When Google demonetizes YouTube pages, they are financially attacking the owner of the channel to suppress them.

389  2017-09-01 by LightBringerFlex

One of the most common weapons of the cabal has been to restrict cash flow to disloyal slaves. It's always a different process but this time around, they created some fake Nazi issue in modern day America and used that excuse to financially attack truth tellers across youtube. (I think even a Ron Paul account was hit.) This Trillionaire organization grew out of the rigged economic system of capitalism and is being used as a weapon to suppress the truth and offer lies instead in order to fool the masses.

In the old days, the Barbarians would bash disloyal slaves over the head with a club. Today, Barbarians use money to bash disloyal slaves over the head.

Many people think Google earned all those Trillions from hard work but these things are never made in a garage as they claim. High powered bankers and cabal members arrange these giant companies and give them over to some young family member to operate and then they claim that they deserve all those Trillions because they have done SO much good to society when in reality, this highly overpowered Company is using shady 1984 Orewellian tactics to suppress mankind. They are treating this country like an old Totalitarian state like the Stalin era of the USSR on one hand while lying to the people about how "free" and "democratic" the United States is.

These are the things we have to consider because, without a max wage law, the deep state can harvest the whole planet and leave nothing for the 99.9% and then, when they do harvest the planet, they can bash the starving, disloyal slaves in order to keep them in check. Some slaves will remain defiant, others will fall in line.

Edit: Just to clarify, I am talking about Google suppressing friendly channels they call fake news such as the Ron Paul channel or other conspiracy style channels. I'm sure the whole world would be OK with the shutting down channels like ElsaGate or ISIS or a KKK recruitment channel but they keep those up other than shutting down a few for show. What Google did was use the 8/23 false flag event in Charlottsville as an excuse to shut down legitamite sites while claiming to "intend" to shut down hate sites. This is all 4D chess stuff. They had this all planned out and now they are demonetizing legitimate conspiracy style sites to suppress the truth. They could care less about Elsagate sites or Nazi sites. In fact, they love those sites because Google is weaponized and owned by the deep state.


Will it also be financial supression if they start banning elsagate channels?

No because there is a genuine reason to ban Elsagate. That channel is a mix of pedo, MK ultra, and trademark violation channel.

Banning channels is needed on extreme channels but they are trying to ban genuine channels by calling them "fake news".

YouTube doesn't guarantee free speech sorry

The game is rigged and its giving these dark entities too much power over our lives. They print money, create massive companies like youtube, get us to all use it, and then they weaponize these companies against us.

I really don't care if youtube guarantees free speech or not. I care that this system is reworked so that we don't have to depend on some Satan worshipping pedophile at the top of youtube to decide if we should have free speech or propoganda. Media is weaponized as a mind control weapon and this has to be fixed by us instead of expecting a corrupt government to fix itself.

have you considered anti-paranoia treatment?

I'm surprised to hear a question like that in a sub like this.

If you still think the world is the dandy place you imagine it to be, spend more time on this sub and you will learn the truth. I wouldn't believe what MSM is spewing at you. They make it seem like everything is rosy because they don't want to alert the public.

I don't think the world is a dandy place, but i also don't think that a "satan worshipping pedophile" is at the top of youtube.

I understand its hard to believe, and I was surprised myself, but the cabal's religion is Satanism. Pedophilia is a huge part of Satanism. When they claim to be Christians, Muslims, and Jews, they are lying. Some are legit but the black hats are mostly Satanists.

May i ask what convinced you? You mention Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Do Buddhists, Hindus, and other major religions also center on pedophilia and satanism? Or is this simply a western issue?

The intel first started leaking out during the Podesta email leaks of 2016. Ever since then, there has been an ocean of evidence pointing to them being Satanists. The Talmud is essentially their evil holy text.

The entire planet and every agency is currently divided between white hat and black hat functions and all these functions are at war with each other. All religions including some buddhists are effected. The Asians are dominated by the White Dragon Society which is a half good, half bad faction. I'm not sure if any of their members are Satanists though.

