I'll never be able to buy a house. And other things.

51  2017-09-03 by [deleted]



chinese are buying up real estate blindly. they are protecting their own wealth from their government. dont take it personal.

They still need to be wiped out though

Family unit has dissolved or else you'd be living in the same house your great grandparents used to own.

Families save a lot of money by keeping everyone on the same property.

Before YouTube it was Grandma that would teach you how to do stuff.

And now we send grandma to a home where the insurance companies gouge their life savings and estate until there is nothing left for their heirs to inherit.

My great-grandfather built a house for his family of wife and nine kids. They lived in an uninsulated chicken coop on the lot for the two years it took for him to gather materials, prep the site, and build it.

He traveled about 150 miles north to where they were tearing down an old train station, got the building materials from there, brought them back to his property and built the house by hand. At the time, they were moving the governor's mansion one town over in the state capital, so he ended up reusing many of the old fixtures (doors and knobs, a chandelier my grandmother inherited and hated to clean, stair railings, other light fixtures, so on). This was in the 1920s.

In the 1950s, the Federal Highway Commission and eminent domain put an interstate forty feet from what had become my grandfather's inherited master bedroom. My dad was born in that house about five years prior. They continued to live there despite the noise and pollution until they sold in the late 1990s. Preliminary plans to add a lane and a noise wall to the highway and demolish the house were being made, and they got out while the getting was "good".

I often wonder to what extent the dissolution of the family unit and wealth-drain from the middle class is just haphazard or random. Some people have the knack for being in the right place at the right time, and others, well, just the opposite.

I often wonder to what extent the dissolution of the family unit and wealth-drain from the middle class is just haphazard or random. Some people have the knack for being in the right place at the right time, and others, well, just the opposite.

It is not haphazard or random, it is planned.

It is a long con that is very planned. It's worse than you think.

The Middle Class of the US specifically has been undermined and degraded from the trade and monetary policies of the last 40 years. My Grandfather served in WW2, then came home and worked in a Steel Mill for 28 years, and retired with a pension. He took the lump sum, which was a good thing. By the time he retired in 1984, de-industrialization was already hitting the US heartland hard. His neighbor, who worked in the same mill for 28 years as well, took the annuity pension, and lost everything 3 years later when the mill went bankrupt and shut its furnace down- there was nothing left in the pension funds. This same thing has played out time and again for the last 40 years. It is intentional. No longer can a Middle Class family be supported by a single earner. Hell, even 2 parents working full time struggle to make ends meet in 21st century America. What remains of the Middle Class is severely over leveraged, in debt either with the mortgage and houses worth less in reality than on paper, with credit card and auto debt, and so on. Millennials have been fucked, HARD. These same opportunities no longer exist for us. Rent AND Housing prices are up 6.5% year over year, nationally. Inflation on food and goods are up as well. Wages barely rise above 2% a year, while inflation hovers at 2%, effectively negating any gains the middle and working classes achieve. The whole situation is fucked.

Good for you young man, tell everyone you know what is really going on.

It's disheartening. My generation is going to have to shoulder all of this, and be forced to rebuild what took generations to acquire. I hate all of them, every single fucking politician that did this to us, to me, to MY country.

You should read more. The solution is so simple that it is obvious once you read it.

Would auditing the Fed Bank be a start?

No, you are asking the people who have perpetuated the fraud to audit themselves. It's the old fox guarding the hen house scenario.

None of that will be achieved through voting unfortunately. It will take blood, lots of blood. All these people will have to be wiped out, otherwise they'll just come right back in as soon as there's an opening and start again.

How is middle class not enough to live comfortably?

I'm saying the Middle Class isn't in a position like it once was. It is fake affluence, built on debt, over leveraged and on the precipice of collapse. The opportunities that once existed no longer do. Inflation is up, wages are stagnant, incomes are the same, when adjusted for inflation, as they were 40 fucking years ago. We're stuck. US household debt is actually higher now than in 2008. When the next crisis comes- and it will be sooner rather than later- the whole facade will come tumbling down.

