“If you are paid $25.00 an hour to show up to a rally to “counter” the other party using physical force and violence, you are not a “counter protestor.” You are a mercenary."

4215  2017-09-05 by MaGiiKStudios

Found this letter attributed to Geoffrey B. Higginbotham, Major General, USMC (Ret.). Wanted to share it here.

A Word To The Wise

“If you are paid $25.00 an hour to show up to a rally to “counter” the other party using physical force and violence, you are not a “counter protestor.” You are a mercenary.

There is no need for further debate on this. You were paid to attack someone you don’t know for reasons that you couldn’t care enough about to go there for free. You did your “job” and collected your check and your reimbursement of expenses. You’re a mercenary.

Not a Patriot. Not a Social Justice Warrior. Not a Defender of Freedom or Liberty. Not an upholder of Truth or Justice. None of those things you claim to be. You are a mercenary.

And mercenaries are not lawful combatants and deserve whatever comes their way at the hands of the people they are attacking.

You have no 1st Amendment rights when you’re a mercenary.

Doesn’t matter what side you’re on. Doesn’t matter what cause you’re showing up to disrupt. If you can’t express yourself peacefully through diplomatic means, then you better be prepared to meet your maker at the hands of someone who is only barely keeping their own violent tendencies at bay through a massive exercise of self-control.

I know it sounds romantic to attend these rallies and get crap started with the other side. And when you’re young and passionate, it’s really easy to get whipped up into a frenzy of raw emotions. There is a reason why young people are preferred when it comes to warfare. They are easy to manipulate and control and set off.

But I’m telling you all this right now. You’ve got no idea what road you are starting down. Romance and idealism wears off really fast when you’re laying in a pool of your own blood trying to stuff your intestines back into your torn abdomen.

I’ve been lucky enough to go forty-two years without having to put the skills I learned in the Marines to use. I continue to train and keep those skills up to date because I see the madness that is happening all across this country. I don’t train to attack others like you do. I train to defend others FROM you. I’m not alone either.

There are thousands of men and women in this country who have seen war and death and don’t want any more to do with it. They want to live in peace. They want to forget the things they’ve had to do in the service of their country. They want to raise their kids and have family BBQs and build tree houses and soap box derby cars and have tea parties.

They don’t want this crap that you’re selling.

You have the extremist left and the extremist right that are doing their best to get something started. To force us into a Civil War. Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close.

And yet we still had a war of ideology that consumed hundreds of thousands of lives.

All you young and naive kids on both sides of this equation who think that having a Civil War will advance your agenda or restore your vision of what you think is America, just remember this… Those of us older generations aren’t having any of this crap. And if you jump off, you better be prepared to deal with US. We don’t care what color you’re wearing or what sign you’re holding if you come after us, our friends, our family, our co-workers, our neighbors, etc., WE will kill you.

So remember that when you’re thinking that it’s just Left vs Right, or Liberal vs Conservative, or Commie vs. Fascist. We are the variable you’re not considering.

That “Silent Majority” that you pretend does not exist is getting really sick and tired of your bullshit.

— Geoffrey B. Higginbotham Major General, USMC (Ret.)


Extremely well said. My hat is off to the man who wrote this.

I agree with everything he said except the 1st amendment thing. And that is going to be the thing all these little terrorists are going to make this all about.

Downvoted for a reasonable comment? Nice one guys

Thats how it goes around here anymore. you get used to it

Great letter, have an upvote sir!

Is there any real evidence or people coming out that they were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest? I don't take craigslist adds as evidence btw. Most of the "evidence" that I have seen was either debunked or actual satire by antifa and other organisations.

This feels more like a strawman argument to make any protest against your point out to be illegitimate

Other point:

You have no 1st Amendment rights when you’re a mercenary.

Why? Is there any law against mercenaries that I don't know? Are soldiers not also basically mercenaries (getting paid for violence).

Is there any real evidence or people coming out that they were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest?


Why? Is there any law against mercenaries that I don't know?

No. As long as they're being peaceful, paid or not they absolutely are allowed to congregate, protest, etc.

"You were paid to attack someone you don’t know for reasons that you couldn’t care enough about to go there for free."

The individual quoted is specifically talking about people paid to protest in a fashion NOT peaceful. So your second point is true, but not what is being discussed.

If we're not talking about a violent definition of "attack" then obviously you're correct. But the focus of the entire quote posted by OP is clearly about violence. So I don't even know why you're mentioning the peaceful protesters.

Because by the posts definition, being paid makes you a mercenary it doesn't say being a violent mercenary forfeits your rights, but being one at all does and that's simply not true.

A mercenary is a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict, and is "motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party"

That's the definition. Taken from above:

"If you are paid $25.00 an hour to show up to a rally to “counter” the other party using physical force and violence, you are not a “counter protestor.”"

physical force and violence

This is literally clear as bloody day; the discussion is about people who are paid to use physical force and violence.

What you have difficulty with is the paid part. I can understand that, because I've not personally seen concrete proof either. But it's a hypothetical discussion at the very least. IF you were paid to cause violence, THEN you are legally classified as a mercenary.

I stand corrected then. It's early and I'm under the weather. But OP's point is useless then. Violence is not protected under the 1st Amendment anyways.

I think that's a tangential point.

The point is that people who think they're riding a gravy train, violently getting involved in a fight they're only interested in as a result of money, means that sprucing up the rhetoric with terms like "counter protester" is complete bullshit. They're literal criminals. And as you say, violence immediately negates 1st amendment rights. So violent protesters, or even legit protesters, who might yell and scream about the freedom of speech and expression of those getting violent, are entirely wrong.

To the edit, haha you too, don't look at my post history. I'm not super popular on here being pretty liberal. It's not usually this nice but I do tend to respond only in kind.

I agree with all of your main post as well. i.e. ANTIFA as an idea is something I might support, but going around breaking shit because a campus hosts a speaker they don't like is self defeating. You can't fight fascism by not allowing dissent. It's like the definition of being a fascist.

I just think most of this discussion is moot as there really hasn't been proof they're being paid.

ANTIFA's violence blows my mind in all the worst ways. The hypocrisy is so blatant that I don't even know where to start, or what the point would be in pointing it out.

I'm not especially popular either XP I certainly don't discriminate based on political ideology. I probably fall on the liberal side of the spectrum generally, but I also appreciate some conservative views. That some seem to think one needs to pick a side eliminates the reality of a political spectrum and compresses everything into a binary: For or against. As much as I can fall victim to the all-or-none paradigm at times, it's nonsense.

Someone did post a bunch of info re: paid protesters here in the comments, though at a very brief glance it did not appear that they were paid specifically to commit violence, so much as ideally they would incite violence from their opposition. However, I imagine some did themselves commit violence, quite possibly a very small minority of these paid protesters, and so the message is addressing (potentially) a very small number of individuals.

The point may or may not be especially relevant as it stands, but generally it is correct by definition.

Good luck, friend. May we all find peace.

The only stuff I've seen has been posts for protestors/crowds in completely different cities. It's all giant leaps and grasping at straws.

ive been in a class in college where a guy spoke before us to say a bunch of students were taking a bus and carpooling up to another school to protest tuition hikes. thats likely what this is. it doesnt seem like a big deal at all. far from getting paid 100 bucks for a day of rioting or something

Black Bloc is into vandalism, but I think while Black Bloc is a part of Antifa, they are not the whole of it.

Just as a technicality, violence doesn't negate first amendment rights.

Violence just gets you thrown in jail.

You're still allowed to exercise your first amendment rights from your cell.

i think he means that violence isnt speech, so if youre out there throwing rocks the 1A is of no use to you

I figured it was worth clarifying since the line in the OP wasn't particularly accurate either.

OP's point is useless then.

Now you're getting it!

"Bouncers, security guards, cops, and soldiers don't have first amendment rights!"

And you still have all your 1A rights as a mercenary.

What do you mean by "legally classified as a mercenary"? Did you mean "fits a dictionary definition of a mercenary"? Because those are two very different things.

There is a ton of international law regarding mercenaries. The LOAC essentially removes POW protection from mercenaries and spies. US law? I'm not sure.

There are no laws, Standing Rock proved that.

Is there any real evidence

Wait, you mean 4chan screenshots and fake Craigslist listings don't count?

They would count if someone actually went there, took part in the protest, got the money and documented it somehow. Basically a veritas video without the out of context editing or something.

And you'd think this would be an easy case to make. The fact that it hasn't happened should really tell us something.

What kind of argument is that? The evidence is that it is difficult to find evidence for or against something.

The argument is that maybe those kind of paid protesters (and online shills, for that matter) either don't exist or are nowhere near as common as we've been told.

The majority of extremists on both sides are jobless, you'd think they would jump at the opportunity to do "work" for the causes they believe in if it actually paid money. The reality is both sets of extremists mistakenly believe that a large chunk of the rest of society silently agrees with them so they need strong mental Gymnastics to explain away the gap between their belief and the reality that they are fringe groups with little support.

The majority of extremists on both sides are jobless, you'd think they would jump at the opportunity to do "work" for the causes they believe in if it actually paid money.

Has there been a study concerning this subject that shows what you're espousing to be true? I don't doubt that it could be true, but I don't think I've seen any evidence for it.

The reality is both sets of extremists mistakenly believe that a large chunk of the rest of society silently agrees with them so they need strong mental Gymnastics to explain away the gap between their belief and the reality that they are fringe groups with little support.

Agreed. Interestingly enough, you will see media groups from both ends of the political spectrum push the idea that the extremists on both ends represent the majority of both sides. That's one of the reasons that I believe the media is responsible for the division in this country.

I listen to quite a bit of conservative media and they do this regularly. I know that more left-leaning media does this as well. Even though people will complain that they are tired of liberal media painting anyone on the right as old, white, and racist, they will overgeneralize and misrepresent the majority of folks on the left without an ounce of self-awareness.

Sorry to go a bit off topic, but I needed to get that out. Have a good day!

My go-to example of the way that partisan figures exaggerate the people they don't like to a ludicrous degree is Sean Hannity continuously giving airtime to the head of the New Black Panthers. He is the only person doing that, or giving any attention to the New Black Panthers whatsoever. It's just a guy that Hannity saw and said to himself, "they'll eat this up with a spoon".

I'm honestly curious as to how people don't recognize Sean Hannity as a demagogue. It's blatantly obvious that the guy is about as intellectually dishonest as you can get.

Certainly a partisan, but I'm not aware of any outright lies he's pushed.

Have a good day!

You too bro

Thank you ,sir. I'm surprised you were downvoted as hard as you were.

I'm not. My opinion is that when you have both sides complaining about paid agitators but neither one has any concrete evidence it's possible that it's not even happening. Both sides are triggered by this because it knocks the wind out of their sales. They both claim the other side is more violent to vindicate their own violence and they both claim the other side is placing paid agitators among their ranks because it's hard for people to accept that legit loonies commonly hold the similar extremist political views as the alt-right and the communists and are drawn to these movements. The end result is you have people on both sides of the aisle mostly fed up with poor governance harming the people of the United States but the only people voicing opinions on how to fix things are blaming their problems on other disadvantaged groups. The great majority of us in the US work significantly harder than we are paid for but we are taught that other impoverished groups in our country are the reason for our suffering. It's tough but we all need to look past skin color, religion, creed, and any other bullshit arbitrary reason to hate each other. We need to look for our similarities: we all want to be successful, raise families, grow as individuals but we fight over how it's to be done. We can all do better for ourselves and our neighbors by just giving a fuck.

It's almost as though there's been an obvious effort to silence any opposing opinion in this sub using boogeymen like Soros, shareblue, and ctr. "They exist, therefore everyone who disagrees with me is a shill."

Yeah man online shills don't exist 🙄

I'm surprised James O'Keefe hasn't released a fake video about it yet.

Me too, actually. It'd be really easy for him to fake something like this.

he cant find anybody to hire him as a protestor? werent there 20k at boston? I guess if he made a film like this he'd basically be making his own fictional drama, hiring actors to play all parts. at this point he should be shopping the idea to netflix and amazon

So, basically like all his other videos?

Well isn't this string cute.

The string about how James O'Keefe is a hack who doctors and edits videos to make democrats look bad...He muddies the water and then only corrects shit AFTER.

Dude should be in jail for his slander and lies.

It's a puppet show!

yes it will but to prove it in court and win a lawsuit he will never be able to

so he is wrong

Oh yeah, because his bird-dogging video was so fake. Confirmation bias much?

Yes, everything he does is fake, and he's funded by Trump's charity.

To be fair, this happens on both sides. I don't trust Michael Moore either.

Nothing he's done has been confirmed fake, ever. The only thing people like you say is that since he was convicted for trespassing he's a fraud.

Who are "people like me"? People that don't like Trump's "charity" funding this attention seeker? People that don't fall for his obviously edited videos?

Maybe you've never heard of Juan Carlos Vera, who called the police on O'Keefe because he believed O'Keefe really wanted to import women to use as prostitutes, and who successfully sued him. That's just one example of a confirmed fake video, and there are many more.

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except for that time, he ended up having to pay acorn 100k because of his fake video

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Seriously? So a guy that's being paid by Trump shows up in that sub to do an AMA and you're taking his word as gospel?

Do you have anything to refute his rebuttal to the claims that his videos are fake? If you don't... well..

Numerous court decisions. But more importantly, are you just going to ignore the fact that he's funded by Trump?

And someone from Acorn called the police because they thought he was a sex trafficker.

Almost every person in the US can capture HD video footage of anything as quick as they can take the phone out of their pocket. If something like this existed, surely there would be some real video evidence.

It would be difficult to film someone responding to an ad, showing up to an interview, getting the job, showing up to a protest, waiting two weeks and getting a paycheck in the mail. That's a lot of filming time.

Because if ANY of those are missing, or cut, then...

The ad doesn't relate to the interview. The interview doesn't relate to the protest. The protest doesn't relate to the pay. The pay is fake and in a fake letterhead to filmmaker put into the mailbox before going back to their house and "filming" opening the box. The interview was with a friend and not an official.

You'd need to Truman Show at least three weeks to make that work, and even then, it would need to be with a PERFECT camera, because the slightest temporary blur is evidence it is tampered with. After all, Star Wars had the guy saying lines he never said by splicing film on-screen, so too could this hypothetical filmmaker if there's any blurring.

Or, you know, a receipt... or any documented part of a money trail.

An email exchange with a screen shot of a resulting payment for services.

This isn't exactly super secret if it was open sourced and offered payment. Lots of money moving towards people generally catches attention.

The fuck would they give them a receipt for, I feel like it defeats the purpose of hiding the fact that you are funding a protest. Has any one here actually taken Craigslists jobs before, especially an event job? 50% of the time they pay those out in cash, since it's a drop in the bucket for the people paying for whatever menial shit they need done.

Send an ad, get replies, delete said ad so if anyone took a screenshot it will be disputed and people won't consider it worth arguing. Then pay your employees in cash or "travel reimbursement" lol.

How hard is it to find people that watch way too much news and have a humanities degree, and who are angry about their circumstance and feel cheated? It isn't, they are bred all over the United States.

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So... you think the target market for these jobs are people who are upset with their situations and would be going to the protest anyway...

Definitely makes sense to pay them then, huh?

No, aimed at the jobless ones who are suffering in their circumstance with no way to make their way to Berkeley and so on. It's aimed at anyone post college or in college, because instead of realizing the college institution jipped them out of their money, they are blaming the Koch brothers.

Paying them just helps pad numbers for the perception of a massive grassroots movement, because how do you argue against the will.of the people. I remember similar rhetoric with the tea party in early 2000. The real trouble makers are paid by someone more nefarious, whether part of the police or paid to create violence.

