I find it interesting that r politics isn't criticizing Trump for staying in Afghanistan

85  2017-08-23 by Iockhherup

that sub is l completely AstroTurf Echo chamber where its users are under the complete control of corrupt l corporations


Does it surprise you?

There is no such thing as an anti-war Corporate Establishment shill.

How he handles domestic issues are overwhelmingly polarizing. I can't focus on his decisions overseas when he's a complete mess at home.

The the two biggest political subreddits aren't even talking about it. The the Donald doesn't want to talk about it because they disagree with him but don't want to admit it and politics doesn't want to talk about it because they agree with him but don't want to admit it

Life is funny.

I'm a lib and I admit I liked the speech. If only I trusted a word out of trumps mouth.

Except for all of those links on r/politics where people are talking about it? Hyperbole should be based in a point that is at least somewhat defensible, but there are quite a few links with literally thousands of comments about it.

There's so many easier things to criticize him on and the top post currently is critical of trump. You are wrong, this is the freeest and least corrupt place on reddit.

Peace and love friend

On r politics? Its just a rehash of an old lie because theyre still campaigning

On conspiracy

Sorry misunderstood I thought this was about conspiracy.

You're an idiot.

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Do you know where you are? This is /r/conspiracy, not /r/politics.
/r/politics is the one that has been destroyed by shills and corrupt mods.
/r/conspiracy is still fighting the good fight
It won't be long now, soon we'll have to move away from reddit.

If you don't think /r/conspiracy is being manipulated hardcore then you're a blind sheep. Plain and simple.

lol I figured it out now. This whole thread is a gaslighting technique.

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I wouldn't use that as exactly being anti war, more like using Trumps words against him to show he's not as bad ad Hillary. If they really cared about war and not politics they probably would be interested in criticizing 60% of Dems who voted for a larger military budget than what Trumped asked for.

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Are you?

I'd criticize the left, the anti-war / pro civil liberties movement under Bush was gutted by Obama. I really hopes they would come back under Trump but they haven't. I've seen more people advocating going to war with Russia or argueing we need to keep fighting proxy war in order to maintain power. It's sad, because no one looks at our foriegn policy over a long time. How many us lead military interventions in the last 40 years have worked out for the people of that country?

Obama got out of Iraq and didn't get into Syria. Liberals generally opposed war under Obama and they oppose war now.

What more do you want progressives to do?

Obama got out of Iraq and didn't get into Syria.

You kidding me, Syrias been a CIA proxy war for 6 years, which clearly Obama supported.

How many troops did we send into Syria again?

Which side wanted to send in troops? Oh right, Republicans.

Who has continued, arguably escalated the involvement? Trump.

How many troops did we send into Syria again?

So you only think the US is involved if we have boots on the ground. You don't consider providing direct support anf arming the various factions with weapons through Saudi Arabia & Qatar does count?

Which side wanted to send in troops? Oh right, Republicans.

Yeah, the republicans are just as bad, been biching about Neocons since the early 2000's. Hillary was also advocating putting thousands of troops in Syria as well. This isn't a left vs right, it's a foriegn policy always seems to go in one direction.

Who has continued, arguably escalated the involvement? Trump.

I know, been pointing that out as well, and I've been surprised by the left's ability to still argue for it.

So you only think the US is involved if we have boots on the ground. You don't consider providing direct support and arming the various factions with weapons through Saudi Arabia & Qatar as being involved?

There's a difference between providing support and engaging in an actual war.

So again, how many ground troops have we sent in?

Hillary was also advocating putting thousands of troops in Syria as well. This isn't a left vs right, it's a foriegn policy always seems to go in one direction.

Ah, there it is! The "BUT BUT BUT HILLARY" strikes again.

Key point, she said she wouldn't put troops in Syria: http://thehill.com/policy/defense/294915-clinton-vows-not-to-commit-american-ground-troops-to-iraq-or-syria

So again, we have Republicans who actually said we should and Democrats who said we shouldn't.

But "both sides are the same"!

I know, been pointing that out as well, and I've been surprised by the left's ability to still argue for it.

To argue for what? That we shouldn't put troops in Syria? The thing weve always argued?

Or that we should withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan? You know, what Obama actually did. That Trump said he would do and that he's now flip flopped on? Right.

There's a difference between providing support and engaging in an actual war. So again, how many ground troops have we sent in?

You're making my point for me. You think it's anti war to support and supply a proxy war.