The entire Catholic Heirschy especially in Rome, the Saudi Arabian elite, the Israeli elite, the American elite, the U.K. Elite, the very popular Christian preachers, and others have entire black hat Satanists factions within them. The west is dominated by the House of Rothschild and the House of Rockafellar which are completely evil factions.

There is a lot to it. For us, Satanism is silly but to them it's dead serious.

So it's based on made up code words from 4chan larpers and now you know entirely how the world works? Dude

The Satanism stuff is leaking in from everywhere. Many sources. It is everyone's personal choice whether to believe or not to believe it. You are free to not believe it if you wish.

"you know it, I know it, everybody knows it"

Funnily enough, it's MORE than obvious, if you ask me...


The funny thing is, does it really matter? People believe in a holographic universe...Good and evil really could be seen as irrelevant, because they are a figment of imagination. Indeed, not that individuals don't have a choice, just that there's not much choice when it comes to the good/evil as a whole.

Me, I would rather err on the side of not being a shitty person, but God is evil, so why should dark imagery be scary? God is the ultimate decider of the existence of evil, and even an atheist could believe that at the very least the collective unconscious will revolt at some point. Some shit just don't fly...

Or maybe evil doesn't exist outside of the matrix and we are here to see what ungodliness looks like so we can later use it as a comparison point to good.

Well, that's the interesting thing. If you believe in life after death, in any fashion, you have to then believe that death is thus an illusion. A difficult one to grasp fundamentally, because for some reason it just hurts in a way to think of it like that. But that doesn't mean LIFE is an illusion.

People with OBEs report the whole "tether" idea, and one video on Youtube of a Virgin Mary sighting shows her literally attached to a tether going into the atmosphere. Seriously, the crowd reaction kinda sells this one, and I'm a skeptical bastard.


Sometimes, I think people use ideas like objectivism or "the matrix" or likewise to justify shitty behavior..."this isn't real" or "there's nothing outside yourself" mentality. But I'd say there is a large breadth between somebody who is flippant towards their own mortality and somebody looking to gain advantage of others.

Yeah, I think many conspiracies involving satanic or occult leadership within our government or corporations will be scrutinized or minimized as ramblings of paranoid individuals. Honestly, I'm not sure who to believe but I'm now becoming very skeptical in general. There's so much propaganda that it makes me question the motives of anyone spreading the so called truth. I'm not necessarily aligned with a particular conspiracy "group", but I can't help but notice the satanic messages in the media and the alleged parallels of pedophilia in our government.

You apologists are disgusting

They can ban anything they want, Clark.

And that is the problem. Too much power consolidated in the hands of the few most evil people on Earth.

Don't worry we lower taxes on the rich and it will trickle down... Any day now.......

I always wondered if people actually believed this nonsense?

Are you a Trump supporter?

Ya but I was a democrat my whole life. This seems like a Republican belief.

I think the beleif is that if they have more money thwy can hire more ppl.

Basically tye right wing version of the lefts "free trade" (give rich ppl more power and money and u might get some too)

Ya, I just could never fathom how people could be so shortsighted. They let these corporations plant themselves in all of our major cities and milk our cash. I don't even believe in money but I'd rather see millions of local businesses owned by all kinds of people rather than a few who own it all.

Free trade is part of the right wing economic paradigm "neoliberalism".

Wait, what? You know Trump wants to lower taxes on the rich, right?

Trump is playing way too much chess for me to understand him but I think all will be known soon. Even if he turns out to be deep state, we will remove them all from power.

Why do you attribute stupidity and incompetence to "chess moves"? I'm just so intrigued by how someone could continue to be bamboozled by such an obvious conman as Trump. I should also note that your second sentence makes no sense at all.

I lost faith in Trump and regained it because of what the insiders are saying. It's very complicated but I'm back on the trump train for now.

