicans.

Nazis were also notable for their restrictions on speech. Being a nazi LARPer is not the same as being a nazi.

Yeah, people who identify as neo-Nazis aren't National Socialists. Speaking as a socialist myself who hates the modern form of globalism forced on us, if someone wanted to advocate for a nationalistic kind of socialism, I'd be on board with that. But modern bigots don't take the politicies espoused by the original Nazis, they just see the Nazis had secretly tried to commit genocide and thought "Hey, me too!"

Being a nazi LARPer is not the same as being a nazi.

This is a good point and the reason strong opposition is a necessity.

Nothing is going to change the hardcore, but a ready and willing opposition scares the piss out of the posers.

Alt Right is a euphemism for white nationalism which equates directly to white supremacy which is the guiding principle of the German Nazi Party. If someone joins the white nationalist bowel movement they are by definition Nazis.

Where on earth did you hear that garbage?

This man is alt-right and this was the alt-right hate speech rally that was protested by thousands.

Where does that fit into your definition of alt-right?

Yeah, white nationalists and nazis would fit under that umbrella, but that doesn't mean that just because 1 nazi is under the umbrella, that everybody else is a nazi.

Yes it does.

If you join the club with the Nazis, you become a Nazi.

If David Duke endorses your political candidates, they become scions of the KKK.

If you are matching alongside Nazi flags, Confederate flags and the flags of racist organizations, you are no different than the flag wavers.

If your leaders are throwing Nazi salutes and talking about white nationalism, then they are Nazis.

Cartoon frogs and stupid shit on 4chan doesn't excuse the behavior.

Ok, well I'm now a Nazi, and I'm claiming you as my best friend Spiel_Foss.. I will follow you wherever you go, so you're a Nazi now, congratulations.

I will follow you wherever you go

If you could only make this happen your world would change in a single day.

But don't join racist groups like the Alt-Right or the Republican Party and people won't call you a Nazi. Don't fly racist flags or whine about racist statues and people won't call you a Nazi. Understand that wealth is often theft and race is a social construct. All people are folks and most people just want to get along.

Don't be divisive. Be inclusive. Realize that you are just one-in-a-billion like everyone else and everyone is equal and important until they cross the line to hatred and authoritarianism. Then they seal their own fate.

It really is that simple.

You don't understand. I'm a Nazi and I'm endorsing you. You're my leader. You are now a Nazi.

I'm a Nazi and I'm endorsing you. You're my leader.


Now stand down, reject the Nazi ideology, give your wealth to the poor, turn your swords to plowshares and serve only humanity.

As your leader I reject all fascist ideas, statements and persons and declare the ideology dead. All Nazis must now be hippies and match on Washington, DC to demand all wealth be held by the masses and all politicians are now paupers, all police are now prisoners and all prisoners are now free.

See how easy it is not to be a Nazi.

Now stand down, reject the Nazi ideology, give your wealth to the poor, turn your swords to plowshares and serve only humanity.

No, you don't understand. You understood an hour ago, why can't you understand now? I'm a Nazi, and I'm now associating with you. So, you're a Nazi now.

I'm a Nazi,

Not any more.

You declared me leader by your own free will and I denazified you.

Am I the leader? Yes or no?

Your leader rejects all Nazi associations and organizations.

Your leader declared all Nazis are now hippies.

So grow out that stupid haircut. Burn that stupid Fred Perry shirt.

Your leader has declared the Nazi movement over.

(I would have thought even an ignorant fucker like Donny Trump would have understood how easy it is to change the narrative.)

Unfortunately for you, the media only covered my Nazi association with you and didn't realize that we aren't speaking anymore. So, you're still a Nazi. Once a Nazi, always a Nazi.

Once a Nazi, always a Nazi.

Not true. Look at yourself.

CNN just did a 90 minute special about how you become "denazified" and now you are hanging out with Don Lemon and your new African-American significant other. Oprah has a special planned for next week called "Yes! Nazis can change".

You are a left-wing hero. Bernie Sanders wants your autograph.

In all seriousness, watch this:

Since you said all alt-right people are white nationalists, watch it, what'll it hurt? I'm a left-wing independent, I was just messing with you. Not all Alt-Right are Nazis.

Not all Alt-Right are Nazis.

Then perhaps they need to dump Richard Spencer and his friends.

It's kind of hard not to be associated with Nazis when the number one spokesperson for the group is a cartoon Nazi and they walk around with torches chanting "Blood and Soil" or "Jews will not replace us".

We shouldn't be giving a pass to one side and not the other.

Except one side is Nazis and the other side is not Nazis.

If Donny Dumbass wasn't President these kids would have never left the basement. They seem to all be privileged little pukes with a tenuous grasp of the real world.

Then perhaps they need to dump Richard Spencer and his friends.

How do they do that if they're not centralized? This is where we're having a disagreement. Alt-Right is a blanket term that encompasses a wide variety of political thinkers, not a defined group.

What you're doing is called an inductive fallacy. You're labeling all by the actions of few.

Only the Democrats are not Nazis...Is that what you're saying? Soon you'll advocate for the speech of anyone other than radical leftists to become illegal. You're going down a dangerous path there, fascist.

And who are the lucky judges of what is hatred and authoritarian? Didn't you just say we are all equal and important? Or are some more important than others?

Hang on a second. Did you just say that membership of the Republican Party was fair grounds for someone to be branded a Nazi? Really? You've lost all contact with reality if you believe that's a reasonable statement to make....

white supremacy which is the guiding principle of the German Nazi Party.

I'd argue that socialism is the guiding principle of the German Nazi Party.

9/11 being accomplished with box cutters seems worse to me

And that jet that crashed into the ground that day and completely buried itself underground according to the official story. That was a good one too.

That was not something anyone claimed to have happened.

Hahahahaha that is literally the official story. They had to dig deep into the group to get about 80% of the plane. Haahhaha you seem to not remember that the reason they claimed this was possible was because the soil was extremely soft because there used to be a mine there. They said the rest of the plane that didn't go underground broke off the went into the woods. Nice try though.

You linked a blogspot as evidence. Do you not see how silly that is?

He's probably the author

You got me!

The content of the post is what's relevant, not the medium. It's years old so a couple sources are no longer available, but the blogger does include several sources from media outlets. Where else were people supposed to gather and share information back when the post was made?

The cockpit voice recorder, one of two black boxes aboard the plane, was found 25 feet below ground in the crater created when the plane struck the ground 

This is seriously the most basic common knowledge of the official story. You were wrong but people are wrong all the time but what is absolutely hilarious is that you thought nobody claimed the plane burried itself underground because you know it sounds absurd.

Go research the official recovery of flight 93. You were wrong and almost 3/4th of the plane supposedly burried itself underground hahaha

You are wrong; he/she is correct. By the way you responded, I imagine you are used to such an arrangement.

The best magic trick I have ever seen was how they made BLDG7 dissappear.

What about passports magically being found on the city streets even though jet fuel melts steel beams? That one is pretty hilarious. I've never heard a crazier conspiracy theory than the "official" account of what happened on 9/11.

passports wins for sure ! ... literally not even these antifa morons could argue for that being logical. and they can argue for the dumbest shit on earth

the only thing antifa argues for is fascists fucking off back home.

its literally in the name.

they punch people for wearing a republican hat ... gimme a break was u.c Berk a fascist thing no thats a joke what u said

"republican hat"

lol. antifa is a specific black-bloc protest movement. some cunt punching another for wearing a hat just some cunt punching another for wearing a hat.

neither side comes off looking real good in that regard anyway.

Yeah they pepper spray innocent young girls for wearing "Make Bitcoin great again" hats.

Nobody gives a shit about what the overall goal of antifa is and what they do in other countries. They have done nothing in the US besides hurt people.

You aren't allowed to be conservative. They will fuck you up. There's about 1000 hours worth of video online if you want to check it out.


Trumps isn't a conservative, hes a fascist. No one has any issue with conservatives having their say. Just like no one has any issue with socialists having their say, both contribute to the democratic conversation and can be reasoned with, however on both the left and the right, theres a point at which the rhetoric becomes exclusive and undemocratic.

communism and fascism are both dangerous, totalitarian ideologies that have between them killed hundreds of millions people in the 20th century.

You're right bitcoin hats make you look like a fascist! That's literally what you just said. The rest of what you so is beyond illogical. But it appears you're not from the US so you can't really understand what's going on.

I know dozens of conservatives who believe in equal gay rights, found slavery to be horrible etc. but that doesn't stop antifa from beating the shit out of anyway they see who may have the slightest disagreement with them.

Talk time is over with antifa. I hope they get a little more violent so we can get this civil war started.

*maga hats, and you've given no evidence that that incident has anything to do with antifa. you're acting like everyone that opposes trump is antifa.

also, you've complaining about violence while calling for civil war. good shit bro, super convincing right there :)

*MAGA hats, and you've given no evidence that that incident has anything to do with antifa. you're acting like everyone that opposes trump is antifa. prety funny :)

also, you're complaining about violence while calling for civil war. good shit bro, super convincing moral high ground right there :)

Hey buddy it's the internet but no need to lie and say it was a MAGA hat when it was a bitcoin hat. If you did any research at all you'd see that the incident was from Berkeley when people who wore all black, waved anarchist flags and called themselves anti-fascists tried burning the town down. But I'm sure they weren't Antifa.

You cant provide any evidence of antifa doing something good in the US other than fighting neo nazis in VA. You have nothing while I have 100+ hours of them causing violence on video.

Antifa already declared war. There's no moral high ground when one side is attacking innocent people and putting them in the hospital every weekend. Nice try though.

facepalm a bitcoin hat that looked exactly like a maga hat.

do you read every tshirt that you walk past?? that's super weird.

and where did i dispute that antifa was at berkeley? whats your point?? and who are you trying to prove it to? i've said several times i don't have a horse in this race. its your country thats collapsing and the world will be a lot better off without it :)

Antifa's slogan: spray first, read hat later!

holy shit, are you an actual moron or have you just run out of reasoned argument?

no one cares, you're a bunch of terrorists already.


and its not like the american right-wing doesn't have form for that kinda mass murdering stunt already.

but hey, 168 people dead, lets cry about hats. waaaaaaaaah.

holy shit, are you an actual moron or have you just run out of reasoned argument?

no one cares, you're a bunch of actual terrorists.


and its not like the american right-wing doesn't have form for that kinda mass murdering stunt already.

but hey, 168 people dead, lets cry about hats and mean ol' antifa that doesn't put up with our bullshit. waaaaaaaaah. I'm gonna civil war you meanies, sniffle sniffle, you'll see..... waaaaaaaah.

jesus fucking christ, grow the fuck up already.

That was such an embarrasing post on your part. You brought up a bombing from over 22 years ago as a reason we're "all terrorists". I can go back one week for an islamic attack but that doesn't mean they're all terrorists. 22 years hahahaha.

It's cool you're an antifa sympathizer. Once again I have hundreds of hours of them attacking innocent people and you have nothing. Just sitting behind your computer seething with anger.

If you ever wanna provide video of them attacking actual fascists in America(besides VA) then let me know. If not just keep your mouth shut.

seething with anger?? lol, you're the one calling for civil war. I've said several times before, I'm not an antifa sympathiser. I'm just giving you a history lesson, which is why you feel safe trying to attack me :)

waaaaaaaaaaaaah.... rofl.

seething with anger?? lol, projection much? you're the one calling for civil war. I've said several times before, I'm not an antifa sympathiser. I'm just giving you a history lesson, which is why you feel safe trying to attack me :)

thats you, buddy. but who cares huh?

hatlivesmatter rofl

You're trying to make it seem like it's absurd for pointing out that a girl was pepper sprayed for wearing a hat. Of course you can keep doing that if you want but I'm just pointing out what you're doing and it doesn't make you seem intelligent.

i don't think its absurd, i criticise antifa tactics too. however i stop doing so when you start murdering people and calling for civil war.



You literally took my post and put it in another thread hoping to get upvotes. Yikes. "Hey guys look at this mean person!" Like I said you're sitting there seething.

You can waste more time from your life and put this comment in another thread if you need to? Maybe you'll get an actual upvote this time?

upvotes?? lol, you care about upvotes? really? dude thats really kinda sad.

You have downvoted my comments and you say you don't care about upvotes.

You literally took the time to bring my comment to a different sub in the hopes of getting upvotes.

Solid logic.

I mean t isn't completely impossible that a passport could survive the crash because when any plane crashes the explosion does send debris into a bunch of different directions.

What is fucking laughable is that we're expected to believe that they literally found the fucking hijacker's passport on the sidewalk. That is just like a one in a billion chance.

I would almost NOT report it because if I'm an authority that found it, people I would report it to would think I'm crazy when I bring it up

A one in a billion chance is still a chance though, isn't it? I doubt many of us can claim to be actual experts on what happens when an airliner blows up and what happens to everything that was inside said airliner. I realise it's an unlikely proposition, but the fact there's even intelligent life on this planet is an insanely unreasonable proposition, unlikely shit happens all the fuckin' time. Could be that there's something fishy going on here, but when people point to that example as CONCRETE EVIDENCE OF COVERT FUCKERY it's definitely a bit of a reach.

I'm not sure why you were downvoted for your reply to my comment. I can't say I agree with you but you were level headed about your response.

As long as you have basic understanding of what happens when an airplane explodes then you basically know that there's a million different variables. An expert can't tell you how the materials and luggage will fall. But a passport that is most likely in his bag or in his pocket is extremely unlikely to fall onto the sidewalk. Statistically the chances are insane.

But also the chance that we're the ONLY life in the universe is 1 in 60,000,000,000 so if anything you shouldn't be surprised life exists.

