If I am right about this, then I just changed the field of seismic prediction forever-

528  2017-08-23 by ParsingSol

The top of this graph is the BZ componet.

source UNEXPECTED GEOMAGNETIC STORM G1- G2-class geomagnetic storm occurred during the early hours of Aug. 22nd when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) near Earth unexpectedly? tipped south. This opened a crack in our planet's magnetosphere. Solar wind poured in to fuel the strong but short-lived storm. Updated 10:17pm

Abstract: 'If' my theory is correct on geo-magnetic harmonic resonances, acting as inductive towards the earths planetary flux tubes. (causing earthquakes)-

If that inductive charge does in fact play a role in seismic intensity rating. Then it will and should be proven by the very significant breach occuring, (at this time).

So if you ever wanted confirmation of the legitimacy of what ive been doing. It's about to come as this breach comes to an end. (Within -12 hours of the breach closing).

What we should see is:

The biggest earthquake on earth for the 2016-2017 year. (to date)

With multiple large aftershocks appearing globally- (as my past posts outlined)-

So this is a big post for me!!!

This will practically show the entirety of the reddit user platform and world that the POC (proof of concept) to my project shows a great value to humanity as a whole;

Confirming solar to seismic relations; With all updates and thoughts being attached to my user history... As I proactively tracked the event in real time. (again). From start to finish.

No joke; This post may change the world today forever... Keep your eyes on the bz. And don't say I didn't work my ass off to provide you this information-

Cheers, and all my love! Parsingsol


Remindme! 1 week

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Do you mean 12 hours from this post until later, is that the time range?

Once the breach is closed. -12hours time.

12 hours is generous. (imo)

I'll bet you $100 in btc it's not gonna happen.

He isn't betting anything so I would gladly take this offer. win win

I will accept it if it does. But I am literally in debt.

i think your conceptual grasp on betting is about as strong as your conceptual grasp of seismology.

Great insults, love the contribution to the sub!

I think my conceptual grasp is fairly on point. So ty.

we'll see in 10 hours.

4 hours to go. Maybe it will happen like 1 second before the time is up. This redditor is verysmart obviously. I mean. He's going to change geophysics forever and win the novel prize all in one night. Can't wait.

Let's see where the goalposts move now.

How strong is your conceptual grasp of seismology? Because if it is strong I trust you'd be prepared to point out flaws in his theory?

strong enough I'm willing to put $100 on the line...

So what's wrong with it? To me it sounds pretty crazy, but I wouldn't know since I know nothing about it. It would be interesting if you could argue for your point.

"I don't believe this" "Oh, why not?" "Not gonna say, but I'm pretty sure"

What's the point of even commenting then?

I can chime in with my take. He picks earthquake locations based on probability, and has yet to show data that demonstrably shows evidence of his theory as it relates to earthquake timing. In the absence of that, I would expect earthquakes to occur at the same general rate. The biggest quake of the year was a 7.9 in January. Since 8.0+ are statistically unlikely over any short time span, I conclude that there will not be one within the next 48 hours.

to get $100 of OP's money when his prediction doesn't happen.

Then you're in the wrong sub. Start your own betting sub if you prefer that over discussing conspiracy theories.

nah I like this one and I'm not breaking any rules.

How is the OP a conspiracy theory?

I assume OP believes there has been a cover-up about these matters, but maybe I'm wrong.

OP don't have $100 he dropped out of college

Oh man. That's like.. a half hour worth of work on a Mercedes.

You're really showing off eh?

so is that a yes or...

so is that a yes or...

You better pay up!! I'm watching you! I've personally seen this guy predict an earthquake some 12-24 hours in advance, so I've got some faith in or boy, u/parsingsol!

You better pay up!! I'm watching you! I've personally seen this guy predict an earthquake some 12-24 hours in advance, so I've got some faith in our boy, u/parsingsol!

oh i'll absolutely pay up, still waiting on /u/sendmyabar to send me his wallet address.

...and an earthquake, still waiting on that too.

'I'm going in coach!"

What? I personally hope the guy is right about earthquakes, but you're a special kind of idiot...

Guy is going out on a limb and putting forward ideas that completely redefine what mainstream science causes earthquake, and you decide to put the burden of proof on people saying he's probably wrong as opposed to him having to prove he's right?

Christ, you're just profoundly stupid.

Wow, I'm sorry if I offended you man, but I literally can not help how my brain works. That's out of my control. I hope you understand that. As an adult man with a learning disability, I struggle with situations like these Every. God. Damn. Day. I do my best to not let people down because of my handicap, but I can only do so much. I wish I could do more.

Still, I believe the voice of differently abled people is a voice that needs to be heard, even on conspiracy. I will stand up for my right to be here despite your forceful words and I can only hope that at least you'll respect me for that, if nothing else.

I am here to be educated by my betters, sir, and if that is you; then I am more than willing to listen to what you have to say. I think it's disappointing to see such a reaction from the people on this sub that I had prior to this viewed as my friends.

I didn't mean to put the burden of proof on anybody. I didn't know what was happening. What I meant to say was that if someone wholeheartedly wanted to agree or disagree with his theory, then I would be very interested in hearing the reasons why they made that decision. I wanted to know why they would think either way. That way I could use their familiarity with the problem to my advantage as a tool and a base to form my own knowledge and solution on. Now, do you understand my reasoning when I asked him to explain why he disagreed?

I hope this clears up some stuff from earlier. I hope I haven't offended anyone on this sub because of my 'special kind' of handicap, as you put it. I also hope you won't be upset after reading this apology. I am sorry.

Burden of proof just fell on you

Dude this user has predicted multiple earthquakes and is a known user. Basically the Unidan of earthquakes.

What are your specific points for literally attempting to discourage the presentation of this idea?

just trying to make an easy $100

the man's broke. what can he do?

Maybe he's broke because he spends his time being wrong instead of making money.

Most people who succeed, do so by taking risks, in this case, investing time into something that predicts earthquakes.

Guy is doing something he loves. Maybe it takes age to realize that is worth more than money, because that shit doesn't buy happiness.

this here^ dumb youngsters worship slips of green linen...utterly ignoring all of history's greatest thinkers

!RedditSilver u/InfectedBananas

Atleast he's not someone that upvotes a comment on alternate accounts. I mean, that's pretty pathetic.

i think your conceptual grasp on betting is about as strong as your conceptual grasp of seismology.

Pertinent mazer_rack_em quote:

/Them apples...

if anyone wants to take that bet feel free to put your money where your mouths are.

I think he was making a joke dude.

something tells me that wont be the case in the future,

Shit I'll take that bet

right on man, what's your wallet addy? mines: 1575h9fDgzZuMyuGeSnq57mrrnDGoNAmXZ

I have it at home, I'll pm you when I get home, which should be around the time we'll know either way :)

right on man! no takesies-backsies!

unfortunately the time is up and you have lost.

why can't you pay your debts?

Dude it's a bet with an anonymous person over the internet. Did you honestly think you were getting $100 coming your way? Go through everyone of my posts if you have to, dog every single one I make for the rest of time. Who gives a fuck? You think imaginary internet points mean anything? Stop acting like a baby. Get back on your ignorant high horse dissing people who are trying to figure out more about the world around them and not just taking the shit they are fed with a smile on their face. This will just give you one more thing to feel smug about, that's probably worth more to you then any amount of money :).

why can't you pay your debts?

I mean, I guess you're free to lie on the internet, but you might want to take a look at your life if that's what you want to spend your time doing.

!remindme 12 hours

You realize "taking" a bet means you're supposed to, you know, pay up when you lose...right?

i'll accept but at 10:1 odds. we're talking about a thread on /r/conspiracy predicting the biggest earthquake of the year. this isn't a 1:1 bet lol.

Ok, I was just wondering, little confused :)

Y don't you submit this to a scientific journal?

I dropped out of college. I don't know how?

absolutely shocking

Was it Einstein that dropped out of college too? Betting there is a list of amazingly accomplished people that have.

Nope. There's an urban legend that Einstein flunked math at an early age, but the opposite is actually true - he was a prodigy who took advanced math courses in his pre/early teens.

Just like the myth that Michael Jordan was cut from his basketball team in high School.....he wasn't. He was on the Junior Varsity Team, and starred for them. His coach just placed him, a sophomore, on JV instead of putting him on the Varsity squad.



OP's not on that list though.

if you think they're right though that offer still stands...

OP is trying to make the world a better place by working a hypothesis. What did you do today to make it better?

made 11,160 gallons of great beer and 1 good bet.

:). Have a good night.

Just look at other articles for the format.... then follow it, posit your thesis, lay out your methodologies and your data collection techniques, describe the experiment in detail as to what, how, and when. Next you run your stats, and determine the significance level of your results. Posit an explanation and conclude.

Format it properly, write a letter with all your pertinents... and start sending

If you wanted to extract that information from me; I'd be happy to have your help?

I suck at it. I tried and it was greatly (embarrassing)?

Do you have a google drive with some research, hypotheses and algorithms? I'll take a look and see if I can help you draft a paper. I do RnD for a tech company.

  • I don't hate you.
  • You're a good life-form.

Dude BE the Will from Good Will Hunting.

Hope so :)

If I were you I would find established professors in the field - good ones - and email them

Ive actually done this :)


Not a single ones written me back. :)

Doesn't that cost money these days?

When did the breech close? Or has it yet?

Put me in the screencap!

Ok, ill bite. how long have you been doing this work? any credentials to speak of? whether or not you went to college for this is irrelevant to me so long as the logic, science, and reasoning is sound. id be curious to see if your predictions are accurate.

It's a hit and miss, but from what I understand they are just tests/theories he is working on, eventually he'll get them right on the nose, with the correct data:)

The correct data won't help at all when his premise is bogus. There's no meaningful relationship between space weather and plate tectonics. And if there is any relationship it's too subtle to detect with the tools this guy is using.

