Can we please get an update on the mod situation? I noticed Sarah_Connor is now gone and the sticky post has been removed.

61  2017-08-29 by RDS

I think we would all love an update. It would be much appreciated.


Yup, head mod changes are something that have to be discussed.

I'm sure they are working on an update post.


Blink twice if you are in danger.


R/Conspiracy Blinked

Sounds like the title for the next great screenplay :)

Or a really lame porno.

Ooh. Now it's ruined.

On to the next great screenplay, then.

Careful, I'll go bust out my older brother's teen love triangle vanity press fiction and fuck everything up.

We are indeed working on a post, as there has simply been a flurry of activity. We hope to have it up this evening, with a full summary of all events leading up to Sarah_connor being removed from the mod team.

is /r/dickgirls part of an occult agenda to create an androgynous society?

Its actually a strange modmail sub where all wings of the political spectrum make fun of people who write to the modmail thinking its a real sub.

It one of the...stranger subreddits I've ever seen lol.

Wut? :/

You can join if you want, its just a place people chat I suppose.

I already have enough modmail to sort through..

Indeed, it does get really confusing sometimes; that's why I've never used the new modmail (forced upon any subreddit created within the past 6 months), as I can't keep track of two modmail flows. I have no idea why the admins thought that new modmail system was a good idea.

sounds childish

AATA made all that up because he's ashamed of his kinks and is making a poor attempt at hiding his occult agenda to create an androgynous society.


It's ok AATA we all know you like Bussy 😉


butt pussy?

It's ok dude. Fuck haters.

Operation infiltrate mods go!

So are we to assume this sub will Go the way of r/politics ? I really hope not.

It already is.

I'm still waiting for the day I get banned for talking about crimes Clinton has been involved in like I did in r/politics. If they start banning people to censor them is the day this sub dies.

I never got banned from politics for despising Hillary. I was heavily censored though. This sub isn;t like politics, but the same tones and pressures I saw from politics is happening here.

Yeah, probably because the shills being assholes here are the same ones who turned r/politics so toxic to legitimate users. Following orders from the same masters at least. I don't care that much about them though, since I can easily ignore all the trolls. I'm just worried about the potential for mod abuse.

i've been on reddit for 4 or 5 years but lurking even longer. I have neverbeeb banned until recently and it was r/politics that did it. That sub is a complete joke.

Personally, I DO hate that this sub has become a political tug of war instead of giving some fun relief to discuss actual conspiracy theories but unfortunately the current state of journalism is so terrible that a lot of what isnt being reported is legitimately conspiracy territory.

Where can we go for good conversation and content? I have been lurking on 4chan for over a year but I still don't understand it and voat is full of racist garbage.

fuck he admins we should not be ok with this

i don't wanna hear from anyone unless their name is u/Sarah_connor

I believe she posted in the last thread saying that AATA was full of shit, and that she hadn't removed permissions from axolotl. Then AmosQuito posted the archive link showing how she had. Just throwing that out there in case she tries to do the same again.

Sarah Connor is a he (allegedly at least), and yes there are screenshots proving he/she/it/them lied about removing axol's permissions.

See here:

I didn't lie, I said I certainly didn't recall removing AP perms - and that I reached out to them via PM and asked them to contact me via personal email - which he admitted he never attempted to do, and then other mods said not to contact me.

Admins are meddling.

Mods were deleting my comments.

You guys are liars.

I said I certainly didn't recall removing AP perms

No, what you said was, "I removed all mods except for axolotl as I had said that I would step down as my position of "top mod" (number two mod." This is unequivocally a lie, you provably did remove AP's perms and you provably did not step down from your position as "top mod". You refused to do so multiple times in fact.

I don't appreciate being called a liar by a liar, but I guess that's the type of thing liars do huh?

You're a lying sac of shit, go check mod mail and read my posts there where I did say that I didn't recall removing their perms.

I failed to save that particular post, I only saved these before the admins stepped in on the behalf of all you guys bitching.

