All I see across Reddit are pro Marxist/communism posts.

11  2017-08-22 by [deleted]



Propaganda is picking up because they want a color revolution/race war. Just weather the storm.

how terrible hitler was

I know right?

Can't believe it.

My point is they're hyper fixated on hitler, yet no mention of how terrible Stalin, mao, Lenin, Marx, pol pot, or any of the other mass murdering dictators and influentials.

I'm white and proud to be American, but I don't care that I'm white. My identity is tied to being an American born and raised in the south, not whiteness.

What exactly is there to be proud of as an american besides maybe the Grand Canyon?

Why single out the Grand Canyon? Such a weird choice to be proud of.

I was asking you for an example, any example.

I'm proud of the amount of progress we've made over the last 200 years, and the history and multitude of different cultures that coexist. One of my biggest memories is when I served in the military, we were marching together, and then I noticed how diverse every culture and race we were, but we were working great together even though just 100 or so years ago we would all be forcefully segregated and divided.

It's just one example, but yeah, I'm proud of things like that.

Now that is a weird thing to be proud of, and it seems kind of absurd that you can't list about 30 things easily. There is almost nothing to be "proud" of about this country, especially when people learn of our real history.

Every nation has a dark past and history. I consider myself more of a global citizen, and I believe that nation's boundries are just artificial constructs, but I'm still proud of being an American citizen, and I still care deeply for my fellow brothers and sisters.

Why is it weird to be proud of progress?

Why is it weird to be proud of progress?

Why would you assume that, and in what way have we progressed in say the last 40 years, or since JFK? Our infrastructure is falling apart, we are losing our freedoms left and right, we can now be arrested and detained for life, money buys our government, we depose leaders around the world, we don't even supply fresh drinking water to our own people while we support a false ally with whatever they want and more.

It's fine to care about your fellow human beings, but being proud of what's become of this country is part of the problem. Jingoism is ugly and stupid.

Gay marriage was made legal, racial equality has improved, quality of life has improved, our economy has improved, our political involvement has improved.

Yes, we our losing our rights because of the fake fears of terrorism and brown people, but you can't just look at the bad and ignore the good.

Gay marriage- social issue which affects few compared to the whole. Racial equality has improved? Maybe in slow, incremental fashion, but Obama himself did nothing for the black community. In many ways racial tension is about to explode. Quality of life has improved? I don't buy that. In some ways sure, in other ways not. I'd say it's mostly a wash. The economy has only "improved" for a small segment of our population. Real wages have been FLAT since the 1970's for everyone else. People are actually earning less than they used to. "...political involvement has improved." I have no idea what that means, unless you're happy that we foist our views on every corner of the globe.

Obama did very little for the black community..what?

That's right. Obama did almost nothing to further the cause of people of color while in office. I can't think of a single thing, can you?

Yeah okay, but he also made it legal to propagandize our own people, didn't close gitmo, didn't go after any bankers (even reagon did that), kept our perpetual wars going, implemented almost exactly the cabinet that Citigroup recommended, but the CEO of GE in charge of "jobs" (that he subsequently sent overseas), revamped the auto industry from a job that could support a family, to shit wages with no retirement, oversaw the gulf spill and simply got a big fat paycheck from them that didn't "fix" the environmental catastrophe or help the people on the gulf, just mainly big business... he claimed he would walk picket lines, but instead turned on teachers in Madison and also worked hard to shut down Occupy Wall street, because he's always been a corporate puppet. He and Holder refused to go after the Bush administration for crimes against humanity and torture... Oh fuck. You know what? Nevermind. I'm wasting both our time here.

Wait, I thought we were talking about what he did for black people?

You are grasping at straws, pointing to a crumb on the floor while the pigs eat a feast. Bye. I'm done, and give up. Just whatever you want to believe, go on with yo' bad self.

I can't think of a single thing, can you?