I was saying that we the people can remove the deep state from power so if trump was deep state, he would be booted. We just aren't adept at doing this so it's like riding a bike for the first time. Give trump until end of year. We should find out a lot more about the truth this year hopefully soon.

Sounds like you lost faith in Trump due to his actions, and gained it again due to what "insiders are saying." Are those insiders interests aligned with keeping Trump in power regardless of what is true, and is that interest aligned with you interest?

IMO you should trust your instincts the insiders are going to bat for Trump until the last rat jumps off the sinking ship.

Its very confusing for sure. I can't really explain all the details but I think we will know by December max. There are a lot of moving parts ATM.

Trump is not playing chess. He didn't go to a state in response to a disaster and start boasting about the turn out because he's playing some kind of genius power move or scheme. That's just who he is.

I know I'll get downvoted for saying this, but then it is YOUR responsibility to STOP USING YOUTUBE!

You can't cry about it then post youtube links. Support these creators on their other platforms and HELP those platforms grow.

Want to defeat YouTube, grow it's competition.

That is one way to look at it. Another way to think of it is that Youtube belongs to all of us and we should all make the rules, not just some black hat puppet. I personally believe we all own everything together but that's just me.

0 percent of YouTube belongs to you, that's like NBC pulling a controversial show and you complaining that the station belongs to you.

It's a corporation.they can pay who they want.

The whole game is rigged. The cabal and their associates own everything of value while we pay for it. We need to unrig this game and make a fair one to replace it.

You mean someone else needs to. Someone with lots of money who sees value in pushing a message because YouTube isn't about making money because they lose money.

YouTube is build mostly upon the technology of government and nonprofits. Google comes in and buys it (and buys AdSense too) and now it's private property and free speech be damned.

Only one solution: Regulation.

when something is created it belongs to everyone.

only those who seek personal benefit would claim that it belongs to them.

I'm not sure if you are being serious or sarcastic?

You're not sure of much of anything

User name checks out lmao

is that funny to you?

The "lmao" would indicate that, yes.

So, when babies are made they belong to everyone? Sounds like something Podesta would say. /s

A tiny percentage of YouTube belongs to me, since I own stock in Google. But I support YouTube exercising its free-market rights to choose how to operate its business, a la Ron Paul.

Bruh I'm a fucking communist too but that doesn't change the reality of the situation. YouTube is a private business and they are under zero obligation to pay for server space to host content that they find objectionable. People who are taken off of YouTube have a number of other platforms they can go to, or they can make their own. This is the reality of free speech in our free market economy.

Once the means of production have been seized and we actually own YouTube, it would be good to regulate it to a high standard that ensures open and honest access to the platform. But until then, they're going to play to their advertisers, and the advertisers don't want their ads supporting far right nationalists or other undesirables.

In ommunism, the government owns everything. In sacred economics, the people own everything.

The secret the changing reality is for all of us to change our belief system. The most optimal belief system is the correct one and so we have to keep raising the bar until we get there. As of now, I believe we all own everything including google. When enough people do this, natural domino effects are unleashed to match our belief system. It's very complicated stuff but that's how it works. The elite hold their power when we concent to their rules. Once the concent is removed and a new, more noble, belief system replaces it, then that new belief system eventually becomes a reality. This has been actually happening for a while now. We may potentially enter into a new age soon. The old system is falling apart before our eyes because it is based on false beliefs. Any system based on false beliefs will end up falling apart.

Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit. You know I quite frankly find it pathetic that THIS, of all things, is what you do with your free time: hating on some random post on the fucking Internet. Honestly get a life. And don't call me a hypocrite for doing the same because I actually have a life. I have several friends with whom I entrust my life and I get laid semi daily and have the sort of sex life fat fucks the likes of yourself would only dream of, not to even mention my genius iq of over 200. Seriously just get off the Internet.

Bravo. You sound like a well accomplished human being.