They aren't giving those guys that much responsibility in the groups besides being 'operation human shield' for the "By any Means Necessary" and groups like that, they just want them to maybe smash a few windows and protect the ideologues.

Yes, if your numbers aren't what you expect, it makes sense to pay protestors. Perception is key in this silly media war right?

when i was in college there were guys who would speak to the class and say they were going to take a bus to a larger state college to protest some kind of law that would raise tuition or something

this is definitely different than a paid protester, I personally dont see it as a problem

What the fuck is r/isanybodyhere and why is my comment on it.

How hard is it to find people that watch way too much news and have a humanities degree, and who are angry about their circumstance and feel cheated?

this is why its hard to get paid to play video games, or sports. if people want to do it nobody is going to pay for you to do it

The receipt is for, mostly, the benefit of whomever would pay protesters. 1) for thier active participation, and 2) most importantly, for thier confidentiality.

So, say I wanna find 100 people to show up and protest Futurama seasons 1 through 5 being removed from Netflix. But, I want it to look organic, and totally not something that I orchestrated. If I'm offering incentives for participating, then it is in my best interest to also insure that they don't undermine my messege by being paid.

If I give them cash, then they can take it and just go home. If I pay them after the demonstration, then they can go home and blog about this quick buck they just made and tell others how to do so.

To keep it quiet, there needs to be something agreed to, beyond a verbal agreement, if I want to keep my involvement a secret. If I pay them, and give them a form saying "this is money for your participation, by accepting payment, you're agreeing to keep this a secret or else we demand our money back." if I pay them and don't notify them of the expectation of secrecy, they'll sell thier story to literally anyone with an interest in exposing my involvement, undermining any affect of the demonstration, because why not?

Why not take 2 paydays instead of 1,with basically zero extra work?

So, without an agreement, none of the "independent paid demonstrators" theory makes any sense.

In the age of social media, it would have to be orchestrated by an agency in charge of a collective, none of any of the operating agents could have a social media presence that could be linked to one another at all, in anyway. Because the agency in charge of the individual actors would have all of thier names on file, whatever contracts they operate for, and a means to pay them. Connect 2 of the employees, and you can extrapolate that there are more of those kinds of paid demonstrators, and a little digging exposes my involvement, because I'd have to pay the agency, as well as have verified agreement with them, or they could just take my money and have a pizza party.

Like Futurama is important to my interests, so I understand how helpful a big demonstration would be to make my point. But if I can't garner interest from people through excitement or passion, then there is only really intimidation or a paper trail means to get people to show up. And knowing it's my mission and my cause, I would not expect some agency to cover the costs of putting on an artificial demonstration just to make it look more real, because profit is how companies stay in business, and why would they trust me to pay them if I'm willing to pay a bunch of people for misleading the public for my own interests.

I can see that, but I also see a society with very vitriolic people and systems to search out those individuals are becoming easier to congregate (former protests, Facebook groups, and such). It's kinda like that joke how people who used to have sex with animals always felt alone and like freaks until they discovered internet chattrooms. It's also the reason it's easier to gather all the bigots in easy places and subreddits like the dreaded coontown.

However, it's much easier with the actual black bloc protesters and groups like By Any Means Necessary since they police their own and are hypervigilant to anyone filming them. They already act with secrecy and will block out anyone but their video of the event to frame it how they want, of course the conservative YouTubers do enjoy antagonizing but that seems like a two way street.

I'd look more to those organizations and how they plan, and execute their protests, along with their messaging public and private, but I don't think I could fake it that hard to get in anyway to find out.

People with money have infiltrated protests and movements before and often in American history.

Now I don't want to pin this all on Soros and the like, because I think this is more multilateral involving paid actors in the Alt-Right, which I believe based on the lack of funding they receive from fans online, unless it's funded through Bitcoin, which most Hatreon users accept.

Of course there is also the aspect of cops infiltrating as Black Bloc to incite violence like happened in Canada around 2007-10


The amount of violence I've seen doesn't seem natural compared to occupy wall street and other movements, this whole year just feels off to me. I don't believe Joe T. CollegeStudent is getting paid though, or the free speech side of the right either. It's the more nefarious sects of both groups that concern me.

So, I agree with most of you're overall point.... However

The data mining and hyper self policing of certain communities means that organizers wouldn't have to pay anyone to show up for a rally.

No one on the left would have to find someone to act like a Nazi at a protest, the world is teaming with them. No conservative group needs to find some liberals to go counter protest something, libs are happy to show up and meet like minded folks.

However, I agree forever adamently that movements and protests are manipulated to be more antagonistic and violent, but that it's a wholly orchestrated effort (in the US) based in organizations like the CIA. It's scarier than "big money is operating vigilanti mobs" because that would be a mess, especially in capitalism where everyone is trying to run with the bug dogs, you'd have dim, entitled narcissistic ambitious types who fully misunderstood Machiavelli, figured they'd give chess a shot and it'd be practically funny. Litigation everywhere, if anyone got hurt or killed or a check bounced, thier families would sue and blow their cover and destroy the operation.

But, American government organizations have a long standing tradition of breaking up opposition groups and love subverting anything that costs the defense department money, including peace organizations and gatherings of the working poor that are suffering from malnutrition and watching thier kids get sicker and sicker from contaminated water.

See, you don't need to look too hard to find people with motivation to disrupt free speech. We pay them with taxes, and the money trail stops in the federal government.

If they're recruiting people, they must do it face to face so they don't leave a trail... That's how I imagine they would do anyway.

Makes sense they'd look for people on social media or ads and propose a job without precising which one at first. "Well paid and don't need experience. Ideal for students" kind of ad.

Except all the "evidence" presented thus far has been in the form of blatant Craigslist posts

If they're recruiting people, they must do it face to face so they don't leave a trail... That's how I imagine they would do anyway.

Makes sense they'd look for people on social media or ads and propose a job without precising which one at first. "Well paid and don't need experience. Ideal for students" kind of ad.

But paying them well enough to keep it completely secret?

Unless it's a digital payment, they can't prove that they paid, or that they are owed a refund for, what, breach of a contract.

So, that means it's all cash, and based on an honor system, in a vitriolic political climate, and kept totally on the down low.....

I don't buy it, at all.

You're making good points. Maybe it's not about what they're paid but something else, like a better job at the end, I don't know.

I know there's no proof (yet?) but it seems rather credible to me that some people would go to those lengths to manipulate political opinion and events. (Sorry if it's bad english)

So, now it's job opportunities, but not in writing, and again, with zero examples of the incentives, digital or otherwise. And at the scale it would need to be, there's no chance regular civilians, normally chatty humans, could keep it under wraps.

Like, there are examples of manipulation of public opinion out there that were orchestrated by governments, but those were done by soldiers in street clothes, not some open casting call for who ever.

you know people make a living tracking down financial transactions and shell companies? thats where you go. if someone is getting paid, it absolutely could be tracked and blown up.

That O'Keeffe guy would do this then edit the footage ti change the story how he wanted. Ig this was even REMOTELY happening, it'd learn

Nah maybe organized or groups get deals but nobody getting paid off the street.

Funny thing is O'Keeffe's group was caught trying to pay people to riot and attack public transport during the innaugeration.

Not surprised


Seriously. Soros, CTR, Sandy Hook Crisis Actors, Charlottesville/Berkley violent paid protestors. You'd think, being such a common thing, that you'd have someone who infiltrated this activity and outed them.

A picture of a paystub, details or recordings of shady meetings, links to studios used for auditions or orientations to go over details of these elaborate scenarios.

But instead, nothing. Just accusations to draw attention away from the much simpler solution. Needless overly complicated schemes to explain why someone isn't responsible for something and how it's actually someone else's fault.

Its more thqt soros funds the leadership. Who organize the gullible masses into frenzies

Links. I'm not going to spend my time Googling the phrase "Hillary tapes". Not being shitty, just... I have a life, yahknow? And this presumed you already know what they are and how to access them.

Pretty sure they're o'keefe videos so you have to take them with a grandson son of salt anyways

Either that or the "Hillary Tapes" that appear in a quick Google search just link to the recordings of Clinton speaking publicly about the case she had to work in the 70s when she defended a rapist. No clue how that relates to paying protestors, but that's what comes you with the phrase he used, "Hillary tapes".

I hate when someone proposes something like this and basically says, "okay, enjoy finding my evidence for me!"

You want a paystub for agents hired for a conspiracy?

I want something more than vague Craigslist posts for cities with similar names.

I mean, if you're hiring hundreds and hundreds of paid protestors, there's going to be a paper trail. That's just how organizing things works.

God forbid a conspiracy require some tangible evidence to support the theory.

So lets say they put out craigslist ads and paid cash. What paper trail do you suppose exists? Who would have access to that paper trail that might be willing to spill the beans?

I honestly don't understand your argument. You seem to create an impossible burden of proof.

In the case of the Sandy Hook, I would imagine people couldn't keep their mouth shut about a mass murder of children. I mean every one of them would have to be a complete wack job to hide that.

There should be a Craigslist post, meeting times, cash amounts, protest they wanted you to work, descriptions of people involved, etc. Presumably there would be some of that which would have leaked out.

Do you really think something like this could be pulled off with no evidence at all, with no person talking, with total and utter secrecy?

Do I think people can be paid to do a fake protest?


Hey, you asked and answered your own question. Cool.

Didn't he also hire supporters to sit near the stage and applaud him during his speech to the CIA? I'm not sure if they were actors or real supporters though.

Funny that the only ones caught doing this are the ones claiming fake protesters on the other side. I honestly think some people believe what they do about their enemies because of what they do themselves.

If I recall correctly they were staff members, so they were paid but for lots of other things too.

A few of my friends and I were talking about this a few weeks back and we came up with a theory(just a theory)... It was that the government(or entities within) find people with some pretty deplorable and repugnant internet searches, and after a vetting process, offer them two choices, join us and we can make all of your sick dreams come true, or we expose the world to what you really are and you go away forever... And if they talk, we release everything and you (and maybe some of your loved ones) "suicide" out of shame... So you just wind up going further into the mirewith no way out.

It is called finding a manager. Old Irish mob thing.

using physical force and violence

It took two seconds to debunk that massively incorrect and u organicqlly upvoted claim, and there WERE redditors who took trips on the buses, documenting the journey.

Either this guy is retarded or there is another agenda.

This feels like common knowledge even...

The fact that companies that pay people to show up in crowds exist doesn't mean that everyone you accuse of being a paid protester is paid, or that any of them are, really. It's a big world, you can find a company that does pretty much anything; that doesn't mean that they're important or have any influence, especially to the scale that conspiritards commonly claim. I don't know why evidence is such a difficult concept to conspiracy theorists. Or maybe it's because they're just seeking out things that confirm conclusions they've already drawn.

The last true protest was OWS, and that was squashed pretty swiftly.

There was also tons of underhanded shit done by those companies, including paying people to infiltrate the groups.

It's incredibly naive to think this isn't common practice.

Kind of ham handed.

No...protesting is different than causing violence and using physical force. One may cause violence and use physical harm by protesting, but they are not the same thing.


Don't throw words around you do not understand.

This dude's a shill.

Here he's choosing to attack /u/Ballsdeepinreality over his choice of the word "unorganically" even though it was used an understandable, straight-forward and accurate manner.

This kind of argument is designed to disrupt discussion by taking up time and effort from real people who would otherwise be spending their time and energy spreading their message to real people.

Recognize this tactic, super common among shills.

Or the argument was weakened...and now you cry shill. Recognize this tactic, as it is all they know when they are proven wrong.

Explain it, in the context of what it means...not his terrible vocabulary. The concept up of votes is organic...unless there are artificial players at work....does not sound like they understand that.

Just like people are failing to recognize the difference between protesting and violence.

Word salad

open society had ad on their website pre elevation and post election for demonstrators

Your words are not a source. Go find whatever you're talking about on waybackmachine.

Did you actually try researching this?

No, it is the responsibility of those making the claim to provide credible sources.

The reason I asked is there is more proof than just random 4Chan posts and craigslist posts that are pretty easy to find with some searches.

Yet here we are...

if this is true then everything I have learned from this sub is a lie

Makes you wonder about the poster and subsequent mountain of upvotes, doesn't it?

Goes against the very nature and behavior of the sub, is top comment, something stinks like bullshot, and I haven't stepped in any recently.

you mean /u/g1aiz s post?

no i think its rational. this isnt a circle jerk where everyones theory gets accepted without criticism. a skeptical look separates the wheat from the chaff

Is there any real evidence or people coming out that they were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest?


Have pasted a previous comment I made when one of those ads was posted here about Vegas/Charlottesville linked to Crowds on Demand. Difficult to verify the ads but Crowds on Demand is a legit company and their CEO that admits that they hire people for: "PR stunts, politicians looking for supporters (or protesters against their opponents), interest groups and individuals.'" There's also the video evidence of DNC operatives admitting to planting 'paid agitators' at events to cause trouble.

For those that missed it, similar was recently posted in relation to the Charlottesville attack on 4chan except the ad said Charlotte, NC not Charlottesville, VA. About 4 hours away by car/coach. However people on Twitter claim crowds of protesters were bused into Charlottesville. One user posted this implying it it shows bussed-in Trump supporters but if they are paid protesters that changes things.

For what it is worth Crowds on Demand (CoD) does appear to be a legit company though but that obviously doesn't mean these craiglist ads are. Adam Swart, who worked as a political organizer in Jerry Brown’s successful election campaign for Democrat Governor of California in 2010, is the founder and CEO of CoD.

metro.co.uk source

We caught up with Adam Swart, the founder and CEO of Crowds On Demand - a business that pretty much does what it says on the tin. Swart filled us in on his typical booking: 'We specialise in getting our clients lots of attention. 'The right kind of attention through crowd based action.' Detailing his typical customers, Swart added: 'We work with companies conducting PR stunts, politicians looking for supporters (or protesters against their opponents), interest groups and individuals.' Swart confirms US politicians have used his services

Not sure if relevant but there is a letter from him on the FCC's site on behalf of the National Association of African American-Owned Media (NAAAOM).

NAAAOM’s mission is "to eliminate racial discrimination and secure the economic inclusion of truly 100% African American owned media through fair contracting and equal treatment practices."

Anyway, we already have proof that DNC operatives are prepared to send paid protesters and agent provocateurs to sabotage rallies and events by inciting violence.

Two top Democratic strategists have exited the presidential campaign after explosive undercover videos showed them discussing voter fraud and their roles in planting paid agitators at campaign events for Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates and the husband of Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, stepped down from the campaign Tuesday, a day after Scott Foval was fired from his post as national field director of Americans United for Change.

The first video shows Democratic strategists discussing how they hire agitators — including union members, homeless people and the mentally ill — to incite violence by provoking Trump supporters on camera at campaign stops.

Source: Washington Times

DNC operative Scott Foval says in the video: "When they’re outside the rally, the media will cover it no matter where it happens. They key is initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic.

"I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these assholes to pop off. It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into the rally, in a Planned Parenthood t-shirt. Or, Trump is a Nazi, you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you. "

"If you’re there and you’re protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies. That’s what we want"

"We're starting anarchy here"

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IuJGHuIkzY

Is this not illegal?

The only person posting anything resembling evidence getting downvoted into oblivion. Hmm.

While obviously the evidence you've presented does not prove or disprove anything beyond a reasonable doubt, this is not a murder trial.

It certainly is worth considering and could help piece together a bigger picture.

the evidence you've presented does not prove or disprove anything beyond a reasonable doubt

What is it that we are supposed to be proving beyond a reasonable doubt?

We have:

  • Video evidence of DNC operatives admitting on video to paying mentally hill, homeless etc to be agitators and subsequently being fired would be strong evidence

  • CEO of a company publicly stating that he employs people to act as 'supporters (or protesters against their opponents)'

Seem likes evidence of what OP was discussing

I agree it does seem like evidence of OP's claims.

