The KKK was an actual official arm of the Democrat Party fighting against the radical Republican agenda to recognize blacks as equals in society and govt

26  2017-09-05 by Tunderbar1

Also, hundreds of white Republicans were lynched by the Democrat KKK:

From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black.

Out of the 4,743 people lynched 1,297 white people were lynched.


Your point?

And this guy Barry Goldwater came along...

Despite losing the election by a landslide

Must must not have been very popular with his party

what does that have to do with anything? It's pretty clear who the KKK etc. support now.

It's pretty clear who the KKK etc. support now.

It's pretty clear what the msm narrative is.

Why do you trust what they say?

Who says I do? Just because I disagree with you I'm automatically a part of the brainwashed masses?

In my PERSONAL experience, the majority of intolerant people are very conservative. That does not mean all conservative people are intolerant or that there aren't intolerant liberals. But in my experience, I know how these things have played out.

In my PERSONAL experience, the majority of intolerant people are very conservative.

Sounds like a bias.

Yes, everyone has their own. At least I'm basing it on experience then history which has since changed.

what does that have to do with anything?

You need to look into Freemasonry. For one thing, they created the KKK.

Who are we attacking today?

Triggered individuals don't like this

Not really seeing the point of this post or OP, to be honest.

The parties changed. Anyone that can think remotely critically about this stuff knows this.

Republicans used to be feverishly anti-Russian.

Until they got that dank money and help for the election, that is.

Never forget Mitt Romney being laughed out of the 2012 race for naming Russia as the greatest geopolitical threat to the United States.

The south were Democrats until they decided their political beliefs were secondary to their racist beliefs.

The north were Republicans until they decided their political beliefs were secondary to ending segregation.

Except segregation was ended by Republicans. Soo

Northerners, yes. Confederate states voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 overwhelmingly. 21 out of 22 confederate senators voted "no" and 94 of 102 Congressmen voted "no." They were largely Democrats. The North ended segregation, party affiliation is irrelevant.

Of course they did

But i see your attempt to link Republicans with the original Confederates

The connection is the people, not the party.

Those people are dead

There still appears to be people fighting for the cause.

In tye democrat party. Yes

There still appears to be people fighting for the cause.

Absolutely. This was just covered last night by Rachel Maddow:

Klan's historic political ambition finds foothold with Trump

Rachel Maddow looks back at how the Ku Klux Klan flexed its muscles in national American politics in the 1920s and how those same racist political ambitions are finding accommodation with Donald Trump.

im interested in why YOU think this is a good thing considering your comments elsewhere

it seems you want people who arent racist to hate democrats, because you hate racists but ALSO hate democrats?

seems like a strange tactic for a normal person to take. do you think people smarter than you are fooled by this? that 100+ years ago the names of parties/what they stood for were different?

segregation was ended by Republicans

False. There were far more Democrats than Republicans who voted for an end to segregation. The opposition to Civil Rights was found among southern conservatives.

Votes for Civil Rights Act of 1964

  • In the US House of Representatives: 152 Democrats, 138 Republicans.
  • In the US Senate: 46 Democrats, 27 Republicans.

What's really remarkable here is that there were any votes in favor of the legislation. The GOP was a much more liberal party in 1964. The vote would not go the same way if it was held today.

This is the vote by party and region:

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)

The Senate version:

  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was the other centerpiece of the Civil Rights Era, and it went the same as the Civil Rights Act of 1964: The only real opposition was from white conservatives in the South.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

On May 26, the Senate passed the bill by a 77-19 vote (Democrats 47-16, Republicans 30-2); only Senators representing Southern states voted against it.

On July 9, the House passed the Voting Rights Act by a 333-85 vote (Democrats 221-61, Republicans 112-24)

After Conference Committee, the final bill passed the House on August 3 by a 328-74 vote (Democrats 217-54, Republicans 111-20),[37] and the Senate passed it on August 4 by a 79-18 vote (Democrats 49-17, Republicans 30-1).

Just one of many reasons why I chuckle when I hear today's blue collar conservatives talk trash about 'libruls'/lefties LOL gets me every time.

