Michelle Obama a transgender or just a hoax to make conspiracy theorists seem crazy???

0  2017-08-26 by [deleted]





Could be gender fluid

I believe the correct term is mentally challenged.

I get down voted for cracking a joke, this sub has become a mess compared to what it used to be


I'm going with maybe

if this is a CIA family, then pulling off a trans scam would add unnecessary risk.

i'm pretty sure its fun for them the riskier the better. Something about zero empathy and wanting to make sexually confused population that will always be at war.

Why are there so many Michelle Obama Tranny posts. You guys are obsessed. But if you want to try new things, get a tranny. I won't judge you.

TPTB are pushing the trans card on the unwashed masses

why? who knows some satanic shit is usually the answer

Why? Depopulation, make boys like boys. You know the drill in the upside down.

Because trannies are the first form of the androgynous drone slave worker that is needed for the final phase of the elite program.

Once this is fully accepted they can move into aggressively cloning with public acceptance and breed these androgynous drones up for a generation.

Once there are enough of them to form a working class the site will kill the vast majority of people through war or a super virus.

They also need AI to be better and more widespread than it is now. There is some time left but in the grand scheme of things there isn't much time.

10-50 years depending on how the public accepts all these things. They will wait if need be.

Well that's concerning

A new video came out of her grabbing her penis.

Link bro. I did trannies. She's pretty hot.

bloody hell

Ask Trump, he can feel the difference between pussy and dussy

He is surrounded by trannies.

All these basementbro incel pieces of shit on YouTube think that every single famous woman is trans. It's some multi-layered psychosexual delusion.

Not in mockingbird its not.

No she is not a transexual, she has 2 daughters. Transexual women can't have kids. It was created to insult a politician and his spouse in a way that would be shockingly demeaning. It's a juvenile way of showing disdain for the decisions an individual made during their time in public office. Anyone who questions the truth of this statement is either immature or stupid. /thread

Were you in the labour room? Have you seen pics of "her" giving birth?

Soooo... which are you? Are you stupid or immature?

none of which apply.

Were you in the labour room? Have you seen pics of "her" giving birth?