So is td gonna forget ben shapiros claim that hillary will be indicted this week now that its proven false?

48  2017-08-23 by Iockhherup

L they seem to continually make radical predictions and then forget about them when it doesn't happen


Maybe you should go as them on their subreddit.

And then get banned in the blink of an eye

They have a question subreddit called ASKTHE_DONALD

Do they ban people there?

As a person who has been banned from there, they totally do

Not if the question is worded politely and sincere.

Example of wrong way to ask: Hey Dickhead Trump supporters, what do you have to say now that etc. etc. etc.

Example of polite way to ask: Ben Shapiro claimed that Hillary would be indicted this week. It clearly hasn't happened. How do Trump supporters feel about this? Do you all still support and believe Ben Shapiro?

I was banned from there before even making a post.


i'm still perplexed why the dems rigged their election to screw bernie?

What does that have to do with this thread?

asking for a friend. why did they rig it vs bernie? very curious.

What does that have to do with this thread?

Why are you purposely derailing it?

how would it derail it exactly? it was a simple question based on your username.

ben is a well known nevertrumper, so his word means nothing.

good to know you can't acknowledge hillary's destruction of subpoenaed evidence with hammers or proven dnc election rigging.

that doesn't refute anything i stated.

also, you believe in fairytale collusion concoction that wikileaks has repeatedly debunked.

Yes. It does. Read the rest of the thread.

You tried to paint me as some Clinton/DNC lover or defender.

Wikileaks hasn't debunked anything, and why are you trying to debunk a conspiracy in a conspiracy sub in the first place?

You tried to paint me as some Clinton/DNC lover

wrong. it was a simple question as a public reminder, which you then dodged. none of your arguments are grounded in reality as you're dismissing wikileaks repeated statements that their source for the leaks weren't from russia. inc dodge again.

Wikileaks hasn't debunked anything

LoL. wrong. both wikileaks and assange are on the record destroying your bogus russia concoction. why dodge?

why are you trying to debunk my baseless ramblings


Repeating what I said before:

If we're going by what the intelligence communities say, even if Seth Rich leaked the emails and there was no DNC hack by Russia, it still doesn't account for the thousands of other hacks done by the GRU.

So, I'm glad that people are trying to find out who killed Seth Rich. But, those who push it just because they think it debunks the Russian conspiracy, are in for a rough time no matter what happens.

March 20 Intelligence Hearing:

HURD: Good copy. And do you have a ball park of the number of private sector entities that you have to notify of these types of breaches?

COMEY: Hundreds and thousands. In this particular case we had to notify hundreds, I think maybe more than 1,000 entities that the Russians were hitting at the same time.

HURD: Admiral Rogers, do you have anything to add to that?

ROGERS: No, because as we pass the information to the FBI, what started all this was a pretty massive effort on the part of our Russian counterparts.

Repeating what I said before:

you haven't addressed wikileaks debunking your bogus collusion fairytale.

nor have you/lying intel community provided a single shred of evidence supporting their claims.

but hey, let's be real. the moment you acknowledge wikileaks is the moment your months of posts become irrelevant. i understand. pathetic.

Did you read what I just said? Or are you in a loop?

is that an acknowledgement of wikileaks destroying your collusion fairytale?

I already answered your question. You are just choosing toninore it so you can stick to your script

I already answered

well, no, you haven't. you just cited more unsubstantiated drivel to deflect.

Hopefully you're not this dense in real life.

Hopefully you aren't this rude in real life. Who raised you?

Does that even matter?

Let's look at the context of your statement: you want OP to ask an echo chamber about a tweet not coming to fruition and how they're wrong? That's an instant banning and no conversation.

I swear, this isn't a hard concept. OP asked here because it'll at least illicit a response from multiple sides.

Ben Shapario was the one who was wrong, not the people at T_D. I honestly think if OP went there and asked this question, it wouldn't be banned. He is not attacking Trump or T_D users, he is saying that Ben Shapiro was wrong.

Feel free to go prove their point then. I think pointing out something as charged as that tweet as wrong would result in a nice banning.

I'm not the one who wants to know the answer. I don't even follow Ben Shapiro.

Either way, your response was less than helpful

Maybe OP thinks my response was helpful.

You can't question anything there without instantly being banned and muted, so... what's the point?

They have a question subreddit called ASKTHE_DONALD

well maybe you should have said to go there, then, instead of saying go to the_d

Yes, you are right. I should have. I'll edit my comment.

... because weeks end on Wednesday Seriously, what's your deal?

would love for op to be proven wrong in three days

I feel like you are making a terrible mistake in assuming that they care anything at all about things like... "truth," "reason," or "consistency."

Seriously though, that sub is like 80% bots, and the rest of them are literally just there to suck trump's dick 24/7.

I think it's because the mods there ban practically everyone so only people that are left are bots, shills, and the cult members

Yes, it is the most intentionally crafted echo-chamber I have ever seen in my entire life.

Would be a great study if you could stomach them over the period of a few months.

Idk r politics seems like a pretty intentionally crafted echo chamber

And they have 90% bots

I would argue the comment to upvote ratio on politics shows less botting than the one of t_d

Well when its always the same comment id disagree

Republican site: __ lol fake news

"Can we ban this crap?"


Democrat site: "impeach

"Drumpf lol"

"Russian collusion!" "But the story was about tax reform?" "-1000 votes"

I'm not disagreeing that there are not bots, I disagree with your claim that both those subs have roughly the same.

R politics has wayyyyy more.

If u can disagree with that after this election then I have a Russian. dossier to tell you

Neither one of us has proof, I'm just basing mine on casual observation

You seem to basing it on...well, nothing.


