What documentary should be featured next on /r/conspiracy?

49  2017-08-29 by axolotl_peyotl


Great choice.

If we are talking about lies, let's talk about Spielberg's Hoax.

What's this about?

The lies told by many actors, mostly Jewish, about the holohoax. And the Hollywood machine promoting it all.

Dare you to watch the entire thing. With an open mind.

I'm intrigued

I've read a lot into this holocaust because I don't wanna believe it was made up. And still to this day it 100% happened man. Concentration camps existed and Germans used slave labor. That's literally an undeniable fact. The only thing I don't see being true is how many died. I will watch this sooner than later and see what it says.

I know you want to believe that. I did too. But tit didn't happen. Not anywhere close to how we've been taught it did.

Was it war? Yeah. Did People die? Oh yes. Was it tragic? Yeah. Was it fair? No. We're there some executions?Probably so. Was there disease and starvation. Yeah.

We're there gas chambers? No. Did 6 million Jews die? No. We're people thrown alive into ovens? No.

We've been lied to about so many details about this story, that the entire thing is cast into suspicion. No one wants to believe that humans are evil enough to do aHolocaust . But also no one wants to believe that anyone would lie about such a thing.

You have a lit more research ahead of you. Reading that doesn't include mainstream sources. You'll have to go off-road here. Start with david cole Auschwitz tour, Robert faurrison lectures. See how you feel after that.

I'm intrigued and will definitely end up watching the doc you listed. But just out of curiosity, my wife and I were visiting Munich last year and we stopped at Dachau to see the camp there, and we saw their gas chambers. What's the general consensus on that?

Is the theory that they were built after the war or never used or what?

Without breaking down each camp or "chamber" it goes something like this:

Zyklon B gas was invented by a German pest control agency. In those days love carried typhus disease and it would spread quickly in unclean populations. The US even used zyklon B at Ellis island when we took in massive immigrants in the early 1900's.

Immigrants at Ellis were treated in quite similar manner as "concentration camp"prisoners . Hair cuts, showers, and clothes were them into huge rooms and gassed. There are indeed rooms at the camps that were used to fumigate clothing.

At Ellis island the chambers were more professional. Big steal air tight chambers. Not these impromptu ad libbed chambers the Germans built.

Jewish stories of "being led into showers" are indeed true. But water came out. Today's best engineers will day that pumping zyklon B out of "fake shower heads" doesn't work, wouldn't kill, and those stories are just wartime myth/propaganda.

The rate at which bodies could be cremated eons slower than the rates claimed by Holocaust supporters. Cremation of dead bodies did indeed happen. But they died from starvation or disease. There is no such thing as "open ovens" or "open air cremation". It can't be done. You need a closed space, shitload of fuel, and about an hour and a half per body.

In the 1.25 years the "has chambers were alleged to have been operating, nowhere near 6 million bodies could have been properly cremated.

And there aren't jack shit for mass graves. Except the ones created by the allies when the camps were liberated. All footage of dead bodies is from war department footage of clean up operaikns at the camp. Germany was bombed to shit and supplies could not flow. So a lot of people died in the camps near the end.

No mass gassings. No "Holocaust". Just Jewish and soviet propaganda. And a multi billion dollar Industry.

There's so much more to it. That's thebare bones .

Hmmm very interesting. I'll give that documentary a watch to get the full picture. Thanks for the write-up!

My grandmother's sisters were burned alive in the holocaust. Not even jewish, just polish. One of the people I trust. Though I don't doubt that numbers were exaggerated.

Not all those people were Jewish. Many where Blacks and other "then" Mulatto white race groups.

And while I have zero way to know if that's a true story or not, I'll simply say I doubt it. No offense. The thing is, you don't really know if it's true either. Your grandmother could have been lied to herself, or she could simply be following the lead of so many other other jews who've told these stories. I can show you a bunch of vids right now of "survivors" 100% lying and making shit up. On camera. Changing their stories over the years etc.

There are wild stories of "Germans throwing babies into the air and shooting at them for target practice". Lies. "Germans each holding an arm and leg of a Jewish baby and tearing them off at the same time". Horseshit.

All the soap and lampshades stories are lies as well, and rejected by even the most extreme researchers and historians. Stories of jews hiding diamond in their rectums for many years. All lies for attention, sympathy, or the betterment of the "Holocaust narrative". All garbage.