Holy fuck the coup is real.

Holy fuck the coup is real.

Correction: Was real.

Fortunately, it was foiled.

Fuck you, you took the sub from its rightful owners with your sjw gang.

Final warning rule 10.

Final warning rule 10.

Hi Sarah,

What you did is clear: You made two attempts to purge the mod team: The first was on Aug 10th, when you REMOVED all permissions from ALL mods.

Do you "remember" doing that?

Also, can you explain this thread on TopMindsofReddit?

Excerpts: (emphasis mine)

Moranall: u/sarah_connor, you had your chance to do something [about this](

Sarah_Connor: You area fucking moron. Admins intervened - so go fuck yourself.

Moranall: I'm trying to be civil here - see my response below. How were we supposed to know the admins intervened?

[further down]

Sarah_Connor: Fuck you /r/topmindsofreddit - I attemted to reply MANY times and got "403 error" upon every submission.


Moranall: I don't know what the "403 error" is but I just asked the mods here [TopMindsofReddit] to unban the r/conspiracy mods, so maybe that was the cause?

Sarah_Connor: I have a life IRL outside of reddit.

Moranall: Completely understand that. I'm just saying you had an opportunity of power.

Sarah_Connor: When I removed perms, ADMINS stepped in and basically threatened to take action if perms wernt put in place.

Moranall: No one was aware of this. That's not a good situation for you to be in.


Full archive of the thread here

IDK, Sarah, but it sure LOOKS like your pals at TMOR had sent you on a MISSION to purge the mod team - and that they were PISSED because you FAILED at that mission, and that you had not communicated with them properly. (Fucking' 403 errors!)

Is there any other way that the above conversation can be interpreted?

But you tried AGAIN, last Friday, didn't you? This time with a little help from Flytape and DronePuppet:

That's enough for the moment. You have some explaining to do, u/Sarah_Connor.

The floor is yours.

Getting pinged and trolled by topminds is... uhh... so unlike them...

You're gonna stretch your narrative out of shape, if this the kind of stuff you push into it.

Getting pinged and trolled by topminds is... uhh... so unlike them...

They weren't "pinging and trolling", they were shaming and scolding - for failure to complete an assignment.

Also, Sarah_Connor had been modding here since 2009*, do you think they would fall for TMOR's bait?

  • *I should say the ACCOUNT known as Sarah_Connor has been on the mod list since 2009 - there is a strong possibility that the account was taken over by others)

You're gonna stretch your narrative out of shape, if this the kind of stuff you push into it.

Re-read the actual thread. SC's accuser ruthlessly attacks, and then becomes borderline apologetic after learning that ADMINS stepped in, and that SC could not "reply" due to 403 errors:

  • Moranall: I don't know what the "403 error" is but I just asked the mods here [TopMindsofReddit] to unban the r/conspiracy mods, so maybe that was the cause?

Nah, this was not just trolling. SC was supposed to report to TMOR, and could not due to "technical difficulties", hence the confusion.

Look, if you don't like my interpretation, give it a shot. I asked Sarah repeatedly in the modmail to offer an explanation, and I was ignored.

Give it a whirl?

Sure. I've not interacted at all with s_c directly, so it feels a little weird carrying too much water for him. But I feel that their voices have been somewhat snuffed out since the coup, so I'll go to bat for em, with the bits of evidence I've gathered.

Based on this post, topminds was whining that our hot page wasn't filled up with Charlotte crash stories. The op pinged s_c to make fun of him for "allowing" this to happen. When s_c foolishly responded, the op began "polite concern trolling" him on how he ran the sub, and allowed all the "trumptards" to take over.

It's pretty straightforward. I can't know exactly what the 403 errors we're, but it seems like s_c tried responding to the ping, but couldn't, because conspiracy mods we're banned, at first.

The first part of my answer is a straightforward reading of the thread. (I took a closer look after your invite). The second part is speculation, but it's a reasonable guess, based on the context of the post, ping, and following "conversation" (trolling)

I agree with you. The interesting information from that link is not some silly topminds plot, but the fact that S_C openly admitted there to deperming the entire mod team, something they have denied doing in this thread.

