My name is Sarah_Connor AMA - but know; you're fucked.

112  2017-09-04 by Sarah_Connor

Starting this AMA on mobile so this section shall be edited.

Ask me literally anything regarding this /r/

When not on mobile I'll give a much more detailed edit to this post.


Are we supposed to know who you are?


Which mods are shills and for whom?

I'll let mods defend themselves, but I am personally of the opinion that the idea of a "mod" is a limited-hangout for that which can be coerced by those that control the luxury of a particular position.

So in this case, any mod who is both controlling the narrative here, and on /v/ and with emails from various accounts that I can reveal are not acting in the faith of truth.

Now, it goes without saying that the nature of this /r/ is to be skeptical - so there are mods I may be suspicious of which are truly good mods...

But we have as a whole never met irl - so given what has happened, I trust none.

I have spoken to flytape on the phone - as he was the only mod to really reach out, and I wholely disagree with his politics, but his heart was right for the sub.

I would NEVER trust a single admin, and I am convinced that several accounts on mod are sock-puppets for admins.

Hence the swooping.

Yeah I imagined admins had a huge play here. One can only imagine whose influence the admins are pressured by... do the right thing guys

Literally haven't heard from then since.

I think we had 3-4 interactions all year (including 2 for this).

but I am personally of the opinion that the idea of a "mod" is a limited-hangout

ding ding ding We have a winner. Why do they need someone to look over what should be a free speech zone? Yes, corporations do NOT have the right to overrule your INALIENABLE rights.

This sub would be shut down in a day without mods.

Oh no, how will people talk without someone passing judgement over what is said? Your statist ideals are about to hit the biggest brick wall in recorded history, child.

Trolls and obvious bots aren't doing anyone here any good. I'm thankful the mods deal with a good bit of that nonsense so its not all just spam and shitposts. They're the modern version of the 10 year old keyboard mashing in a chatroom annoying everyone.

And yet, they are still here. Trolling and botting up a storm, convenient that you neglected to mention the paid shills that overrun the boards. Either way, none of that makes it OK to censor discussion.

You can't really prove someone is a paid shill the way you can a troll or bot. But yes, we know all they exist, and fuck them for what they do.

This site lives on Reddit and if there were no mods, it would be banned for doxing and trolling within 24 hours.

Calm down with your 'statist ideal' bullshit and think about the reality of the situation.

If you want a Conspiracy website without mods, you're going to have to start your own and not rely on Reddit for hosting.

The reality is that is a seemingly good excuse to advocate for censorship. It doesn't make you any less of an authoritarian.

Acknowledging that we, people who are using Reddit, have to abide by their roles and that if we want to do differently we have to make our own version of the site or at least find another one - does not make me an authoritarian. It makes me realistic. It doesn't mean this situation isn't problematic, but whining about it on Reddit isn't going to change it.

It actually makes you a fascist, but I understand your lack of understanding the fact that our rights are INALIENABLE. If a company does not want to recognize our rights, they should not be in business.

Your constitutional rights may not be infringed upon by the government. They may certainly be infringed upon by companies.

You could create a website, charge money for the accounts and have as your only selling point that "NO GINGERS ARE ALLOWED HERE!". Nobody could stop you.

Don't confuse general law with constitutional rights. companies don't have to abide by the latter, as long as they are operating within the former.

You have a very warped sense of reality and are completely naive to current events. Don't confuse what is happening with what isn't.

Enlighten me.


Oh no, how will people talk without someone passing judgement over what is said? Your statist ideals are about to hit the biggest brick wall in recorded history, child.

When you were typing this out, did you think it would make you sound cool or wise or something when you decided to add 'child' at the end?

I just thought it might make people question why it is they accept that some nameless, faceless corporation has any power to interrupt their personal rights as guaranteed by the Constitution for the united States of America. Maybe that's the reason you typed this response.

I just thought it might make people question why it is they accept that some nameless, faceless corporation has any power to interrupt their personal rights as guaranteed by the Constitution *for** the united States of America.* Maybe that's the reason you typed this response.

Nice b8.

What are you doing here? This isn't To Catch A Predator.

What are you doing here?

I work here.

Uncrossed Is-ra-el

I would NEVER trust a single admin, and I am convinced that several accounts on mod are sock-puppets for admins.

Besides illuminatedwax, who?

Can you go into the whole being fucked thing?

Why am I, in particular, "fucked"?

Do you value your ability to formulate an idea or an opinion unfettered by a narrative which is sophisticated enough to make you believe that your opinion is not being meddled with?

Yes I do. Now how am I gettin fucked?

My guess is the new mods will install new rules and censoring topics, here is an example of how it happens:

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

They are also collecting IPs of existing users


While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

You should not be here without an account that only accesses reddit on TOR. Do not bareback r/conspiracy.

yeah because r/Conspiracy is so underground and edgy that you could get caught up in some serious business. /s

This is a very serious claim. I would really like to know how you came to that conclusion.

Evidence in mod wiki and admissions by mods

Evidence in mod wiki and admissions by mods

That is a really really big deal if true.

Pizzagate is a psyop?

Everything is a psyop so long as the result is that the plebs remain ignorant and power remains in the hands of the few.

Well said.

She's talking about you.

Well you're not asking about the email where the Secretary of State implicates herself for Misprision of Treason... are you?

I am but if they are raping kids then that goes on the back-burner

Could they really have been smart enough to lay out all that social media and then spin such a bizarre narrative with it all being fake?

Yes. They absolutely did that. Because what is the absolute worst crime? They made you read right past the most damning thing because maybe there was something more salacious - and comparatively it softens the blow. Think about it. PG was actually on Morning Joe and NPR. But no one has mentioned the Secretary of State committing Misprision of Treason.

What about Seth Rich then in your opinion? Same idea?

PG and Seth Rich are real.

i agree, just wanted to hear SC's opinion

Is that the true true? We live in a metanarrative?

Then why did your mods ban all anti trump users at a certain point?

Since we know exactly what happened according to the mods who presented proof of their story, what is your take on everything?

The admins had sock puppets in mod roster forever.

So what agenda are the admins tending here?

Painting the sub as a pro-conservative and pro trump fuck fest.

This diminishes our appeal as a group who rejects the entire two party system of control.

Also anti Pizzagate is extremely obvious and has been for nearly a year now.

That and the flash earth posts that make the sub seem a little handicapped unfortunately doesn't help either

Painting the sub as a pro-conservative and pro trump fuck fest.

The sub already was organically like that, because Trump was the one acting anti-establishment e.g. investigate vaccines, climate change is a hoax, drain the swamp etc.

This was exactly what ShareBlue and the people who control the site wanted to change, that is what the new mods will be here for.

I am not partisan and I feel this statement is accurate.

Nobody goes out of their way to make posts dismissing pizzagate. Which is more than I can say about a certain other popular conspiracy around here. Now when the shit is astroturfed all over the place its a little different and thats when you see users make a point to say something about it.

