What are people's thoughts about having an un-nominated, un-elected, un-discussed, full-time professional reddit moderator being appointed to the mod team with no community input?

207  2017-09-01 by sudo-tleilaxu

Not to attack the sub or name names, as that would likely get my submission deleted again. But I think, in the interest of transparency, we should get an explanation and rationale as to how this happened here?

I have been here since this sub started, a lot of you know me and a lot of the moderators have known me for years. I know the rules here and I like this sub and have always tried to have it's interests at heart. So I am not being malicious with this question.

I am concerned with what is going on here and un-elected, un-nominated, full-time reddit power mods are not a good sign. It is a backward step and a horrible precedent.


Why does your post history only go back 1 month?

Because I regularly wipe it with a secure-delete script.

I think people often use a person's post history as a way to skirt the issue at hand and not address the issue. If you are delving that far back in someone's history you are more than likely looking for some ammunition to attack me, the messenger, and not address my concerns about un-elected, un-nominated, un-discussed full-time redddit power mods coming in to moderate this sub. I guess I was hoping you would just address the issue and discuss your thoughts about my concern.

Thanks for the downvote for asking a question.

I did not downvote you. I am what is known as a "serial upvoter" on one of those reddit profile pages..(can't remember the specific one atm)

Here's the script for anyone who wants it. It's set to 7 days by default but you can change it by editing the 7 in line 12.

const age = 7;

It runs automatically when you load your profile page.

Thanks for this

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2000, thing_id, from_delete_all);
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DELETE ' + unsafeWindow.num_user_comments + ' visible 
comment(s) on this page.'));

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You don't think that a community on one of the most popular social media sites would go unmolested by the very people this sub talks about? Too obvious.

It was a slow boil. We have resisted for a long time, they couldn't come right after r/conspiacy immediately after they had co-opted r/politics, r/wikileaks, and shut down r/pizzagate. Too many refugees fled here. But that has worked to their advantage. Slowly, but surely, they have turned up the heat. The shitposting shills have taken a noticeable leap in activity in the last 3 days alone...taking "advantage" of the mod drama...and now we are all congregated here, with nowhere else to go but the depths of the chans and scattered forum communities. To all the real ones- stay and fight. Fuck the shills, read through /new, and sort by controversial. Wear the downvotes with pride. Because there is nowhere else at this point, no place as large or coordinated. If we lost here, they have broken a major line of resistance.

You bring up a good point, sir. The important thing is that the ones who know will see through anything happening in the physical world and be able to work against it. It won't be as coordinated but I think enough will know. Better than going down without a sound.

amazon.ad.system andGoogle-Analytics.com are tapped in to everyone who enters here also.

I'm not leaving. You can tell which posts are the shitposts and which ones are good content made by the community. You just have to wade through more bs now, like the rest of Reddit really. Like you said go to the new section. I used to never do it either, but I have started to find some really good posts there stuck at 0 points.

Regarding the new que- I was exactly the same. In the last week I've had some of the best conversations I've ever experienced in r/conspiracy by checking /new and being one of the first to engage. It's one of the ways to fight the shills. Jump in when the thread is young to stop the immediate derailing. Sometimes they'll abandon commenting and just keep downvoting it instead, which is a minor victory imo.

I agree. The first comments really guide the conversation so it's one of those cheesy things where if we all came together as a sub and spent time in the new section, we'd have more control over the sub than the shills ever could. The minor victories will have to do for now haha.

I like simple action steps. Yours are good. I've always sorted by new first.

SUGGESTION: Here's Something to share with new users -- maybe something like it will even make it to the sidebar:

"...welcome, new-ish participant to r/conspiracy. I see by your comments your account is new and/or you haven't been here a lot recently.

The results of a flame-skirmish on content, purpose and netiquette in this sub move some of us to make the following recommendations:

  • Sort and view the sub by "new" to see everything

  • sort by "controversial" to know where opinions are wide and haven't settled yet.

  • Don't hesitate to comment early on something meaningful to you - it sets the tone to something of interest to you and gets dialog going

  • Focus on the content and not the commenter

Glad you're here; the more the merrier (when the more are merry)"


May I recommend /r/conspiracyundone to you? It is founded by a trusted member from this community who is trying to a different approach in regards to tolerating trolling attempts.

