Why would the elite give us the internet?

13  2017-08-22 by amateurrocketbuilder

If there's a nefarious group controlling things, why give us something like the internet?


Ever since the internet, pedophilia has increase a million percent - B.o.B.

I'd say it was out of there hands...or...they didn't know all the capabilities when it first came out.

Did they "give us" the internet? I think the internet evolved.

Now, the internet is controlled. It went from being like the "Wild West" to being a day care center inside a concentration camp.

Take a look around, and ask yourself: "Why not?". Look how stupid people have become because of it. More people have been dumb down by it, than have enlightened/educated themselves because of it. It's a Brave New World, plus global surveillance. Much like a gun, a person is more likely to shoot themselves in the foot, then shoot someone trying to attack them.

ding ding ding

Social media is also the best propaganda

...and one of the worst (or best to them) forms of MKULTRA.

Blackmail has probably gotten a lot easier with the internet, and eventually it would've been invented anyways.

Also it can serve as a major distraction, facilitates massive information gathering, propaganda pushing, and psyops in general.

We can be parted from our slave wages dramatically more efficiently, and they don't have to pay all the people between us and the warehouse anymore.

It's a double-edged sword. It helps them more than it hurts them.

And they're pro-technology.

To spy on us. They underestimated the up sides of the Internet.

Because theyre end goal requires the internet. Otherwise no hive mind or mass surveillance

For the first time ever in this sub I agree with all comments before me

More control over a wider area.

"Give us" is the wrong way of thinking of it. You're talking about a few thousand people worldwide. They can affect change, but they can't control innovation. You are giving them too much credit.

Many reasons, one of them being porn, which is prostitution with a digital camera, this helps keep men who could make a difference, content and docile.

Seriously? The internet has been the ultimate piece of monitoring and control over humanity. That's why it was given to us. And oh yeah it was most definitely given to us for that reason.


I was always suspicious bec it was started by Dept of Defense. And it was free.

So they can spy on us.


The internet was a great place before the advent of social media, then those in power saw it's value (and it's power). Much like Television, they did not care when 1 in 50 families had a television. Once 40 in 50 did, it was much more alluring.

Because the internet is actually the most powerful tool for mass manipulation ever conceived. It has completely backfired, any dream of an internet that would user in an age of knowledge and sharing cultures across societal boundaries, are long dead.

The internet is not the 'problem', social media & surveillance; control is goal.

The elite didn't give us the internet, in fact it was the opposite, taxpayers paid for all the research and development and deployment of the internet and gave it to the corporations that had the contracts to develop it, people like Amazon don't pay the government or you a royalty to use it, nor does facebook, nor apple, nor google, nor the telecomm or cable companies.

The are all have contracts with NSA to sell the data they collect for the domestic spy program.

The internet was developed for national security reasons and for commercial users.

It wasn't developed for you, but all tax payers paid for not only the internet but also for all the technologies that led to it as well.

A result of national security needs and the space program and national and international commerce.

Before Soviet collapse print media was decentralized.


Data mining, behaviour analysis, spying, control grid, propaganda.

The elite had nothing to do with it and they fear it's power. You kids don't remember life before it, I do. The only place on the planet you could buy weed legally was Netherlands, after the internet the states started falling like dominoes. The internet is the greatest asset to freedom in history. If you all hate it so much and think it's a tool for big brother, why are you here?

If you believe the elite "gave" the internet to anyone you're mistaken. The elite never gave you anything.

The internet arose out of a military desire to communicate in the event of nuclear war.

The elite had absolutely nothing to do with the internet and it's development. They are now wanting to shut it down as it allows for communication between the common man that they cannot control.

As we say in my country:

"They gave you a rope, just for you to string yourself up"

No matter what you put in humans' hands, they will find a way to destroy themselves with it.

BANKING. Period. All the rest is a benefit of.

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