Wow. WTF is going on in this world that people talking about being sex trafficking victims are actually getting VILIFIED in this sub?

269  2017-09-04 by no1113

Look at the comment section in this OP that /u/LightBringerFlex posted. I'm just...beside myself with the amount of vehement "she's lying and only trying to sell a book" comments In there. It's like...seriously? I understand that not everyone who claims they got raped actually got raped, and I understand that there are enough charlatans in this world at this point for people to be skeptical about certain claims, but, again, the vehemence of some of the comments immediately vilifying the speaker seem entirely imbalanced and very uncritical.

Kind of reeks of either intense shilldom or no-less-intense useful idiots.

EDIT: This one user in particular (who I won't even bother naming, but who one can guess who it is by simply reading the trolling comments in this thread) is trolling and stalking and PMing constantly right now attempting, I don't know what they're trying to do...I guess bully?

It's pretty stupid on their part, but it's at least indicative of the very thing I'm talking about in the OP.

Very weird and disturbing that people are actually like this and defend this kind of activity.

EDIT 2: Holy shit. I just got banned from this sub! lol. It states it's for "repeated shill accusations", but I wonder if HALF the users in this thread have therefore been banned because everybody's been calling everybody a shill.

Uh...WTF is going on?


They are defending their own.

Seems like it, but...I guess my mind just has a difficult time with someone actually defending that type of activity. I mean...yeah...It just doesn't really compute to me.

I literally just can't

They followed you here. Keep it up man! If you didn't matter no one would waste their time.

So they are breaking rule 5 and should be banned? So sick of accounts with no purpose other than to shit on this sub.

Can't prove it. They would just say "I was browsing new and just happened to see it!" And how would I prove otherwise? And that is when they actually comment in both places. I was more referring to the voting. Like when the post was 10min old, and there was an asshole comment showing 1min old with 4 upvotes. I mean ya, that is fucking obvious. But not provable.

Can't prove it.

We all know it.

You know if we could prove this shit it would be a bloodbath. This is the cancer that eats all of reddit, not just our sub. It is probably where all the actual revenue hides too.

Time for some open source investigations on reddit.

If it can be empirically proven that vote manipulation and brigading is happening, without causing any harassment along the way of gathering the data, I don't see why it could not be acted upon. However, that might be a thing better sent to modmail or the admins (lol) for review. I think an open post about it would probably be a bad idea, and there would be no guarantees some part of reddit would not come down the wrong way on it.

I was thinking more of open source investigations on the leadership of reddit. Preferably hosted off reddit (4chan).

your going to find a lot of crisis actors

It can and has been proven already. What is this and this? And that's just one example.

It's not that it can't be proven. It's that after it gets proven, not only do the plebs simply keep their heads in the sand and don't want to see what's real, but the proof that's there is ultimately protected by an extremely powerful cadre of extremely evil beings - human and/or non-human.

I upvoted you, btw, so I'm not fighting w/you here...but yeah. This shit's been proven. It's happening and it's epidemic. Systematic pedophilia is very, very real, unfortunately.

I think you misunderstand. We were discussing vote brigading. Preaching to the choir on elite pedos haha.

Apologies, sir. Didn't know you were referring to vote brigading. Yeah. There's definitely a lot of that going on.

their doing because we're winning

So sick of accounts with no purpose other than to shit on this sub and the people who post here.

also you

herewegoagaindude, forrealthistimeplaya, joepesciofgonefishin, errantdashingseagull. I'm sure we could name off another 5-10 if we tried.

Notice how my account actually has discussions, good to know you saw that post though. I figured there was an odd reason none of the regulars bothered to touch it, but I knew it had to have been said. Go on, I'm not ashamed of my comments that call out the blatant cancer in this sub.

Notice how my account actually has discussions

Here's all of your posts in the last day:

I just came to respond with how spot on this was only to find you've already got a downvote. This sub is being fucking hijacked.

Which is why I find it so odd that it's nearly impossible to have a contained conversation about one of them without people crying about why we aren't talking about the other. It's always the same people too. -Hillary Post "I wonder what TD users are trying to hide now" -Trump Post "Haha, time's running up losers! I wonder what sorts of Hillary and Pizzagate posts will be spammed to bury this thread" They don't want civil discourse, regardless of the topic.

It actually is whataboutism, it's always used to deflect to Trump whenever Hillary is mentioned.

Oh no, a Hillary post. I'm now blind to all other topics in the sub, why have you done this to me? I want to complain more about Trump but now that this post exists I cannot keep my eyes away from it! I've now completely forgotten the 5+ top posts on the sub that discussed Trump's horrible pardon decision, thanks guys.

Did you assume that these totally organic users that piggyback off eachother's quick jabs at the subreddit whenever a Hillary thread is posted are here to do anything else?

A bunch of users who regularly comment together dissenting anything that has to do with Hillary has come to let us know that it wasn't actually Hillary who sent the email. Nothing to see here

I wouldn't be mad if you banned 80% of the users in this thread, interesting how they always comment in packs regarding anything Hillary related, especially when they are able to use it as a step up to dissent the sub, its users and moderators, it's pretty much a /r/TopMindsOfReddit thread when they decide to hop in with the fake voting. Once again, another prime topic for discussion and this bullshit is at the top of the thread.

The lack of self-awareness in these votes are pretty telling, this entire sub was being smeared with "you believe in x therefore you must support Trump" since before the election in order to devalue topics that were otherwise non related to Trump at all. Didn't work that direction, now when people suck-up to MSM and get called out for doing exactly that you're spinning it the other way. Fact is, any "debunking" or "professional jounalistic discussion" of any of these topics are no more substantial in content than Stephen Colbert and Rachel Maddow's silly attempts to steer the masses away from inconvenient facts.

Didn't even have to check the history to see the correlation, we used to get brigaded, now we are getting straight up astroturfed. There's a slight distinction between the two, but an important one.

Spoiler - It wasn't, just a load of MSM telling you it was without touching base on any of the details, just like Pizzagate. Well, it only took a couple weeks since the admins came and performed the cleansing but here were are in the new r/conspiracy, where the posts are astroturfed and substational discussion is derailed and buried.

So, no. I didn't notice that, sorry.

ours on narrative vision goggles

Let me go ahead and cite your bullshit, u/T_D_TalkingPoint.

But I'm not going to deflect from the fact that each of those comments are well founded on manipulation of this sub. I'm very glad that my account is causing an issue for you people to the point that you can are parroting my valid concerns in a format that only makes you more transparent and then more visible.

For what it's worth, I didn't downvote you. But consider this my last complainy post about the users here and the state of the sub. I'm going to go back to lurking, I think.

Rapists and herd mentality?

You don't say?

The cognitive dissonance is strong. They're all 'listen and believe' until it's one of their own accused, and then that's just crazy talk and that bitch is lying.

Or people think it's Light posting more bs, but hey I guess it's easier to call people who disagree with you pedo defenders than to actually address what they're saying.

Yeah, people make some crazy jumps in logic to attack people who are remotely skeptical here. They:

1) Post about pedophilia. Make sure to not back up any claims. Maybe even post something that's easily disproved.

2) Call anyone skeptical of the unverifiable or provably false claims a pedophile or a pedophile defender. Don't address their questions.

Then they ask "why are you even here?" to people wondering about sources, authenticity, or veracity of claims. Certain people would believe a lot less bullshit if their start point was disbelief and they had to be persuaded into believing. Rather than immediate acceptance and belief of a theory/claim.

Well some of these "show the proof" people seem to want videos of the acts being performed, which seems kinda sick to me.

Oh look, more nasty, inaccurate talking points implying that elite pedophilia doesn't exist.

I didn't address elite pedophilia. I've seen a lot of wild claims related to pedophilia here. And due to the subject people buy in with little to no proof and skeptical people are downvoted.

For example there was a post the other day about an orphanage next to a house filled with pedophiles. The post was misleading/lying but heavily upvoted anyway despite the fact you could easily disprove the claim for yourself.

You just proved his point

Yup, this same, tired comment chain, outlying "well we don't really know" - exists in every single thread about elite pedophilia

There's a reason that they chose pedophilia as the sinister crime to accuse people of... You can't wash off the stain of the accusation, so it also makes for a very effective weapon against skepticism.

Implying they aren't defending pedos when we can all read the thread and see that they are

If that's what you think your comprehension skills need work.

Can't explain why I'm wrong

Thinks my comprehension skills need work

Claiming she cannot accurately remember what happened when she was 2 isn't defending pedophiles, just stating a fact.


Rule 6

You commented negatively to the negative posters in that thread. Why post it here? You want us to defend her?

I wasn't part of that thread. This sub is generally sensitive to the abused. Looks like some people felt she was a fake trying to sell a book I guess.