Um, did he edit his comment or did you reply to the wrong thing or what?

Its just a copy pasta

Removed. Rule 10.

Warning, further violations may result in a ban.

Lol mod can't pick out a copypasta from someone actually mad, gg

Communism doesn't work bro


Competition is going to be near impossible, seeing as how YouTube loses money. It's not a project people want to sink money into with such low likelihood of returns, and it takes a lot of money...

Never said it would be easy. It is a MULTI-million dollar company. But traffick is where you hurt them. There are already pretty viable alternatives, gotta work with what you have till you're in a better position.

Check out LBRY it looks like the future decentralized Youtube killer.


decentralized Youtube killer

Isn't the whole problem that serving video is incredibly expensive? I'm not sure how decentralized networks can do it better.

The 'problem' is that most humans want to be in a crowd, and they will agree with the crowd. A man named Gustave le Bon wrote extensively about this more than 100 years ago. Will the crowd up and leave YouTube? No. There is your problem.

Ya, this won't even come close to killing youtube. I have to download software to even get to watch anything. Then I have to wait until the thumbnails load slowly before I have to wait again for my video to even start. Then it downloads the video on my hard drive? So I have to start reserving hard drive space for watching videos. Great. Oh and the next video doesn't even load.

Ya, I'll still to traditional internet websites for videos.

It's in beta, hopefully it becomes better soon.

Has a long way to go

They are working on it. Once upon a time youtube was a work in progress, too.

I'm curious, is there an actual way to prevent all the videos watched from being stored on the hard drive? Isn't the point of something decentralized that you store things on all the machines in the network, which means theirs no solution to the problem? I also can't think of a good way that would fix the issue of having to download and install software just to see a video considering websites wouldn't allow the functionality needed (like storing huge files on the computer).

I'm not sure I haven't screwed around with it too much yet.

This, get off Youtube and other services that don't respect your values ASAP and grow the alternatives - this wouldn't even be a conversation right now if people would have done it a while ago when these destructive policies started

And where do you suggest people ought to go instead? There is no serious alternative to YouTube right now in terms of audience (both potential and realised).

Who wants to spend hours making a video only for it to be seen by a few dozen people?

The creators could cross post. BPS is moving platforms, YouTube won't be the first place he uploads new videos either to encourage others to visit the site.

Yeah and where is he going? Vidme? 100% of his Vidme audience will be from his YouTube audience. Your example proves my point.

How? He's now gotten his audience to use another site. YouTube didn't grow overnight and the shift will require a lot of makers to move over overtime

Look, most of us are a little lazy. I've been to vid.me about once, after countless urgings by youtubers facing demonetization. And it's obviously not as big as youtube, doesn't have the range and depth of content. Of course this could change; youtube is on the verge of becoming a product that is of no use to us! Now that "controversial" videos are not being indexed, with comments and ratings disabled. Who wants that?

What is blindingly obvious is that google and Facebook have virtually carved up the web into a cosy duopoly between them. They want to tell us what to watch and what to think! Teddy Roosevelt was known as the "trust buster". The next "trust buster" will be the one who takes on the internet giants. Let's see who has the stomach for that fight.

In the meantime the smart cookies among us need to build an internet that circumvents google and Facebook and most importantly, can give content providers a way to make money. You know what would be great? A video channel where giving money was as simple as hitting the "like" button. In the meantime, us dummies should get out of our lazy habits and seek out the alternatives like vid.me and build them up. God knows, we might need a new Reddit someday...

You could sell the trust buster idea to trump

Seriously, youtube, google, facebook...whatever other socialmedia bullshit or internet company that exists, can do whatever the fuck they want. Don't fucking use them. I have no sympathy for people who complain that their voluntary slave master doesn't treat them well. Quit that shit. It's poison in the first place. Stop acting like you can't exist without it. If you don't think it's "fair" use something else and stop being a whiny bitch about it. The world was fine before it and will be fine when it's gone.

easier said than done.. I hate everything about youtube and the way they operate now, but admit I use it almost every day, just because the vast majority of my interests have their content there exclusively.