Which is more than I can say about a certain other popular conspiracy around here.

I think we can say that about multiple other popular conspiracies.... why do you leave it veiled? I bet your statement has a different meaning for each person...

If you want the truth, look for what is censored, attacked, and ridiculed. Flat earth is the only conspiracy that consistently fits all of those criteria.

Belief in Jesus Christ is attacked, ridiculed, and censored in the same manner (downvoted). Just saying...don't mind me.

Nobody goes out of their way to make posts dismissing pizzagate.

You're joking?

Nope. You hardly see people making posts dismissing PG. What you see plenty of is comments dismissing PG. People that think its a load of garbage don't waste their time making posts about it.

Who? What evidence do you have?

If I had to guess, it would be u illminatedwax

and AssuredlyAThrowAway

I remember he became a mod of pizzagate right before it was banned. Always seemed odd timing, and who the fuck has time to moderate 90+ subs?

Thats was his good cop account. His alts were the ones that removed everything and banned everyone.

Im talking in the past tense about AATA because he might be in RIP

Of course. conspiritards I would guess.

What would be the admin's prime motivation for installing puppets in here?

We always here how worthless this sub is, and when the concept of shilling comes up, often times we hear "why would anyone waste their time shilling in here"

Conspiracy seems to be more important to them then they like to let on. Any thoughts on what the admins actually feel about this sub

Which Terminator do you most identify with? Original Movies? Chronicles? Genisys?

FaceGoog is not your friend.

You've chosen your name wisely , yet still the days when people are hunted by robots is not far. Are you already the mother of the saviour?

One question - Who approached you to intervene in the contest mode fiasco two weeks ago?

Nobody, and I didn't intervene in that per se, that was organic. It was an experiment by other mods to try out something to abate brigades et al, and the tools provided to mass sentiment management via open reddit mod tools are poor...

The real question is, what tools are provided per the statements of the founders of reddit to .govs (via Stratford emails) which provide far granular sentiment mgmt capabilities...?

Look at FB... they don't have an office in DC and a revolving door with the NSA for fun...

Sorry, I meant the instance in which you came in and stripped all mod perms for a short time, which coincidentally happened right after a heavily brigaded thread was put into contest mode. Everything was restored shortly after, for a period of about two weeks.


Mods kvetched about certain things, other mods called for mods to be demodded, I admitted that I didn't have the phaxt and I wanted to know more.. but I also was not willing to demod based on shit that was sophomoric or that which I wasn't completely of sound understanding to do...

Then the hype ramped and so I reached out to AP to reach me via personal email asap...

He didn't...

I got drunk...

I took action...

With a stated mod mail "make the order as you see fit"

Intention was to drop after re-order...

Re-order didn't happen and ppl flipped out

Flytape called me on my cell... explained his position. I don't agree with his politics - but the guy really gets the DNA of the sub...

Asked me to reinstate him to do some things because other mods were mute...

The other mods were too busy bitching to (colluding with the Russians admins) than to actually talk to me...

I may have made the mistake of de-perming AP - but I don't recall doing so, as I specifically reached out to AP and said "contact me via email" -- he then said he received that PM but ignored it (in mod mail) and asked other mods if he should reply to me - and they told him no...

Conspiracy==I did NOT de-perm AP and the shill mod account for the admins did so and framed me for heist...

Non-conspiracy: I was drunk and did it by mistake and don't recall - so oops...

More details if needed...

Mods kvetched about certain things

Great...all the mods are Jewish.

It's language that triggers, simply.

I don't take it lightly when mods or former mods speak in Yiddish on important subs such as this jokingly or not.

I'm actually surprised you didn't end your last comment in "goy bye".

This is classic concern trolling,

Same could be said about this whole thread.

But ask yourself what elite group has the most to lose with the "free flow" of information on a sub like this?

And what elite group would benefit from controlling that "free flow" of information??

Saudi Oil Companies

Saudi Oil Companies

You mean "The House of Saud"? I think you may be on to something.

I don't like to discuss geopolitics in terms of race but thanks for your time .

Thanks for the insight. So you just noticed the drama on your own I guess by lurking. I had figured that a particular mod, upset with the contest mode, which IIRC was done by flytape, may have reached out to you to intervene.

A few days ago one of the mods, I think it was AATA, mentioned that there was a vote to replace you before the mods were wiped, and that the vote was 8-0. Is this true? and why did they vote you out? (this was before any 'retaliation' occured).

Flytape called me on my cell... explained his position.

Did he explain that he and his friends were using alts to troll this sub? Did he talk about how he banned users if they disagreed with his politics? Were you invited to join his new conspiracy sub, where it was in the rules that anyone who didn't agree with his politics was immediately banned?

Not true, I don't use alts to troll anyone.

You're a liar and most likely an alt yourself doing what you accuse others of.

Yeah, you just banned people who bothered you by having a different opinion.

From what I saw you approved or ok'd comments of this alt account that were reported. I think that is why peiple thibk you were involved with it

Really? All anyone has presented was one screen cap of public mod logs where I approved one comment from one of these alts.

If one approval seals the deal for you than you have problems.

Right. I have problems. At least two of them are dealt with now though.

Lol good.

Y'all lift?


"I didn't do that at all."

posts proof you did

"lol I did do that but it was just that one time!"

One time doesn't establish that there was a pattern of me doing anything.

I didn't do any of that.


Turns out you did. Now it's "lol but it was just that one time guys."

Stop lying, you piece of shit.

Stop lying, you piece of shit.

24 day new account calling out a long time user!

Who is lying!!! YOU!!

Oh right, you're the one that made two posts 11 months ago and then magically sprung back to life only to post in Flytape's new sub. Nice to see you finally remembered your password!

People can't have accounts and post on them after a few months? Is that a Reddit TOS or your demented idea of exposing people?

You were going along ok there until the end when you said the admins did it but then reversed yourself and said you did do it because you were drunk. So which is it? Are you currently drunk as well?

SC, I'm wondering if I'm right to believe "an experiment by other mods to try out something to abate brigades" went beyond the simple setting into contest mode but included the usage of alts to gum of the works of contest-mode posts and essentially render them as unreadable. Alts which espoused crude and pointless one-liners and bad partisan politics.

I'm also wondering if the mods who went through with this experiment (unilaterally from the rest of the mods, it seems) had considered doing so to posts or topics which may have been brigaded in the past, just not from the subs they were concerned about on these recent occasions. Was this ever brought up before?

What happened with flytape? I was trying to find the story but I remember he was unmodded and then came back with some apology post, got reinstated after but still nobody wanted him around. You guys got axed at the same time this go-around. Are the incidents related? What was your involvement?

What happened with flytape? In his own words.

Not really what I was looking for but thanks for the effort

You ask for help then be a dick when it wasn't to your liking. What an ass. Why not ask u/Flytape himself? He mods r/conspiracyright, he is not dead.

Flytapes story at times has contradicted the story of the mods who "won". He couldnh looking for another perspective.