If that's what you think I'm doing, then you have it WAY wrong.

What are you doing then? What is the purpose of this thread? Seems like the other poster hit the nail on the head: instead of honestly debatibg people you cowardly make another thread to cause erama and rile people up to support you.


Rule 6

This one user in particular (who I won't even bother naming, but who one can guess who it is by simply reading the trolling comments in this thread) is trolling and stalking and PMing constantly right now attempting, I don't know what they're trying to do...I guess bully?

It's pretty stupid on their part, but it's at least indicative of the very thing I'm talking about in the OP.

Very weird and disturbing that people are actually like this and defend this kind of activity.

Maybe calm the fuck down dude.

Calm down over people trying to defend Something in you is very broken if you think anyone should "calm down" over anything like that.

Fuck off.

Why in the world do you think anyone is defending pedophilia? Are you illiterate?

Your question is about as ironic as ironic gets. smh

That's a complete non-answer. I assume you're done having whatever emotional issue this was.

lol. The irony continues. Jesus and you don't even understand it. You're fucking sad, man. Seriously.

So, you pretty much plan to delete these comments, right?

I mean, because you don't look good at all.

Come never answered his REAL question...are you illiterate?

One thing that fascinates me is how these guys try to get under your skin by making things emotional, when obviously they have NO emotion. If you want evidence for reptilians, there ya go. Lack of actual compassion. I wouldn't attack someone's LITERACY if they were struggling with a very real moral issue. I fail to see how these are not rules violations; not that I am accusing, but I fail to see the value in those comments at all.

The instant end for any discussion on here should be when the person you are responding to tells you what YOUR own state of mind is. My brother does the SAME thing to me IRL very frequently, and it's taken a while to get rid of the "killswitch" in your mind that causes internal anguish from these bozos. Maybe the lowest hanging fruit in terms of getting someone to have a hair trigger reaction. It's Schaudenfraude, and I don't doubt that, maybe subconsciously at a minimum, some people get their kicks off doing it. It's almost as scary as your main topic, but obv. way worse in scope.

It's true, the rest of the world not respecting your internal dialogue to the degree you wish is sort of like child rape!'s not internal, which is exactly my point. There are external realities outside ourselves, and you just confirmed all my points with your comment. That's why I butt in on these threads, because I understand the emotional attachment, and you cannot. Childishness is fine when called for, but not all the time, and the REAL people on here recognize this. Good luck when karma rapes you.

Feel like you can't decide between new age guru and armchair pop psychologist.

Sounds like you are going for armchair pop psychology WORLD CHAMPION!! YOU WIN!! What a dunce.

Gimme a conspiracy you believe in...since you are on the conspiracy board. I'll make fun of what you think about it. Better yet, go watch The Keepers. Go ahead and make glib remarks about that.

Wait, which one are you telling me to do? Both?

Wow, two whole things. Tough concept. I don't care, your opinion is entirely invalid already to me. I just want to reiterate watching The Keepers for anyone reading this thread. I don't give a crap what you do, personally.

If you don't care, then I'll go ahead and pass on both. Later, bro! will get you one day. Seeds of discord are just that.

I'm unclear as to what you're trying to say here.

Error, does not compute. Sorry, you are the genius, not me. Figure it out.

Pass, later dude.

Not so smart now, are ya?

For someone who doesn't care about my thoughts, you seem really into keeping my attention. Is there something I can help you with?

What, so now you are at my beck and call? I want you to go back to calling me names. You are the one who said later, TWICE. So, you are coming back, not me. Because you are trying to save face and real life karma, and downvoting me won't help. It's too late, this is my last response in this thread, and may the actual God, my father, not have mercy on your soul. And please, respond and use God's name against me. I won't respond back, but I just wanna see it. I have no regard for your personal karma, and it'd be an interesting test. It would give you some puzzling evidence, no doubt. As you say, later dude!

Uh, ok then!

He's a 13 day old account, almost 300 comments this week, all just combative and divisive anti-conspiracy antagonism, longest break between comments this weekend was 3 hours.

That's not true, I also requested some plugins for Ableton Live in r/torrentlinks

Thats hilarious since im actually a professional audio engineer.

Good luck with you beatmaking hobby, while illegally pirating the products of people who actually have real jobs.

Oh, I make a living off it!

Sure you do.

Which is why you sound like an complete amateur in all your discussions of audio. After all, most professionals have to torrent shit and go on Reddit for advice. Lol.

You must be really successfully, too, if you can't even legally buy your own tools.

I guess making beats on your cracked copy of Live was the "job" you referred to, earlier, hahaha

Which is why you sound like an complete amateur in all your discussions of audio.

When were these discussions?

After all, most professionals have to torrent shit and go on Reddit for advice. Lol.

Everybody torrents everything. They buy stuff they like or end up using professionally.

I guess making beats on your cracked copy of Live

Ableton isn't cracked, I try plugins fully before buying.

was the "job" you referred to, earlier, hahaha

Nope, nice guess though! People do lots of things!

You're a strange duck, I give you that. You seem really invested in me. It's amusing.

When were these discussions?

Lol, "how do I remove rewire from osx".on Reddit. Wow. Dude, I feel badly for your poor parents who bought you that MBP.

Everybody torrents everything. They buy stuff they like or end up using professionally.

Hahaha. No. This is what amateurs on Reddit say to justify both their momentumless "careers"and their illegal piracy of other products. The fact you are parroting this line basically proves you're a reddit-grade EDM "producer".

Ableton isn't cracked, I try plugins fully before buying.

Suuuuuuure you do. Still illegal btw, and not something anyone with professional sense or stakes would ever do.

Nope, nice guess though! People do lots of things!

Some people make nonstop comments to reddit all day long. I wouldn't call that "lots of things". Just one thing, really.

You're hilarious. Nothing entertains me more than wannabe broducers. Since I'm so invested in you, tell me some more fantasies about the "living" you make off your bangers.

Lol, "how do I remove rewire from osx".on Reddit. Wow.

Yeah, ReWire sucks and always seems to want to be on. I'm either working in midi or printed audio, I don't need different DAWs talking to one another at all. Just my workflow.

Dude, I feel badly for your poor parents who bought you that MBP.

I pay their mortgage, bro.

Hahaha. No. This is what amateurs on Reddit say to justify both their momentumless "careers"and their illegal piracy of other products. The fact you are parroting this line basically proves you're a reddit-grade EDM "producer".

Hate EDM, it's just the liveliest DAW-related sub.

Suuuuuuure you do. Still illegal btw, and not something anyone with professional sense or stakes would ever do.

Except every mainstream producer known to man, lol. Wake up.

You're hilarious. Nothing entertains me more than wannabe broducers. Since I'm so invested in you, tell me some more fantasies about the "living" you make off your bangers.


Currently running a quick chord progression generator I wrote in Max through Cthulhu on 4 tracks of synth and 8 tracks of drums. Just letting it run for a while, gonna cut it up later.

Plan to whip up some shit in Renoise feeding to Plogue chipsounds for their 2A03 emulation later.

Just my workflow.

Just your workflow that you were incapable of troubleshooting without help from reddit.

pay their mortgage, bro.

Sure, dude. The online PR game is pretty hot right now.

Hate EDM, it's just the liveliest DAW-related sub.


Except every mainstream producer known to man, lol. Wake up.

Again, thank you for proving that you are an amateur. This an attitude you only see on amateur forums where the people suck ass and have to justify the shitty things they do and create. I'm an actual audio professional and work with mainstream producers every week. You are basically farting in an elevator with 1 other person and trying to say you didn't do it. Bro, it's obvious.

Currently running a quick chord progression generator I wrote in Max through Cthulhu on 4 tracks of synth and 8 tracks of drums. Just letting it run for a while, gonna cut it up later.

So you're running a "chord progression generator" through a chord generator? Lol.

Gonna let it run and then cut it up? Lol, that make a so much sense. Why just write a chord progression when you could run a "chord progression generator" through a chord memorized plugin and then cut the chords up later? Why program drums when I could generate retarded sounding random drum MIDI and then "cut it up" later?

Yeah, that's the kind of efficiency of workflow I'd definitely expect from someone making a living off production. Big market for random chord progressions these days?

Plan to whip up some shit in Renoise feeding to Plogue chipsounds for their 2A03 emulation later.

Yeah dude, chiptunes in trackers are so hot right now. You must be making bank, dude! All the chiptunes producers I know are massively successful and professional.

Big fan of Una Corda so might reskin stuff at half bpm with that, too.

You're trying to use jargon that doesn't exist to make yourself sound pro, lol.

I'm going to interpret this as, "I'm going to play some basic chords over a timestreched sample of an 80s song using my pirated komplete libraries. I really like vaporwave and it seems like a good starting point for me, but I don't quite get it yet."