I gave you a single thing. And the law has a huge positive effect on not only black people's lives but everyone that was caught in the evil drug war.

Gay marriage- social issue which affects few compared to the whole.

Who cares if it affects only a few compared to the majority. The civil rights of millions were being violated until it was overturned by the Supreme Court.

And even it's slow progress, it's still progress.

Social issues are the only thing we can point to to be "proud of". That is my point, and it's a piss poor excuse. The fact of the matter is there was a coup in 1963, and this country has been crumbling ever since.

If you want to be proud of this country, I can't stop you. But there is really nothing tangible to be proud of. We do not innovate, we do not build anything or lead the world in much of anything any longer. We send our resources overseas because we don't manufacture anything, and we don't even have single payer health coverage like the other first-world nations. Bullet trains? Do you see them? How about vast solar and wind farms? We don't invest in our future, we don't invest in education... (look up Devos).

Oh well, just had to ask someone who is still a believer, what the hell there is to be proud of. Not much.

It's not just "social issues". It affects millions of people's lives in real and impactful ways. You have to realize that right? It's just theoretical or something people talk about.

Sure. But what I am saying, is that tangible things are missing. We do not innovate much, especially compared to before the coup. We don't have a bullet train, we've got an old, tired, embarrassing railway system. We have endless war. We have "free" americans getting ripped off by our own police, with civil asset forfeiture. We are now ramping up even more war in Afghanistan, and why? Are americans in danger? Our rights are being deliberately eroded, with barely a peep from people as long as they have a new cell phone. I could go on and on, but already have. The point is, that it's delusional to be "proud" of this country. It's also problematic because you have to admit there is a problem before anything can ever be fixed, and this country is in free-fall at this moment. This is what happens when empires fail throughout history, they over-extend until there's nothing left. We even invaded a country after 9/11, that had nothing to do with the attack. Take off your red, white and blue sunglasses and have a good look around. We are actually Israel's bitch, and it's so apparent that it's hilarious, but in a dark sense of course.

Of course we are not perfect. No nation is perfect and every nation has it's flaws and issues. Progress is not linear, and we still face very complex issues that are going to take generations to repair.

I guess my perspective is just different because I've actually travelled all over the world and actually lived in third world countries before, so I'm able to appreciate what we do have.

I guess my perspective is just different because I've actually traveled all over the world and actually lived in third world countries before, so I'm able to appreciate what we do have.

So have I. I lived in Phnom Penh for over 18 months and have traveled all over southeast Asia even staying in remote villages. I too have that perspective, I can guarantee you that. But jesus christ, this country is fucking embarrassing. It's a disgusting shadow of its former self, and true believers like yourself need to wake up and smell the damn coffee.

No nation is perfect and every nation has it's flaws and issues.

That's a goddamn cop-out. The moment citizens united happened, or when indefinite detention became a fact, if there was anything real left to this country, many thousands should have poured out into the streets to demand answers, and yet we've got nothing. Americans are fucking stupid generally, and we will still be proudly waving the flag when we're all living in shacks and fighting over scraps thrown from an occasional limousine that passes by.

Have a good night.

I lived in Phnom Penh for over 18 months

Oh seriously? I lived in Cambodia for a year as well, haha. What serendipity.


Sok so bai.

Sok so bai tay?

saamnang la ah! :)

How did you like it there?

My time there was bittersweet, as so many things in life are. I especially liked teaching informal English classes to some monks that begged me to, when I lived just down the street. They were so fun to get to know. I lived in a apartment right across from the National Museum for a while. It was an amazing time sometimes, especially when the rice paddies were emerald green and riding the motos, or going to Sihanoukville. I wish I'd spent more time in the northern areas though, and in Laos. I got tired of getting so ill, so often though. I had Dengue once, it was no fun.

I've forgotten most of my Khmer, and at one time almost could call myself semi-fluent in a basic way. I could often tell what was being spoken, which caught many by surprise at times.

