Monster Of Florence serial killings of 1968-1985 likely masterminded by high-society occultists- has anyone heard of this?

96  2017-08-27 by MKULTRAserialkillers

Last night I was reading Dave Mcgowan's Programmed To Kill for the umpteenth time when I noticed a case I hadn't noticed before- the Monster Of Florence. From page 104:

In 1994, a farm- hand named Pietro Pacciani was convicted of fourteen serial killings committed in Italy’s Tuscan woods. In April 2001, the UK’s The Times reported that the case had “returned to haunt Italy—and in a new, even more sinister guise...police in Florence have reopened the case ‘in the light of new evidence.’ And the evidence suggests that while Pacciani may indeed have carried out the murders, or some of them, the real masterminds behind the gruesome killings were a group of ‘high society satanists’ who carried out—and perhaps still carry out—‘weird rituals that beggar belief ’ behind the respectable facades of their Tuscan villas, led by a ‘dis- tinguished doctor’ with a ‘sick and twisted mind.’”

In August 2001, the Guardian added: “Police now believe that a group of between 10 and 12 wealthy, sophisticated Italians orchestrated ritualised murders over the course of three decades and got away with it, allowing their careers and reputations to blossom to this day.” These unidentified suspects were described as an “occult group which directed the...murders.”

These murderers would cut off genitals and breasts of the victims, just as another Satanic cult did in Chicago from '81-82. The Ripper Crew was led by Robin Gecht, an ex employee of John Wayne Gacy.

Another Guardian report details how the Secret Service covered up evidence and used the crime to likely embezzle money from a "black fund" of which no records were kept.

According to this article Silence of the Lambs author Thomas Harris sat in on some of these trials, and decided to construct his novel "Hannibal" from the story. Later the city of Florence was very unhappy that Hannibal was being filmed there.

"Politicians and locals objected to the filming on the grounds that Florence's reputation had been sullied enough by the murders without being used as the setting for Hannibal's appetites."

The Atlantic reported:

Between 1974 and 1985, seven couples—fourteen people in all—were murdered while making love in parked cars in the hills of Florence. The case was never solved, and it has become one of the longest and most expensive criminal investigations in Italian history. More than 100,000 men have been investigated and more than a dozen arrested, and scores of lives have been ruined by rumor and false accusations. There have been suicides, exhumations, poisonings, body parts sent by post, séances in graveyards, lawsuits, and prosecutorial vendettas. The investigation has been like a malignancy, spreading backward in time and outward in space, metastasizing to different cities and swelling into new investigations, with new judges, police, and prosecutors, more suspects, more arrests, and many more lives ruined.

These murderers would cut off genitals and breasts of the victims, just as another Satanic cult did in Chicago from '81-82. The Ripper Crew was led by Robin Gecht, an ex employee of John Wayne Gacy. They also amputated women's breasts for ritual use.

Wrapping up, I must ask- have any of you heard of this Monster Of Florence before? This case is insane. It also may be tied to Operation Gladio.

From the wiki page for the murders:

On July 26, 2017, some daily newspapers announce (but categorically denied by the Procurator Capo della Repubblica di Firenze Creazzo) that for the crimes of the monster in Florence there would be new investigation involving environments of neo-fascism and some close to the strategy of tension.

It certainly wouldn't be the first time the Gladio program used serial killers.


Interesting! I only knew the name from Hannibal, had no clue it was a real situation.

One of the Chicago Ripper Crew members is supposed to be released from prison next month.

Yeah it does. I doubt that wickedness can be rehabilitated.

not specifically, but everything in your post sounds pretty plausible to me. I also heard somewhere that the serial killer phenomenon might've been linked to the Phoenix program (was that in McGowan? I just skimmed that book so can't really remember)

Thanks, it took longer than you might imagine. Many of these links could not be found as easily as you might imagine. I kept having to copy paste text from the book.

Yes many serial killers have been involved in the Phoenix Program and similar endeavors.

Richard Ramirez' uncle was a huuuuuge influence on him, liked to show him photos of torture, rape, and murder from his time in the Phoenix Program. I'm having trouble finding the link to this but it is in the PDF I shared, and the source is listed in the bibliography.