Precisely. If you are part of the oligarchy, the middle class is the your biggest threat. This is precisely why you you've seen a two decade war on the American people by the wealthy.

More like a century long war, but yeah

This man understands

The new way to become successful relies on either networking or entrepreneurship. Either learn a skill or trade, tweak it and "modernize" it to make yourself money. A good way to do this is to learn a programming language or two and create yourself either a browser based game and/or a smartphone app. Cue in-game transactions and micro-transactions, suddenly people are wasting precious cash to get up to the next level in stupid kingdom DX.

That or capitalize on the increasing collector's market and start hitting the dollar store or browsing Ebay and Amazon. Buy up booster packs on the cheap, buy up some card sleeves and some curator gloves (white cotton gloves used to handle things) and start researching the price of each card/item you unpack. Hit up rummage sales and Craig's list to buy up collections of people or see if you spot some cheap junk gold and/or silver to sell to a coin shop.

Rinse and repeat, keep so much aside for taxes, some set in savings, a few bucks for "fun" and the rest to further increase your stock. Keep it up and you'll see develop a buyer's base who'll "trust" you for how prompt and safe you send their orders.

Finally, another way to increase your own wealth is to simply find a need and fill it. If people are losing french fries to their fat folds... create a fry catcher. Simply put: Don't drown in the abyss, go out and create something worth money.

I like the hustle. Very sound advice.

We helped a collector blogger not that long ago, they gave us some advice on the "hustle" and how comics are dead for now but you can buy up stock in them quite nicely due to people selling them cheap. The new big ticket items or high valued items are what's considered popular by the normal consumer, ergo crap like that plastic or vinyl figures; movie posters; autographed memorabilia and anything related to the DC or Marvel movies.

Video games can also bring a pretty penny if you can find in-demand items, like the PS2 linux cd.

I think we were surfing the same 4chan thread.

I don't go on 4chan. I just saw a post on my all talking about Vancouver and housing. Made me think of millennials and how screwed up the world is.

Gotcha. There was a post about the exact same thing a minute ago. I guess we are all feeling the truth there.

My favorite is the blaming of generations. Millennial this. Baby boomer that.

It's almost funny.

It's called Artificial Scarcity my friend.

They fuck up the world economy so that they can feel like they have their heel on the necks of the masses. Unless the goyim (us) fight back against these nasty ass Zionists, Jesuits, and Black Nobility, they will keep doing it and as you can see, they make things worst by the day. Reddit just announced it will no longer be open source meaning it just got a little worst.

I figure this is an extension of their rituals to harvest massive amounts of pain and misery.

Sure is. That's why half the world makes less than $2 a day. We need to find a way to get out of their system and into a new one.

We need to quit the system, get out of the fed, stop using their money, stop paying their taxes, and forgive our own debts nationwide. The only thing is we need a system that we can all agree on that is fair for all of us:


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I figure the monetary system is the counterfeit of God's system. If you think about it people revere money like it was their deity. Babylonian money majick, covered in esoteric symbols hidden in plain sight. Used to keep us all spiritually and physically enslaved. The Golden Calf, the cash cow. We were created in the image and likeness of God, but money assigns a value to each individual, some are worth more than others.

The problem is...getting out of this system will cost rivers of blood and require basically a full revolution and dictatorship and probably a purge of millions of people.

Unfortunately it is almost inevitable.

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Cryptocurrencies are already here. If we can grow them before they are stopped, much bloodshed would have to occur to finally be free from our current monetary system.

Look at all the banksters have done. Do you really believe they don't have a plan for the cryptos?

They didn't really seem to have a plan for the Internet.

an extension of their rituals to harvest massive amounts of pain and misery

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics - Darryl Anka?

FYI to newcomers "Black Nobility" does not refer to African Royalty, but rather the centuries old evil noble families of old Europe that exist today

Your great grandparents probably bought a crap house by today's standards and paid 12% interest on that loan.

We've switched from incentivizing being frugal and saving to be leveraged and spending. Seriously, you realize that when savings paid 10%, mortgages were 15%, and deflation was a thing, you saved your money. There was no borrowing for things you didn't need.