BULLSHIT!! youtube was a force for good in this world, thats why they bought it out for so much money, even before it got popular.

they bought it with money they just made up from thin air. they own everything because they own the means to create money.

but at the end of the day the ideas and the wish to spread those ideas belong to the creators. it should be up to the viewers who gets paid. not the frickin advertisers.

like Google paying $3.2B for NEST, a worthless gadget company that had an annual turnover of MAYBE a few tens of of millions, BUT lots of VIP minority shareholders.

Right? When they remove all those ISIS propaganda videos they're infringing on their freedom of speech! Glad you realize this. You're totally not a sheep and regurgitating talking points, lightbringer.

You think I'm talking about the ISIS videos? I'm talking about stuff like Ron Paul channels and insight channels that discuss the cabal operations.

So, we can agree that removing ISIS recruitment stuff is good. What about subliminal white nationalist terrorist recruitment stuff?

ISIS is a full blown terror group, KKK and Nazis are essentially terror groups as well so I would be OK with it but we really need to be voting on this stuff in very quick ways. All of us need to vote on almost all policies; not just this one. We need to remove the power from the hands of the wicked few and put it into the hands of the many where we can create a transparent, mass voting system that can't be hacked.

Keep in mind, they tell you they are targeting Nazi stuff as a cover but they are actually going after truth tellers like the Ron Paul channels they took down. They probably close a few Nazi sites down for show but Google is FRIENDS with Nazis just like the rest of the cabal are. I'm talking about real political Nazis, not the street thugs.

This whole thing is a magic show and the 99.9% are the audience. They have been manipulating us for ages.

Do you think /r/conspiracy gets brigaded? Vote botted? I'll assume the answer is yes given your previous replies (happy to be wrong). In that case, how would you propose that we implement a system for voting on whether a particular maker of YouTube videos should or should not be labeled a "full blown terror group"?

These things need to be thought our in think tanks. Its not difficult but we need a few experts on board such as electronics experts, hackers, and so on to determine how the whole thing work.

I'm thinking we can vote through elaborate websites so we can do it from home. Something where we login with our social security, plus passwords, plus security questions, plus a text message to that persons cell phone with a unique code that he has to input to complete login. Once he gets passed through the login, he votes. If he is inactive for 15 minutes, he will be logged out.

Why do you think they demonetized Ron Paul's channel, a man who preaches peace?

Learn what the false equivalence logical fallacy is, friend.

Blame google, if google did not take over youtube this will not happen. Google is the control grid of the NWO.

Google has owned Google since November of 2006. YouTube started in February 2005. Had they not "taken over" YouTube it would be 10% of the company it is today. Maybe for the best... But the world's largest video hosting site is going to be owned by one of the world's largest companies.

If it wasn't Google, it would be Amazon. If it wasn't Amazon, it'd be Facebook. If it wasn't Facebook, it would be someone else. If it wasn't owned by one of the largest companies in the world, it would BE one of the largest companies in the world, and would probably make similar decisions.

Excellent post. It seems to me that a lot of people in this sub still see things through the simple prism of 'blame company x' or 'blame politician y'. They have still not worked out that this is a systemic matter, a structural matter, and it the plan which is currently playing out has been in the works since technology as we knew it began.

Want to know more? PM me.

Read this initially as Demonizes ... Checks out either way.

They did it to Ron Paul recently, those bastards.

As a libertarian he should know all about freedom of association

One of Ron Paul's central beliefs is that markets should be entirely free . . . You know that, right?

There is a fundamental misunderstanding from people who think that if they upload a video to YouTube they are entitled to financial compensation for it. YouTube allows monetization of videos on their platform. You're not entitled to it.