The reasonable doubt comment was directed towards the naysayers claiming Craigslist add 4chan posts don't equate to proof.

My point was that this is not a murder trial that we are trying to prove beynd a reasonable doubt. Reasonable doubt is a great thing and the evidence provided in your post should be included in the discussion, not downvoted into oblivion.

comment was directed towards the naysayers claiming Craigslist ads and 4chan posts don't equate to proof

I agree, they don't. Which is why I didn't present them as evidence.

My point was that this is not a murder trial

I get what you are saying. I'm just clarifying that is strong evidence unlike ads on craigslist. Important they aren't confused

It's an post about antifa and the left so the top comments will be trying hard to debunk and deflect.

It's not about the left and right though. That's just bullshit to divide and conquer. Much easier to strip away the rights of citizens while they're busy fighting each other instead of their real foes.

Oh,. You're center? Fuck those particularly! /s

Shit!!! I read your comment quickly and just spend 10 - 15 minutes looking for this post, then I saw your same comment and realized you linked to in initially. FUCK!! Anyways, did anyone grab a screen shot of the Craigslist post?

The craiglist posts are irrelevant. Anyone can post those.

It is absolutely shitty and I am in no way defending their actions.

But as a non-lawyer with access to the internet I am not sure that baiting someone to hitting you is inciting violence. I mean logically it makes sense but I am not sure it is the same thing, and the evidence you provided seems to just be paying someone to provoke other protesters into fighting them.

If I am wrong or you have other evidence please let me know. To reiterate, shitty but I don't believe it is illegal.

OP asked: "Is there any real evidence or people coming out that they were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest?"

I've presented evidence.

To reiterate, shitty but I don't believe it is illegal.

Well it is illegal to "aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in or carrying on a riot or committing any act of violence in furtherance of a riot"


Fair enough. I was thinking just inciting violence and I wasn't sure that trying to incite violence on your own person could be a crime. But that would definitely fall under inciting a riot.

Although that section you quoted should really have the definition of what a riot is, in the section called riots. Apparently just in the next section.


I've presented evidence.

No you haven't.

Isn't it amazing that all these "paid" protestors and yet you don't have a single document or check to prove it? There's no accounts to link to it in any way. And the only "proof" are CL ads and a video that the author refuses to release the uncut video despite having been caught previously using deceptive editing.

And the CEO of Crowds on Demand saying: "We work with companies conducting PR stunts, politicians looking for supporters (or protesters against their opponents), interest groups and individuals.' Swart confirms US politicians have used his services"

OP asked: "Is there any real evidence or people coming out that they were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest?"

I believe that is evidence. Oh, you missed that in your response.

Deceptive editing

"When they’re outside the rally, the media will cover it no matter where it happens. They key is initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic."

"I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these assholes to pop off. It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into the rally, in a Planned Parenthood t-shirt. Or, Trump is a Nazi, you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you. "

"If you’re there and you’re protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies. That’s what we want"

"We're starting anarchy here"

Nothing deceptive in those statements and plenty more like it made in the video. Video evidence that would be accepted in court.

Why didn't the two individuals dispute the evidence? Why didn't they sue Project Veritas for defamation and loss of income? Why didn't they sue their employer for wrongful dismissal?

Nothing shows violence. In fact, those groups are highly regulated otherwise they'd be sued immediately.

And for the second one, it's from a guy who was sued for deceptive editing and he refuses to release unedited film. Excuse for that?

Lol. Love how this is being downvoted so people can't see evidence the parent comment claims doesn't exist. Common trend I've been seeing in this sub since the end of the election.

Yup! Any threads about paid agitators, shilling organizations, or bullshit like that gets brigaded hard with non-conspiracy posters and a flood of downvotes for anything against the particular narrative. This isn’t a left or right thing, it happens in both types of threads. Lmao people downvoting a well written comment with sources because they don’t like it, but then mass upvoting comments with no proof that try to deny all of it.

Source is bullshit. It's Project Veritas.

There are multiple sources provided lol, I've even been approached to be a paid protester, but not in the us.

I guess you'll just call bullshit on that too though , whatever floats your bubble bub

Yep. Make people think that the system works, it's just that the "other" people participating are fucking it up. Keep the peasants squabbling amongst themselves.

None of that is proof, everyone can put up a craigslist ad. The only proof I see about bussed id protesters is the white van with white supremacists in the photo on twitter.

None of that is proof, everyone can put up a craigslist ad

Agreed. That's why the evidence presented is not about craiglist ads. Reading helps.

None of your links prove anything about paid left protestors being bussed to Charlottesville.

Good thing I didnt claim that then, isnt it?

None of the links prove that paid left protesters have been bussed to any riots either.

To get back on point OP's question was 'Is there any real evidence or people coming out that they were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest?'

I've presented evidence including video evidence of DNC operatives saying they hire paid agitators to cause 'anarchy' at political events.

You can keep messaging me to say 'none of the links prove x,y,z' all you want.

jesus it's like talking to a wall with that guy. How many people are here brigading? Keep up the good fight.

Right, and a legitimate company selling said service isn't proof enough for you, I guess you don't believe in whatever Walmart sells either lmao

The existence isn't proof that there are paid protesters using force / violence. It's not that hard to understand.

Right, and I guess putting several rabid dogs in the same small enclosure technically isn't a "dog fight" either.

It's not that hard to understand.

What is that supposed to mean? Who are the dogs, what's the enclosure? That seems to be a pretty stupid analogy.

I found a company that is selling sex dolls, does that mean you're buying sex dolls?

Nope, but others are.

How can you be this fucking daft?

Source: Washington Times

You realize this would be like a lefty sourcing Salon, right? Nutty, unabashedly conservative paper owned by the Rev. Moon is not suitable for sourcing.

You realize this would be like a lefty sourcing Salon

The Washington Times just provides context for the video, explaining who the people were and what happened. It's not essential and most outlets reported this.

The video is the actual evidence.

Hahaha Project Veritas "evidence."

Hahaha Project Veritas "evidence."

Hahaha such flimsy evidence that DNC operatives lost their jobs over it.

Project Veritas was responsible for the video, not responsible for Scott Foval and Bob Creamers words. In their own words they admit to hiring mentally ill and homeless to be agitators and create anarchy at poltical events. Are you completely delusional that you think that isn't credible evidence?

Are you completely delusional that you think that isn't credible evidence?

When he releases the uncut video footage, it can count as evidence. All we have is the veritas cut. We don't know the context of anything being said.

We don't know the context of anything being said.

Really? It's pretty clear.

"When they’re outside the rally, the media will cover it no matter where it happens. They key is initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic."

"I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these assholes to pop off. It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into the rally, in a Planned Parenthood t-shirt. Or, Trump is a Nazi, you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you. "

"If you’re there and you’re protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies. That’s what we want"

"We're starting anarchy here"

And that's just some of what was said. Maybe if you could actually step back from your partisan position and watch the video objectively you'll gain insight and understanding. I'm done with you.

Why hasn't he released the full uncut footage?

Why hasn't he released the full uncut footage?

What will the prove, what are you suggesting? That these DNC operatives didn't say these things?

That they lost their jobs over fake video? Is that what you are claiming here. Let's be clear.

Why didn't the two individuals dispute the evidence? Why didn't they sue Project Veritas for defamation and loss of income? Why didn't they sue their employer for wrongful dismissal?

Keep lobbing your red herrings.

What will the prove, what are you suggesting? That these DNC operatives didn't say these things?

The person who was sued for deceptive editing of his videos refuses to release the uncut film.

Think about it.

And don't use words you don't understand. Nothing I've said is a red herring.

Are you suggesting DNC operatives didn't say these things, yet lost their jobs and did not sue or say anything?

Try not deflecting this time, it's too obvious.

The person who was sued for deceptive editing of his videos refuses to release the uncut film.

What's your excuse?

Wow, I can't believe people move the goalposts this far. You're really flailing here when you start questioning the validity of hard video evidence. How often does CNN post all of their "full uncut footage", or any other media outlet for that matter? Oh, that's right, never.

He was sued for deceptive editing. He now refuses to release uncut footage.

Any excuse for that?

Sued or convicted? I could see why people would want to silence him.

Civil suit and he had to settle for 100k.

So, he lied before and deceptively edited. Why won't he release the uncut footage this time?

So.... not convicted. Gotcha. Carry on with your slandering.

Because he settled. Meaning he knew he would lose so he just paid money.

You do know that settlements are not admissions of guilt, right?

If he wasn't guilty then all he would need to prove it was uncut footage.

Also, he wasn't prosecuted because the AG gave him immunity in exchange for the uncut footage. Footage that shows he deliberately misled or outright lied about the content several times.

So, why can't you answer the simple question. He was caught deceptively editing his videos to produce a different result than the uncut footage. He has refused to release the uncut footage. Why?

Having read more about it I'm inclined to agree with you. This guy seems like a piece of work.

I'm done with you.

Ditto since you didn't even address my point, coward.

Yes, very flimsy evidence based on heavily edited videos funded by a so-called charity of Trump.

Yes, very flimsy evidence

That would hold up in court. That cost these people their jobs.

"When they’re outside the rally, the media will cover it no matter where it happens. They key is initiating the conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic."

"I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these assholes to pop off. It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into the rally, in a Planned Parenthood t-shirt. Or, Trump is a Nazi, you know. You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you. "

"If you’re there and you’re protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies. That’s what we want"

"We're starting anarchy here"

You think it was faked and somehow with editing those words were put into their mouths.

Why didn't the two individuals dispute the evidence? Why didn't they sue Project Veritas for defamation and loss of income?

Why didn't they sue their employer for wrongful dismissal?

Wait, maybe Russia was behind it. Maybe it forced Foval and Creamer to say those words while being secretly-recorded. Yes, that must be it.

Well solider don't have first amendment rights. You can't speak badly about the president, a commissioned officer, or within earshot if a non commissioned officer. You can't be a part of certain political groups. You can't do anything that can be construed as going against good order and discipline

Well solider don't have first amendment rights.

Source? Military personnel are supposed to be non-partisan, but where is free speech waived?

check here for case law. military have a modified first amendment right that is not as broad as a civilian's

Uniform Code of Military Justice.

I was hoping for where in the UCMJ, I'm aware service members are subject to it.

UCMJ Articles 88, 117, and 134-12.

Thanks much, I'll check that out.

Canada too - National Defence Act, Code of Service Disclipine, and the Queens Regs and Orders. Pretty much removes all civvy rights

"Satire by antifa"....thats some funny ass shit. Its a shame this sub has been over run with antifa sympathisers.


Removed. Rule 10.

We have a thousand people from all over the country besiege a town chanting Nazi slogans, shooting into the crowd yelling "die nigger", and murdering people with cars...but imaginary paid protesters are definitely the biggest problem America is facing /s

Uhh, not defending those ideologies, but those are examples of freedom of speech. Remember, your feelings are not always the right feelings. Just because you don't like nazis and racists, doesn't mean they don't have the right to express themselves. The same freedom that allows you to hate them, allows them to hate whoever they want. Now, since I tried to express my un-bias opinion, do as Reddit does and "COMMENCE THE DOWNVOTING!!!"

No one is calling for the government to show up to their houses and arrest them for their views. Ie, no one is talking about breaking the 1st amendment.

shooting into the crowd yelling "die nigger", and murdering people with cars

That counts as expressing yourself under freedom of speech now?

When did that happen though?

Imperial Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan fired into the air (general direction of the crowd tho) shouting "Die Niggers".

Also a dude drove a car into a crowd and murdered somebody.

I didn't know that guy was from Cecil County. Figures. They sure have a history of people like that and the Klan. I only even checked out your link after noticing it was from the news journal.

Are you actually responding a quote from the GP as though the parent poster wrote it? That's just dishonest.

I'm pretty sure that words like "die nigger", etc are incitement to riot which is not a first amendment right. Some states have even passed laws against "fighting words".

Chaplinsky, a Jehovah's Witness, had purportedly told a New Hampshire town marshal who was attempting to prevent him from preaching that he was "a God-damned racketeer" and "a damned fascist" and was arrested. The court upheld the arrest..

The court case that established this principle. Just so you know what you're defending, and that fact that from the very start it was used to punish those who spoke out against the state.

I wish the "hate speech" demographic would just come out and admit that they don't want unrestricted expression in any context or any form. That all they care about is maintaining consensus and ensuring that no one gets their feelings hurt, regardless of what the facts might be in any situation.

Seriously; just admit it. You hate freedom. You want everyone to be a slave; locked in a 2x2 cubicle for goodness' knows how many hours a day, and unable to do anything other than watch mindless propaganda and consume industrial waste masquerading as food for a few hours at night, before getting up to do the same thing the next day.

That is the one reason why I truly, passionately hate Marxists; more than anything else. Why I instinctively feel ethically obligated to hate them. They refuse to be honest about what they want to destroy, and why they want to destroy it.

murdering people with cars is free speech now? huh.

Who said that?

those are examples of freedom of speech.

Is how you responded to a comment that had the line "murdering people with cars"

I think you're confusing me with someone else. Do you really think they believe that murdering people with cars is protected by free speech, or are you just playing dumb to score points?

ah sorry I thought you were op when I wrote that response. /u/potc2861 said all those examples that /u/mildcaseofdeath mentioned were free speech

Eh... I'm fairly certain /u/potc2861 did not mean mowing people down with cars was an example of free speech, but I could be wrong.

he again tried to lump them all together by saying "those are examples" not 'some of those are examples' or 'the examples of free speech are important to keep in mind.

Wow, you actually think he meant murdering people with a car is free speech?

again he tried to gloss over it and lump them all together. no I don't think he actually thinks killing someone is free speech, I think he was trying to downplay what the other person said

Ok, that makes more sense.

... and people have the right to counter protest nazi rallies.

Except the Antifa is the one being violent. They throw the first punches, yet we get the blame.

Not a fan of antifa, but it was definitely a white supremacist who shot a gun into the crowd and a white supremacist who ran over a crowd of people and killed one.

Except those people were DNC plants. Antifa started the violence, they incited James Fields to drive through the crowd in self- defense!

A former KKK imperial wizard who shoots into the crowd is a DNC Plant? Seems unlikely.

But muh dnc false flag! Nazis were paid protestors! DWS! Soroooosssssssss!!

Hopeless talking to be this delusional.

Lololol racist crying he started it... and defends bullying of a race. Grow some balls bitch

Who is the "we" you're referring to?

Car. Into. Crowd.

Absolutely—provided they remain nonviolent and don't break any laws in the process (like leaving their designated protest area).

"designated protest area"

freedom of assembly

Why did both sides need permits then?

Both sides had them too.

But the counter protestors didn't stay in their designated area.

And WHO drove a car into WHICH crowd?

The schizophrenic protestor drove his car into a crowd of people who were unlawfully blocking a public street.

so, obviously they DESERVED to die and get seriously injured.


Why would they deserve to die and get seriously injured?

Obviously you can't read the sarcasm in my comment that was a response to you implying that.

You think I was implying that? Seriously?


You're a moron.

Neat, bro.

Good to know you have no arguments and simply resort to namecalling.

You honestly thought I was implying that murdering people with a car would be justified if they were blocking the street. You either don't see other people as humans or you're just being an asshole.

Maybe you should re-read your words.

Do you know what nuance means?

Which words? The ones you put in my mouth?

Your justification and minimalization of a murder by a white supremacist. I mean I can't really believe that you're trying to gas-light right now.

Huh? I never justified nor minimized that murder. Perhaps you can explain your justification for dehumanizing minorities and forcing them to remain in poverty just to gain votes.

Lol, okay. Because I am running for office. /s (since you can't read that)

I used your own words against you.