Got anymore tales from basement amateur land?

Just your workflow that you were incapable of troubleshooting without help from reddit.

You say that like it's a bad thing to ask a question about production in a production sub. Odd take.

Sure, dude. The online PR game is pretty hot right now.

No idea what you mean, I work in a production team with media clients. Not the "sell your beats" world.

Again, thank you for proving that you are an amateur. This an attitude you only see on amateur forums where the people suck ass and have to justify the shitty things they do and create. I'm an actual audio professional and work with mainstream producers every week. You are basically farting in an elevator with 1 other person and trying to say you didn't do it. Bro, it's obvious.

Nice rant. You seem really angry.

So you're running a "chord progression generator" through a chord generator? Lol.

Sometimes I use it for chord arps, sometimes melody arps. You know, how it was intended.

And for sure one of the best things to do is stack a bunch of arpeggiators on top of one another, you get pretty crazy generative results that way.

Gonna let it run and then cut it up? Lol, that makes so much sense. Why just write a chord progression when you could run a "chord progression generator" through a chord memorizer plugin and then cut the chords up later?

Or do both!

Why program drums when I could generate retarded sounding random drum MIDI and then "cut it up" later?

Or do both!

Yeah, that's the kind of efficiency of workflow I'd definitely expect from someone making a living off production. Big market for random chord progressions these days?

Sometimes you generate material which you then actually arrange. It's called composition. You act like the Berlin school never existed or something.

Yeah dude, chiptunes in trackers are so hot right now. You must be making bank, dude! All the chiptunes producers I know are massively successful and professional.

Chiptune sounds are always cool, they make their way into many scores nowadays. You got a problem with those sounds?

You're trying to use jargon that doesn't exist to make yourself sound pro, lol.

Una Corda is a Kontakt library.

Skinning as in I have the midi, and the skin is whatever actual sound I feel like using in the end. The actual sound is generally less important to me than that "aha" moment of getting a good hook or part down that dictates how the rest of the piece will go.

I'm going to interpret this as, "I'm going to play some basic chords over a timestreched sample of an 80s song using my pirated komplete libraries."

Never sampled another song in my life. Not even the Amen Break, just no interest. Just cut up my own riffs/drums if I need to.

"I really like vaporwave and it seems like a good starting point for me, but I don't quite get it yet."

Really into 0PN and Ferraro's FAR SIDE VIRTUAL but those aesthetics/concepts are fairly well mined already. Not really interested in aping stuff I like for the fuck of it. Then it wouldn't really be my voice, ya dig?

Got anymore tales from basement amateur land?

Sure. But now it's time for you to tell a tale. Are you a ProTools-y live recording guy, or an electronic music guy? I'm always interested to hear peoples' workflows especially if they're idiosyncratic. The typical ways to use stuff tends to bore me to death.

You say that like it's a bad thing to ask a question about production in a production sub.

Professionals can troubleshoot their own problems, or at least have better resources than reddit.

Its funny you start asking these noob broducer questions right after making your brand new account. I mean, shit.... where did you go for advice 14 days ago. I mean, you totally don't have other Reddit accounts, after all.

No idea what you mean, I work in a production team with media clients. Not the "sell your beats" world.

Sure you do. I own a multimedia production company after working at one of the biggest post-houses in Hollywood for years. A common thing I hear from clients is how the last company they tried to work with was slow, unfocused and unprofessional. On the off chance you actually work in this industry I guess now I know why people have such bad experiences. It's cause you losers are on Reddit 24/7 and wasting time on shit like sending random midi through cthulu.

Nice rant

It was pretty nice, especially since it's true.

Sometimes I use it for chord arps, sometimes melody arps. You know, how it was intended.

Randomly, though. You waste time printing random shit in the hopes it will inspire you since you can't self-generate creativity. Happy accidents, right, EDMproduction?

And for sure one of the best things to do is stack a bunch of arpeggiators on top of one another, you get pretty crazy generative results that way.

No need. As a trained, lifelong musician i can write my own arpeggios, lol. And if I ever need to do some horseshit like that I'd use Logic's arp MIDI FX which is more full-featured than cthulu and can be easily stacked.

Or do both!

Waste of time

Or do both!

Waste of time.... unless, of course, your workload is exceptionally light. There's no impetus for being deliberate with your composition or for speed and efficiency in mom's basement.

Sometimes you generate material which you then actually arrange.

You're generating random sequences of chords, then chopping them up. That's not arranging thats trying to auto-generate creativity in an extremely time consuming and potentially fruitless way.

they make their way into many scores nowadays.

Give me some hot contemporary scores with chiptunes in them, would love to hear it.

Una Corda is a Kontakt library.

Hence my saying, "your pirated kontakt libraries". Guess you missed that.

Skinning as in

As in you created a piece of jargon to make what you're doing sound more elaborate or interesting than it really is.

those aesthetics

Lol, called it. Vaporwave producer. Makes sense cause most of you guys have a distain for EDM, since it takes a little more effort than "reskinning".

Are you a ProTools-y live recording guy, or an electronic music guy?

I do production sound, post-production sound, and filmscoring.

My workflow wouldn't make sense to you since it involves all phases of multimedia production and because I contract with companies like Sony and ESPN and do in-house work.

Professionals can troubleshoot their own problems

You're acting like troubleshooting can't be multitasked, like you can't somehow work on something while also leaving a question out there in order to see some feedback. It doesn't have to be a strictly linear process.

Its funny you start asking these noob broducer questions right after making your brand new account.

There are no noob questions, everybody is always learning new things. I'd rather be called a noob than maintain some lofty arrogance about something that's supposed to be creatively fulfilling and fun.

I mean, shit.... where did you go for advice 14 days ago. I mean, you totally don't have other Reddit accounts, after all.

I never claimed not to have other accounts. Don't really know what you're getting at.

Sure you do. I own a multimedia production company after working at one of the biggest post-houses in Hollywood for years. A common thing I hear from clients is how the last company they tried to work with was slow, unfocused and unprofessional. On the off chance you actually work in this industry I guess now I know why people have such bad experiences. It's cause you losers are on Reddit 24/7 and wasting time on shit like sending random midi through cthulu.

Sounds like you're mad people are making music? I don't really get your angle here at all.

No need. As a trained, lifelong musician i can write my own arpeggios, lol.

So if you have a synth with an arpeggiator on it, you ignore it and play an arp at 1/32 by hand. Ha. That seems

And if I ever need to do some horseshit like that I'd use Logic's arp MIDI FX which is more full-featured than cthulu and can be easily stacked.

Eh, Logic seems to be lapped by Ableton in this department tbh. It's all personal preference and what you can work better in, though.

Waste of time.... unless, of course, your workload is exceptionally light. There's no impetus for being deliberate with your composition or for speed and efficiency in mom's basement.

You're acting as if one uses generative strategies than they are exclusively not composing anything in tandem. I wonder why you have this philosophy. There are many compositional modes out there and I try new things all the time.

Hence my saying, "your pirated kontakt libraries". Guess you missed that.

You said Komplete, which I bought, along with all my NI stuff.

As in you created a piece of jargon to make what you're doing sound more elaborate or interesting than it really is.

Skinning just means the sound, like how a UI is just a aesthetic skin. I didn't invent the term, and I wasn't using it to brag. I don't really think much of what softsynth sound I end up using as much as the compositional stage.

Lol, called it. Vaporwave producer. Makes sense cause most of you guys have a distain for EDM, since it takes a little more effort than "reskinning".

I don't really like any vaporwave that came after those initial releases. I like classic Warp, Holly Herndon, Jlin, Reznor's scores, John Carpenter, and a billion rock bands like anyone else.

My workflow wouldn't make sense to you since it involves all phases of multimedia production and because I contract with companies like Sony and ESPN and do in-house work.

Try me!

I never claimed not to have other accounts. Don't really know what you're getting at.

Why didn't you admit to it when I called it earlier in the conversation? I knew it. Thanks for admitting it here at least.

So if you have a synth with an arpeggiator on it, you ignore it and play an arp at 1/32 by hand. Ha. That seems

The mere fact you think the only way to get an arp down in accurate 32nds is by hand kinda says it all, man. There are numerous ways to do this that don't involve using arpeggiators. Why dont you start a thread and ask edmproduction.

And yeah I'm not about to spend anymore time on this convo explaining to you the workflow of multi format mixing in surround, you can read about it if you want.

Why didn't you admit to it when I called it earlier in the conversation? I knew it. Thanks for admitting it here at least.

I didn't admit to anything, all I'm saying is that I never said I didn't have other accounts. Not really sure the importance of, nor the timeline of, these accounts that I never even said exist.