Ah, there it is! The "BUT BUT BUT HILLARY" strikes again. Key point, she said she wouldn't put troops in Syria:

She was advicating a no fly zone over Syria, the General told her we're have to have boots on the ground.

To argue for what? That we shouldn't put troops in Syria? The thing weve always argued? Or that we should withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan? You know, what Obama actually did. That Trump said he would do and that he's now flip flopped on? Right.

The partisan politics is strong with you. If you can't look at our foriegn policy and not recognize it as only lining the military industrial complexs pockets and to make areas of the world unstable, than you're lost. Keep defending Hillary and hating on Trump, I'm going to continue to continue to criticizing our entire foriegn policy which IMO benifits no one.

You're making my point for me. You think it's anti war to support and supply a proxy war.

I never said that now did I? Do you enjoy fighting strawmen? I'm saying that the two situations are very different. One party wanted to send in troops, the other didn't.

The party you despise didn't want to, the guy you worship said he would.

She was advicating a no fly zone over Syria, the General told her we're have to have boots on the ground.

So you're agreeing with me, she said she wouldn't put boots on the ground. Trump said he would, IIRC.

And no, you don't need troops on the ground to fly planes in the air. The person who said it wouldn't work wasn't a general. And she clearly said it would be done with other nations who do have ground forces already.

Do some research.

The partisan politics is strong with you. If you can't look at our foriegn policy and not recognize it as only lining the military industrial complexs pockets and to make areas of the world unstable, than you're lost. Keep defending Hillary and hating on Trump, I'm going to continue to continue to criticizing our entire foriegn policy which IMO benifits no one.

Oh fuck off haha. I'm pointing out that the "both sides are bad" bullshit ignores actual details and nuance.

The person brought up Hillary (I didn't) and stated a blatant lie (which even you can't argue against because I provided PROOF). I don't give a fuck about Hillary, it's people like you that are still DESPERATELY trying to defend Trump and the only way you can do that is attack Hillary. The election is over bud, time to move on.

You're anti war eh? So why do you support Trump? He's making you look like a fucking idiot now.

Kit8642: "So you only think the US is involved if we have boots on the ground. You don't consider providing direct support and arming the various factions with weapons through Saudi Arabia & Qatar as being involved?

You: "There's a difference between providing support and engaging in an actual war.

I never said that now did I?

By not addressing or even recognizing our support and supplying of a civil war in Syria, you are condoning it.

You're anti war eh? So why do you support Trump? He's making you look like a fucking idiot now.

Partisan politics is a hell of a drug. When have I ever supported Trump?

Again, I never said anything close to "So you only think the US is involved if we have boots on the ground".

That's you trying to attack a strawman you made up.

Do you think there's ZERO difference between putting ground troops in Syria and not putting ground troops? Do you remember who wants ground troops? Trump and Republicans.

By not addressing or even recognizing our support and supplying of a civil war in Syria, you are condoning it.

More strawmen! You're obsessed with using them. Can you actually make a solid argument or do you just make "assumptions" of what other people said and then attack that?

Syria is a complicated situation. There are people who believe we should never help when people are being killed by their own government and others that believe we have a moral responsibility to protect innocent lives regardless of country or race.

You seem to dislike the conflict. Which means I'd assume you've oven up supporting the right and Trump.

Partisan politics is a hell of a drug. When have I ever supported Trump?

When you spend every waking hour defending him and attacking Hillary (even when you need to pretend that they hold different views than they do).

Oh, and at least 30 posts in the_donald kind of give up the game 😂

"Partisan politics is a hell of a drug" said the guy desperate to claim liberals are doing what Republicans have actually supported.

It's not a straw man, if you can't recognize supply and arming a revolution isn't being involved, than I don't know what to tell you.

Oh, and at least 30 posts in the_donald kind of give up the game 😂

Source me one example of me supporting trump, or one of the 30 the_donald posts?

I never said we weren't involved. So, you're making up a statement I never said. I said having ground troops is a much much larger commitment. So far you've yet to address that difference despite me asking several times.

Holy shit, you deleted them hahahah.

The snoopsnoo was last updated 5 months ago when you had 33 posts. Now refreshed for today, it says 1 (even in that one you talk in terms of "us").

That's hilarious.

So no denying you deleted over 30 posts?

Hilarious. Why support someone if you are too embarrassed to keep your posts about him?

I bet you got real worked up about deleted emails too.

I don't think I deleted any of them, I'll check after my flight. But I they definitely weren't supportive of Trump.