I wish I knew more, but know I'll never get the inside story. And even if I did, I doubt I'd believe it. Such is the life of a CT.

I wasn't meaning to be a dick but there's no straight story on this and it's shady af


Flytapes story at times has contradicted the story of the mods who "won".

See this post for more info on Flytape's claims.

That's his new board? Hahahahaha. He's so transparent, what a joke.

You aint special just like every one else.

Or, you are special, just like everyone else.

See what you did there and i appreciate that on a certain level.

"but know; you're fucked."

Please explain this a bit?

What are your favorite conspiracies?

Watch the documentary "Human Resources"

Where do you suspect most of the astroturfing is coming from?

Since no one answered, here.

Maybe off topic but do you have a conspiracy thread from your time here that you consider a must read?

Shouldn't it be a colon and not a semi-colon?

But know: You're fucked.


But know; You're fucked

I'd put a little nuance in it:

"Just so you all understand, y'all are fucked."



How come you haven't been a regular participant on this sub for years and claimed you didn't have the time to deal with the sub's issues -- yet now that you've been demodded and are involved in all this drama and want to take the other mods down, you suddenly have time to participate more than you have in a long time?

I've literally been here for 11 years... did you go look at my deleted post history and make an assumption?

No, I've been around this sub long enough to know what the score is.

I know you've been here a long time, but you've admitted yourself you haven't had time to be here practically at all in the past few years.

Purple what are your alts? You say you've been here a long time, it I really don't remember seeing you in any conversations before

If I wanted you to know my alts, presumably I would be using those name(s).

I hate these passive aggressive "oh gee, I've never noticed you before" messages. This is the first one targeted at me, but they're always obnoxious.

Are you Jewish?

I talked with this girl at work one day and we realized we lived near another... I was having a hard commute and asked how they got to work and it was stated that they drove every day.

We chatted about commuting together and it was agreed that it was convenient that we should commute together and they would pick me up.

I was picked up in a new VW beetle convertible... we drove and I said "nice car" they stated "yeah it's new got the best loan" - "oh what's that" "well when you're Jewish and young you can request a loan from the community and someone will sign off for you - as if you don't pay it that person will pay it off, but the interest is zero and you can request however much you want"...

No, I am not Jewish. They have a strong community... and many communities can learn a lot from them.

This is the deficient factor of the "melting pot" -- we all lose the benefits of community and resent the benefits of the communities of others.

That is one unavilable video!

Jews avoiding interest... that's fucking rich.

Wow, and a double bow wow wow!

Interest is a subject which is even more important than subjects such as The Federal Reserve, and is less talked about than subjects such as The Federal Reserve. Interest is how entire populations are made into economic slaves. It's not the 'necessary' component of a healthy economy that people have been taught to believe that it is.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

You said in a previous reply we should be skeptical. You were one of the most powerful users on this sub for a very long time. Why should we trust you? You could be using this to put forth your own agenda.

I personally trust you, I'm just played devil's advocate.

Don't trust me at all!

Information is being controlled. Think of your mind as a homestead. You have children (beliefs) - you need to protect them, but enable them to grow via the food you cultivate (ideas via information)

It is your responsibility to ensure that you're home (awareness) is sound and that you provide adequate security (discernment) to protect the fruits of your labor.

Even when you build a village, there will always be usurpers.

Ego is the evil that consumes.



Thanks for the reply and I'm sorry that you lost your position. I've been lurking on this sub for a very long time and I always thought you were one of the fair ones.

would you have been for a Dr Judy Wood ama?

I'd be for it. Are you in contact with her?

Out of curiosity, what would either a "yes" or "no" indicate to you?

That would make this about me and not about the mods/ ex mods. I doubt anyones very interested in little ole me. At least i hope not. would you be for or against this ama?

I would be very enthusiastic about it.

However, simply stating that has opened me up to all manners of attacks and accusations, far more than even the David Cole AMA, which is certainly saying something.

In fact, the largely vociferous reaction against the theories of Judy Wood and a potential AMA is what led me to be more interested in the theories in the first place.

I don't have remotely the intelligence and education to be able to formally comment on any of these topics, but I truly believe that every conspiracy theorist should be allowed to have their say.

The moment certain conspiracy theories are disallowed from being discussed is the moment the conspiracy theorists lose.

In the case of Judy Wood, even if you think her theories don't have any merit, you should welcome the opportunity to address their inconsistencies and inaccuracies in a public way.

Simply silencing someone who wants to speak has never led to anything productive in the history of mankind (ok, that's perhaps hyperbolic, but you catch my drift).

I have a high opinion of Judy Wood because of the flak she takes, but also because her theories are supplemented by the vast majority of other fringe researchers who I respect. Hopefully someday soon we could make this ama happen i'm happy to know she has some support amongst the mod team.

Feel free to reach out to her.

What exactly was that MAGABolt thing all about? Have mods been proven to be using alts for various purposes?

I was hoping they'd answer this, instead they went for the easy questions and didn't even really answer them.

: /

What do you want to know? Afaik you guys know as much as we do. Dronepuppet admitted they were his alts, but never explained what he was doing with them. They were trolling users though. Mods asking for explanations was 90% of modmail for 2 solid weeks.

Can you post a list of users you know/heavily suspect were his alts?

I kinda stayed out of this one. I didn't really care that much at first when the alts were brought up, or at least I was willing to wait and see his explanation. Then it dragged on and it was obviously stupid of him, then it got all witchhunty...the whole thing made me uncomfortable and there were plenty of others that had strong enough views that the outcome was obvious. So, I didn't really pay attention to the details.

Sooo when you asked what we wanted to know, you actually meant "don't ask me, I don't want to be seen taking a stand and making any enemies"?

No, I mean I didn't write it down and I'm not digging through 10mi of modmail to find it. Do you know how modmail works?

I don't give 2 shits about his alt accounts, and if you think I could be a nervous nelly about enemies and have this job, let me disabuse you of that notion here.

Why don't you tell us? You seem to post from more accounts than anyone else here.

Kindly produce your evidence friend.

I don't know that sarah_connor has any more insight into this than the rest of the mod team, which is very little. All we know is that DP was using at least 3-4 alts (that we're aware of and he admitted to) and that he was using them apparently to entrap users and possibly to game a thread that was placed into contest mode.

I new this sub has been infiltrated for awhile. Thankfully, other niches have survived on.

It sounds like you have a little leverage now.

1) What do you think of the Mandela Effect?

2) Do you think it's more like we get a war with North Korea or that the global market crashes first?

3) What's your view on transhumanism, do you think it will become a power play by the TPTB to control the general population or that it's tech they want to suppress?

That's all I can think of for now OP when it comes to questions and yeah I well know we are screwed in a number of ways.

Who gave you the order to defend Milo Y. when he was being revealed to be a pederast apologist?

Has Reddit become all about controlling what content gets posted in subs to control what sites people click on?

Thereby creating a controlled market where the highest bidders get their content onto front pages..

