17 new moderators were added to r/conspiracy in the last half hour

343  2017-08-26 by rockytimber


Edit: best comment:


Those aren't new moderators, man. Those are all the mods that got their powers back after the attempted hostile takeover last night."



lol I'm sitting back

Many (all?) had been there prior to the happenings this evening.

In other words, for some reason, all but three of the mods appear to have been debadged and then rebadged within a few hours.

Why has this happened? I look forward to hearing what the official story is...

what happenings?

Yes, what happening? Please elaborate.

It's the same mods. There is no one new there. Relax.

There is someone who was there, and is no longer there. Flytape. Who looked like he tried to do a coup and was kicked down by the admins.

Dunno about that. Theory away, though..

The admins don't give a flying fuck about mods.


what was that post a couple hours ago flytape made that said there was a mod shakeup, there was only like 4 mods including him when i looked

its just an alt

Minus one u/flytape


Thank the lord. /u/Flytape is cancer.


He's 100% butt-hurt that he got dropped

He was banned too.

What did he do?

I don't know. He claims that it's because of the leftist mods and that this sub has become anti-trump. He must be on crack to think something like that.

Or do you mean why is he cancer?

He was overtly partisan.

and now he has a new sub call conspiracyright which strips away any doubt he wasn't a partisan hack

Mods of this subreddit shouldn't have political affiliations with a false paradigm of the establishment. Seems like a bit of a conflict of interest there.

Low level conspiracy theorists still think political parties mean something when it comes to the president, the real truth is the president doesn't get elected unless approved by the shadow government.

Thats what mid level conspiracy theorists believe, but high level conspiracy theorists know government is just an illusion.

Well he's not wrong

Anybody else here notice the time when this sub had a sudden shift from SUPER pro-trump to anti trump?

I mean it was about as dramatic a shift as possible. It all started when 3 mods stickied a post about Trump being a Rothschild. It all went down hill since

No surprise. Its what leftists do. They cant stand the thought of Trump being supported so they weaseled their way in and took over

Ok. You're doing what you claim to be against. Do you not see it? Do you read what you type? This earth is going down in flames.

Well at least he wasn't president in the 60s, because if he was there would have been a real risk of him setting the world ablaze, and not in the figurative sense.

Actually this sub was fairly neutral, became very pro-Trump, then very anti-Trump with a lot of the pro-Trumpers remaining, now it's a mixed bag of shitheads yelling at each other over nothing important.

this is the correct answer ^

I miss the days when everything wasn't infested with politics. Conspiracy used to be fun, talking about reptilians, false flags, the Illuminati, and other interesting (if not outlandish) topics. Now it's just the same divisive political bullshit you see everywhere else. I want my tin-foil hat club back :(

tin-foil hat

Good name for a new non-political subreddit...

Politics is the game of power. Any meaningful conspiracy that actually affects people will have politicians all over it.

Sounds like some people want a /r/ConspiracySafeSpace

This is the best comment in this discussion thus far. This is exactly what is being requested by a wave of new users who utilize labels and name-calling in lieu of open, sourced discussion.

We are dealing with people who want this topic (conspiracy) to be non political, "fun" , light. They want easy stories with simple 144 character resolutions. The reality, the darkness that exists in front of our faces, it's either too much for people to wrap their minds around or the discussion of it, the analysis of it is against the interest of those powerful enough to generate this kind of upheaval.

Conspiracy has always been about politics in some form or fashion, but it's only recently that it's turned into the political shit show that it is. I had no problem with it before, now it's just every little thing is turned into red vs blue and immediately upvoted/downvoted based on party affiliation rather than the actual merits of the discussion. You used to be able to make a remark about the President or other political figures without being descended upon by droves of apologists who are more than willing to excuse anything and everything they can to deify their beloved party. (at least in regards to conspiracy theory)

It's not about squelching open discussion, because this type of two-party spiteful politics is anything but an open discussion. I'm just tired of seeing literally everything become a political debate with clearly defined allegiances. It seems we here at /r/conspiracy have forgotten that all sides of our political spectrum are corrupt and are all designed to herd us into nice little corners where we can be validated by our peers regardless of the content of our speech. Want some upvotes? Just shit all over whatever Trump did today and watch as his opponents rush to your side, even if your argument is fundamentally flawed from the start.