Now savings won't keep up with inflation. So you spend. You can't afford to not have debt because buying power is falling quicker than quoted inflation. We're all getting richer, but it's really just a sliding scale where the minimum standard of living is artificially high, supported by a bubble of debt.

But that is moulding and changing human nature to try and fit the system. The issue is not about behavior not changing fast enough from a frugal behavior. The issue is that the system kept changing so that it disadvantaged the frugal behavior.

Don't make excuses for a shit system. Artificially induced consumption is shit.

I agree. I wrote that to emphasize that people as a whole have been complacent or supportive of conspicuous consumption.

Ah yep, totally on board with that sentiment.

Gram and Gramps likely didn't buy video games, coffee/energy drinks and new sneakers either.

it's gone even further

where i'm from a single person with an average job will not earn enough to buy a home in his entire life

let that sink in for a minute

work your ass of for an average sallary your whole life and you will be homeless in the end

what a good motivation innit?

since when is average bad?

and why is it a requirement to get married and have double the debts to even afford a fucking home?

average single people should just die or what?

and how many are below average?

it's disgusting

Marriage is even more grim. You marry someone, she might expect you to be the provider while she contributes. Now you've just assumed her debts, possibly doubling your own. And if she gets sick of this game, she can up and leave at any time and take half.

Fun times indeed.

Get off the computer and start a business you have a passion for.

Don't just have a defeatist attitude.

I'd rather overhaul the regulations created by regulatory capture first so that the playing field at least vaguely resembles even.

Yeah well good luck with that... No need to complain about not having a house or being able to buy shit then.

Feel free to shill for the establishment more, I'd rather try to understand the ways that they have systematically undersold us throughout history and then detach myself from that.

I'll never complain that i lack their currency to access the pointless crap they shove on us and our own houses should never be a thing under their domain.

You use their internet though.

I said I'd "try" [to] detach myself. The internet still has uses; if you can tell me of a way that I can do the first bit with no internet at all then that would amaze me.

When one starts in a certain place they must use the stepping stones around them to move away. Telling me that I still use the internet won't make me want to uphold their structures or make them profit any more than before.

I have four questions for OP.

  1. Did you attend and graduate from a competitive 4-year university?
  2. What did you major in?
  3. Did you apply yourself fully and achieve a high GPA?
  4. Did you complete internships in the summers after your sophomore and junior years? If not how many applications did you submit?

It is undoubtedly much more difficult now than it was in the past. What is making it even worse is that people are not being told how hard they need to work to achieve the success that they feel is their birthright.

It is not your fault per se, no one told you that you are in a vicious fucking race and you will be chewed up and shat out unless you act accordingly. Your parents didn't. I know they didn't because if they did, you would've either worked your ass off and succeeded or failed knowing why you failed and wouldn't have the feeling of getting surprise fucked that you now have.

Working less hard to achieve an ever more challenging task is a recipe for disaster. My recommendation to you know is to study your ass off for the GMAT and get into the best MBA program that you can. If you get a high score (90th percentile and above) you can probably get into a top 30 school with a weak resume.

So the solution to having an average job after going to college for a 4 year degree is to study for an entrance exam for more schooling where you could incur another $30-60g debt tag?

I have 2 degrees in Economics and Finance......14 years into an average-as-fuq career. Grad school is not the answer. I only see investing as a way to monetarily get you out of being stagnant.

Grad school is a waste of money. A four year degree is required for most jobs so you have to do it but I have a masters degree and make more money in an entirely different Field now. Heck most four year degrees are useless.

The millennial generation is largely unemployable though, which is troublesome. I feel many of them will never work in their lives.

It is not what you do, but the way you do it. Attitude and effort equals competitiveness.

If OP is struggling because he has a household income is around $50k, then I am explaining to him how to get it up to $100k. If his spouse does it too, then they will be on a strong track. This is the way I know how to do it. If you have a better way, then we're all ears. Even better because I can learn too.

Also I didn't say "get a graduate degree or two". I said compete your ass off at a top 30 MBA program. By the way, getting a second grad degree can signal to employers that you are wandering through your career. It is a weird thought to me, but I have heard that from multiple corporate talent recruiters.