You are correct that there are a million variables, but i'd say that makes it more likely that something that unusual would happen. We'l never know what happened on that plane, perhaps he had his passport in his pocket but it fell out in some kind of altercation as they attempted to take over the cockpit (if that happened) or any other number of things.

Of course, the people who believe that it was some sort of plant may be completely correct! My issue isn't with people who think that may have been the case, rather people who refuse to entertain the notion that anything else happened, ya get me?

it was probably in his luggage. when something like that happens theres literally debris everywhere, and isnt it the job of the clean up crew to collect it all and start sorting it out? i mean, they have to do it with the body parts and try to identify people...

But the black boxes where nowhere to be found. Whoopsies.

And let's not forget about the phone calls.

They 'just happened' to find one of the terrorists passport on the ground in NYC. smh.


I'm not convinced 9/11 even involved real planes. I mean, did anyone actually see them take off. We all know it was a controlled explosion, but what people need to take a look at is how the planes were choppy and had visual glitches in the footage. Hollywood is controlled by the government, so how hard would it be to do a big-budget "show"?

Project blue beam hologram Look it up

Holograms make aircraft tires fly into the streets and into buildings? 🤔

I'm strong believer that the "holographic theory" is dis-info, they wouldn't even have needed holographic planes to convince people, that is the job for the MSM. However, your point doesn't mean planes would have been needed for aircraft parts to be found. They could easily have been planted there.

Many of the eye witness accounts of the (legitimate) people on the street suggest a missile rather than a plane. Also, when you look into the engine components themselves, with image comparison, they have been proven not to be parts that American Airlines used (IIRC the engine shielding is from another engine design).

Interesting. Can you please list out all of the directors behind that piece for me? One time I watched - what I thought - was a really good documentary about the health behind mangos, but the who cast of the movie was tied with one of the largest mango exporting companies. Never ate a mango again.

..because you don't like mangos? one mango cartel ruined all mangos for you for ever??

seems like an over reaction, but w/e, more mangos for me.

Eat your fluoride filled mangos. Less for me.

Ah, its the fluoride now, not the cartel funded documentary.

Nice pivot.

Are you retarded?

Looks like a liberal from r/all came to this post... Great.

Claiming no planes were involved seems to be a popular bullshit "theory" people put forward to make conspiracy theorists look stupid. As if me saying "The US government knew in advance and allowed the attack" is equally fantastic as claims of the buildings being destroyed by scifi alien weapons and also every piece of video we saw was 2001-era CGI work from Hollywood.

do they actually think no planes were involved as in no flying objects were involved and all we (viewers) saw was cgi?

People don't all believe the same thing. The leading theory is that there was a plane-like object in the second crash, but it was black and smaller than a commercial jet. Not enough recorded of the first crash to say anything particular about that one.

Hasn't everyone seen the footage of what looks like a missile being shot into the 2nd tower?? I think the planes were drones or something of the like that flew in directly as a controlled demolition went off.

Most people here, maybe, have seen it. Most people not in this forum and the like have not.

I don't think anyone actually believes that stupid shit, but yeah, I've seen people try to claim that the planes seen in multiple videos from multiple angles were all CGI.

This kind of no plane, energy weapon, garbage is posted to the 911 sub on a daily basis. Much poison to go around.

seems to be a popular bullshit "theory" people put forward

Grouping the "no-plane" theory together with Alien energy weapons has been the real problem and the true dis-info. Aliens? That's bullshit.

No planes? If you think about it, it would make the execution of 9/11 orders of magnitude easier to execute on as a real life operation. No planes means no need for real physics, which would explain a lot. Further more, no dead passengers, no need for terrorists and must less to go wrong. I would also add that hitting to buildings directly in the center was technology that the US openly had in 2001. Missiles. No Alien weapons required.

I guess my point is that the theories are not mutually exclusive.

You've been duped... Twice.

I'm not convinced 9/11 even involved real planes.

No planes = the MEDIA put the CGI on television for us to see.

Those who run the MEDIA did 911?

The media did say the building collapsed before it did. They also some how interviewed random people that knew who were behind the attacks. Lots of funny stuff happened in the media that day.

Agreed. I have always though that September clues shines a good light on the TV fuckery that was going on that day.

There were definitely commercial airplanes that flew into the two main towers, I didn't watch on TV but saw it with my own eyes.

Focus on tower 7 and why the twin towers actually collapsed, they were built to withstand this exact scenario. They didn't collapse from the plane crash, that I am certain of. Someone was pushing buttons to drop those buildings. That's what it looked like to me. What happened after those planes crashed is sketchy at best.

One thing I will never forget is how they had been working on the towers for months leading up to this attack. The whole summer half the building seemed to be blocked off or full of workers. I thought 'sweet they're finally doing a proper overhaul'... Oh yes. A proper overhaul indeed.

No. Just no. I'm interested to see some sources on some theories showing cgi airplanes! but peddling the 'no planes' idea is hazardous to your health so let's justs let this one go.


Just watch the live coverage it becomes pretty obvious.

The planes were real. CIA have strong ties to Saudis (that's also why Islam is becoming so entrenched in the west). It is not that hard to get a few nutjobs. But it is also possible the planes were empty and remote controled.

I lean towards remotely controlled planes as it seems to have been part of a plan during the Cuban/CIA ordeal in the 60's that never came to fruition.

No sources sited. Exactly as I thought...

It's amazing that a little box cutter changed the world. Talk about thinking outside the box.


I'm not necessarily opposed to a good 9/11 conspiracy theory, but I never understood why people hone in on the box cutters aspect of the story. There's nothing unbelievable about terrorists using fear to dominate a scene.

Cut myself with a boxcutter the other day. I'm certain I'd be fine with getting cut a couple times to stop someone from taking over my plane.

In hindsight, yeah. That's why it ain't never happening again.

Bingo. Before 9/11, the common wisdom was that we were supposed to just comply with the hijackers and everything would work out. It was the safe plan, and it worked fine for decades.

Now, however... a hijacker tries that boxcutter shit and he'll instantly be buried in a mass of passengers, because now we know that complying has a huge change of getting you killed.

Before 9/11 there was wisdom? That shit is extinct now.

Okay, Marky Mark.

Untrained pilots couldn't pull off those maneuvers.

Didn't they say they also had bombs?

I guess you didn't see any of the videos of the giant group of people chanting "blood and soil" and "jews will not replace us."

You don't have to pretend there was only why supremacist there. There was a ton of them.

There were lots but I still think it's manufactured. Id wager most if not all were paid actors.

Nah, that's a cop out. It's not a big deal that conservatives have white supremacists in their corner. Just acknowledge that they are assholes you don't agree with and move on. It's so petty to keep pretending every conservative asshole is a paid actor.

I'm with you somewhat. Theres tons of shitty conservatives and there's still many racists in the country.

Everything about this event stunk like shit though. It was professionally shot and all this shit. I'd bet a good amount of dough it was a fucking professional fakery operation.

It was professionally shot and all this shit.

Almost like the news was there to cover the protests?

I'll take that bet!

Yeah, news people with good cameras showed up because it was news. "Professionally shot" just means a camera more expensive than an iPhone.

Is that your coping mechanism?


Come on man.


Id wager most if not all were paid actors.

How can you honestly type this unironically?

Because the gov't was caught doing shit like that before and I'm cynical. Look up COINTELPRO.

How is that "supremacist"?

Is racist a better term?

How is it racist? Also, define racism while you're at it.

The blood and soil chant comes literally from Nazi Germany.

You still haven't explained how that's "supremacist".

You still haven't explained how that's "supremacist".

only NAZIS ask for explanations, NAZI

Lol. Sad delusional little losers with empty, meaningless lives, looking for some purpose and finding it in "fighting" imaginary bogeymen.

INB4 "Projecting!"

Lol. Sad delusional little losers with empty, meaningless lives, looking for some purpose and finding it in "fighting" imaginary bogeymen.

INB4 "Projecting!"

you know i was agreeing with you, right?

Yup. As I you. :)

Yup. As I you. :)


i'd hoped so, but one can't be too sure these days...


One can't be too sure

Yeah, I took me a second or two to determine if it was a joke or not because that's exactly how they act, with all the sincerity they can muster.

you... seriously... don't know... how nazi chants... are supremacist? how slow do i need to talk to get through to you?

now i can't fucking believe that YOU aren't some paid stooge trying to make it seem like nazis aren't that big of a deal.

Pretend I'm slow and explain it to me. What part of the chant is explicitly supremacist? "Supremacist" being the operative word. I've double checked by looking it up and am not sure how it applies.

The blood and soil chant comes literally from Nazi Germany.

it literally doesn't


Fucking Google it big guy.

Fucking Google it big guy.


The slogan blood and soil is an English translation of German: Blut und Boden, a nineteenth century German idealization of a racially defined national body ("blood") united with a settlement area ("soil"). By it, rural and farm life forms are not only idealized as a counterweight to urban ones, but are also combined with racist and anti-Semitic ideas of a sedentary Germanic-Nordic peasantry as opposed to (specifically Jewish) nomadism. The contemporary German concept Lebensraum, the belief that the German people needed to reclaim historically German areas of Eastern Europe into which they could expand, is tied to it.

Sounds no different than the rhetoric you'd hear from American Indian tribes, Mexican La Raza enthusiasts, Black Afro-centrists and White SJW's.

Or... wait for it... Jewish Nationalists.

AKA Zionists

Promised Land, anyone???

Exactly. The Nazis chanted this exact same slogan.

Exactly. The Nazis chanted this exact same slogan.

yes, but that wasn't what you originally claimed

Moreover, the swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol symbolizing peace. And red and black are just nice colors.

I'm German. I only ever heard about Blut und Boden in connection with Nazis.

And the nazi salute comes directly from America's original pledge of allegiance, and before that, from Rome. What's your point?

You can get a giant crowd of furries assembled in one place too, so what?

There's a lot of racism in the country, no doubt about that, but to tie it to some widespread 'Nazism' movement in the US is hysteria.

when the POTUS defends them, that's when it becomes a story. all Trump had to do was say it was a horrible thing and denounce them and move on. but he just couldn't fucking do it. did CNN change his words? did they fabricate the video footage?


"why havent you denounced x yet. Why didnt you disavow them more?? Disavow them again!"

The insatiable left everybody. Despite disdaining Trump so much you care about his opinion on a group nobody likes? Like get your goals straight

I'm not aware of Trump defending Nazis, what's your source on that? I watched his controversial press conference and it seemed that he said, yes, there were bad people at that protest and that there were also more normal people who were there to protest statue removal.

I don't really agree that 'white supremacism' is a defining feature for Trump and I look on these attempts to paint him like with suspicion. I think first and foremost he's a Trump Supremacist and he's going to try and do what he can to stay in power. This idea of 'political correctness gone crazy' is a vote-winner for him so it doesn't surprise me that he's slow to condemn elements of the right. Again - I doubt there are that many actual Nazis in the USA.

Jews or you will not replace us?

Yes, only second to the media manipulation going on during the election.

More artificial and manufactured than the Russian fear craze? Or the fake news run around pizzagate time?

Yes, everything you don't like is a manufactured lie, it doesn't exist

We're the "Jews will not replace us" chants also exaggerated by the media?

Blood and Soil was another. The terrorist's organization was also "Vanguard America", very fascist.

Blood and Soil was another

the expression blut und boden predates national socialism

The only two groups there were The Pedophiles and The Meth Cooks.

Haven't been paying much attention have you.

that picture, which i've seen before, demonstrates that he posed (and likely marched) with them -- that's all

Also blut und boden has always been racist

that point was not under dispute

A racially defined national body ("blood") united with a settlement area ("soil").

sort of like israel?

If it walks like a fascist, talks like a fascist, kills like a fascist...

Yes just like Israel. I'm against Zionism and any form of supremacy.

If it walks like a fascist, talks like a fascist, kills like a fascist...

please define fascism

Yes just like Israel. I'm against Zionism and any form of supremacy.

then we are in agreement

An authoritarian political system founded on racial pseudoscience, nationalistic fervor and social Darwinism.

An authoritarian political system founded on racial pseudoscience, nationalistic fervor and social Darwinism.

how does that describe italy under mussolini?

sirius question.

It doesn't need all three. I was trying to cover the different forms of fascism.

Oh, nice attempt at deflection after trying to casually admit being wrong.

Oh, nice attempt at deflection after trying to casually admit being wrong.

i have no idea what you're typing about

blaming the jews when you have no actual argument

you aren't even trying to hide it anymore dude.

blaming the jews when you have no actual argument

to correct the record: all that i did was link to a piece, by a jewish author, which details jewish involvement with and concerns about american immigration policy. the wording of the link i provided was, verbatim, the title of the piece in question.

did you read it?

you aren't even trying to hide it anymore dude.

hide what?

blaming the jews when you have no actual argument

how does my comment "blame the jews"?

you know that there are jewish individuals who regard the present-day zionist state as fascist in nature, correct?

you aren't even trying to hide it anymore dude

hide what?

Let's not forget about Antifa, they were the ones who started the fights and are much more relevant and fascist these days.

While they're thuggish, they're not "fascist." Stop using the term so loosely.

Shutting down people's speeches because you disagree and using violence to do so is the DEFINITION of fascist...

No it isn't lmfao. Fascism is a political system.

You're right, shutting down political speeches which you disagree with and using violence to achieve political goals is fascist, thank your for agreeing with me.

Using violence and intimidation for political purposes is terrorism, not fascism.

But it's not just violence they actively try to shut down speeches THEY deem as hate speech by any means possible. If would like to agree with you that they are fascist terrorists but they haven't really committed any acts of terror. The fact remains that they are a fascist movement despite what their name implies.