You can go on and on about safe spaces or whatever bullshit buzzwords you currently use in your political space, but it's you who wants to limit the discussion down to the same one side vs the other bullshit we're being groomed to accept. So forgive me if I want to go back to talking about 'fun, light' topics again, I'm just tired of seeing the same 'Trump sucks/Trump rules' talking points recycled over and over.

So, by all means, continue to ignore the greater conspiracy here in lieu of whatever self-validating political nonsense you want to spew instead. God forbid I ask that this sub go back to its roots instead of becoming like every other sub on Reddit. Much better for us to have the same two arguments again and again.

This is the part where I accuse you of being a shill from T_D or a Hillary apologist, because that's all we're allowed to talk about, apparently, without being accused of wanting a 'safe space.'

Conspiracy has always been about politics in some form or fashion, but it's only recently that it's turned into the political shit show that it is.

Couple of reasons for this which are perfectly valid:

1) The huge power struggle among elites going on right now and related spin off conspiracies like Pizzagate. What conspiracy forum wouldn't be immersed in these topics? Why would anyone post about bullshit like Bigfoot and little green men when Pizzagate is breaking?

2) The emergence of armies of paid shills which the mods here and of course admins refuse to address and instead prevent users from fighting back against (rule 10)

To reiterate: I have no issue with politics being a part of conspiracy, I'm mostly complaining that the mainstream two-party divisive side of politics has compromised what was once a more united stance against government corruption. The moment things start becoming about who voted for who and what party affiliation you have, you are guaranteed to have a majority of people taking sides based on that rather than having an honest and open discussion. There's undoubtedly a lot of corruption in our government, though I would argue that this is an entirely bipartisan effort. I just see the current political temperature as a result of a broader conspiracy (one intended to divide us into more manageable groups while diverting our attention from real injustices) rather than an organic response from the population. It just seems too manufactured to me, and I think it's been building up to this point for a while with Trump and his controversial behavior being the culmination of that. The fact that these national outcries are more and more turning to indefensible concepts (racism, sexism, homophobia) is an indication of this.

I think Pizzagate is a perfect example of a smokescreen designed to drive a wedge between parties while also planting a seed of ridicule and contempt for conspiracy theory overall. I'm not disputing that there's a ring of elites who think of us normal folks as an inferior slave class and have no moral hangups about using us and our children as sex slaves or any other form of entertainment they like. The pizzagate theory might have got a few things right, but most of us will never know because of all of the misinformation that has been associated with it. Also, I think the way Pizzagate became entirely about one candidate/party is a major red flag and really the only reason Pizzagate ever made it out of conspiracy forums. Whatever the truth is, Pizzagate isn't it, and is engineered specifically to lead us away from the truth. There's a greater conspiracy to all of this, but it's pretty clear to me that the idea of 'conspiracy theory' has been compromised. All of this political bickering is evidence of that.

Pizzagate is the only conspiracy to have produced such a panicked reaction from TPTB - not even 9/11 truthers saw such a censorship effort.

To me, pizzagate, due to the abundance of evidence is a litmus test for other conspiracy theorists I engage with. If you have actually looked at all the evidence produced by pizzagate and conclude there's not much to it, then either you aren't truly into conspiracy theory (which is fine - most perfectly good people are MSM indulgers) or you're paid opposition.

I just can't see how someone could be convinced of Sandy Hook / 9/11 / JFK conspiracies and then not be convinced of Pizzagate, when there is so much more evidence for Pizzagate.

I never said Pizzagate was completely wrong, just that it's been compromised by the media and is being used as a catalyst for lots of conspiracy-theory fearmongering and disinformation. As I said in my earlier comment, there is certainly a gang of elite criminals who are above the law and regularly participate in activities any normal person would find disgusting. People who are powerful enough to ensure that something like Pizzagate never gets coverage from any reputable news source. The fact that the media is reporting on and openly mocking Pizzagate tells me that it is either entirely fabricated from the start, (unlikely) has some truth to it but the details are being obscured by misinformation, (more likely) or the pizza place in question has been completely scrubbed clean and there will be nothing to find and no connections to be made once (if) there actually is an investigation.

The intent of conspiracy discussion isn't supposed to be "fun" . Much of it is painfully opposite. And there are no conspiracies worthy of debate not rooted in politics. I've said this one thousand times. Political awareness and neutrality are imperative to decoding the world around us.