The post is dated from the 15th. There was never any question of if s_c took away their perms that time. The more recent incident is alot fuzzier, with leaving peyotl in place, but without perms. He wasn't demodded, but was temporarily froze out, for about 1/2 an hour.

Last I saw, S_C denied ever deperming the mod team in the first place.

That sounds like a mixup on your part. S_C even stickied a messy post about it when it happened. Feel free to show me something directly, if I'm wrong.

No it looks like you're right, I mixed up the AP perms issue with the earlier deperming of the whole team. Thank you.

You are literally a piece of shit for spreading these lies, are you the admin mole who made perm changes as if it were me, because you got pissed off for me calling you out?

You're fucking lying. Period.

So now you're saying you didn't remoce the permissions of your fellow moderators?

Yeah man it was an admin mole pretending to be S_C who did it come on this is as clear as day here people.

I'm pretty insulted by how stupid S_C et al clearly found all of us.

How does that taste, btw? Having the backwards logic it takes to make conspiracies fit your world view completely used against you? I bet it's pretty bitter...

It's like two Goldfish in one bowl, attacking one another over their secret relationship with the outside world.

And they can't even try to open their eyes to see it. They won't. They argue publicly to try to get group think support, because in their minds, people agreeing with you automatically makes you right!

I mean, it worked for the Nazis, for a while too, and they were the most successful group thinking fascists to date.

Are you retarded? This is a sub called conspiracy, do you know the meaning of conspiracy? If people had full proof it wouldn't be a conspiracy it would be full shut case, crime or whatever.

You ARE supposed to bring up outrageous theories and discuss these

A conspiracy doesn't mean it is disproven. It just means more than one person conspired to do something (and usually tried to hide it, though that is not required either)

Ironically, the reason why this misapprehension is so widespread is itself a conspiracy, and a confirmed on. After the JFK assassination, the CIA was worried about all the thinking that people were doing, and set out to intentionally discredit the term "conspiracy theory" and conflate it with wild and unproven, unprovable nonsense. It was pretty effective.

I just have to say, it's awesome to witness the conspiracy logic backfiring so completely on the user s_c. This logic right here, where you form a conclusion and find things you decide support that conclusion, with so much conviction, is what makes the drama here so completely entertaining.

If it were anyone else, that user would be on this lock and stock. That's what makes this so hilarious.

Do people really, honestly believe a sub is paid/being paid to give two shits about conspiracy subs? Is there any proof of this at all? Nope. Never was, but that has never stopped anyone here from believing, well, anything.

Seriously, it's just too rich. Almost like some of you are paid actors...

You know, I have never felt obliged to justify anything I have said or done to the lumps in the sewage sludge that is TMOR.

Why do YOU suppose Sarah_Connor felt obligated to justify the first failed coup attempt to these pernicious polyps?

Sarah_Connor: When I removed perms, ADMINS stepped in and basically threatened to take action if perms wernt put in place.

Moranall: No one was aware of this. That's not a good situation for you to be in.

So, someone from that sub did the /u/ thing to summon that person - something anyone can do, in any thread, with any user - and decided that was proof of some overarching conspiracy?

Stop. My sides. They can't take how absolutely hilarious and stupid that is.

User moranall posted a long history of the wtf of the actual shills, being whoever carpet bombs this place with ridiculous shit that is so blatantly pro Trump, and asked a mod why they let it go on.

The only way that equals collusion is by playing mental gymnastics and believing whatever the hell you want.

Talk to me when you actually have proof.

Proof isn't hard to find when you're right. It's super easy. A thing that can't be proved, by and large, isn't true.

I know, I know, you won't even consider for a second that you're wrong, as that would require less mental gymnastics and more facing the reality that it would mean you're wrong about a lot more...

You have got to be fucking joking me.