Arthur shawcross claimed to be a part of it, though his military record doesn't reflect that, it's quite possible. The military was aware of certain inclinations he had that are part of the macdonald triad. The military has, in the past, made use of sociopaths and murderers extracted from prisons, to train as assassins:

There's more but they escape my mind ATM.

Non-Mobile link:

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Yes very interesting/disturbing stuff, thanks for the work. That last link mentions connections to facilities in Naples, which has been a major hotbed of mafia activity for literally centuries. And then when one considers the web of connections of something like Propaganda Due, which were uncovered around the same time...

Yes!! Exactly. These people are tied to P2. Unfortunately I gotta get to work, I wish I could talk longer:(

Thanks for the feedback. I hope the shills don't attack while I'm stacking bread, but whatevs. I'll probably find a moment to rebut.


Police and the prosecutor is totally nuts in this case, similar to the US nutcases. Probably even more nuts than the serial killer.

Accidently a US citizen followed this case for several years, supported the most prominent journalist covering it and even wrote his own book about it. (Cannot find the links yet, sorry).

The summary was that it started as a normal mafia hit from some known sizilian mafia member, and then it turned into a Zodiac like killing spree. The journalist even named the suspect, but unfortunately police and the prosecutor (the very same prosecutor as in the Amanda Know case) were too nuts to follow logical hints and rather believed in satanic rituals and conspiracy theories.

At this point I'm pretty open to any input. If anything it was a tremendous resounding shitshow.

It still is. Police went after the journalist and after Preston, and not after the third suspect. In the meantime the journalist died, and everything is nicely covered up.

Any opinions on what's actually going on?

Do you think the high level satanist angle has merit?

In this very case the high level satanist angle was successful in protecting the killer, silencing and incarcerating the journalist, and making the area unsafe. It was a typical conspiracy shitshow.

In other cases we don't know: Kubrick might have had a point in "Eyes Wide Shut", but in the end he stepped back and cut out a lot of crucial pieces. The film is a mess without clear allegations. There are enough eyewitness reports from California, Belgium and the UK to support this angle. Police should be the experts in these. They are usually on our side. But with Gladio/P2 I'm very sceptical. And generally with those witch hunt alike allegations.

nods somberly

Brilliant submission. Never heard of this case. Kudos.

Thank you:)

I'm curious as to whether this case has actually withstood the test of time as an example of Satanic ritual killings. Someone else already posted this below: not long after Dave McGowan published his book, the prosecutor was deemed to be out-of-control and falsely inserting Satanic conspiracies into this case. But it's hard to tell whether that's real or just a cover-up for what happened. The politicians and social workers who supported the Franklin victims, for instance, were also smeared as irresponsible hoaxers. And according to news reports from the time (many of which McGowan cited), the police were collecting a fair amount of solid evidence in the Monster of Florence case. This case needs some serious investigative work to determine whether there was an overzealous prosecutor or a dark cover-up.

Considering the fact that Mario Spezi was first accused of obstruction of justice then finally being a suspect himself, then having his friend arrested as a suspect, it certainly seems retaliatory to me, especially considering the fact that both Spezi's charges were overturned/dismissed on appeal. Seems like they were trying to shut him up through harassment.

But, I haven't read his book yet. It's laying directly in front of me. As soon as I finish reading this Manson book I'm going to really delve into it.

Considering The Franklin Scandal and the Dutroux affair, this kind of legal harassment is nothing new. Also the MO fits the characteristics of other satanic killers like the Ripper Crew.

I'd be interested to know what you think of Spezi's book once you get a chance to read it. Seeing the arguments that the other side can muster to defend the official story of these cases is important to me; that's why I have Michael Aquino's book written in defense of himself, which I plan to read. Provided the Monster of Florence does turn out to be the Satanic cult it was portrayed as back in the early 2000s, I'm inclined to agree with you that it seems like a manifestation of Operation Gladio. That's the same conclusion I've come to regarding the Dutroux affair and other child sex rings in Europe.