"We". Never, ever, associate me with you or any of your ilk again please. Also, fuck the shills? Irony.

You calling me a shill? Is that what you consider ironic? And if you don't want to be associated with my "we" then don't be. Those who I was referencing know who they are, you're definitely not one of them lol. Why so angry?

Not angry. Just pointing out the obvious and disavowing your kind.

What is "my kind"? Do you disagree with my politics? Because I'm from the Left? Because I believe pizzagate? Because I was one of said refugees, who has come to love this sub so much? Elaborate friend, I am not a shill, but I would really like to understand your comment better.

What makes you believe in pizzagate friend?

Aside from the very beginning with the strange emails? The instagram pages. The bands and their art. The Art For Embassies program which has HRC, Alefantis, John Kerry, and a Rothschild on its board, which can transfer bulk "art" without being checked by customs. The logos of places like Besta pizza. The all out attack on any and all parts of the investigation. The scrubbing of the wiki. The scrubbing of r/pizzagate. The creation of the term "Fake News" at exactly the time pizzagate began trending. The silencing of Ben Swann. The Dutroux Affair, the Franklin Scandal, Dennis Hastert. There is much surrounding this entire thing that makes me and many others believe friend.


What is so funny friend?

Nah, I figured that's what you were doing. I was just giving you the benefit of the doubt. How about instead of acting like a child and ridiculing as your immediate response, you actually provide a counter argument? Can you even do that? Or is it laughable that I even ask you for a proper response? Why even post a comment like yours?

Edit- ya know, since you commented simultaneously on my comments in 2 separate threads about pizzagate. I copied this response over to help you out a bit. Wouldn't want you getting confused.

How exactly did what he say advance conversation at all? I like how if you report a comment, they immediately give you the choice to unsubscribe from r/conspiracy. That option alone seems very out of place. Tempting, but I'm sure that's what they want, really.

Removed. Rule 5.

don't care, doesn't affect me, and appreciate their time invested

Thanks. That's all I am looking for, an honest answer. I know my opinion is not Universal Law, but with all the gamesmanship when it comes to upvotes and downvotes, it is sometimes better to hear what people actually think on an issue rather than how bots, alts, sockpuppets and brigades vote on a given issue.

you are welcome



for your own record, i also do not play the vote game - thanks for your reply

It was going to happen imo given the topic of of this subreddit--but I am deeply disturbed by the live attack attack on freedom of speech that has been and is occurring.

It's actually gotten worse in the last 72 hours. I'm beginning to fear the worse.

I'm beginning to fear the worst for the sub.

I hope you don't let it get to you. This is only the internet. In many ways, it is not even 'real' - even though many of us seem to have convinced ourselves otherwise.

Back when I first saw this happen to r/politics and r/wikileaks, and watched r/pizzagate get scrubbed, I did. But with time I have come to accept these things. I know that as they push us off the the Internet forums we must advance the battle to real life, talking to friends and family and never giving up the fight. But I am beginning to worry about the health of r/conspiracy in general. We seem to be well into step 2 of the program, where the shills start flooding in after step 1, Mod shake ups. But r/conspiracy is different, it's got a very strong, critically minded community, and has resisted longer than any other sub its' size on Reddit. The battle can still be won, imo it's not over until we get official ban lists and comment sections getting nuked.

But r/conspiracy is different, it's got a very strong, critically minded community,

What does 'critically minded' mean to you? I still come here because I occasionally find nuggets of gold, but they are few and far between. Most regular users of this sub have not been trained in critical thinking. That is not what school is for.

To me it means there can still be good conversation had. It is an amorphous term, to be sure, since most wont agree on one definition of critical thinking. But I can still come here and find good conversation on the Occult, Magick in general, Princess Di, machinations of the Deep State on both sides of the political aisle, things like that. Browsing /new is pretty nice for finding good discussion.

I agree, school for the common citizen is not designed for critical thinking, it is made to create obedient cogs in the machine of capitalistic society. Yet the elites still learn the Trivium at the Ivy Leagues- Logic, Rhetoric, Grammar. These help to produce critical thinking. For me, critical thought also begins with questioning everything, especially authority, which must be taught at home as much as at school.

No worries. Ever since I saw it I have been doing my bit to spread it on this sub and elsewhere. JTG knows his stuff.