I fully agree. The point I'm trying to make is that the government is corrupt regardless of what party is in power or who is President. When we turn this sub into /r/politics, we limit our topics down to the same two-sided debate you have everywhere else on the internet. It's pretty clear that we are being divided more and more every day, and it's increasingly more and more about race and religion. If anything, this type of political environment limits our political awareness, because politics has become less and less about a debate and more about vilifying the other viewpoints.

I feel that way about life itself.

Yes. I still try to push and aim for neutrality, but anytime you give an opinion, you are labeled one way and anti'd the other way.

Lots of people have left, for to stay here to have to turn off a few sensors and turn down the sensitivity.

What a perfect s unmary

You've been here less than one year and you cast judgements on the entirety of the user base to slant the narrative. These actions are questionable in regards to intention and mentality.

This isn't my first account, bubbo. And I wasn't casting judgment, just voicing my observations. And what are you implying? I'm a shill or something? lol

correct. there was amazon bots brigading this sub. once caught they left. accounts deleted.

It went pro trump due to the Donald birage when it closed for the day, then they have been going away and now it is going back to normal, if you noticed before the posts had been pro trump but the comments are anti trump. Also remember this is a conspiracy sub which naturally gravitates against the leaders and the ruling elites.

It went pro trump way before then, in the late stages of the election after Trump had gotten the primary. Obvious spamming of partisan crap that got less and less based on evidence, and then less and less effort. We now have a bit of an issue of incredibly low-effort spam on talking points, much of which is debunked by the actual sources. I think a lot of anti-trump posting was a natural reaction by people who normally wouldn't have commented that way (because they didn't previously have the posts to need to disagree with or refute).

The sub went r/politics before the election and hasn't gone back yet. I first stumbled in here when it was sleuthing some of the fringe stuff happening around the election like the so called hacks and who was really responsible for it. That was interesting. Since then it's been nothing but a mouthpiece for linked political stories.

Yea I don't know what it was like in the past, only came here around election time, not because I wanted conspiracys about trump or Clinton just came here to be a general user, if I want politics there's a sub for that.

how can one have such a skewed view of reality?

If someone says Trump is a "Rothschild" that means he's a leftist?

What about someone who says that the right/left dialectic is fake, that the only political dichotomy is liberty vs tyranny, and that Trump is certainly not in love with the former idea? What does that make him?

Or worse, someone who links the 5 levels of truth? Please enlighten me.

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he is an ex the_donald mod


Probably banning anyone who criticized dear leader

What was up with flytape. I could sense something was up but I couldn't put my finger on it.


Yeah so he can come back on alt account without being hated.

Rule 10

Wow, knew this was coming. Such a shame. One of the few legit mods left here, so the amount of shills rallying for his removal was extremely obvious.


Flytape is a piece of shit who was letting his political bias dictate acceptable content on this sub. Fuck him and good riddance, when a mod starts censoring posts critical of the government on a conspiracy sub by putting entire comment sections into contest mode he brings the entire mod team's integrity into question.

He fought against the onslaught of shill posts here on a daily basis. And because leftists are the ones shilling, they try to call him biased and a T_D troll because he would call out the bull shit that they'd post here.

Anyone that is happy he is gone are the ones who are biased and party blinded. As far as I'm concerned, anyone that has problems with the posts he'd remove (from the left OR the right) doesn't belong here in the first place until they grasp how the world really works.

His criteria for shill posts was pretty close to 'anything that he disagrees with politically'.

That is like 99% of people that call out "shills".

Someone said something I disagree with, they clearly can't have a different opinion (or, gasp, facts). They must be paid by some evil billionaire to squash my opinion on the internet.

The fact that most people that throw around the term shill have this massively inflated self-importance about what they believe should be an enormous red flag.

Found u/flytapes alt

Try again.

Lol whatever dude.

Is this fucking middle school? Holy shit you guys are fucking drama loving douchebags.

Haha Jesus this really got me.

How the fuck can anyone in their right mind agree with Flytape. It's absurd

Literally everyone hated him lol

He's the fucking worst of all time. His approval rating was worse than his God Emperor's


Rule 10

Rule 10

Haha is this satire? Meant to be ironic? Did you forget the sarcasm tag?