Look, if locking people up based on the color of their skin is your thing, there's nothing I can do about it. But I ask that you reconsider your position.

Whatever, dude. I'm not falling for your bait and switch tactics. You and your own validation of a murder are the topic here.

Remember, your feelings are not always the right feelings.

Nowhere did OP mention feelings, that was you.

Also, nowhere did OP mention that they don't have a right to express themselves.

He/she was pointing out the difference in priorities some people in the US have right now. (A known force/group of people for white supremacy and a very controversial at best idea of "paid protestors.")

Unbiased or not, it seems like you're trying to justify racially-motivated homicide as "free speech". You either misspoke, didn't read the comment you replied to, or are extraordinarily biased. I'm honestly not sure which one it is.

Only one of those things was freedom of speech (the chanting). Shooting into a crowd isn't free speech (reckless endangerment more like), yelling "die nigger" is probably assault or at least a criminal threat, and the car... c'mon dude. As for downvotes, you equated crimes with free speech, so I don't know what you expected.

I also never said they don't have three right to express themselves. Neo-nazis and KKK have as much right to express their views as we do to tell them to shove their views up their asses.

We have a thousand people...murdering people with cars

there was only one idiot running over people with a car.

lumping a group of people together and blaming them all for the actions of a single person is sort of what people are protesting against. don't fall for it. hold the individual accountable for his actions, not the group he happens to hang with.

wow, you sure did a number on that "quote"

that's how it's written. i just removed all the other things that those "thousand people" were supposedly doing. don't blame me for his hyperbole.

with that editing style I think he might be james okeefe

It was a manner of speaking, not meant to infer that crime was committed a thousand times. I thought that was abundantly clear.

As for the "they weren't all bad" argument, if you mean they aren't all murderers, you're correct. But they're 100% pieces of shit to the last fucking one of them. Here's why:

They weren't chanting about General Lee, they were chanting "Jews will not replace us". They weren't carrying signs that tried to cleverly explain their position, they were carrying torches and Nazi flags. And the ones who weren't, stood proudly shoulder to shoulder with those who were. So fuck all of them.

If it were a moderate protest, or about General Lee AT ALL, 1) the legitimate protesters would have made those people leave if they outnumbered them, or 2) if the neo-nazis and KKK outnumbered the legitimate protesters, the legitimate protesters would have left, not stood side by side with people with SS bolts on their neck doing Nazi salutes. Simple as that. So one more time, since it bears repeating: fuck those Nazi wannabe pieces of filth.

Murdering people with cars

I could link you at least 10 car attacks this year from Muslim extremists... And you chose to focus on the Jewish "Nazi" who ran into a crowd that was beating the shit out of his car


Because the post is about events with protestores in the United States?

Do you go to the doctors with a cough and ask why he's not changing your car oil as well?

Jewish Nazi

As if his choice to be a Nazi means nothing compared to who his parents are (if that's even remotely true).

For anyone keeping score here.. if the "other side" does anything bad, they were paid, they didn't mean it, it's Soros. If the other side has facts, it's fake news, deep state treachery, doesn't actually matter because of her emails/Obama was racist/freedom. The people who oppose your way of thinking aren't even people basically, so they certainly aren't Americans.

So what is the conspiracy against us by the powers that be? Because I see a swelling of problems from the bottom up. Including this made up shit from OP.

There's paid people on all sides, including ones you wouldn't even think need paid people for.

The "other side" here are the elites, all of us are in this shit together, left or right. The only thing we really disagree on is far right will say jewish capitalists, far left will just say capitalists. Either way we're fighting the same damn enemy here and this type of "other side" shit is exactly what they want man. Please don't let them win.

Fake news is a horrible problem going on right now, nobody seems to take the time to follow sources. If its "anonymous" be it CNN's "Anonymous sources" or 4chan's anonymous, it's guaranteed to be a work of fiction.

Plus... if we want to go into real conspiracies about what happened, look at the pictures of the guy driving the car before vs the guy who they claimed did it. One looked like an older marine type dude with a hard jaw, the other was some flabby kid.

Calm down. There are obviously assholes on both sides, but don't pretend like a schizophrenic losing his shit and running people down with his car was part of some premeditated plan by NeoNazis to launch a deadly terrorist attack. That's just pure bullshit.

Oh, he's mentally ill now. What's next?

That's what his teacher said, but someone else pointed out that it may not be true since he was accepted into the military, if only for a short time. So I'm not sure I believe it anymore. I do think it's ridiculous to assume it was a premeditated attack, and Charlottesville officials obviously agree because he has been charged with 2nd degree murder.

isnt it funny that these people who are so worried about dangerous muslims and their terrorist tactics go straight to the same exact tactics

if only they could see how close they are to one another lol

selfawareness doesnt always come naturally

Can't find anywhere that the driver was Jewish but a million that he was a Nazi. What would it matter if he were Jewish though, other than to give paranoid Nazis like yourself another false flag to pin on the Jews , just like you blame all your problems on.

you chose to focus on the Jewish "Nazi" [sic] who ran into a crowd

The Charlottesville terrorist attack was the topic at hand, so yes, for the purpose of this discussion I focused on it. That doesn't have any bearing on whether I condemn other terror attacks (I do condemn them).

I've seen no evidence Fields is Jewish, and see no relevance in saying such a thing unless you're trying to disassociate him from the rest of the United the Right marchers. Blaming the Jews (or in this case, a purported Jew) is totally transparent.

that was beating the shit out of his car

I saw the whole video. He was up the street from the victims, nobody was attacking his car. Then he started to roll towards them, slowly at first, then accelerated hard. Yes, as he was driving fast with the obvious intent to hit the victims, people started hitting his car. And yes, once he had hit them, people continued to hit his car. Imagine that.

Your debating sucks, you present no evidence, it's just low effort bullshit aimed at the lowest common denominator. Bring a real argument, or don't bother.

the darkest /r/the_doland timeline

That first amendment part is simply not true, you having a right to expression( ie a protest) does not change if someone writes you a check before or after.

No evidence, just a right wing theory because they can't imagine people would get off their 'liberal asses' and try to make a difference otherwise... and do people really think that in the age of Twitter that the white 20 somethings and young black protesters would be able to keep absolute silence about getting paid? It's bullshit. Times are bad but people don't need money to take to the streets and make a stand- there's tons of free motivation. To say anything otherwise is propaganda meant to dull the impact of the people protesting, plain and simple.

Well there is evidence people get paid to show up at protests but no indication they are paid to be violent.

Can you link any? I know that certain organizations sponsor coach buses to transport people (like in the woman's march) but that can hardly be classified as being "payed"

The difference between "it's possible crowds are paid" and "this particular crowd has/is paid" is very big.

For all we know, Trump might use https://crowdsondemand.com/ for his own rallies to bolster meager attendance numbers.

He very well could, but the same rules of evidence apply to this hypothesis as well.

One would have to show evidence of a link between a specific gathering and paid protesters.

Exactly, and so far the links are usually:

There were protesters against Nazis <> You can hire protesters.

Which doesn't really prove anything at all.


This same fallacy is used over and over and over and over again.

It doesn't matter, if anyone's doing it it is pathetic and self-destructive to society. Get it through your head and stop making it about trump, or obama, or whoever and make it about what is clearly morally right or wrong.

Well sure. I agree.

I'm just providing some evidence it is possible crowds are paid.

Are you seriously going to sit there and act like there hasn't been a ton of shady shit surrounding protests for years with paid demonstrators clearly linked to a number of dodgy organisations. You're literally falling to the same level as the people you're complaing about by making strawmen of their argument with stupid ad hominem liberal asses bullshit.

Times are bad but people don't need money to take to the streets and make a stand-

Are you kidding me? That is so fucking stupid that you think no one would ever do that, let alone maybe 30-50 people out of hundreds of millions in America. If you can't understand why I don't even think you should be allowed to be a part of the discussion if you spew such nonsense.

There are millions of people who dream of being paid to go somewhere and do nothing.

I think not believing there would be so many people using violence against innocent people with differing political views is a legitimate belief.

Why wouldnt someone? Current times are rough on most people.

Being part of the online 2x LLs(shill/troll-jobs), where people are getting paid per comment, seems like it is a "walk in the park"-job. Do you know what some people do to get by? Im sure they would trade whatever they are doing to; writing ignorant internet comments, if they could.

One's conviction matters little if one needs money. Then money becomes ideology.

were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest? I don't take craigslist adds as evidence btw.

This here. Whichever side you're on, anyone could have posted that, and it doesn't have to have been real.

If someone on the right wants to fake it then it'd be like the boy who cried wolf and no matter if it actually came out with some plausible evidence that these protestors were Soros funded, the left would counter by holding that against them and the story would never gain traction. Every time OKeefe gets mentioned here, they hold the acorn story above his head ad nauseum, regardless of the substance of his videos.

I was...

A lot of people started doing cover to "muddy the waters" on the claims.

So some moron leftist will bullshit "Oh I was paid 3,000 to protest", gets MSM time, and then comes out and admits its fake, thus discrediting the paid protestor narrative.

Soros funds MoveOn (social org to change public opinion via social justice groups) and Media Matters (to control/subvert any and all independent media):

Soros funds media matters

Media matters- funds "Media watchdog" orgs that harrass and disrupt any conservative viewpoitns

Soros funds BLM

Moveon- linked with several groups like BLM

The funding is usually by proxy (IE you donate to an org which donates to organizers which then pay individual actors to incite protests)

Soros Paid Al Gore MILLIONS To Push ‘Aggressive US Action’ On Global Warming

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 'partners' of the ‘Women's March on Washington’

Shills are going overboard trying to re-muddy the waters on this. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thread wasn't an elaborate shill to make everyone forget.

I don't think ppl are denying it happens, I think ppl are debating if it happened with a cpl specific events.

Is there any real evidence or people coming out that they were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest?

The current evidence that it's happened w antifa seems weak and honestly seems like it'd be counterproductive to their mission- there's plenty of 19 yr old "anarchists" who'd incite violence for antifa- no need to hire. It makes more sense as a tactic to incite the broad public against antifa. Idk.

I don't know about antifa. But when Black bloc were active, the cops used to dress up like them and start trouble.

But I am sure the FBI is all up in their shit too. No need for actors.

Sigh. No one is denying people pay for crowds. They are asking for evidence that they are paying people for the purpose of committing acts of violence. That part seems to just be made up.

"I didn't plan a dog fight officer, I just exchanged funds with others in order to get these angry dogs in a ring together."

Then why didn't more of them commit acts of violence? Oh, because they weren't hired for violence. That makes sense.

if they bus in paid agitators, then lets say one gets heated and gets into a fight, does that count?

Depends. Were they the physical aggressor? Then you have one starting violence. But how do you know that they were paid to commit the violence? Clearly most of these people didn't start violence. So I guess they just didn't do their job correctly?

Is there any real evidence or people coming out that they were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest?

Wtf are you reading?

Classic flaw of making leaps of logic.

Yes, there are crowds for hire. Yes, protesters have been hired by various groups in the past. Yes, there have been craigslist ads asking for protesters.

Does this mean that AT THE SPECIFIC PROTESTS WE'RE TALKING ABOUT there were paid protesters? No.

Could there have been? Yes.

Were there? We don't have evidence of it.

The ones in the future are the ones I am worried about.

It blows my mind, that people deny, that Trump uses https://crowdsondemand.com/ for increasing the numbers of attendees at his rallies since it has been covered in the MSN extensively:




You see the problem with argumenting that way?

Arguing what way?

There where a few during the campaign, done through pacs with documented money trails, it happened like 1-2 times (some new york one and another march that was supposed to go from dc to I forget where think it was Pennsylvania somewhere that completely sputtered out and pretty much barely made the news) and people on the right have been pretty much assuming it's happened every time since.

To be honest I can't even be mad about that, it's like bringing a knife to a boxing match, no one will ever trust you to play level again.

Three hundred and fifty seven upvotes on this comment.


I am as shocked as you. Would have never thought that this t_d copy paste OP would get many upvotes here.

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Being a mercenary is a very specific term that doesn't apply to people being paid to protest.

Art 47. Mercenaries

  1. A mercenary shall not have the right to be a combatant or a prisoner of war.
  2. A mercenary is any person who: (a) is especially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict; (b) does, in fact, take a direct part in the hostilities; (c) is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a Party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party; (d) is neither a national of a Party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a Party to the conflict; (e) is not a member of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict; and (f) has not been sent by a State which is not a Party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.

The point being is that to be a mercenary you specifically have to have no interest in the cause, be introduced by a non-state actor, and be involved in an ARMED CONFLICT. For this reason, people being paid to protest don't count.

I know, I was just answering his question about whether it is legal to be a mercenary or not.

Oh fair enough. I always new they don't get covered by Geneva, never knew they were actually illegal.

Is there any real evidence or people coming out that they were paid $25 or whatever to take part in a riot or even a protest?

Yes. This isn't even a question anymore. The debate over that is over a long time ago. Try to keep up.


None of those are proof...

By your logic, I can find articles that offer the same "proof" that Trump collaborated with Russians.

Shit, even the Fox News story says "allegedly" and includes a screenshot of a craigslist ad that a Trump supporter could have manufactured.

Nice try though.

So if you now understand that you exist in a sea of misinformation and disinformation, why side with any one group? Liberal, conservative alike are being manipulated. Divide and conquer.

Yet you still want to side with a group that wanted to put establishment whore shillary in play. A second clinton at work getting more state dept people killed over her gun running activities.

Those are the people you side with when you blame half of the process on the other half. Think it through.

I think you're in the wrong sub, r/conservativeright is what you're looking for.

It looks like "/r/conservativeright" is not a subreddit.

Maybe you're looking for /r/conservative with an 86.23% match.

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There are plenty other organizations besides this one

The fact that this exists says nothing about whether specific protests or protesters are paid.

You have to show evidence of a link, otherwise you're making a leap in logic.

how much for them to riot for me

So you found the company that Politicians uses to fill the seats at Rallies.

Now find something that actually matters when it comes to hiring and busing in people for violent protests.

There are laws; county, state, federal, and international, against being a private mercenary. Just as there are maritime laws against Privateers (paid pirates). If you read all the way through you see the general is careful not to take a side, equally faulting EXTREME right and left. As far as the military being mercenaries? I'm sorry but your ignorance is showing there.

Better yet, is there actually any evidence that this guy wrote this?

I can't find anything except for sketchy blog posts.

Is there any evidence that /u/seventy two wrote this? I heard he's a shill for whatever we've decided to astroturf today.

yes there's video evidence and the guys in charge admitting to it... oh but that'll never be enough


Who's admitting to it? What event was this for? Do they do this for all events? Was this an independent decision by this person, or directed from higher up? Who do they work for?

Ask more questions. Make less assumptions.

yes my link is project veritas action. go check out that site and watch the election videos. those answers are in there.

project veritas



make less assumptions

Even if their video shows evidence of a particular event using paid protesters that doesn't mean any other event has or is using paid protesters. This is without even bring up the reputation of that source. You may be receiving more of those here, but you're still committing to seem logical fallacies as always: leaves of logic and generalizations.

First, they are absolutely not a reputable source. Second even if what's on their video is true and shows evidence of paid protesters at a single event, that means nothing about any other given event. If you are using that video to draw conclusions about other events... well, I guess that's just more leaps of logic and generalizations.

Let's see video "evidence" that wasn't concocted by a group that's funded by Trump.

Idk about payment but there has been documentation of people literally handing out business cards like antifa is what they do for a living

The army are the legal mercenaries.

Only legal within their borders.

Or within the borders of other countries which explicitly allow their presence on their land.

The mercenary corporations employed by governments worldwide are legal mercenaries.

Scott Foval and Bill Creaner were both caught on tape admitting they hired people to protest trump rallies during the election

Other point:

You have no 1st Amendment rights when you’re a mercenary.