But it's not just violence they actively try to shut down speeches THEY deem as hate speech by any means possible.

They doesn't in any way make them fascists. I think you are confused about the definition of fascist. It's about more than just shutting down opposition speech.

Antifa are mostly anarchists, in which case they have no political goal except to stem the tide of fascism, which has been a historical past time. Not sure if you've noticed but anarchists don't typically engage in our political system. Or in the case of paid instigators, they're there to rile up tension among the population to divide and conquer.

Fascism is unacceptable, history has extensively exhibited it in all its bloody light and racial bigotry has no place in society. It is primitive and destructive. It chills me to the bone that folks like yourself would likely not extend these same moral passes and courtesies to communists given the opportunity, and America has historically favored fascism and done its utmost to exterminate communism.

I wonder how you would've reacted to the Pinkertons. Or the beatings and murders of trade unionists and labor leaders. How about that Night of Long Knives? This is all fascism entails. Violence and hatred, whether against working people or people with more melanin. Or do you think they're going to be kind to black people or Jews if they get a hold of power?

I wouldn't bother, mate. These people just can't or don't want to understand what political fascism is.

That's quite the personality change.

No, you just don't understand what fascism is and I feel bad for you.

I don't understand... Linking me to a screencap of a comment that wasn't meant for you? Yeah you clearly don't. I'm sorry you can't comprehend simple fact and I genuinely do feel sorry, maybe go look up some antifa clips on YouTube.

Haha sure thing troll. Come back when you know what fascism is, or do you need to kill a few Muslims first?

Get well soon :)

I'm more worried about your mental health, fascist apologist. I wonder if I can expect to see you in an updated version of this.

Fascist apologist? OK mate I'm done here, you've shown me you clearly understand my views and how smart you are, well done. Have a good one :)

You're a fascist apologist who doesn't even know what fascism is. It's amusing, thanks.


I concur!

You can't accept you are/were 'mistaken' using the term "fascist" and learn something and move on

na, you have to be right, even when you're clearly wrong

and the force your mistaken beliefs upon other e.g.

thank you for agreeing with me.

lol nowyou sound like a fascist!

Yeah ok you know what you talk about thanks for enlightening me

Right OK thanks for the pointless link? I'm sorry but it's a matter of fact, not opinion, that antifa are a fascist movement. This is proven by any clip they are featured in on the internet. Starting riots, using violence, assaulting people who disagree, trying to remove people from public property because they "aren't welcome here" is fascist. There's nothing you can say to change fact, wether you disagree or not, sorry.

Pointless link?

Benito Mussolini invented and defined fascism. You don't just get to make up whatever meaning you want for words.

Fascism is a socialist political ideology.

OK so to get this straight, you think it isn't fascist to shut down speech you disagree with by way of force, trying to remove people from expressing their beliefs on public property and assaulting people who disagree with you?

Yes, I am saying you have no idea what fascism is. Especially when you call anarchists fascist.

OK, you're clearly too smart for me. It's impossible to be both, you're right. Happy Redditing :)

Facsits want a strong totalitarian & authoritarian one party state, that does whatever necessary to support its corporations & party and the expense of civil rights and liberties. Anarchists want no state at all. So yes it is inherently impossible to be both.

they were the ones who started the fights

That is not true at all. The fighting started on a Friday when the alt right protesters marched onto the campus and found a small group of students and facility members, encircled them and begun to mace them.

Sure sure

what do you think "antifa" stands for?

calling them 'fascists' is so ridiculous it immediately makes whoever does so appear a complete and ignorant fool who's parroting what they've been TOLD!

how long do you think 'antifa' has been around for?

did you even bother to UTFSE and google them, maybe find out something about them other than what you've been told? No Of course not;

like most people you haven't becoz that takes effort and critical thinking skills, things you don't have becoz it's 'too hard' so you let others do it for you ,, and around we go again!

sorry, what terrorism is this?

The one who deliberately drove his car into a crowd.

you think that was an act of terrorism?

Act of violence perpetrated for political reasons, yes. Or does it only count when they're brown?

so you think james fields went to the charlottesville rally with the plan to run over counterprotesters. or came to the decisiion to run over counterprotesters, and did this as a political act of violence?

what do you believe this based on?

Were the "Jews will not replace us" chants also exaggerated by the media?

the jewish stake in america's changing demography

Ssshhh don't mention that goy >:0 downvotes

Open borders for Israel!


Nazis marching and chanting is not new. The hysteria and free marketing is.

White supremacy is an issue now because the President keeps not disavowing them. The best he could do is read out a written statement and then immediately go back and say that he is against violence on "many sides".

Will the media stop if he does?

All they're doing right now is replacing the terrorist scare with Nazis.

The media's job is reporting whatever is happening the way that would it get the most viewers. If a Nazi parade is happening, a Nazi protester kills runs a car into an anti-Nazi demonstration and the President refuses to say that Nazis are responsible, then conveniently the best way for news organizations to report it is exactly how it happens.

There isn't really a Nazi scare, the media isn't going "oh the Nazis are coming for your children!!!". They're going "Nazis are happening and Trump considers them just a side among many".

No, the media's job isn't reporting whatever is happening the way it would get the most viewers, that's what tabloids are for, although I guess you could argue that being "media" if you're anal about it.

Well, the market is segmented by levels of integrity. Within a certain category of integrity, you do your best to attract customers.

I never understand these people. They're in a conspiracy subreddit then act like the universe has some hidden moral code that we all are born knowing. The media is composed of humans; tell me about them? Greedy, lying assholes sometimes? I'm shocked.

violence on "many sides".

Is your claim that the violence is one sided?

The violence clearly has many sides to those that live in reality, Antifa is a peaceful organization now?

I don't particularly like Antifa, but white supremacist want to go back to lynching blacks, and the Nazis want to kill most of the population in the US, so there really is no contest. Even comparing violence in that particular demonstration, one group put a little use into bats and pepper spray, and the other group drove a car into the crowd. There is one side worth talking about.

That's is what you are saying. I could say that BLM wants to kill cops and Antifa is a communist organization.

One group shot down a GOP representative and killed multiple cops the other group drove a car into a crowd (not unlike the Somali student from Ohio state before he knifed people not that long ago).

Yet lets pretend there is only violence from one side. At least Nazis are despised by everyone meanwhile Antifa and leftist extremist have media support and much larger numbers.

Nazi ideology is genocidal. Everyone one of the people marching there is pro genocide. If they had their way, the US would kill dozens of millions of its own citizens. How can you even try to compare that ideology to a black rights movement with regrettable violent fringes? Violence isn't a fringe with white supremacist and Nazis, violence is the ideology.

Nazi ideology isn't the only one that is genocidal, history backs that up as we've seen genocide for various reasons (with communism being the MVP of genocide).

You miss my point entirely, I'm not the one trying to justify or relativize violence.

Communism isn't a genocidal ideology, though it's bad enough to have caused some genocides in the past.

I'm saying that a Nazi rally is by definition a demonstration in favor of mass violence. I don't pretend that there's violence only on one side, but just because two sides have some nonzero amount of violence doesn't make them comparable. I am trying to relativize violence, and I'm pitching advocating mass-murder of millions of people against a black rights movement that is largely non-violent.

I'm not justifying violence on any side, but Nazis and white supremacist are in favor of violence and it's ridiculous to chastise anti-Nazis for being violent.

"I'm not justifying violence on any side, but Nazis and white supremacist are in favor of violence and it's ridiculous to chastise anti-Nazis for being violent."

Come on, isn't that statement just full of contradictions?

I am not justifying the violence. I am saying that if you focus on Antifa then you're missing the important part.

To me they simply feed each other, go on the street with baseball bats looking for a fight and you are going to find it.

You might be under that impression if you forget for a second that the Nazis are for killing half of the US population and the other side is a against them. I can't seem to ignore this fact.

You give Nazis way too much credit, they are irrelevant outside of the MSM narrative.

they display hatred towards white people openly and even go as far as to impose racist laws that discriminate people by color or ethnicity.

Holy shit, this is like T_D levels of fragility!

To me

Yeah, but that doesn't matter, though. Nobody gives a shit. Words have meanings, reals>feels

Please, please stop talking to that account. It is not here to converse with you, it is here to ignore facts and completely twist the truth 180 degrees. Do not allow them to spread their gaslighting garbage.


good thing most of these white nationalists aren't nazis then, by your own definition.

One group? There is zero evidence that the GOP congressman shooter was in any way affiliated with a group of any kind, much less AntiFa.

Whereas the other guy was photographed alongside VanguardAmerica fascists.

Why are you bringing a completely different incident into this that has nothing to do with AntiFa?

Are you even reading what I wrote it is pretty clear. If that guy wasn't a member of any group just substitute that example with "attempting to murder someone by hitting them in the head with a a metal lock".

My point still stand its easy to portray just one side as being violent when you ignore all the violence from the other side.

You're another one of these jokers I see. You're nothing but a terrorist sympathizer. You excuse political violence, who gives a shit what side. You excuse more than 18 back-months of nationwide antifa violence because one dumbfuck rammed a crowd.

Keep defending terrorists and labeling all dissenting opinion as pro-nazi like a good little fascist.

A GOP representative was gunned down not that long ago.

So was a Democratic representative...

Your point?

violence clearly has many sides

Did you just stole my point?

Did you just stole my point?

I didn't steal your point, just reiterating it. You have to acknowledge all sides. Are we forgetting the historical, well documented violence committed by the police towards racial minorities? Which greatly out number "Black supremacist... killing cops." (by the way cop deaths always makes it onto the MSM.) You can't make it seem like the right is the only victim when both sides are.

I've seem him denouncing them many times. What does he have to say? Its not like he ever showed support to those groups in the first place.

Sorry if I don't fall for the ludicrous attempt to group Trump with Nazis.

the nazis, richard spencer, david duke dont agree with you. they saw the statements as support. so did everyone else. soo i guess everyone is pretty much on the front page except for trump supporters who arent nazis, who want give the biggest benefit of the doubt

So you believe Trump support Nazis?

i think he goes out of his way to not offend them because someone (probably bannon) had him convinced they were a big part of his base. trump doesnt go after people who support him, and he relentlessly attacks anyone who attacks him. youre telling me he would unleash a tweetstorm on the chick from morning joe but cant say the kkk sucks? whats going on there?

he wont attack the white supremacists because they support him and always have

Considering a massive portion of his most rabid followers are open white nationalists...

Black supremacist

when all you want is equality under the law but white supremacists spin it anyway.

Do you need to disavow something you never avowed?

Why do the left need to screech about "YOU NEED TO DISAVOW REE YOU HAVENT DISAVOWED ENOUGH!!!"

Why does Trumps disdain of a group matter to you if you think so little?

I think a lot. They support him.

Meant to add "think so little of him"

You also didnt address anything

I answered your question. If white supremacist support you, you need to disavow them. It's very simple.

Why? Why do you need to?

That is such a joke of an opinion and you should feel ashamed. That kind of bullshit is how every single modern president manages to get away with murder by supporting terrorists, then "disavowing" their actions to "prove" to you he is not involved. Even bringing it up would be doing more support for them than he currently is. He even stated that "racism is evil" after the Charlottesville riots. What more do you expect? The people that kill people go to prison. Racist or not. You are the one making it a problem by convincing yourself it is a problem.

Because they are all interpreting what he's said as approval. The daily stormer was practically wetting themselves in excitement because he didn't use strong terms to disavow them.

Some irrelevant website which is only popular because of alt-left outrage is excited? Keep talking about them so they stay in the spotlight

It's run by the folks who organized and applied for the permits in charlottesville. And it was on the front page several times since charlottesville because they lost their hosting 3 times. It's not irrelevant, it is the home of my enemy. Not because I am alt-left but because it is populated by people who want me and my family dead. And by people who want to destroy the democracy of the country I call home.

You ever heard of the website before 2 weeks ago?

No I didnt think so.

I bet it has 1000x more traffic now than it did before. Thanks to the alt left

Alright, so a 2nd tier response in buried in a 3rd rate subreddit is driving traffic to their website. More traffic than all the publicity of being shutdown by godaddy, google hosting and some .ru provider. I actually tried googling the site to see if I could find it and it didn't turn up, other than lots of news articles about what it is and what's happened to their hosting for the past few weeks.

Does it matter when I heard about the site, does that somehow correlate to it's relevance? Do you often answer questions for people you're having a discussion with? Do you realize that "alt left" is a MSM fabrication, and that most antifas would be horrified to be lumped in with any mainstream leftist?

So you havent heard of the website before. Immediately giving results to the entire thing.

Some irrelevant website which probs couldnt pay for their hosting is now extremely popular

A, there's no such thing as alt-left. B, of course I've heard of the Daily Stormer. For one, search this subreddit for mentions of it.

Alt left exists. Well I hadnt so the alt left made at least 1 person know it exists

No. What happened was that the President wanted there to be "many sides" that he could blame for being bad, instead of just one. So he took the alt-right and flipped it so that he could blame the left that they're as bad as the right, while in fact, they aren't.

Alt right is a term coined a few years ago by Richard Spencer. Spencer operates, which by the way currently has enlightening headline "The Alt-Right And Antifa Are Exactly The Same". There are zero leftists who call themselves alt-left, though. The alt-left is a movement that doesn't exist. You're telling me now that it exists because Trump used the term and it's kinda convenient for you guys to have an equivalent other side that's just as bad. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist. SAD!

It would be good if more people know of white supremacy websites. That way they can't pretend not to know that they're much worse than leftist movements.

Why are you so mad about the existence of the alt left?