Bottom line: Competing makes everyone better. Complaining makes everyone average-as-fuq.

Part II once you have a good income, then you are absolutely correct about investing. Creating multiple revenue streams is key. Even better would be to start your own business. That is where my wife and I are right now, but it takes a while to get sufficient start up capital if you don't have wealthy family and friends.

I have 2 bachelors' degrees, not 2 Masters' degrees. You reach a certain point where you either drink the Kool Aid, or you don't. I'm in the latter category. We are at a point, especially most of those who frequently this subreddit, where we see through the smoke and mirrors about money, finance, economics, business and politics. I've learned a lot of information since I went to college, but not anything that would help me earn a higher salary. What I learned will only help me maybe earn profit on investments and prevent my retirement plan from being collapsed.

Stating how things are isn't really complaining.

Just cause you got a $60k piece of paper don't make you worth more than everyone else. You don't need that to be a decent human being, and you shouldn't need it to have something as basic as shelter and enough space to live. The fact that we do is evidence that something is wrong.

if you can't beat em join em? When the public rises up I am sure you will have regretted that decision. It is attitudes like yours that explain exactly why we are in this situation. Evil is in charge because good men stood by and did nothing . That is just as evil.

You're moving the goal posts on this discussion. OP was talking about the unfairness of the increasing difficulty to achieve the middle class lifestyle that his parents and grandparents had.

But I am used to moving goalposts, so let me respond to the two points that jump out to me.

First: it is evil for my wife and I to work hard to provide for our children? I am supposed to rise up put my kids at risk to fight for what? I should have sacrificed my life to achieve your desire for a socialist form of government? War is evil. Working hard and raising a family isn't. Your whole argument is spoken like a boy still attending university whose only responsibilities are to get to class on time, take good notes, and study for the exams. Probably a CHId type major.

Second: the US public been finna rise up since the 60's. I am not going to hold my breath. The fact of the matter is life is too good to foment your beloved revolution.

It's crazy because 2 years ago my sister sold her 1.5 million dollar house out here in California, and some Chinese businessman bought it, he doesn't even live stateside. I never put 2 and 2 together.

But I'm well aware of the obliteration of the middle class. I've got it worse than most out here in the Los Angeles area. Rent and housing is absolutely insane. I'll be in my mid 30's before I can afford a down payment on a house.

Isn't it strange how we have to pay so much for something so basic? No wonder mental illness is rising, how can anyone be a healthy person when you're crammed into high density housing with paper thin walls? I mean we all need a degree of space, security, privacy, in order to be comfortable. Then if you have a drug user as a neighbor your stress will go up. Not safe to raise kids around that, or maybe they normalize the behavior and start doing themselves.

You have to work hard, just like Grams and Gramps, not whine. You also have to beware your fellow humans, they will climb over you every chance they get.

I agree. BUT a lot of people live way beyond their means these days and dont know how to sacrifice in order to save money. I feel like everyone needs to keep up with the joneses. Young people need the latest iphone, the latest yeezys, etc etc. young people dont know how to live frugally because we live in a society where everyone is always comparing themselves to others, everyone needs to have the latest everything in order to "keep up". Not all young people, but most.

your great grandparents settled on land won from native tribes, wiping them out with disease and herding them on reservations.

you could have had a nice house in Iraq or Afghanistan by now.

We could do what the israelis are doing! Just kill em all and settle their land.

Move to a developing country (I'm thinking Nicaragua) and you can buy land and build a house for less than $20k, with electricity, city water. Or just rent for $150/month. Just gotta expand your horizons a bit.

Gotcha. There was a post about the exact same thing a minute ago. I guess we are all feeling the truth there.

My favorite is the blaming of generations. Millennial this. Baby boomer that.

It's almost funny.

I said I'd "try" [to] detach myself. The internet still has uses; if you can tell me of a way that I can do the first bit with no internet at all then that would amaze me.

When one starts in a certain place they must use the stepping stones around them to move away. Telling me that I still use the internet won't make me want to uphold their structures or make them profit any more than before.