So, Flytape was against using totesmessengerbot to alert of X-posted threads..

98  2017-08-26 by RecoveringGrace

I never really understood his reasoning, but now that he's gone, do we want to implement it?

I think it would be an excellent tool to show folks when a post has been brigaded.

What do you all think?


Flytape was against this sub being being co-opted into another all anti-Trump propaganda machine. The admins didn't like that apparently.

but he was a-ok with it being an altright propaganda machine

Regardless, how do you feel about totesmessengerbot?

So you are saying he was making racist nazi posts??? Or is that just a label you give people who don't joint in circlejerks against Trump instead of having discussions about the subjects?

You got it.

Does alt-right = Nazi?

According to some, yes.

Here's another legit question- what is alt-right?

The Alt-right is a term coined by Richard Spencer, in an effort to rebraned neo-nazism into softer language to increase it mainstream appeal.

The group was made as part of the Kremlin plans to increase racial tension in the US, as part of the plan outline in the Foundation of Geopolitics. Spencer's wife is Nina Kouprianova, who is translating the Foundation of Geopolitics.

Breibart is used a platform to promopt alt-right beliefs.

That last sentence is ridiculous...

Spencer is almost definitely an agent provocateur and comes from an extremely liberal family and background. In fact he was even quoted saying before that he doesn't think socialism's all that bad. He's a fake and a fraud designed to demonize the right.

Were you born yesterday?

You defended the alt-right with an explicitive if I recall, how is it possible you do not know what they are?

Lol, I did what? What part of the "alt-right"? What explicitive? Context would be helpful here.

Alt-right wasn't a term to label far right supporters. It's different from say labeling far left as altleft. White supremacists, not necessary nazi supporters, coined the term to unite themselves. So in the technical meaning Altright does indeed refer to white supremacists.

Meanwhile altleft was externally labeled so it dosen't have the same conotation.

No they did not. The media needed a label for a growing group of people fed up with certain loosely associated issues. They needed an ambiguous term with which to create a boogeyman in order to attack everyone who doesn't fall into center-left category.

Look up Richard Spencer, a white supremacist. He started using the term in interviews and messages back in 2010 specifically for white supremacist groups. Afterwords it spread throughout. It was indeed self labeling and not by the media looking for a label.

Spencer used the term "Alternative Right". Not "Alt-right". Alt-right was coined by the media as a pejorative. You've specifically said "White supremacists" which is also incorrect.

Alt-right is a short form of Alternative Right. What did you think it meant? Also, why is White Supremacists incorrect. Take notice that many White Supremacists label themselves altright on thier own websites/places of discussion.

You clearly have no understanding of linguistics.

Out of curiosity, I get that you are crediting the media for creation of the term altright. What I'm curious about is your opinion of alt right. You said its a term to group loosely based right ideologies. Do you consider it an attempt by the media to group non white supremacists republicans along with white supremacists to inflect neagtive values through the transitive property? What is your take on Briebart which takes upon itself the label of alt right news. Do you think right leaning ideologies should denounce being called alt right or is it more a badge of honor now?

Frankly I'm interested in reading your complete analysis/opinion of alt right and it's impact on the groups labeled stuff much more then which definition is more correct between us since definitions can change.

Lol. The irony.

Hurr durr

Explain it then.

No, white = nazi.

Eh, the "Nazi train" is colorblind. I'm thinking if you are slightly right of center or believe in a conspiracy theory=Nazi.

Don't be stupid better attention.


snowhere did I say he was making nazi posts...interest equivalence though

dismissing literally every shady, conspiracy worthy thing the president does is literally pushing the altright agenda. If the situation were reversed certain people would call that shilling

But you were really efficient in the politicization of the post that had nothing to do with politics, just the workings of this sub.

Hmmmm, is right...

the comment I replied to

Flytape was against this sub being being co-opted into another all anti-Trump propaganda machine. The admins didn't like that apparently.

sorry you can't follow the conversation

No he was happy to put anti Trump posts in contest mode and was ban happy of anti Trump users but he did nothing against Trump supporters

You keep saying this, but what anti-trump posts did he put in contest? I'm a pretty big advocate for contest, and I followed the trial period pretty closely and I'm not remembering this.

I remember it quite clearly.

It's also easy enough to find a lot of discussion about which threads were being put into contest mode.

Strange that you forgot about this.