I'll stop with this: in war, do shitty things happen? Yes. Could there even be isolated stories of a bit of brutality, or lack of respect for human dignity? Absolutely. Just look at those US Marines that threw that puppy off the cliff during Afghanistan war years ago. Or the US abuse of muslim prisoners at Guantanamo. It happens.

But do you really think that an alleged maniacal serial killer, (Hitler) could turn every single one of his followers into maniacal serial killers too? Tearing apart babies, throwing them in the air etc?

As I said, I highly doubt it.

I was brought up in a straightforward family. If there is no reason to lie, you don't. So, yeah, she's not a lying jew. Nazis were terrible people who bought into propaganda, just like our shitty society today. If they were not burned, they were shot and my then teenage grandmother was told they were burned as a jest. Which is just as bad.

If the powers that be can create an america absolutely swathed by morons who believe there should be a race war, etc, they could have easily done the same back then.

Dude nobody is saying anything about them tearing babies apart. But are you really gonna sit here and say hitler wasn't a mad man? No he 100% was. Once again I only don't believe the numbers of Jews that died. But hitler and his friends were sick twisted fucks and they did indeed rip people out of their homes and throw them in slave camps. And people did in fact die In these camps weather the nazis killed them or they died from disease. Also a little bold just to call her a liar cuz you believe this conspiracy. At the end of the day none of us literally know shit. So what makes you right over her grandma.

While I agree with you on most of those points, please refer to my other posts ITT. I never denied that people died. Especially if disease and starvation. I've said exactly that ITT. That's exactly where we get ANY footage of bodies. The dead starved, the dead diseased.

Let's both agree that Hitler wasnt some saint. I suggest to anyone here to read the history of the Jews in europe. Start around the 1600's.

In the 1800's Germany was the FIRST and ONLY country in Europe to grant full citizenship and rights to Jews. They also removed any quotas on immigration and allowed jews to hold public office etc. Even Britain didn't do such.

It was when the Jewish elite bankers came in and took over Germany financially, that the Germans started getting upset that their country was being destroyed. Just like we are upset that our country is being destroyed by the descendents of that very same group of people in 2017. And have been in their clutches for quite some time. So in the German mind, there was reason to remove jews from the "fatherland". They just wanted them gone. Not exterminated off the planet.

Hitler even made a huge immigration deal WITH Zionist leaders to help jews migrate into Palestine PRE WAR.

If those facts elude people ITT I suggest you start reading. It's the only way to know.

The things is that a large proportion of our present day leaders and politicians are also sick twisted fucks, just as sick and twisted as Hitler et al. They are just better at hiding it.

You should kill yourself.

A lot of people who question the Holocaust focus specifically on the number that died (often arguing the real number is lower than the "accepted" number) and whether or not the concentration/slave camps were actual death camps or not with gas chambers/ovens/etc. (most argue that there were no gas chambers or ovens at the camps, or if there were they were used for things other than murdering jews).

Concentration camps existed and Germans used slave labor. That's literally an undeniable fact.

That isn't what holocaust revisionist's deny to be true, what the Germans did was less severe than what America did

Internment of Japanese Americans

That, like a lot of wikipedia articles involving the US, is very watered down.

Holocaust revisionist's correctly claim that the "gas chambers" used to kill "millions" of jews is complete fiction, it's actually a mathematical certainty

Ok well even if they didn't gas millions of Jews, what they did still wasn't good. They still tried to take over the world, still held people captive. The winners of the war always paint the picture they want and that's what happened. Either way the nazis weren't good people. If what they did was over exaggerated who freaking cares.

what they did still wasn't good

I agree, but then our fucking country murdered hundreds of thousands via the dropping of not one, but two atomic bombs on mainly civilians

And no, they didn't do this murderous act to save allied lives, that is another proven lie

No it's not

It 100% is, this is a know, known.

General/President Dwight Eisenhower discusses this in his 1963 memoir, The White House Years: Mandate for Change, 1953-1956 (pp. 312-313). When he was informed in mid-July 1945 by Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson of the decision to use the atomic bomb, he was deeply troubled:

During his [Stimson’s] recitation of the relevant facts, I had been conscious of a feeling of depression and so I voiced to him my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was, at that very moment, seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of “face.”

So one guy's opinion is a fact now? Okay

There are many more, go search for them yourself.