This thread's title is about how Nazis are a manufactured narrative. One of the major differences between Nazis and the alt-left is that Nazis exist. No matter how manufactured you think the Nazi "narrative" is, the alt-left is a narrative literally made up by the government. Talk about manufactured.

Til im goberment now

You didn't make it up, the President did. I know it's hard to follow, I'm sorry.

Yes, the president was the first person to ever say "Alt-left", ahuh

Nicely strawmaned!

Was the president the first person ever to say alt-left?


You realize Trumps talking points before being elected was Obama not disavowing islamic terrorism harsh enough right?

These people literally wet themselves in euphoria whenever he gives them what they interpret as a wink of approval. Tweeting blatantly anti Semitic comics, pretending not to know who David Duke is, not immediately saying anything about literal nazis when he has no problem talking shit about ANY OTHER PERSON OR GROUP. Of all the times for Trump to not be aggressively vocal he chose the worst one and they love it. They interpret it as a serious revival and they think they have political influence. And who knows, with the way that people refuse to hold their politicians accountable maybe they do if they can keep people in power who keep signaling to them through inaction. He has advisors and investigators who are telling him to blatantly disavow nazis because his actions embolden them. He is the president and what he does affects people. It is not unreasonable to want him to firmly distance himself from these people in every way when their leaders say unambiguously that they believe D Trump to be their rise from the ashes. That is not an unreasonable request. It's what his own advisors and political allies want. It's what you should expect at the very least.

Do you need to disavow something you never avowed?

Because they were wearing his red hats and chanting "hail Trump".

If people ask you to comment on that thing because people think your opinion matters, then yes you have to disavow it, because not doing so will be seen as tacit approval of said thing. This applies to anyone who is asked to comment, not just the pres.

He disavowed the day of, and the day after. But people don't give a shit because if you acknowledged any of that you wouldn't get to blindly bitch and moan about ebil nazis.

Trump is good at saying everything. He read from a page that white supremacists and Nazis are bad. Then he continued - the "alt-left" is also bad, the anti-Nazi demonstration was violent, he denounces violence on many sides, the Nazis had a permit, the anti-Nazis didn't have a permit, and the Nazis were right to march because it's wrong to move a statue to a museum.

Since I have a brain, I'm able to comprehend the entire situation, yes, and come to a conclusion.

White supremacy is an issue now because the President keeps not disavowing them. T

Wtf are you talking about? Trump day after incident: "Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans. "

Donald Trump DISAVOWS David Duke/KKK again and again and again.

A few hundred pieces of shit mean nothing when you remember we're a nation of 320 million. Those pieces of shit legitimate are pieces of shit, but they don't fucking matter at all as a group. The media just wants to make it seem like there's a neo-nazi uprising when the reality is that we've ALWAYS had at least a few hundred pieces of shit like this. They want to conflate Trump and his supporters with the worst of the worst scum that are so rare that they don't even matter. Trump is a bigot and many of his most ardent followers are as well, but the common racism those common fools practice is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT anywhere even in the same neighborhood as literal neo-nazis. Saying "Santa has to be White" if someone suggests the idea of a Black Santa is not the same thing as marching with torches, saying "Mexicans are rapists" is not the same thing as yelling out Nazi chants alluding to genocide.

They want to conflate Trump and his supporters with the worst of the worst scum

“We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump. Because he said he’s going to take our country back. That’s what we gotta do.” - David Duke

Yep, that's all the media. No one else is conflating the two.

You know that quote because the media wants you to. Why do you care what that assholes says or thinks? Because they told you to.

You know that quote because the media wants you to.

Not a fucking argument.

It's important because it's not a coincidence those people love him so much. And if they do, you can bet the non-nazi level racists do as well, and there are a lot more of those.

"Jews will not replace us" chants

Do you have a video link to where they were chanting this? Every video I have seen all I hear is "you will not replace us".

I saw them chanting "Jews will not replace us" in a vice clip. In it, you can clearly hear the JEWS part, not the YOU part.

When self-professed white nationalists chant "YOU will not replace us" who do you think is the "you" and who's the "us"?

My reasonable induction is: "you" is multiculturalism-Jews, blacks, latinos; "us" is white people. It plays into the demented bullshit that is "white genocide" and the rest of their nationalist paranoia.

A few said "jews", many said "you": they meant the same thing.

Easiest thing to do is to gather 300 people for a false flag Nazi rally. It is completely meaningless and gives the MSM fuel to run on it for weeks.


Were the "Jews will not replace us" chants also exaggerated by the media?

Yes. They were chanting "YOU will not replace us." The VICE doc subtitled it as "Jews."

You're just factually wrong. Go listen. They say Jews.

Hey man, Nazis have only murdered millions of people and the KKK have murdered and terrorized people for 150 years but i hear an Antifa guy punched someone once, they're the real problem. /s

This entire bullshit hype is no different than Missouri or Baltimore. Paid protests to divide the nation, strip liberties, and take the focus away from the real threat to the people, which is the elite criminal class.

What evidence have you seen that suggests the protesters are paid?

Some protesters. Provocateur groups. They come in and get everyone riled up. Or infiltration into groups by opposition to change their direction. These tactics aren't anything new. It's been going on at least 50 years. The proof is always the same. Cops told to stand down, ads for paid protesters, provocateur groups hotel bulls paid for, etc. Just search for provocateur groups on YouTube and paid protests and judge for yourself

After searching the topic for a little while, I don't see anything that approaches solid evidence for a conspiracy of paid protesters.

Ohhhhh, you put a little while into it? Get back to me after you put in a few decades.

One would think that after a few decades research, you'd at least be able to provide a link or a source.

I just have little patience for anyone who won't take the time and effort to collect data over long periods of time and want instant gratification out of a ten minute synopsis. Nothing personal mate. But if you actually give a shit about the state of your country, you'll find the inner desire to hit the books and start watching a shit ton of interviews from the past 50 years. Don't count on me to do it for you

I was specifically curious about the theory of paid protestors. It's a bold claim for which I've seen no evidence, so I can only conclude at this point that it's incorrect.

You don't have any sources - we understand.

imagine if scientists thought like this lol

Listen dumbass, I've been dealing with your type for 39 years. No matter what links or evidence I out here you've already made up your mind, and will find some reason to scoff at it. So I got tired of your kind years ago. If you honestly give a fuck about the world then get off your god damn lazy ass and look yourself instead of begging for a handout. It's like every other conspiracy theory. We provide mountains of evidence and you laugh and laugh. So I could provide links, videos, interviews, etc, and you'll still stick to your illusions.

The beauty is I really don't give a fuck what you think. Live in denial and watch your country collapse. You're going to deserve it.

List of claims with no evidence

Go do the research instead of asking for handouts. It's no wonder why you people are so fucking dependent on your government, none of you want to think for yourself or do any legwork.

You make the claim, you provide the evidence.

LOL this is why no one takes this fucking sub seriously

holy fucking eyeroll

Eyewitness sees BLM and KKK members arrive on the same charter buses.

It wouldn't be the first time that paid agents took over a protest and got all the media attention. Remember Occupy Wall street? Remember during the election all the paid agitators inciting violence at Bernie Rally's?

I appreciate the link but I need more than one guy talking in a car to make a solid case.

I visited Zuccotti park during Occupy in Fall of 2011. I saw a bunch of people representing a variety of interests, but nothing that would suggest the protesters were paid.

My pics from Zuccotti Park:

I also went to a huge Bernie rally in Brooklyn in April 2016. Again, nothing resembling paid protesters.

My pics from Bernie rally:

There are somethings in wikileaks and project veritas undercover videos that detail operation to pay agitators at bernie and trump rallys. I'm pretty busy so I'll let you do your own homework.

And I'm not saying that everyone there is paid. It's likely a few people, and those are the ones who will be featured in the media.

Veritas was the ones trying to hire people, they didn't find others trying to hire.



I guess veritas paid out $100k for lying for nothing then, they could have just walked up to the judge and said WRONG, same thing when they tried to tap a politicians phones.


I am skeptical, not sure how that huffpo article or video actually implicates O'keefe though.

It also doesn't make it false that Bob Creamer, a top democrat official who visited the whitehouse on the reg, was on under cover video talking about plans to incite violence at political rallyd.

The video linked shows exactly how they do it, you show up and ask misleading questions and then ask them to repeat the points you said. This is why none of the things that these fake videos say will happen actually happen. No one was selling baby parts, no one was planning riots, no one was voting illegally.


"When asked if shredzorz thought homosexuality was right or wrong he responded "Wrong.""


ive been doing research on t_d and right wing twitter, and all my sources confirm

soros is handing out cash in pinatas that look like donald trump and you just bring along a bike lock to get paid

This sub has become a whinier version of /r/the_donald.

You alt right deplorables took the fun out of it. Now it's just people squabbling about dumb shit like Pizzagate, and coming up with reasons why freedom of speech means it's cool to call people niggers.

Is that what free speech means to you?

Do I sound like I'm alt right?

What does free speech mean to you friend?

My friend?

What's with that bullshit tactic lately?

You sound like you need a break from reddit, pal.

Fine. Answer the question then, non-friend.

No. You're not interested in my perspective. You just want to share yours.

Best regards

-A guy in an interracial marriage

Thanks for sharing something personal instead of just answering a simple question and deflecting because you are a coward and a hypocrite.

Cool to call people niggers? Mainstream rap did more to make the n word cool than the alt right ever did. Free speech is the most important right we have and the alt left are the ones trying to destroy it.

Removed. Rules 10 and 1.

Continued violations may result in a ban.

Fucking go for it, you anti-Semitic cocksucker.

My grandfather fought the Nazis in the Arctic during WW2. I have no more interest in putting up with your guys' shit than he did.

Fucking go for it, you anti-Semitic cocksucker.

You sound drunk, and angry, and ignorant.

Did I mention DRUNK?

My grandfather fought the Nazis in the Arctic during WW2.

COOL story, bro.

Come back when you sober up.

You have more patience than I.

I try not to let attacks on me personally affect my moderation responsibilities.

That would imply bias. And besides, it's much more rewarding to bitch-slap them in the thread.


You made someone so mad they went back in time to show how angry they are.

Y2K had some pretty insane narratives, it actually put a strain on some banks because people were taking out massive amount of cash thinking their account would be reset.

The Russia was somehow responsible for the Democrats accidental upskirt glimpse of their corruption during the 2016 election was the most artificial, manufactured media narrative in decades.

The attempt to orchestrate mass hysteria about Nazi's hiding under the bed is going for the back-to-back record setting for the most artificial, manufactured media narrative in decades.

Both narrates are massive red flags stretching side to side that argue for major criminal investigation at the major media stations, their owners, and vested political parties involved. The entire fair stinks of something foul.

This is the most accurate comment I have read in weeks. Expect to lose your votes. The gangdownvoting of valid comments by the "totally real subreddit members" is out-of-control.

how the fuck is this accurate? where is there any evidence for this being orchestrated?

these events don't fit your narrative so you're desperately trying to make some excuse to cover them up.

Almost like the media was covering current events like the appointment of a special prosecutor or some sort of rally.

The entire affair stinks of something foul.

Edward Bernays. These media campaigns are textbook examples of his work. He taught the MIC how to run this country several decades ago, and it has worked perfectly until quite recently.

This. If anyone has not seen the Adam Curtis documentary "The Century of Self" you should check it out. It is about how the work of Edward Bernays has turned the country into the mess it is via advertising and psychological manipulation.

Not to mention the person holding the nazi flag has been called out as being staged opposition ie a FBI agent to make the right look bad.

I am just repeating what I have read, not sure what to make of it myself but it would totally not surprise me one bit. It is a well know tactic and has been done before.

The Russia narrative died, so now they are pushing the Nazi narrative.

It's just desperation at this point.

The Russia narrative isn't dead. You'll definitely see it pop again in the next few weeks.

Will be hard to do without directly addressing the VIPS report.

And the Awan brothers.

The media manufactured this entire Nazi craze in the space of a week. Don't think they can't do the same for a new Russia craze.

Lol the left been calling the right racist for years. Why y'all acting like this a new development?

The best propaganda campaigns are ones that pull on already-smoldering themes, but the current wave of outrage is manufactured fresh.

That free speech rally in Boston that got protested by 40,000 people 2 days ago? They did another one just in May, and almost nobody showed up. That's the power of the media, to whip up 40,000 people in just one city to protest a BLM-supporting free speech rally.

What is the VIPS report? Never heard of this, or I'm not familiar with the acronym.

Interesting, I heard it was phishing attempts that were successful. Not that that is a hack, but I wouldn't consider phishing to be an inside leak. I'll have to read this when I get home and look further into it.

The Podesta emails were reported as attained via phishing. At this point though, I take all we "know" on it as suspect.

is this the one about the speed was faster than consumer internet and so couldnt have been a hack?

It's kinda: Stalin failed; turn to Hitler. Fuckin' hell.

The Russia narrative dued

So what with the FBI raids and grand juries?

not dead, as much as you keep hoping. everyone got the special investigator we have wanted and so we can relax a little. all the leakers go to mueller instead of the press. its nice to see a little professionalism actually

“Joe Schoffstall reports for The Washington Free Beacon, August 14, 2017, that Hillary has donated $800,000 from her campaign funds to Onward Together — a new political action group that she formed three months ago in May which will fund a number of established “resistance” groups that counter President Trump with direct action and protests. According to its mission statement, Onward Together is dedicated to “encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office” and advancing “progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come.”

Russia narrative is up there.

Anyone have background on the guy who was interrogated by a woman over his flag? Happened right after. New age propaganda?

They just created the narrative that blacks are oppressed in America based off a violent black criminal that assaulted a Spanish man, telling the public a white man gunned down an innocent black child.