6 years. Independent research... I've helped friends at area colleges in geology, volcanism and earthquake studies. Attending workgroups on area beaches identifying different types of geology. PLU, and UPS.

No credentials. I joined the workforce at minimum wage to raise my daughter- ive been a jack of all trades ever since;

The logic, science, and reasoning are pretty well articulated. I likely am using inappropriate terminology. I am self educated, and have always lacked appropriate / professional instruction. Yet, it hasn't deterred me from attempting something bold with my life. In my constant pursuit to make the world a better place.

Some of our greatest minds/thinkers/inventors were self educated. Never let anyone discourage you because you didnt waste tens of thousands of dollars at a state run propaganda program.

I just know my grammar, and education lacks professional articulation.

Also this phone is often a writers worst nightmare. Via fast posts and its constantly creating typos.

Even authors of books have editors to help them with grammar, phrasing, structure and the like. You are fine. Stop being so self deprecating and just focus on the core mission of your interesting research!

Good point :)

exactly, that was point. thank you.

state run propaganda program

Really?? College?

You apparently disagree.

Having been to college, yeah, I find your statement to be ridiculous.

Hmmmm....having been to college myself, I know the statement is accurate. What? Did you think I had not been to college?

Examples of propaganda in college?


Rofl. I'll go with I'm right.

You can go with whatever you want! You were going to go with that from the beginning buddy. Look how much time I saved myself!

What was your area of study? With over 10 years of college I find your comments both insulting and ignorant. What evidence do you have of propaganda in college?

10 years? Couldnt find a job huh?

It took that long to get a Ph.D in my field... still no evidence of this propaganda you're so convinced of.

What would you say the predominant ideology of higher education educators is and what would you say the predominant ideology of the students is, generally speaking, across the USA?

Remember what forum you're in....

Though I do agree with you.

awesome, i look forward to your findings.


Me too :)

The Earth is a Dynamo— The Heliospehere controls the Earth through electro-magnetic-plasmic-Harmonic resonances.

it's also made up of compressible crystal, so piezoelectric effects can be a possible cause.

Rock on man! I don't want to stray too far from the topic of your post but I just wanted to say thanks for being straight forward and honest with us, and not claiming to be some "geological/earthquake expert anon from 4chan". Full disclosure I rolled my eyes reading the title (sorry) but seeing your comments and involvement in discussion made me realize I'm an asshole for judging this post by the title because you're sincerely interested in this and you're not trying to bullshit your level of knowledge by claiming credentials you don't have, so thank you for this breath of fresh air.

I know it's not much but if you need any help in your research I still have access to JSTOR through my university and would be happy to look up any published papers/articles you may not be able to access due to paywalls.

Anything on earths magnetic flux tubes.

Coronal mass ejections.

The magnetic field lines and magnetosphere.

Or their general relationship with seismic events. As far as studies, graphics etc. :)

A inspiration to us all my man.

I'm curious what you think about the increase in Strombolian eruptions over the past decades?

Closely related to solar activity in my opinion. I feel all volcanic and seismic events follow a unique pattern.

GG man, grats on everything

Don't let the naysayers dissuade you from this great quest

Holla at history being made!

What do you mean by breechnd how do you see ot in the graph?


Looks interesting.


When the top secrion of the graphs white and red lines move towards eachother. The breach will no longer be taking place. Within -12 hours an epic earthquake will occur.

http://services.swpc.noaa.gov/images/geospace-1-day.png When the top secrion of the graphs white and red lines move towards eachother. The breach will no longer be taking place. Within -12 hours an epic earthquake will occur.


How confident are you in this prediction and where will the earthquake be>?

I originally and still do feel nepal is the likeliest location.

I am 100% confident a +7.0 will occur following the values I'd articulated to you all. More then likely an 8.0+

Damn, that's a pretty bold claim. Really looking forward to seeing this come true! Been following your work for a while now.

Ive been waiting for a good quake to publish :) It helps prove my concept.

Would be nice to have truly accomplished something so important in my lifetime :)

And I'd love to see that happen so that one day I can tell my children all about how I used to follow and help support the guy on who developed the current method for predicting earthquakes when he posted his work on reddit.

It's almost like I helped!! /s

Would be cool though. :)

I appreciate your work here. I always enjoy reading your posts.

Does the third mark count on the current graph where the red and white touch? ? http://services.swpc.noaa.gov/images/geospace-1-day.png When the top secrion of the graphs white and red lines move towards eachother. The breach will no longer be taking place. Within -12 hours an epic earthquake will occur.

You want to see them riding close to eachother.

Breach looks open

When they ride along side eachother a bit. Thats when it occurs typically



You want to see them riding close to eachother. (Breach looks like this when closed) When they ride along side eachother a bit. Thats when it occurs typically (like +/- an hour or more). Upto 12 is generous-

Looking closer now!

Any idea on where this earthquake could hit? Were you also the one that predicted a big earthquake in Nepal/Afghanistan/Turkey in the next 2-3 days?

I assess the main shock to strike a relevant fault line of this magnitude. So yes I am the same poster. Morning AATA. Note:http://services.swpc.noaa.gov/images/geospace-1-day.png

If ever there was an opportunity to prove my works credibility.

Its going to be as this breach ends...

This should be an 8.0 - 8.5 magnitude event. Based on the data above. Id argue at least a 7.8 intensity range.

That breach is the largest we've clocked all year.

I imagine probability wise via the main shocks epicenter; We are looking at: Japan or Nepal. 80% New Zealand or chile 40% Turkey, Italy 20%

I view faults as release points likely to relay the induction to ground current. Sorta like the single point a tesla coil is likely to strike dependant on the very conductive materials within its spectrum of harbored/ absorbed energy...

This concept is also how we will be able to reverse engineer and create a predictive algorithm.

I assess that the duration of events and intensity ratings within the solar data; in relation to imaging past recorded seismic data sets will lead to the creation of an advanced seismic prediction utility in short.

This post may help prove that.

Thanks :)

There was an earthquake in Italy the day of the eclipse. Does your research corroborate with this event? I try and keep up with your posts but maybe I missed something. Thanks for all your hard work!


I assess the european continent to be ground zero.

This is likely in comparison to earlier activity.

I more so try to track the largest velocity shifts. (in turn) tracking the largest earthquakes.

I'd need a computer to deternine the smallest ones. Been trying with little success to stimulate users resoyrces and funds to that project.

So yes, likely. Just hard to do this for smaller events as a whole. We need to use this information to our advantage. In hooes to dial the material down enough to make assessments for events of that scale.

I wonder why did you get downvoted for bringing this up.

Upped you back.

80% Japan? Good thing that Fukushima thing has been taken care of /S

Thank bro... good stuff...

Thanks for posting​. Love these prediction threads. Love it even more if there is theory and science behind it. Rather or not your prediction will come or not, I'll follow u until the 48 hours pass. Thankfully the fault lines u described doesn't effect me but for others within those lines... Best of luck to them.

The worst I felt was at 5.5 in Sichuan China. Not the 2008 one, that was quite high but the 5.5 happened a few years ago. I accepted my Fate then and was ready. Luckily it was no biggie. But the 8+ you are predicting in Japan or Nepal is quite scary. Hope it's not true but let's wait until the 48 hours are up. If u r correct, I want to be your follower and take all ur side chicks because many could see u as a mystic heh.

The last earthquakes were all after big breaches too?

Thats pretty much how ive been doing this. https://www.reddit.com/r/ParsingSol/comments/6ketf6/all_seismic_events_2015_70/

2015 nepal quake. April 25th. The archives available there. http://www.spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=21&month=04&year=2015

Last nepal quake followed a similar pattern. M class activity, with high solar wind flux and bz breach. Including a G1 geomagnetic storm.

So very similar data set on the registry.

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Bz graph backup http://archive.is/brEAQ

Ty :)

I have no idea what you are talking about but you have caught my curiosity.

Big earthquake to come. Like really really big. Check back 48 hours.

anywhere in particular? is it 12 or 48h then?

I'd say a 48hour countdown from now is factually generous.

Where would you say this earthquake is going to hit? Location?


That's a bummer

I just died

Take a trip out of the country for a bit?

There was one 2 days ago, right? I could Google. I should Google. But I'm already typing.

No region or anything?, because that's pretty specific We're in the middle of a festival here. These probabilities have been killing me lately. Having to keep on my toes every now and then.

Id say its highly improbable Nepal would get hit by an earthquake of that magnitude. I dont see any reaason. According to my non-existant calculations, similar to yours.

Awesome! So if im right its like a googleplex to one!

Hopefully it's not the big one that is expected on the west coast (Vancouver here)

I think a 6.0 near cobb seamount could unfold trending the main shock. As well as one near axial seamount / sanfransisco bay. They already had a similar foreshock there. So a heightened intensity could in my opinion strike those zones.

Same timeline for my area?

And if you are wrong? What then? What do you have at stake here?

My reputation as always.


Saving this comment for later

In which area?

remind me

Thanks for the reply. I discovered your sub in one of the comments below and just subbed. Looking into this a bit more I'm finding it pretty interesting. Will be anxious to see how this plays out. Good luck in your research and if it can help others in the future that is great. Although, if there is a big quake I pray for minimal casualties and harm be done to those in the area.

Agreed entirely.

It hurts me to see people injured. I think thats a big part of doing these posts.


Define "big". 8? 9-plus???

true thoughts are 8.5 +/- .2

And what if you are wrong like last time? will you just ignore it and move on to your next "big thing coming!!!!!" post?

You don't get to posit crazy theories AND be wrong AND be taken seriously. However, if there is a huge earthquake in Nepal in a few days I'll be back...