Let's cut to the chase because you seem like you're defending our involvement in Syria. Do you support our involment in Syria?

You deleted 30 of them at least. Even in the one you decided to not delete you say "us".

You should thank me for refreshing snoopsnoo before taking a screenshot.

Do you support our involment in Syria?

You understand I've already answered that right?

See what I mean, you aren't even actually reading what I'm writing you're attacking strawman of what you want to believe I'm saying.

You deleted 30 of them at least. Even in the one you decided to not delete you say "us"

So me the post or comment?

You should thank me for refreshing snoopsnoo before taking a screenshot.

Show me the screen shot.

You understand I've already answered that right?

No you haven't, you've made it troops on the ground vs supply.

It's a simple question, do you support the US supplying arms and providing support in Syria, yes or no.

Seriously, are you that embarrassed by it? Why delete 30 of them? Just use an alt like a normal person.

And I literally did. Go back and read. It'll do you some good.

I'm not embarrassed of anything I have posted. Where's those screne shots at and the link to that comment you seem to think makes me a Trump supporter?

You can't even a yes or no question.

You deleted 30+ posts. That's being embarrassed. Why not just admit it? Even you admitted you refereed to Trump supporters as "us".

And I already answered it. Seriously.

What's that us comment you keep referring to? Let's take a look at it.

You already posted it.

So again, why are you so embarrassed of your 30 posts that you deleted them? Why refer to Trump supporters as "us"? Why bother lying?

Ooowww the one where I was calling T_D out on BS?

And referring to them as "us"?

Oh, and the 30 other deleted comments.

You can PM me your reasoning if you're to embarrassed to post it here. I'm curious.

Us wasn't used, it was "Let's". Can I see those screene shot you spoke of. I'm interesting in seeing those.

Now go look up what two words form that contraction.

Your lack of English grammar knowledge made you keep the one post you didn't delete haha.

I said I didn't take one, because I didn't assume anyone would be so pathetic as to go back over their post history to delete 30+ comments in the_donald.

Where's the scene shots?

Why did you delete over 30 comments yet leave one that refers to Trump supporters as "us"?

Where's the screne shots?

Why'd you delete all of them? I mean, I can understand you'd be embarrassed to support the worst president since Nixon but it's real bad when you have to delete 30+ comments.

Why are you continuing to lie? It's the fucking internet dude, no one gives a shit.

I'm with you on this one. There have been a few threads but very quiet otherwise.

Comments are sick. How many people actually went to r poltics and looked? I did. OP is a liar. Posts like this:


with the top ranked comment:

To be clear: if the US does this it will become the enemy of free peoples globally.

Hell even breitbart.com


with comments like this:

Literally the only thing I agree with that fucker on.

I don't know what OPs deal is, but he's just spreading misinformation and lies. See for yourself

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You'd think there'd be a lot more dissenting posts here about it considering how anti-war this place is typically.

Ah, so OP lies about r/politics so then you go right around lie about r/conspiracy in this "we know better" thread. Slick.

This whole thread's a distraction, man. Let's just let it rot. Who gives a fuck what r/politics is doing.

So you deny that corporate shills are a problem on /r/politics?

Does those aren't front page posts. One only has 700 points and the other is in the negatives

Solid, thanks for this comment.

Whether or not they criticized him. I'm willing to be they will never harp on this since they never gave a fuck about anything.

yes sadly correct, ethics and morality are non concepts for most peoples.

They look at it as a win for the military industrial complex.

oooh criticism of the establishment better downvote!

It is very telling.

Op, No one cares. Stop with the Trump brigading. Take your boots back to /politics

what are you even doing here?

fuck off, bot.

More profits for their puppetmasters.

r/politics are butt buddies for anybody paying their salaries.

they are not choosy. ast year it was HRC, this year its the Leader.

How many troops did we send into Syria again?

So you only think the US is involved if we have boots on the ground. You don't consider providing direct support anf arming the various factions with weapons through Saudi Arabia & Qatar does count?

Which side wanted to send in troops? Oh right, Republicans.

Yeah, the republicans are just as bad, been biching about Neocons since the early 2000's. Hillary was also advocating putting thousands of troops in Syria as well. This isn't a left vs right, it's a foriegn policy always seems to go in one direction.

Who has continued, arguably escalated the involvement? Trump.

I know, been pointing that out as well, and I've been surprised by the left's ability to still argue for it.