I attempted to point out how lame TMOR are for their brigading. Before your time even on reddit I called to literally openly ban every single mod and user of TMOR... that was before I decided to stop banning ppl and left it up to other mods,

I explained myself, you're just simply wrong.

You never even answered the question. Did you, or did you not, try to purge the mod team. By the looks of trying to remove mod powers, it looks like you did try but failed. Still haven't answered this question, we would appreciate an answer

You're surprised your power grab is being construed as a conspiracy, in a sub that goes out of its way to make up conspiracies to fit their perception?

That is hilarious.

Because, pointing to another sub as a rouser of rabbles in the drama you invited turning out to be used against you is hilarious.

Funny how the conspiracy thinking can work for or against you so completely. Almost as if when you don't require evidence, and believe things without evidence, you should expect the tide to turn on you.

In a thought pattern where all "opinions" are valid and making shit up is valid, yea, you may as well be working for that other sub, who some of you insist (really, you wish) is brigading and being paid instead of the simplest explanation: they really do just make fun of this kind of idiocy, because it's funny, and you're super easy - yet totally convicted - targets.

So, when did you accept a role with tmor to brigade and sabotage this sub? How much does Soros pay you?

What's good for the goose is so hilariously good for the gander, I would feel bad for you if only I could.

This is disturbing as hell. I'm curious to know how much effort went into this planning. If you're right, there's a legitimate war going on to prevent this sub from continuing to exist in its current form.

There's pretty clear evidence here that the war against rationalism and curiosity is escalating. It's unlikely to stop because of this failure. It will likely intensify. How are mods taking steps to prevent this in the future?

You're surprised your power grab is being construed as a conspiracy, in a sub that goes out of its way to make up conspiracies to fit their perception?

That is hilarious.

Because, pointing to another sub as a rouser of rabbles in the drama you invited turning out to be used against you is hilarious.

Funny how the conspiracy thinking can work for or against you so completely. Almost as if when you don't require evidence, and believe things without evidence, you should expect the ride to turn on you. In a thought pattern where all "opinions" are valid and making shit up is valid, yea, you may as well be working for that other sub, who you all insist is brigading and being paid instead of the simplest explanation: they really do just make fun of this kind of idiocy, because it's funny, and you're super easy - yet totally convicted - targets.

I literally quoted your comment, here it is again:

"I removed all mods except for axolotl as I had said that I would step down as my position of "top mod" (number two mod."

Both are lies, period.

What are those modmails supposed to prove? All of those are from before your failed coup attempt.

Is your post a violation of rule 10?

Guess bringing in contest mode and those TD users as mods didn't work out so well.

Yeah, that was pretty funny.

Def should have been posted on r/quityourbullshit

I agree. It's funny, how eager they are to delete everything from s_c and flytape.

I can't believe what we just saw. At this point, I'd be happy seeing the entire modlist get nuked into oblivion. They already handed the sub over. Might as well burn it down while we're at it.

They already handed the sub over.

In time you'll see how wrong you are.

Not likely. Your next step is "outing" axolotl as peyote_the_coyote, and then the takeover will be complete. Aama and you guys set up this whole farce, and the admins we're ready and eager to immediately accommodate.

Your next step is "outing" axolotl as peyote_the_coyote

I won't even bother responding to this idiocy but suffice to say that you couldn't be more off the mark. You literally have no clue what you're talking about, even after being presented with evidence.

I do have a clue. And aama should probably hurry up and delete his post history in r/drama, before people figure out how he "studied up" to figure out how to make this whole party go down.

I do have a clue.

I'm not trying to be a dick here but you really don't. Sarah Conner brought this entirely on himself.

Time will tell.

I know, I already told you it would. Cheers man.

Sarah Connor and Flytape were here long before anybody ever heard of the rest of you. I would rather have SC unilaterally nuking the mod team than see this sub taken over like so many before. The fact that you guys banned them so they couldn't tell their side speaks volumes.

Your account is 16 days old, sorry if I don't put much stock in anything you say regarding who was here long ago and who wasn't.

