What happened to pizzagate?
52 2017-08-29 by TacticalGarlicBread
Is pizzagate dead? On voat, they're going strong. Here, pizzagate seems to have disappeared. What gives?
EDIT: Don't tell everyone where we still look. If someone cares enough they'll find it. Don't tell the shills
1 CaptainApollyon 2017-08-29
admins got scared. faked a bunch of dox posts so they could shut it down the rest is history.
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Anything to back up your claims?
1 JamesCarterMD 2017-08-29
Not for the guy who spends 24/7 trying to debunk it.
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Its easier to say no.
1 JamesCarterMD 2017-08-29
You choose to swim in the pool of bliss ignorance. The information is readily available to anyone interested. But, no source would be good enough for you.
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
There is info showing the mod doxxed ppl due to fear and in am attempt to shut the place down?
1 Killadillas 2017-08-29
You are the scum of conspiracy. You add nothing to the conversation and instead attempt to derail it at every turn by playing the Devils advocate. It's an increasingly popular shill strategy (don't ask me for a source on this).
1 oldmoldy 2017-08-29
Yes. This is a classic form of diversion being used. Responding and becoming upset is almost pointless. Sharing info is important. Pedogate is real, and arguing about its legitimacy is a clear way to sniff out obvious agendas --
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Of all the times ive been called a shill i have never reported it. I feel like a shill would. To reduce opposition.
Scepticism was once a foundation of conspiracy forums. Not so much anymore it seems.
1 Mrexreturns 2017-08-29
It's just discussed to the point that it is boring and it is just a fragment of the insanity of the elite.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-08-29
It's the actual currency of the elite.
1 huktheavenged 2017-08-29
our sic sad world......
1 HempCO719 2017-08-29
It got swept under the rug where there is absolutely no passage to a basement underneath.
1 macronius 2017-08-29
It got stale, the pasta was creepy, and the crust bit the dust.
1 RecoveringGrace 2017-08-29
We've found places to discuss it and share research elsewhere. It's such a heavily shilled and brigaded topic here that it's like trying to swim up a raging river.
1 wile_e_chicken 2017-08-29
Ongoing research is being done at www.voat.co/v/pizzagate
/r/pedogate is a higher-level reporting sub where you'll find relevant stories and such, but not so much original research as the old /r/pizzagate
1 Twindude1 2017-08-29
it got shut down here for "doxxing", any attempts to revive it the communities were threatened with getting banned. the whole thing was very sensitive and any mention of pizzagate got you downvoted by shills and sometimes you would receive threatening messages.
it basically got scrubbed from reddit. anywhere you try to post about it is brigaded and shilled, if you post it here, they just say you also believe in flat earth and lizard people and dismiss it as crazy.
1 Afrobean 2017-08-29
The idea of shapeshifting reptiles is as fantastic as thinking there are pedophiles out there in the world!
1 TheBongzilla 2017-08-29
Just look at the comments in this thread. They already started.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
I def got a few threatening messages during pizzagate. Only time that has ever happened
1 cholera_or_gonorrhea 2017-08-29
Same, it sucked.
1 totally6667 2017-08-29
Same here...One guy simply just sent me a message that said:
"72 hours".
Nothing happened. But it was obviously because I was posting about PG.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
Yea I had someone try to dox me over that shit
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Oh god. Can you imagine. Your name being thrown around in public?
can you imagine also imagine your name and children being tied into a wild theory involving hot tubs and kids?
Oh that would just be the worst if that had happened to you.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
Exactly. Who knows how far they would go to cover it up
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Pgate involved tying people and their children to horrific fantasies. As in they were doxxed and labeled pedes.
Thats what i am saying.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
So you feel that public figures who engage in questionable behavior shouldn't be questioned?
Is that what you're saying
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
How are brocks ex, baby blog lady, and indie band members public figures?
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
How is John Podesta and James Alefantis public figures? Is that the question
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
I didnt mention podesta. James is a biz owner. Hardly a public figure.