Which in turn guarantees advertisers high profile spots on subs they "know" are going to see alot of views that day/time period.

Which in turn encourages the takeover of subs by users that know this system exists and want more subs to control in order to make their bank accounts fat.


Thanks for responding...if in fact this is what Reddit has become..there's not a damn thing to be done about it. imo

Since I formulated this theory..Ive started to look at a users post history..if the majority of their posts link to content sites..then I look to see how often they make comments.

The blatant and disturbing pattern is that the accounts that post massive numbers of posts containing links to content sites rarely make comments..and the comments themselves are usually one-liners or copypasta that doesn't take up too much of their valuable posting time.

Yes, there are those that are pushers of links. They focus on pushing data but spend little to no time discussing it. Some I think do it simply for karma, possibly to resell the account.

Others seem to have a focused bias, possible agenda to steer tone in the sub.

People sell their Reddit accounts?

Yeah, seems there is a market for established accounts.

Huh....well I remember that closer to Christmas,lol.

Let us know first so we know to watch out for your replacement.


You're commenting on conspiracy, that will probably devalue your account to the ones who want to make money off it.

The money is insanely slow in reselling accounts. Basically you make hundreds of accounts, throw up a few links on them and then wait a year or more and hope to get a hundred bucks.

...I'll be back to add more direct examples of links I completely disregard. Accounts typically start posting after 60 days

Thanks for responding...if in fact this is what Reddit has become..there's not a damn thing to be done about it. imo

Go to voat.

Hey Sarah I'm just now seeing that you've joined this post. Very interested to come back in later to see what you had to say.

Hope you don't mind me naming you and starting the discussion

This behaviour brought the downfall of digg.

Heard a couple references to digg regarding this stuff. Before my time..but I can understand why..

It's hard to focus on any content now...when half my brain is thinking about the motive and connections behind it.

Kind of already ruined things for me.

Makes sense at least for "harmless" business motivations. There are a few junk site links I wonder why they are not dismissed.

My theory is..that certain mods take over subs in order to gain control of what news sites get linked to most often on the sub. Thereby ensuring constant traffic/growth of those sites. Having mod powers enables them to make sure that users who are posting stories that direct us to these sites have an advantage in reaching the front page.

I don't doubt this happens on some subs. I think The Independent does this on /r/worldnews, for instance.

I'm not really sure how much influence the mods have over this, though. We definitely get some content spammers on this sub, who only push the same site or handful of sites but never participate in any depth in the comments section. I usually give these accounts a warning and ban them if they continue. I don't know if I've ever gotten a response from one of these, so I assume they're bots.

On this sub, we pretty much allow post from any domain, for better or worse, even some that have been placed on the site-wide spam filter. So I'm not sure how much effect one mod spot or even a couple would have. We don't have any ability to artificially promote a post other than through a sticky or our sidebar, and most of these are self.posts anyway. Of the sticky posts that aren't, I don't think there's any particular site that get's stickied more than others.

I do think artificially upvoted content is an issue on reddit in general and on this sub in particular, but I don't think mods play that big a role in it (and you can feel free to point out my conflict of interest of being a mod here.) All it would take is maybe a hundred or so accounts in a bot net to upvote a post early on, which would get it to the front page quickly. If it has a click-baity title that confirms the userbase's assumptions, it will most likely take off from there. This is in addition to more traditional methods like crossposting and off-site brigading, with or without alt accounts.

We as mods don't have the tools to know whether this is actually happening. I can look at some metrics and speculate, but it's pretty hard to say definitively whether a post is or is not getting brigading or bot-upvoted.

Is there a plan to prevent shilling/ brigading here, or is the general intention to actively allow it?

Do you believe there's a plan to prevent shilling/ brigading here, or is the actual intention to allow it?

How many people are getting doxxed?

In your experience, how true is this explanation of what's going on between mods and site admins?

Do you think Mastigia is adorable when he's facetiming in his pink bunny suit?

Real question: what the hell is is with Amos Q accusing you of collusion with TMoR over you responding to a ping?? I am so pissed about that.

I miss A.S. too.


Where do you like to go for the Truth?

What you former comods think of pizzagate?

I feel like /r/conspiracy, like many subreddits, have dedicated mods that generate a majority of content withs alts to not only drive the narrative but to keep the sub active and ‘relevant’ per se.

Seeing as you’re now an ex-mod, can you share any experiences you have with this phenomenon?

I've been arguing with Amos Q about him accusing you of collusion with TMoR. Honestly, I'm kind of embarrassed that this sub has a mod that thinks your recent comments over there are evidence of any sort of conspiracy.

Would you mind clearing that up?

Would you mind clearing that up?

Don't hold your breath. S_C has dodged that issue at every turn. Refuses to say why he felt obliged to address the "CONCERNS" of TMoR trolls, while avoiding his fellow mods.

S_C's history shows a total of FOUR comments in TMoR - three were in that thread - defending himself for the failure to "purge" the mod team (first coup attempt)

For those who are unfamiliar with the relevant TMoR thread, here's an annotated screen shot.

Here's a link to the archive.

Honestly, I'm kind of embarrassed that this sub has a mod that thinks your recent comments over there are evidence of any sort of conspiracy.

The evidence speaks for itself - unlike u/Sarah_Connor, when asked to explain.

So what's up with the rumor I heard of you asking every mod to join a discord/slack/something service for a meeting and then not showing up?

People got worried about doxxing after that.

I don't know what is true in that regard. Please enlighten me!

So this is my bad. I demanded that mods go to slack to tack the vision away from admins in mod mail... mods were slow to adopt and I made an empty threat... then that was used against me - and I am convinced that admins have several sock puppets in mod

I had IRL shit happen to me that took me away from being active in the slack that I wanted made/created - so I looked stupid, and that was a personal mistake.

Thanks for your time, I think. I honestly don't have a clue who to trust here. It seems you're being honest. If you are then cheers


I demanded that mods go to slack to tack the vision away from admins in mod mail... mods were slow to adopt and I made an empty threat... then that was used against me

If you threatened the other mods then fucked up and they held you to your own threat.... I have extremely limited sympathy for your position. Am I misreading this?

Feel however you want.

I admit that I veiled an empty threat (though I should have followed through) which was "get on slack or be demodded" and then I didn't demod those who were lazy...

But then I stated to AP "contact me on email immediately" as I was to discuss the demodding of all but him, allowing him to restructure - he ignored me, and I took action and demodded all... so your lack of sympathy is simply circumstantial as in you likely are pissed at me for demodding the team - but pissed at me for not following through with my threat to demod the team. So meh.

But you also didn't get on Slack, correct? So, per your own threat, the other mods who did get on Slack should have been able to vote and demod you. Which they did.

I'm not pissed at you for anything. Quite frankly, I don't really care enough or know enough about all of this to be pissed at you. But I do think you don't look very good in your OWN version of the story.

"Get on slack" from the person who created the slack - I was always "on" it (have you used slack?)