I believe there are obviously a lot of shenanigans going on. LOTS of manipulation.

I don't mind. This was one of the most heavily moderated subs before the moderator overhaul. There were a lot of people with agendas with a lot of power to stifle opinions.

As long as we don't see the same level of egregious moderating, I am fine with this.

I am sort of taking the "wait and see" attitude also. My primary concern before was just the sheer amount of repetitive, agenda-driven political slap fighting on the front page and in the comment sections. It was not even really looking like a conspiracy sub.

I think it is going to take a bit of time and effort to clean up the battlefield that the shills left behind here.

That said, I am still not a big fan of career power-mods being on the mod team. This would get many sideways glances here in earlier days. Now with all the gamemanship, it is hard to rely on how the voting plays out on a given issue. Voting on reddit has become almost completely unreliable these days.

It means it's bought and paid for and if you don't tow the party line, well you know.

I don't like it and honestly we should migrate to a new platform.

Empeopled is cool, I go there from time to time. It is kind of similar in a way to steem, but more laid back and less in your face.


Any suggestions? I'm seriously asking. The time seems to be coming very soon.

The time probably came a long time ago.

Like I said I like Empeopled, and STEEM is cool, too. There are loads of places where you can talk about "conspiracy" stuff, though. You don't need to post on a gigantic behemoth of a social platform to make a difference of some kind, just be active on multiple communities-that's what I do.

The fact that other mods don't even question it, or turn a blind eye to it, is quite telling. They know their user base by now. They know every attentive user will see that as a red flag. Yet....business as usual.

No, they paralyze themselves with having to have a discussion about how "the team" should respond to the issue.

And then it seems they actively avoid having the discussion to purposefully prevent any resolution. What a diverse world we live in that there are people such as that, I don't wonder how they sleep at night; there are plenty of things you can take to ignore reality.

Most of the critical thinkers have moved on from here.

As far as here on reddit, start with the smaller subs in the sidebar and check the comment history of posters you like to find the decent subs remaining.

Pretty blatant what's going on. Their minions messed up, so the admins had to send in one of their own.

Everything's corrupt. Get your shit together and make a real difference.

Step 1: UNPLUG.

I just always assumed that all the subs on the top ~50 are directly controlled by reddit admins and their pet mods.

The circle of mods that runs the entire site.
The circle of mods that can push a message in every sub. Just. Like. Now.

We have the same mods that we had pre-coup minus the plotters.

Who are you referring to?

YOU are the plotters. Keep playing dumb.

That's not a nice thing to say.

What you're doing to this sub is not a nice thing to do.

That's subjective.

LOOK EVERYBODY! I accuse a mod of purposefully staging a coup to destroy the subreddit and HE DOESN'T EVEN DENY IT.

/u/jamescolepardon is the mod that denies the mods of this sub have a private chat channel - after it has been mentioned numerous times by various moderators over the years.

OP are you an ex mods alternate account??

There has been a culture among them for as long as I can remember, a mindset of superiority over users. Because of this built-in sense of power that permeates in the moderator community, and among the admin community and the commercial sales community, and among the IT Community, the code-level community, the network admin community. Everyone thinks they understand things better than the other. It is this built-in sense of competition instead of cooperation that limits the way someone understands how self-limiting that can be. I left moderating years ago and knew I would never go back among them. My days among them has been over for a number of years, and that is all by my own choice.

This sub is done. Too many red pills were dropping here. The left is unrelenting on their attack on information. This sub is doomed.

Why that would be complete, total unmitigated BullShit....and what could be the excuse for this appointment, this installation of unknown foreign matter to oversee our conversations of that which the purveyors of the narrative, the MSM and controlled news outlets would get beaten senseless by their masters for uttering a word of truth?

Indeed, a chance for outside interests to gate keep the flow of thought and conversation. Banning and deletions for the most petty of reasons.

Who would be the one to place this mystery mod and why would they even allow it? UN-FUCKING-ACCEPTABLE.

Why that would be complete, total unmitigated BullShit....and what could be the excuse for this appointment, this installation of unknown foreign matter to oversee our conversations of that which the purveyors of the narrative, the MSM and controlled news outlets would get beaten senseless by their masters for uttering a word of truth?

Indeed, a chance for outside interests to gate keep the flow of thought and conversation. Banning and deletions for the most petty of reasons.