I think you are talking about a post that was clearly brigaded, put in contest by a mod other than fly, was analyzed by a user trying to show that it was brigaded by t_d using incomplete and biased data, then shown to have been completely brigaded by r/politics when he went back and used all the data he had at hand in an unbiased fashion. Is that what you are remembering. Or maybe you missed his final edit.

There was a point, like the span of a week, where several post negative of Trump were put in contest mode. It was pretty recently and a lot of people noted it and mocked it at the time.

The excuse given was that those posts were being brigaded, but it's pretty clear that the mods behind it didn't like the narrative.

Was it Flytape that put them in contest?

He was involved, yes. Read up on it here.

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Oh, so when it's hurting Trump it's obviously a brigade.

No. A user analyzed the data. The post was brigaded from all sides.

He was the only openly pro Trump mod left. There are 8 openly pro Hillary mods I can think of.

Pro Hillary? Anything to back that up? I'd be just as disappointed to see pro Hillary mods here as I was seeing flytape's partisan shilling.

That said, I'm yet to see anyone on this sub that could be called "pro Hillary". I see a lot of people that prefer Hillary over Donald, but just because I'd prefer cholera over anthrax doesn't make me pro cholera.

Browse some histories. Go find out which mods TMoR like, that'll be a good start.

most "left" and dems that I know, who are incredibly anti-trump, really really dislike Hillary too

Go back to pre election comments. I guarantee you that there are at least 8 mods on the list who have at some time openly supported Hillary because I have them all tagged.

So why was he against totes bot then?

He was afraid we'd get nuked for brigading the "protected" subs that brigade and stalk us.

Because he was afraid that it would expose that t_d brigades this sub and upvotes things that support his narrative.

I've seen the top most linkers to this subreddit and it is not t_d, they do not even appear in the links. It is brigade subs like TopMindsofReddit that are the most active in brigading.

I saw Flytape rush to Trumps defense with verifiable fake news. He had no respect for truth or facts, just felt some sick duty to push right-wing propaganda.

I always found it strange totes was blocked especially since it adds visibility. But I never knew why or who implemented it.

My voice is probably meaningless but I'll throw my opinion in support of it.

My understanding is that it was blocked to avoid this sub using the link to defend itself in the subs that X-posted. It is a measure to prevent our users from brigading other subs while they are effectively defending against a brigade.

So our hands are tied behind our backs?

Flytape has always seemed like a disinfo agent to me. Remember that weird shit with the "/r/conspiracy podcast" where he wore a stupid bird mask or whatever the hell it was? He was surrounded by drama the entire time he was modding here, almost like he was not on our side. He was there to make us look bad, and it worked like a charm. The fact that he didn't want us to know when we were being brigaded is no surprise at all. It makes perfect sense if you realize he had ulterior motives.

I say let us have more information, not less. That bot was very helpful, and it would let you know when you shouldn't take the vote tallies at face value. We already shouldn't take them at face value, but it's especially true when a thread has been brigaded. When you see that a thread is being brigaded, check the comments that are at the bottom of the thread and the ones that have been hidden from view due to downvotes.

All the messenger needs is a line aboubt not participating in the threads mentioned. That's it. If someone decides to participate anyway,. then that's on them. Ulterior motives people. Don't believe the fake excuse that the people here want to keep you from being banned.

Omg, Flytape has resigned. Can we talk about totesmessengerbot? That is what I was looking for opinions on.

Gotta call you out on this one. Your post reads like "OMG Hillary lost let's focus on trump".

There isn't a post with a clear explanation, so expect some discussion on the "Now that Flytape is gone" part of your title.

What number is that again? :P

Lol, I can't remember which number, but you are right and it was intentional.

0 - Poe's Law

Sorry, the numbers are far too important to discuss here.

Flytape is the only mod who should be above suspicion of shillery. He's been the same for years and never wavered in his convictions. I don't agree with his politics, but he was genuine.

Really? Even when he, as a Mod, made and stickied a post welcoming all members of t_d here after their subreddit was temporarily sanctioned? Causing a mass exodus and flooding of this sub with "refugees", all right-leaning and some extremist in their views? This is not a political sub. This is a conspiracy sub. I feel like people are really conflating the two to the point that there is no longer any difference. While there are plenty of extremists when it comes to conspiracy, those extremists are not political in nature.

Banning this tool was never about keeping users safe from bans, it was about keeping this subreddit safe from administrative sanctions. We know they are looking for an excuse.

Ater that explanation, I agree with Flytape. The bot could cause more harm to our sub than good if I am understanding correctly... and no, I don't trust the users here not to brigade xposts.