The fact that you guys banned them so they couldn't tell their side speaks volumes.

Sarah Connor isn't banned, he just got caught in a lie and hasn't been seen since. Flytape retired on his own volition and was banned for a few rule 10 violations same as anyone else would be. He hasn't appealed his ban at all in modmail so I doubt he really cares about being allowed to post here.

I've been on the sub in one form or another for 10 years. I can send you a screenshot of my original account if you like.

Well it would be kinda nice to know you aren't making it up but that's your call. I've been here for over 5 years on this account myself though.

I change accounts ever year. I'll pm you a pic of my first account when I get home.

Did you get my PM?

Yes I did and I appreciate the gesture.

Was it as I said?

peyotl is an alternate spelling of peyote.

half life 3...oh wait :(

Don't worry. I haven't screenshotted any evidence. But I'm sure some of your fellow mods have some saved up.

Good luck, S_C seems to only show up on reddit when it involves unilaterally deleting the other mods' permissions or failing in a coup attempt to take over the sub behind our backs.

I never saw this, and looking through their recent comments, I can't find anything like what you're describing. Can you link?


Ahaha ha. RISE!

Good rebuttal. It's funny seeing you flailing all through this thread calling us liars when there is evidence for everything we're saying. I especially like where you claimed Amos_Quito made perm changes "as if it were you". Fucking laughable. You should probably just stop.

I'm a mod here and would like to hear from that person as well .I keep sending them PM to talk and they won't respond.

I won't be able to respond in depth for the next two days, I have some personal iRL items that need my full attention.

They just got rid of the only two mods left from before the shill explosion. Now they want new rules. Won't be long until they add more mods.

This is the 4th time I've seen subs taken over in exactly the same way. This is not ok.

Bring back Sarah Connor and Flytape, then let them picj a new team.

If only shill explosion didn't mean "People who don't want to suck Trump's dick"

I'm not a Trump supporter.

Yet you parrot every single Trumpet talking point.

Yet you use words like Trumpet

What it looks like is that Flytape was part of an attempted coup. Flytape is openly partisan.

When someone who is openly partisan takes over a sub it's never good for that sub. What it looks like is that he wasn't content to share this sub with differing points of view, and tried to turn it into an echo chamber. Why else would you try and take over the sub through shifty tactics?

There are currently 8 mods who have openly expresses thwir aupport for Hillary, and not a single pro Trump mod.

There are currently 8 mods who have openly expresses thwir aupport for Hillary

Name them and provide whatever evidence you have. Screenshots or links would be appreciated.

Sorry, but there's no way I'm sending you a pic where my RES tags of the mods are visible, and neither am I going to dig through 9 months of comments from 8 users to find the comment that earned them that particular tag.

Take an internal poll and ask. Flytape was the last mod I had tagged TS, and there are still 8 HSes on the board.

TS? HSes?

Trump Supporter, Hillary supporter.

Ah, thanks.

trump supporter/hillary supporter

That's a bald claim you made so you either need to back it up or take it back. I don't think there are 8 "HSes" on the board at all, I think you made that up. The majority of the mods are didn't support either the republican or democratic candidate.

Well, nobody is requiring you to believe me. I believe me, and that's what matters to me.

I suspect that there are 4 mods who will admit they're in favor of the DNC, and 4 others who are but won't. The way I see it, I wouldn't have tagged them HS if they hadn't said something in support of Hillary.

Still, I get where you're coming from. I'm just some guy on the internet. I proved to you that I have a 10 year account, but you're right that I can't prove that 8 of the mods on this sub are Hillary supporters. All I have are my RES tags, which I trust, but you're of course under no obligation to.

The other problem we run into is Rule 4. I've had enough interaction with the mods to know that if I do start naming names and providing evidence I'll get banned ASAP.

And I suspect you're wrong considering you've provided no evidence or even reason why you think that. I am one of the mods, haven't supported either party for more than half a decade, and haven't really seen any of the other mods supporting one either (except for one who is no longer with us).