Well he's risking his reputation - but also, it's not like you have to come into these threads and shit all over the walls - if the guy's a nut, he's a nut. But if even a percentage of a chance that he's right, even if it's not THIS one, then it could be something big.

You people on the internet act like you're losing something other than your time that you willingly give up.

Hating people who go out on a limb is a form of conformism.

I remember how people in France absolutely hated Paco Rabanne for publicly stating Mir would crash on Paris in July 1999. The guy was a multimillionaire, and a very well-respected figure; he had absolutely nothing to immediately gain by doing this; he thought he had cracked Nostradamus (century 10:72, 3:97, 6:97).

Well Rabanne was wrong, but still fire engulfed a "new city" at "fourty five degrees", almost exactly one year later. Nobody ever heard anyone say his prediction of a flying metallic habitat crashing down with fire and fury on a great city wasn't all that wrong after all.

So in conclusion there exists almost no selfish advantage in making bold/precise predictions; if you're right conformists will say you were lucky or cheated; if you're wrong they'll never forgive you.


I just assess data lol. ;)

48 hours past now.

So...with all due respect, why is this in /r/conspiracy? Is what you're proposing rejected by the academic community? When plate techtonics was proposed it was unanimously rejected by the scientific community, but that's just stubborn scientists clinging to conventional wisdom.

I just know/feel that data points to a serious incident. In what I think we should be looking for.

Im just a guy:)

talk to you then.

REMINDME! 48 hours

REMINDME! 48 hours

can you ELI5? did you find significant correlation between 2 event series?

In progress. :)

Remind me 24 hours

its "Remindme! 24 hours".

Remindme! 24 hours

RemindMe! 24 hours "Absolutely nothing happened, as usual"

In before you are kidnapped, labelled crazy, and your work is stolen and passed onto the next Zuckerberg/Musk/Tyson.

Luckily its public. I did try contacting Space X recently though to point em my way :)

Did you post to any other subreddits?

Nope. Just here. Did some that were blacklisted from seismology.

Which is absurd, because you offer the ability for repeated testing; the very basis of scrutinizing a theory.


If you were blacklisted by seismology, but you have a valid theory, then it can be posited that their interest doesn't lay in understanding their field at any cost. Your method meets the criteria necessary to be considered a theory as it is able to be tested repeatedly. For them to dismiss it because it goes against what they've been taught is a bit closed minded of them. It seems similar to how traditional doctors typically scoff at the entire field of holistic medicine while some holistic medicine is remarkably effective.

Completely agree.

I think its just my writing skills as a whole. Kid doesn't know basic grammar so "He's an idiot"!

That: or they have been working on a similar system?

Hey been following you for a long time. Since your switch of accounts too. But I want to make sure you don’t toss all your work if this doesn’t play how you have called it. This is still unexplored science and still has unknowns. So don’t stop what your doing if your POC doesn’t land this time around. We learn from it and continue progressing.

Took every word out of my mouth but you probably articulated it better

Thanks! I'm no where near on some of these guys level such as /u/ParsingSol, but I have been following this stuff and taken it up as an almost amateur. There are real correlations and possibly very accurate prediction models if we can nail down all the data points. It's awesome work and sadly ignored by most mainstream science. But we could all be crack pots. :) guess we will find out.

I think it will ultimately work. :)

Yup! Got faith in you!


their interest doesn't lay in understanding their field at any cost

Well I wouldn't bet it does :)

Take a subsidized expert; make sure he's old enough to have invested tremendous "intellectual" capital in his field and favorite theories; realize his ideas and stature wholly define who he is; indeed his self-identity is profoundly tied to the words he utters and the opinions he (thinks he) has.

He will fight you to the death for challenging his ideas (especially if you're relying on truth), because you represent a threat to who he is. If his ideas/opinions are a laughing stock, so is he. If his ideas/theories disappear, so does he.

Have you tried talking to the guy who runs the youtube channel suspicious0bserver?

I'm betting he would be interested in hearing what you have to say.

I attenpted to write the physicist that did his work for him. Thats as far as I've gone in terms of reaching out. :/


great channel, been watching it for years

been watching you post I think you had a different user name for a while or something really appreciate your work and its very interesting to see these predictions come true the accuracy is very creepy but compelling.

Its bound to get better over time. I am shit at accuracy. Id be interested to get other observers collaborations on that. My main point is the pitch and how it relates to predicting the intensity. If we know ones coming. We are that much closer to identifying where it will strike. Time is important. A general warning is nice to have in these events. The slightest bit of information in advance can literally save entire cities over a millennium.

I wish I knew math so I could help you out man it's really impressive people hating just don't got anything better to do . There's different methods of coming to the same conclusion just cuz there's not a formula out yet doesn't mean your wrong

I think its a very simple concept really. What I don't get is they are literally arguing to not build a device by default of stating it doesnt work.

So can we check it?

I'd be down I'm just the wrong guy lol Reddit reaches the whole world I'm sure someone out there can help

For sure. Thanks for reading and verbal support anyways. :)

Keep doing what you're doing you'll figure it out

Wow..my hat off to you. Question: can you explain the relation/reaction if any..from the eclipse and if there's a connection to the current solar phenomena you have described?

He did, he has an alt called /u/TotalHexagon5 that's been spamming subreddits with this.

Actually not an alt, but someone who likes trolling for comments

Who'd you contact there? I have some ins, so there's a chance (no promises) I could get some eyeballs on it.

I just type who ever writes me really.

For sure, use like a contact form on their website or something? Or reach out to someone specific you found on LinkedIn, etc?

Working on it. Trying to get my pc back :(

Ahh gl with that, cheers for the very interesting idea. A quake would need to hit 8.0 to be the biggest in the 2016-2017 range, correct?

Don't worry you are wrong

love what you've been doing and I'm a huge.

Just a thought on this -- what if this spike you've observed results in an increase in the number of earthquakes we see worldwide as opposed to it all combining into one massive earthquake?

Checking https://earthquaketrack.com/recent, it seems there were a lot in the last 10+ hours but none seem to break 5.0.

Trust me. Its like ringing a gong. The shows just getting started. :)

I call it a bell ringer because a near 8.0 +/- strikes. Then followed by several heightened seismic events globally. Maybe something like elastic rebound theory.

I think I get what you mean about a gong -- sort of that intensifying resonance effect?

Yep. Peak outburst followed by various resonances.

So in simple terms, energy from the Sun powers Earthquakes?

Sun = power source

Earth's metallic core = receiver

But I'm not understanding the mechanism that converts this energy into earthquakes.

Flux tubes.

Imf field.

Magnetic induction via imf and yes it essentially is responsible for our cores temperature regulation.

Musk Tyson sounds like the name of character out of a postapocalyotic novel.

Neil Degrasse Tyson

Sounds like a kid who gets his ass beat every day at school up until grad school.

Hijacking this thread just to say...

:( If OP is right, Nepal is fucked.

He's made many, many preditions and has never been right.

So it's very unlikely.

Oh, do tell mr 30 day old account whose motives I would never question.

What on earth does that have to do with the accuracy of my comment?

Is that the best counterargument you have to offer? If so, it's pretty pathetic.

I've been here long enough to see Parsing hit a lot of times, thus the validity of my comment stands.


They have these things called search engines.

You make the claim, you provide the evidence.

All the predictions he posted here failed to result in anything.

Well, hey, we should just completely dismiss everything he has said and done because he may be wrong here. lmao

All his detailed predictions have been wrong. All of them.

Name one that hasn't.

"There'll be an earthquake in an earthquake-prone zone" obviously doesn't count.

What is his accuracy ratio of success v failures?

What is your accuracy in predicting earthquakes? His is way better than yours.

I've only been at this for two weeks, but I did better than he did last week, and here is my prediction for this week.

I've only been at this for two weeks

Yeah, talk to me next year. Build some credibility.

What credibility? What prediction has turned out right?

I have an old account. Does that mean I get to weigh in?

This prediction is wrong and stupid.

Any additional comments to this?

what work has been stolen and passed to any of those three people?

'Member Martin Armstrong?

Good info.


Remind me! 1 day

Are you referencing this storm?

I could be wrong, but weren't there supposed to be "Black Sky," drills scheduled for August 23, today? I heard a lot about them, but haven't seen anything today. I ask this because I noticed the storm link you shared referenced weak power grid fluctuations as a possible side effect.

No idea, but geomagnetic storms aren't an uncommon occurrence.

Do you know how severe they can become (the storms)? I was just wondering if the eclipse could have accelerated the severity of the storm. I heard about "Black Sky," drills scheduled for today which are supposed to prepare for a potential EMP event. I just found it curious that these drills are scheduled on the same day as a solar storm. Last I heard, it was supposed to be Aug. 23, but it may have been moved.

Eclipses don't affect geomagnetic storms.

Do you have any links? I haven't heard anything about a Black Sky drill, nor can I find anything, but I'm super interested. Especially with them scheduling a drill during a geomagnetic storm.

It's weird, I found it on this sub once and now I am having trouble finding it too (which is why I said I could be wrong). I'll keep searching and let you know.

Source used in Reddit post I saw

Actual Reddit post that made me wonder about it.

Idk how trustworthy TruNews is, but many other sites that have shared the article all source it from TruNews.

Thanks! I'll check it out

Technically, yes.

So it finished at 1800 UTC?

Its had false positives. The breach is occuring mildly but closing at this time. We are getting very close.

I dont know of a better graphic to assess / predict the incoming winds?

Where do you think it will hit?

Any chance this sets off the "pending" Cascadia quake?

I think cobb seamount and axial seamounts general vicinitys will see 6.0's.

What is the conspiracy?

People argue if this is real or not. I.e. does solar activity cause earthquakes on earth.