Why couldn't we use the "golden rule" disclaimer, like TMoR does? The bot posts the link as NP, so it should be out of the sub's hands if people are idiots and decide to participate in defending themselves in being talked about in other subs that are brigading the parent thread.

They would ban is so fast for brigading. This is a very obvious one way street. There are special rules for hate subs, as long as they hate the right thing.

It really upsets me, Mastigia. I hope some folks read this post and see what you are saying.

I'm past being upset. At least they are obvious about it so we can adjust. If I got mad at every double standard it would be all I do.

That said, there was a very interesting comment by an admin yesterday that makes me suspect we might be in for a much needed surprise. But still, the Goons are so heavily infiltrated to every part of reddit, any win we have can only be small and temporary.

That's why I feel the precaution of banning tmb is futile. Who cares at this point if they nuke this sub? At least we would have that evidence to look back on when we make a new place.

very interesting comment by an admin yesterday that makes me suspect we might be in for a much needed surprise

Can I ask you what comment? Also, what surprise in your opinion?

This was in modmail regarding the constant TMOR brigading. They didn't just say "oh so solly, we look at that for you GI" like they usually do. They actually acknowledged it and said something that made me think they were going to do something about it. I won't hold my breath, but we have discussed it many times before, and the language was different.

There are special rules for hate subs, as long as they hate the right thing.

This is a cold fact of nature in these times, and not only on Reddit. It perades the msm, politcs and all of society.

Those that proclaim themselves to be 'anti-hate' are often among the least tolerant and most hateful of all group.

I think you are correct. Brigading violates Reddit TOS, and Totes tends to encourage that behavior.

We don't like being brigaded, and we should practice what we preach.

We should not encourage brigading.

It's because of the double standard at reddit. Other subs are free to brigade here, but follow them back to their hole and you're instantly shadowbanned.


It's because of the double standard at reddit. Other subs are free to brigade here, but follow them back to their hole and you're instantly shadowbanned. He was trying to prevent our users from being unknowing victims.

This. I think it goes back to the days (before Top Minds) when /r/conspiratard was the arch-nemesis of /r/conspiracy, regularly brigading here. When our users responded in kind, they got banned and the admins got really shirty with /r/conspiracy, even though we weren't the main culprits.

So, to defend /r/conspiracy and its users, we have no choice to but to disable the siren call that is totesmessengerbot, because users would inevitably follow its links and start posting retaliatory comments/downvoting in the brigade sub. To be clear, this is exactly what the anti-conspiracy subs want to happen, because they can then complain to the admins and /r/conspiracy gets censured by the admins.

No ones logical voice is meaningless here. Always say what you believe logical and true, regardless of how you think it will be rated.

Unless it gets downvoted below -4, in which case half of Reddit will never see it.

I care enough to comment, but not enough to give an opinion either way. Why is this a x-post from /r/threads ? Actually, how is this a x-post from threads?

I asked about this a few days ago in a mod message and it went unanswered.

I never saw it, and I try to read everything. Are you sure you sent it to the right place? Put /r/conspiracy in the TO: space and try again. I bet /u/conspiracy gets a lot of mail haha.

I used the "message the moderators" link. Just simply asked why totes messenger was deleted by auto mod.

If you did that just now we didn't get it. You can also just use the sned a private message feature, and put /r/conspiracy where you would put a username.

Okay good to know. I didn't send one today, it was about a week ago or so.

He answered me when I asked. His reasoning was that when it was used our users would backtrack the links and get banned for brigading. I'm not sure I agree, but I can see the logic.

Personally, I say totesmessenger should be enabled.

I feel super stupid not knowing what "totesmessengerbot" is. It would've been helpful if you'd linked to what it is:

notifies users when their post is linked to from another place on reddit. This can be especially useful to know when a potential vote brigade may happen

Sure, why not.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for linking. I apologize. I talk about it often enough that I just assumed everyone knew what I was talking about.

r/conspiracyundone has an x-post bot iirc, maybe they might share.

The only downside I see is that it would remind people how many subs survive off of making fun of r/conspiracy

So, make it easier for laymen to identify the brigaders?

TotesMessenger should be allowed here. He's the reason it wasn't and he's gone. It's a perfectly fine bot. His irrational dislike of it because it didn't allow him to completely control the narrative shouldn't be allowed to continue. It's time to let TotesMessenger do it's thing while removing another stain left by Flytape and Sarah_connor.

Eh, I think he was genuine in his belief that it would cause the sub trouble, but I agree that we should give it a try.