I would guess a sub like politics would need more bots to control the narrative than TD. There are more people there so it would make sense to me if they needed more up/down voters. Like you said nobody can prove this, but I would say avoid both if you want to avoid echo chambers. Which one is worse really doesn't matter.

lmfao, except you don't get banned for dissenting views on /r/politics

ps- i know you are probably going to start complaining that they do in fact ban people for having non-liberal views.

I'm just gonna nip that in the bud and say, pics or it didn't happen

Theres pics all over td

Pics or they never banned anyone from td for criticizing him

hahahahaha, it says in there fucking sidebar rules that you get banned for dissenting!

Never seen it actually happen tho. Pics or it didn't happen

here you go dude.

this is probably one of the funniest debates i've had in a long time.

it's like, you're saying water isn't wet and asking for proof! ahahahahahhh!!

Lmao ur literally denying that u get bsnned on politics for non liberal comments

Non liberal or hateful ? Big difference

Non liberal or hateful ?

Trumpers legit can't tell the difference, my dude

Libtards think they're both the same

hahah thanks for proving my point, my dude

I've been banned from both /r/politics and /r/the_donald for dissenting views. Both are partisan shitholes, the only difference is which group of idiots is allowed to stay.

You can't be serious. Go leave a negative comment about Trump on a rising post. You'll be banned in less than 5 minutes.

Go leave a negative comment comment about Hillary in politics. You'll be banned immediately

Want me to prove to you I won't?

Hahaha. Riiight. Try again kiddo.


Nah. Downvoted for sure, maybe warned if it has literally nothing to do with the topic. Not banned though.

The word you're looking for is censored, not banned.

Lmao politics PRETEMDS to be neutral.

they are a psyop run by the DNC and bots from share blue

Any time someone tries to compare politics to t_d, they're already admitting that politics is compromised, and not a neutral sub.

Ivelegot gotten better news from TD at times than from politics

t_d put out some good stuff during the dnc leaks/podesta. I haven't been there in awhile, well due to the ban. My politics doesn;t align with the sub. I get sick of people bashing it though.

Baloney. I was a never Hillary/ Bernie supporter. Said lots of bad things about her. Never banned, never had a comment deleted.

Like hell you don't.

Literally got banned for this exact thing. I used no offensive language but the guy who was subbed there did. Guess which one got banned lol

/r/politics is pretty laissez-faire when it comes to banning members or removing posts/comments. They don't have to because you'll juts get downvoted to oblivion. I call it the "karma free market"--goes to show that you don't need heavy moderation to turn something into an echo chamber.

Honestly, I'm surprised people stay there long enough to get angry at it.

It's designed to be that way, it had a pretty decent following at first but it's slowly widdling away, especially since he is separating himself from the ones who want a heavy departure from Neocon rule.

It is an echo chamber created to match the steam that Sanders was getting on Reddit through all his phonebankers and believers.

Sometimes they will have something there that interests me, but more and more I'm getting tired of finding endless article, YouTube, and predictions that seem to just make everyone hopeful.

Im just gonna point out, that this is the conversation dominating the sub. Therefore.... are you projecting?

We talking the politics sub right?

It's as bad a /r/politics was during the primaries. Pure echo chamber.

Wait, Ben Shapiro said that?

He's usually one of the ones I don't listen to as much, would greatly appreciate a link or article if y'all have one.

It's getting to the point where I don't believe any radical prediction, I'm fairly certain a large number of conspiracy goons on all sides are becoming the same way lol.

"lit af" hahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha.

Goodness, politics is getting weirder and weirder.

Personally, I don't think there will be any indictments on any politicians. Politicians will never suffer the same consequences that we would. They are more protected than a protected class.

I'm mostly just happy that the POTUS doesn't actually have the power to indict anyone, only to instruct the JD to investigate.

Also a little amused that so many trumpers are too ignorant to know that...

It's not just T_D. I saw that claim pushed here multiple times. Like this instance.

I'm sure /u/LightBringerFlex will apologize for spreading right-wing propaganda to deflect from Trump's failings. /s

Probably when everyone in r politics apologizes for spreading left wing propoganda to distract from Obama and Hillary's crimes

I'm rubber you're glue yadda yadda yadda


You just deflected. Not very well, but you did.

There's no "failings" to deflect from. Words never hurt anyone

Everyone posting it got caught up, they all took a joke literally.

Happens on this sub just as often. Probably because people repost to both subs often.

Why don't you go ask TD? This isn't them. (Mostly). Please insert conspiracy here.

continually make radical predictions and then forget about them

Russia! Russia! Russia!

I think Ben was joking. I agree that a lot of people took him seriously though.

So Ben Shapiro is about the farthest thing from a Trumpist you can get while still being on the right. This was obviously a joke, the joke being that of course the administration would be desperate for any distraction.

would be a distraction I could get behind

I'd like to point out that it hasn't been "proven wrong"

He said "next week" not "within a week"

Why is this in r/conspiracy? Keep this whiny garbage out of here please.

Didn't Ben Shapiro push for the Iraq War, saying that Iraq War is right for America?

He was obviously joking

Ben Shapiro hates Trump.

I've heard Shapiro make no such claim. I'll take your word for it that he did. But I would also add, with no knowledge of the incident, only knowing what I do of Shapiro that he is not one to make such claims and if he made such a claim it must have been done facetiously. That much seems obvious being familiar with the young gentleman. He's not one given to sensationalist bullshit like that.

Shapiro is a smart guy. He lacks in applicable worldly experience, but he has strong rhetoric and argues keenly. He usually stays confined to that.