If you don't care then I don't care

Suggest this again as a new comment instead of a response for it to be valid.

One of my favorites of all time. Any of you who haven't seen it definitely should.

How about one where you unban Flytape and allow him to explain the mod coup?

I need to watch that power of Nightmares was wild.

Pre-Hypernormalization Adam Curtis was great. Before he jumped the shark like Fonzi.

Pop as it may be presumed to be, this one is a great trip down the rabbit hole. Also approachable for those less prone to the Truth.

Incredible, this started me off and really shook me up for a while.. If I were to suggest ONE THING IN LIFE its definitely that doc!

I think all of Curtis's docs should be required viewing

I dunno. The whole doc is painting America as innocent and pressured by tensions. He also believes that 9/11 was a genuine attack on the US by terrorists. He disregards how responsible the US is for the entire situation in the middle east.

It constantly pushes that everything out of the middle east (including the entire origin of suicide bombing) comes from the US's actions in Iran.

You should probably re-watch it and pay attention.

And that's all it does

Finally watched this the other day, it finally put some of the history of the past 20 plus years into perspective for me.

I highly recommend the first 2/3, Adam does a great job of recounting the past. But I must say when he gets to today, he fails miserably in his assertions. Why ever he's even going there. It feels like a rushed ending to a greatly constructed documentary.

Just finished this now. Had high hopes.


It meanders all over the place, points out a shit load of dots BUT DIDN'T CONNECT THEM!

It has some decent points, some interesting historical info, it name drops hypernormalization but then doesnt give us the point.

Is the point to say "we are normalized to the abnormal"? Because DUH!

You know what really becomes obvious about Halfway through? That he's dancing around, toying with the real issue but avoiding it.

Zionist Jew families and bankers fucking up the world and making it seem like anyone elses fault but theirs. In fact, it almost seems as if this doc is specifically serving that exact purpose. Point the finger elsewhere. Sure it brings up banking and finance, but just to quickly mention it. Never does it blame it. We all know they are to blame.


THIS. Like the other guy said. Sophisticated deep state propaganda. It's got good info in it, but it ultimately trying to sell something that isn't the whole picture.

Zionist Jew families and bankers fucking up the world and making it seem like anyone elses fault but theirs.

seems like you already have a redetermined worldview

Haha. Every single person in the world has a world view bro. The reason we are here on this sub is to enhance or to update that view right? Guess what, my original worldview did not include those types of thoughts. In fact my original "predetermined" included a hefty dude if religious brainwashing from my gullible parents who joined a cult. This part of my world view was learned.

When I updated that part of my world view would you call that "predetermined"? I don't think you know what predetermined means.

Sounds like your predetermined worldview includes a strong lack of awareness on the Rothschild's, fractional reserve banking, the federal reserve act, income tax, ties between the most rich and powerful American families with the most rich and powerful old Jewish European families, bolshevism, communism, khazars vs semitic Jews, and the establishment of israel (Zion) in the heart of a dessert that had belonged to an opposing religious group for nearly a couple thousand years before the American and Brits helped the Jews steal it.

You have some work to do friend. Start reading.

Total deep state propaganda.

That's exactly what I gathered from it too.

Same, glad you guys saw it too.

oh right, sorry, i forgot only guys on youtube are credible.

If you don't mind me asking, briefly, what did you find odd? It thought it spoke to many different important issues.

On some level we know the state things have become dysfunctional, (politicians lie, deep state works against our personal interests) and that over time we've subconsciously become complacent with the system.

They're mad it said Trump was part of the problem from the 70's before the election even happened, so... it's propaganda against... Trump?

Is that the one where I lost all respect for Adam Curtis due to his timely, relentless bashing of Assad? Funny how he threw all his previous research into Saudi Wahhabism out the window on that one.

first 10-15 minutes of the film illustrate the mechanism of how society was turned over to private banking interests. Very good

This is a great one.

Holy crap my dude. I knew diebold was up to no good but I had no idea it was this wide. Outrageous.

Independent hackers were able to hack such machines within 90 minutes, but with an access to the backdoor it only takes a second.

Is this a documentary? Not trying to be a dick I just looked at the link real quick and saw the actors

No. A movie film from the great John Carpenter.

But it makes you think.

Because it totally might as well be real, right?

Maybe an up-to-date one on North Korea, possibly one without a bias if avail.

I 2nd this. I don't know what I'm "supposed to think" about North Korea yet.