True but check out these shady business practices. Youtube needed a lot of videos so they created modernization promising people that their videos will be monitized for life. People make full time jobs out of it. Youtube knows how many people made full time jobs out of it and they know they can cut them all of suddenly which would ruin many lives.

A company that makes Trillions should at least have the decency to leave monitization up. We're not asking them to feed the planet but for God's sake, Google should count their blessing and share those blessings so the world can be a better place for us all.

This sub is hilarious.

You are mocking someone for expressing a position which is empathetic to others. Hysterical.


You must be fun at parties.

I throw the parties.

Actually looking at OP's other writings, I do genuinely worry for his mental health.

I feel like you just replied to my post but did not address a single word of it. You're not entitled to have a full time job off YouTube videos. They allow it. It's their platform and when you agree to monetize your videos you agree to do it under their terms and conditions.

Youtube knows how many people made full time jobs out of it and they know they can cut them all of suddenly which would ruin many lives.

Maybe don't base your entire life on a free video platform where your livelihood depends on the whims of what kind of videos advertisers want their ads displayed on.

I understand but my point is that corporations and governments are overpowered entities that are abusing the masses which is essentially fascism.

I understand how the rules work perfectly. I just don't agree with them. I have removed my consent from this system.

Exactly. If people don't like what Youtube is doing, they can just not upload their videos there. Just like if people don't like Hollywood celebrities spouting their political opinions, they can just stop going to see their movies. Eventually it'll hit 'em in the pocketbook.

So, you're saying that because Youtube exists, you are thus entitled not only to use it, but to also make a profit by using it?

Grow up.

I no longer believe in the economic system we are running here nor do I believe in money and I now believe we all, together, own this world and are caretakers of our own stuff.

The reason I became this way was because I realized the cabal has money printing machines and they can print as much money as they need and buy out the whole planet which is unfair for the rest of us. Even if we took everything from them and gave it to the people, they would just print money again and buy it all back.

The problem is trade. The solution is a gifting economy:



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I no longer believe in the economic system we are running here

Okay, I'll buy the argument that our economy has a few serious problems and that the banking system and government contribute to those problems and the inequality that results.

The problem is trade. The solution is a gifting economy:

Nope. That's where you're completely wrong and completely insane. You're never going to eliminate trade completely, the entire structure of society is built on the concept of equitable trade. Unless you plan on harvesting, building, and creating EVERY single item you use on a daily basis and killing 99.5% of the world's population through destroying economies of scale, you'll never remove trade.

A gifting economy is where people work jobs and work for free and consume for free. No one person is responsible for it all. The government isn't even involved in it.

For example, I run the ice cream store for 5 hours a day/5days a week. You run the tire shop. Another person runs the train station. People choose their own jobs. Everyone just works a small part of the economy and we will win. They are hiding 1000 year supply worth of all the resources you can imagine plus about 50-100 years worth of technology. Once we get our hands on that, we can easily make this happen and we can get our hands on it.

Also, keep in mind that Capatalism is why resources run out quickly. People are trying to sell-sell-sell as fast as possible to build a cash flow so it is in their best interest to push every vile piece of garbage through endless media ads like TV commercials or Billboards. If we stop selling, the economy will fall apart but in a gifting economy, people won't use as much commercials because it doesn't even matter to them if business or good or bad. All that matters is that they are holding down the fort at some business somwehre in the world so that other people can consume there. Without the endless ads brainwashing and twisting everyone's arm into buying stuff they dont' even need, overall consumption would go down.

Just think about the amount of food we throw away every day. That in itself is enough to feed the world 3 times over but restaurants are forced to dump it in the garbage because of the stupid rules we have set up.

We have enough for a life of decency for all of us. Heck, wait until you see the incredible 3D printer technology that will end up rednering many retail stores obselete. The problem is its all held back from us thanks to the cabal patenting the technology and slowly (very slowly) leaking it out into the economy for power and profit reasons. This is garbage... It's not working. We need something that works for all of us, not just the top 10,000 richest people on Earth. All those lies they spew about people working hard and becoming future millionaires are total lies to keep you busy for the next 25 years as a slave. By the time people grow up and see that it was a lie, they feel like they wasted their whole lives away.

