What people do not understand about Trump lifiting Obama's ban on police using military gear.

3  2017-08-28 by wildfireonvenus

Police using military gear was originally called the National Defense Authorization Act (1208 program) enacted in 1990. In 1996 section 1208 was replaced with section 1033 there by calling it the 1033 program. Allowing police to use military gear had been in action for 25 years until 2015 when Obama ban the 1033 program. In 2014 we saw the conjured-up psyop - "Ferguson Riots". The Ferguson Riots were planned to make it look like Obama had a reason to ban the 1033 program as a way to weaken and demonize the police department. This was a move to take power away from the States and local police department and start enacting federal control and government take over of law enforcement. Which is also why he was suing many police jurisdictions while slowly creating a federal Police system. In March 2015 Obama presented the "President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report" used to implement federal government police training and bring in the United Nations as part of US law enforcement. On September 29, 2015 Loretta Lynch announced before the United Nations a GLOBAL LAW ENFORCEMENT INITIATIVE called the Strong Cities Network. Obama banning the police from using military gear was nothing more then a move toward Agenda 21, Agenda 30, and the New World Order. Lifting the ban gives power back to our local and State governments.


Good post

The sheep still won't get it even when it's spelled out for them.

You're applauding the police state getting even stronger and we're the sheep? lol

Lifting the ban is not creating a police state. Dig a little deeper.

Execute order 66

I think you are missing a 6 there buddy

It's piss

I live in a big metropolitan area and ALL the private security guards carry semi-automatic handguns! Why is this?

In the not too long ago past police just had 38 caliber six shot revolvers at most.

Local police should not have to have military gear. They are police not soldiers. Soldiers are for war.

Private security guards? What are they guarding? If the metropolitan area is part of the UN's Strong Cities Network then that would make sense as the Mayor would allow as form of intimidation and control of the people.

They are in shopping malls, office buildings etc. The guards themselves aren't intimidating since most are typical out of shape Americans. It happened gradually - that they became armed with semiautomatic pistols. I noticed a few years ago.

I don't think a 38 special is gonna cut it in Chiraq.

Private security has better dedicated funding versus state level.

Police can have those weapons if they had the funding for it. Some law enforcement have semi-automatics, shotguns and L3 gear in their vehicles.

dafuq is agenda 30

"Sustainable Development" used as a mask in order to implement laws and regulations in order to save the world and make it one big happy miserable place :)

So in fear of big government you give local police forces military gear which is then used on you anyway when the police just say they are all part of one country. Got it.

It's all working perfectly.

The local police don't cruise around in military gear. It is used when needed eg Riots. Time to wake up.

They absolutely do use them to serve warrants and other BS. They are proud of those toys. In Columbus, ga they drive around the metro everyday with suited up men with automatic rifles hanging out of the back with the doors open. It's very intimidating and has a red dawn feel to it

Probably because it's a shit hole area with high crime.

Captain obvious.

So, your local college-dropout-turned-cop needs military grade weapons and equipment? Cops should be getting dash and body cams and social work/crisis intervention training, not bigger fuckin toys...

Stop buying into propaganda.

You have no retort except 'your beliefs are wrong and someone made you believe it' meanwhile you are accepting the advancement of the police state with open arms. Guess what-no one told me that I don't think Police need to have the same gear as SOF minus bombs and weapon systems but that's what I believe, their job is to enforce the law not kill people.

If there job was to kill people it would make sense for them to have excessive militarized equipment but instead this militarization just makes policing less of what it should be and more aggressive, you give these people the tools and they will use them as much as possible. The end result is constant escalatory actions by Police whenever they're faced with an issue.

You have no retort except 'your beliefs are wrong and someone made you believe it' - No, I did not make a post about my beliefs. What advancement? It already was. Obama "banning program 1033" was just a scheme and never stopped supplying gear to local authorities to begin with, he used it as a way to control them and take over local authorities. They would use and would not use what he told them to. So when a manufactured riot breaks out the police will be told to go to the riot with minium protection and then told to "STAND DOWN" have you heard that term lately? Then when the police can't handle their jobs the federal government will have to step in and implement new policies and laws to take over. It's all a set-up. Yet, you want to believe he did it to protect the people? The police state is exactly what Obama was creating and you are touting the exact rhetoric that supports a totalitarian government takeover.

Most precincts have local meet-and-greet or community out reach programs. Like one time, I got pulled over, and got free coupons for free food at the restaurants for having my seatbelt on properly. It was really cool! The cop who pulled me over was incredibly kind, we had a nice conversation. Turns out we both got our degrees at the same college, and even had a class together!

So idk dude, maybe go meet the face of your enemy before you decide to start judging them.

I bet you'd be singing a different tune if you had a roach in the ashtray and he pulled you over ostensibly to reward you.