Why? Is there any law against mercenaries that I don't know? Are soldiers not also basically mercenaries (getting paid for violence).

If i wanted to explain what is wrong with you people, i would use this quote. It is the most simple way to display what is wrong with you.

Yes, soldiers are mercenaries too, that's why we don't give two shits about them invading our country. Off with their heads.

idk how to give gold but, you got it in my book!

The original post (I forget what shit rag it was from) couldn't even keep Charlottesville and Charlotte straight.

Yes, yes there is. And no- not when you're supporting a nation you are at war with. I promise you, we are at war with someone who is supporting these mercenaries. The beginnings of war. But that doesn't matter. Reddit, you all know who it is.

Are traitors considered citizens of this country you betrayed? I'm not sure. I'm not sure it will sway the harshest of sentences either way.


Removed. Rule 6.

Here's proof: a group of Antifa terrorists protesting George Soros for not paying them

It is called a non disclosure agreement and if you violate it saying anything, you can wind up in prison where you can say whatever you want to your fellow inmates

Congratulations on being able to recognize this is all just victim complex bullshit.

I make jokes about getting paid to shill for Soros, but have yet to actually get paid. Maybe I'm part of the problem, or maybe anyone who believed me is an idiot.

Taking words from someone who legit signed up with his free will to kill others for money. Is exactly what he did. He tries to just put a noble spin on it. He can get fucked. Just like the paid protesters.

People must be getting paid $25/hour to upvote shit like this. How else do you have the entire comment section calling it a shit post when the point total's over 4K?

I guess this fine upstanding General told our American and Allies about the same thing when going to war with the Axis Powers. Sorry folks...NAzis are marching in America. And in the Police Force. Mayors' offices. And not one shred of proof that any slush fund for paying people to go fight them as they threaten everybody not of the master race. This "General" is a paper tiger. The Alt right is all of a sudden realizing that peace-loving no longer means "pacifist" and they don't know how to respond but accuse those who have given up peaceful protests to avoid being kettled and arrested en masse while the Nazis HELP subdue them for their cop buddies. Civil war? It started a long time ago. It's just now that the anti fascists are done playing peacenick while the Nazis are allowed to roam the streets with assault rifles and brutalize at will. MErcenaries? Nope. Americans. Doing what Americans do best. Fight against tyrrany.

Of course there's no evidence because it doesn't freaking happen.

Cops are mercenaries too and rhey have their very own, seperate from the rest of us, bill of rights.



So let me get this straight. Opposing violence at the hands of the paid thought mercenaries is someone right wing only?

WE will kill you

Somehow that doesn't sound like opposition to violence. That sounds like "shut the fuck up and stop bitching, or else." That is not an opposition to violence, it's a threat of violence.

Only our side's violence is justified

-everybody ever

I never said that. I said the source of this letter is The_Donald, because that's where OP found it.

Whats even more ironic is how Trump is associated with actual mercenaries like Eric Prince. But none of you give a shit about that

LMAO is this thread really your first comment? That's cute... NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS! Don't bother looking at the profile of u/decimal9.. NO SHILLS HERE BOYS!

Says the guy with the 1 month old account. Good thing we have veterans, like you, to point out the novices.

Awwww!! Poor dude... this is my 30th account... Too bad the shills can't get censor everyone can they? What conspiracy would you like to discuss today? I am more than happy to put aside the shill partisan tactics and discuss real Conspiracies.. Which is your favorite? What do you like to discuss? Aliens? Drugs? Rogue government agencies? 9/11?

Aliens. Government cover up.

Drugs rogues 9/11 all political.

So wait: Making 30 new accounts is totally cool, but deleting my comments or criticizing the President makes me a shill?

huh sounds like some deliberately manipulative activity.

If it makes you feel better, I've been here for several years and my accounts much, much older than your account. I too would like to know the source.

I was making the point that u/decimal9 only showed up to make partisan comments in a sad effort to project division in this sub. Let me remind you, r/conspiracy VET, that we never took sides and we don't give a fuck about puppet trump. R/conspiracy is against all forms of treasonous entities. Not left, not right, not just liberals, not just conservatives.

So any SHILLS attempting to spread hate or divide can get called out 🙃😉 no matter what side they are paid to represent

/r/conspiracy. For future reference, subreddit links only work with a lower case 'R' on desktop.

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Good bot

What's partisan? OP did find the letter in The_Donald.

Let me remind you, r/conspiracy VET, that we never took sides and we don't give a fuck about puppet trump.

Some certainly do and there's nothing wrong with that. Considering that he's our president if even half of what has been reported is true then that would be a pretty big deal. I would have void making giant sweeping generalizations about the population of the subreddit. Besides, you don't have to take sides to call out obvious idiocy in a sitting president.

No, it's not my first comment. I delete my comment history. You delete your accounts. Does that make you a shill?

Geoffrey B. Higginbotham Major General, USMC (Ret.)

I did some searching and all I found was this forum where it got posted a couple of days ago. I'd say its fake until I see something to the contrary.


Yeah, a former Marine compares the Civil War to the violence of today? Fake!

You have the extremist left and the extremist right that are doing their best to get something started. To force us into a Civil War. Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close.

I mean, really? they had an actual war, with millions (?) of casualties. if its real, this man is being a little overzealous with his comparisons.

Guess Bleeding Kansas and John Brown's raids aren't a thing in this reality.

I think he is talking about the stuff that happened before the actual war.

it doesn't really matter when it ended up being an actual war between the two sides.

you also have one side that sympathizes with nazi ideals. so there is that as well.

And another side that sympathizes with communist ideals. So there is that as well.

Whenever people respond like this I get confused. Are you saying communism is as bad as white nationalism?

You can reject two evils. Far better than siding with the lesser. Thats what has put us in the situation we're in now.

It doesnt matter if peace loving commies are objectively better than white supremacists when theyre both being manipulated by the same oligarchs that want a war so they can consolidate power.

Explain to me what makes communism evil though please?

Millions of dead people?

Every form of government has been responsible for the deaths of millions of people. Communism redistributes wealth to the common person. White nationalism kills everyone but white people. Explain to me how those two are comparable in any way.

White nationalism is not a form of government, for one. For two, I never compared the two. Either option is evil. Communism does not redistribute the wealth because in a true communist society there is no wealth. How would there be anything to distribute when profit and property is outlawed? What incentive does one have to work hard and produce when one is guaranteed everything they need will be provided by the government? Fear of death? Yeah, maybe that would work except the ruling class may kill you regardless of your standing with the party just because. Mao and Stalin proved that point millions of times over.

The device you are browsing reddit on right now would not exist without capitalism. To each according to his need also means there is no reason to do anything beyond your societies basic requirements. Why would someone invest the time and money (well, not money because profit is outlawed) into creating new things when there is little to no reward for doing so?

Obviously we can't have a discussion because we disagree on a very fundemtal level. You think people need a carrot or a stick. I think people make there own. That's why we will never see eye to eye.

Whether they make it themselves or it comes from some outside source doesn't change the fact that they need it.

I disagree. The difference between working because you have to and working because you want to is extreme.

Are you saying that communism allows you to work because you want to and not because you have to?

No communism is definitely not the best option, I kind of went off on a tangent there and started getting more into my ideals, but I do feel like communism or socialism are needed intermediary steps towards a better system, when it comes to my beliefs there tends to be an anarcho- prefix attached though.

So anarcho-fascism then? lol just kidding!

Shit, you caught me, now I have to make another account to shill from!

There is no wealth in communism? Jesus christ that's just straight up stupid. I'm sorry, but it is. Just because the wealth is supposed to be evenly distributed doesn't make the wealth go away.

The device you are browsing reddit on right now would not exist without capitalism.

False. The device you are browsing reddit on right now would note exist without LABOR. Pretending that humans didn't invent anything until capitalism came along is pretty ignorant.

How would one become wealthy in a truly communist nation? Remember profit is illegal. To each according to his need. Do you need a TV?

Also capitalism has existed since the first guy to give someone a rock in exchange for 3 sticks.

Everyone is equally wealthy. A person can be "wealthy" without being "wealthier" than another person.

Just like the wealth will be evenly distributed, some more evenly than others?

So, not communism? Just like we don't quite have a "free market"?

Moving the goal posts doesn't prove your point.

The difference being that one system allows and even encourages upward mobility (and yes downward as well) whereas the other does not.

So would you say Capitalism is evil then? After all, there are millions of people who have died under capitalism due to hunger/starvation/disease and all the other reasons that people attribute deaths to communism.

People are evil. But communism is worse than any other form of government tried so far, at least in death tolls.



If you're going to try only to extol the virtues of capitalism while pointing only to the failure of communism, you're going to see an obviously biased strawman version of what you're trying to describe.

In other words, you're being dishonest. In other words, you're disseminating propaganda.

You should hold yourself to a higher standard.

You should hold yourself to a higher standard as well. I read your link, and I have many problems with his attribution of death tolls 2nd and 3rd hand to the US. I won't get into why, because I'm sure you can figure it out.

A few things did catch my eye though and I can't take him seriously because of them:

While it is true that there is some debate about whether the Holocaust occurred or how many people perished under the Third Reich,

and that he gives communism a pass on famine saying that it was caused by stupidity but then counts it against capitalism.

Also, he goes back 1200 years to come up with his number.

Basically every point you make can be brought against your argument against communism though, which is exactly why I linked the article I did. Neither side can accurately place blame on the other because of so many varied factors.

The difference here is that you're trying to use your article to prove your point, I'm using mine too show the flaws in using these articles in the manner you are. Both are dishonest, but only one of us is trying to use the article as propaganda.

Which is exactly why I said that people are evil.

Which brings us allllll the way back to the beginning, where you were asked "what makes communism evil?"

If the root of your argument is "people are evil", I'm left scratching my head wondering why you're not able to see the forest from the trees here.

History. History shows how evil both sides are.

Something like a quarter billion people killed by their own governments between the USSR/China and a sprinkling of smaller South Asian communistic dictatorships.

If China is your example of communism in action we're talking about different things.

Is this the fabled "no real Communist" argument I hear so much about?

No, it's just calling that communism is the same as calling NK a democratic republic.

Apparently wanting peace is a bad trait to have.

It's just a knee-jerk reaction with no rationale or common sense.

Facism is facism in the end, it doesn't matter what variety it is. I wish people would hurry up and figure that out so we can stop arguing about which is worse; they're all wrong!

Fascism is it's own thing entirely separate from communism, not sure why you're trying to conflate the two.

Communism is an oppressive system just the same. It's the same centralization of authority to a state, which dictates how I must live my life, express myself, utilize my labour and resources and ultimately how my life may end. You may think they're the exact opposite of each other, but for the common man, it's all the just fascism to us in the end. Democracy isn't amazing, but it's certainly better. It's a more likely middle ground, though now it's being heavily manipulated by extremist parties throughout the western world as well. This is why we must recognize fascism in all forms, and work to avoid it overcoming us peacefully before we have to do it with force.

Mussolini was ultimately a communist, Stalin too. Everyone likes to point at Hitler too as "fascist" the fuck you think the "National Socialist" portion of his Nazi party meant? Not communist? It's all the same!

I'm not a communist and don't want to be, just putting that out there, I just don't understand everyone's hate for it. Everyone has so obviously been brain washed to accept capitalism as some pure form of economy and don't recognize just how many people suffer every day to make your capitalist life easy.

A fascist state can rely on a capitalist economy too, you know.

A fascist state can rely on a capitalist economy too, you know.

Most definitely. I'm probably not being very concise I'm sorry, I just woke up when I started posting and I'm still recovering from last night. Didn't mean to get into a debate about the merits of the systems the ruling parties use to enslave us :)

Socialism isn't inherently totalitarian

That's not the kind the left is pimping though. Libertarian ideals are certainly up my alley, personally.

I'm saying they are both full of bloodthirsty assholes. History has proven this. Most people don't sympathize with either because they aren't idiots. Nice job of trying putting words in my mouth, though.

History says it's wayyy worse

More ppl methodically murdered by communists regimes in the last hundred years then "white supremacists" in history (depending on how you define it ofcourse)

Yes, on paper communism sounds good and racism is bad (if you are white Atleast) but the numbers don't lie. As long as humans are the pieces of shit that we are, we won't make communism work

It does matter. And in this case it could end up in a civil war. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That's how that would work.

which is clearly arbitrary as fuck.

Nowhere. Even. Close.

Do retired generals actually write like this?

on snapchat. maybe. just. a. little. bit.

He's 89 years old- doubt it. Unless. He. Briefly. Ran into. "IT problems" AND CALLED HIUS grandSon to FIX THE DANG. Computer Virus.

Order corn.

Top. Men.

Hell, they were at one point using explosive bullets in the civil war. They'd shoot them, they'd get hit, and 2-3 seconds later the bullet would explode leaving you organs shredded.

A few people hitting each with sticks or bottles is nothing.

Not only that, he referred to the Civil War as a simple difference in ideaology. Ya, one side wanted to own human beings and the other didn't. Pretty basic disagreement I guess

Intelligence isn't a requirement to enlist in the marines. It's actually frowned upon.

It's so silly that someone would misattribute a quote to a military officer to bolster it's credibility on this sub. I would think an unattributed blog post would carry more weight on a conspiracy sub.

I guess that's besides the point anyway, since we know it's just a shitty cross post from the_donald meant to discredit anti-Trump protesters.

headshot and resume

Obvious troll is obvious. Except to idiots like you.

Holy Lee Iacocca, that's a Rule 10 violation!

This is a warning!

You were paid to attack someone you don’t know for reasons that you couldn’t care enough about to go there for free. You did your “job” and collected your check and your reimbursement of expenses. You’re a mercenary

Isn't this EXACTLY what the us military does?

What's your point? The US and major corporations all over the world use literal, verifiable mercenaries to secure financial interests.

Your comment has nothing to do with anything.

Not a Patriot. Not a Social Justice Warrior. Not a Defender of Freedom or Liberty. Not an upholder of Truth or Justice. None of those things you claim to be. You are a mercenary.

The Marine who wrote this believes himself to be a better person. Even tho they are the exact same thing.

Pretty sure my comment has something to do with anything.


That's a logically fallacy. But since we're using them, how about:

"Takes one to know one."

It's not a fallacy unless he says that is argument is wrong because it is hypocritical. Merely pointing out that someone is being hypocritical isn't a fallacy

Found this letter attributed to Geoffrey B. Higginbotham, Major General, USMC (Ret.). Wanted to share it here.

To clarify, you found it on /r/The_Donald, right?

yes, they did. they're aren't even trying to hide it anymore. sad!

WE will kill you

Yep, sounds like T_D to me.

yes, they did. they're aren't even trying to hide it anymore. sad!

Are you "GUYS" using scripts now to keep your upvotes legit??? Hmmm seems weird that almost all your comments in this thread having been hovering around the same numbers...Either you have a shill army following you around.... OR you guys have figured out how to manipulate code on the back end... either way.. Your tactics are horseshit, no matter how much you manipulate


Lmao. Just confirming, anybody that questions dear leader Trump in a conspiracy subreddit has to be a shill?

Gotta love blind Trump supporters in a subreddit dedicated to skepticism of literally everything

Because why would daddy lie? Except, ya know, for all those confirmed times he has lied in the past.

This is a Trump subreddit, did you not get the memo?

Why can't you just say "Yes, I cross-posted from the Donald" instead of making shit up?

Yeah you're right /r/conspiracy is supposed to be a propaganda arm of the president. It's crazy that anyone would challenge the literal president of the united states' organized narrative-pushing team. I mean, this is /r/conspiracy! Where we just accept these things because they come from the organized interests of the powerful!

Oh my god that is rich. Like clockwork, you trolls come out of your cave to cry 'shill!' Its pathetic.