I just didn't interact as much as I thought I would at the time I made it due to death in the family and other things that are far more important than reddit.

Don't care what you think - just being transparent.

You seem to have a lot of excuses.

Your account is two months old, what alt may you be? Or have you been here for 11years as I have?

I'm not an alt. You're right, I haven't been here eleven years (though I have been here on other accounts and lurking for more than 2 months). That doesn't make my comments/opinion worthless.


Never called you worthless!

Excuses, insults, and a very dismissive attitude.

"Get on slack" from the person who created the slack - I was always "on" it (have you used slack?)

I have multiple slacks right now and I am not on any of them so your statement is factually and veritably false.

On versus active you idiot.

On versus active you idiot.

Yet another example that you refuse to follow the rules that, under your watch, people got banned for.

Why do you consider yourself above the rules?

I was super active in the beginning and the other mods were lazy in joining - I had IRL take precedence and it atrophied, thus my empty threat...

I was super active in the beginning and the other mods were lazy in joining - I had IRL take precedence and it atrophied, thus my empty threat...

The point remains that just because you start a slack doesn't me you are always logged "on" to it.

the other mods were lazy in joining

As one of the mods who did join slack and was active in the beginning as well several times since, that's a bit disingenuous. At least some of the mods had very serious privacy concerns about joining, and I don't blame them.

As to the second part, as far as I remember, you never participated in slack since your ultimatum that the rest of the mods join or be demodded. Several of us did have some conversations there, but you were not.

he ignored me

That's not true. I received your PM four hours after you sent it and I responded immediately, saying that I was unable to contact you via email to reply back via PM.

To claim I "ignored" you is disingenuous at best.

Cool. Let me check my email. Let's post the mod mail where you stated that I did PM you and you asked other mods if you should respond and where they told you "no"

that's fine. I wasn't ignoring you tho and really was trying to reach out.

How about we address the dumbo:

Admins are meddling == 1|O


Thank you for this.

LOL, what the hell do you know? You have been on reddit for 2 months. OF COURSE!!! What a coincidence.

Lots of people got banned from this sub under your rules for much less so why should you get a pass?

Slack has ways to determine account ips via the API:

When is skynet going to go online?

8:55am EST September 4th, 2017.

8:55am EDT happens when this comment is 3 hours and 48 minutes old.

You can find the live countdown here:

I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.

What are your thoughts on psychedellics?

Do you remember to pray?

Sarah_Connor, are you able to provide us chat logs from your mod group chats / mod mail / slack?

I think the commoner on this sub would like to know the hidden workings of the mod community, we have a mod log - what about a mod chat log?

To me it is concerning if the mods want to keep this private, for there would only be one reason for that. Either they have sold out the sub or they are planning to...

Well now you know why Hillary Clinton wanted to have a private server. Some things are easier done if kept secret, right?

While you're waiting, you could always read through the previous modmail leak.

Sarah_Connor, are you able to provide us chat logs from your mod group chats / mod mail / slack?

To me it is concerning if the mods want to keep this private, for there would only be one reason for that. Either they have sold out this sub or they are planning to...

That is understandable. Links are posted below - but first some background:

"Slack" (for those who may not know) is an offsite chat service. u/Sarah_Connor created the "Conspiracy" Slack back in May 2017 - ostensibly as an place to discuss mod matters outside of Reddit (and invisible to Admins).

On August 10th, (the night that Sarah_Connor removed all of our mod positions - FIRST Coup Attempt), he ORDERED all other mods into the Slack channel for "discussion" - but Sarah_Connor never showed up. Admins were forced to step in and reinstate our permissions as the sub was unmoderated, and vulnerable to attack by trolls and saboteurs. Their only other option would have been to LOCK the sub.

As you might imagine, this action by Sarah_Connor severely undermined confidence in Sarah among the other mods - we demanded and explanation from Sarah - but nothing substantive was offered. We began deliberations on taking a vote to remove Sarah_Connor from the top mod position. S_C had previously agreed to abide by the consensus and the vote of the mod team.

Following the removal of our mod permissions, It wasn't looking good for Sarah.

On the night of the Second Coup attempt, Sarah_Connor deleted the entire mod team - with the exception of u/axolotl_peyotl - but Sarah removed all of axolotl's permissions - rendering him helpless. Sarah then reinstalled u/Flytape and u/DronePuppet to the mod team - with FULL permissions.

Having been de-modded (with no access to mod mail), some of the other mods went to the Slack chatroom to try figure out what was going on.

Fortunately, as soon as he saw what was happening, u/AssuredlyAThrowAway immediately contacted u/redtaboo, the Reddit Administrator who had stepped in to restore our mod permissions during the previous coup attempt.

Below is the full record of the Slack conversation that took place that evening - (posted with the agreement of all moderators involved)

Slack Conversation Screen Shots:

There it is, folks - letting it all hang out.

You'll notice that Sarah_Connor was not present AT ALL, and that Flytape made only ONE comment - at the very top of the conversation.

ALSO, following the FIRST coup attempt (where mod permissions were revoked by Sarah_Connor), I created "Coup_de_Mardigras" a new, private sub made for the specific purpose of allowing moderators to discuss the pending vote to remove S_C as top active mod.

When the sub was first created, Sarah_Connonr was NOT invited, nor was axolotl_peyotl, as, being next in line, he would have been the primary beneficiary of Sarah's removal. I did NOT want these conversations to be on Slack, as I wanted to give full transparency to Reddit Administrators.

Following the SECOND Coup Attempt, I removed coup participants u/Flytape and u/DronePuppet access to the sub (Sarah_Connor never had access).

Shortly after Coup #2, u/Flytape (who had resigned from /r/conspiracy) LIED about what we moderators discussed in that sub - saying that WE were the ones who were plotting a coup:

They planned it here, I was invited and watched it all go down. Hence my sudden revolt against them.

Archive of above:

Flytape told a whopper, and today we're setting the record straight.

Again, with unanimous consent of (current) Conspiracy moderators, I am making the sub PUBLIC for your inspection. It is set to "read only": All threads have been locked, and only approved submitters are allowed to post or comment.

Here it is, folks -

There is more evidence yet to be posted... edits to come.

I must say this is the most entertaining thing I've seen in this entire sub.

This is some Young and the Restless type drama.

Young and the Restless type drama.

Crazy eh?

lmao thank you so much for documenting all of this, A_Q. It's really funny watching Flytape go around claiming all of this bullshit that even I have evidence (from the modlogs) that he's lying.

Is there any chance you could make this into a new post? I appreciate your transparency and think others would too, including people who are no longer checking this thread because of the drama/lies going on.

If you don't want to in hopes of ending the drama or any other reason, that makes sense, but I think the sub would benefit from it.

We will.

We were waiting for this first ;)

And switch from Slack to something actually secure.

I see no need to communicate in anything other than modmail (unless it is down).

Thanks for the link though. I didn't participate in the Slack.

Y'all's slack conversation seems scripted as fuck, imo.