Considering it's only been a week, I'd have to go with muh Russia hacked the election. For now.

Did Nazis hack the election and blame it on Russia? Are they possibly controlling Trump?

Seems entirely manufactured to me. Straight bullshit.

Straight FAKE NEWS, brought straight to you from the MSM and TPTB.


Apparently, the whites were chanting about the Jews, not the South.

Yeah, it's actually kind of strange the way two distinctly different groups of horrible bigots are being conflated. National socialists hated Jews because the Jews had been scapegoated for the economic failings of Germany at the time. On the flipside, you have the Confederates from the Civil War. They fought for their states' rights... specifically their right to own chattel slaves.

And the media's goal is to conflate these two historical groups with modern racists. The only thing is: nazis genocided Jews, Confederates enslaved Black people. What have Trump supporters done? Have Trump supporters committed genocide? Advocated genocide? Kept slaves? Advocated keeping slaves? What has Trump done on that level? That's the problem: Trump is a racist without a doubt, but he's nowhere near as terrible as the Nazis or the Confederates.

Trump may be a racist, but he has not said much about race that I can see. He said that both sides were to blame, which is true to an extent, but he has not come out saying that America's problems are due to blacks or any other such thing.

One person was murderer and one person murdered her. Both groups might be violent, but on that day in that place only one group committed murder, only one group was lethally attacked. It's not weird to take that into consideration and to demand for the President to make that distinction.

I don't think (left or right) anyone is in any real confusion about what happened: Trump is not a Nazi but Nazis are (so far) loyal to him. He made a calculation, a bet that the grief he would take by not singling them out was worth the consolidation of the base. That by remaining ambiguous, he would keep more votes than he'd lose. I don't think he gives a flying fuck about white nationalism, or militant antifa radicalism. He's not racist or anti-racist, he's a Trumpian and that's all.

I would also note that, so far, every time he has done such appallingly cynical calculations, he has been right. Spot on each and every time.

I'm not a fan of trump or the rally (I think nazi imagery was open and prevalent including the "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us" chants)

But I'm upvoting you for a smart and reasonable comment that accepts that the golocaust actually happened.

People on this subreddit glorify nazis and say the holocuast didn't happen and I'm sorry but that's disgusting.

I'm no fan of Trump either. He's a horrible human being who deserves prison for the crimes he's committed. Both crimes before being elected and war crimes since. But that doesn't mean he's a Nazi and it doesn't mean people who like him are Nazis. Even if a very small amount of assholes who like Trump actually are neo-nazis like some of those folks in Charlottesville really are. Most of the people who voted for Trump were just trying to stop Clinton from winning. If Trump only had neo Nazis and such scum on his side, he probably wouldn't even crack 1%.

By the way, there aren't many who deny the atrocities committed by the Nazis altogether either. I've been a regular contributor here for over a year and I don't think I've EVER seen anyone "glorify Nazis" either. Got a link to someone glorifying Nazis and not being immediately blown the fuck out for it? Most "denials" are just people saying that fewer people were killed/mistreated than are claimed by popular sources, and if you look at independent resources, there is good reason to believe that it's possible that far fewer people were killed than is claimed. That doesn't mean the Nazis didn't commit genocide, their crimes are documented and obviously many were treated inhumanely and murdered, but when the media is known to lie for political reasons, it would be foolish to accept their claims without extreme scrutiny.

From what I've noticed, there seem to be big backdoor deals going on behind the table and getting the public rallied up about nazis is a very convenient strategy.

There were quite a few more than 1 giving Nazi salutes. There were others with Nazi tattoos. There were many chanting "blood and soil". There were other flags of other white supremacist groups too. I'm not sure whether the number of actual Nazi flags is terribly important in this context. Yes, there is hype and outrage, because it's fucking Nazis and Klanners marching around, apparently newly emboldened to spread their message of hatred. What disturbs me almost as much as that is all the apologia, deflection and distraction floating around in response to it.

Like the people who keep claiming "look out, TPTB are just trying to divide and conquer us!". Well, most people are already quite divided from white supremacists aren't they...

I don't think it is. I think there are definitely opportunists out there taking advantage of the situation, but concern is also legitimate. Quietly, without a whole lot of politicizing off of it, white supremacist organizations have been steadily growing for about a decade. Their being emboldened is partially due to media highlighting them, but some of it is organic too. The number of online platform controversies involving this type of content has grown a lot recently and really imposed itself on companies (I'm not defending all of the behaviors of all of these companies, just to be clear).

And many of these groups like Trump, rightly or wrongly. Political sociologists have observed a pretty common phenomenon. Groups with violent tendencies will act more violently when they feel the leadership is behind them. They believe, rightly or wrongly, that they can commit these types of crimes with impunity. We see it with Islamists targeting religious minorities, we see it with racial hate groups, and we see it with Hindu nationalist attacking religious minorities in India. It really isn't surprising to see these groups come out into the open and act more boldly in the United States. It's expected.

Quietly, without a whole lot of politicizing off of it, white supremacist organizations have been steadily growing for about a decade.

No they haven't. If anything they've been dying of old age in mass numbers.

That isn't true. There was a steady increases from the 1999-2012, a brief reprieve, and a spike in 2015. The Southern Poverty Law Center is one organization that publishes this. Granted, they are biased political hacks. But their data isn't bad. They lump in a few non-hate groups into the mix to discredit them because of political difference, but deleting those cases wouldn't ruin the general trend. You also see similar patterns when you just look at KKK groups.

And if you look at these groups, it isn't just older people. There is been a wave of rather explicitly racist political candidates gaining power throughout Europe. These parties do not succeed without young voters. Looking at the most racist elements of the alt right in the United States, you see a lot of young activist involved with them.

Bush also had Napalitano do a report on domestic terrorism before Obama even started running for office. It went into this too.

Yes they have. Since before Obama even. George Bush had Napolitano do a study into hate groups. Look it up.

The entire Nazi mainstream narrative is a hoax. The zionists are simply blaming hittler for that which they are guilty.

Link to an article with a picture from the rally of 3 people doing the nazi salute:

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but the KKK is essentially a group with the same ideology as neo nazis, and they were there in large numbers.

To say "only one guy" there was a nazi is incorrect, however I agree that this whole thing has been blown out of proportion, especially considering the mindfuckingly high ratio of antifa protesters to the small group of far-right demonstrators.

thinking the KKK is anything other than a FBI honeytrap

100% I was just in Laguna Beach to check out the rally being held there I saw maybe 1 "neo-nazi" supporter. 3-400+ liberals when I was there I'm sure it's getting bigger as we speak tho

The actual KKK membership number is like 5,000.

5,000. They couldn't fill out a hotel event room for a meeting if they wanted to.

They have 0 political power. They have 0 social power. They don't have power to do much of anything really. They obviously preach a bad message, but for what it's worth they don't even seem to follow through with their hate speech. There hasn't actually been any notable or measurable white supremacist acts of crime, outside of Dylan Roof and the recent car ploughing.

There simply is not an epidemic of Nazism in America like the media portrays. It is one of the most smallest, ineffective, powerless groups in America.

Meanwhile illegal immigration crime, the opioid epidemic, ISIS terror attacks abroad, healthcare, North Korean belligerency, and Antifa anarchy packs vandalising the streets are all completely ignored by the media and take a back seat to some imagined, fake, powerless Nazi enemy.

Them priorities. Let's remove American Civil War monuments, and promote white loathing in the media, and attach the President to racism as much as possible. When the Left doesn't hold political power in the 3 branches, they whip racial tensions to epic proportions because social power is all they have left and they will use it to dethrone their political opponents.

Meanwhile illegal immigration crime, the opioid epidemic, ISIS terror attacks abroad, healthcare, North Korean belligerency, and Antifa anarchy packs vandalising the streets are all completely ignored by the media and take a back seat to some imagined, fake, powerless Nazi enemy.

Speaking of baseless fear mongering

Ironic how the narrative jumped from Russia (a racist-against-Russians subtext in itself), to white supremacy; once these two fade I can only imagine what sort of social campaign sparks up next.

Whining about a narrative isn't going to stop FBI raids and grand juries.

They don't have power to do much of anything really.

I think the only power they do have is to annoy people when they publicly demonstrate. Big fucking whoop. Until or unless they start showing up en masse to "counterprotest" other groups by just assaulting them, I'm not at all worried about them.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who recognizes that these rallies are the death throes of their beliefs. They're attempting to recruit because, despite what the media is claiming, their numbers are falling as all the old farts that remember yelling at black people to stay out of white cabs and shit all croak. The "real" (violent) Nazis/white supremacists are all in prisons where they're contained.

But the liberals can't help grooling over painting anyone right of Hillary as automatically lumped into the same constituent despite the fact that entire constituency is fucking huge.

The entire portrayal can be equated to bug bombing your entire house because you saw a single roach the size of a paperclip.

Who would have thought that it takes a Nazi rally to get conservatives to appreciate the nuance of the "not all Muslims are terrorists" argument.

Now to get the left to realize they're being hypocrites...

Meanwhile illegal immigration crime, the opioid epidemic, ISIS terror attacks abroad, healthcare, North Korean belligerency, and Antifa anarchy packs vandalising the streets are all completely ignored by the media and take a back seat to some imagined, fake, powerless Nazi enemy.

Ironic how the narrative jumped from Russia (a racist-against-Russians subtext in itself), to white supremacy; once these two fade I can only imagine what sort of social campaign sparks up next.

Someone died. People are talking about it because a member of the group committed an attack on American soil and killed a person, in the name of that ideology.

Sometimes I read posts on this subreddit and wonder if you've ever actually put any thought into the word "news". People are talking about it because it just happened. People aren't talking about Russia because there's something bigger to talk about and there's a lull in Russia news as the investigation continues (there have been similar low news fortnights in the past, but people probably kept on Russia because there wasn't anything else breaking).

Sure, it all makes sense if you think Hillary is in her evil lair with her henchmen pulling levers and creating scandals for Trump. It also makes sense if you just... think about it for a second? People want to talk about new shit that's happening, so shit will dominate the news.

Sometimes I read posts on this subreddit and wonder if you've ever actually put any thought into the word "news".

I think it has to do with obsessive personalities here. They can't comprehend multiple topics being newsworthy and important. The Russia investigation is still moving, with news as recent as a few days ago. But because that's not the only thing we're talking about, it must be over.

People are talking about it because a member of the group committed an attack on American soil and killed a person, in the name of that ideology.

Gangs do this every day.

That's also not news.

Well your point was somebody died for an ideology.

Gang crime is a very real issue that paints a large stain, so no reports on that, aside from local. While a staged event such as Charlottesville can fill the division fuel tank, so let's push that national

Right and if gang related crime were new, it would be in the news.

To say that only because organized crime and gang culture is not a recent development, that it should be disregarded and underreported is a little silly. It seems some people associate social justice and it's associated violence as if it is above the law. Crime is crime, although I do believe innocent until proven guilty. But not vigilant civilians being judge jury and executioner. So that begs the question why is one crime over sensationalized and the other under reported? It's my opinion it's agenda driven, not some current topic. Are you implying racism and racist acts are more recent?

To say that only because organized crime and gang culture is not a recent development, that it should be disregarded and underreported is a little silly.

No one said that. that's a different point entirely.

Ah another person that edits their comment with 10x the detail after you reply..

I'm not questioning why it's news, I'm saying it's over sensationalized. I haven't heard the guy say anything, I'll reserve my opinion until then.

Original reponse was only this

Right and if gang related crime were in some way new, it would be in the news.

As if racism was in some way new..

As if racism was in some way new..

As if that's the only thing that makes this interesting.

Me: >To say that only because organized crime and gang culture is not a recent development, that it should be disregarded and underreported is a little silly. You: >No one said that. That's a different point entirely. Also you: >Gang related crime isn't newsworthy, as per my original reply

that it should be disregarded and underreported is a little silly.

It's not underreported. It's also not newsworthy

So you determine what is newsworthy and are also spokesman for the general public? Just for clarification

I mean you're free to disagree with my position on what is newsworthy, but gang violence isn't selling papers.

I stated in the comment you replied to, national coverage of gang problems paint a bad picture of America, hence little coverage. You said it's not newsworthy, I disagree and there is plenty of local coverage of the issue. I just thought it was funny your opinion turned into the general publics too.

But it gets tons or local coverage. I haven't disagreed. I'm just saying bull. You can google gang problems and see tons of recent stories. Postings before and after car ramming. Yet nationally usage of the media to promote this idea of a race war and the charade that people can't get along, so discontent, is going strong and this event helps promotes that.

It never gets frontpage coverage because it isn't very newsworthy, but if you need filler it's great. Meanwhile politically fueled car rammings basically never happen so this one is obviously frontpage content instantly. This outcome is obvious for both.

Yet nationally usage of the media to promote this idea of a race war and the charade that people can't get along, sow discontent, is going strong and this event helps promotes that.

That only works because racial and political strife is an issue that most people feel a connection to.

I'd actually disagree to a small extent. KKK is basically a dying ritualistic gang. The new school (especially younger) white nationalists don't claim memberships to any group or are part of various smaller groups. With growing access to information, these groups and individuals are gaining followers and becoming slightly less marginalized.

Not that it's a serious threat to take over political power in the country or nuke an entire city, and the MSM is definitely spending too much time on it. But it is an unfortunate issue.

That's like equating the waning prevalence of Al'Qaeda members to a decrease in radical islamic terrorism. There are huge numbers of white supremacist/ white nationalist groups that just don't identify themselves as the KKK. But have essentially the same ideals.

So what else is happening that the mainstream media needs to act as a facade for?

Of course the Jewish media will trash the nazis, are you really that surprised..