Final warning rule 10.

Redditor for 5 months, only posted today

Nah, over 3K karma, but if you want to call me a shill for questioning the direct crossposts from a subredidt dedicated to blindly praising the government, then go for it.

You've just witnessed an actual conspiracy.

Mind you, it took 60 years for the deep state to control your brain. Now we have neural programming happening within seconds affecting T_D readers (and likely their families).

It's worked, we are great again.

I love seeing this when it's not true. And you especially lied. Are people so dumb they just believe these posts?

Are people so dumb they just believe these posts?

no, i doubt it. and if they are they already post on td

Oh my god where is my pitchfork?

To clarify, you found it on the front page of /r/The_Donald, right?

Welcome to the saddest little place on the internet.

I'm not even sure this is a real thing. All I can find on a google search is a bunch of sketchy ass blog posts, and copy-pasta from facebook.

Hell, I don't care where they found it, the notion of a Major General in the United States military claiming that mercenaries are not lawful combatants and deserve whatever comes their way at the hands of the people they are attacking? And that bit about how not even the Secession Crisis was this bad?

It would all be painfully hilarious, were it not for the fact that this gentleman's name only seems to exist in the specific context of this chain e-mail, here.

People like the author of this already started killing people in Charlottesville.

This is a retired United States Marine Corps Major General.

I would wager there are NO people in this discussion who come close to what this man has accomplished in his lifetime.

To say the guy from Charlottesville is comparable to this man is laughable and shows how strongly you rely on emotional rhetoric to try to make your points

He literally says he'll kill people that "come after him." He's part of the problem that he's railing against here. So is the OP and anyone else celebrating this garbage.

He is saying he will kill to protect the sovereignty of his country. As would I. As would many more.

They think the US will fall like all the others. Start a civil war so that we start fighting amongst ourselves and rot it out from the inside.

They forget that the bloodlines that started this great nation still exist. There are those amongst us who see the manipulations, realize exactly what is at stake, and will fight to our dying breaths to prevent the globalist scum from destroying this nation.

Good luck. You're coming along for the ride with the rest of us. No amount of edgy larping on T_D is going to stop it.

He is speaking about the in invisable wall that stand between the manipulators of this nation and their end goal.

They haven't awoken the bear that is true American patriots, but they are getting close. These types are not involved in these fake conversations on the internet. They aren't the ones at rallies attempting to show that you are on one fringe or the other.

These are the ones that haven't acted yet, but will, when it goes to far.

The powers that be are leading us towards something. They think through chaos they will achieve the instability necessary for the American public to cave on the defense of their remaining sovereignty and national rights.

What they underestimate is that there are hundreds of thousands of true patriots hiding beneath the chaos who will simply not allow their country to be taken in the name of corrupt globalist endeavors.

Those pulling the strings are in for a scary and bloody awakening if they ever truly tap the true life force of this country.

America will not be lost without a fight like those toppled before it. We are something unique. Something different, and their shadowy actions show just how terriefed of us that they are

Oh, Jesus Christ. Even a couple hundred thousand of you "true patriots" would be squashed like bugs by the military if you decided to start an uprising. Keep dreaming. You're going to keep putting up with all of this. You won't do a damn thing, and we both know it. Neither will this larper.

I think you exhibit signs of Stockholm syndrome

And you exhibit delusions of grandeur. You and your imagined 100,000 are not as important or powerful as you think you are.

That's what the British said.

It's also what we said about the Vietcong and the Afghanis

Even a couple hundred thousand of you "true patriots" would be squashed like bugs by the military

Except that most of them are the military.

there are hundreds of thousands of true patriots hiding beneath the chaos who will simply not allow their country to be taken in the name of corrupt globalist endeavors.

Lol so where the fuck are they? They're going to spring into action any minute now huh? That's like telling a kid they're going to get in trouble if they eat one more cookie, after the package is nearly gone.

They are obviously doing something different. No sitting president has been attacked this hard. Severed head being held up by a celebrity was actually considered and thought to be the right move?

What on earth does that have to do with what we're talking about?

The culture created by the deep state media has become so treasonous that people are openly calling for the death of a sitting president, while believing they are doing the right thing.

What they underestimate is that there are hundreds of thousands of true patriots hiding beneath the chaos who will simply not allow their country to be taken in the name of corrupt globalist endeavors.

Those true patriots have been asleep for a very long time now. I've heard rumours of their existence before; but I'm wondering why they've allowed the country to go as close to being completely destroyed as it has been, before doing something about it.

Worship of the military has become tedious for me; if for no other reason than because I know that said attitude is one of the foundational elements of a fascist society. The Marines are more than sufficiently self-congratulatory themselves as it is; they don't need civilian help.

Those ads are fake. No one is being paid $25 on a Craigslist ad to be a merc.

I'd do it for $25 a hour. I need money.

Right? And, if this is a thing, why doesn't someone who opposes it sign up and do an expose'?

Go sign up, get your payment and post the cancelled checks.

And then be a right-wing news darling for a while, with appearances on Fox, etc.

Funny how this never seems to happen, though.

Yeah, I can't even imagine how many offers someone would get if they did this.

Exactly. There are thousands of highly motivated individuals who would love to blow the lid off this whole thing. But, of the thousands of supposedly paid counter-protestors out there, not a single one has been somebody willing to speak up? Not a single one has been somebody from 4chan or the_Donald who wanted to infiltrate the enemy?

Have you ever signed an NDA? They aren't exactly "soft threats"

Have you ever heard of "anonymous source" and "redacted personal details?" If they're supposedly hiring thousands of counter protesters, they have no way of knowing which one leaked the pay stub, or protest instructions, or any other detail.

Funny how that never happens though.

A simple NDA could explain why you don't see evidence of this

If they're paying hundreds of people, one person could easily post their canceled check with their name blacked out and never be identified. The fact that it isn't happening would also explain why you don't see evidence of it.

I do believe that some of the protesters on both sides are FBI, or other investigative groups, but I just don't see the need for, or the evidence of, paid protesters.

We're an opinionated country and there are a lot of young people, both conservative and liberal, who are out of work. I just don't find it hard to believe that there are thousands of young people who are out there protesting of their own accord.

This is strictly anecdotal, but I have family members whose churches traveled to DC for the march for life, and I couple of dozen people in my population 500 town went for the women's march.

What if they don't get a check for it because they are salaried?

I agree that a lot of it is organic, or simply people being manipulated without there awareness. Once you get all the people there, it only takes a few salaried spooks to turn things violent.

I wonder how often it is the spooks bringing the weapons to disperse to their manipulated minds. If they do it with explosives for frame jobs you think sticks and bats wouldn't be a stretch.

Thanks for the well thought out response.

I do believe that some of the protesters on both sides are FBI, or other investigative groups, but I just don't see the need for, or the evidence of, paid protesters.

The Left practically invented NGOs, as far as I'm concerned. Add to that, the amount of evidence I saw on 4chan that the JIDF are absolutely real. I don't have any difficulty believing this whatsoever. I'm sure it happens, on both sides. Occupy Wall Street repeatedly complained about the number of homeless and mentally ill people who the cops flooded them with.

There is no need for further debate on this.

Yes, swallow my propaganda and let's not debate this, just swallow the conclusions as I preach! How convenient.

Ahhh, the ad hominem. You're really good at using them.

There's no debating it because its the truth. You can't debate the truth because it is the ultimatum. You either know its the truth or you then take the position of lunacy and willingly denounce what cannot simply be denied.

If you are a paid protester - You ARE a mercenary. You ARE pushing this country in a volitile direction that will only lead to your demise.

There is no debating the truth.

You don't get to declare what you think is the truth, though.

If there were paid protesters, there would be some evidence.

There is no arguing over the truth.

What? Of course there is. We're arguing over what the truth is. That's probably the most common type of argument.

Ahhh, the ad hominem.

There is no ad hominem in the post you responded to. There's not even any insults towards the person, which is the common thing people misunderstand as ad hominem. You truly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about lmao

lol he really just used ad hominem incorrectly followed by an ad hominem

Ahhh, the ad hominem. You're really good at using them.

That's not an ad hominem

There's no debating it because its the truth.

Says who? There is no evidence presented but its the truth? How?

You either know its the truth or you then take the position of lunacy and willingly denounce what cannot simply be denied.

There are no facts to be denied, just an op-ed piece that starts out with a logical fallacy. It's kind of like the Quran, if you don't believe its the truth then you are an infidel, leaves no room for free thinking.

If you are a paid protester - You ARE a mercenary.

No evidence there were paid protesters, that's the whole point. I could simply call the author a paid shill, but where's the evidence?

Wait, let's see here - hateful protestors shouting racial slurs who promote the end of democracy and civil rights, good. Counter protestors, especially paid ones, bad.

Yep, that makes sense. It's not the self-described Nazis who are causing any problems. It's many sides!

Sounds like /r/politics

Fuck the, they banned me for speaking the truth.

/r/Conservative banned me for asking a simple question.

Right wing forums have a strictly 'no dissent' rule generally speaking because they are so persecuted..

Not sure if that last bit is serious or not lol

May want to check the 'rules' on T_D, they are pretty serious about enforcing it.


Comments like these are how you can tell this sub is being subverted.

Yes, speaking the truth about an ACTUAL RULE on T_D sub that anyone can verify is 'subversion'.

I admit that I was surprised at how rapidly I just got banned from /r/The_Donald. On the one hand I dislike that they're so censorious; but on the other I wish the mods in here were quicker on the trigger when /r/Socialism leaks.

well duh. You go over there and say i dont think all trump voters are racist and you will get banned. Just got banned from political humor cause they didnt like my voter id law argument. No rules broken, just banned.

Yea people downvoting obvious strawman garbage is "brigading".

totally organic 700 point upvotes! Amazing.

He's a Marine, and a general to boot. He's trained to expect the rest of the species to view him as God. Accusing a Marine of being paternalistic and demanding people accept his statements with no questions asked, is entirely redundant. It's like being surprised about a dog barking.

25 an hour is wayyy to much to get people to show up.

especially when you can use an outsource company for cheaper.

Is there health insurance in case of violence? Logistical support ie. housing & food & water? If not, $25 seems a bit low.

ACKCHYUALLY your a terrorist. Threatening violence or intimidation against protestors while working for a consulting agency means your a terrorist.

jesus christ where can i sign up to get paid $25 an hour to protest /s

So this guy's whole rant is a hypothetical "if" statement. It becomes moot 1 word in.

I show up to counter rallies in my city... i don't get paid.. am not mercenary... am leftist af!

Yeah, my dues for being a wobbly actually put me in the red!

sucker...doing it for free when you could be getting paid. 200bucks for a full day of pretending to fight the patriarchy

That makes it sound cool...

its funny how the rightwing assumes...people showing up to yell at nazis

who are quite possibly the most unpopular group in the world (behind atheists unfortunately)

are somehow paid to be there

trump annoys me, and his base is pretty much an army of the worst kind of white guys

i would show up just to antagonize them for the fun of it, and meet cute girls

4chan simply doesnt understand normal people lol....dont let them fool you into thinking your MAGA lifestyle of frog memes and wooden shields is acceptable outside of your backyard

people like me are waiting for you to come outside

It's why they call them normies

Reeeee! Fucking Chad, coming out en mass to steal Stacy, ruin my memes and point out glaring flaws about my shitty reality TV star president.

I was under the impression that they were claiming the paid violent protestors were posing as alt-right nazis, not paid to antagonize the alt right.

Wait, literally any non-antifa protester is a card carrying Nazi party member?

4chan simply doesnt understand normal people lol....dont let them fool you into thinking your MAGA lifestyle of frog memes and wooden shields is acceptable outside of your backyard

obviously. nobody that angry and nihilistic is having a good time in the real world

also explains why they choose to get angry about important issues affecting their lives, like ethics in videogame journalism

So I should ask for more money for being a mercenary?

Most of America's enlisted men and women demand more. This man is a ridiculous hypocrite.

Where do I apply?

Agreed. The only reason I haven't been going to protests is because I can't afford to take time off work. Twenty-five bucks an hour would make it a lot easier to go.

I'd take $25/hr to beat up some libs any day.


Your not qualified. Sorry wanna-be merc.

If I wanted to be a merc, I would call up Trump's buddy Erik Prince

Prince is everyone's friend. Started under Clinton, then Bush, then Obama.

Now he is just a nice private equity firm head. Blackwater is still active, regardless of their name. Wonder if his equity firm still has a substantial stake.

only 500 people across the nation? howd they get 20k in boston? and the womens march? surely there arent that man leftists out there!

500 people across 5 cities, that's like a small church gathering and everyone knows how influential those are.

Nice. Since I believe there are paid protesters, you are claiming that I think they are all paid.

Not sure where you got your numbers, but boy am I impressed with your ability to make a leap.

how many do you think there are? say out of 20k how many were paid? what amount is even worth talking about?

if 20k are showing up, why pay any of them?

You don't need them for big marches. You use them in places where you need to create an effect.

Bring a couple hundred to a smaller town to attack a statue. Create a situation where the people of the town are feeling attacked by left or right, depending on their leanings. Get it into the news, maybe you can inspire the previously quiet residents of the town to get active.

Gives the disillusioned youth something to fight against that doesn't threaten the power structure or change anything important.

Baseball bats here! $25

swatta swatta swing swatta


“If you are paid $25.00 an hour to show up to a rally to “counter” the other party using physical force and violence, you are not a “counter protestor.” You are a mercenary."


Honestly, I saw someone post a archived Craiglist ad that was posted "1 minute ago" as evidence that there's paid actors. Obviously they made the ad. Anyone can make any ad at anytime, so what's sad is that the entire argument is made up.. to be able to claim the right to be violent, in response to a true false flag.

Literally, this shit is absurd, and in both places, people eat it up. Willful ignorance at it's best.

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"You were paid to counter-protest" seems like an easy way to completely discredit the idea that some people actually believe in these causes. It's like calling "fake news" on everything you see. This letter is so insidious and disingenuous.

Undercover APs are paid to counter-protest. After Montreal, I'd be very surprised if there weren't agents starting the window smashing.

No proof?

Guys I found the user with her head buried so deep in the sand that they missed that whole exposè during the election leaks. You know, the videos of the guy undercover in the dnc filming key people openly discussing it?

buried so deep in the sand

Lol, yes, because it's not like there have been 60 million other crazy things happening in that time frame. How did I miss that, right?? Maybe point me in the direction of that instead of being a snarky asshole.

You could just Google it.. I know right? Unfathomable, I formation at your fingertips in 2017!

You're a fucking genius.

Damn, where are my checks then? I've participated in 10+ protests and have never once been paid for my time. I feel cheated!

well they do also utilize useful idiots. so theres that

Provide a link then.

X c mu I w. Liurcx



Scott Foval, who was the national field director of Americans United for Change, a 501(c)(4), was filmed by Project Veritas stating that they sent paid protestors, including mentally ill people, to disrupt Trump rallies. Foval was fired after the tape came out. AUC was a relatively small (between $1 and $10 million) organization that fought Bush then supported Obama. Its first president, Brad Woodhouse was communications director of the DNC from 2009 to 2013 and was president of the infamous Correct the Record PAC in 2016. liberal source conservative source. Although Americans United for Change was ostensibly inactive in the 2016 election and did not file any disclosures, it did receive about a million from reporting entities, including $500,000 from Pelosi..

So what does this mean? In decreasing order of confidence:

1)We know that politicians openly send staffers and volunteers to their opponents' events to monitor or disrupt.

2)It's virtually certain that they are also sending people covertly to monitor their opponents.

3)It's highly likely that campaigns send people covertly to non-violently disrupt opponents' events (e.g. shouting questions or insults).

4)It's likely that Democrats provided support for the disruption of Trump rallies.