How about baby blog and the bad members? You considrt them public figures?
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
James is a biz owner and has held fundraisers for the DNC. He was named by GQ and top 50 most powerful people in D.C., which in itself is curious. How is a restaurant owner so powerful?
Was the baby blog public? I don't know what band members you're referring to, but yes, musicians are public figures.
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
And no i dont think people should be forced to explain their art collection to a mob.
I dont think ajy americsns should have to explain why they are not pedes without valid cause. I have seen nothing valid.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
If the owner of a "family" restaurant, and someone who is also very close to the DNC, is posting extremely questionable content on a public social media page - content that includes violence, sexual imagery and sexual references of children - then I think that person should absolutely be questioned. And I'm surprised you don't think so.
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
By who? The police?
Should they also talk to icp? Those guys seem to be into violence.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
By anyone, but ideally the police.
Are ICP family business owners? And are they using Instagram to promote their business using violence and sexual imagery?
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Neithrr did james. Even still thats not illegal. I fail to see why the police would care about drag shows.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
Drag shows? We're talking about sexualizing children on social media. That's what you're defending.
If someone behaves inappropriately on a public forum aren't they open to criticism?
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Criticism and police intervention are vastly different. I think its fine if you find social media unpleasent but expecting the police to interview people because you think theyre weird is too much.
Also what sexualization are you speaking of? Chickenhawk? The way you takk it would seem like there is a plethora of kids in bikinis on james geocities landing page.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
His Instagram is only one piece of the puzzle
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
And im not defending anyone. James is probably into twinks. A lot of gay men are.
That doesnt mean i cant have an issue with your witch hunt.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
That is the "witch hunt." Him and his associates
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Many ppl not connected to him have been a victim of this hunt.
1 niakarad 2017-08-29
I've got threatening messages and dox attempts for disagreeing with pizzagate if that makes you feel better
1 beachexec 2017-08-29
I've never seen such a strong effort to scruba story from the internet. Even 9/11 truthers got a voice. They didn't expect a leak like this at all.
1 huktheavenged 2017-08-29
psalm 64:8
1 obsessile 2017-08-29
Some of the mods here basically ban any of the actual evidence under the pretense that it's "doxxing".
1 tanhairwig 2017-08-29
This is a bit random, but does anyone else feel like the "pizzagate" name should be dropped? This isn't aimed at you OP, I know that pizzagate is what is always used so you are just sticking with what is known.
I think there is plenty of evidence of elite pedo rings out there. But referring to it as "pizzagate" just sort of makes it sound ridiculous and makes it easier for most people to disregard it as some crackpot idea. I wish people would start calling it something like "pedogate" or "elite pedo rings" or something. I almost wonder if TPTB push the strange "pizzagate" name and some of the more outlandish things you hear about it in an attempt to delegitimize the conspiracy theory.
1 TacticalGarlicBread 2017-08-29
Until we have a marketable thing for normies, a code name is better, so they don't read anything before its fully done
1 oldmoldy 2017-08-29
Yes, it should be called "pedogate"
1 of_mendez 2017-08-29
The thing is that pizza is the code word, when you realize this you start noticing the coded language they use in the movies, songs and everywhere else, when you feel surrounded by the codes you open the eyes
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
In movies, tv, papajohns.com. its insane how much we eat pizaa!
1 of_mendez 2017-08-29
That is why it is such a good codeword to use, the context gives it away though
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Geez. Guess you cracked it boss.
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Geez. Guess you cracked it boss.
1 pixiesbitch 2017-08-29
No. It's pizzagate. It started as pizzagate. It encapsulates everything. It doesn't need to be changed. Who cares that it's a whacky name. They already think we're whacky anyway.
1 rush22 2017-08-29
There was a bunch of people that went crazy and all their spam about pyramids and numerology and eventually derailed any further interesting investigation, not to mention the doxxing and slander and crazy levels of their own propaganda. Half the posts were garbage posts just about twitter and getting the message out, and the other half were about how the lost city of Atlantis ties it all together.