Cambodia is a crazy place, and I'm happy to not be living there any longer. Everyone wants something from you, and they are sure you are there to give it to them.

Oh nice. I did something similar but I taught out in the rural villiages and visiting the cities every now and then. Maybe the rural people are different, but I never felt like people were trying to get anything from me. I taught for free, so I feel like most people were pretty grateful for what I was doing to help them out of poverty. I'm still very connected to some of my kids (I called my students my kids).

I much prefer Sihanoukville than Phnom Penh, though. Such a chill relaxing environment.

Did you ever go visit Mondolkiri?

I'm surprised you got ill so often there. I was pretty proud of the fact I only got sick there once or twice, haha. Especially since I ate pretty much everything, and I never took the dengue pills or whatever they were.

Sorry you got dengue though and that you felt people were trying to take advantage of you.

Do you understand this?

Mok doe ek goot sah va

Yeah, getting sick was something that seemed to happen with regularity, even when I'd try to be careful.

Did you ever go visit Mondolkiri?

No, but I wanted to. I went to Angkor about 3 times for several days at a time though. Wish I'd spent even more time there, because there was so much to see.

Knyom meun cheu pooah, ot s'bey... I never did get the "cupping" that was recommended all the time. Or the coining.

I will try to puzzle out what you've said now! HA!

Now, I'm trying to figure out what you are saying haha,

Knyom is I, and ot s'bey is not ok. Don't understand the middle part.

I doubt you'll be able to figure out what I said, haha. It's just a funny phrase my kids taught me.

Mok doe ek goot sah va = "You have the face of a monkey's ass"


One time I really made my friend laugh when I had to explain that I needed a pharmacy. I said, "I have water-ass." in Khmer. He laughed for about 5 solid minutes. :)

I just said I would have a sick stomach. The Dengue gave me a spotted rash all over my body and I was really ill for about a solid week. I really should have flown to Bangkok for medical treatment at the time.

It's been about a decade since I've had to use that part of my brain, so it's all so familiar but lacking. Where did you live?

I think there's a lot to be proud of for being American. That's why I want America to remain free, and not be destroyed from within by communists, or foreigners who wish to exploit or harm the hard working citizens of it. I think the people who were born in America should be helped before others. Make black neighborhoods safe, cleanup inner cities, given people jobs and education. Stop supporting sanctuary cities and allowing refugees to enter and go on welfare. Same goes for all western nations.

I find it hard to believe you are being sincere in what you say.

From 1776 to 1913 America accomplished so much, people could invent things and prosper. A dollar was worth a dollar and there was no income tax. Things have changed, but America is still a country where people can live free and prosper.


Nazis like bush and clinton telling us nazis are bad? How helpful

Well the thing is, neither Bush or Clinton is a Nazi.

I'm not saying this to be racist, but it just blows my mind how so many people can believe in a viewpoint that's completely different from mine.


I legit feel like many people didn't learn much in school. Both national socialists and communists were mass murdering psychopaths, yet it's so progressive to be Marxist today.

hate to break it to you, but with climate change and automation communism is gonna be pretty much our only shot at keeping civilization going over the next century.

I think that's what they want us to think. Machines and automation isn't going to benefit us, it's going to increase unemployment and poverty, yet we are flooding the west with immigrants who will serve as compitition for whatever jobs remain. Only extremely specialized fields will exist. Why would the elite pay $1500/month every person when they could just kill them. Sterilization for ubi recipients, decrease world population by 95%. Call it a solution to global warming.

exactly, this is why we need to organize and agitate for communism now.

So they can kill us all?

no, to avoid that.

But that's what I'm saying, the elite will never just hand out money for nothing, they'd kill us all first. Their whole status is derived from money so they'll never allow a completely moneyless system to exist. Communism is just another tool that they use to undermine civilization for their own benefit.

I agree with everything you just said. Terrible things have been done in the name of communism. That doesn't mean that it isn't, objectively speaking, our best shot moving forward as a species.