I've had enough interaction with the mods to know that if I do start naming names and providing evidence I'll get banned ASAP.

Rule 10 is for personal attacks. Making arguments based on evidence is allowed. In fact, you're closer to rule 10 right now making claims about the mods without any evidence at all than you would be if you'd said the same things while providing links/screenshots/an argument.

I'm not sure if I'm on your list, but for the record I voted for Trump, though more as a protest vote against Clinton and to throw a wrench in the system. I wouldn't say I'm a Trump supporter, but if I had to vote again, I probably would still vote Trump or possibly a third party, but certainly not Clinton.

Two mods, not 8. I have 8 mods tagged HS


Nope. Ask them, I just started this account, I don't need to get a ban for r4 or r10. I would guess that 4 of them will straight up tell you, the other 4 you'll have to dig for.

What's also concerning is that for a conspiracy sub, there's a surprisingly lack of mods who are against both of them, since they are both Rothschild puppets.

How is it a "coup" if s_c and flytape were already established here for years?

If there's a coup to be had, we just witnessed the takedown.

If nothing else, having s_c and flytape stay represented a continuation of the status quo. Now, we have the great (known) unknown ahead of us. The further homogenization of Reddit.

Pretty soon everywhere will be a pseudo-liberal echo chamber! Isn't that nice! Reddit admins tell me "Yes"!

Then why did the Admins step in?

Because aata coordinated with them to nuke, or at least gimp s_c out of the picture. And as you can see from the current mood list, "nuke" was the goal. Admins swooped right in, shortly after aata's immediate appeal to them. Sure, s_c played into the trap, but who do you blame for falling in a trap? The hunter, or the hunted?

They have linked to what happened MULTIPLE times. Either you are not looking at the facts, or are out here to cause drama.

They showed the undermods removed for 30 minutes, with axolotl still in place, as claimed. Taking away perms is temporary. If axolotl was removed from the list, his seniority would be reset. But it wasn't.

And they have also conveniently removed comments from flytape and s_c, which paint a very different picture. I've seen them, too. And the links. And the emails.

Ratting straight to the admins within minutes of the change, instead of attempting to sort it out quickly, is terrible judgement, at best.

Unless that's what he wanted to happen, of course.

So you are privy to information that no one else is to?

I saw the removed posts directly through their account pages, since I've been occasionally checking them for new developments. The rest is picked up from bits and pieces of the mods own comments, with a little of my own digging on outside subreddits and individual comment histories.

It's like my own personal r/conspiracy conspiracy. It's fun :) For now...

AATA did a small quick write up of the events and from confirmation of other mods what he wrote up is how it went down. As in AATA is telling the truth. So idk how you can see it any other way.

No offense here, really. But I blinked, and for a flashing moment, this is what I saw:

CNN did a small quick write up of the events and from confirmation of other media outlets what CNN wrote up is how it went down. As in CNN is telling the truth. So idk how you can see it any other way.

Pissgate is real!

But really... do you think at would be the only one?

I don't believe in pissgate, dunno why you bring that up. And I don't watch of follow CNN since before the Nancy Grace days.

History, victors.

What it looks like is that Flytape was part of an attempted coup.

It sure looks that way, doesn't it?

Flytape is openly partisan.

Ah, but looks can be deceiving.

What if I told you that there is strong evidence that the coup - attempted twice - was done in at the behest of or in collaboration with the Brigadier Generals at TopMindsofReddit?

TMOR is also "openly partisan", but they are NOT aligned with the party that Flytape embraced... or at least he claimed to embrace.

See here.

Where is the Flytape and TMOR collaboration you keep speaking off but keep feeling to provide examples of?

Where is this Flytape and TMOR collaboration you keep speaking of but keep failing to provide examples of?

Get it straight: My allegation, per this cite, is that Sarah_Connor was working in collaboration with TMOR.