The mere fact you think the only way to get an arp down in accurate 32nds is by hand kinda says it all, man.

That's not what I said at all. How strange.

There are numerous ways to do this that don't involve using arpeggiators. Most DAWs have a built-in featureset for crap like that theae days. Why dont you start a thread and ask edmproduction.

Are you talking about 32nds notes or an arp of 32nd notes? Because it seems dumb to write that out by hand, personally.

That's not what you said at All? Haha then why did you say this:

if you have a synth with an arpeggiator on it, you ignore it and play an arp at 1/32 by hand.

Why did you assume I'd be playing it by hand?

Because it seems dumb to write that out by hand, personally.

But you just said....

Jesus Christ, I just facepalmed. Your incoherence just made me physically facepalm.

Why did you assume I'd be playing it by hand?

Well, what's your method then?

But you just said.... Your incoherence just made me physically facepalm.

I think you're assuming I use the same philosophy of mutual exclusion for all things which you employ. I don't.

That guy is 2 edgy 4 me. I wasn't being facetious about the God thing either...this guy WILL have issues down the line, I can promise it. But then again, that's obvious enough, isn't it? Like predicting rain in the forecast these days. Better than 50/50 chance is betting odds to me.

Ecclesiastes 12:14

Yeah, I've torrented stuff before. Stop goading the truth outta me. :)

Then again, I pirated games back in the days of BBSes. Not many, because any decent game was like 7 Zip files and took FOREVER. times. I also was a kid and not making money off software. There are shades and degrees of skulduggery I suppose.

1 corinthians 13:11

Nice, I'm not so handy with Bible quotes.

How 'bout Jeremiah 23:18? Note: I just flipped through my Bible and looked for circled words where I had placemarkers. I circled that verse well over five months ago...interesting. I even wrote "tornadoes" next to it. Pretty cool. Well, not really, but interesting.

back then elohim was plural......

Now is that true for the other -im words as well, or just specific to elohim? Talking Hebrew words.

satan and his baalhim?

Funny, because I saw the words lilim and gargoylim today for the first time.

h p lovecraft was right

the Old Ones have returned

I started reading this post and I lost power two or three times. Haven't lost power the whole summer, and there's been a lot of worse storms.

I really should read Lovecraft. Kinda missed out on that.

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so click on my screen name and go to my sub!

Good work Sherlock! /s I should always check, but whatever. I can have my "fun", I guess.

This thread reminds me exactly of the big thread on UTR.

Literally anyone who questioned the narrative that was being pushed was labeled a nazi defender.

You probably didn't see it though, since your account is only 13 days old.

6 gorillian upvotes in a thread about elite pedos

No shilling here. No sir.

Yeah, I was probably at work.

Your account didn't exist then.

Unless, of course, you're admitting to having multiple accounts.

One can only imagine why you'd have multiple accounts in use.

It's almost like you can read reddit without an account.

So you did read the thread, now?

No, I just said you can read this sub without an account.

How come you made your account?

Sure have been busy with it. I think you've made more comments in the last week than I have in the entire time I've used this website.

Why does anyone make an account? To ask questions and pass the time.

I'm a little lost on what you're getting at, so I'm gonna ignore you after this unless you get to the point.

Reddit enhancement suite.

You slept 3 hours last night, the only gap in your nonstop stream of comments. It's a workday, holiday ex use won't work this week.

I guess we will see how much water your, "I was probably working" bullshit holds. I'm guessing 300 comments this week alone.

Labor day, numbnuts.

It's a workday, holiday excuse won't work this week.


Gonna ask again, is there a point?

You gonna edit this comment 4 times in the next minute, as well?

Your spam-like number of comments, and inconsistency is on display.

You're tagged in RES

Fascinating, keep me updated about your Reddit tags in the future. It's really necessary information.

Sure, if you want to see the patterns that emerge when observing users who have similar accounts and behavior.

Good luck with your agenda, buddy

Ok, later jack

People are raping kids. I will not be calm.

I see, so until all crime stops forever you will be ENRAGED.

Let's play "Reading Comprehension 101!"

"People are raping kids. I will not be calm."


"I will forever be enraged until crime is permanently abolished."

You're a weird one:

So, on a scale of 1-10 how uncalm are you currently? Consider that somewhere this horrible crime is unfortunately occurring.

Well does she really claim to vividly remember her life as a 2-year-old simply because she's really smart?

Do you not remember things from that age?

Do you?

Some things, yes.

Honestly I doubt it, but if you do, go sign up for some studies. Early-age memory studies are a big deal.

Why would you bother asking if you've already made your mind up on the subject?

Doesn't mean I can't provide advice.

Those studies are a big deal?


That's sad. I do.

You should rush to your local university then. You are a scientific marvel.

I know you're giving me the business, but why is it so hard for you to believe it?

Your account is not even two days old. How do you even know how to reddit?

Redditor since:08/03/2017 (a month)

You sure about that?

Besides you being wrong about how old their account is, what does it have to do with what they said:

Well does she really claim to vividly remember her life as a 2-year-old simply because she's really smart? Because that does leave her open for criticism.

Wow! Only one month old. I was only kidding lol

Do you think he's really a DefiniteShill?

So your answer is nothing, the age of their account has nothing to do with what they said. Good to know

And so your answer is that you think he's a shill?

Thank you. Every couple of years, I start a new account. I figured most people on Reddit do this. Either way, I knew I'd get a little shit on here.

I remember things from younger than that. This tends to happen with very emotional or traumatic points in young life

Why is this so hard to believe? I remember a ton of stuff from when I was two. My friends, babysitters, everything in my room, what I got for Christmas.

If i had to guess, it's not really that uncommon and in dissociative states (which many abuse survivours have) the memories become even more amplified.

The fact that you're getting downvoted for stating this truth (one which I can attest to w/my own experiences as well) speaks quite gravely about some of what's being defended here.

As if none of these folks remember a thing from their early childhood. I find that pretty difficult to believe.

Perhaps her abuse at such a young age created her intelligence.

I have a theory that children that have had traumatic experiences develop at least in small part, photographic thinking. The brain learns to create snapshots, if not seconds to minutes of moving images, as part of the psychosomatic experience. And this type of pattern then repeats further as the brain develops through time.

While this does not mean they have a perfect memory, nor that they are 100% correct about everything they think or understand, it does provide a window in how some people are able to recall early memories.

And this can sometimes translate to having an increase in intelligence later in life due to being able to thoughtlessly remember information, but again, does not mean they are always correct in thinking.

As for whether the traumatic experience is worth the "trade off", that depends entirely on the person, if the theory is true of course.

A good way to think of it is in terms of survival. When any animal is in a life or death situation, they will kick into auto-survive mode and just get out alive. But they will also in a primitive way retain the knowledge they gained from that life or death experience. Hence, PTSD. Hence repressed memories (for survival). Hence the reason trauma based mind control exists.

I've never been a (nonhuman) animal, so I don't know how animals think, therefore I cannot know if it is just fight or flight.

Have you been an animal (nonhuman animal)? Can you tell me how an animal (nonhuman animal) thinks? Can an animal's brain remember in what is commonly called photographic-memory? I believe you would need to be a nonhuman animal to tell us definitively, so I'm all ears/eyes to know this.

I am a human, and have had traumatic childhood experiences, so I very much can say why I believe the way I do about how some other humans develop photographic memories after traumatic childhood experiences. Are you able to say the same?

I remember even certain regular/mundane things from when I was three - to say nothing of the extent to which I would remember things if they were traumatizing - so her early recollection isn't anything to invalidate her over.

Maybe not because she's really smart. But possibly because she's really dissociative.

I didn't watch the whole thing, but having a mind fragmented by trauma can cause a person to have SELECTIVELY very accurate memory, which is part of why MKUltra is even a thing.

A fragmented mind can focus very deeply and retain very deeply, kind of like ADHD/ADD.

This exactly

I can rememeber events of my life when I was very young still vividly to this day, and when I'm mean very young I'm talking about 2-3 years old.
We don't give enough credit to kids memories at that age.... And I'm pretty sure if i went through things like this I would never forget, even if the details aren't exactly the same as I remember I sure wouldn't forget that main details.

Just looking at the down votes in this posts it's pretty obvious when this kind of topic is spoken it's shunned in the hardest ways. Hmm why would that be......

I remember my 2nd birthday, and have a few memories from before that.. Jumping on a bed.. Looking at a prism, and laying in bed looking at shadows on the wall.

And none of those occasions involved being traumatized beyond belief. Those sound like normal, even happy memories. Trauma tends to sear itself in the memory a lot more than other types of memories.

If you were subject to systematic rape and torture, you would likely remember a lot of it, unfortunately.

I was making the point some people can have early memories without trauma, thus having early traumatic memories, which would be more memorable isn't outside the realm of possibility.

