What is "Antifa" ?

0  2017-08-22 by xolotl-tlaloc

I mean.. I KNOW is means "anti-fascism".

But why would anti-fascism be "terrorist" ?


But would would anti-fascism be "terrorist" ?

That depends on how you define "Terrorist". If you research the meaning of the word "Terrorist" you will discover nearly 100 different meanings. That said, this latest group "Antifa" is nothing more than a group of people who are led to believe that they should try to use violence to further their "cause". So, in a vague sort of way, yes, "Antifa" could be construed to be "Terrorists" - but then so can any group.

Got nothing to do with Nazis or terrorism. The name itself is just a label and doesn't really mean much.

What is important is that they have some fundamental similarities with every other group of thugs who have felt justified in forcing their values on others throughout history.

The really evil thing about Antifa, ISIS, Nazis, Inquisition etc. is:

  • Their sense of superiority over others.

  • Refusal to recognize the legitimacy of different opinions or values.

  • Willingness to use force against people who have certain different values. Basically intolerance.

  • If there's one word to describe what Antifa, or anyone like them, is all about... it's Conformity.

Western culture is supposed to be all about freedom of expression, freedom of speech, individual rights, religious and ideological freedoms etc.

Antifa is all about intolerance for anyone who doesn't conform to their standard of "political correctness". Right now, they've got lot's of people suckered. But I'm really hoping they push things too far and get fucking hammered before they get strong enough to do some real harm.

Oh this is a perfectly reasonable answer. Of course antifa are fascist, no worse than fascist, they are thugs that aim to maintain the status quo.

You mention western values yet you fail to provide an explanation on what to do when they are threatened? Should we let society be manipulated by the first group to come around? Should we fight back against what we perceive not part of our culture?

Because this is what antifa is, a reaction to a violent group trying to manipulate society for their own interest. Do you really believe white supremacy groups and neo nazi (the ones antifa is figthing by the way) care for western values of free speech? Of social freedom?

And before you start quoting Voltaire, have you ever heard of the paradox of tolerance?

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

-Karl Popper, 1945

This is what antifa really is, a society ready to defend its tolerant ideals, by eliminating the intolerant.

You mention western values yet you fail to provide an explanation on what to do when they are threatened?

I like to think that the people reading my comments have some ideas and imagination of their own. So I'll answer your question with another question.

If you could go back in time to the 1920's before the Nazis gained power, what would you do? Whatever response/solution you come up with, apply it to Antifa.

Imo, they're right about where the Nazis were just before the Beer Hall Putsch. They've already got the ideology and Soros funding. All they need is a bit more time and a charismatic leader.

I have a feeling each of your bulletin points are far more about your feelings in regards such groups.

Like you probably feel superior. You make sure not to listen to their perspective so you don't have to feel empathy. I imagine you would feel force is necessary if you could. And you probably have strong feelings about a rebel group of non-comformists considering you think they're about conformity.

To be sure, not saying your right or wrong. Just that if you want to talk about your feelings, it's best to be honest. I feel like it's hard to argue with honest feelings.

I mean, you're clearly trying to write a narrative for someone else. That's not cool, who told you that was acceptable? Why can't people have their own voices? Why do you feel the need to speak for a people you clearly don't even respect? Does that not occur to you what you're doing? Do you have any sense of self-awareness?

I see where you're coming from.

Ha! You would. Love it.

Like you probably feel superior.

Holy fuck really? This is exactly how groups like Antifa gain a foothold to power. Lamewits like you that can't, or won't see the danger they represent when it's right in front of you.

You're like a domesticated farm animal. You're so docile and lacking in natural instincts, you can be led straight to the slaughter without even getting alarmed.

Do you have any sense of self-awareness?

Yes. I'm a wolf and you're someone's pet dog.

Good luck with that.

You are aware that by saying, and I quote:

I'm a wolf and you're someone's pet dog.

That you are just exactly doing your darndest to feel superior over someone?

Like I called out a very, very, very, specific behavior, and you chose to actively engage in just exactly what I predicted.