People choose their own jobs

This simply doesn't work. The wages that we pay people for specialized skills exist because those skills are difficult, unpleasant, or require expertise and education which many people are either unable or unwilling to undertake.

You have to be able to incentivize jobs which people would be unwilling to do without an incentive, otherwise those jobs simply don't get done. In the past this was accomplished through barter by people evaluating the worth of their own time, but that requires a co-incidence of wants and is extremely cumbersome.

I tried to answer many of the potential questions here:


We need to get our robots working all the menial jobs so that we can move up to more interesting stuff. Also, people are not as selfish as you think. If a city is lacking garbage men, they will post ads and utilize employee finding companies to recruit the garbage men they need. In the meantime, we have 50-100 years worth of technology being withheld from us. We need to get that tech and build robot workers with them to free us up from much of the menial labor jobs.

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Exactly who do you think is going to build and maintain these magical robots for next to nothing, with specialized skills that require nearly a decade of combined education and expertise?

How to you envision hiring these garbage men? How are you going to pay them? You're completely delusional if you believe people are simply going to respond to the need for people to do unpleasant or dangerous tasks by agreeing to take one for the team out of the goodness of their heart while their peers are doing "whatever they want".

Read that link I sent you. It answers most of it. Everyone's payment is free consumption. The work is self chosen. There's a lot to it.

Actually, I've had to work crap jobs most of my life and know plenty of people borne in far better circumstances doing "whatever they want". Rather, you would have the poor always being the one "taking one for the team". That's why Rockefeller lived so long, he took seven for the team...human hearts, that is.

And a DECADE of education and experience seems QUITE excessive. I've known high schoolers that built functioning robots, and it's getting easier and easier all the time.

If robots were better, the need for garbagemen would become much scarcer. Especially which self-driving vehicles.

I've known high schoolers that built functioning robots

Fully autonomous robots capable of replacing human labor?

Well, I hardly think that everyone working on robots will have to know how to build them from the ground up. The wheel has already been built, and it's more or less just getting people used to the basics. Auto techs don't need a college degree, and the same will eventually be true for robot workers. Not many auto workers can reprogram modern ECU's, let alone BUILD one.

You act like "cash" still has meaning anymore, as if it hasn't been a farce for a while. A good government would "invest" in self-driving cars in the interest of simple human welfare, and I fail to see how it must be done completely "free" for everyone, in a cash based economy or not. In a more rational society job-based commuting would be limited or non-existent, so the demand would not be as great.

You act like "cash" still has meaning anymore

Cash is simply a measuring stick used to value one's efforts and outputs against the outputs and efforts of someone else. Even if it only has the meaning we give it (since it's no longer backed by anything), it still has that meaning and is thus an incentive to get people to do things which they wouldn't normally do if given absolute freedom of choice.

Absolute freedom of choice cannot exist unless the the entirety of our modern society being rewritten. Given absolute freedom to consume and absolute choice as to what to do, any task of sufficient difficulty, complexity, or risk will be left undone.

You can take away the stick, you can take away the carrot, but you cannot take away both.

"efforts and outputs"...I disagree, and most of the "cash" is owned by people who do NOT put in the effort, just the effort to hide as much of it as possible. Just WHERE exactly in the world is all the gold, at this point?

And nobody said "absolute" anything. Thus, modern society doesn't need to be completely rewritten. But I can well think that there are better ways for doing just about everything that we do.

So tax the extremely wealthy and introduce universal income?

Anyone who believes that trying to abolish currency completely and return to a barter system or introduce a utopia where everyone gets everything they desire is delusional. There will always be scarcity of resources, even if that scarcity is confined to only specific extremely rare items or extremely difficult services.

