Grounded flights?

22  2017-08-21 by [deleted]



The airlines have better meteorologists than you?

True true, but the whole coast?

you've been rerouted to gitmo

RIP in peace

What's gitmo?

short for Guantanamo Bay

Nah they made us get off the plane so I'm back in the airport

That's what they want you to think. So you don't get wise and fight back.

Don't let them get away with it! :)


Are you sure you are in the airport and not some deep underground base?

TBH I'm not 100% convinced we're not in a guitar matrix of some sort

Seriously, I think we are. I wonder if it's due to the GPS of the world going haywire, hence the ships crashing into each other, stars & sun seem out of place, who knows


u/UNPER50N u/]swampsparrow

you've been rerouted to gitmo for posting on this sub

Exposing what happens to comrades who expose the party, comrade.

That's 50 years in the gulag for your, comrade.

probably due to solar eclipse traffic, cities where the eclipse happened have heavy ground traffic, I bet the air traffic is just as bad

Who gets dibs on air traffic? First come first serve?

Interesting. Can confirm east coast weather is weirdly suspicious today, cloud formations look more artificial than natural.

Maybe they are hiding something in the skies that occurred during the eclipse?

You have a point there. I am in South Coast Uk and not a hint of eclipse but the weirdest cloud formations from about 5pm GMT

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No mate. It was 6 hours ago dumbass

Today in Pennsylvania, From the front page of r/wtf

Yesterday actually.

They're hiding Nibiru.

Did you see it?

Nibiru, or the eclipse?


I have seen what looks like two "suns" up in the sky, and I have seen, and heard other people talk about it in other parts of Alaska, as well. 100% confirmation of Nibiru? No, but there is something going on in the Cosmos that various "space" agencies and others, do not want us to know about. Search YT, there are tons of live webcam feeds and amateur video recordings of the two suns in this region. Strange times, strange times indeed.

I live 5 minutes from the airport. Can confirm; nothing flew over during the eclipse and the sky was quiet. Not a cloud in sight.

Very odd. That airport is busy as hell, you can always hear planes. Nothing during the eclipse.

I understand not departing at the exact time of the eclipse to prevent damage to pilots' eyes but it's been 2 1/2 hours and we're still grounded.

Chem trails planes were up and running during the eclipse.

Fucker won't stay hidden much longer methinks ...

Are there really no serious comments in this thread? I admittedly haven't visited this sub in a while- has it really devolved into this? Come on, guys.

Where were you flying from/to? There is nothing that should cause more than a few minor delays.

Florida to New York. Flight's boarding again (an hour later) so most likely me just being paranoid. I'm entertained by the replies though so I'm leaving the post up.

Still interesting though, radar is pretty benign over the eastern US and nothing that planes couldn't navigate around. Have a safe flight.


Get out while you still can.

The last 2 times in the last 5 weeks same thing happened to me. I got stuck in Chicago for 4 hours Friday night.

With the recent influx of flights being delayed and being left on the tarmac for passengers to steam up and get irritated, has me concerned. What if they are doing this on purpose? Perhaps keeping the cabin doors closed, and pumping up the heat and spraying some kind of mind control juices in there for evaluation purposes? Sending in a flight attendant to see how people react when your "seat is already taken"... This is all odd to me how much more this has been happening within the last year. Its almost as if we are being analyzed from a distance.


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Nah I'm good I've landed at my destination

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Yup, still alive

it's BECAUSE OF HEAT and humidity. planes can't take off.

Plus it could be unsafe working conditions for the ground crew. Depending on the intensity they could have to take a break every 15 minutes to hydrate.

Wouldn't it be colder today though?

Weird. I live just outside DC and it was overcast, hazy, but no storms.