Says the guy with an RES tag... shocker

Says the guy who uses Reddit on a computer. Do you still have a flip phone?

You're a Donald bot. Too bad.

I have to say, that was a pretty hilarious comeback. You managed to conjure that one out of thin air.

People who use that tag shit to see what users post in X sub so they can then say "haha omg you post in X sub" instead of making a real argument are pathetic. /u/medicaidformarx

I don't go in other subs really, nor do I use it to tag people because they post in other subs.

I use it to determine who is here for a real discussion of ideas and is actively looking to gain more knowledge, and who's here to be a snarky know-it-all that likes to derail conversations and insult any users that disagree with them.

Once you start doing that, it becomes very obvious who the "brigaders" are, and which agenda they constantly push.

Once you start doing that, it becomes very obvious who the "brigaders" are, and which agenda they constantly push.

Yeah, the people RES tagging users and coordinating downvote/brigade squads over discord.

honestly, your username sounds like you'd be a shill

I'm very obviously not.


He stickied a post inviting all of TD when they shit their sub down. Dude was most certainly NOT unbiased. Good fucking riddance!

Rule 10

Yeah I'm out of here. This place has been completely ransacked. Sad.

ex the_donald mod. no loss

You serious?


now he even created /r/ConspiracyRight


What's pathetic?

Yeah so he can come back on alt account without being hated.

He's posted the story:-

"Dealing with creq and username_13 since Trump won the election has been exhausting. Every time some /politics shill would start shitting on people and get banned they would start crying foul play while /r/Conspiracy devolved into something where /politics users turn every comments section into a graveyard and circlejerk each other about Trump and Russia.

Recently It was people supporting antifa's right to assault people who say bad things.

One flop after another."




People need to stop with their selective perception, this sub is overrun by left and right everyother day.. thats life, thr reality, i always have to laugh when i see people screaming aahh the bad right while at the same time everyone of the right is screaming ah the bad lefties took over.. sad that there is no middleground anymore.. they won

They did not win. It merely seems that way

this sub is overrun by left and right every other day

Still waiting for this sub to ever be overrun by the left lol

It's the day when every other post is about how the leftist shills are overruning this sub, that's the moment when you think everything is ok.

I agree with flytape here

Cool; feel free to also leave if you think this place is a lost cause.

GhostOfDuty has gone too, that was a user who seemed to go around with FlyTape

It's GhostOfDusty, and he's still on reddit.

I think you guys mean /u/theghostofdusty?

You're right.

The worst mod is gone, 6 more to go.

Removed. Rule 10.

LOL - looks like the sub is dead boys...grats to CTR and the fucking sellout shills...die in hell cunts...

A lot of those names look familiar to me. And I was specifically looking for about five or six of them, and they're all still there.

If there was a coup attempt, looks like it failed. So far.

They were all mods before the dust up. One was not added back to the list.

No new ones, but one rotten one missing.

Peace out, Flytape. We won't miss your biased modding.

Oh Jesus finally.

RIP Bildman!

I agree.

I see he's already gone running back to the Donald complaining like the snowflake he is. He's also tried to start a new conspiracy group called conspiracyright. Plus put out a rallying call to peyote the coyote, most famous around these parts for posting 50 Clinton stories an hour when any bad news about trump drops.

You know, I haven't seen much of peyote lately. I know he got a temporary ban a couple weeks ago and I'm wondering if maybe that calmed him down a little bit

I disagreed with him a lot but he was a good mod

Citation needed

this sub is officially dead. 2nd in command is compromised.

And not even bothering to be subtle about it.

yup. this was a take over but not how people actually think. nothing in politics happens without a reason. a genocidal racist once said.

i dont think you understand how a takeover works, you generally have to be a majority and lose that majority for it to be a takeover, this was one mod.

another example of the hyperbole that is created by all these polititards on both sides.

This isn't mob rule. If it was then teams of outsiders could flood in and flip a sub....oh wait..that's what happened.

This sub died over a year ago.

agree 1000 %

Is there a backup conspiracy sub? If not go to above top secret. Com for all your conspiracy needs.

Would you personally vouch that abovetopsecret dot com is not a DoD operation?

I haven't browsed it regularly since 2011 so I can't say. Shills are everywhere tho so yes partially.