Would you care to be more specific? Or is this a purely emotional response?

I don't care to be banned, yet again. People can see what I've said, and come to their own conclusions.

Yea sadly flytape will have to be demodded

which sucks because I value his input

but this was over the line

Or is this a purely emotional response?

The way you're arguing is suspicious.

Don't be silly. He claims that the conversation looks "scripted". I want to know why he said that. Is it based on the structure, the comments, or just a "gut feeling"?

Is that not a fair question?

Thanks, but this is not what i was looking for.

Can we have the logs from the slack and moderator channels (anything you had all used to chat) for the week leading up to this event?

At the moment, with only the aftermath visible it is not enough to make a judgement on the matter - this does not clear the air.

Slack has been compromised for a long time.

The accounts of the drama I have read so far went something like "so we all voted to demote s_c, but he didn't like that, and etc etc" but I never saw what started it all - why they wanted to vote to demote you in the first place. So, what was the deal with that?

That was the "peaceful" tale over. They can't "peacefully" do it then they get Admins to help

Right, but what prompted/excused the "peacuful" takeover?

Leading mod accounts couldn't be bought or doxxed and they weren't being warmed up to like most ego driven people. They then put a petition to replace the lead mod but he reacted by kiclomg them which is retaliation so admins were involved

But what was the rationale offered for the petition? That is what seems almost impossible to find out (as if both sides were embarrased and trying to hide it).

Oh cmon now. Nobody is even willing to suggest touching the top mod for some reason. Everyone seems to not notice he even exists.

Of course, its basically impossible to remove admin sockpuppet mods so...what are we to do?

This latest mod upheaval removed the mods intent on combating the shill invasion on /r/conspiracy. One of the moderators that I am certain is a shill now most likely has a contact in the admin group, as soon as the mod team restructure was started (in order to break the mod team stalemate with no actions taken against the brigades) he contacted the admins and they took over the mod team ousting the ones working for a change. Basicaly a hostile coup by the corrupt mods that are left on the mord list now, led by AATA.

As I am sure many of you know already, the reddit admins are not against astroturfers on the site. They are most likely getting paid to look the other way.

There are several mods high up in the mod list now that most likely are corrupt, they are actively resisting taking measures that combat shilling and brigading such as contest mode and enabling totesmessenger.

I believe eight of them are compromised or heavily biased, and I've seen them act with blatant bias (downplays the brigade, refuses to ban blatant shills posting from shareblue etc).

The few mods I know are ok will not be in any position to influence the direction of the sub from now on. The majority vote among the mod team will ensure that.

I don't mean to be rude because it is all good information you share, and certainly on topic, but the one thing I'm actually asking about seems to remain the only thing nobady can tell me, which is: what was the reason offered by the mods for voting to dethrone s_c. And if the answer is "because s_c didn't step down as promised when we asked him a month earlier" then I would like to that reason which was given a month earlier for asking him to step down. Bottom line: why did anyone want to get rid of s_c in the first place?

I don't mean to be rude because it is all good information you share, and certainly on topic, but the one thing I'm actually asking about seems to remain the only thing nobody can tell me, which is: what was the reason offered by the mods for voting to dethrone s_c.

SC removed all of our permissions a week before the Vote Of No Confidence in order to extract concessions out of us to regain permissions. While he was incognito for 4 hours after this action the sub was neutered from moderation.

We contacted the admins to let them know their 500k /r/conspiracy sub didn't have any lifeguards on duty and gave us our whistled back. Just an afternoon of mod drama (in effect keel us busy from continuing to clean this place up).

And if the answer is "because s_c didn't step down as promised when we asked him a month earlier"

This, you're referring, is the Vote Of No Confidence - which was a reaction to an action.

then I would like to know that reason which was given a month earlier for asking him to step down. Bottom line: why did anyone want to get rid of s_c in the first place?

I hope I helped.

It very much helped, thank you for clearing that up!

Long days & pleasant nights

Gold worthy post.

Can you eli5 your version of the story? Something is very suspect.

I was always under the impression that the whole point of the subreddit moderator hierarchy was to allow mods above other mods to change their permissions or remove them all together. Isn't that the whole point of having mods above other mods?

How was what you did seen by the admins as a violation of the rules as opposed to something entirely within your power to do?

Whether you should've done it, and who to believe are other questions that are hard to answer, but what you did seemed to be entirely within the rules vs. the admins literally supporting mods removing mods above them?

I know the term woke is a bit of a cliche here...but you just got reddit woke.

This sub is fucked. Where to now?

4chan. The answer is always 4chan.


Is this subreddit controlled opposition, designed to deliberately disinform conspiracy researchers and waste their time so they don't do anything meaningful


Is the severe lack of quality and actual truth here just the organic result of mismanagement , political bias by the users and subversion by corporate interests (e.g. ShareBlue) ?

waste their time

Yes waste their time with "mod drama".

IIRC based on some leaked/declassified documents over the past decade or so, a lot of internet fuckery like this is primarily designed to discourage the real users and make discourse impossible. It's not so much about controlling a part of the internet (although that is definitely a plus for whoever is disrupting the discussion), it's mostly about killing communities. Isolation is another aspect, divide the users into fractured, small communities that can't have any sort of meaningful influence on national discourse (one of the reasons I refuse to go to voat).

If anyone knows where those docs are lemme know.

Somehow I get the feeling that some moderators were pro-Trump red-pilled people and the others were never-Trump types. The never Trump people won. Am I close?

I wish you luck IRL. Ultimately we always knew what these forums were. They were always limited hangouts. They were always controlled by coin. That's the nature of this subject. Not just this site, but glp, ats, the same. We gather what we learn and take it home with us.

Thank you for your time and energy.

I always thought that it was the power, and right, of a higher mod to add/remove any lower mods. When and why did this rule change?

It would appear that a mod list with AATA in it does not follow the traditional heirarchy.

What do you mean?

So are you saying "we're fucked" in life? or "we're fucked" in this sub?

Whats to stop us from going to an alternative conspiracy sub like ii, or V?

Who are you?

What was with that Andy Kaufman , 2Pac is alive - posts that was posted here daily just a few months ago ?

Were they coded messages ?

Do you think a replacement reddit could work? Do you have any ideas for improvements if such a thing were to be made?

Well if I read everything you said correctly, you believe there are "shill mods" here. My question is do you also think there are "shill users" here? By that I mean users that are untouchable. Users that try to input ideas that would benefit their superiors. I believe I suspect at least 3 maybe 4 "shill users" that fit the bill im trying explain. They seem to flip flop a lot. ALWAYS the one of them are the first few comments in a controversial post. One has actually called me shill on two different occasions so I reported and 10 minutes or so later their comment was deleted with no recourse.

Tldr; Are there untouchable users here?

Sarah_Connor , what's up with the fear porn title for the thread? I'm fucked? Really, what kind of set up is that supposed to lead to? Please do inform me more of how I should simple give up on my desolate existence.