Oh definitely, man. I was agreeing with you in my above post. I totally get what you're saying and you're 100% correct. Yes.

I'm not disregarding the possibility of remembering things from that age, but I also don't blame people for being iffy on buying in on that.

That is what she would have been told by a psycologist, anybody who touts IQ as a measurement of intellect is not truly intellectual.

I have read that traumatic experiences are burned into memory - whether it is repressed and forgotten is another thing entirely. It is very possible that she remembers the traumatic experiences from her early childhood - it does not depend on IQ, we should not let her arrogance discredit her story.

We have to keep unmasking the shills and exposing their plots like this so people can clearly see what's going on. The cabal's worst fear is exposure since nobody wants to be around dangerous wolves. Eventually, we have to arrests the Rothschilds who are financing all of this.

Or the Kochs, since they're probably funding this

Pepe Orsini might be a good start.

wow.....just amazing!

Agreed. There are quite a few accounts in here (pretty young ones at that) that are heavily upvoted and that are being quite critical of anyone attempting to defend her testimony, however. Hell, I'm still getting trolling, stalking PMs from people who are apparently really triggered by my "daring" to call what's happened to her horrible.

I don't even understand that type of thinking.

I'm still getting trolling, stalking PMs

I'm fairly sure that's not just against sub rules, but it might be against site rules. If you're being harassed in PM's you should contact the admins.

Thanks. I sent a report out. I honestly don't imagine much of anything will get done about it, but I sent it out, so we'll see what if anything happens.

If it was that frog guy that was shouting at you earlier, he was banned. Interestingly enough, he deleted most of his comment history before I could capture it- which is a shame because yesterday he was asking an op why he though 12-14 year-old girls shouldn't be able to consent. Unfortunately, I was too busy to do anything but lurk at the time.

Fuck those people.

Yep. It was exactly that guy. Man...Such a fucked up world this is. smh.

I'm still not getting the "it's not possible to remember anything when you're two" argument. Have they really been that successful with that propoganda? I mean, I literally remember the french fries and chocolate shake I got at Bob's Big Boy while my grandparents and I were waiting for my brother to be born- I was 28 mos old and I'm in my late forties now.

Exactly. I'm in my mid forties and I remember the exact location and appearance of a beach enclave I was in when I was only three back in my homeland of Puerto Rico. Went back there again when I was in my late thirties and it looked exactly like I remembered it. I remember being dunked in a swimming pool by my mother in an Infant Swimming Class for new mothers that she was in with me when I was...shit before I was one.

Yet it's somehow a stretch for someone to remember some of the most traumatizing things that can be done to a human being?

I'm getting heavily brigaded by trolls and/or shills and/or useful idiots - all of which are just a damn detriment to our moving forward as a species.

not at all!

their great power was that we didn't even KNOW they exist!

now the light is on and the cockroaches are scurrying!

he was asking an op why he though 12-14 year-old girls shouldn't be able to consent.

fucking scum of the earth..

I don't even understand that type of thinking.

$15 an hour. The shill slaves are just ordinary people being exploited by Babylonian Money Magick. They don't even believe in what they aren't promoting but they want to keep their job at ShareBlue.

I guess my mind just can't quite wrap itself around how one would even want to or be willing to do that shit though - even if you are getting paid. It's like...knowingly being the enemy of humanity and being okay with that.


being a shill-$15 an hour. knowing you'd never do that shit -priceless.

Very weird and disturbing that people are actually like this and defend this kind of activity.

Good drama mongering. Some posters stating the person in question is just trying to sell a book. Actually literally one poster is doing what you are accusing here multiple people off and was downvoted.

The flattering version of this is you being completely intellectually dishonest and trying to cause a scene like some extremist left feminist.

Terrific post. I like it when I get to a thread and see that my work is already done.

There is literally no way to cause enough of a scene over the possibility of child molestation. How the fuck do people like you think it's to ANY extent okay to not sound every alarm possible over serious allegations of child abuse?

The idea that you call someone who's actually concerned about abuse and molestation a "drama queen" beggars belief. If you had a child and something horrible were happening to them, I don't see how you wouldn't want to sound every alarm possible - assuming for the moment that it wouldn't be you yourself who would be the one causing the abuse in the first place...which at this point, I'm honestly not sure it wouldn't be.

I see your position didn't shift one bit from triggered hysterical drama queen. When a case happened more than half a decade ago it's perfectly fine to not go overly emotional especially so if you aren't personally involved but maybe you are yourself a victim of abuse in that case my condolences. I don't know anything about the case at hand but having a different opinion on a very specific case doesn't constitute anything you allege but then again I am pretty sure you are either being intellectually dishonest or just not capable of spotting the difference.

Enough troll feeding. Didn't even bother reading past your first shit sentence.

Sure the poster who doesn't have a single rational thought calls others a troll. Must be really an easy life being that incapable.

Why are you still responding to them? Didn't you read

Enough troll feeding

puts fingers in ears "LALALALALALALALALALA"

Why do you attack everyone instead of discussing the facts?

Why do all of your comments have the same number of upvotes?

Yes obviously as any sensible person.

Not that I see the connection though to what I posted aside from the typical bait posters trying to misconstrue the content.

There is literally no way to cause enough of a scene over the possibility of child molestation.

Well, in that case: prove you aren't a child molester.

I don't post pictures of kids opening pinatas full of condoms and joke about being a pedophile, for starters.

I also don't invite bands that sing about pedophilia and have FBI documented pedophile symbols in their videos to play at my personally owned business.

I also don't have connections to convicted pedophiles and human traffickers or take part in occult rituals like mock cannibalism or jerking of on the effigy of a child and then throwing blood on it.

Eglin Airforce Base is super active tonight.

What in the world are you babbling about?

If you don't know then you have no place throwing stones like you are.

This is why I never bother talking to most Skyrim NPCs.

"Never should have come here!"

Seriously though, nice deflection from someone pointing out that you have no idea what you're defending.

The second step after being called out on your horse ass-ery is to derail the user into an emotional, and unrelated, argument.

If your reply isn't "Here is a reasonable explanation for spirit cooking and joking about being a pedophile." then you have no basis for your stance and are more likely to be a paid user.

Reasonably, you're just some idiot that's hopped on the bandwagon, but how can anyone be sure?

Again, the babbling. I can't.

He doesn't have any fucking triangles in his house, therefore not a pedo, that's hilarious

You doth protest too much, I don't trust you at all!

Of course you can cause too much of a scene. All the people whose lives were ruined over false allegations in the Satanic panic come to mind. You would have been screaming for their blood and calling anyone who doubted a pedo supporter. I don't want to see a single case of false accusation. A remote possibility isn't good enough, I want actual proof. Will stand up in a court of law proof.

How do you sleep at night?

You are a glimmering hope that reddit isn't just me all talking to the same shill with millions of accounts.

many of these people have been MKUltra'd and don't sleep like we do

They're, mostly, not defending abuse, but questioning the veracity of this particular woman's claims.

Isn't the purpose of this sub to question everything?

For some reason people don't question things if those things back up what they already believe. That's why random unsourced 4chan images making grand claims get upvoted so highly.

Bias is a beautiful thing.

the 8th mortal sin of tribalism indicated by uranus and the 11th house

Implying that disinfo campaigns against evidence of pedophilia are actually honest "questioning"

So some narratives can't be questioned?

Can't win argument, resorts to straw man

That's not a straw man; I'm not attacking the narrative with a weak argument. I'm asking you if you believe that some arguments can't be questioned.

Literally does not know what a straw man is

Glad you're addressing my points friend.

Gets called out for not addressing points

Turns around and gets butthurt at imagined failure to address points

Still doesn't know what a straw man is

Answer the simple question and we can play ball: are some narratives above questioning?

Answer the simple question: do you know what a straw man is, and why it is a logical fallacy?

Answer mine first, since I asked it before you started on your inane posts.

I would assume they are keenly aware, almost to the point of intent, given it is the basis for most of their contributions here.

Everything except the three or four extremely sacred cows that never go away but sure, it's for questioning everything.

They're not merely questioning her veracity. They're vilifying and marginalizing her in an entirely unnecessary manner - a manner that makes one wonder if they're actually attempting to defend what she's fighting against. That's a far different thing altogether.

That's somewhat what I meant by "Still weird though". Thanks for elucidating it.


Asking reasonable questions is ok.

Lying in the comment section, denying all evidence, and attacking those presenting evidence is Pedophile Protecting.

It is immoral, illegal (for both US government and 501c(3) nonprofits), and there will be trials for these things in the near future.

or maybe r/upcomingww3......

They're, mostly, not defending abuse

No. They're mostly defending violent rape of young children.