The Bolsheviks and Maoism killed people.

There's nothing in the teachings of Marx that explicitly say that mass murder is necessary

Most countries that institute a communist government end up being slaughtered by it. Whether or not Marx and Engels intended it to be that way, it's turned out to be.

Kill us all?

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly.

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly.

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly.

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf?

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf?

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and yeah Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

fewer sociopaths*

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

fewer sociopaths*

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

fewer sociopaths*

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

fewer sociopaths*

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

fewer sociopaths*

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

fewer sociopaths*

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

There's too many sociopaths for real anarcho-communism to work right now (and Stalin/Mao were nowhere near real communists, they were state capitalist dictators).

Not to mention, psycho, lying elites. They'd pretend it's communism and instead give us totalitarian state capitalism.

For now though, I'm pretty content with democratic socialism. Heck, I'd even settle for social democrat or even centrism. Right now we're in crony capitalist extreme authoritarian NEOliberalism and NEOconservatism.

We can't improve things when we have psychopath elites dragging everyone else down with them. There would be less sociopaths if the elites were not socio/psychopaths themselves. Big pharma, food industry, TV, lack of decent affordable mental/physical healthcare, etc. contribute to sociopath behavior in the population, sadly. Anyway, why did OP delete his posts, wtf? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes xD

Could be the opposite. Democratic socialism works great in places like Sweden and Canada and Germany. You're just fear mongering by calling people Marxists when all they want is a national heakthcare system, more affordable college and fair wages.

Yet Canada, Sweden, and Germany are all facing major issues with refugees and crime. You can literally just walk in to Canada and they won't stop you.

The crime rate in those countries isn't nearly as bad as it is in America.

Their population isn't as large either. The media covers up the worst. Lots of criminals in Canada, easier legal system and they only get a slap on the wrist when caught.

I think the world but definitely the US has issues with crime.

Overpopulation is a bitch. Maybe it is time to discuss population control.

Overpopulation is a fallacy, we are just being forced into living in more compact areas.

I think overpopulation is caused by the elites. Poverty, religious zealots (rather than sensible religious people who see there's nothing wrong with using protection), brainwashing sex sex sex music industry, TV, Hollywood, crap underfunded education system, etc. all contribute to worldwide population. The elites socially engineer things so I don't care about their opinions. They might push depopulation agendas, but I'd rather they start with themselves and leave us alone.

Let's not give population control to the gov, they're already extremely authoritarian, evil and corrupt as it is lol. The economy of the average person won't change with these scum elites. They don't want democratic socialism, they want pro-establishment NEOliberalism.

The world is in a mess not because of humanity, but because of psychopath elites. Evil only wins when good men do nothing. So we have to spread the truth, get a decent independent, reform political campaign finance, boycott the corporate media, end the FED, end the CIA, etc. whoever works for the elite bankers. Get them out of government.

Christ wasn't white.

I didn't say he was. But he did say all nations of the world. Not just one. My point is the media fixates on promoting black men as ideal, they have a lot of good to them, but I think it's wrong to use them only. It's their race war agenda, disguised as tolerance.

If one believes in Jesus Christ, it is going to get worse. The book of Revelation, God's word, tells us just how bad it is going to get. The fallen angels have led humans for too long; it stops soon.

Hopefully you can get as many fence-sitters to Jesus as possible before it is too late for them. That's the best I have to offer.

Yes, I think you're right. It would be much easier to accept if we didn't have to live with the consequences of their actions though. I mean I don't want to be apart of the new world order.

We have eternity, it is a really long time. Let go of yourself in this time, look past this life/world, look to Him and His kingdom in the near-future. If that is your choice, you will be a part of it, whether you die and come back or live to see the second coming.

This should strengthen your faith. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you will live again - He and God/Creator are not liars.