Seismologists argue its terrestrial forces. With no significance to interplanetary devices?

Interesting. What is your theory as to why solar activity would affect Earth's seismic activity?

Im sorry, but I really want you to be wrong. :(

If I am right; it could help save lives in the next event? :)



Mike McD you lost?!?!

It's an unconventional win.

In the game of life, women are the rake

Ive never read truer words on reddit friend.

This just made me realize how exciting this is, Global. Wow.

Question: Why are you predicting the quake to be of such scale? Is this type of jump in Bz rare?

Its not to say rare. Just heightened. High speed velocity shift and high proton density. Invisible plasma tubes conveying into the planet while absorbing and inducting its current.

I think we can read the live feed for high intensity pulses to the flux network. These events are typical before our largest seismic incidents. That's what I am trying to prove anyway.

Thanks, well, it appears to have died down. I'll be watching

Me too :(

The largest quake on record, sadly, will change a lot more than science.

Me too :(

The largest quake on record, sadly, will change a lot more than science.

largest quake on record for the year of 16-17

Is this the guy that always predicts earthquakes and hasn't been right yet

Don't know if I agree with the science as a layman myself but damn this would be a great movie script or real life version of Arthur C Clarke's Richter 10 if this happens - says the guy in geologically mostly stable New England

I've truly tried finding more material on earths flux tubes.

I think physicists could write a formula and literally extract the laws of this system and the induction process.

Wrapping your mind around things like thermo dynamics is an interesting hobby. But I will be the first to say that I am not a genius... I just see something of a process happening here. I don't know how this became a hobby. I've just done it long enough to find specific values of predictable nature. Which I argue we can ultimately use to our advantage.

So coronal projection from sun modified our magnetosphere? I can see it having a possible effect but what mechanism causes an earthquake from that? Isnt the majority of the energy dissapated in the atmosphere? How does it get to a fault line?

Via a flux tube. Which conveys within the planets core / dynamo. It inducts electric properties via absorbtion increasing its velocity.



just hopeful in your data/findings

Ty :)

Thanks for your work. Always love your posts

Ty. :) This ones going to be one of my biggest quakes plotted in my opinion. :(

Hoping it checks out. This is what I need to prove the theory has science backing it.

Have you observed earthquakes in correlation with these "breaches" before? Or would this be the first correlation that backs up your theory?

A great deal of them have followed this unique pattern.

I feel if we imaged solar winds bz and proton levels along sode woth usgs records that a predictive algorithm could more accurately assess the likly probability of an earthquake. (Via the live data).

But this is not my first rodeo. Im not a computer and generally speaking the planets 5 million miles. So locating the exact area to be struck vs the 10million relevant data points makes accuracy a bit of a bitch in terms of location. The intensity assessment is pretty good though.

This incoming quake should prove that.

How did you choose the locations in this post?

Locations are based on probability.

Please share that data.

He wont - Because He's "doing this on a phone" and it's too hard

He has publicly released most of his model so....

Released it where?

Check his history

I can't find any equations, specific correlations to positive and negative results, or links to any test data going back longer than a few months.

There arent any - It's all just bullshit

I can't determine what exactly has been modeled there. Using that post and applying the linked geomagnetic storm, how would it produce the prediction that he posted here?

remindme! 48 hours

Can you explain a little bit more about your theory? What causes you to think there is a correlation between solar activity to geological activity? Just from studying the past correlations? Or is there more to it?

I feel that as solar plasma penetrates the earths outer magnetosphere, it stagnates allowing the earths flux tubes to absorb the material. This causes induction upoing the velocity of their course.

I assess they convey into the planets core dynamo. Causing rising temperatures to expand magma. Which causes cavaties to form. The constant changes of pressure and or collapsing all together. Lead to a P wave. Which makes its way to the surface causing an S wave. Which is named as an earthquake.

The process is unknown. I don't intend to establish the entirety of mapping it. Yet I do wager that in spite of knowing fairly little about the process taking place. That we can extract a great deal of helpful information from it. Which will eventually lead to a highly advanced model in determining future seismic predictions.

But do you have a why behind this?

6 years constant monitoring of data. Trial and error. Lots of coffee. And many succeeded tests conducted prior to my attempting to identify a relevant explanation and use for the information...

So in a sense, the Earth gets microwaved by solar plasma causing its core temperature to rise, in turn causing a wave of thermal expansion in the Earth's magma which will then cause any one of the surface's seismic hotspots shake. And I'm assuming you're making your location predictions based on previously observed patterns in terms of when and where the plasma hits the Earth, is that fair?

It's a fascinating theory (if I understand it at least somewhat correctly), and from your predictions so far it seems there's certainly already a fair amount of POC available. If correct, accuracy should only increase over time.

Which places do you expect to be hit this time, I can't seem to find any statement on that.

Nepal is my primary.

I see many series taking place following the "bell ringer". Following this quake for upto 6 days. I expect many of the earths most seismic locations to show near or over 6.0 activity.

I have a post two prior to this one which touches bases on the locations I feel are most susceptible to see activity. Just clict my username and the submitted tab.

Also, yes. That was a pretty good synopses. :) I also agree that poc should be established already.

Would be really nice if someone wrote and offered me some ability to move forward? Hoping it happens someday and soon too. Poverty is a fickle mistress.

Thank you! Just to further my understanding of what we're talking about; is the idea that the energy in the form of solar plasma is itself the cause of the seismic energy (making the magnitude of the quake directly related to the amount of plasma energy taken in by the Earth's core), or rather that the plasma intrusions act as triggers for pre-existing tectonic tensions (which, if they can be measured could serve as risk-indicators and allow for adequate preparation longer beforehand). Have you thought about this?

Also, you mentioned flux tubes. I tried to find an intuitive explanation for what they are but I don't fully grasp how you think they play into this. Where do we find these electromagnetic tubes and what exactly is their role in this scenario? Do they guide the plasma energy in a specific way to the surface akin to lighting following a specific narrow path determined by surrounding factors?

Assuming you could determine your own funding freely, how would you move forward from here? Do you have a plan?



From what I understand flux does not heighten in scale. Induction essentially amps the velocity of the system.

I imagine these tubes convey within the planet. The velocity shift of the conveying likely produces heat or energy exchange in our earths dynamo.

I see faults as paths of least resistence and this being an ejection system for that deposited energy.

This likely explains how / why earthquake lightning makes its way to the atmosphere, as opposed to coming from the sky.

I do view the system as an induction scheme. If x amount of material is recieved, Y earthquake energy is likely to occur.

My thoughts are to build a model with a relevant company in hopes to extract the systems true values. We can image past seismic and solar data sets; using the largest events as control values.

Then once we do this sequence the frequence and sequence of events as the control incidents took place.

We would then use the basic known probabilities of area seismic incidents and the known frequencies in a cross reference to an algorithm. (simply switching the model into a live mode). In hipe we can triangulate the location and probability of solar to seismic data as a whole.

If I was funded I'd work to establish a relationship with predictive modeling companies and programmers. From target to ibm and predpol. In hopes we could accurately show a cause effect relationship. Which fowards the ability to create a poc and mvp.

Predpols algorithm may be a very helpful application to use. In terms of their already established coding.

As they extract location data and incidents to establish a known and needes location to place a L.E.O.

My thoughts are use their model. Then apply the live solar data as an 'incidents feed'. Using their algorithm to sort through all past incidents on record. To give a diagnostic as to where an event would likely occur.

Fascinating ideas, thank you for explaining it in more depth. I could never quite wrap my head around what you're actually working with, but it strikes me as a surprisingly intuitive concept now.

I hope you can prove a conclusive correlation with this one. The rest should be mainly a matter of contacting the right people. There have to be tons of people out there interested in cutting edge concepts like this who would be eager to test them scientifically and thoroughly.

Having a properly formulated thesis with predictions and correlations would increase your chances of finding the right people to develop the predictive software immensely. Have you approached someone about that? A student or professor of geology or seismology perhaps?

I really hope this goes somewhere, it would be a tremendous milestone for humanity.

Ive tried to get it to some respectable sources. :)

Remindme! one week

As a geophysicist, good luck buddy! i've been following your subreddit for a while now and love your dedication.


Would live to hear your thoughts:)

Have you checked out dutchsinse? He's been doing earthquake forecasts for years now


I almost worked on a piece woth him in 2011. On an unrelated subject. But we couldn't provide enough evidence to run with it. I personally like dutch and if I created a model. He would be an honored collaborator. In the event he accepted to participate. He's also a nice guy, but what I like most about him; is that hes rational and grounded on the material he attenpts to publish. That to me is a solid solid work ethic.

You grammar's pretty fine, you just have trouble compounding sentences. You try to make a whole independent clause (complete sentence) out of prepositional phrases or just simply don't punctuate them correctly. Really, if you just understood periods as the end of a complete thought and disregarded commas entirely, you'd be fine. If you want perfect grammar, think of commas as things you put at the end of each complete thought you have in a single sentence (I like butter, but I don't like potatoes.) or put before/after prepositional phrases (If I die, take this pen.)

Nonetheless, I like everything you do here and I'm an english nerd so i feel obliged to post this... hopefully buried enough noone cares to read it.

I almost worked on a piece with him in 2011. On an unrelated subject.

The "most" correct way would be say "On an unrelated subject, I almost worked on a piece with him in 2011." because the latin influence on our language tried to force us to not end sentences with prepositions. But, you could nonetheless write it correctly as "I almost worked on a piece with him in 2011 on an unrelated subject." or "I almost worked on a piece with him in 2011, on an unrelated subject." Stylistically, I prefer the former as when spoken, there really isn't much of a pause there. TL;DR: you simply didn't need the period there.

I personally like dutch and if I created a model. He would be an honored collaborator.