I browse /r/ConspiracyII

Small but decent so far

Oh but they don't allow political posts there so what's the point if you can't push imaginary conspiracies that divert attention from Trumps fascism and incompetence.

Why is this downvoted? That sub is exactly what i was looking for.

r/ConspiracyUndone :)

Oh man, I haven't read ATS since the early early 2000s, I wonder how it's holding up.

Really badly

Slayer69 is still posting.

I can't stand ATS any more. I've been there for about a decade and the devolvement into partisan bullshit is even worse there than here. They are definitely compromised and I have seen scrubbing of pertinent info happen in real time there. There are some very interesting old threads there but present activity is heavily manipulated.

http://archive.is/bjsbr - Reddit's admins just took over /Conspiracy

No. There was a democratic vote to remove a mod. So they removed all of the mods that were part of that vote.

A democratic vote amongst the mods? Not too democratic, like politicians voting for each other and calling it democracy, while the populous take what they're given.

You call it a democratic vote. It looks more like a coup from the outside.

How does it look like a coup?

A bunch of lower level mods banded together to drive out the top mods and take over for themselves. How does it not look like a coup?

It wasn't a bunch of lower level mods, it was all of them, including some who have been here for years. It was unanonymous.

What was a coup was flytape and Sarah tried to remove ALL of the mods in retaliation.

I am not mistaken they did remove all of the mods who tried to 'vote them out' because they were ranked higher on the list. That is a prerogative of the higher mods to remove the mods below them. At least it had been that way on reddit for years until the admins started sliding down the slippery slope of getting themselves involved in moderation of individual subreddits.

So who ever is a mod first is allowed to be a dictator?

If that is how they want to do things, then yes. It has always been that way since subreddits were first made a thing.

So if Sarah wanted to make this place a sub for puppies you would be ok with that?

I may not like it but I would not have any say in the decision.

Was bound to happen. This sub has way too many free thinkers in it. Reddit fucking sucks.

you know what though? it probably proves we're onto something the establishment doesnt like.

With flytape gone the Shareblue/leftist take over of this sub is complete

Oh well, I guess conspiracy can just be another shitty anti trump sub on reddit. As if we don't have enough of those

Goes to front page sees multiple threads about Trump pardoning Arpaio


You were expecting to see positive threads about trump pardoning a piece of shit like Arpaio?

Well he did because to him it's a positive thing.

Leave then

There isn't even a positive thing to say about apario let alone trump pardoning him

Any reason why flytrap was removed. Would be great to see some reasoning.

It's pretty clear that he was voted out because the rest of the mods can't stand having even a single right-leaning moderator to balance out their anti-Trump bias.

I've been with this community since the beginning. I'm sad to say that this place is now one step closer to joining the anti-Trump propaganda machine.

Understand that this control does not stop with bias regarding the president. One of the largest conspiracy communities on the internet may have have just become mainstream-friendly, and half this thread is circle-jerking by TMOR regulars celebrating their victory over /u/flytape.

What a mess.

Did you just say he was removed for being pro trump?

No, I said he was removed because he is not extremely anti-Trump.

Trump is part of the establishment, his recent pardoning of Arpaio proves this. Trump serves at the bidding of economic elite and the deep state, he's not a champion of the average American.

Total rubbish. Just watch and see what happens. I'm still optimistic. You're not going to flip me just by repeating your knee-jerk reactions to the news over and over, sorry.

You're an idiot if you are seriously still on the Trump train after all this.

The final judgment will be when the whole ordeal with healthcare and tax cuts are done. Until then no one can tell the truth.

nice talking points

Talking points are healthcare and tax cuts, the two biggest things he ran on, other than immigration. As a non-American, I'll judge him based on those major changes he ran on. Americans go into a fit over his twitter, but I see no relevance.

Why can't people push the positive sides of his agenda while criticizing him as well.

What about Trump is different than Bush or any other Republican President?

He's orange.

Reagan was orangish.

That's a very ignorant statement.

The fuck!? Flytape was a rabid trump supporter, that's about as mainstream as they get.

People keep repeating that here (I wonder why), but it's really not true at this point. The vast majority of mainstream media sources are openly hostile towards President Trump. The programming on CNN, for example, is nearly 24/7 anti-Trump propaganda. Likewise, all of the major subreddits are nearly wall-to-wall anti-Trump propaganda.