You make a good point, unfortunately the shills have latched onto your comment to try and spur an organic opposition to OP's post.

It's true, you don't see anyone on this sub actually defending pedophilia. Instead you see dismissive comments that usually single out the OP and bully them into submission. It's pretty easy to spot.

For example; I've been coming to this sub for a very long time and never once have I had the inclination to tell somebody how stupid they are because they believe in something that I don't. And we get a lot of stupid theories here.

The shills regularly distance themselves from the sub with phrases like "they actually believe Topic A here" and "I would never fall for Topic B like the morons here do.".

As if anyone on Reddit honestly leaves their safety bubble to challenge their own ideas. These shills act like everyone stops in at this sub for a good laugh. That's how they believe or how they want us to believe that the internet works.

Like walking into a bar full of regulars and not noticing the two loud assholes in the corner that nobody knows. Shills are only here to wear on our constitution. How many waves of bullshit can you take before you break? They're not here to trick anyone, it's an endurance game. How many times can you walk into your regular bar and get called an asshole by strangers before you break their nose?

Anyway, I'm rambling but your comment is poignant. Shills don't defend pedophilia, they mock the idea that any government agency could be involved in human trafficking...because it's true.

it is disheartening.......

If you don't think this sub is compromised you haven't been here long.

I've been here for years - and yeah. I know this sub is quite compromised in fact. However, even as long as I've been here, I haven't personally received as heavy and vehement a backlash attempting to defend pedophilia as I've gotten here. Shit's crazy really. I'm getting PMs from people throwing ad hominems left and right, etc. Very telling.

I'm getting PMs from people throwing ad hominems left and right, etc.

I'm a little dubious of this claim. A post with just 70 or 80 upvotes and only 60 something comments, and you're getting a flood of PMs from it?

You should post screenshots.

Okay. I'll try, but I just reported and blocked one of the PMs I've been getting, so I don't know if that'll effectively block all the PMs they've sent thus far.

And if you want to be dubious, fine. Go ahead. I've exactly zero reason to lie about this, however.

there are a shitload of accounts doing nothing but deny and try to deflect about pizzegate on this subreddit, it's kind of freaky

People say things to cause dissent and distraction. There are lots of them. Some do it for fun. Some do it for a political reason. Some do it for profit.

Quite a lot of the comments I'm getting - both here in the open form and quite a few via PM as well - don't in the least seem like people trying to do things "for fun", however. These are people that are triggered or paid, and are taking very seriously their attempts at bullying.

Serious fuckery.

/r/conspiracy is conservative, because conspiracy theorists are conservative, in general. You can't believe that 9/11 was an inside job, REALLY, and want the government to have more power, so mainstream liberalism is out.

We got Trump elected... the alternative media, including /r/conspiracy, and so honest and duplicitous liberals see us as a threat. We ARE a threat.

Count on a presence here for the foreseeable future, from those who fear us when we speak together. We killed the TPP, through Trump (as much of an ass as he is :)). We got vaccines into the conversation. They have to stop the bleeding, so they are attacking us. Some are ideologues and some are paid.

They stand out like a sore thumb, and as long as people know they are here, they are next to harmless. Actually, I've been here for years now, and it has been really instructive to see this sub get actively attacked.

Suddenly, a post attacking Trump has 5000 upvotes. WOW. That is instructive.

To be honest with you, I'm not really very familiar (read "not at all" honestly) with "left" or "right" or "liberal" or "conservative". I've never been too up on those labels and have pretty much always seen them as two sides to the same monolithic beast - so I stay as far away as I can from either. That said, anyone who has an interest in stopping pedophilia - whether left/right/conservative/liberal - I am with.

its like people that work as shills or perps are not human, no basic humanity when they defend pedophiles and criminals.

organized crimes types at the very least.

... maybe they aren't human?

l what if they are fallen entities that have special access to our realm?

As I said to another poster just now who made a similar statement, the fact that a valid comment like this is showing a downvote to -1 is a serious indication that there is some definite shilldom fuckery afoot.

No, it just means that a lot of conspiracists immediately suspect "think of the children!" rhetoric, since it is so often deployed by politicians to push bullshit policies like censorship and communications control.

So, when you say "OMG pedophiles!" without a coherent argument, people get suspicious.

Jimmy Savile raped hundreds of sick kids in hospitals he funded all while being best friends with a prince. Is that incoherent or unbelievable? Because it's real life.

What does that have to do with anything? The fact that you being up a random pedophile means you probably secretly want to bone kids, as all the pedophile loving shills do.

That's the level of discussion this topic gets around here. Anyone who disagrees with any part of the original story has been labeled a pedophile-loving shill. Frankly, it's disgusting.

I'm saying that what you find believable has no bearing on what is true.

Similarly, the existence of a pedophile has no bearing on the story of an unrelated person. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to apply your logic to yourself.

the fact that an extremely popular philanthropist and entertainer raped kids freely for 40+ years and no one stopped him because no one believed he would do that is extremely relevant to other claims of elite child abuse.

Or you just come off like a shrill whiner, that transcends politics and conspiracy issues.

Any time these low paid, poorly educated propagandists can't argue with facts they will resort to attacking the messenger. I don't understand why any of you who are aware of these schmucks existin on reddit even bother reading anything in r/conspiracy let alone post anything here.

There are definitely a lot of shills here - festering like cockroaches. There are certain posts, however, that still fight back against it, so all is not entirely lost, I would say.

I know right??

False Memory Syndrome Foundation pt 2

BTW yall, research FMSF.

You're seriously attempting to argue that this person has false memory syndrome? Really? Why? because it's somehow impossible for young children of 2, 3, and 4 to be molested and remember?

This implies that pretty much anyone and everyone who has memories like this person says they do also has some sort of false memory syndrome.


Your comment is either extremely ignorant, or really disingenuous - i.e. troll or shill.

Your comment is either extremely ignorant, or really disingenuous - i.e. troll or shill.

Dude, enough of this shit already.

Damn. You're literally going around and stalking my posts? Really? lol. Wow. I don't know whether to laugh at how pitiful you are in doing something like this...or feel uncomfortable over it. Both really.

No, you made another fucking post about it. It showed up in new.

Aaand he continues stalking my posts unsolicitedly. Okay. Backing away from you at this point, man. smh

This is the same post, numbnuts. You're soliciting responses in public. It's not STALKING just because you disagree with what you get.

yea i have. that organization would be proud of some of the comments here.

it's a legacy.......

WTF indeed!

Questioning the validity of some or all of the statements she's made isn't defending pedophilia nor is it them vilifying a victim of abuse. This sub, as someone else has already stated, is about questioning every thing and there ARE something things that do seem a bit strange to me when it comes to her story, such as being able to remember things from when she was two since it is very VERY unlikely she would be able to even if she has a high IQ. I can also see why people are miffed about her pushing her book in this since it makes things a bit more sketchy. Do I doubt she was a victim of abhorrent abuse? No. Am I saying anyone who is legitimately harassing her or being unnecessarily malicious are not assholes for being like that to her? No. People here SHOULD question things since that's a big part of what this sub is for. I don't mean to come off as rude, but I get the sense that OP is trying to stir things up more and cause a bit of drama. I'm sure she'll be just fine since she's survived much more horrors than a few internet douchebags.

If you know anything about my post history - which you obviously don't since you said the things you said - you'd know I'm not one to try to "cause drama". I don't give a fuck about most things, as a matter of fact. This OP has nothing to do with any attempt at "causing drama". Remembering events from early on is not all that out of the ordinary - especially if those events are traumatic. There have been MANY people who have gone through similar tragedies, so such things definitely happen.

There is nothing more important than protecting the young of a species. If you don't do that, you HAVE no species. You are nothing. Trying to downplay someone getting legitimately mad at anyone who comes across as defending pedophilia is greatly, greatly morally corrupt on your or anyone's part.

Traumatic events do stick with you, I know that very well, but I'm only saying it's very unlikely she remembers things from when she was two, not that it was impossible.

People who do things to the youth of our society are deplorable, there is no contesting that, but you seem to have misunderstood what I am trying to say. Yes, reports of sexual abuse should be taken VERY seriously but on the other hand accusations of sexual assault should be taken just as seriously. I get the feeling many of the people questioning her validity merely feel there is a lack of evidence to her claims. I'm sorry if my wording is still rather strange or not understandable, I have a hard time properly wording things.

accusations of sexual assault should be taken just as seriously.

I don't disagree with that. However, the fact that there is such a proven, ubiquitous epidemic of pedophilia on this planet means that accusations of child sexual assault should be taken VERY seriously and not knee-jerkingly vilified as so many have done in this OP.

I get the feeling many of the people questioning her validity merely feel there is a lack of evidence to her claims.