Here you connected a complete thought (I personally like dutch) with an incomplete thought (If I created a model) then ended it with a period. "If I created a model" is obviously meant to be paired with "He would be an honored collaborator." So, the correct way to write this is a single sentence would be exactly as you wrote it, just with better punctuation "I personally like dutch, and if I created a model, he would be an honored collaborator." Perfect example of a prepositional phrase sandwiched between two complete thoughts in a single sentence there.

See to me this is genius, and it own coding. (did I do that right)

lol! See, to me this is genius, and it('s?) own coding?

I failed english on my ged 3 times. (the essay). But scored high enough in math and science to nearly pass the entire test. The essay was pass fail:(

3 times :(

It's would be the correct usage. Also in your previous comment you said "noone," it should be no one. I felt obliged.

its would be the correct usage.

no it wouldn't be because he's contracting it and is. that would make it "it's" not "its". "Its" is the possessive.

And you got me on noone but that's dumb bullshit.

Its shows possession, it's is the contraction of it is. Its own shows possession. It's own would be it is own. I am right. You are wrong. Take your L and move on.

Its shows possession, it's is the contraction of it is.

that is literally EXACTLY what i said.

It's exactly what I said too. But you replied that I was wrong.

It's own coding is correct, which is what I said.

When you put it('s?), it was a sign that you were unsure. I let you know the correct usage, that in that context it would be "its own." You told me I was wrong. El oh el

lol ok asshole... just trying to help. It seems like you must enjoy people not taking you seriously. Amazing how you can transcend modern geophysics when you can't even be bothered to remember or relearn grade school linguistic skills.

I meant your comment was genius. English is its own code. A code I am terrible at. I am thankful and I read every word of the advice.

I really suck at English.

sorry man... i thought you downvoted and were actually insulting me.

No not at all man :)

I didn't even vote yet or anything. People are just indifferent?

I wish you and the theory all the best, but this feels kind of like that Enigma movie scene with Bumbleduck Cucumberpatch: people waiting and hoping for their own ships to be torpedoed to crack the Nazi ciphers...
I hope you're right for the future, but I hope for the now there will not be a major quake :-)

Honestly. I hope we learn from it.

Me too. No offense meant.


Hypothesis, to nitpick.

I always upvote your stuff even though you don't believe in hollow earth and therefore have no clue how to properly predict anything related to the earth since you have incorrectly modeled it.

I think we have an exotic core. Likely plasma related. Like a cold fusion variety.

That's literal word salad. Wtf does that even mean?

When does the breach close? This is very interesting OP

When geo magnetic storming is essentially over. I am unaware if the space weather prediction center offers this assessment to be honest. It would be helpful though:/

I had to subscribe to your subreddit. I was looking back at some of your past posts and it looks like you may be on to something.

Awesome man. :)

Are you saying we will be seeing the largest earthquake on earth in recorded history within the next 12 hours? When does the breach close? Do you know where it'll be? What about the Juan de Fuca plate? I love your work btw, I know you have accurately predicted things before. You should really watch your back if this comes true, not to fear monger but you really should watch your back.

I think the main shock will occur within 36 hours time.

Everything is dependant on the incoming solar winds. I assess that the BZ will close 'fully' within 12-24 hours. And that the earthquake will come within 12 hours top. From a fully closed Bz component.

What exactly is the relationship between the solar storms and earthquakes? Is there a resonance frequency that the solar storms create that vibrate fault lines inside of the earths crust at a frequency humans cannot detect? Perhaps this has to do with some of Tesla's research about vibrational frequencies?

Flux tubes and their conveying within the planet. Having been inducted by speculated electro magnetics.

Have you read any of the scientific papers written about ionosphere anomalies and magnetic precursors to earthquakes?

Such as these:



I find this very interesting. I'll be doing more research on my own about this, especially if your model comes true.

I've read several :)

I think the system they use now. That reads electric pulsations prior to an earthquake. Is the same signal I am tracking in advance.

The predicted solar winds, NOAA SWPC show the main strike will occur around now-ish and wane away by the 26th - the decreasing wind is when you typically predict an event to occur from what you've said previously so this seems to corroborate your timeframe.

So 36-48 hours. :)

Well, let's say I hope you're right. Hoping the big earthquake will occur on a desolated area of course.

Me too.


You deserve to be right. But something in me also hopes you're wrong, this doesn't show very positive.

I see the good in it :)

I hope this goes well for you.


No need for reminders on this post tbh, either the ground is going to shake like nothing we've seen in a bit and we will all remember, or he will be wrong, and no reason to kick him while he is down. Continue the good work.

I agree fully.

Remind me! 24 hours

Where are you predicting the earthquake to hit?

Any idea where? Predicting there will be an earthquake will most likely prove you right as they happen every day.

Initial thoughts are Nepal.

can I ask how you ascertain the location? Is it based on the rift/break being directly above the location? How do fault lines factor in to the equation and how do fault lines correlate with the location of the break?

Technically its frequency vs past seismic scale in addition to most probable location to exhibit future intensity.

so is there any correlation between location of this 'crack' and location of earthquake? It sounds like what you're saying is you're basing the predicted location on them being 'overdue' or not for an event.

Some recent news to note.

A mag 5 quake has hit the Phillipines today and near simultaneously a mag 2.x quake has occurred in Puerto Rico today

Geologically, these could be irrelevant or they could indicate the beginnings of a larger general disturbance. I'd be interested to check Pacific rim activity and atmospheric concentrations of electrical activity globally. I'm not able to look at either til later but both also occassionally supply telltale signs of seismic interference/disturbance activity in their behaviors.

Right or wrong, I respect the amount of work you put into this and thank you for your efforts. As for the naysayers, fuck them. If we can't introduce and discuss ideas not found in textbooks, what is the point of this sub?

Philippines has been averaging roughly a quake every three days for the past month or two. https://earthquaketrack.com/p/philippines/recent

A user reported massize lightning last night in Pennsylvania.

I imagine the rising seismic intensity now, is in addition to the past / incoming solar data.

My thoughts are we can improvise a smart algorithm to identify smaller scale activity. By reverse engineering the largest events on record which compliment the patterns.

Are you familiar with the work of Suspicious Observers?

I am.

Looks like Bz is splitting OP.

Its falling backwards. Meaning decreasing in intensity. Were not full stopped yet. Hence the upto 48hr time frame.

My guess is 30hrs +/-

Maybe 18 for a full closing.

You have every right to present any theory. Especially with solid sources. Good for you to push the boundaries for the rest of us to model after. Good luck on your journey!

Thanks man.

Remindme! 1 week

Remindme! 48 hours

Hey, I've been following your work for a while now. I remember when I first came across a post of yours, I thought it was just a bunch of rambling with slim chances of it being actual data, and simply brushed it off. But then a couple days later I saw a news article talking about a quake in the exact area you described, along with a magnitude in the range you predicted. I remember thinking in my head "Holy crap, that guy was right". Ever since then I've been following all your posts. Ive seen you predict countless more quakes since. I think you are definitely on to something, and am really hoping for this prediction to be right. If you are right on something of this magnitude (pun intended) It will help your cause greatly. I really hope to see you with a full team and funding one day, i think you would make great breakthroughs and discoveries. Keep up the great work man, you have more silent supporters than you realise!

Thank you for taking the time to post this.

It means a lot to me that I've gained attention on this platform. I hope truly in the end it opens the doors to a full time career, as well as the creation of my hypothetical model. Into a hopeful and hopefully useful (mvp) for global distribution.

Ive just made some compelling and often argumentatively useful correlations in data. I wanted to specifically thank you for reviewing that data prior to your personal conclusions as well.

This is all our project and every users concerns and even questions have helped me adapt and learn about the processes taking place; That I myself am still exploring.

It means a lot to me, and like my efforts are worth it. :)

I'm rooting for ya

I'm either too dumb or too smart to understand what you are talking about but we had a lightning/thunder storm last night that was scary.. so loud. Have not had one like that in awhile. Pennsylvania.

Schumann resonances might be right up your alley.

Schumann resonances

is this like that schroedinger guys cat?

Probably too dumb :). But rejoice, that just means you can get smarter!

not this smahhhhhht.

I am more of a book worm than a math geek

is it theory type stuff?

I don't get geometry but have excellent pattern recognition skills.. i am not sure if that even makes sense.. this is what a test thing told me and Geometry was the bane of my life in my school days.

I always scored exceptionally well in the reading/comprehension side of he aptitude tests and average to very slightly above on the math piece.. oh well.

Fuck all standards tests. All standardized tests were made by someone else who may or may not be more intelligent than you. Your "intelligence" (ability/capacity to learn) is simply a reference point of their world view.

If you're good at one thing and it's enjoyable for you... study it! Sooner than later... you'll realize that all things in the world are related and from your first passion you will have developed more passions and more knowledge. Life only gets more colorful and more exciting as you develop the ability to perceive the hidden and infinite colors and gems you simply wern't able to perceive before.

I do warn however that at one point you may find yourself surrounded by information overload to the point where you may become blinded. When that happens you'll simply need to decide to question that paradox.

No its an upper atmospheric frequency. Closely related to lightning. Also known / suspected to be closely related to earthquake prediction.

Exact same here but in Scotland at 4am. Fork lightening and howling winds and rain.

RemindMe! 48 hours

If you're right: COOL! earthquake prediction always needs to be better! Kudos to you man damn without even a degree.

If you're wrong: Don't feel that just because you put so much work in already that you take shortcuts and recalculate for a later date just to keep your current conclusions intact

Mainly what I do.

This should be an epic event though:)


Isn't this how haarp causes earthquakes?

Technically. Yes...

I started to wonder the validity of haarp rumors when identifying this systems potential.

upvote! always appreciate your research efforts, hopefully the data can show you correct.