It's hilarious that you minimize Nazis, and then list "Antifa anarchy packs vandalising the streets" as one of "the real threats."

The latter is in cahoots with city authorities, though.

I think it makes perfect sense. There are violent Antifa groups on nearly every college campus. Hell, we have bash the dash posters everywhere up here in Toronto. There are upwards of 3 million violent communists in North America, as opposed to a few thousand nazis. These communists have stated on public forums about the need to purge liberals/conservatives/libertarians--everyone is a nazi to them. I am very afraid of them. Nazis are too few and stupid to scare me.

It is one of the most smallest, ineffective, powerless groups in America.

The similarly racist "Alt-right" is much larger, and by all appearances, growing.

On a scale of 1-100 of biggest threats, I really seriously do not think "nazis" are higher than a .5.

I mean, no one likes a Nazi. But like you said it isn't like there are more than possibly like, a few hundred in the world. Period. The ones who are are a pathetic bunch too. It's not like they're highly placed in governments, police departments, the military...they're mostly crackhead ex-cons who joined a white supremacy group in prison so they wouldn't get buttraped quite as often (who knows if it even worked?)

Not only that every single one of them is one multiple government watch lists and probalby any 'group' with more than a handful of members is an FBI honeypot to keep tabs on them, control them, and have false-flag patsies to use for the next terror scare.

Anyone who thinks the Nazis are a threat to anything is a total moron still living in the 1930s.

a few hundred in the world

Firstly, the term 'nazi' is being used as a blanket term to include all white race supremacist (christian identity, kkk, aryan brotherhood whatthefuckever), they are not specifically referring only to actual neo-nazis when this term is used. There are 10s of thousands of people who subscribe to these groups world wide. In the US there are around 950 separate white based hate groups some with hundreds of members each. No, actual 'nazis' probably aren't a threat but in the last 10yrs the rise in white hate groups has grown faster than any other time since the civil rights era.

Then call them that. Not Nazi. Yelling Nazi doesn't help there cause, it makes it laughable.

Laughable to you. Seems to have a pretty major effect on the general public.

Over 70% found DJT's comments on the violence in Charlottesville 'not racist.'

That's the perception. I dunno about you, but I haven't seen any nazis today at all. None at work. None in the parking lot. None on my drive to work.

Then call them that

you want the media to list 25 separate groups when talking about these folks? That's probably not going to happen.

They should call them "white rights advocates" or "white activist groups." Some of them, but not all, could even be referred to as "white separatist," but "white supremacist" is certainly a misnomer for most of these groups, and certainly a dumb way of referring to people organizing to preserve a Civil War monument.

Who the fuck cares? Are you actually worried about the term Nazi being appropriated?

You mean who the fuck cares about accurately describing contemporary events?

Why are you even in here?

I don't answer questions from Nazi sympathizers

You have an interesting way of validating my point.

Ha, that would require you to have a point

So 'nuanced' just like all the Democrats.

Rich coming from a thread that is literally arguing semantics here. The point OP made was basically "Well, not all white nationalists are Nazis." Really? That's what we need to be worried about here?

If you don't want to argue the semantics then why are you in this thread? That's what it's about.

So you also agree with PC culture then?

They are also often referred to as white nationalists, which I think is a more fitting term than any of your suggestions.

Yeah, how dare they be accurate.

I think the point the OP is making is that they're NOT accurate.

Yes, i would like specifics. Especially in a time when the media throws Libertarians and Anti-authoritarians in the same bus as a white supremacist lol. DIVIDE AND CONQUER WORKED this is just tribalism being pushed by the top

"Christian identity". Now you are up to 1.5 billion.

You might not be qualified to participate in this conversation if you aren't familiar with Christian Identity, this was the group both Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolf were members.

Ah that's a group called 'Christian Identity'?

Yeah and chupacabras are seen all over the world too. Why isnt the media covering that?

And you arbitrarily get to decide what a hate group is.

Let's take a look at the "About the NSM" page from the National Socialist Movement of America's website, while keeping in mind that this like probably all other self-proclaimed "Nazi" parties is an FBI honeypot (even Richard Spencer is an op and he doesn't even call himself a national socialist, just a "white identitarian"):

The NSM's core beliefs include defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation, and promotion of white separation.

The current two-party system is flawed, one in which each party in turn works to dismantle the work of the party formerly in power — and the cycle goes round and round, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars. Progress is brought to a virtual halt as the two major parties spend most of their time bickering, rather than putting their country first!

Oh, what vicious hatred! White people deserve the same self-determination as we encourage and enthusiastically cheer for literally other ethnicity? Those evil bastards!

The two party system is flawed? We should end the wars in the middle east?

What bitter hatred!!! They must be stopped!!! Makes me sick to see these hateful sons of bitches getting away with this! It's annudah Shoah!

White people deserve the same self-determination as we encourage and enthusiastically cheer for literally other ethnicity?

o0, found the nazi sympathizer or maybe just an actual nazi here.

He's clearly not a...


Found the anti-white.

just because you're anti nazi doesn't mean you're anti white. many of us are also white. eat shit.

anti nazi

So brave. I am anti-werewolf because they are as prevalent and pose as great a threat as Nazis.

Pretty sure White Nationalists have murdered more people in the United States than werewolves.

White nationalists like Washington and Jefferson?

Did Washington and Jefferson advocate for the creation of a WHITE nation?

promotion of white separation.

Just gonna gloss over that one eh?

So are you against Tibetan separation or do you just hate white people so much that they cannot form their own nation? As terrible as white people are, as oppressive and racist as they have proven to be, isn't this a good thing...? Kind of seems like a double standard until you realize people are just virtue-signaling against whites.

Tibetan independence is not racially motivated, so how is that equivalent? Seems like you're really reaching to justify your insane beliefs.

More anti-white virtue-signaling. You don't even know my irrelevant "beliefs."

Then what exactly are you defending here? Because you sound like a lunatic

The only thing I am here to defend is OP's suggestion that Nazi hysteria is artificially manufactured, and made possible by anti-white virtue signaling.

There is no hysteria. For someone on /r/conspiracy you're sure putting a lot of weight into the media's responsibility

The media convinced a good number of people here that real Nazis actually gather in large numbers and that one actually killed someone with a car.

The media convinced a good number of people here that real Nazis actually gather in large numbers

Are you saying that Nazis are worse than white supremacists?

that one actually killed someone with a car.

Ummm, that happened

Nazis aren't (weren't) even white supremacists, as Hitler's SS wasn't even comprised of all white people. None of the groups at the Charlottesville rally identify as white supremacists either.

I guess you're just not up to date on the details of the incident where now we know a key eyewitness was CIA, a key organizer was an Obama supporter, there were two cars used, the driver pictured in the car does not match the suspect arrested, the suspect was not even a member of Vanguard America, and in other words it was a fabricated false flag.

But if you believe everything the teevee says, I can see how you might be scared of cartoonish Nazis running around.

Oh boy. There it is

(This is a conspiracy forum; false flags are real)

Just because it's a conspiracy forum doesn't mean you get to make up a narrative to fit your preexisting beliefs. Go to /r/worldbuilding if that's what you're into

Haha, no thanks, I've actually looked at the evidence, I'm not hungrily devouring a made-up story that tickles my pre-existing belief that literal Nazis are attempting to racially cleanse the nation by getting into pointless fender benders.

What evidence exactly?

Dude you're trying to argue the fear out of atleast 5 very scared white dudes right now. It ain't gonna work

This is the problem with framing nazis as just "white rights advocates." It makes people who want to give these assholes the benefit of doubt decide "oh well now they can't be that bad can they?"

Is it problematic?

A few hundred? How fucking sheltered are you?

The only ones I've ever met are usually too busy drinking, smoking weed, beating their 'old lady' and not-bathing to be like trying to install a new reich.

You give them way too much credit. And of course you're going to find all sorts of stats telling you there's practically a well organized wermacht right under our noses!

I'm saying stop reading stupid shit and like, look around you. Where are they?

Cville proved that they're everywhere they're just not in the open yet.

you're an easy sell.

No I just pay attention to whats around me.

you pay attention to what you're told by your 'betters'. Bet you've forgotten how to use your own eyes and brain.

I've been organizing against fascism before the news picked it up.

No I just pay attention to whats around me.

There are far right nazi and white supremacist blogs that get 100,000 of views. That doesn't line up with your number of 250.

yeah right. I'm suuuuure those stats are legit.

There's over 600 anti-jewish hate crimes per year according to the FBI. And there's 99 neo-nazi groups in America according to the southern poverty law center. Those numbers really wouldn't surprise me in a country of over 250 million.

Yep and you visiting those blogs just ran that number up again. Just because a blog has views, doesn't mean everyone supports it. Most of the people visiting those blogs are there to shit post.

Where have I ever said I visited them? And I'm sure some people do exactly what you suggest. Even assuming all "250" of the supposed Nazis in the United States viewed that blog the idea that the other 99750+ views are all trolls is stupid.

Nazis are no more of a threat than ISIS to Americans.

but it is a political litmus strip as many in the Nazi party love Donald Trump and Trump wants to talk about the "both sides"

we just seen people get out of their basements and chant Nazi slogans in an American city and the political litmus tape says "the sjw left caused this"

The issue here isn't the nazis. It's the terrorist attack and president's and gop's reaction.

Yeah, but here's the thing: since 2001, you are far more likely in the US to be injured or killed by a Nazi or White Supremacist than you are an Islamic terrorist. Yet we've spent trillions of dollar and sixteen years at war fighting one, and can barely acknowledge the other.

You aren't wrong, but I think people really need to put this in perspective.

since 2001

Sooo, except for that one huge event that was the worst terror attack ever....

You have to realize how retarded that sounds.

Why? Because you're anywhere near as likely to be killed in a massive plot like that tomorrow as you are by a vehicular attack or shooting?

Hey, don't mind me. You freak out and cower in your home over whatever threat you like.

It's just that the poster's claim that I responded to is 100% ludicrous.

What makes you think I'm cowering over anything?

And it's just that it's not ludicrous and I just explained why from a risk assessment perspective. But hey, don't mind me, you can just pretend people's arguments that disagree with you is just people getting emotional. Don't let me stop you.

How do statistics even work?

Idk I'm just a shill.

I mean, that was sixteen years ago. We have to have boundaries for calculation at some point to determine relevant probabilities going forward. I mean, if we extended the statistical sample through the mid-1960's I bet the Vietnamese kill a hell of a lot more Americans per year than Muslims.

boundaries for calculation

Ok, so we have to set boundaries that conveniently excuse Muslims, the primary driver of terror attacks worldwide, and paint 'hurr durr muh white christian males' as far more dangerous, which is 100% farcical on its face.

Fuck you.

What about since September 1, 2001? Does that change the statistics any?

Shhh, muh narrative.

whoa sometimes this sub believes islamic extremists committed a terrorist act on 9/11, sometimes they act like its a foregone conclusion that it was george bush's controlled demolition

That would imply that 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

Think it's meant to be about equal.

This is why people think conspiracy theorists are stupid.

I don't hate all of muslims and I think the war on terror is bullshit but your statistic is wrong and the news makes it up.

They said there has been more deaths by far right wing extremists. The problem is they don't include deaths like the pulse night club shooting into their statistics. They don't consider that terrorism.

If you include the Pulse nightclub shooting then that one event alone has killed more than "nazis" have in the past few years.

You're getting your numbers from an outdated and cherry picked article. I know because I've researched it the last time it came up. It leaves out 9/11 for some strange reason and is also too old to include things like the Pulse shooting.

and can barely acknowledge the other.

It's not publicized as much, but do you remember the Bundy standoff? Part of the reason there were very few convictions, especially for the ringleaders, is that the FBI sent more informants to the park than the Bundy's had in their inner circle, and that was just a minor group.

Just because they're not as loud as you want the gov to be doesn't mean that nothing is happening.

No, you're dead wrong. Although there have been more White Supremacist attacks in the US, Islamic terrorist attacks have killed significantly more people (9/11 anyone?). White Supremacist attacks (ahem... graffiti) don't usually kill people.

Jesus Christ do you have the attention span and memory of a gnat?

No. No it fucking isn't. It's been two weeks barely and there have been about a million other false narratives the media has hopped all over a thousand times worse. This is the flavor of the week, are you literally fifteen years old? There will be a new hysteria in two weeks. You truly must be new here.

Lets see... They come and go so fast. I think the first one we had was the women that came forward and said Trump Groped them. I know it seems like 10 years ago now.

Those mysteriously vanished from the face of the earth when they were unsuccessful in derailing Trump. Predictable.

Then Trump was a tax cheat. A tax cheat and when they finally DO get a hold of his taxes it'll be impeachment time! And...that fizzled out.

After that it was Russia. The left suddenly hated Russia and now Trump and his friends and family were all Russian agents.

Now, if you can't get rid of Trump painting him as a Russian you get serious and play the only card left in the deck, you call him a Nazi.

Keep in mind this is all within a single year. And every time they've done it the left has bought whatever the attack de jour was hook line and sinker.

I think a lot of people are getting tired of it though. They probably lose a good chunk of people every time they accuse Trump of being something else unbelievably horrifying. Really, Nazi. Where do you go from there? You guys are all in now.

If the white house doesn't fold you have no where left to go. Nothing else to bluff with.

They're going to circle back to Russia. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.

The fact that you think the Trump grope story was the first "false narrative" of the last decade only proves my point that you have the attention span and memory of a gnat.

And the rest of your post just proves your true agenda for making the original post; you're way more interested on defending Trump and bashing liberals than trying to present any kind of legitimature argument to your asinine as fuck claim. Are you new to the news media? Or the year 2017?

