How do you feel now that the Eclipse is over? Calm? Optimistic? Anxious? Curious to know how others are feeling.

7  2017-08-22 by DonnaGail

I have a strange sense of calmness about me now that it is over. Almost like a peaceful feeling. I said "strange" because I actually haven't felt this way in a long time.

So I'm curious to know how others are feeling.


We're still here, so that's a plus. One conspiracy down, many more to go.

Some of us are still waiting for the numbers to come in on actual sacrifices completed though....

Okay, but you didn't really tell me how you are feeling. I'm guessing you feel good because we are still here. LOL!

But seriously, what/how are you FEELING right now?

Bad enough to make jokes about sacrifices to eclipses, heh.

Seriously, I rarely feel good anymore, stuff weighs heavy you know?

Are you in America? I'm just curious to see if Americans feel the effects of the eclipse, since it happened here.

I am, although not directly in the path; it was slightly angled.

I'd say there was more a sense of calm/quiet during the small window, like a brief pause of everything. I didn't pray or meditate either.

My area got 85%. It was really cool watching it with the glasses on. Yeah, I forgot to pray/meditate during it too. I wanted to see it!

Did you feel any different during it, besides the visual and temperature effects?

Just a sense of awe and calmness.

where was the moon? science is some fake shit

The moon passed in front of the Sun today (in my area).

It is all the same.

So you don't feel any different feelings right now? May I ask, are you in America? Just wondering since the eclipse only crossed in America, would it only affect those living here.

I am in America, no different feelings. It is all the same to me.

Okay, thanks for answering. 🙂

I live on the other side of the planet, but I felt pretty strong anxeiety. I didn't know the eclipse was occurring at that time and was confused as to what I was feeling anxious about. Just another data point for you you seem interested.

Interesting. Thanks for answering.

Fuck mondays.

We should change the name to 'demonday's, that's how bad they are.

To be honest, I'm kinda relieved nothing happened, but I'm also disappointed nothing did.

Any other feelings? I mentioned I feel peaceful and optimistic. So anything else you are feeling?

My optimism is fading, I find it hard to be peaceful. Seeing everyone around me, including myself, being manipulated daily. There's such an intricate woven net of deception that covers our society that it is almost unfathomable.

Everyday I wake up, looking at all the division being made, all of the people being played. Yeah, there are places on the internet that attempt to unravel the pieces, but how many of pieces are disinformation? And to follow that, a majority of people will believe whatever any major news outlet will say, without fact checking and researching themselves.

Six companies control roughly 90% of the media. Notable Properties of the six companies Comcast: -Comcast -NBC -Universal Studios and Pictures -Focus Features NEWSCORP: -Fox -Wall Street Journal -New York Post Disney: -ABC -ESPN -Pixar -MiraMax -Marvel Studios VIACOM: -MTV -Nick Jr -BET -Paramount Pictures -CMT Time Warner: -CNN -HBO -TIME -Warner Bros CBS: -Showtime -NFLCOM -Jeopardy -60 minutes

In 1983, 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies. In 2011, that same 90% was controlled by six companies, and still is.

Some sources if you want to check it out yourself: 1

2 The info graphic isn't up to date for 2017 but is still roughly accurate.

That's just the media. Have you heard the stories and articles about how made fertility is dropping? Here are some articles.

Time, funny haha


Scientific America

Yeah, it's happening. Why do you think that is? Could it be the heavy metals in vaccines? Or the chemicals in the air? Or how about the toxins in our food and water supply? I think it's a combination of all of them.

There is undoubtedly an agenda being pushed behind the scenes but everyone is too distracted to notice.

That's about the just of how I feel at the moment.

TL:DR; Optimism fading due to control and manipulation of our society.

The same as I always feel... because I knew nothing was going to happen. Wait till late September-October.. The Red Dragon will have stolen the child, by the then ;)

What does that mean? Is this a Revelations thing?