Even if it doesn't happen I appreciate yours and u/nirubuchaser and your dedication to studying and logging these events and bringing them to our attention.

No worries.

I am about 90% sure though. Unless I've missed a vast amount of sleep for nothing lol

I'm pulling for you, just hope it doesn't hit Alaska.

Should be ok there really.

me too a mean im pretty central but a major disaster would put a damper on my palmer fair trip.

I'm in SE. I don't want barge service fucked up.

oh yeah my work relies on a lot of freight and that would mess up everything. hadn't even considered that.

SE and most of Alaska would be pretty fucked if the barge went down. I wouldn't want to be in any of the communities when the food stops coming in.

You're dope. Keep doing dope shit.


G1 Class - Minor GM storm - Average of 1700 every 900 days. G2 Class - Moderate GM storm. Average of 600 every 360 days.


These aren't major storms so why do you phrase your posts to give the impression they are out of the ordinary?

I didn't? (that is a personal thought of yours)...

I didn't? (that is a personal thought of yours)...

You are using extremely comment events as input into your equations without telling everyone how common they are. This leads them to believe the events are much more significant that they normally are.

You can avoid being called out by this by documenting in your posts how common such things are.


Gimmie 48 hours.

R.i.p. OP.

Hoping your wrong man

Hoping your wrong man

Been following your work for awhile now, wish I had any expertise in anything you've been asking for help with to forward your project, but alas.

I am excited for you! Hoping that you gain additional insight into your theory. Looking forward to hearing about the outcome of your prediction.

gets popcorn.

Hoping its more eventful then the eclipse. :)

Also hoping it doesnt kill anyone :(

Yeeeah...there's that. :( Felt a little odd wishing you an earthquake to further your theory, but you know. If you're right, in the long run a prediction and warning system ends up saving lives. :)

also gets popcorn.


Good luck.

Ty :)

RemindMe! 12 hours

Thank you for all your efforts!


I am willing to bet this guy is LARPing lol, this smacks of pseudoscience. But I guess we'll see.

I don't think you realise how good I am at this ;)

So be real with me Doc - In reality, if your prediction comes true, how exactly will this change the world forever? Really curious about this because if Im witnessing this happen right now before you become some Nobel Peace Prize winner, I want to know everything I possibly can.

No one can say if you're good because you won't publish your accuracy of predictions vs outcomes over any substantial period of time.

I think we got earthquake prediction skills through predictive programming easily. Its a system.

Any data plugs adapt it to a more relevant use.

I want to locate earthquake 'pitch'

This is intensity vs time. Estimate that with a system and triangulate known probablities woth comparative data on past records. A computational model is more accurate then me.

I literally just assess earthquakes that way.

If others feel they can too?, There is likely unknown forces interacting in a way we havent fully explored. I think extracting it in an imaging process and reassembling it with massive factors such as impulses of electric matter via induction. It may prove an impertinent role to the process of a seismic prediction utility.

Basically :)

Dang... that's awesome.

Well good for you and I wish you the best. You obviously have a knack for this.


No one can say if you're good because you won't publish your accuracy of predictions vs outcomes over any substantial period of time.

No one can say if you're good because you won't publish your accuracy of predictions vs outcomes over any substantial period of time.

All users can Feel Free To Do That :)

I assume you keep some kind of spreadsheet with predictions, outcomes, and notes. Why not just post that?

My posts are my spread sheets. I just back date past data via select online archives. I do current live assessments. This is my archive.

That pretty much says it all.

It says alot. I never claimed to know it all.

I will be honest here. At first I thought that you were a guy who was really interested in science and the process of discovery, but just didn't have a formal education. I thought that was super cool, because anyone can get into science no matter their background. I think I was way off base though, and what you really like is the attention that you get with these posts.

I just do what I do. I dont do spreadsheets. Im not that kinda guy. Call me an idiot. Im not being reckless or misleading to my intentions. Its just an idea. Its a very big idea. Its a system to identify a pitch scale to identify the estimated magnitude of an earthquake in advance.

That in addition to basic probability may determine an ultimate system of exreme value and reliability. (in terms of advanced seismic warning systems)

I am literally just a guy...

Surely you can make a spreadsheet while you're waiting.

Saying you are good does not prove you are good. This is the internet man people aren't just going to take your word for it if you don't elaborate

LARP means pretending. Whether his theory is right or wrong, he's serious.

remindme! 36 hours

This should ultimately be the effective time line. Ty for extracting the values. 48 is in my opinion generous. Yet I don't compel the wonds themselves. Lol

Reminder to myself to check later

You've made a reasonably specific prediction - "The biggest earthquake on earth for the 2016-2017 year. (to date) With multiple large aftershocks appearing globally- (as my past posts outlined)-" but what about location and/or timing? Can we agree that "within 3 days" is sufficient for timing? If the biggest earthquake of 2017 doesn't happen within 3 days your theory is bunk?

So long as the data reflects it. For all I truly know the breach maintains its course that long. While I don't assess that. What I am implying is that its an accurate statement in terms of the Bz zipping shut and no event occuring for 48 hours after. (in addition to a mild seismic intensity range following those circumstances).

I think in the end you will learn I am not wrong however.

Thats what makes this post so interesting ;)

I think what you're saying is "yes, assuming the solar activity in the next while follows normal patterns". It's hard to understand you even though I have a science background, because breach and Bz zipping are not terms I'm familiar with.

I hope you are right man. I have been following your work off and on since the first time you predicted an earthquake. it would be incredible to see you being right like the birth of new understanding of how shit works.

I've seen your posts in the past. Very interesting and I wish you good fortune, sir.

As much as I don't want to cheer for an earthquake I hope you're right man. What you're doing is raw science and that you cop so much shit from assholes who won't consider anything that isn't the established theories is indicative of what is wrong with the culture of science in our current society. It sucks you gotta do it so tough with no funds but in my opinion you're one of the foremost scientists in the world today.

I doubted you last time, you proved me wrong. I really hope it's some way far away no one gets hurt type of thing. But I also hope you are correct, because learning to predict earthquakes would be great!

I feel like its strafing east a bit. Could be wrong all together.

If your theory is correct in anyway you could be the next Tesla.. And by that I mean youll be killed/bankrupted and your research confiscated

Its all public for that reason. Build it yourself, and tip me kindly?


There won't be jack shit.

I might miss its location. But its coming.

Still waiting.

Wait. 12 hours from now or 12 hours from when the breach closes? when is the breach closing? is that something we can predict? is a breach in the magnetosphere like ripples in the surface of water covered by say Lillie lads where they all slowly drift back over the hole?

So far ots assessed to act like bubbles. Independant ones.

I dont personally know if there is a prediction chart from the space weather prediction center. I just assess 24 hours tops on that. 12 hours on after tops for an event.

The full synopses would be -48 hours. 36 hours +/- est.

ok I look forward to the shocks. god speed

Who do you work for?

I am currently Unemployed.

I work to be employed or employable? Kinda a goal of mine... :)

This is fucking awesome!!!! I'm glad im witnessing this and I hope you become very successful with this!!

Thanks. Just hope it works itself into a good thing:)

Shit man, life got me busy so I haven't been helping but this might be the one that gives us enough data to get the model ever-moreso right. I hope the lives lost are minimal, but you have been eerily on the dot the last few times. I do have to say though, I don't like IBM. I think we should look for funding elsewhere.

To be honest... I have no idea how to program. I can explain what we need to do. But I have no idea how to do it. Maybe pm me a tele?

How long left?

Sometimes I hope you are wrong,

but hopefully you are correct in terms of confirming your model. Maybe people will take the data you have gathered seriously.

Man I try. This seemed like a big event.

I checked the solar weather yesterday and saw the G2 storm. Not surprised to see your post today.


Suntards We Ride! Ive had my intensity thingy up a while in parsingsol. It works pretty good all year. :)

What is your intensity thingy? I usually check solarham.net (except this time, until he gets back from vacation lol).

RemindMe! 48 Hours

remindme! 24 hours

RemindMe 36 hours

/u/parsingsol is a legendary content creator on reddit. Right or wrong, you have amazing dedication and though process my friend.

I both wish that you're right because this system will save countless lives, and I hope you're wrong and that we don't see a disaster.

Ty. I could be entirely wrong.

You are not entirely wrong. The theories are perfect common sense. So remember even something as predictable as a shotgun will misfire or not go off on every single trigger pull.

There could always be another undiscovered component to the triggering mechanism. Maybe the increased stressors are more fluid then imagined and don’t always combine or multiply with the latent energy in a particular plate. Or plates have more plasticity then we anticipate etc.

Agreed. I expect far more peoples imput is absolutely necessary to gain too. I think there is far more of a static electric force here. I don't know why were not focusing on the using of it as a tool to our advantages... Seems logical. :)

What is your follow up plan if you are right?

I don't really have one quite yet?

I just think it would be easiest to sorta keep attempting to do the model for now?

I agree you should stick to the model.

But maybe it would be good, if you are right, to get in touch with some official institution.

I try this in between tests really.

Ive gotten enough positive results to gain some very professional users opinions which greatly shaped the cause effect relationship of my theory.

Theres much to learn in all of this. Hoping to get a career in the field in the end of it all :)

Well all the best of luck to you! How long is left before an earthquacks should occur?



Is this why they had earth ex 2017?

When the biggest earthquake ever doesn't happen in 36 hours will you make a follow-up post and admit that you are wrong and wasted everyone's time?


Even if it's proven incorrect, at least it was interesting! I'd say it's a no bigger waste of time than anything on Reddit haha. Also, the biggest of 2017

I just want to say that this thread is a breath of fresh air!!

... Now, how can I make this fit my political agenda??.....

Take money out on predicted seismic regions insurances. Profit.