I wholly agree with you that there are plenty of ways we can make society better, but abolishing currency is not one of them.

I'm all for universal income, just because labor of the type that many have to resort to is a fiction, similar to the 40 hour work week. And no, barter can't be a thing again, but if we ever get proper fusion or zero-point energy then money may not be important, or resources as scarce as you would think...don't forget there's still Antartica and a whole belt of asteroids to mine.

Money will probably lose it's importance as energy generation and automation takes over... but I think it will just result in scarcity of specific consumables and services which are difficult to automate.

Raw materials which are mineral or energy based will become nearly free, but raw materials like foodstuffs which aren't lab grown will be increasingly scarce unless we suddenly invent extremely sophisticated replication technology.

I think that a mix between choosing their own job and in incentivizing jobs would be best. I bet a lot of jobs have gained a bad reputation because of how we've been told to see them.

we all, together, own this world and are caretakers of our own stuff

So what happens if I think I own something that you think you own?

If you are using a car, you are the caretaker. If you move out of state and want a new car, just give that car away and get another car. As long as you are the caretaker, nobody can take it from you but if you don't need it, give it away.

Another example is say I want to move 8 blocks to the East somewhere. Instead of moving all that furniture, I just give it to he next man who lives there so he becomes the caretaker. If I don't find furniture in the new place, I can just order it for free and get brand new furniture.

We just recycle everything we aren't using by utilizing the caretaker program.

Ron Paul has no room to complain since that is the sort of world he and other Libertarians want us all to live in.

Also keep in mind that Ron Paul thinks a private company / person should be able to own the street outside your home and put what ever restrictions on it they want.

The same tactics should be used against Google. They scam their advertisers.

What is that all about? Were they sending fake clicks? Can people get their money back?

They should NOT be doing it for the money. I think it's like piracy, these hate filled while nationalist videos. Do it if you gotta, but if your gonna try to make a buck from it, you're screwed.

I don't like censorship, but This is a reasonable compromise, and just one of the early bubbles popping, as the $train in you tube cannot sustain.

can't wait till all these centralized companies die and decentralized companies take over.

The easily could have creates a radio button where it is (for example) "This is Rated R, and may not be for young persons", but noooooo!!!

They have to create an agenda.

I hope to see the day when there is nothing left on yootoob but crafting videos and gaming soundtracks with furries dancing to the beat.

It's already garbage. Even Phil Defranco has softened his tone to stay at the trough.

Click-bait and how to cook a hot dog....whoopie.

Comparing YouTubers not getting compensation to slaves ... grow up dude

If there was no youtube, there would be no compensation in the first place. youtube is not the only place to put videos and make them public. Get with it dude. Youtube is owned by google and they can do what they please with it. It isn't a public service.

I have an idea - people could form an llc, or nonprofit to protect freedom. Do it now; it is easy, and will protect freedoms. The more the merrier. Please people, consider this. Protect freedom, and give back to your community.

ps non profit, barter, llc, freelance,,,,, are wanted gone by the big wigs

It's not 3D chess... It's checkers. The rules are pretty simple. You keep fighting, we take your money. It would all fall apart The minute we started working together.

Pro wrestling got demonetized. So I don't think that's exactly the case.

The game is rigged and its giving these dark entities too much power over our lives. They print money, create massive companies like youtube, get us to all use it, and then they weaponize these companies against us.

I really don't care if youtube guarantees free speech or not. I care that this system is reworked so that we don't have to depend on some Satan worshipping pedophile at the top of youtube to decide if we should have free speech or propoganda. Media is weaponized as a mind control weapon and this has to be fixed by us instead of expecting a corrupt government to fix itself.

You apologists are disgusting

I think the beleif is that if they have more money thwy can hire more ppl.

Basically tye right wing version of the lefts "free trade" (give rich ppl more power and money and u might get some too)

Wait, what? You know Trump wants to lower taxes on the rich, right?