I'm just going through the last year. I guess the first one really was the 'hillary leading the polls' story. like i said seems like ages ago.

what shit so called pollsters those were! trying to convince people that everyone was voting hillary so they should too!


You may be right, but everything else was Nazi-ish. You can't tell me that most of those shields and flags didn't have white nationalist symbols on them.

Turn off your TV....go outside and enjoy nature, problem solved.

You are absolutely correct. The Nazi narrative is a media construction fueled by leftists. Nazism is not big in the US. But the myth is being used to create social disruption.

The country isn't in mass hysteria, though. I'm on a cross-country road trip right now and I've been through 31 states in the last three months. I've talked to many different people and most of them are awake and aware that this and the news in general is bullshit. It's not mass hysteria. The MSM is TRYING to make us think there is mass hysteria. But they can only gain power over us if we buy into the shit they sell. That's why my family and I don't watch the news. It's all fuckin trash

I encounter the same thing. But goddam, you should log on to my facebook account. Mass hysteria. Most of these fb "friends" are people I went to college with. It seems like millenial college grads are heavily mind controlled.

op, it wasn't just that there was one person holding a flag, they were chanting neo-nazi memes, some holding KKK shields, some doing nazi salutes. It's not that there was one bad nazi and the rest were OK. They're all pretty much bad.

That said, you're right. A few hundred scumbags can exist in a population of 320 million without those scumbags ruining everything. I never interact with neo-nazis in my everyday life and most of you can probably make this claim too. Because neo-nazis make up something like .000001% of the population. They don't fucking matter, but the media loves pretending like they do.

One of them.

The Nazi apologists and defenders are out in full force


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Well with the rise of comparison of modern america to the fascism of the 1900s, its no wonder they want to do that. After all, imagine if US corporations will get more and more control of the government they will start acting more and more like those of nazi germany. Plus the imigration and artificial devision of the groups in the devide and conquer strat, means they need to artificially differintiate the idea of evil axis power and what they are doing. After all who wants to admit their country is acting like the nazis?

People in here basing their position solely off the Vox documentary, you are a shill or a lemming. Either way, wake up and please join us.

2nd most. pizzgate pushback takes the prize for most artificial thing i've seen in 50 years.

But yeah this nazi thing is a close 2nd.
Shows they're desperate too. That's bottom of the stack last resort weapon calling people nazi and hitler.

The manfactured moral crisis over guns in 2013 was pretty well done.

This nazi one won't really last, because "you're a nazi" is readily countered with "no, i'm not, i love all races".

Look, Richard Spencer is Nazi as fuck. He brought his following with him. There is one picture of one person holding a Nazi flag, but that doesn't make the rest of them not Nazi.

Other than 9/11, yes.

t_d was advertising that nazi's groups would be there. It's not disingenuous to call it a nazi rally if that happened and nazis were there. It's not just flags. It's necklaces, shirts, tattooos, the shit they were saying...

Muh Russian conspiracy is dead, now they need a new distraction/divider to continue the suppression of the conservative movement... While the liberal movement continues to die in a fire.

I will say this, as someone in their 40s, there is a lot of fucking hysteria in 2017 on the left and the right.

Millennial SJWs are massively authoritarian, and as a lefty type (who is more libertarian than authoritarian) it really turns me off engaging.

I just don't understand why the won't show one clear video of a plane hitting the pentagon. There were literally hundreds of cameras pointed at that area when it happened. Why won't they show it? Why did they confiscate all the cameras around the pentagon minutes after it got hit? I don't understand. All they would have to do to shut a lot of people up is just release one GOD DAMN clear video of a plane hitting the pentagon. THAT'S IT! As for WTC7, that's an entirely different matter. Fuck man, most people are sheep. Nothing's ever going to change. Unless something drastic happens, we are all most likely fucked for the foreseeable future.

Here is a good picture you might like.

Same tactics used by the democrats in the 2016 campaign, they would infiltrate people in Trump rallies just to get pictures of them wearing a KKK hood or something for a few seconds before they were thrown out.

If there was equal disgust to black supremacy ideology and communist flags as there is for white supremacy ideology and Nazi flag we would be in a much better place.

Same tactics used by the democrats in the 2016 campaign, they would infiltrate people in Trump rallies just to get pictures of them wearing a KKK hood or something for a few seconds before they were thrown out.

If there was equal disgust to black supremacy ideology and communist flags as there is for white supremacy ideology and Nazi flag we would be in a much better place.

So I don't know what you're talking about, OP. All it takes is one swastika flag.

Swastikas aren't just scary, they summon demons and spirits. They are far scarier than inverted pentagrams. Not even Satanists use swastikas, that's how demonic swastikas are. Swastikas are the most evil, evil, evil, evil shape in the entire universe of geometric shapes.

Have you ever seen a swastika and slept soundly through the night? No, you haven't. Nobody has.

Anybody hauling out a swastika like that is opening a Pandora's box of demonic national socialist ghosts from 1939, and those are the scariest, most demonic forces the earth has ever known. You don't even want to know what those ghosts did back when they were living. It is unspeakable. I'm not even going to speak of it. And you don't even want to know what national socialism is. I know what it is, but I'm not going to tell you. It is unspeakable.

Most of antifa and BLM are just a bunch of screaming pussies that do nothing. But it was Heather Heyer that manned up had the good sense to be in the middle of the street - simultaneously stopping cars and racism. It is unfortunate that a man possessed by the demonic spirit of literally Hitler rammed his car into the antifa and BLM crowd - but if it wasn't for Heather Heyer putting her body between the car that was rammed and the car ahead of the car that was rammed, certainly more lives would have been lost.

So there is no doubt the man with the swastika flag unleashed the demonic spirit of Hitler, and that spirit invaded James Fields's body. But we can all count our blessings Heather Heyer was there to put her life on the line and stop the demonic forces of national socialism. Too bad she died.

Not only will James Fields get life, but the man with the swastika flag will probably get life too, as he is responsible for unleashing the ancient national socialist demons with his swastika flag.

Nazis are the new "Russia"

I don't think they're saying Nazism is an issue, but neo Nazis are an issue. That's a hate group that's been active for decades.

I don't know much about this topic in the US, but here in Europe, Nazi groups have been arround for a while and no-one gets particularly outraged by them. People simply don't pay attention to them, and therefore these groups are not that popular. The only thing that keeps them alive is Nazi-Antifa conflicts. As long as one of those groups exists, the other will also exist. As an example, you can find many Nazi symbols and Antifa stickers posted in big cities, but nobody pays attention to them. I'm not sure if that's the case as well in the US but instead media gives them a lot of coverage.

Wow you went full t_d, never go full t_d.. there more than one nazi please!!

It's typical, when a Republican is in the White House.

Agreed. Ask anyone buying into this hysteria when the last time they met someone espousing these views was.

I know divide and conquer is real but this is the first time it's really felt in-your-face blatant to me.

Nazi flag. Nazi salutes. Nazi chants.

What do they need to do, fire up the ovens?

Even as they sweep ashes out of the incinerators, the Nazi apologists will still make excuses like "we're not racist because we hate all minorities equally!"

The problem is when you put 10 Nazis in front of a thousand peaceful sensible people who happen to disagree with you and use that as an excuse to brand everyone who you disagree with on anything as a Nazi.

which is what the media is enticing your side to do and you just can't get enough of those self righteous morally superior feels!

Punch a Nazi. Why not since everyone you don't like gets shoehorned into that box.

That's a lot of hasty generalizations for one comment.

I try to be efficient!

Hey should have stopped marching and told those literal nazis to they weren't going to match with them. Instead they decided to unite the right and carry tiki torches around like some kind of photo op for angry racist mobs weekly.

Check under your bed before you go to speel tonight. Everyone knows thats where Nazis live.

So you're saying if you were in a march with actual nazis you'd jus pretend they were make believe. Guess that explains why that march was such as failure.

I'm saying I believe what I believe for reasons I think are valid.

Let me support abortion. Well, The eugenic crowd (people who believe in weeding out inferior races and other undesirables) love the idea of abortion. They think it's great! Have you changed your mind about abortion?

Sorry, sometimes vile people are going to agree with some point of view you have.

So what you're saying is just because nazis are vile you're more willing to ignore the fact that they harm your cause far more than they help it just because...actually I'm not sure what you're point is. Obviously people are complex and can share perspectives and opinions. That has nothing to do with anything I said. Just because I agree with a nazi that public parks should be maintained doesn't mean I want any of them to wave swastika flags and chant nazi chants at my community event to clean the park. That's bad optics and distracts from your message, and paints you as a nazi sympathizer. Any sensible person would at the very least move away from the nazis or refuse to march until they were gone. The fact that they didn't at a pro confederate statue rally was really really bad optics and now people are tearing down confederate states left and right. So no, siding with terrible people that people pretty much universally hate isn't excused because they happened to share their beliefs. I stand by what I said which was they should have told them to fuck off.

The GOP should thank their lucky stars you aren't head of the RNC. Not that it would make much of a difference at this point.

What I'm saying is if every time conservative want to march or demonstrate for something important to them they cant just let someone bus in a few white supremacists and everyone just goes home becuase they have to virtur signal they aren't a nazi.

take your same logic and apply it to your own side and see if you still think it makes sense.

Everything that has been broadcoasted since 9/11 is fake news

Just remember, on most nights the msm gets only a million or so viewers, remember to keep talking to people in the real world

You dont live in chicago lol my facebook is people losing their minds. I know tons of people who share 15 plus cnn articles per day accompanied by long arguments callong everyone nazis

I do live in Chicago, lol. I still think if you talked to many of those people in real life they wouldn't be so over the top, but maybe I'm wrong. I'm downtown working right now...hahaha

LOL DID NOT READ UR NAME. Thats hilarious

Nazi = National socialism

How did Nazi become synonymous with racism?

Are you implying socialist = non racist?

US invaded two countries with based only on lies. so you can breathe sis.... breath!

I came here to comment the biggest lie of my time was the build up to the Iraq war

Now that is %100 fake news. Many people had them. Dont be a frickin liar.

aims of the rally


I wonder why the media doesn't push human trafficking and opiate addiction stories more? Those would actually help millions of physically affected American citizens. But no. We have to all focus on the .01% of the population that think they are Nazis. There's a reason for this, I just don't know what it is other than getting us to all hate each other more.

No way... Beanie Babies wins that honor I think... and Goodwills are still seeing the effects of that campaign to this day.

My neighbor was murdered by a neo-nazi a few years back. So for the record no I do not think it's a manufactured narrative.

Yep, this shit's becoming comical.
The new generation of CIA psy-ops turds is borderline retarded when it comes to trying to make faked/staged things look legit.
I'm very thankful for that.

Grasping at straws. Shit isnt working.

I think we have had so many massive false narratives over the last couple years, I'm not sure if the Nazi hysteria is bigger than the Russia hysteria.

What I will say is that if I was the mastermind behind national/global brainwashing things are going just the way I would want it

A fringe group that was ignored for decades is suddenly in the spotlight, thanks to media attention. That is ALL this is.

If Trump had simply came out and condemned the attacks from the get go, they would not be pushing this narrative so hard. It is directly a response to the normalization and indifference Trump has shown to the "white nationalists, alt/right, etc." that has everyone in the media so riled up about it.

Even as a liberal and a Trump hater this whole thing makes my bullshit detector go off. I have listened to some interviews and seen some pictures and videos that do provide a good deal of evidence that AntiFa actually started the violence in Charlottesville. I would never defend any Nazis or white supremacists or their ideologies but at the same time I think AntiFa and the radicalized portions of BLM are fucking disgraceful. I listened to an interview with an innocent bystander lady who was in a resturant right where the shit all went down. She said how they saw a half dozen charter busses pull up outside and BLM and AntiFa people poured off them and immediately started rioting and attacking the white supremacists in the area. She said they were throwing bricks, plastic bottles filled with concrete and condoms and balloons filled with feces. She said that prior to the busses arriving there were black and white people from both sides in the resturant she was in and they were discussing the removal of the statues and were doing it perfectly civilly. As soon as the busses of counter-protesters showed up is when the situation turned violent. She actually thought the AntiFa people were neo-nazis because she had no idea what AntiFa is (and you must admit they certainly look the part). The people from the resturant were evacuated out the back door and an old man who was with his 7 year old great granddaughter got his arm broken by a flying brick. The alley that the resturant patrons were evacuated to was the alley where the death occured. She said they saw the guy in the Charger get told by police that he couldn't get through that way and he said, "I'll get through" and tried it. He hit some people and couldn't get through because of other vehicles blocking the alley. He then tried to back up and hit some more people. The lady said she saw numerous people be injured by the car but also saw a few people slam their hands on the car and lay down on the sidewalk and fake injury. The lady who was relating the story was totally traumatized by the whole incident and she and the other resturant patrons were trying to leave the scene because they wanted no part of it and had kids with them but the police kept them trapped there because they were trying to contain a riot and made no distinction between the rioters and the innocent people who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her tale sounded pretty horrific and she was crying periodically in the telling of it. I think about if I was in a similar situation as the dude in the car and I have to admit that if I was suddenly set upon by a violent mob who outnumbered me 50-1, I might run a few of them over in my attempt to get the fuck out of there. It sucks that that woman got killed but the reality of it is that she was not a hero. She was not a peaceful protestor. She was part of a violent mob bent on fucking up some Nazis. So as much as I hate Trump, and I think he should have denounced the Nazis immediately because it's a no brainer, he then could have denounced the AntiFa idiots because the actual fact is that THEY started the violence. What Trump said about there being violence on all sides was technically correct even if it did come off like he was supporting the white supremacists. I am becoming increasingly embarrassed by the left because they are resorting to the same tactics of "spin" and "alternative facts" that the right wing dipshits have been using for twenty years. I find it insulting to my intelligence when they do it and I am even more insulted when my own side resorts to the same ridiculous tactics. When Nazis and KKK assholes exercise their rights to free speech and peaceful protests the thing to do is roll your eyes, shake your head and yell "fuck you Nazi shitheads!", not start a violent riot and attack them. I say fuck stupid Nazis and fuck stupid AntiFa as well. People keep saying that you can't equate the recent violence done by radical leftists to all the violence that has been done over the years by Nazis and KKK assholes and I agree. You cannot equate the two... not yet at least, but they are moving in that direction. More violence and disregarding the right to free speech is not going to make anything better.