Do you believe that the current narrative you talk about could shift into a controlled alternative (or opposite), that might keep censoring "disturbing" topics for their set of ideas, or ideas that are repulsive for both narratives, even if they are truth?

Within conspiracy forums you can't ask for rigorousness, but you might try to appeal to critical thinking, even if politically motivated agendas would appeal to the same critical thinking to offer their point of view as the "smartest option".

Did you, or did you not, try to purge the whole mod team after being voted out of lead mod status?

Should be an easy answer

Nope. That's not how this shit works. Simple answer

Your answer doesn't make much sense. How does this question not work seeing as this is an AMA. I asked you anything, and a simple question at that. You've also avoided this question from me twice before already, so I'm inclined to already know what the answer to my question is.

You asked for a simple answer. I answered it in a word. Shall I break that down to syllables?

Why are you getting hostile with this question? I was just wondering. What are your thoughts on /u/flytape creation of /r/conspiracyright? Don't you think it's ironic to be dividing oneself with political labels when we all know it's apart of the same system?

How do you feel about that. I am curious, seeing as you've been around for a while and probably have a grasp on general conspiracy beliefs.

My FU was not directed at you.

Okay. I'd still like to know about your thoughts on what I brought up above. Why would a mod be creating off shoot political sub reddits when he of all people on a conspiracy board should know that all sides are apart of the game and dividing ourselves only plays into the cabals hands.

Are you willing to comment on that? Why was he willingly engaging in furthering the divide of people through petty political labels and terms.

Would love to hear your opinion

I can't speak to anything that flytape does - I don't stalk all mods and look into their post history (if I had, I would have known the admin sock-puppet accounts sooner)

Flytape is a good guy with politics i disagree with completely, other than the fact that he likes trucks and guns...

As the sub stated we are for free speech and I was happy to hear anything outside of my wheelbox - I am very much anti political - which caused a ton of friction when I made mod posts about it - but I am pro democracy though I shouldn't be...

Any mode with a /I/ starting with 'a' or 'j' should not be trusted.

Any mod with a /u/ starting with 'a' or 'j' should not be trusted.

Duly Noted

A lot of usernames in this discussion who I have never seen post in this sub before, it participating as if they are long time users.

Curious how many Alts are being used to prevent openness here

Why, now that you aren't a mod anymore, are you violating the rules so much? You enforced them on us for years but now you see yourself above them?

Rule 6, Rule 10 and others are what I am talking about.

Question 2: Still think it was a smart idea to bring in all those TD mods ignoring the community in the process?

What rules do you speak of? The bullshit rules in the sidebar? The ones I tried to enact, namely that we are not a clone of anything politics, or the invisible rules the admins apply to any sub that doesn't fall within their politic-profit narrative (fuck you admins when I complained about many /r/ such as picsofdeadkids and you fucks left that alone but god-forbid a mod of a popular sub tries to right the sails, so fuck you)

What rules do you speak of? The bullshit rules in the sidebar? The ones I tried to enact, namely that we are not a clone of anything politics, or the invisible rules the admins apply to any sub that doesn't fall within their politic-profit narrative (fuck you admins when I complained about many /r/ such as picsofdeadkids and you fucks left that alone but god-forbid a mod of a popular sub tries to right the sails, so fuck you)

The rules of this sub, the rules that you forced upon others and banned others for breaking why aren't you following them now?

namely that we are not a clone of anything politcs

Why do you refuse to answer question two? You bringing in mods from one of the most toxic subs on this site makes your statement a little bit difficult to believe.

And least we forget contest mode.

You do not know of what you speak:

I was vocal and forthcoming that I did not participate in bans at all - in fact, in modmail I called for less banning.

I didn't bring in any mod unilaterally, they were voted in.

I stand by my statement that you should trust no mod as I believe mods to be admin moles.

You do not know of what you speak:

I was vocal and forthcoming that I did not participate in bans at all - in fact, in modmail I called for less banning.

I didn't bring in any mod unilaterally, they were voted in.

I stand by my statement that you should trust no mod as I believe mods to be admin moles.

You allowed the rules so you hold responsibility. Rule 10 is written in such a way that it can be used to punish anyone since attacking isn't defined.

Voted in? In a thread in contest mode that stated on short notice and was about as transparent as 2 light years of solid lead? Didn't someone add up to votes and discover that some of the mods selected didn't get the most votes?

On a scale from 0 to 10, how fucked are we? 9/11?


Close enough.

Sooo nine eleven times a hundred? (SP reference)

Why'd you try removing the whole mod team? Bonus: What's with MAGAbolt, and why was that garbage allowed for so long?

Please roll D4 for reading comprehension..... and 3 D6 for INT..


... and 4...

...Drat, you didn't get it.

DM: the " <finger quotes> "mod team" <finger quotes> (Speaks slowly) was to re RE ooorganiize under the LEADership of AP (don't worry he is an Npc you won't ever interact with)... but all the trolls threw a fit and demanded their IQs be rekognize

AP (don't worry he is an Npc you won't ever interact with)


Ahhh, the "trolls" did this to you? They forced your hand. It all makes sense now. Did they control MAGAbolt as well?

If you wanted the mod team to reorganize under AP, why did you remove his perms but invite flytape and drone puppet back with full perms?

You're backtracking, and lying, because you tried to facilitate a right wing coup on the sub and got caught.

Everyone is 10 days except Axolotl_Peyotl still shows 3 years. Was that reverted by admins while the others were simply added back once he was restored?

A_P wasnt demodded, but turned to noperms, When a mod is set to no permissions, the only thing he can do, is access the subreddit if set private, nothing else, cant remove posts, cant see modmail, cant approve posts, so is removed in all but name. It still shows 3 years, as wasnt demodded, but during that time S_C did this? he had no ability to do anything modwise thanks to them

Sarah Conner has posted for a long time. Longer than this stupid election debacle. I have never once gotten the impression he is right wing, and you guys saying that sounds exactly like share blues talking points.

You're an admin alt.

I have spent years pointing out how Alexis Ohanian runs a Pr firm and takes contracts for startfor, the admins do not appreciate my presence in the least-;mfrom=&amp;mto=&amp;title=&amp;notitle=&amp;date=&amp;nofrom=&amp;noto=&amp;count=50&amp;sort=0&amp;file=&amp;docid=&amp;relid=0#searchresult

Again though, you've lied multiple times about AP's perms and still continue to provide a straight answer.

Did you remove AP's perms so he could not undue the changes you made to the mod team in retaliation for the vote to remove you as top acting moderator?

You want the /r/conspiracy answer:

I literally did not remove APs perms. I even PMd him to contact me and I got impatient and said to reorganize.

I am convinced of the fact that an admin fucked with the perms.

I did reinstate flytape, as I had mentioned, after he literally called me and we spoke for 45 minutes.

I have zero opinion on DP.

The whole fucking plan was to have AP do what he wished with mod structure, then to communicate with me about when I should step out, and I was ignored as he posted to modmail and other mods told him to ignore me.