I don't want to be a part of it either (I don't really want to be a part of the lead up to it, which is now, additionally). One can't buy or sell if you aren't part of that system, according to the Holy Bible, so that's at least guaranteed homelessness. I plan on getting my head lopped off in the guillotine (or worse) when I refuse the mark-of-the-beast system that is coming soon.

And ensure you don't become like them in the process.

You must be delusional then.

White nationalism is inherently divisive. They literally want to divide people.

None of those things you mentioned are pro Marxist

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe OP is just trolling.

but it just blows my mind how so many people can believe in a viewpoint that's completely different from mine.

This has to be a purposeful ironic point of view.

white nationalism is wrong

It is

how not all white people support it

We don't

how terrible hitler was

He was

how stupid Trump is

He is

how cool black men are

Well not by default. I've met some lame-ass black dudes

how minorities are right

Like all human beings, they also are capable of being wrong.

I'd really like to believe that we could sit in the center and live peacefully with all types of people. But I think that's naivety, and ignores the reality that groups of people are competitive and seeking to harm others.

I'd really like to believe that we could sit in the center and live peacefully with all types of people. But I think that's naivety, and ignores the reality that groups of people are competitive and seeking to harm others.

Some people will seek to harm but our propose is to outgrow them.

Not if we let them destroy us first. We don't want sharia law.

Do you regularly interact with people of different backgrounds, opinions, races, religions, etc.? I've learned that exposure is key

I live in a Muslim community with a prodominantly black population. There's people selling crack across the street right now. The police are here every night.

My Christian friend, not all leftism is Marxist, and Stalin/Mao were only communists in name, they were actually bureaucratic state capitalists. Real communism (stateless society, not a dictatorship) is called anarcho-communism. Don't be fooled to hate anarcho-communism or other leftist ideologies just because some violent group takes the name, e.g. antifa pretending to be anarcho-communist when they're actually establishment violent shills probably paid for by Soros or similar NEOliberal establishment figures.

And Hitler was slightly right wing....But it's not his economics that were the was his extreme authoritarianism. Even if he was technically a type of socialist (I'm not sure national socialism is a legit type of socialism or whatever) but even so, that still wouldn't represent all leftism or socialism.

Democratic socialism for example is very much less authoritarian than dictator socialism. In fact it's less authoritarian than this current NEOliberal system.

We are ruled by sick authoritarians....stuff like NSA state's crazy.

There's a lot of divide and conquer tactics going on. Fake left vs far right (so called liberals vs conservatives) when in fact both parties are far right authoritarian NEOliberals.

Are you a left wing Christian? If you want me to clarify, let me know. I'm on mobile right now, otherwise I'd type more and give some helpful links.

Yes, I think you're right. It would be much easier to accept if we didn't have to live with the consequences of their actions though. I mean I don't want to be apart of the new world order.

Overpopulation is a fallacy, we are just being forced into living in more compact areas.


I didn't say he was. But he did say all nations of the world. Not just one. My point is the media fixates on promoting black men as ideal, they have a lot of good to them, but I think it's wrong to use them only. It's their race war agenda, disguised as tolerance.

I think overpopulation is caused by the elites. Poverty, religious zealots (rather than sensible religious people who see there's nothing wrong with using protection), brainwashing sex sex sex music industry, TV, Hollywood, crap underfunded education system, etc. all contribute to worldwide population. The elites socially engineer things so I don't care about their opinions. They might push depopulation agendas, but I'd rather they start with themselves and leave us alone.

Let's not give population control to the gov, they're already extremely authoritarian, evil and corrupt as it is lol. The economy of the average person won't change with these scum elites. They don't want democratic socialism, they want pro-establishment NEOliberalism.

The world is in a mess not because of humanity, but because of psychopath elites. Evil only wins when good men do nothing. So we have to spread the truth, get a decent independent, reform political campaign finance, boycott the corporate media, end the FED, end the CIA, etc. whoever works for the elite bankers. Get them out of government.