Whether you agree with his direction or not, it is very clear that President Trump is going against the grain of the mainstream. ShareBlue has made it part of their strategy to repeat the meme that Trump is The Evil Mainstream Establishment as much as possible in this forum. They obviously determined that this was the best wedge with which to divide conspiracy-minded people. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are a useful idiot parroting their propaganda.

Even if you think I'm way off, remember that we are all still speculating until new information emerges. When practically every subreddit other than /r/The_Donald is vehemently anti-Trump, why is it so bad to have even one moderator to balance things out here?

No. No no no. Fox has more news viewers than anyone, they are literally the mainstream and they are VERY pro trump. And yes the rest pick on him, but it's because if all his blunders and gaffs. He seems to forget we live in the information age, not the 50s any more. People can easily fact check him bow, but he doesn't seem to know that.

Spot on. It's a shame your comment is so far down this thread. It's really a strange thing that happened to this sub. This narrative you're pointing out should be so obvious to anyone who takes even a minute to think about it. Conspiracy theorists supported Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Trey Gowdy, Bernie Sanders, etc etc. You may disagree that several or all of these politicians are anti-establishment, but they have all marketed themselves as anti-establishment, therefore conspiracy theorists tend to support them. It's no different with Trump, and the fact that the media, the entire Democratic party, and the Intelligence community all hate Trump means that conspiracy theorists will tend to support him. I'm sure 90 percent of the people in this sub pushing this narrative don't actually believe it. They are not actually surprised that some conspiracy theorists support Trump. It's just a convenient argument that works. When there is a Democrat in office in a few years, they will be arguing that "anti-establishment" people are nutjobs.

Another tactic they use is calling you a Trump supporter if you call out their bullshit. I really wish we had more outspoken independent people in here. Then they wouldn't be able to argue that you are probably a Trump supporter because you don't buy into their narrative. They've gotten people scared of speaking out because you'll be drowning in downvotes. Don't worry about the votes, just speak your mind.

good ... the_donald cancer was way to much in this sub here

and how do you know that will be solved?

What does he know that we don't...

Gotta love the lack of transparency by the one subreddit that should definitely have transparent mods.

Read a few weeks ago about interviewing for additional moderators. One moderator for each of the 17 US intelligence agencies.

Terrifies me to think of what the Coastguard mod was sent here to do.

Lol. Goodbye r/conspiracy

They are the same mods but less Flytape.


Id say it's been fun but this past year has been a shitshow

If this is true and they removed him for his "alt-rightyness" then I ask the mods to post their thoughts on pizzagate

Since pizzagate is reinforced as an alt right conspiracy.

If not well then I think im a good person and will no longer associate with /conspiracy

So hey, why did obama meet james alefantis?

I miss the times when the american right or left wasn't 99% of the content on /r/conspiracy..

i couldnt have put it in better words! so WORD!!


Word w0rdd

so true

Great kek!

Still got ShellOil in there

Could be case of alien abduction?

Voat time

This is scary. Be careful about speaking candidly about certain current issues


Those aren't new moderators, man. Those are all the mods that got their powers back after the attempted hostile takeover last night.

Maybe the shit is hitting the fan soon, and the shillderators want to be ready to shill.

This place is a psyop now

onward to r/conspiracyii ??

the sub run by /r/topminds no thanks

Well, it's over. This is the #1 sign of a sub being taken over.

None. This was the last place in reddit that wasn't just another cesspool of propaganda.

The best and brightest on this subreddit have consistently posted the same message:

It is NOT left vs. right!

It is deep state vs. the people!

Everyone who has the mission to insist that our problems are left vs. right should find other forums imho.

Hostile takeover. What a bunch of morons. Drain the swamp, let's make a good voting system and vote for our new mods. Can anyone do this? A text system coupled with something else, Reddit accounts with 10 posts or comments here before august 1st or something? or something?


a group of mods got together and decided they wanted to dethrone the head moderator. When this failed, flytape responded by banning the mods that attempted it. Reddit site wide rules state that you can't retaliate against mods that try to vote another mod out, so flytapes mod privileges for conspiracy were revoked.

Tldr: flytape saw a chance to make conspiracy even more of an echochamber, took it, and it backfired on him. Now he's gone.