I'm not saying you should be ashamed of yourself. You're a human, humans are nothing if not pattern loving machines. But I'm also a human. Do you understand?

I don't want to hear from you how much better you think you are than me (because you don't know me anyway,) I want to hear from you your sense of self-awareness.

Like I called out a very, very, very, specific behavior, and you chose to actively engage in just exactly what I predicted.

No, now it just looks like you're trolling. Maybe you like drama, or maybe you just like to say edgy things and try get a reaction out of people?

Anyways, go sign up with Antiifa... I think you'll find the home you're looking for. ;)

Maybe. But you don't know me. And I don't know you. That's my point.

I'm requesting basic human decency. Your inability to grant others basic human decency is part of a pattern to a much greater problem.

Your inability to grant others basic human decency

How the fuck you come up with stuff like this is beyond me. My original comment is all about my concern for Antifa (and groups like them) imposing conformity on others who just want to be themselves.

I'm all about the Golden Rule. Treat other people the way you'd like to be treated... or just leave them alone.

Antifa seems to be all about harassing those it sees as ideological opponents (ie. justified targets). This should be easy to understand, right?

I come up with it based on the way I interpret you treating me.

I don't feel respected by you. You are not doing enough to respect me.

In fact, you've been actively insulting me.

For what it's worth, I understand where you're coming from. You are about the Golden Rule, yes? You insult people, you've been insulted, you expect to be insulted by people.

You treat me like the bad guy in your life and you don't even know me. I'm not even real in your world, I'm not a person who exists to you. I'm just exactly nothing more than the black mirror in front of your face that does little else but reflect.

This isn't about Antifa.

It's collectivism paired with violence, much more similar to the Nazis than our current government or even neo-nazi groups that exist today.

None cares about your idiotic alt-right propaganda, mate.

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Because their name is orwellian doublespeak. It actually means: "Extreme Left Thugs".

Are you sure you're not the one practicing Orwellian double speak?

They have their own name. They picked it themselves. What gives you the right to re-brand them? You know people go to court over that sort of shit?

A natural socio-immunological response.

People have found themselves so sick and so diseased that they're running around killing each other. Their disease makes them see dividing lines, "us vs. them," where there isn't any.

Antifa represents the aspect of society which has fed on itself, which is to say that it's also on about violence, but with the specific purpose of realigning society back to it's healthy normalcy.

Perhaps it's not the most efficient or even effective response. But it's a natural response. Sort of like how your body breaks into a fever, it's not comfortable for you, but it has to in order to fight back and be healthy.

Everyone, read this slowly. It's the truth.

ask /r/anarchy101 you won't get any good answers here as this sub has been compromised

Deluded commie rioters thinking they are "fighting the system", while on the leash on the people that runs the system itself. Soros drones.

And if you disagree with them you are a nazi-fascist. America is the last place I thought I would see this kind of imbecility, but there they are.. sad times..

You mean a country with rampant police brutality, political corruption and the inability to address the kkk as domestic terrorist would be the last place to see "this"

Have you been living under a rock? Do you "align" with the right?


Address the police unions, not the Starbucks. Antifa are idiots of historical fact, inciting civil unrest and a military intervention and more obsessed with making a viral video, than of making lasting and real change. Millennials rioting a cause they have no fuckin clue about, except they watched a Vimeo about thier privilege and duty to "fight"...

"(Insert bullshit group) are idiots of historical fact, inciting civil unrest and a military intervention and more obsessed with making a viral video, than of making lasting and real change. (Insert generation) rioting a cause they have no fuckin clue about, except they watched a Vimeo about thier privilege and duty to "fight"...

That was quite the projection man. You need to work on your argument

Lol police unions


It's the new branding of an old drug that makes you destabilize protests with edgelord bullshit, occasionally for money.

Antifa is a nonexistent group pushed by Facebook and Google to guage the current poltical temperature. There is no underlying moral cause or justification, just "anti" the other guy. The alt-right is a similar invention. Anyone who has subscribed to either of these agendas is most likely an internet addict who isn't aware of the tricks his smart phone is playing on him.