I don't smoke pot so your argument is invalid. :'D

It absolutely isn't if you value your rights at all. Do you want cops to have an excuse to detain people?

Yeah, yeah, community policing is great and all and I'm glad you got free food, but I've had my experiences and known folks who are permanently disabled (from a physical attack) or done considerable time because of power-hungry cops. Not to mention the ones that kill people and dogs, like by the thousands in the last few years...

Well, police officers are trained to handle any type of situation. I'm not sure what kind of stuff you're friends are doing, but I also know people (especially trained police officers) don't attack for any good reason. In any case, I don't wish harm upon you or the people you know, but, I do implore you to consider all of your decisions/actions very carefully before acting on them! Simply taking the time to think, "Will this action cause the intended outcome? Do I need to think smarter? Do I need to think better? How will this other person approach my actions? Are there any other options?" can make all the difference!

What the actual fuck? What suburb did you just crawl out of? I prefer my cops not look like occupiers.

I agree with your comments overall in this thread. Police are trained in a very "us vs them" dynamic, and trained that everyone and everything is a deadly threat at all times, etc. - which accounts for a lot of unnecessary police violence. They drive around in their armored fortress bubbles ( cars ), often in neighborhoods they do not themselves live in. As opposed to back in the day, when you had cops actually walking the beat. There isn't enough training focused in de-escalation, especially for those with mental health issues. Instead of military gear for cops, I think these armaments should go to citizen militias instead - to increase the safety buffer between people and state.

So you got pulled over for which infraction? Just a seatbelt check? Did you get a "big thumbs up" and a big smile with the coupon too?

It must be so nice to meet great friends like you have there!

Source for Ferguson being Conjured up psyop?

Your entire premise that we need militarized police to preserve freedom seems like the opposite of the truth to me. People are scared of the UN taking away their freedom when our own governemt has already done that. The UN doesn't even have much real power. The PATRIOT act essentially shredded the constitution. You have our own government, regardless of which party is in power, surveilling, searching, detaining, murdering etc. our people without any "agenda 21" being needed. We already had the FBI and DHS federal police before Obama ever got into office. Can you point me to any specific actions Obama took in "creating a federal police system?" Also, I haven't read through the whole 116 page report on the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report but I'm sure you have if you're putting this theory out publicly. Can you direct me to the pages or sections that mention the UN?

I'm sorry, but this some next level spin attempt here. How can you possibly construe Trump's further militarization of the police as a good thing? And you even try to blame it on Obama. Seriously? For all his many faults, Obama had nothing to do with this. This is just Trump showing off his authoritarian boner again just like when he appointed Jeff "War-on-Drugs" Sessions, or when he re-enacted civil forfeiture, and like how he allows for private prisons and refuses to condemn police brutality.

I can't explain it without using Obama's name just to spare your feelings.

Oh, please. You're probably upset because people find Trump to be a shitty president when compared to Obama. If Trump had come after either Bush or Reagan it wouldn't be such a contrast.

Your comment had nothing to do with my post. Maybe you just needed to whine a little?

It's pathetic at this point to try to blame Obama for things. Obama banning police from using military gear seems like a really good idea. I don't know how anybody could spin this into a good thing for Trump.

I understand at one point this was an anti-government sub, but the mental gymnastics anyone could to do blame Obama for Trump's horrible mistakes is doing mental gymnastics that I think would cause a brain hemorrhage.

Obama was phasing out the use of federal prisons. Jeff Sessions wants more. Trump told cops to not be nice to people if the cops think they're in a gang.

I just don't even understand what's happening, but it's frightening, and I'm a law-abiding person.

Thanks for showing how dumb downed society has become!

"Obama nominates for-profit prison consultant for US Marshals director"

Prison Labor Booms As Unemployment Remains High; Companies Reap Benefits


President Obama’s IncarcerNATION

With widespread spending cuts already scheduled for public assistance programs like Medicare and Medicaid and yet another deficit anticipated in FY 2013, President Obama has managed to request a 4.2% increase in allocations to the Federal Bureau of Prisons operating budget, one of the largest of any federal agency, which would bring its total operating resources to more than $6.9 billion. Oddly enough, the President’s budget is being submitted despite a national decrease in incarceration rates for the first time since 1972.

Since President Obama’s first day in office the Corrections Corporation of America and The GEO Group have been awarded $1.7 and 1.8 billion dollars in federal contracts, respectively. And beginning in October 2011 the Corrections Corporation of America has taken its place as the government’s top contractor whereas the GEO Group comfortably maintains the third-place position. Finally, according to USAspending, over one-quarter of private prison contracts have been established under “non-compete” agreements.

Your source is from 2012. Perhaps you should read something more recent.


In a memo made public on Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the Obama policy impaired the government’s ability to meet the future needs of the federal prison system.