We shall see, now won't we?

You are freaking me out! 🙂

They can hide it, but they cannot stop it. Has nothing to do with religion. Buckle up, it'll be a bumpy ride.

Stop pretending you know more than us. It's transparent and childish.

Buckle up, Buckaroo!

I was in Washington, very close to the full totality (something like 95%) at 10:30am-ish. It was a beautiful blue sky and over 40 minutes it turned to a deep cerulean, like the clear waters I remember while diving in Hawaii. I felt incredibly serene and actually cried a little bit, imagining how many people were seeing the same thing I was. I know it's cheesy and lame but maybe this was a healing moment for our country.

Many people cried! Don't feel bad and it doesn't sound cheesy at all! I think it was a healing moment for our country too!!!!!!

Haha, I don't feel bad, it's just my knee jerk response to optimism :)


I am feeling astronomical. Remember eclipses have been happening for hundreds of millions of years, much longer than humans have been creating myths, superstitions and conspiracies about them.

I know eclipses happen all the time. But the one that happened today in America was different. We haven't had one like this in a long time. So I think it really affected Americans.

How did it affect us?

That's what I'm trying to find out. That's why I asked how everyone feels.

I don't.

i think that some definitely were touched. But there are people on both sides of the spectrum that are too retarded and emotional to really care.

they were probably like "yeah, you go Mr dark moon, blot out that privledged white sunlight"

Oh, I hope you are wrong. I try to always stay positive. So I'm hoping that this was a healing moment for America.

me too.

but if you could see the discussion I'm actually managing to have with a left supporter.... you'd think like me too.

I literally spelled out what empathy means, how you don't have to like someone to understand their plight. How understanding said plight is key to situational de-escalation, because empathy is the key to understanding motivation.

he came back and was like


never once did I say I supported the alt right - I merely was trying to understand where they come from, in order to help quiet some of this tension.

the left preaches empathy to the point of weaponization - yet they have no fucking clue what it means.

When they resort to name calling, I call it quits with them.

One trick ponies.

I'm just glad Yellowstone did not get triggered somehow then erupted and virtually destroying most of north America's ecosystem and devastating the planet for a few decades, so i guess i'm feeling thankful lol.

Flat Earth. Mic drop

I stayed up late to do the meditation, and it was a cool event. We're gonna be okay. We already are okay.

Yes, I have a peaceful feeling about everything too!

Cant really comment on yesterday's being in the UK and all but what struck me about the ones I've witnessed was how people stopped caring for a fee minutes to watch the universe do it's thing.

Yes, it was exactly like that! Everyone stopped and watched in awe as the Universe did it's thing!

Not in America, didn't get to see the eclipse

I just happened to wake up during that time for a pee.




Same as I used to feel as a teenager after watching the big concert that was heavily promoted. Like it was going to change the world or something. I go to the concert. I'm all excited. Then it's over. I wake up the next morning and it's like it never happened. There should be a word for it. Hype let-down. It was cool, but was it really worth all the fuss?

Yes, I know what you are saying. I don't feel that way about the eclipse. But I have felt that way about other events.

No effect whatsoever.

Are you in America? Just curious.

Yes. Los Angeles, California. We had overcast skies so I couldn't really see the sun. Just the light dimming. It did seem oddly quiet during the eclipse. I live on a busy street and it seemed like the traffic stopped.

Yes, it was oddly quiet and calm during it in my area too.

Have to see what the next 33 days hold

me too.

but if you could see the discussion I'm actually managing to have with a left supporter.... you'd think like me too.

I literally spelled out what empathy means, how you don't have to like someone to understand their plight. How understanding said plight is key to situational de-escalation, because empathy is the key to understanding motivation.

he came back and was like


never once did I say I supported the alt right - I merely was trying to understand where they come from, in order to help quiet some of this tension.

the left preaches empathy to the point of weaponization - yet they have no fucking clue what it means.