I don't know your particular political agenda, but if OP is correct, then it easily could fall into the category of biblical end times type disaster which as any conspiracy user knows can be used how you like

Ah, then I better buy my Alex Jones bunker food and supplements.


remindme! 48hours

can someone ELI5 please?

Imagine the Sun is like a big microwave and the Earth is a big round cherry pie inside of it.

The pie is a nice mix of mostly soft lumpy gooey stuff on the inside with a hard crunchy crust on the outside.

The microwave is always on which slowly warms the pie.

Some times the microwave power goes crazy and turns itself up (the solar wind u/ParsingSol is tracking.) the pie suddenly gets a bigger spark of heat on the inside which causes the cherry lumps to expand and put more pressure on the outer crust.

Occasionally the spike of extra heat causes the cherries to expand so much that they burst through the crust, which we experience as an earthquake.

Thank you.

thanks, that's easier to understand

So... if I'm rooting for you and your prediction... does that also mean I'm rooting for massive destruction?

Kinda by default? Unless its a really rural and desolate region. :)

We can have our cake and eat it too.

remindme! 24 hours

Sooo, where we at with the timing?

His bz lines came together a few hours ago. So I guess 12-24 hours from when that happened.

Its half closed... Still downward vector and calming winds. Good for the test. Bad for users in seismically active areas.

Good luck to you. I'm not an expert in seismology, so what is the layman's version of what you're saying? There's going to be an earthquake between/around what times, of what general magnitude, and where? I'm just asking what I should be looking for.

Thanks for this. I've followed your posts for along time man and I wish you the best of luck. I know I'll be following this. Ignore the ignorance and hateful comments in this thread. I would guarantee each and every one of them wished they had some type of passion for something so strong as you do for this. I just bought a Powerball ticket and if by some extremely remote chance I win, you'll be hearing from me.

Where are you from? Is English your native tongue? You seem to have a lot of ideas you would like to share with us, but I have hard time understanding and verifying your points.

Hoping for Yellowstone eruption

I hope you're right.

Remindme! 48 hours

Remindme! 1 week

Posts like this make r/conspiracy worth it

RemindMe! 48 hours

Remind me 12 hours post breach

Where is this earthquake supposed to happen at?


Love your work ~ it is definitely probable that the Sun's activity effects our seismic tensions, and your (and others) work shows this pretty much without question. I hope this pans out and you help to save many lives.

One guy on reddit vs. all the world's scientists


Im just posting for history sake. Very interesting.

Literally changing the world. Bravo.

Just trying to :)

I think this really works :)

RemindMe! 72 hours

RemindMe! 3 days "Big earthquake"

Keep up the good work man! Hope you meet with success.

Time keeps on ticking ticking ticking into the future. :)

No but it woyld be awesome if I nailed this outta the park :) I hope I do! No offense to anyone in it. if it factually comes :(

Yeah, I felt a bit weird after wishing you success. Obviously I wouldn't want anyone hurt!

Me neither :(

But it can improve future watning systems so im rooting for a rural area. :)

I wonder, Why dont you ever release your calculations. Or the probability of Where and when and What magnitude?

Oh? Cause you dont want your bullshit exposed.

Is this your last "gotta be lucky now to comtinue" or Will you Find an excuse if it doesnt happen?

Anyway seeing you're making a prediction; here I go:

Going on vacation in a couple days, seeing bad shit seems to happen when I do... 8+ in Indonesia (60%) and same in chili/Peru(40%) somewhere start of September.

Dude make your own posts?

Choose a five day range :)

2-7 September?

Last time it got deleted cause was targeting you☹️ besides got downvoted into oblivion.

Bookmarked and popcorn ready. I want you to be right because it would be a great discovery, but I want you to be wrong because then some poor folks are gonna get destroyed.

Everything happens. :/


RemindMe! 48 hours

You should x/post this to voat u/ParsingSol

I am trying to get my computer back with a friends help. Pretty broke lately. :(

Bro, DM me an address and I'll send you a desktop or laptop to you free. I strongly believe everyone should have their own machine. I work in cyber security and believe strongly in the one person, one computer thing. I have plenty of extra machines. If you need the help I can lend a system. Stay up!

If my friend cant help I might take ya up on it. Having a lil faith in him though :)

As usual; frikkin amazing. It's absurd that you are scoffed at by scientists.

And that, is all we need to know about the intentions of modern scientists.

Gotta hit it first:)

They are being skeptical. It will always exist in the scientific community for good reason.

what's amazing about being wrong?

Ignore the haters here. Your dedication is fantastic.

Your "forever" will last (if true ofc) when the next person says this will change the world "forever" lol and i doubt its gonna last... nothing lasts forever and change is inevitable.

Anyway, thx for the warning and it would be great if this kind of a thing could save lives !

Agreed. :)

RemindMe! 48 hours

Can someone tell me if this happens. I never k ow if these things happen.


Will show you activity.

Summon remind me bot :)

RemindMe! 40 hours

Interesting theory. Exciting if it turns out to work.

Sorry if I am missing the obvious, but when would your model predict the earthquake - is there a delay between the geomagnetic storm and the seismic activity and if so how long?

Also, there are thousands of earthquakes throughout the world (most too small to matter). How would you 1) eliminate the possibility of coincidence or conversely, 2) make sure that an earthquake caused predicted by your model is not "lost" in the noise of all of the other earthquakes that occur all of the time.

Build from largest events to smallest to mitigate. Attempt to find a medium. Use live conparative modeling and past data plugs to locate probable sequencing and frequency to match live data. In addition to predictive modeling and advances solar data prediction. Maybe a 5 day lead. +/-

So when do you predict the next big earthquake based on this?

Getting pretty close imo. Waiting on bz to dial down.

Hi u/ParsingSol, how is Japan looking? Specifically the Kansai area...

Honestly just a bump more then a typical activity imo.

I just feel like the recent north russian sequence lowered your overall seismic risk. Forgive me if im mistaken. Sumimasen. :)

Thank you so much as always for taking the time to reply.

No worries. Im watching with everyone else at the moment lol.

The bz is almost at a closing point. Looks good. So. Hoping for a full close and loss of speeds in terms of solar winds. :)

What is the bz?

Then we wait and hope for a correlation. :)

This is not how it works. I wonder if the lack of event will cause you to accept that you may be wrong, rather than insist it was some minor problem in calculation. You were sure, based on your current beliefs. You were wrong, will your belief be amended?

One of the most important aspects of science is admitting when we are wrong and improving our methods, not making up methods to prove we're right when we're wrong.

He predicted a 7.0+ quake hitting it before August 28th.

Thank you kindly!

RemindMe! 24 hours

Why do you keep predicting huge earthquakes when nothing ever comes out of it?

You know what real scientists do? They first verify that their predctions are correct and then they publish their theory.

RemindMe! 48 hours

Won't happen, just like the eclipse "predictions". OP will come back with a new post begging for money because the only reason their predictions failed was due to "lack of adequate funding".

Haters gonna hate.

Not hating, just know a scam when I see one.



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RemindMe! 1 week

Tbe two red and white lines at bz are getting closer. Is it close enough to say the breach has closed or do they needt o be closer? http://services.swpc.noaa.gov/images/geospace-1-day.png

It looks to be getting close. Every now and then it will have a false positive. (false closing). Its truly a jerk sometimes lol. But your pretty much thinking / feeling what I am. :)

Remindme! 1 day

what if we focused on trying to block solar stuff? any idea how?

No clue really :(

Commenting to keep up on this

What's your plan if this prediction fails? Honest question.

Same as it always is, ignore it and post again with a bold prediction in a couple weeks.

Learn from my mistakes. More worried about being right really :/

maybe next time

!remindme 48 hours

It takes courage and confidence to be making bold predictions like this, to open oneself to ridicule. So thank you.

Even if it doesn't pan out the way you thought it would, that means your understanding requires enhancement and fine-tuning, not that the path is wrong, or that the underlying comprehension is mistaken. Please keep at it; once you're confident enough to have figured it out, write a book.

Why would it not mean that the path was wrong?

Even if it doesn't pan out the way you thought it would, that means your understanding requires enhancement and fine-tuning, not that the path is wrong, or that the underlying comprehension is mistaken.

by that logic this theory is unfalsifiable and scientifically useless.


I hope that everyone made it through the big earthquake ok.

Thanks to OPs warning I made it out of Nepal, unfortunately having to leave my family behind to suffer through the biggest quake in the past 2 years. Their stories are a harrowing account of survival and the most inspiring exemplification of the strength of the human spirit I have ever heard.

They now pray to their God, /u/ParsingSol every hour and ask where they can send their precious Bitcoins once he again starts begging for money due to the unequivocal, absolutely undeniable success of his prediction model.


i'll be watching this!


Me too. Its my favorite site!

I like www.electricquakes.com its been around the longest and has the electrical solar info as well.

What are some examples of large prior earthquakes associated with breaches?

/u/parsingsol earthquakes lists 2011 - 2016.

So none that you can think of?

nepal april 25th 2015 Check the 21st for the increased activity. 4 m class ejections. Rapid succession. Much like our 3 c class 1 m class event this week.

How would that week differ from an expected quake output from the biggest events that year found on 3/17/2015, 10/7/2015, 6/23/2015, and 12/20/2015 just to name a few? Those were all significantly larger events.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

4 M class ejections. How is that different from the 4 m class ejections on 4/21?

3/12 saw 4 class m ejections. I looked up 4/21 and it only had three.

Link doesn't work for me

Schumann resonances - Wikipedia Wikipedia › wiki › Schumann_resonances The higher resonance modes are spaced at approximately 6.5 Hz intervals, a characteristic attributed to the atmosphere's spherical geometry. ... A new field of interest using Schumann resonances is related to short-term earthquake prediction. Interest in Schumann resonances was renewed in 1993 when E. R.