The Obama administration said in August 2016 it planned a gradual phase-out of private prisons by letting contracts expire or by scaling them back to a level consistent with recent declines in the U.S. prison population. It said privately operated prisons were less safe and a poor substitute for government-run facilities.

“The (Obama administration) memorandum changed long-standing policy and practice, and impaired the bureau’s ability to meet the future needs of the federal correctional system. Therefore, I direct the bureau to return to its previous approach,” Sessions said in a letter dated Tuesday to Thomas Kane, acting director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Shares of the two leading U.S. private prison companies gained in after hours trading, with GEO Group Inc up 2.15 percent and CoreCivic Inc up 3.44 percent.

Guess who owns stock in those companies and donated to Trump?

No shit sherlock. I can even go back farther then that because he used private prisons for his entire presidency! Until his very last day in office he was using them. He didn't change anything! People pick up on a talking point and rant about it with no prior knowledge of all the hands that have been involved with private prisons. Then you think mentioning the stock proves some kind of left field point. As if you have viewed his portfolio???

What, did you expect him to close the private prisons in a day? They started phasing them out in August 2016. Then Trump got elected and Sessions said, nope, we need more private prisons. Who knows why? Are they for immigrants? Are they going to arrest people for marijuana in states where it's illegal?

Trump owns everything that's happened since he became president no matter how hard he tries to blame everything on Obama.

You still don't get it? Typical. I guess he thought it was a good idea to wait until the last weeks of his presidency to so-called "phase them out" that way he wouldn't have to go a day without them. He ended contracts that wouldn't expire until after he left office while he used the shit out of them for 8 years???

You two are arguing as if at the end of the day Obama and Trump are actually on opposing sides. They just look, talk and spin shit differently.

Still scratching your head on the private prison issue?

Try looking up why they are there in the first place. The corrections system was inadequate for the crime influx from the 60s and on into the 90s. Privatization was the solution to help alleviate prison overcrowding and capacity problems, while both the local and federal level could play catchup and make more prisons. Neither an Obama or a Trump issue. They merely inherited and capitalized politically.

Everyone in the comments here has an opinion on their local police, usually from a bad experience with a power tripping human using the law to fuck them. So I think it's important to note that police are just regular people with a regular job and a boss who's up their ass (think - the cashier who won't validate your 1 day old coupon or the security guard telling the teens to stop skateboarding), but police swear to uphold the constitution and they generally aren't looking to take away your rights. In the bigger scheme of things, police are just public servants and aren't any higher on the pecking order than regular civilians, so why would they contribute to their own demise by pushing federal agendas that ultimately take away the local police authority along with civilian rights? I wasn't a fan of Obama's shift towards federal police, but I'm also not a fan of trumps militarized local police. We as civilians have the right to bear arms, specifically to defend ourselves from any body that infringes on our constitutional rights... so us regular civilians should be armed with equal force, right? Except we can't be, because we don't have access to the same militarized equipment, and their weapons are illegal for most civilians. The problem is the lack of balance. Militarized police are scary whether they're federal or state, and we the people should be legally allowed to bear arms of equal force to defend ourselves and our constitutional rights against any body that attempts to infringe upon them. If that is scary for them, then they should reevaluate the necessity.

Stop buying into propaganda.

Most precincts have local meet-and-greet or community out reach programs. Like one time, I got pulled over, and got free coupons for free food at the restaurants for having my seatbelt on properly. It was really cool! The cop who pulled me over was incredibly kind, we had a nice conversation. Turns out we both got our degrees at the same college, and even had a class together!

So idk dude, maybe go meet the face of your enemy before you decide to start judging them.

I agree with your comments overall in this thread. Police are trained in a very "us vs them" dynamic, and trained that everyone and everything is a deadly threat at all times, etc. - which accounts for a lot of unnecessary police violence. They drive around in their armored fortress bubbles ( cars ), often in neighborhoods they do not themselves live in. As opposed to back in the day, when you had cops actually walking the beat. There isn't enough training focused in de-escalation, especially for those with mental health issues. Instead of military gear for cops, I think these armaments should go to citizen militias instead - to increase the safety buffer between people and state.

You still don't get it? Typical. I guess he thought it was a good idea to wait until the last weeks of his presidency to so-called "phase them out" that way he wouldn't have to go a day without them. He ended contracts that wouldn't expire until after he left office while he used the shit out of them for 8 years???

Still scratching your head on the private prison issue?

Try looking up why they are there in the first place. The corrections system was inadequate for the crime influx from the 60s and on into the 90s. Privatization was the solution to help alleviate prison overcrowding and capacity problems, while both the local and federal level could play catchup and make more prisons. Neither an Obama or a Trump issue. They merely inherited and capitalized politically.