Wouldn't the mob rule of mods voting off the ones they don't agree with be pretty much the same? You would end up with a different echo chamber just rebranded

Maybe? I don't know the other mods politics as well as I know flytapes.

Insightful, thanks.

This sub has been under heavy assault for awhile. Voat is the place to be now without overwhelming censorship and shills.

Full disclosure: Long time reader, rare commenter, and more of a skeptic than conspiracy theorist. Although I do have an open mind.

Just an observation but I would say people on the far right side of the political spectrum don't fit in well with the conspiracy community. They are far too into the authoritarian mindset. They general support the police, the military, and the status quo.

Make no mistake they are part of a conspiracy community but the sole reason for that community is to smear their political rivals.

Having that toxic mindset represented in the moderator staff brought in center and left leaning skeptics to push back against those politically motivated smears.

Thus, encouraging the political shit show you are now witnessing.

Agree. They can be loyal to a fault.

This subreddit is no longer safe eject!

When was it ever "safe"? It's always been the wild west even if it was a shit load less partisan than it is since some of the tin foil hats took on AJ and Trump as their saviors.

We are getting closer to the point of critical mass, the tipping point where the majority of Americans want real change, in other words, we have to get through this disinfo cointelpro stage of identity politics and unify against central control by the oligarchs. How could Trump not be a fucking oligarch. The main thing is that r/conspiracy had too many people putting faith in Trump. And then the establishment hates Trump. But at this point the deep state has Trump and antifa where they want them. The deep state is winning round two here, and we all need to grow up, and we will eventually, but there will be casualties.

/x/ on 4chan is better imo

this is the correct answer ^

Did you just say he was removed for being pro trump?

Trump is part of the establishment, his recent pardoning of Arpaio proves this. Trump serves at the bidding of economic elite and the deep state, he's not a champion of the average American.

I miss the days when everything wasn't infested with politics. Conspiracy used to be fun, talking about reptilians, false flags, the Illuminati, and other interesting (if not outlandish) topics. Now it's just the same divisive political bullshit you see everywhere else. I want my tin-foil hat club back :(

i dont think you understand how a takeover works, you generally have to be a majority and lose that majority for it to be a takeover, this was one mod.

another example of the hyperbole that is created by all these polititards on both sides.

I have to say, that was a pretty hilarious comeback. You managed to conjure that one out of thin air.

Yes. I still try to push and aim for neutrality, but anytime you give an opinion, you are labeled one way and anti'd the other way.

Lots of people have left, for to stay here to have to turn off a few sensors and turn down the sensitivity.

What a perfect s unmary

stop prasing your president blindly and stop thinking that everyone against him is a communist. If you blindly trust the president and the mods then this is not the sub for you.

Were you directing this at me personally? If so then you are very mistaken about who I am and what I believe. Check my post history. I in no way blindly support anything, especially the president or the mods. I'm not a Trump supporter by any means, but am frequently labeled as one because I don't shit on him hard enough for some people, or call out the shitty attempts of people trying to post non-issues or hit pieces from Salon.com or whatever.

And I have discussions with many of the mods here before, been here for 3 years. Based on all of my interactions with u/FlyTape, he seemed like any other r/conspiracy user that is fed up with what has happened here since the election, and was trying to do something about it.

Even if he was a T_D mod (which I was unaware of, is there proof of that?), he still wasn't a blowhard Trump supporter that thinks everything the president says is fantastic and he can do no wrong.

That being said, if there's proof that he was a mod there, then it's probably best he was removed as a mod here. Just as long as any mod here that also is a mod at r/news, r/politics, or any of the countless anti-Trump subs that keep popping up everyday go with him.

You've been here less than one year and you cast judgements on the entirety of the user base to slant the narrative. These actions are questionable in regards to intention and mentality.

This is funny.

The fuck!? Flytape was a rabid trump supporter, that's about as mainstream as they get.

What's pathetic?

I kind of assumed that you where from T_D just based of you defending the mod, who is from T_D. He is still posting stuff there as far as I saw. Sorry if I lumped you in with a group you are not apart of, I am just getting really annoyed with many of them who are assholes, and resort to name calling if you don't blindly follow trump. I don't know if he is still a mod there but I believe that at some point he was a mod, and I am unsure how to check on my cell.

Maybe? I don't know the other mods politics as well as I know flytapes.