And the 2015 earthquake that you mentioned showed this same resonance, while all of the examples that I listed did not?

I am unsure. Thats what makes exploring these incidents important. I feel there are far more correlations in the data then your taking into account.

What other correlations are you using?

Its outlined in my subreddit? Past archives, and live data. Comparative modeling...

Well, I guess we will find out. You predicted in the other thread that those quakes will hit by the 28th, and that this one would happen within 48 hours, so we should have some answers pretty soon.

Exactly :)

What are you thinking?

ParsingSol, I highly suggest you read this and consider adding the information to your models.


You can build a Geiger counter pretty cheap and radioactive sources can be found in smoke detectors.

Americium ;)

Wait. what? Something related to the sun is chanfing radioactice decay rates?

Thats huge.



Something that shows correlation with solar activity also shows correlation with radioactive decay rate change.

We dont know if it originates with the sun or is something that affects the sun.

It could be planetary solar sydtem electric plasma variations or something else.

There is no reason to beleive its nuetrinos or that it originates within the sun.

It could originate in the earth and project itself onto the sun via earth sun plasma linkage.

It could originate in the earth and project itself onto the sun via earth sun plasma linkage.

Define "it" ?

If "it" originates in earth, what signals radioactive elements to change their decay rates?

It is the origianal cause..sorry cant say more.

I am going write up if it works . Publish or perish and all that.

Crazy, isn't it?

I was looking up the sranford scientist Sturrock named and he also led this panel.


So far nothing OP. A 5.1 in Iraq, a 2 in Maine, a 3 in Alabama. Those don't count at all. What's your thought on this as of right now?

By now fully closed it allears. Centered pan with a low heading. A continuation of this will conclude or test shortly into the planets re-adjusting / settling.

Nothing is breached, you just don't know how to interpret the data. From NOAA today: "Solar wind parameters reflected a nominal environment. Wind speed was steady at 350 km/s. Total magnetic field ranged between 3 and 6 nT while the Bz component did not drop lower than -3 nT. Phi angle was positive."

You're just trying to stall and hope an earthquake hits.

I knew this guy was full of shit.

he may not be full of shit, he may just be holding on to hope his model works.

This is kind of like that time the girl tells you how good it's gonna be when you get home and when you get home it's a quickie cause she's tired, but wait until tomorrow night. but it never comes, and neither do you.

if there is any correlation even his total bullshit posts will have some relevancy.

Your metaphor, while creative, doesn't relate with me as I am a gay man LOL. But alrighty.

Can you at least make an accurate prediction for when you'll make a post begging people for money?


Nothing happened.

Aaand he was full of shit lul

So he was?

you you!! you got me chewing my nails off! we had a minor earthquake here in my country!

Sigh...i wanted to believe

im probably wrong

but didnt he say August 25 before noon , and a USA time zone?

You got the time right but he bet big it was nepal

Where’s the thread at on the predicted timeline?

Hey this is about earthquakes, what about hurricanes? Any theory on that?

... annnnd nothing.

I'm going to make my own prediction, /u/ParsingSol will soon make a post that their prediction was incorrect due to being too concerned with other matters and will beg people for 600k (again) to buy him a house.

What’s that about the house?

He started a GoFundMe page so that he could work on earthquake research full time. His goal was $600k, and he said that he would use the money to buy a house. Seriously.

Last time /u/parsingsol made a series of incorrect predictions they said it was due to their living situation and started a crowdsourcing fund on this sub for 600k so they could buy a house ...

Can confirm Vancouver is clear


Congratulations on extending your streak of completely incorrect predictions!

And so ends this giant ego trip.

Personally, it takes alot off guts to be wrong and even more to keep trying despite doubts of others. Keep it up! It's interesting :)


Kudos to him for trying.

It takes even more guts to continuously be wrong then ask the sub to buy a house for him ...

It takes more guts to admit you're wrong and your model is nonsense, but he never will.

I agree here, was willing to give him a shadow of a doubt...

Nothing happened, as predicted.

Will you maybe now consider that your model is wrong?

In fairness he still has time.

Yup. I see that now. You're right, and he's definitely late.

He said when the breach closes

Luckily that happened towards the end of the day on the 23rd: http://solarham.net/planetk.htm

He is probably going to keep changing reasons. He can do that because I didn't give concretely what he is tracking, so he can move that goalpost that he never established concretely anyways.

Yep. He was basically stalling for as long as possible in order to chance across an earthquake. I'm sure that he will be back soon with some vague, nebulous reasoning along with a sad story about his life.

So as of now 7:50 am pdt aug 23 2017 the lines seemed to have gotten close but then the sensor went out and then they may have diverged. http://archive.is/az9Ra

What do you think? Has the breach closed?

Solar wind very high. Schumann resonance very high.

But what does it have to do with earthquake predictions?

And what if you're wrong?

So you are just going to ignore this now that nothing has happened?

I was curious about all the space weather and how the Biz component works, so I tracked down a daily NOAA report. Good news! Everything is fine and quiet. Here's the report:

:Product: Report of Solar-Geophysical Activity :Issued: 2017 Aug 25 2200 UTC

Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,

Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force.

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast SDF Number 237 Issued at 2200Z on 25 Aug 2017

IA. Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 24/2100Z to 25/2100Z: Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C5 event observed at 25/0727Z from Region 2672 (N07E05). There are currently 2 numbered sunspot regions on the disk. IB. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is likely to be low with a slight chance for an M-class flare on days one and two (26 Aug, 27 Aug) and expected to be very low with a chance for a C-class flares and a slight chance for an M-class flare on day three (28 Aug).

IIA. Geophysical Activity Summary 24/2100Z to 25/2100Z: The geomagnetic field has been at quiet levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 388 km/s at 25/0136Z. Total IMF reached 6 nT at 25/2047Z. The maximum southward component of Bz reached -4 nT at 25/1039Z. Electrons greater than 2 MeV at geosynchronous orbit reached a peak level of 7705 pfu. IIB. Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet levels on days one and two (26 Aug, 27 Aug) and quiet to unsettled levels on day three (28 Aug).

Can we all agree we wasted enough time on this guy?

Can we now agree we haven't

a broken clock is right twice a day

Is it safe to say that you did not, in fact, change the field of seismic prediction forever?

Name checks out.

So let me try to summarize and conjecture really quickly. Your saying suns heat/magnetic energy effects earths tectonic plates, alright I'll buy that seems more legit than dating things based upon how deep they are. Since I haven't heard anything about "the big one" in terms of earthquakes maybe the energy effected something else in our planetary system. Namely the atmosphere/ocean around the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in the rapid strengthening of Hurricane Harvey from a Cat-1 to a Cat 4 in less than 24 hours. And noticing your [final update] and noticing it coinciding with the relative weakening of the activity over the actual Gulf, maybe there is a correllation here. I want/am studying to become a surgeon not a seismologist or meterologist so ya know..

Nothing at all happened. Will you now admit that your preditions are simoly wrong?

Your model pointed to Nepal.

Northwestern Nepal shares it's North Latitude with Houston. In fact, from the northernmost point in Nepal to the southermost point in Nepal, those latitudes are where this tropical storm is hitting.

And now, here is a brand new tropical storm forming on the constructive margin that leads to the Caribbean plate.


This model has proved, once and for all, that lizardmen did 9/11.

So the breach is definitely closed..

Did anything big happen affer it did?

Two coronal holes earth facing. These keep winds elevated. Wait for -325km/s.

There will eventually be an earthquake somewhere and you'll claim credit. Give up dude. Find a new hobby.



Note: the incoming solar winds had another velocity shift today. (this resets the past data). 600km/s now.

So likely 6.0 mag range highest. No quakes 2 days. On the third day 6.0 mag intensity to resume.

Does that account for Indonesia's 6.3 on Aug 31st?

Remindme! 2 weeks

Whether it happens or not! Continue the work FAM. Goodluck.

OH. MY. GOD... It worked!

No fucking way

Not lying I'm all freaked out now

You were a bit late. But only by a few days. 8.0 Mexico

Its falling backwards. Meaning decreasing in intensity. Were not full stopped yet. Hence the upto 48hr time frame.

My guess is 30hrs +/-

Maybe 18 for a full closing.

I attenpted to write the physicist that did his work for him. Thats as far as I've gone in terms of reaching out. :/


Thanks! I'll check it out

You can go with whatever you want! You were going to go with that from the beginning buddy. Look how much time I saved myself!

I just know/feel that data points to a serious incident. In what I think we should be looking for.

Im just a guy:)

Technically its frequency vs past seismic scale in addition to most probable location to exhibit future intensity.

lol! See, to me this is genius, and it('s?) own coding?


great channel, been watching it for years

lol ok asshole... just trying to help. It seems like you must enjoy people not taking you seriously. Amazing how you can transcend modern geophysics when you can't even be bothered to remember or relearn grade school linguistic skills.

I think its a very simple concept really. What I don't get is they are literally arguing to not build a device by default of stating it doesnt work.

So can we check it?

Gotta hit it first:)

sorry man... i thought you downvoted and were actually insulting me.

They are being skeptical. It will always exist in the scientific community for good reason.

So when do you predict the next big earthquake based on this?

What is your accuracy in predicting earthquakes? His is way better than yours.

what's amazing about being wrong?

Link doesn't work for me


im probably wrong

but didnt he say August 25 before noon , and a USA time zone?


He is probably going to keep changing reasons. He can do that because I didn't give concretely what he is tracking, so he can move that goalpost that he never established concretely anyways.

And now, here is a brand new tropical storm forming on the constructive margin that leads to the Caribbean plate.


This model has proved, once and for all, that lizardmen did 9/11.