I don't think there was anything genuine about Flytape

Yes!! Since we're always being brigaded and "3 days away from the Admins doing something" This'll help show us which subs are brigading us right?


Good riddance.

Use it.

He did that so WH wouldn't know we were CONSTANTLY being brigaded by the_dumbass

I've seen the top most linkers to this subreddit and it is not t_d, they do not even appear in the links. It is brigade subs like TopMindsofReddit that are the most active in brigading.

Bullshit. Go look at r/Topmindsofreddit.

The one that strictly prohibits it's users from posting or voting in anything that's linked?

Can you actually prove that they brigade? Even if totes is activated, all it means is they're linking posts from this sub, which is well within Reddit's rules.

I find them here all the time, here's one I reported a while back. That sticky doesn't stop people, with reddit enhancement suite you can switch accounts in 2 seconds and no one knows. A huge portion of the sub is just linking to threads here on r/Conspiracy, you got to be really blind if you think they aren't bridaging.

I see one account that happens to post in both subs, and one who used to actively post, but was banned unfairly for reasons unrelated to brigading.

That's not brigading.

Banned unfairly for reasons unrelated to brigading?

How is this not bridaging?

That account had already posted in /r/conspiracy several times before they posted in /r/TopMindsOfReddit. Even if it were with malicious intent, it's not brigading, as they are but one person.

Chance discussed why they were banned recently. Just scroll down a bit when you click their name, it's like their fifth most recent comment. They were banned for allegedly doxxing.

Nah. They link here from other forums like discord so that you can't see the brigading as easily.

Honestly what will happen is people will link to a post here, the bot will post a link to that post and some people here will follow that link and brigade it. That will get a lot of people banned and if the numbers are high enough could get this sub banned.


Subs that use bots are subs that have incapable mods.

your post makes no sense ... bots are just tools to make job easier

its same as when you would say people who drive a car are incapable to use their feets

100% think the bot should be implemented. This way we can know if a particular post is being brigaded, or if it's something else.

What happened to Flytape? What did I miss?

He was busted for suspending the mods permissions while the mods were in the process of removing Sarah_Conner from the head seat. The admins came in, and flytape resigned. He proceeded to make a post warning the sub about the mods he doesn't trust and was banned. There is a sticky post that explains it further. You can also check out flys sub r/conspiracyright for more of his side of the story.

Thank you so much!

Totesmessengerbot alerted me to the fact that a conversation I had participated in in r/documentaries had been hoovered up by a bot and posted in r/holocomments. A sub that consisted at the time of less than 10 members and three rules: No Posts, No Comments, No up/downvotes. It was just a place for the bot to dump it's load. Shortly afterwards, I was banned from AskHistorians.

Regardless, how do you feel about totesmessengerbot?

So you are saying he was making racist nazi posts??? Or is that just a label you give people who don't joint in circlejerks against Trump instead of having discussions about the subjects?

So our hands are tied behind our backs?

Eh, the "Nazi train" is colorblind. I'm thinking if you are slightly right of center or believe in a conspiracy theory=Nazi.

Ater that explanation, I agree with Flytape. The bot could cause more harm to our sub than good if I am understanding correctly... and no, I don't trust the users here not to brigade xposts.

I never saw it, and I try to read everything. Are you sure you sent it to the right place? Put /r/conspiracy in the TO: space and try again. I bet /u/conspiracy gets a lot of mail haha.

He answered me when I asked. His reasoning was that when it was used our users would backtrack the links and get banned for brigading. I'm not sure I agree, but I can see the logic.

Personally, I say totesmessenger should be enabled.

He was the only openly pro Trump mod left. There are 8 openly pro Hillary mods I can think of.

I think you are correct. Brigading violates Reddit TOS, and Totes tends to encourage that behavior.

We don't like being brigaded, and we should practice what we preach.

We should not encourage brigading.

Out of curiosity, I get that you are crediting the media for creation of the term altright. What I'm curious about is your opinion of alt right. You said its a term to group loosely based right ideologies. Do you consider it an attempt by the media to group non white supremacists republicans along with white supremacists to inflect neagtive values through the transitive property? What is your take on Briebart which takes upon itself the label of alt right news. Do you think right leaning ideologies should denounce being called alt right or is it more a badge of honor now?

Frankly I'm interested in reading your complete analysis/opinion of alt right and it's impact on the groups labeled stuff much more then which definition is more correct between us since definitions can change.

Lol. The irony.

Explain it then.

Don't be stupid