It is clear that Flytape and DronePuppet were in collaboration with Sarah_Connor - as this shows:

I have seen no evidence of Flytape or Drone in DIRECT collaboration with TMOR (yet).

Have a nice day!

So....... Essentially almost a false flag operation?

To be totally honest there's probably far more that I don't know than I do know.

So the longest serving mod is gone? What a joke. Seriously. This is super frustrating.

There is a lot of drama here I don't know much about, but I do know that the Mods are doing jack shit about all the shills who hijack the top comment to every thread and get magically upvoted.

the Mods are doing jack shit about all the shills who hijack the top comment to every thread and get magically upvoted.

The mods don't see who is upvoting/downvoting any more than you do, so there is literally nothing the mods can do to stop a thread being hijacked by anti-conspiracy votes, short of taking a thread into contest mode (which disincentivises the shill-brigaders but doesn't stop them.)

If your entire purpose is to troll the sub, comment about how every conspiracy is bullshit and you get massive amounts of upvotes how the fuck is that not a violation of the rule attacking the sub.

Ban them so you can get this thing back to what it was before TPTB decided to take control of it, and pretty much have.

I've been really trying to follow this, but it's difficult without clearly understanding how modding works.

So can someone ELI5 who the good guys and bad guys are?

The bad guys are the admins. Always.

Always always? Is that because they are TPTB around here?

I know, I know - I should know this being in a conspiracy sub, but what's the admins agenda? This all just seems so meta and hasn't been a hole I really have an interest in diving down. But since I'm here anyway...

The admins are in charge of the business. The profit. The selling out, literally. Of pushing the agenda of their sponsors. They're not interested in free exchange of ideas. Community forums. They're paid employees, who only need to ensure there next paycheck.

First, I appreciate you taking the time to respond. I'd truly like to wrap my head around this enough to understand the opinions on the topic.

So bear with me, because these may sound like stupid questions - but apparently I'm an old geezer now who doesn't understand the way Reddit works, which sounds like might be an important thing to grasp in the big world of social media influence - especially in this sub.

Reddit has sponsors? I mean, I get they are a company who has to make money. And naively, I'm not really sure how much of social media makes its money (like Reddit and Twitter). I assumed Reddit made money by users simply buying gold, though I guess that wouldn't really pay the bills, let alone make millionaires. But I don't see many ads like Facebook - so I haven't a clue where the money actually comes from.

Which, is why I have a hard time understanding admins having an agenda, I guess. And when there are thousands of subs, how that agenda gets pushed?

I get we've gone wildly off topic, but since we're here maybe you can help me learn a little more about why we're damning The Man?

The product is you. Me. And they sell us to whoever wants to influence us. And if they need to remove mods to better influence us, they'll do it. They just did.

Ahhh, okay. So you're saying people pay to get on here as users and influence other users. And that admins are completely aware of this (and support it).

THAT claim makes sense (I'm not being sarcastic). In fact, I think I remember people posting actual evidence of this but I just kinda dismissed it without digging into it.

Fuck, that's dark. I think I was happier thinking this was just a big fancy message board where people were connecting with one another. And "shills" and the like were just outside interests being paid by other companies to push agendas. I never imagined Reddit was actually in on it. In fact, I know I was happier thinking that. Red pills taste bad.

But! I now have a much clearer understanding of what people are talking about now. Thanks!

The mod team has posted a full update here.

this is a joke. people like you are ruining the internet, truly. this disgusts me.

Fuck the internet


The product is you. Me. And they sell us to whoever wants to influence us. And if they need to remove mods to better influence us, they'll do it. They just did.

I don't reckon you could post a single comment/post permalink that would support your contention that any of the /r/conspiracy mods are "Hillary supporters". And this has nothing to do with politics per se - it is widely accepted that the Clintons are protected figureheads of Deep State organised criminality.

Notice both Sabremesh and Ambiquously_Ironic both flat out deny any of the mods here have voted for Hillary...

And then Sabremesh backtracks and says "there would be two current mods who would have voted for Hillary" after you catch them out.