5)It's likely that at least some of the Trump rally disruptions were planned by people paid by the DNC.

Where I think posts like OP's go wrong is when they extrapolate from Trump rallies to all protests. There's a decades long history of militant leftist activism with a long history of opposing and being opposed by Democrats as well as Republicans. The same groups (and some of the same people) who were fighting the right in Charlottesville were smashing Starbucks in Seattle back in 1999.

Any edited video by O'Keefe needs to be taken with a giant grain of sand. He is known to for unscrupulous editing and has gotten people fired in the past, only for them to come out clean in later lawsuits.


You're right, be wary of O'Keefe only, the mainstream media never edits anything with a bias 😂

I never said only. In fact the only person I mentioned was O'Keefe and his history.

Your "But the other side does it as well" is not needed here.

Right, the only person you mentioned was him, that was the mistake I was pointing out.

If you want to give legit advice just tell him to be suspicious of EVERY video he sees because it can be edited "unscrupulously".

How is only taking about the person relevant in the conversation a "mistake"? If the person I responded to was using other media as a source, the credibility of them would be relevant, but they were not. So its not.

It's not really a mistake, I'll agree with that.

But since you're asking, it's a "mistake" in my eyes because that advice should apply to ALL media, no need to single him out.

Its whataboutism is that it is. Its misleading the discussion away from O'Keefe being caught as woefully misrepresenting people with his recordings and trying to change the narrative to "Pretty much every video has an agenda" which isn't the point. The point is that O'Keefe has been caught lying and misrepresenting people in videos in the past and should not be taken as a creditable source.

Just like your post obviously have an agenda of blurring the discussion into one about how everyone edits their videos in an effort to make O'Keefe's major infractions seem like something that everyone does.

Haha nice theory, Watson, but no, it's actually you who is obfuscating the facts.

Your own link states that the lawsuit he settled on was "filed on the assertion that O'Keefe broke a state law prohibiting the surreptitious recording of someone's voice and image."

The case was about secret recording, it has nothing to do about what was on the tape and thus nothing about misrepresenting people.

So now why are you lying? What's your agenda, Watson?

A report in 2010 by the office of the California attorney general said that O'Keefe and Giles were given immunity from prosecution when they agreed to provide complete and unedited copies of videos made in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and National City.

ACORN employees "may be able to bring a private suit against O'Keefe and Giles for recording a confidential conversation," according to the report, completed while now-Gov. Jerry Brown was attorney general. Brown had been asked to investigate by then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Among O'Keefe's deceptions, the report said, was that in the videos he is shown wearing "stereotypical 1970s pimp garb" but that when he visited the ACORN offices, he was wearing a suit and tie.

Did you not read the whole thing?

The only reason he wasn't prosecuted for the ACORN incident was because there was deal made.

If you wanna read the AG of California's report on the whole incident its here.


It has such comments as

O’Keefe stated he was out to make a point and to damage ACORN and therefore did not act as a journalist objectively reporting a story. The video releases were heavily edited to feature only the worst or most inappropriate statements of the various ACORN employees and to omit some of the most salient statements by O’Keefe and Giles. Each of the ACORN employees recorded in California was a low level employee whose job was to help the needy individuals who walked in the door seeking assistance. Giles and O’Keefe lied to engender compassion, but then edited their statements from the released videos. Would it have been best had each ACORN employee simply refused to deal with the couple and shown them the door when their story came out? Of course.

This argument sounds suspiciously like the "all lives matter" deflection to keep from discussing the matter at hand (in this case, a bad "journalist" and in BLM, black people being statistically wayyyyyyy more likely to be in jailed for minor offenses or killed by cops).

Sure, but listen to the recordings. There is no context that makes this innocuous. It's clear he's talking about using a mentally ill or willing volunteer to disrupt something. Best case scenario, he's bullshitting. This is unlike the ACORN scenario where the speakers are portrayed as talking to a more sympathetic interrogator than the video displays.

I mean Scott Foval said himself that it was purely hypothetical they were asking him and he kept telling them it was illegal.


And I can't listen to the complete recordings, because Veritas hasn't released anything unedited. If it was so damning of a conversation why won't O'Keefe just release the unedited footage and slam the door on people like me questioning him? Why does the footage you linked clip to the middle of a conversation about paying mentally ill people to do stuff? Maybe the question was literally "hey do you pay mentally ill people to help do shit." and he just answered in a way that seems suspect given the context of the other shit O'Keefe clipped next to it.

If O'Keefe was really wanting to show journalism and not just push whatever he decided was his narrative in the video, he would be willing to release unedited footage.

Project Veritas?

You're in the wrong sub for blindly accepting the claims of authority figures.

The guy who made the videos I'm talking about is not an authority figure.

Apart from spending literally years doing nothing but creating media content and selling a political message.

Sure, and Murdoch isn't either. -_-

He is also implying that paid protesters are violent, and that the phenomenon can only exist on the left side of the ideological spectrum. It's also a veiled threat and call to violence based on nothing but generalizations and speculation, zero sources, no examples. Who is the 'silent majority' being referred to here.

Overall, this post reads like some old angry white guy yelling at his television about 'libtards'.

If there is a silent majority, hopefully they are free thinkers, not alarmist ideologues like this lunatic.

"You were paid to counter-protest" (with literally NO proof) seems like an easy way to completely discredit the idea that some people actually believe in these causes. It's like calling "fake news" on everything you see.

Or crying, "shill" every time someone disagrees with you in this sub, something that's all too common.

I happily protest Donald for free.

Me too!

Same, but I'll take that cash too.

so if i get paid $100 to suck a dick that doesn't make me gay right? that makes me a mercenary hell yeah

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Jesus Christ, that was fucking corny.

Welcome to r/the_donald2.0

That comment was even more corny

Notice how the top comments are trying hard to debunk and deflect, bash OP, bash this sub, bash conspiracies, or make it about T_D.

As usual ever since this sub was taken over right after the election.

You mean it's been taken over by conspiratards who think that Soros is behind everything evil in this world.

You come in our sub and call us consoiritards. You don't even care how obvious your brigades are do you?

"No one who disagrees with me could possibly be doing so genuinely."

how much do you get paid an hour to be a shill?

Yeah the vote counts in here are rediculous.

Yup ive never seen it so blatant before, at least its obvious, if annoying.

It was taken over before the election actually. Around last August is when it did a head-spinning flip. I suppose it started earlier, but right about August 2016 was a shocking transformation of tone.

Fuck the military and the state, fuck your bootlicking bullshit "silent majority."

You have no 1st Amendment rights when you’re a mercenary.

They really shouldn't be allowed to push them using fake crowds and advertising.

So every political candidate?

Yes. Corporations as well.

I see no upside to letting those with more money manufacture a fake consensus.

People actually believe this bullshit?

Ah yes, the pathetic "paid protestors" attempt.

"Nobody REALLY supports your cause, they're all getting paid!" - except, you know, zero proof of this.

Lots of proof, if only there was some sort of search engine you could use to look it up before posting bullshit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You're just kidding, right?

Nope, paid protestors are a thing, look it up.

Lol. I have. They don't exist, except in some Alex Jones fever dream.

well that's literally not true that you have no 1A rights as a mercenary. That is absurd on its face.

I'll give you three guesses.

You're close.

John Podesta?

Can't comment on this $25hr protester post but I can attest to knowing that Unions hire people to protest on behalf of their workers. They pay $15/hr to hold a sign and protest. This is in SO Cal btw.

25hr seems a little high. Unless you're expected to get physical with the opposition?

My wife got a pair of paid union protesters arrested once.

It was a man and woman outside a drugstore open during a partial remodel. Apparently, the union had lost the bid for that work.

They were getting in between people and the door and telling them it was "Not safe to go inside." It was clearly meant to be intimidating/threatening/scary.

As soon as they said that to my wife, she took it seriously. They started stammering about "shoddy workmanship" and "non OSHA illegal labor."

My wife called the police.

When the police showed up they tried to weasel out of it, claimed they hadn't said that, etc.

The officer asked a few people exiting the store what was said to them, and upon confirming my wife's story, arrested the couple.

As they were being cuffed and stuffed, and the pickup they lived out of towed (the store did not allow it to remain in their parking lot), they started whining about how it wasn't their fault.

They said how they needed the $15/hour they were getting paid, and how they had driven 100 miles to get the job.

The officer pointed out that they should STFU, because they were implicating themselves for more charges. He said they were lucky, he had to cite the protesters they were replacing in the hospital, after they had gotten beaten badly pulling the same bullshit 3 days before.

I felt really bad for the couple, they were broke and desperate, too bad they chose to be paid thugs.

And what's the proof? A 4chan, t_d or a fake ad Craiglist ad? Why the fuck isn't there some concrete proof to this so-called phenomenon?

Perhaps they had to sign a confidentiality contract so they aren't allowed to leak anything without severe legal action against them. Then again - anonymity and whatnot; you'd think there would be something.

The US Federal Government and The military have leaks galore, and they risk prison when they speak.

Sorry, but there's no way thousands of supposed $25/hr protestors (many of which are drug addicts and homeless, according to conservative groups) would be more tight-lipped.

Good point and well made. I guess I haven't really thought about it like that.

You think $25 is enough to prevent leaks?

$25 an hour is a lot of money.

You're not getting 40 hours a week for this hypothetical gig, maybe 2. You're risking arrest. Still sound like good money?

You're risking arrest.

From what I've seen, that depends which side you're on. At Charlottesville at least, the cops were apparently only arresting the Left.

Fuck Geoffrey.

And shockingly enough, the young will win that battle. When you old fucks die. In like 10 years.

Are stones, masks, and pepper spray included in that $25 ?

Such a wonderful letter. Lets all take a minute and reflect on why it's important to respect our elders.

(it isn't)

sigh ooo so edgy. Remember what you said if you ever have kids.

Will do.

That's ironic as fuck given the following point:

Could I not say the same thing about people paid to be in the military versus volunteering for the job out of the kindness of their hearts?

No matter which side you pose for, you're a mercenary.

It's REALLY hard to prove this ever happened though. For the silence, I imagine you have to pay more

"...There is no need for further debate on this. You were paid to attack someone you don’t know for reasons that you couldn’t care enough about to go there for free. You did your “job” and collected your check and your reimbursement of expenses. You’re a mercenary."

Oh you mean like every single person in the United States military?



I was a counter protester in Iraq for a year and I didn't make anywhere near $25.00 per hour. They did have free room and board and ammunition though!

Is this a real thing? Idgaf about protesting, politics, liberals or violence but I'd take $25/hr to stand with a sign. Furthermore, I'd probably just sign up, show up, and go home. I just want $25/hr, I don't have a job at the moment.

25 an hour? damn, sign me up

$25hr to be a ProHillary Snowflake? Nope!

Here is a good question to ask.

Would you answer a craigslist add to riot at an event for $25/h?

I don't know anyone who would...

I would probably think it's a scam or a trap. Which is probably why I'm not rolling in Sorosbux.

Kind of off topic but my favorite is when Jen Bush had to pay people to show up to his primary campaign events. And I think he got 1 delegate out of Iowa even though he had less than ten percent of the vote.

mmmmmm tasty complacency

Are we stealing content from voat now?


And if you show up to fight Nazis, for any reason, then you're also a hero.

Remember back in the 1940s when FDR paid all those American boys to go over to Europe and protest Nazis to death? What an astroturf job!

ITT: people back from the holiday weekend.

People on here questioning a retired MAJOR GENERAL, USMC.

I would guess this guy knows something you don't if he is writing directly to these people.

The comments and votes in here are so fucky. Did this make r/all?

Lies are still lies no matter who tells them.

I would like to believe you don't make major general if you have any propensity whatsoever towards bending the truth or lying. I'll take this man at his word before I take you on yours.

Lack of evidence on these terrorist groups can be explained by an aggressive NDA policy.

People break NDAs all the time. I'm sure somebody like Fox or Breitbart would offer to pay their legal fees if these people actually existed.

I don't worship the military either. They are human beings.

What makes you think he's really a major general?

I would like to believe you don't make President if you have any propensity whatsoever towards bending the truth or lying but yet, here we are...

What the hell does that have to do with this post?

It says right there on the internet that it was written by a MAJOR GENERAL, must be true right?

It was. And it is.

Lol well that's good enough for me

The comments and votes in here are so fucky. Did this make r/all?

Yeah how dare a subreddit about conspiracies have comments that aren't pro-Trump.

Please enlighten me. What the eff does this post have to do with Trump?

Thanks FoxNews grandpa.

Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close.

The Battles of Gettysburg, Bull Run and the rest of them would like a word.

The violence was worse even before the civil war. Look up Bleeding Kansas.

Seriously. This guy's really dumb. Was he a real general?

No, but he plays one on 4chan.

whats the evdince for what he is talking about]

Two cheeks and a passage

Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close.

And that's when I knew he was a fucking moron.

It wasn't when he said that if you're paid to show up at a rally, it's cool for someone to slaughter you because they were heroicly not murdering anyone until you showed up?

Please go back to elementary school I beg of you because this comment makes you look like a completely uneducated moron. Do you seriously not have any idea how many Americans died during the civil war?!?!?!

Lynch mobs, slavery, civil war. Nice friendly peaceful times.

Up until WWI the American Civil War was the biggest, nastiest, and bloodiest war of any kind that had ever taken place in recorded history. Largest number of deaths and injuries, too. At least that's what they old us in the History Class I attended in high school.

Genghis Khan and various others would disagree.

He wasn't a war. His various conquests had a staggering death toll, but that wasn't a single conflict.

The notorious Golden Horde consisted of about 130,000 armed and mounted men. A huge, highly mobile and overwhelming force in it's day but not as huge as you seem to suspect. You also have to take the advances in lethal weaponry and military tactics into consideration as well.

Gettysburg was as devastating and murderous a battle as Waterloo where once again numerous countries were involved. There's certainly no other "civil wars", not the English Civil War, or French or American revolutions which were essentially civil conflicts, that even begin to be comparable with the numbers involved in the US Civil War.

Actually a series of wars, fought and lead by different groups under different leaders against the established order over a fifteen year period.

The periodic loss of power and inevitable fall of Chinese dynasties and the chaos that ensued before another one arose is really another topic in and of itself.

In addition to Mandarin and Cantonese there are over 500 different dialects of Chinese spoken, many of which are completely unintelligible to each other. On the flip side, they all use the same written but not spoken words for the ideographs they use to write and can communicate that way provided that they know how to write. Customs also vary greatly from place to place and they always have.

So it's a very different kind of a nation or country than most others in that regard and I'm glad you brought it up because it gives me an opportunity to present this very interesting little vid about it's history.

It's author is more pessimistic than I am but the warning he gives is well worth watching... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w6QYPzF2TI

More people died during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. Just that one campaign.

Not true. Napoleon lost 400k people in the invasion of Russia but 620k people died during the civil war.

Nope. France lost about 550k during the invasion and Russia 200k, for a total of ~750k, which makes it just a tad higher than the american civil war at 350k+250k=600k.

In terms of combat deaths and casualties in battle I think the Civil War's numbers were actually much worse.

In terms of death due to starvation and exposure due to the Russian "Scorched Earth" tactics and fierce winter conditions Napoleon's armies were completely unprepared for, I think it's fair to say that those more than the few major battles Napoleon fought against the Russian army were what actually destroyed and decimated the large force that he invaded with.

What you're saying is true, but /u/betabob72's claim is simply wrong.

There were only minor skirmishes and (iirc) one major battle, that the french won, during the campaign and Moscow was taken with little resistance. However even Moscow was not exempt the Tsar's will and was torched, forcing the french to march back again during the russian autumn and winter.

I was actually just looking at the French losses, not total, and had taken the soldier total of the civil war, so both weren't quite correct I admit now that I'm looking back on it.