Who would be the one to place this mystery mod and why would they even allow it? UN-FUCKING-ACCEPTABLE.

There is a bit of confusion here. There have been a number of mod departures and reinstatements in the last month but there have been no NEW members appointed to the mod team since the start of this year. AssuredlyAThrowAway (since that is who you are referring to) has been a mod here for a couple of years.

To be clear, when they say 'full time professional mod', there is no suggestion that any of the mods are paid for what they do here. Right?

No one on the conspiracy mod team is paid to moderate this subreddit.

Of course not. That would be.. well a down right conspiracy. /s

...by you.


It appears that is being suggested, and as far as I know, that is incorrect. I don't know any the other mods in real life - I don't even know their names, so you'd need to ask each of them.

Speaking for myself, I have always just been an ordinary reddit user. I have never been paid by reddit or anybody else for my time here.

No, that is not what I am saying, "professional" is a purely euphemistic, rhetorical term. I think people are either being obtuse or have not read my previous comments ITT.

Here is a post from /u/AssuredlyAThrowAway made on this subreddit from the user that moderators 92 subs. (To be clear a lot of them are not very populated subreddits.)

Hmm, where do I start.

I guess this account started because /u/hueypreist and /u/kn0thing pissed me off one time after I was fighting with /u/drunken_economist over some petty bullshit.

We'll skip the details on both sides please. Don't go there and I won't either.

Anyway, so I saw a reddit back in 2011 (when I made this account) that was fucked six ways from Sunday.

Mods had complete free reign to do whatever they wanted (mass banning users from 100's of subs for having a view with which the mod disagreed, censoring topics, manipulating the hot queue to make sure only "certain" stores got to /r/all (this was really bad with the I/P conflict in particular. Only on the fucking Hasbara side. And don't tell me shit about anti-semitism, I'm Jewish.)

Anyway, I embarked on a bit of a project I guess; to bring about a cogent understanding of the reddit power structure in the minds of it's userbase.

I felt that if I set that as an end goal, I could remedy the problems with regards to evil elements manipulating the free flow of information behind the backs of regular users.

Of course, the admins fought me at every turn.

Making it harder and harder to track removals by changing the way comment's work so that when a mod delete's a comment with no "child comments" the deletion does not even appear in the thread. You can only discern the amount of comment deletions by virtue of looking at the total number of comments listed at the top of the string, and comparing it to the number of comments rendered in the thread.

Things like this are but a small microcosm of the shit the admins tried to pull to thrawrt what I was going for.

When things got really bad on the site itself (aka, I had no moves left to play); I decided the only option was to bring in the press.

So I started seeding contacts across all major newspapers and online publications and began using printed media to act as an external check on mod behavior.

I did this because I felt the mod power structure on reddit was in desperate need of reform.

I feel bad about some of the people I hurt by my behavior; because I inculcated an ethos whereby users eat mods alive for the slightest transgression.

There are good people in the reddit meta and in control of the site, who stay silent only because they need to feed their families. The ethical indiscretions of their counterparts must not blind us as we approach a dialectical solution to reddit's most pressing problem.

So, when even I say "remember the human", please do it.

This is a community for friends, where information can engender the will of the human spirit in the annals of public consciousness.

Don't fuck with that. Because I'm watching. Always and forever.


Just posting so we have a bit of backstory here.

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The fix is in. Skanky skippy, or spaz, spit, what's his name was already caught re-handed and admitted altering posts.

It's a shithole.

I am saddened, but unsurprised.

Reddit has literally become a propaganda outlet.

Very telling that not a single one of the mod team has really expressed their own thoughts on the issue. Not allowed I suppose, can get kicked off the mod team if you break out of lock-step silence. Truly a created culture of "order-followers" straight out of a Mark Passio nightmare.

LOL yeah, there's a reason I didn't get chosen for the mod team last time they held elections and I won the vote count by a wide margin. They instead went with the #3 and #4 most upvoted people. The whole election was a sham. That's when it became super obvious that this sub is compromised too. I've got to give it to them though, they do a great job hiding it

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I'm beginning to fear the worst for the sub.

I hope you don't let it get to you. This is only the internet. In many ways, it is not even 'real' - even though many of us seem to have convinced ourselves otherwise.