Or all the possibilities so we can decide ourselves

I had trouble wording that.

But is truth made up of multiple possibilities?

I guess I want the most truthful info. Which I suppose you worded best in "unbiased".

Truth is concealed in the layers of what is accepted, what is not, what conclusions you draw, and most importantly, what is not there. If you have a plotted point on a graph, you'd definitely want to see all the x,y,&z axis', so the point fits, makes sense, and you can determine its location.

Greatest Story Never Told. It's long, but it's worth it. If you can get pass some obvious rightwing propaganda at the end, the information itself is actually vert accurate.

What is this, a doc suggesting Hitler & Nazis weren't the bad guys? I really can't tell for sure. I just watched 2 trailers & all the language is broad generalizations like "my mind was blwon" & "this changes everything". Is it possible to get 6.5 hours in a synopsis?

Not really, but I will try. It doesn't suggest Hitler was a good guy, it suggest he was a "Germany first" guy, which in today's globalist worldview translates to 'bad guy'. It gives a context to why WWII actually began, and shows how much German people suffered under control of the bankers and media manipulators who were, as history shows all Jewish. I think this is a useful doc. to watch simply because there is such a divide nowadays between the 'right' and the 'left', and since the left's narrative is dominant in MSM, it's only natural to see what the other side has to say.

Of course, not suggesting anyone should watch it in one sitting, but when in mood, I think there is a lot to learn from this doc.

Cool, thanks so much for the rundown. I really appreciate it.

I may give it a try & if it's gripping enough I may consume the whole thing. But my jag these days is UFO/EBE-centric

There's a good one on that subject too. It's called "Mirrage Men", very interesting.

Wooo thanks! Never heard of it.

It's good - basically makes the argument that "alien UFO's" are (at least some of the time) used as cover for very real advanced human technology developed by the military.

I see... I actually don't love that 'narrative', if you can call it that.

Well the evidence presented in the doc is substantial and it's worth watching. Suit yourself though.

Yeah I'm more interested in the EBE side of the topic. Partially for entertainment purposes...

The truth is often stranger than fiction man. Take it easy though.

There is no doubt about it, the absolute "bad guy" of WW2 was the United States.


Although I am not a fan of Steven Greer. He pushes his Dr. title way too much (classic appeal to authority). But nevertheless a worthwile watch.

I like Greer a lot but I had mixed reactions toward this doc. I felt ripped off, actually. A great deal of what's in it has been out there for a long time & was in Sirius. It's basically a repackaging of familiar content if you're a UFO/EBE enthusiast. Only about 25% of it was new to me. I paid about $15 for a digital copy then it popped up on Netflix :/

It's definitely good. The material is extremely compelling, even in my revisit. I would highly recommend it to someone who hasn't done a ton of research into this subject or someone who wants to re-familiarize themselves with some of the best evidence of extraterrestrial contact.

On Netflix watching NOW! but not in three hours I'll be down then

The nun doc on netflix, right?

It's good.

Something from Dr Judy Wood

With an open mind click this link https://youtu.be/vlkZLlzOfVQ

This is such garbage. It was planes. It was arranged by high players of foreign governments and the US. It's not magical "sound weapons" lol

All the little details she points out about the video footage are easily explained as video artifact and lag. That's about all she ever had to go on.

It's dis info.

The bitter and vociferous reactions against Judy Wood's theory are what made me intrigued in the first place.

It was planes

This theory doesn't claim there were no planes.

Yeah but sometimes bitter and vociferous are deserved. Not everyone theory can be the right one. So we must critique harshly the lame ones.

The Keepers. Most fucked up shit I've ever seen

The nun doc on netflix, right?

It's good.

I live about a quarter mile away from the cemetery where the documents were buried. Very surreal


Earth Rising 1 Mind Control

In light the 20 year anniversary of Princess Diana's death in two days, I would think Unlawful Killing: The Murder of Princess Diana would be appropriate.

It shows the complete blueprint for everything we've become so cynically used to. An unassuming, deeply loving and good person finds its way to power and dares to start using it for good purposes. MLK, JFK, John Lennon, you know the rest. No case shows it all so clearly as Diana's death did.

Everything is on display, from the events leading up to it, over the immediate events surrounding the fatal car crash and completely botched emergency response, to the careless cover-up (They immediately claimed the driver was an alcoholic, even though he passed his pilots license three days before the event and has a receipt from the hotel over no more than 2 small drinks).