I think these brain dead idiots ignored every word. I'm glad to see that there are a few who are calling this BS what it is. Every one of them is a puppet being played by their puppet masters.

This is the interview with the lady who was the eyewitness. It was from r/conspiracy so if you look at that thread it is all about how they think the BLM/AntiFa/KKK/Nazis all came on the same busses and started a riot as a false flag operation but that is not what I think happened. I think the lady just does not know about AntiFa and was mistaking them for neo-Nazis and she was confused by all the chaos and trauma she experienced. There were a few pictures from a twitter that got taken down but I saw them before it happened since I was in that thread from the beginning and they showed BLM and AntiFa people getting off the busses but not any KKK or Nazis so I think the lady was just confused. Since I am a liberal and a skeptic I am usually getting called a shill in that sub just for being a voice of reason but I think they are on to something even though I don't think it was all a false flag concocted entirely by George Soros and the (((joos))). The lady's account of the situation does certainly conflict with the official mainstream narrative. I really don't see how these people on the left think BLM and AntiFa are somehow just benign peaceful protesters. You don't dress up in riot gear to go protest peacefully. All liberals are not gentle, pacifist, snowflake cucks. I know this for a fact since I grew up as an angry punk-rock anarchist kid who has beat the fuck out of my fair share of Nazis. At little punk rock shows I would go to sometimes some Nazi punks would show up and start brandishing their tattoos and sieg-heiling in the pit. There was no security guards so we would stop the show and drag the fuckers outside and beat the shit out of them. I don't feel the least bit bad about it. Stomping a Nazi in the face feels fucking great and I highly recommend it. I have a good friend who spent 18 months in prison for beating a Nazi half to death with a baseball bat. If I were 20 years younger I would probably be right there alongside these AntiFa idiots dressed in black and throwing molotov cocktails with the specific intent to injure or kill some Nazis. I fucking hate Nazis but facts is facts and it sure looks to me like AntiFa started the violence in Charlottesville.

Back in November the neo-Nazis decided to start using this flag. Look for those.

Yeah and its sad people are eating it up.

One of them.

The nazi hysteria is created by the media to try and negatively smear white identitarians from having their views heard by the public. The white nationalists have some legitimate concerns about the anti-white discrimination that they are seeing within society. With the communists/anti-fascists movement being a clear example of the problems white people face, with their anti-white sentiment and hate for white history and the white establishment (trump).

The jews have encouraged a narrative since ww2 that white nationalism is the evil racism that must be defeated in the world. When in reality, white nationalism is a reaction to anti-white communism. Similar types of anti-white people as anti-fifi murdered 30 million white russians, including the monarchy about 100 years ago, not very long ago. So when white men try and get together to speak about this existential threat to white culture and heritage, it at the least deserves the right to be heard without being attacked and being labelled genocidal maniacs.

I've still only seen a picture of one person at the charlotsville rally holding a Nazi flag (the man in the green shirt), and no more than that.

It's a bit disingenious to think that the swastika is the only Nazi (or fascist) symbol or iconology.

First of all, hundreds of the white nationalists were chanting "blood and soil," a literal Nazi slogan, the night before the main events the next day, so we aren't talking about just Nazi swatika flags here. Second of all, many different fascist symbols (the fasces is popular among white nationalists) were present on the flags and shields of the white nationalists, including the National Socialist Movement, which shows the use of the Othala or Odal rune instead of the swastika by some Nazis to avoid the negative connotations of the swastika.

Of course, many white nationalists still prefer to use the Confederate battle flag as their white nationalist symbol of choice.

BTW, the NSM or National Socialist Movement flags were all over the place at the rally, so, yes, the Nazis had a strong presence there. The problem is that most people don't know what to look for when they see these images.

You can see a lot of the above in this video:

As it is, fascists from all over the world use different iconography than just the swastika as well.

Even the narrative of "Antifa vs Nazis" is totally wrong as there are hardly any Nazis at all.

That isn't true. Did you even try to do any research on the groups that were present there, or watch any interviews with any of the organizers? Because you seem ill-equipped to make a judgement on the white nationalist groups that comprised the Unite the Right rally.

Again: ONE PERSON at the rally was holding a Nazi flag. While I disagree with the aims of the rally in general, to even call it a "Nazi rally" was highly disingenuous and not descriptive of reality. But one picture of a person holding a flag is alll it takes to whip a country into mass hysteria

You don't seem to understand the reality that was on the ground in Charlottesville, and I feel as if you are doing spreading disinformation here to deflect away from events that happened in Charlottesville.

Even if it was one person a lot of people were doing Nazi solutes

stop changing the subject. The OP is right

this is complete hype and you 'murican's are eating it up

pls stop

you're going crazy and it's going to end in tears

The real nazis work in the government and have since the end of WWII. All these tiki torchers are edge lords who want attention and some I assume are actually fascists. Every president since fdr died has moved closer and closer to nazi fascism. I think it's just a case of you become the monster you fight type of a thing but it is sad. Hopefully things will one day change but considering there is a decent portion of the country that believes we are a communist utopia we have a ways to go.

Are we STUPID enough to start a civil war over our last civil war

What do you define white supremacy as?

White Superiority/Dominance over other races. Persecution and subjugation.

What do you define a Nazi as?

German National Socialism.

I have explained it here. It's not my fault people do not read.

You treat people like you don't see color, and generally things work out.

there are those who would view you as racist for voicing that sentiment

So you have zero recollection of claiming that white nationalists are LITERALLY nazis (i.e. the german socialist party)

Free speech is a right for everyone. Violence is not.


Are you the same person I was talking to earlier? You seem to have a bad memory, or something... Hmm...

Yea, Nazis hate civil rights organizations with Jewish attorneys on staff.

Nazis seem to get separated from their property in civil suits when the SPLC takes the case.

Much like the Antifascist Action makes the cartoon frog children piss their panties, the SPLC makes those financing them piss their panties.

Ha, no. My best friends are all white. But I lol when people feel compelled to say they have bestie black friends, like they have to say it for social confirmation.

Interesting. Can you please list out all of the directors behind that piece for me? One time I watched - what I thought - was a really good documentary about the health behind mangos, but the who cast of the movie was tied with one of the largest mango exporting companies. Never ate a mango again.

Yup. As I you. :)


i'd hoped so, but one can't be too sure these days...


Fucking go for it, you anti-Semitic cocksucker.

You sound drunk, and angry, and ignorant.

Did I mention DRUNK?

My grandfather fought the Nazis in the Arctic during WW2.

COOL story, bro.

Come back when you sober up.

OK so to get this straight, you think it isn't fascist to shut down speech you disagree with by way of force, trying to remove people from expressing their beliefs on public property and assaulting people who disagree with you?

Ok, well I'm now a Nazi, and I'm claiming you as my best friend Spiel_Foss.. I will follow you wherever you go, so you're a Nazi now, congratulations.

I just have little patience for anyone who won't take the time and effort to collect data over long periods of time and want instant gratification out of a ten minute synopsis. Nothing personal mate. But if you actually give a shit about the state of your country, you'll find the inner desire to hit the books and start watching a shit ton of interviews from the past 50 years. Don't count on me to do it for you

Then call them that. Not Nazi. Yelling Nazi doesn't help there cause, it makes it laughable.

"Christian identity". Now you are up to 1.5 billion.

Sometimes I read posts on this subreddit and wonder if you've ever actually put any thought into the word "news".

I think it has to do with obsessive personalities here. They can't comprehend multiple topics being newsworthy and important. The Russia investigation is still moving, with news as recent as a few days ago. But because that's not the only thing we're talking about, it must be over.

Yeah and chupacabras are seen all over the world too. Why isnt the media covering that?

People are talking about it because a member of the group committed an attack on American soil and killed a person, in the name of that ideology.

Gangs do this every day.

I'm just going through the last year. I guess the first one really was the 'hillary leading the polls' story. like i said seems like ages ago.

what shit so called pollsters those were! trying to convince people that everyone was voting hillary so they should too!

And you arbitrarily get to decide what a hate group is.

Let's take a look at the "About the NSM" page from the National Socialist Movement of America's website, while keeping in mind that this like probably all other self-proclaimed "Nazi" parties is an FBI honeypot (even Richard Spencer is an op and he doesn't even call himself a national socialist, just a "white identitarian"):

The NSM's core beliefs include defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation, and promotion of white separation.

The current two-party system is flawed, one in which each party in turn works to dismantle the work of the party formerly in power — and the cycle goes round and round, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars. Progress is brought to a virtual halt as the two major parties spend most of their time bickering, rather than putting their country first!

Oh, what vicious hatred! White people deserve the same self-determination as we encourage and enthusiastically cheer for literally other ethnicity? Those evil bastards!

The two party system is flawed? We should end the wars in the middle east?

What bitter hatred!!! They must be stopped!!! Makes me sick to see these hateful sons of bitches getting away with this! It's annudah Shoah!

Bingo. Before 9/11, the common wisdom was that we were supposed to just comply with the hijackers and everything would work out. It was the safe plan, and it worked fine for decades.

Now, however... a hijacker tries that boxcutter shit and he'll instantly be buried in a mass of passengers, because now we know that complying has a huge change of getting you killed.

Yes, American history is filled with a long line of racists, eugenicists, slave-owners, those who committed genocide against natives, and some "traitors". Basically all of their statues are dedicated to people who were flawed in some way. That's the way history works, trying to erase it doesn't help you overcome it.

America is a mix of cultures, hence I don't believe "white people" are any sort of a collective group (they are many totally different subcultures) and any arguments trying to lump white people together is usually either trying to declare them all evil or all superior (good ol' American eugenics theory). So naturally, when the notion that they are all evil gains a lot of support, many will disagree and over-react and start thinking they're all superior instead. It's two sides of the same coin, and that terrible coin is the idea of treating "white" like it means anything. Whether you're calling "white" good or bad.

..because you don't like mangos? one mango cartel ruined all mangos for you for ever??

seems like an over reaction, but w/e, more mangos for me.

since 2001

Sooo, except for that one huge event that was the worst terror attack ever....

You have to realize how retarded that sounds.

What about since September 1, 2001? Does that change the statistics any?

White nationalists like Washington and Jefferson?

Did Washington and Jefferson advocate for the creation of a WHITE nation?

Is it problematic?

I've been organizing against fascism before the news picked it up.

This is why people think conspiracy theorists are stupid.


I am skeptical, not sure how that huffpo article or video actually implicates O'keefe though.

It also doesn't make it false that Bob Creamer, a top democrat official who visited the whitehouse on the reg, was on under cover video talking about plans to incite violence at political rallyd.

As if racism was in some way new..

As if that's the only thing that makes this interesting.

The video linked shows exactly how they do it, you show up and ask misleading questions and then ask them to repeat the points you said. This is why none of the things that these fake videos say will happen actually happen. No one was selling baby parts, no one was planning riots, no one was voting illegally.


I don't hate all of muslims and I think the war on terror is bullshit but your statistic is wrong and the news makes it up.

They said there has been more deaths by far right wing extremists. The problem is they don't include deaths like the pulse night club shooting into their statistics. They don't consider that terrorism.

If you include the Pulse nightclub shooting then that one event alone has killed more than "nazis" have in the past few years.

You're getting your numbers from an outdated and cherry picked article. I know because I've researched it the last time it came up. It leaves out 9/11 for some strange reason and is also too old to include things like the Pulse shooting.

and can barely acknowledge the other.

It's not publicized as much, but do you remember the Bundy standoff? Part of the reason there were very few convictions, especially for the ringleaders, is that the FBI sent more informants to the park than the Bundy's had in their inner circle, and that was just a minor group.

Just because they're not as loud as you want the gov to be doesn't mean that nothing is happening.

I'm saying I believe what I believe for reasons I think are valid.

Let me support abortion. Well, The eugenic crowd (people who believe in weeding out inferior races and other undesirables) love the idea of abortion. They think it's great! Have you changed your mind about abortion?

Sorry, sometimes vile people are going to agree with some point of view you have.

Til im goberment now

What I'm saying is if every time conservative want to march or demonstrate for something important to them they cant just let someone bus in a few white supremacists and everyone just goes home becuase they have to virtur signal they aren't a nazi.

take your same logic and apply it to your own side and see if you still think it makes sense.

*maga hats, and you've given no evidence that that incident has anything to do with antifa. you're acting like everyone that opposes trump is antifa.

also, you've complaining about violence while calling for civil war. good shit bro, super convincing right there :)

*MAGA hats, and you've given no evidence that that incident has anything to do with antifa. you're acting like everyone that opposes trump is antifa. prety funny :)

also, you're complaining about violence while calling for civil war. good shit bro, super convincing moral high ground right there :)

If you don't want to argue the semantics then why are you in this thread? That's what it's about.

No, you're dead wrong. Although there have been more White Supremacist attacks in the US, Islamic terrorist attacks have killed significantly more people (9/11 anyone?). White Supremacist attacks (ahem... graffiti) don't usually kill people.

you think that was an act of terrorism?