I don't get that feeling based on how far they're going with their "questioning". They're not merely questioning. They're heavily attacking via a lot of ad hominems. They're going quite a bit further than one needs to in simply "questioning" something. They're not really questioning so much as attacking. That's a different thing altogether.

I'm sorry if my wording is still rather strange or not understandable, I have a hard time properly wording things.

No worries. Thanks for qualifying and explaining things further. Appreciated. Cheers,

Yes, child sexual assault should be taken very seriously, I don't disagree with that but if people are truly going too far, I highly suggest ignoring them or blocking them if it is too much. Many will try to say things to get your goat so it is best to not let ignorance hurt you so.

Yes, child sexual assault should be taken very seriously, I don't disagree with that but if people are truly going too far, I highly suggest ignoring them or blocking them if it is too much. Many will try to say things to get your goat so it is best to not let ignorance hurt you so.

I wouldn't say their ignorance is hurting. It is indeed sad that this species has so very many sources of negative energy, but I move on passed them.

This OP has nothing to do with any attempt at "causing drama"

You literally created a thread to call out people who questioned a story you believe in, then have spent the entire thread attacking people and claiming that you're being victimized by a harassment campaign. That's the very definition of "causing drama."

Remembering events from early on is not all that out of the ordinary

The vast majority of adults don't recall memories from earlier than 3 to 4 years old, and full memories don't typically become clear and common until nearing 5.

So yes, having vivid, detailed memories of being 2 years old is out of the ordinary.

But you know that already, as multiple people in this thread have tried to explain that to you already. You've ignored them.

There's no "belief". There's an understanding of what's actually happening. That's a far different things altogether.

The majority of adults aren't brutally sexually assaulted, so your entire commentary about when memories form is not only flat, but your lack of understanding that nothing was ignored speaks much more critically about your lack of reading comprehension than anything else.

There is nothing more important than protecting the young of a species. If you don't do that, you HAVE no species. You are nothing. Trying to downplay someone getting legitimately mad at anyone who comes across as defending pedophilia is greatly, greatly morally corrupt on your or anyone's part.

You're gonna need a bigger pulpit.

You're gonna need a bigger brain.

You are trying to reason with new "diversion of truth" accounts. There is nothing you can do to help them. The zombies are coming.

Just to let let you know, this sub has been hijacked by a group of Mods that wish to ruin it.

Seems unfortunately true...

Still though. Fight on.

How dare you defend child abuse, you monster!

I feel as if this is bait so I am rather wary of taking this reply seriously.

Please don't take it seriously.

Oh thank goodness! You scared me, haha.

On this subreddit, they usually use Ted Gunderson-style black-ops to attack the victims.

A barely-trafficked submission with only a handful of comments warrants an entire rant thread? And there's all of like three people in the thread who question her story or motivation.

That has you beside yourself?

Of all the things in this sub, that got you in a froth so that you've just got to stir the pot some more?

There's an old saying: pick your battles.

Things are nowhere near as simplistic as you're interpreting them. I posted the same OP prior to /u/LightBringerFlex doing so, and those "three people questioning" have somehow not only gotten a LOT more numerous, boisterous, and triggered in this thread, but have move forward with sending shit PMs - so yeah. I don't think it's quite as much a nothing issue as you're thinking.

I guarantee you didn't even finish the series of videos. You're karma whoring. Grow up kid.

Your continuously missing the bigger point does nothing but make you come across as the worst, worst kind of shill.

As one of the commenters in that thread, I whole-heartedly agree with you. Blatant karma whoring.

Shills be shillin..


Redpillers, mra's, incels all think women are constantly lying about rape, assault, trafficking etc. they are warped in the head and this sub has a decent share of them.

ive been trying to get attention on arizona where this guy david mckay was just put in charge of child protective services obviously to keep business as usual

besides a decade of horrific tales a 5 year old girl was boiled to near death by an adoptive mother that was a known schizo when approved

downvoted to zero, reporter bob ortega said cnn is passing on the story, no national media coverage, plz helpe post about this thx

besides a decade of horrific tales a 5 year old girl was boiled to near death by an adoptive mother that was a known schizo when approved

Jesus. Whaaat? God dammit. WTF?

plz helpe post about this thx

Well if you're willing to go through an absolute shit storm of downvotes and shilldom attacking you left and right, you could just post an OP like I did here. But yeah. Take it from what I've been fielding just in this OP alone - the shills and the useful idiots will come out and attack you hard.

Don't give up though. Expose everything you can.

i totally did though check my post history

people come and say they will help research then never respond again, all month old accounts that post in 2 subs only for 3 hours then never again etc

how can the mods not stop that?

mods btw all act a little odd in this sub, they have lost my trust

why wasn't saraconnor dropped after she pulled all that shiz?

They're shills. Reddit is full of shills. Now that you know, begin fighting the information war.

Been fighting it. Fighting it right in this very thread.

Will keep fighting it.

God bless your strong typing hands, brave keyboard warrior. May your righteous indignation stoke the fire in your heart.

The way to combat shills is through a relentless commitment to civility and debate based upon critical analysis. Calling others shills or otherwise implying it just helps shills accomplish their goal: the complete distruction of productive discourse.

Broseph, "productive discourse" got destroyed long before anything I typed. It got destroyed the moment the shills - yes shills - came in defending pedophilia.

I'm neither your nor anyone's broseph, name calling is childish and unproductive.

Productive discourse cannot be destroyed by a shill or any other group of actors in a public exchange, its murder is a participatory, mutual affair.

When someone comes at you with bullshit(be it shill or useful idiot, and it pretty much is impossible to tell the two apart; these domestic psyops are designed to recruit unpaid agents to unwittingly parrot and defend propaganda) the best way to shut it down completely is to use cold logic to point out factual inaccuracies, logical fallacies, anything you can demonstrate to be incorrect without having to resort appeal to emotion or guilt by association, for example.

There are occasions when an individual - myself at times included in this categorization - at the specific moment of refutation, does not have or cannot recall the particular points that would effectively do away with an argument using cold logic. This is not to say that logic would not be able to thoroughly do away with the argument in question. it is to say that there are, again, times when an individual either doesn’t recall the specific refutation points that would do away with said argument, or said argument is being pushed by an individual who’s interest is not at all in logically debating in the first place. They are instead intent only on being what is called in common internet parlance, the proverbial troll. These types of personalities care not for an argument whether logical, well-thought-through or not. That is why they’re trolls.

There are many of those here.

As such, and again, productive discourse is regularly enough not even part of the operating mode of conduct as it relates to many individuals who come on to shill certain particularly sensitive points or issues. “Productive discourse” with these types is simply not possible on regular occasions.

And unless you have no siblings, you really are somebody’s broseph. Broseph.

Again, your name-calling is childish and non-productive.

If you are unable to support your arguments with facts and logic, both you and everyone on the community that you would have otherwise posted in would be better served if you educated yourself before posting. We all have access to the same internet, critical thinking and combating logical fallacies are skills to be learned.

Productive discourse does not require two cooperative parties, if conducted in a public sphere. It is enough to relentlessly stick to the topic at hand in a civil and critical tone. Even if you don't convince the other party(and you very often won't) it is clear to undecided or questioning lurkers who follow the exchange that one party is arguing in good faith and the other is being intellectually dishonest. And even if no one else reads the exchange, there is great value in developing your own ability to critically evaluate information.

the evil that men do........

The pizzagate stuff bought a ton of pedos in to defend.

heck just saying pizzagate will get them to a thread.

fuckin creepy aint it?

Fucking horrible.

Keep fighting it. Keep fighting them.

Not everyone who rejects your narrative is a pedo or pedo apologist.

I am vocal against the pizzagate moral panic because I truly believe that elite child abuse is rampant, and that if PG isn't a psyop designed to distract conspiracy folks while discrediting the very idea of elite pedophilia, then it at the very least behaves exactly as if it were.

jude 1:18

My God you're dumb bro. She's a shill. Did you even watch the video, plus the other 2 parts? I did and she's full of shit. She's lying about a lot of stuff. You can hear when she gets caught off guard with certain questions outside of her story. She stutters and answers with nonsense. It's depressing that there are people this stupid on this planet. Ugh.

You come across as the worst kind of shill in here.

And I don't even know who you are nor do I recognize your username, so you're giving yourself a lot more credit than I ever have.

I made this post because morally corrupt idiots exist on this planet. I didn't know nor did I really care who they personally were. I guess the shoe fit well enough w/your disgusting m.o. and you slipped it right on. So be it.

Honestly, after a trip overseas I kinda always am skeptical about these sex traffic stories. Don't get it twisted, I am 100% against forcing anyone to have sex against their will, or fucking kids. Period. Full stop.