Then JCP was a prick and after that I said "fuck it" and said I wouldn't step down to see what would happen, then admins removed me.

And for you to claim I am right fucking wing!?!! Maybe you don't have a good memory, see my posts about the bush cabal, see my posts about not being political, so to call me "right wing" is the farthest from the truth. Fuck politics, fuck the admins and go fuck yourself - I am not lying.

if I wanted to remove APs perms, why did I leave his account intact and remove the others, why did I try to get him to contact me via personal email, why would I post to modmail about what my intentions were, why does any of that make freaking sense.

Bullshit - the coup was not me. It was the admins. And as I have openly stated multiple times, I don't agree with flytape politics, but he actually help the DNA of the sub in good standing. When I was asked to remove other mods, I refused.

So fuck the admins.

The mod log shows you as having removed AP's perms.

As you clearly got caught attempting whatever it is you were attempting you have motive to lie, which means your claim about the admins impersonating you to remove AP's perms makes no sense.

The motive for you to remove AP's perms was clear, the mod team voted to hand the top spot to AP and you didn't want him to put anyone above dronepuppet and flytape.

You're trying to walk back a really obvious coup attempt, and its clear neither you nor flytape had any idea that it was against the reddit TOS to retaliate against your co-mods after they begin a vote to change their acting head mod.

If I had to venture a guess, you and flytape incorrectly assumed that by leaving AP on the team (albeit with no perms) you wouldn't be in violation of the retaliation part of the TOS. Why you thought that I have no idea.

Then again, why you think half of what you think I cant understand. To be frank, the reason why I supported removing you from the team (after supporting you through even your most difficult moments) was because 95% of the time you are incoherent, and unable to understand anything about reddit or how the site functions. You twice undermined the entire mod team without even getting a vote, and acted wantonly on multiple occasions.

Part of being on a mod team is engaging with others, and looking for consensus; you have huge weaknesses in both of those areas, and it really hindered your ability to play any role on the mod team (not too mention the role of acting head mod).

I don't mean to go on here, as I think I've made my point quite clear; but , again, just to reemphasize it for you; I literally supported you remaining on the mod team (in the top acting spot) even when you went through some difficult situations. It was only when you attempted to act unilaterally, in essence entirely tone deaf with regards the site wide TOS and general mod team etiquette, that I (and nearly every other mod) voted to hand the top spot over to AP.

On multiple occasions we offered to give you a spot on the mod team at a lower position, and on multiple occasions you accepted only to renege your commitment at the last minute.

At the end of all this I'm not really sure if flytaped played you (flytape really was trying to change this into a ring wing subreddit, and you welcomed his plan with open arms) or if you felt it was justified due to your ideology; either way, what happened was quite sad, and it is shameful that you are still lying about things to this day.

Utter bullshit

Whose idea was it to create rule 10? Because as far as I can see the rule was put in place specifically to protect the obvious Shareblue shills flooding this place. They try to shift conversations away from the more damaging topic while also being rude and insulting, but when you insult back or call them out for being obvious shills you get banned. This goes on until the mods have warned/banned you enough and they make it permanent. This ONLY protects Shareblue.

Also are people supposed to believe this sub hasn't been compromised the exact same way that other subs were taken over? Especially with Reddit admin help to kick out the senior most mods?

This is why I have tried to leave reddit and deleted several accounts. The mods support the shills and only enforce rule 10 when it calls them out. Honestly I thought this AMA would shed more light on that.

If this mod upheaval was in the best interest of this community, why has there been a drastic shift in the number of socialist and communist users lately?

Why wouldn't they be content with creating a commie_conspiracy sub instead of infesting this one?

Also - Will you be creating a new sub? This one is clearly infested hours after the supposed change for the betterment of the community.

Why did you agree to resign if I did and then never follow through?

We could have avoided admin actions altogether if you just followed through with one of your threats/demands/negotiation points if you just would do anything you said you would do.

Maybe because fuck you, that's why.

Seems like either way you were gone.

One way would have been far less messy and definitely would have been better for the sub.

Yet you chose the opposite.


This post makes my spider senses tingle. He is obviously angry, but this reeks off plata or plumbo

I love you

Maturity level -9,000.

Well, intelligent comments like this have definitely got me seeing your well-thought out view on all this.


Sarah ARE you actually a real GRILL??????

Like you know, biologically? I kneed to know for reasons.


Why did you guys added more mods when the whole community was clearly against that decision and told you in advance to watch out? I mean, who came up with the idea and who vetted the new mods?

Way to go, two whole non-answers in your own AMA.

Probably hesitant to provide more detailed answers because people keep using alts instead of posting with their main accounts.

Is this the AMA? This one seems pretty clouded with other discussion. I would still be very interested in SC AMA having its own post

What is the scary reddit admin going to do? You live on the internet, quite sad. :(

What happened with flytape? In his own words.

Trolls and obvious bots aren't doing anyone here any good. I'm thankful the mods deal with a good bit of that nonsense so its not all just spam and shitposts. They're the modern version of the 10 year old keyboard mashing in a chatroom annoying everyone.

This site lives on Reddit and if there were no mods, it would be banned for doxing and trolling within 24 hours.

Calm down with your 'statist ideal' bullshit and think about the reality of the situation.

If you want a Conspiracy website without mods, you're going to have to start your own and not rely on Reddit for hosting.

Oh no, how will people talk without someone passing judgement over what is said? Your statist ideals are about to hit the biggest brick wall in recorded history, child.

When you were typing this out, did you think it would make you sound cool or wise or something when you decided to add 'child' at the end?

You seem to have a lot of excuses.

"Get on slack" from the person who created the slack - I was always "on" it (have you used slack?)

I have multiple slacks right now and I am not on any of them so your statement is factually and veritably false.

On versus active you idiot.

I was super active in the beginning and the other mods were lazy in joining - I had IRL take precedence and it atrophied, thus my empty threat...

I just thought it might make people question why it is they accept that some nameless, faceless corporation has any power to interrupt their personal rights as guaranteed by the Constitution for the united States of America. Maybe that's the reason you typed this response.

I must say this is the most entertaining thing I've seen in this entire sub.

This is some Young and the Restless type drama.

lmao thank you so much for documenting all of this, A_Q. It's really funny watching Flytape go around claiming all of this bullshit that even I have evidence (from the modlogs) that he's lying.

Is there any chance you could make this into a new post? I appreciate your transparency and think others would too, including people who are no longer checking this thread because of the drama/lies going on.

If you don't want to in hopes of ending the drama or any other reason, that makes sense, but I think the sub would benefit from it.

Y'all's slack conversation seems scripted as fuck, imo.

Thanks, but this is not what i was looking for.

Can we have the logs from the slack and moderator channels (anything you had all used to chat) for the week leading up to this event?

At the moment, with only the aftermath visible it is not enough to make a judgement on the matter - this does not clear the air.

Slack has been compromised for a long time.