Because he is a professional moderator of 90+ subreddits I do not think it is in the best interest of this subreddit for AssuredlyAThrowaway to be moderating here. I think he should be removed as a moderator immediately.

0  2017-09-01 by sudo-tleilaxu



He's also in voat's conspiracy subreddit too.

There is just no way that someone can effectively moderate that many subreddits. This subreddit should only employ dedicated moderators who can be a full-time moderator of this subreddit. I have always felt this way about this sub's selection of mods. If they also moderate other conspiracy related subreddits I am OK with that.

"Professional," suggests he is paid, is that what you are suggesting?

In this case "professional" is a euphemism. I am sorry, 90+ subs to moderate suggests something other than being able to dedicate one's self to just this subreddit.

Maybe he just likes to be popular, like people who join dozens of clubs.

You have a great point. It's why he can leave, one less subreddit in his personal little trophy case is not going to hurt him, and this sub can function just fine without reddit power-mods, who should not be moderating this sub in particular.

So do you have any fault with his mod work here? Still pissed that Fly is gone? So you want AATA gone? Isn't that kind of petty?

Actually I am not opposed to Flytape being gone at all. I feel he was being sneaky and manipulative with his stealth pro-Trump gaming of the sub and his unadmitted agenda.

Is he on the payroll?

90+ subs to moderate is a "professional" mod. It suggests that being a "power-mod" is more important to him than being an effective moderator of this subreddit. 90+ subs suggests an agenda that this subreddit can do without.

Surprised it took this long for people to catch on. It's something I pointed out years ago. Notice how /r/WikiLeaks had a user/mod upheaval which resulted in him landing a spot on the mod list there, too. Like a snake, weaving his way into every position of internet authority imaginable. Paul Blart, Internet Cop.

Notice how /r/WikiLeaks had a user/mod upheaval which resulted in him landing a spot on the mod list there, too.

Yeah, funny that huh?

Why do I feel like this is an extension of liberals trying to remove everything they don't agree with from the world?

He will be just fine moderating his other 90+ subreddits, and we will be fine without power-mods.

You don't deny his implication? Interesting.

Oh fuck off with your trying to paint me as being part of The Divided.

and fuck off with your attempt to derail this into a political pissing match.

and for the 50th time on the record, I am a Bernie Sanders guy who would never vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

This thread is not going the way I had planned. I'm sure to win everyone over to my way of thinking by being overly dramatic and emotional!

The only person with an unstated plan for this thread is you. I am not lying or hiding what my thoughts about un-elected, un-nominated, full-time professional reddit mods moderating this sub are at all.

How long have you been in this sub? Clearly not even long enough to remember when he joined as mod. He's done some great things for this sub and others, mainly keeping them transparent and accountable. Your nefarious agenda won't work. Give it up.

My agenda is not nefarious. I remember when he used to be a mod here. He also stepped down as a mod, in part because of the optics and because of previously stated concerns about power-mods and having mods in this sub who are moderating a lot of other subs. My concern is not a new one, and my guess is that you know this, but are just applying some selective memory to make your point.

You have to state what you believe is so nefarious about my agenda in your mind, I am sure it will be some fascinating reading.

Why was he initially added?

Just so I'm clear, you just woke up one morning, decided to stalk the mods, take a count of how many subreddits each one was a mod of and attack the one that had more than...some limit that you came up with?

Is there a particular reason you're attacking this person?

Did they direct a negative comment towards you or the sub?

Is there something in their comment history that suggests they aren't positively contributing this this sub?

You don't seem to moderate any sub-reddits, what is your experience based on?

Is there something in the modlog that suggests this person should be convicted of this crime of yours?

Should we get a special prosecutor to look into this for you?

Why would you arbitrarily try to impact another person's life in a negative way that you don't know and has never interacted with you?

Why is your comment history full of insults and telling people to fuck off? What is your contribution to this sub?

I guess you did not read the text that was part of my submission?

Are you just being obtuse so you can argue?

You are trying to change the subject and make it about me, and trying to derail the discussion. Yet, somehow you think you are so smart that you can do this to someone who has been here since the sub was created.

It's not about me, and you know that.

I'm honestly not sure. Why do you feel like that?

Removed. Rule 10

Yeah, whatever dude.

This is a legit discussion and some of your fellow mods know that it is.

Who voted him in as a mod? was he nominated by anyone?

I think you should ask /u/axolotl_peyotl if this post, in it's context, should be removed. I have been in this sub since the beginning and my concerns about "professional" moderators like /u/assuredlyathrowaway have been known. i have stated this before.

Are people suddenly afraid to have transparent discussions with the community here??

Wow, what the fuck is going on with this place?

Remember when the /r/C_S_T guys were plugging their sub here, like it's the more evolved version of /r/conspiracy? Remember when Flytape was a mod there? Remember when they pulled a shady April Fools joke with JamesColesPardon, Celine_Hagbard and Flytape, where it seemed like Flytape was sock puppeting? Now Flytape is gone and those C_S_T mods are mods here, and boy are they doing some hefty moderating. I'd almost say the takeover was planned and in progress for a while.

axolotl is the only one who actually posts conspiracy stuff on the regular.

Only /u/orangutan has more RES points for me than /u/axolotl_peyotl, so I have a lot of respect for him and very often agree with and like his contributions.

I remember that April Fool's I guess I never thought about what you are saying because I was always in this sub, and thought that the /r/C_S_T guys were being a bit snobbish and sort of indirectly throwing shade on this sub. I went there a couple times, liked some of the stuff there, but it was just a little too slow, as all newly created subs tend to be. I have seen a LOT of spin-offs of this sub from disaffected users over the years, and they all die off eventually.

I just like to stick with this place, for good or for ill. It's the first place I check in the morning after my Tor relay and system logs.

Unchecked power? Check!

You have a great point. It's why he can leave, one less subreddit in his personal little trophy case is not going to hurt him, and this sub can function just fine without reddit power-mods, who should not be moderating this sub in particular.