1 totally6667 2017-08-29
You're literally a bullshit artist. None of this is true.
1 truguy 2017-08-29
1 autorackboxcar 2017-08-29
Pizzagate was proven false, there is nothing left to say
1 dankweeddoe 2017-08-29
By who? MSN?
1 dbstfbh 2017-08-29
wikipedia says it's debunked, it's obviously debunked /s
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
To be fair its hard to disprove something that doesnt exist.
1 oldmoldy 2017-08-29
It's not going away. We'd like to start calling it "pedogate" as this is a bit more concise, as sometimes "pizza" is not always the case.
Minecraft creator twitted: "Pizzagates Real" https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6wf2i3/with_minecrafts_notch_joining_the_fight_against/
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
He also clarified it was a comment on our culture or something like that.
1 159734682 2017-08-29
Didn't Reddit ban pizzagate? that subreddit community moved to Voat.
1 benedictFocker 2017-08-29
Heavy media guns came in to prevent discussion of the topic outside of dark corners of net, Alex Jones at the center, and also that one Twitter guy David something trolled with promises of arrests that never happened. Then it became about Trump with arrest warrants ready to be signed as soon as Jeff Sessions got appointed. Nothing happened, so now it's a dead theory.
Doesn't mean that Alefantis isn't a sick child trafficker for the CIA and an MK Ultra underworld pedo shadow society, just means that we'll never know more than we do.
1 totally6667 2017-08-29
It's widely believed that jones is a shill, and he purposely issued an apology to alefantis and claimed the whole theory was fake, one day before a scheduled protest in DC. They used him as bait to discredit the theory.
Says who, you? They just scrubbed the pizza gate wiki yesterday dude. The elites are STILL censoring and covering things up.
1 Xaviermgk 2017-08-29
This guy is as disinfo as Alex Jones!! Who would say "we'll never know more than we do"? On a conspiracy board? Talk about trying to disengage people.
1 TacticalGarlicBread 2017-08-29
Hey can you PM me an archive of the pizzagate wiki?
1 Xaviermgk 2017-08-29
Why ask me specifically? And no, I can't.
1 Xaviermgk 2017-08-29
If you are sincerely interested I would just edit your post and ask in general for it. Someone should be able to PM it to you. I just don't have it.
1 Thebeug 2017-08-29
It's so fucked. Have you looked at the wikipedia page for pizzagate?
"Pizzagate is a debunked[2][3][4] conspiracy theory that emerged and went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. "
1 totally6667 2017-08-29
Very clever how the social engineers made sure to put the word "debunked" right in the first sentence.
Any other conspiracies have that on their wikipedia pages first sentence? Nope.
1 Thebeug 2017-08-29
makes me so fucking mad
1 totally6667 2017-08-29
Same dude...
1 Needmyvape 2017-08-29
Not all theories are as unfounded as pgate.
1 hereforloot 2017-08-29
You probably already know this, but Wikipedia should not be used. A few feminist groups at my college scheduled "edit-a-thons" and had dozens show up editing truthful, historical content.
1 benedictFocker 2017-08-29
That's why it's dead. Icarus, too close to the sun. They're paying attention to the effort now and won't allow it to go anywhere meaningful
1 01314150 2017-08-29
1 w4rdr0b3 2017-08-29
just call it what it really is
1 huktheavenged 2017-08-29
see r/calzonedoorway
1 w4rdr0b3 2017-08-29
1 huktheavenged 2017-08-29
that's where i post the videos an old baby boomer like me can't watch
1 Zarathasstra 2017-08-29
It's not really allowed to be discussed in detail here.
1 Workmask 2017-08-29
It's too close to a real, ugly and damaging conspiracy so it got shut down here and is constantly wiped.
1 BowlOfZombies 2017-08-29
I posted about pizzagate connections in California from Podesta to Jerry Brown in the Sacramento sub and was banned for being a crazy. Ugh. Cited the government website and all.
1 psyderr 2017-08-29
Yea I had someone try to dox me over that shit