Precisely how and why it all happened should be ripe questions for a fruitful debate still very relevant today, 20 years after the fact. I really hope you'll consider it.

This one's great, especially for anyone who lived or worked in the UK during the 90s

What would be the motivation to kill Princess Diana? I don't know the story

Take your pick, there are dozens. The one that made it into the tabloids was her affair with movie producer Dodi Al-Fayed, whom she loved very dearly. Her marriage to Charles was notoriously awkward and love-less.

I don't think that alone was the reason though. She did write a letter to her butler just a few months before the "accident", in which she explained that she thought that they'd try to get rid of her in a car crash. Whether she was tipped off by an insider or just had a dream about it is unknown, but it's an eery letter regardless.

She spoke many times about how she felt totally at odds with the rest of the royal tradition, being that all she wanted to be is someone who loves the people and works for the people, while the Windsors thought her to be a non-starter. They made a mistake of bringing someone into the fold who still had a soul.

Another aspect which might seem outlandish to some because it's not being talked about much is that she became aware of the plans for the new millenium, beginning with 9/11.

The above is a mixed bag of fact, inference, and speculation, so take it all with a bag of salt. At the end of the day, though, motivations are nearly impossible to prove. The facts of the cover-up, as well as all the events leading up to it, do strongly suggest that the plot came straight from Buckingham Palace.

Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Unacknowledged, here are some Trailers

Just watched this, pretty good.

Second this! Just watched it on Netflix last night.

Just watched it too. Was impressed; it looks like Greer, started steering this toward a covert government operations and not about beings other worlds.

Really enjoyed Unacknowledged. I watched it three times in the last 48 hours.

Haven't seen this one in the comments yet. Resonance - Beings of Frequency

Ukraine On Fire. I can't find it anywhere.

It's on Amazon.

Wow. Thanks for the heads up on this. Looks excellent.

New Pearl Harbor, everything is a rich man's trick, burnt pizza, Clinton Cash, Clinton Chronicles, Murder on the Tracks.

Can we get a list of the ones that were already featured within the post?

That's tricky because we've been doing this for years under different names...a good place to start would be to search for "featured documentary" in the sub. However, we used to also call it "movie of the week" I think.

Next time I'll try to compile a list (someone else is welcome to as well).

Well to be honest I don't really care that much to start researching what's been done in the past. I'm only casually interested.

Isn't it more the responsibility of a moderator/poster anyway? What if you start getting suggestions for documentaries you just did?

The Money Masters is a 3 and a half hour long documentary that I would consider to be required viewing for anyone who considers themselves a conspiracy theorist.

It is a bare bones documentary, very low budget, but high information that was made by historian Bill Still.

If you are looking for a slickly produced documentary this is not it.

It's a very dense documentary with a lot of information about the House of Rothschild in particular that is difficult to find in other places.

After watching the Money Masters, you will look at history, particularly American history very differently.

HyperNormalisation (2016)

How, at a time of confusing and inexplicable world events, politicians and the people they represent have retreated in to a damaging over-simplified version of what is happening. It explains much of what we seen here in this sub and Reddit as a whole.

Best lecture I have ever watched. Connecting the Dots.


Should the speaker was arrested about a year after this and then died in jail.

We picked this last time.

Didn't realize that. I hope many got a chance to watch it.

An Open Secret

Wouldn't it be more efficient to just mine the previous "What documentary should be featured next on /r/conspiracy?" threads and cull selections from those? Cause these are topics are gonna just end up being lists of the same docs in a different order.

There has been a lot of discussion on how and why pedophilia is becoming normalized.

If you want to know how/why pedophilia and NAMBLA began to be normalized, you have to go back to Alfred Kinsey, the "father of the sexual revolution", creator of "The Kinsey Institute", the first academic to bring the study of human sexuality into the mainstream. How progressive, right?

But, what most people do not know is that Alfred Kinsey actually paid pedophiles to collect data on how long it took infants, todllers and children to orgasm. The data is actually listed in his book - it has its own data table.

Kinsey was highly influential in academia, normalizing sexual deviance as a natural variation in human sexuality, and his work went on to influece laws regarding sexuality. The documentary walks you through how his influence is largely responsible for the lenient sentencing guidelines for convicted pedophiles.