Having said that, I have spoken with a few bar girls. According to the media, all these women are sex slaves and being taken advantage of. I assure you most are not. Hell, my fiance is a former bar girl. As stupid as that may be (feel free to call me dumb) it is what it is.

I also know a few hookers. Trust me, the money they make has me wishing I was born with a vagina.

Now, some women are being trafficked. That's fucked up and it needs to stop. But most of the times these groups only hassle consenting adults to push a narrative cause there is big money in exploiting virtuous morons from their money.

It's the same thing with prostitution. People act like all hookers are poor women down on their luck who are being taken advantage of by evil men. Mea while most of these chicks make more money than all of us and willingly sell their ass cause it's easy money.

So yeah, I don't blame folks for being skeptical on this one. It's like those pedo laws designed to help children, but mostly lock up 18 year olds who happen to be dating a freshman.

It's a good damn question since few if any people alive can remember shit before age 5.

Stopped reading right there. If that’s your litmus test for whether an individual is telling the truth or not, then you’ve definitely failed, as I’m not the only one in this thread alone who recollects things from being as young as the individual in the video.

I’m going to scrap your comment in the “useful idiot” pile, although not having read the rest of what you posted, it might very well deserve to be in the “shill” one.

No. My litmus test is them answering the question and explaining.

But I'm sure you stopped reading at "no"

Your thinking people don't/can't remember things when young simply means you're ignorant of all the occasions when people do and have. Pretty basic. Hell there are various people - myself included - IN THIS VERY THREAD that have memories from before the age of 5.

Nowhere near as uncommon as you think. You're taking your ignorance and thinking it applies ubiquitously. That's not even ignorance at that point. It's hubris - a far worse thing altogether.

This is a very dangerous topic. It is on of the few issues that will unite left and right.

This is a very dangerous topic.

Indeed it is.

It is on of the few issues that will unite left and right.

Or, if the comments in this OP are any indication, conclusively tear them apart.

It's Satanic Panic hysteria, long ago debunked as bad questioning by authorities, bad social workers, and fucking Geraldo. It doesn't exist, it's not real. These people are mentally ill or shilling books.

Yeah. You know what? That's all it is. It's just mentally ill people peddling books. That's all. You're right. Nothing to see here.

That's right, folks. It's a wrap.

Everyone go home. This guy here's cracked the case.

As he just said, it doesn't exist.

It's definitely not real.

After investigation, a grand jury in Douglas County (of which Omaha, Nebraska is the largest city and county seat) determined the abuse allegations were baseless, describing them as a "carefully crafted hoax" and indicted two of the accusers on perjurycharges.

People get very emotional about this subject. Do you know what happens when people get very emotional? They stop thinking.

Do the math.

Truth is truth. Doesn't matter how it's stated. Doesn't matter whether you flower it with pretty little words or put a "fuck you" at the end of it.

Do that math.

Do you think the way you are reacting to my post hurts or supports the point I am trying to make?

What point are you trying to make?

Yeah you see the same types of rhetoric defending all sorts of "MSM Sanctioned Opinions" along with... Pedophilia? Like its crazy how obvious and blatant the shills/useful idiots are and they always act in the same disingenuous way. Props for posting this because I know how many PMs / Death Threats / Ridiculous replies you have to wade through simply for pointing this kind of thing out.

I know how many PMs / Death Threats / Ridiculous replies you have to wade through simply for pointing this kind of thing out.

Jesus Christ, man, are you not kidding. Sheesh.

Thanks for coming on here and commenting.

Yeah man no problem I know how it goes. I've had to wade through my fair share of them, especially after I made a post calling out Net Neutrality for the censorship it is. My inbox was filled with reasons people thought I should die, crazy stuff. Really validates posting in a way though. If that many people are trying to scare you, you must be on to something. At least thats how I view it.

Keep it up buddy.

Thanks again. Cannot agree more w/everything you just said.


Youre gonna love this. Since I made this post I have been responded to on here by someone who has posted only twice, ever, in the six months his account has been active. All he is trying to do is draw me into a pointless debate(as they always do). Then another account that hasnt posted a single time in the last six months responded to a comment of mine from two months ago calling me a nazi.

They are literally digging through my post history for responding in a positive way to you. Once again shows we are in the right :)

How would you react if someone started a sub called /r/CouchAttackIsAPedophile ?

view comments by controversial.....

why so many downvotes on these comments. mods please take care of this!

RIP Good Mods.

"You're an elite pedophile. Here's some quotes taken out of context that proves it." That's why some people don't jump straight on the pitchfork and torch bandwagon. Plus yall say yall believe it but honestly if there is a pedophile ring encompassing various powerful world leaders and you have evidence yall don't believe it enough to actually do anything about it or suck at convincing anybody worthwhile your evidence is factual

Using OP's logic, one would not be allowed to call out fake holocaust victims.

its unfortunate that the people who are concerned about pedophilia have so little credibility. Maybe they couldve gotten something actually productive done amd helped some real people if they actuaply looked for pedophiles in stead of using the issue to go on a witch hunt against their political opponents. Oh well, guess its too late now.

Rule 10 prevents us from discussing the actual conspiracy to control r/conspiracy.

we've won and that's it

their fighting on their own ground now

Lot of people you would never except either.

If that's what you think I'm doing, then you have it WAY wrong.

Do you?


Why would you bother asking if you've already made your mind up on the subject?

Thanks. I sent a report out. I honestly don't imagine much of anything will get done about it, but I sent it out, so we'll see what if anything happens.


This is why I never bother talking to most Skyrim NPCs.

Labor day, numbnuts.

Professionals can troubleshoot their own problems

You're acting like troubleshooting can't be multitasked, like you can't somehow work on something while also leaving a question out there in order to see some feedback. It doesn't have to be a strictly linear process.

Its funny you start asking these noob broducer questions right after making your brand new account.

There are no noob questions, everybody is always learning new things. I'd rather be called a noob than maintain some lofty arrogance about something that's supposed to be creatively fulfilling and fun.

I mean, shit.... where did you go for advice 14 days ago. I mean, you totally don't have other Reddit accounts, after all.

I never claimed not to have other accounts. Don't really know what you're getting at.

Sure you do. I own a multimedia production company after working at one of the biggest post-houses in Hollywood for years. A common thing I hear from clients is how the last company they tried to work with was slow, unfocused and unprofessional. On the off chance you actually work in this industry I guess now I know why people have such bad experiences. It's cause you losers are on Reddit 24/7 and wasting time on shit like sending random midi through cthulu.

Sounds like you're mad people are making music? I don't really get your angle here at all.

No need. As a trained, lifelong musician i can write my own arpeggios, lol.

So if you have a synth with an arpeggiator on it, you ignore it and play an arp at 1/32 by hand. Ha. That seems

And if I ever need to do some horseshit like that I'd use Logic's arp MIDI FX which is more full-featured than cthulu and can be easily stacked.

Eh, Logic seems to be lapped by Ableton in this department tbh. It's all personal preference and what you can work better in, though.

Waste of time.... unless, of course, your workload is exceptionally light. There's no impetus for being deliberate with your composition or for speed and efficiency in mom's basement.

You're acting as if one uses generative strategies than they are exclusively not composing anything in tandem. I wonder why you have this philosophy. There are many compositional modes out there and I try new things all the time.

Hence my saying, "your pirated kontakt libraries". Guess you missed that.

You said Komplete, which I bought, along with all my NI stuff.

As in you created a piece of jargon to make what you're doing sound more elaborate or interesting than it really is.

Skinning just means the sound, like how a UI is just a aesthetic skin. I didn't invent the term, and I wasn't using it to brag. I don't really think much of what softsynth sound I end up using as much as the compositional stage.

Lol, called it. Vaporwave producer. Makes sense cause most of you guys have a distain for EDM, since it takes a little more effort than "reskinning".

I don't really like any vaporwave that came after those initial releases. I like classic Warp, Holly Herndon, Jlin, Reznor's scores, John Carpenter, and a billion rock bands like anyone else.

My workflow wouldn't make sense to you since it involves all phases of multimedia production and because I contract with companies like Sony and ESPN and do in-house work.

Try me!

I never claimed not to have other accounts. Don't really know what you're getting at.

Why didn't you admit to it when I called it earlier in the conversation? I knew it. Thanks for admitting it here at least.

So if you have a synth with an arpeggiator on it, you ignore it and play an arp at 1/32 by hand. Ha. That seems

The mere fact you think the only way to get an arp down in accurate 32nds is by hand kinda says it all, man. There are numerous ways to do this that don't involve using arpeggiators. Why dont you start a thread and ask edmproduction.

And yeah I'm not about to spend anymore time on this convo explaining to you the workflow of multi format mixing in surround, you can read about it if you want.