But to compare either to today is just ridiculous anyway.

There is no comparison! I'd like to read about a battle after the civil war where America had 30% casualties. It's unheard of in modern warfare.

My mistake. I thought only 600k died in the civil war, and I included both sides for my Napoleon comment, the Russians lost 210k so it's 620<610 I spose. Thanks for the info though!

Agreed. This was the only point he was way off on.

black people were literally hung from trees while white people smiled and laughed

Wow must've been a lot of money to pay off the 40,000 peaceful counter protesters in Boston then! My grandmother went along with the rest of my family, where are our checks!? /s

I'd be embarrassed to admit I got tricked into protesting a "Nazi rally" that turned out to be an Indian running for senate.

a nazi white supremacist indian no less.

soros has been ghosting me too. id just go to shareblue HR and complain

40000 paid protestors aren't needed, just a couple of dozen.

Useful idiots will follow, just like you said.

Nice alternative to facts you have there.

mercenaries are not lawful combatants

I must have missed that part of the UCMJ...

Yeah Real crazy people do it for the love crazy

Well, "Mercenary" looks better than "Protester" on a resume so

God when will George soros send me my check already!!! I keep hearing about getting paid for showing up to protest...surely it's in the mail right guys ??

That sounds even more awesome.

No evidence of this, ie people getting paid to start riots, unless we are talking about police. And incase anyone forgets, there are actual professional activists. They run or are a part organizations that take donations to push for certain causes and make enough money to live and are then able to spend all their time working as activists.

I thought the new buzzword to call them was "domestic terrorist"...

we need to put all those american nazis in jail

"You have no first amendment rights when you're a mercenary" And who the fuck gets to label mercenaries when you don't even have any proof, General? Can't believe this fucking trash gets posted on a conspiracy forum.

Well, it is a conspiracy. You don't need proof for something to be a conspiracy. There's no proof that 9/11 was an inside job, but nobody complains about that.

You're giving this far too much credit by assuming an actual general wrote it.

I am getting really fucking sick of the over blown idea of how many attacks that supposedly happen. Are we counting every angry fist thrown? There were a lot of those in the 1960's as well. Driving a fucking car into a crowd is not comparable to some fist fights that break out from frustration and anger. Everything is propaganda today, especially the violence.

laughable at best

Who goes to war for free?

Oi, where this protest money? I'd like some cash while I look at my phone.

I'm not doing another thing until I get the money I'm owed from the global Jewish conspiracy. Fool me twice, Soros!

Whats the conspiracy here?

ITT: Shills trying to convince /r/Conpiracy, that there is nonconspiracy... Again.

Everyone, lets just shut her down and go home. Nothing to see here.

At leazt it sounds badass and I get money

A- fucking- men

Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close.

Are you dumb? the 1860s was when the civil war was being fought. And even if you meant to say the 1850s, in the run up to the civil war, your statement would still be a blatant lie, or your just extremely ignorant.

These antifa and "alt-righters" are led by agent provocteaurs that are using the divide and conquer strategy. Why do you think the media is always showing their "protests" on tv? They are trying to get normal people in the "silent majority" to pick sides.. It is so obvious who is behind this its almost ridiculous that most of you people cant see what is going on here.

If it's so obvious, then show some proof.

Turn the cnn, fox or msnbc on. There is your proof. The people who run the media obviously want this turmoil in America right now.

I turned both on and all I saw was hurricane coverage. So out up or shut up... provide some proof for your claim.

lol, don't be ridiculous.

So no proof? Shocking!

Dude I already told you, the media is always covering these altercations b/w "antifa" and "Alt-righters" (As the media likes to call them).. If they didn't pay no attention to them then no one would even care about 'picking a side'.. That is all I am saying. Why are you so argumentative?

Well damn

2k upvotes with absolutely no evidence. Nice

Got a source for this lol

The dumbest thing about this is that people actually think you'd need to offer $25/hr to protest Trump with all of the people willing to do it for free.

...sort of like shilling.

This is just extremist right wing rhetoric trying to deflect. This is complete garbage with no evidence to support it.

Why is this posted in r/conspiracy?

Where do I get this awesome gig? I'm doing all this protesting for free, I really should get paid for it.


If you disagree with US foreign policy and/or how the US uses its military, and you sign up anyway because of the GI Bill/see the world/other perks, you are a fucking mercenary. And a piece of shit.

“If you are paid $25.00 an hour to show up to a rally to “counter” the other party using physical force and violence, you are not a “counter protestor.” You are a mercenary!!

I see comments claiming there's no proof these people were paid, so let me modify the General's statement and remove the point about being paid:

“If you* are paid $25.00 an hour to show up to a rally to “counter” the other party using physical force and violence, you are not a “counter protestor.” You are a mercenary terrorist.

If any shills read this I am willing to be paid 25$ to literally do whatever it is you want.

You see, no one will contact you because the paid protester thing is bullshit.

darn, guess it's back to menial labor.

I would love to put that on my LinkedIn MushroomFungie - Mercenary.

This sub is legit making the exact post as the_donald now...

Now? Try for nearly the past year.

If I have to choose between leaking from /r/The_Donald or /r/Socialism, then I know which I prefer.

til modern-day mercenaries wear pussy hats and screech about 99+ genders

I thought the author was describing police officers at first lol. The cops are mercs according to this article. Alot of them have the "I'm going to war with my partner". Writing speeding tickets Is war! Medic! I got a paper cut. And all that shit I'm bored with writing this so bye

I thought he was talking about police officers as well

"Any opposition is fake and paid for"

Hmm, I wonder why the Trumpers would be pushing this post so high?

Why is this garbage being posted on conspiracy take your bullshit back to The_Dumpster

You have the extremist left and the extremist right that are doing their best to get something started.

Did you just blame both sides for the violence? Good.

Honestly, some men just want to watch the world burn. Some of us just want all the aggressors to kill each other off and leave the rest of us to peace. Both sides are part of the problem for subscribing to TPTB's divide and conquer system in the first place.

"Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close."

Horse hockey. That is such an extreme distortion of the truth, one might regard your claim as treasonous.

$25 am hour to risk being arrested? You gotta pay me a helluva lot more than that for me to take on a criminal record!

That said, I'm sure they are some desperate people who need that money for one thing or another.

Happens a lot in Malaysia

Democrats are the party of mercenaries, terrorists, revolutionaries, and always have been.

Well our founding fathers were revolutionists so....

You guys are better than this. Don't let your subreddit be polluted by these fucking shills sucking Putin's dick. These were literally Nazis and this guy is saying somehow people that think Nazis are bad were payed to be there. A fucking white supremacists murdered a women because she assembled to say not in my country. Don't let these disgusting monsters weaponize your subreddit like they have others.

So like $25 an hour? Where do I sign up for that.

You have no 1st Amendment rights when you’re a mercenary.

The Major General needs to read up in his constitutional law. Show me where accepting payment from a private party erases a person's constitutional rights.

Sorry, but I can't take this rant seriously. His title is irrelevant if he feels some Americans don't get equal rights.

The antifa members show up for free...because they believe in fighting a violent ideology with violence.

Does that make it right? I just don't know...

tl;dr You're a badass like Bronn.

Oh god here we go

Extremest left? Not seeing it.

This reads like standard propaganda written by a T_D or /pol/ drone, and likely was, but it does make you wonder what will happen when the impeachment trial kicks off.

Pigs flying i imagine. The Democrats won't take back both chambers while trumps in office, and the Republicans won't attack their own as long as their constituents don't hate him. It would be political suicide. He's doing a great job getting their policies in place. He's playing his bit perfectly. I bet the entire administration is in on it.

It's awesome seeing how the obvious brigades and attacks on this sub still can't sway it away from truth.

Looks like this sub is heavily left-leaning. I doubt any usueful discussion will take place in this post. I can already see a whole bunch of comments bashing "right-wing extremists".

That's what the shill teams would have visitors believe. The sub's currently being targeted for conversion to r/politics. Rule of thumb; sort by controversial to see genuine user responses.

Huh, never thought about that. I will have to give that a try!

This sub is such a joke now

Does Wade get paid this much?

Where did you find this garbage pasta

"Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close."

Literally the most retarded thing I've seen on the internet this month.


So do you have, like, a copy of the job application or something? Cause I've been doing this shit for free and if someone's willing to foot the bill for gas money, poster board, and big permanent markers sign me the fuck up.

Seriously though what even is this? No one is getting paid to protest. This reads like something from /r/forwardsfromgrandma


You have the extremist left and the extremist right that are doing their best to get something started. To force us into a Civil War. Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close.

Give me a break.


And no bullshit. I'd counter protest the shit out of a motherfucker for $25 a hour. Fuck, I'd put in overtime. Maybe it's taken me 30 years to admit this but the game is rigged and no amount protesting or internet bitching will change that. I for one will be playing for me and mine from here on out. Hell, maybe life has finally beat me up. Maybe I'm giving in. But the richer get richer and I continue to scrap by.

So I ask where do I sign up?

Hey dipshit, can I have that job posting for 25$/hr?

Who wrote it? John mc Doesn'texist?

Wow. $25/hr? Where do I sign up!?

This is the closest I'd ever get to living out my Skyrim rogue/mercenary fantasies.

This sounds like it belongs in a shower thought

It depends on if you are showing up solely for the money or not. If you would have been doing that anyway, you're not merKing.

Yo, 25 an hour? Where are these jobs at?

There were a few Craigslist and indeed ads last year before the election in the Bay area asking for people to be fake Trump supporters and cause a riot at a rally. They were offering $35/hr and I considered it because damn that's some sweet $$.

25 per hour? Where do I sign? I have a pitchfork, and some marshmallows.

Don't for get the words of Gen Smedley Butler, 2-time Metal of Honor winner.

I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.


Love, Grandma

Maybe this is a dumb question, but what is the difference between a soldier, marine, etc and a mercenary? Both are paid to fight for a cause which they wouldn't fight for without compensation.

I mean 25 dollars is 25 dollars amiright?

Where can I sign up?


Why would you state "there's no need for further debate on this" when the vast majority of your thoughts have yet to be heard? It seems like something to say after you've said your piece, not before.

Lieber Code should be enforced

$25/hr? Where does one sign up for this sort of job?

You would be a mercenary regardless if the other side used physical force or not.

I wish this was a real thing. I could really use $25 an hour.

If it's not a real thing then what would Fox News talk about? What the president is doing??? HAhahahAHah

i was with you up until "Even in the 1860’s, the violence between the North and South was nowhere near what we see today. Nowhere. Even. Close."

Dude, seriously??

A lot of shills try to put out "cambridge analytica" as an equivalent to liberal astroturfing, CTR, shareblue, etc.

It's not.

Cambridge analytica is a market research company. They research voters, demographics, and help design effective messages as well as look for the best places to do outreach. Now it uses some invasive privacy methods of course, and that's a valid debate, but it's no where near to the CTR/Shareblue shit.

I'm for hire. Just saying.

Wasn't there like, just a stickied post about not condoning violence on this sub? Now somebody who says stuff like Romance and idealism wears off really fast when you’re laying in a pool of your own blood trying to stuff your intestines back into your torn abdomen and it's totally chill?

He's blatantly talking about self-defense. Did you read the OP?

They're talking about self-defense in a scenario that they have evidence actually exists. They're using it as an excuse to eventually resort to violence ...

As this top mind just said, he only mentions eviscerating people you don't like, when they protest for money, so duh, it's self defense torture and assault so it's totally kewl bro.

Tell Citizens United BC apparantly $ = speech so 1st amendment is covered and since I'm in FL and may get wiped out in the next week might just take the $25/hr and fuck the ppl taking the high ground FL hasn't got much LOL

No real member of the armed forces would ever imply that any citizen of the United States is not covered by the first amendment. I'm calling shenanigans.

look at the astoturfing going on in here. Hi Soros lefties!

You have no 1st Amendment rights when you’re a mercenary.

Where does it say that in the Constitution?

Where do you sign up for payment and turn in a time sheet? Do I get a 1099?

Yeah, you're ready to defend "America" from the protesters, but where are you when your own government violates thousands of Americans every day. Where are you during civil asset forfeiture by law enforcement, TSA molestion of women and children, police walking free for murder, but you're ready to go guns blazing against 20 somethings with sticks and signs? You sound like a big fucking hypocrite to me.

WHY DOES ANYONE THINK ANYONE IS GETTING PAID TO PROTEST?! Where is my check? I've been to dozens of these things now, and haven't seen a check. Who do i call?

In this thread!

20 Alt-Right fuckups actually believes this is real

Grandpa, put down the word pad and stop listening to Fox News...

Even if this was real, why would republicans care? Won't the free market decide everything anyway? Right ideologues?

Where do people sign up to get paid to protest?

Honestly, I've never seen these. How do they recruit a lot of people in secret and get them to go? Where do people go to get paid?

This looks exactly like the kind of chain email your off-kilter uncle would forward to you.



That's a logically fallacy. But since we're using them, how about:

"Takes one to know one."

Go sign up, get your payment and post the cancelled checks.

And then be a right-wing news darling for a while, with appearances on Fox, etc.

Funny how this never seems to happen, though.

Exactly. There are thousands of highly motivated individuals who would love to blow the lid off this whole thing. But, of the thousands of supposedly paid counter-protestors out there, not a single one has been somebody willing to speak up? Not a single one has been somebody from 4chan or the_Donald who wanted to infiltrate the enemy?

Well solider don't have first amendment rights.

Source? Military personnel are supposed to be non-partisan, but where is free speech waived?

Me too!

Obviously we can't have a discussion because we disagree on a very fundemtal level. You think people need a carrot or a stick. I think people make there own. That's why we will never see eye to eye.

There is no wealth in communism? Jesus christ that's just straight up stupid. I'm sorry, but it is. Just because the wealth is supposed to be evenly distributed doesn't make the wealth go away.

The device you are browsing reddit on right now would not exist without capitalism.

False. The device you are browsing reddit on right now would note exist without LABOR. Pretending that humans didn't invent anything until capitalism came along is pretty ignorant.

I'm honestly curious as to how people don't recognize Sean Hannity as a demagogue. It's blatantly obvious that the guy is about as intellectually dishonest as you can get.

A simple NDA could explain why you don't see evidence of this

using physical force and violence

Yeah, my dues for being a wobbly actually put me in the red!

sucker...doing it for free when you could be getting paid. 200bucks for a full day of pretending to fight the patriarchy

Same, but I'll take that cash too.

For all we know, Trump might use https://crowdsondemand.com/ for his own rallies to bolster meager attendance numbers.

It's not about the left and right though. That's just bullshit to divide and conquer. Much easier to strip away the rights of citizens while they're busy fighting each other instead of their real foes.

Right, the only person you mentioned was him, that was the mistake I was pointing out.

If you want to give legit advice just tell him to be suspicious of EVERY video he sees because it can be edited "unscrupulously".

That's not the kind the left is pimping though. Libertarian ideals are certainly up my alley, personally.

Well sure. I agree.

I'm just providing some evidence it is possible crowds are paid.

Hahaha Project Veritas "evidence."

It took two seconds to debunk that massively incorrect and u organicqlly upvoted claim, and there WERE redditors who took trips on the buses, documenting the journey.

Either this guy is retarded or there is another agenda.

This feels like common knowledge even...

Except the Antifa is the one being violent. They throw the first punches, yet we get the blame.

Absolutely—provided they remain nonviolent and don't break any laws in the process (like leaving their designated protest area).

Arguing what way?

Or within the borders of other countries which explicitly allow their presence on their land.

Do you have anything to refute his rebuttal to the claims that his videos are fake? If you don't... well..

I know, I was just answering his question about whether it is legal to be a mercenary or not.

Ok, that makes more sense.

Word salad