Fair warning - learning about that stuff screwed with my world view. You will literally never look at the world in the same way again. It's not graphic, but I suggest you be in a good space mentally before viewing.

The documentary has Christian propaganda in the beginning, but just skip throught it if it offends you. The rest of the documentary and the research is solid. In fact, I found it so unbelievable, I had to verify it for myself. Unbelievable, but seemingly historically accurate. And damn disturbing.


Third Reich - Operation UFO

Fantastic Operation Highjump documentary with Russian/Soviet military sources corroborating, goes into lots of details about Operation Highjump, Admiral Byrd, the Nazi presence in Antarctica, the secretive Ahnenerbe Society, Hollow Earth Theory, the works.

Fluoride in our water https://youtu.be/E_6UN_um92Y Saw it today just exellent

The Prize.

Author of The Prize Daniel Yergin had the crappy copy that was on YT removed and replaced it with this much better quality one. IIRC he also added a short introduction to it.

Corbett did a very good summary of, and update to, this documentary, which has been posted on this sub fairly frequently, but at (roughly) 30 minutes it barely scratches the surface of what's presented in this 8 part doco.

Unacknowledged - On Netflix. It was released 2 months ago and it is about government officials and military veterans confessing their experiences regarding UFOs and the concealment of UFO related information. It is very eye opening to say the least.

Truthstream Media's These 100 Secret Societies Prove Who Really Rule America is AMAZING.

I think a lot of us here know how dedicated TSM is. Their work has been suppressed, their home has been broken into and trashed, a horrible attempt at framing them was attempted- honestly a lot has been done that I can't get into.

They do this only for the love, and I am greatful to this husband and wife team. After all the adversity they continue their research.

Any and all Louis Theroux

September Clues


A comprehensive look at the Klan and Nazi killings of union organizers during an anti-Klan rally in Greensboro, N.C., and the subsequent acquittal of the assassins. Highlighting the program is a replay of the video footage which was taken at the murder scene by TV reporters. Lewis Pitts, prominent civil rights attorney who has assisted the American Indian Movement and worked in the Karen Silkwood case, presents the shocking facts of the comprehensive, continuous complicity of the local and federal police forces on the side of the Klan and Nazis.

FACTOR 8: this documentary has been completely scrubbed from existence, both soft and hard copies. the creator apparently received tons of death threats in the making too. someone posted on r/conspiracy about it a year ago or so-- I dare you, try to find the actual documentary.

" A shocking expose of a prison blood donor program during the Clinton governorship in Arkansas"... big surprise, another Clinton coverup?

The Occult History of the Third Reich

  • Inline with the current media's Nazi theme. Featured on Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon series.

wowwwwwww..... like 90% of these are friggin awful... what has happened to our little community here? =(

suggest something better...?

Is there any out there on big intelligence, NSA, Snowden or anything of the sort? Thanks in advance, and if this breaks any rules I'll promptly remove.

Currently watching Unacknowledged as recommended!

Vaxxed. Current and controversial

Vaxxed. Current and controversial

I'm sick of learning. We all know what we need to know. Now is the time to think.

Something about Bernays?

Toddlers on Amphetamine: History of Big Pharma and the Major Players : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rZn1xccrig&t=3530s

Rest in peace Joshua Paniagua, the narrator of that documentary.. he passed away a few months after it was made at the age of 24. We made it arduously long, it's 3 hours but I think it's pretty thorough and approaches topics no other documentaries or research have approached very much, like the academic institutions and pharma corporations at the beginning of the 20th century and their ties to eugenics

That Hitler one that triggered the SJW's of reddit and caused them to froth at the mouth.

The Spys of Mississippi

What I have been afraid to blog about: THE ESF AND ITS HISTORY (Part 1-5), Eric deCarbonnel


Didn't realize that. I hope many got a chance to watch it.

That's exactly what I gathered from it too.

oh right, sorry, i forgot only guys on youtube are credible.

This one's great, especially for anyone who lived or worked in the UK during the 90s

If you don't mind me asking, briefly, what did you find odd? It thought it spoke to many different important issues.

On some level we know the state things have become dysfunctional, (politicians lie, deep state works against our personal interests) and that over time we've subconsciously become complacent with the system.

What would be the motivation to kill Princess Diana? I don't know the story

They're mad it said Trump was part of the problem from the 70's before the election even happened, so... it's propaganda against... Trump?