People are stupid. Incredibly stupid. They have been for a long time.

Absolutely none of this is accurate.

The Confederacy never had majority support in the South. West Virginia literally seceded from the Confederacy, as did the Florida Keys. There were constant insurrections because people were pissed off that the oligarchical slave owners were fighting a ruinous war that no one wanted.

The Democrat/Republican switch most recently happened during the Civil Right Movement. This is what my post refers to.

Also largely a myth. It was mostly a combination of blacks leaving the South and FDR then JFK/RFK seizing the Democrat Party from the assholes running it for decades, and turning it into a Populist party.

Not true in the slightest.

Just remember: not all Trump supporters are white supremacists, but all white supremacists are Trump supporters. Fill in any Republican president/candidate post Goldwater for "Trump".

Fallacy of association.

Nobody has ever credited the political direction change to JFK/RFK, hell they tried everything they could to reverse the civil rights movement that was building in popularity, they even called the freedom riders and begged them not to go forward with the rides, i'd go as far as saying that JFK wanted to and would have ignored the situation for as long as possible, he viewed the civil rights movement as a thorn in his side.

Presidentially, the road swap that's being discussed has always been credited to LBJ who was a democrat that passed two "significant" civil right bills (significant because he actually got the support needed to pass them, not because they did anything overly great), so "the solid south" felt abandoned by their own party for caring about minorities all of sudden, and the republicans came in with candidates like Goldwater and things like "the southern strategy" and all of a sudden the people who voted blue in 1960 were voting red in 1968, (1964 doesn't count because nearly everyone voted blue out of fear of nuclear war) even the numbers in post why do you think they end in 1968?

You have everything completely backwards. Lyndon Johnson was an open racist that talked about how much he hated niggers. JFK was trying to get civil rights passed in addition to shutting down the military industrial complex, and was murdered (along with MLK) for opposing the racist oligarchy.

Shit post political attack. Why has r/conspiracy become a right wing hate propaganda sub?

right wing hate propaganda

LOL. if you don't like it and have nothing to add to the discussion, fuck off. It really is that simple.


But really, you're not bringing much to the table here.

I'm, bringing the simple fact that the KKK was an actual official wing of the Democrat Party. No one could get the Democrat nomination to run for the POTUS without explicitly being endorsed by the KKK wing of the Democrat Party.

It is an historical fact. You guys can call it propaganda all you want, but it is a fact.

So what is the conspiracy then?

Wow. Seriously?

Everything we've been taught for generations about the KKK and Republicans, and everything the msm has accused the Republicans and Trump for the last x number of years is a lie, and you ask what the conspiracy is.


Well, they have been aligned for generations now, seeing as the parties flipped around 1960s IIRC.

White voters now flock to the republican party in general now, and align themselves with more conservative values. Trump's own father was in the KKK, and Trump has shown a dislike of minorities, which coincides with his choice to flip to the republicans

That being said, I've seen plenty of racist democrats and plenty of accepting, tolerant republicans, so political party affiliation is not the ultimate determiner of values

Seems like you need a history lesson friend.

Trump's own father was in the KKK, and Trump has shown a dislike of minorities

LOL. Nice narrative.

Once again, using the guardian as a source. No one cares dude, no one cares.

Once again? That's the first link I have posted from them.

And you seem to care if you're commenting on it friend.

No one cares what the guardian has to say, or you. You clearly don't understand that these corporate MSM outlets are for profit and profit only. Truth is not a priority for them,

Did Trump not take out an ad against the central park 5 after the court had already ruled they were innocent?

please provide a list of trusthworthy sources id like to educate myself

Once again just regurgitating the lies and propaganda without question; he's a lost cause...

Find a lie, please.

<Well, they have been aligned for generations now, seeing as the parties flipped around 1960s IIRC.

This is exactly what we're taught in school, which is simply not true. The parties did not just flip out of nowhere and decide they completely changed their values.

<Trump has shown a dislike of minorities, which coincides with his choice to flip to the republicans

Once again, not true. The MSM has perpetuated the myth that Trump "dislikes" minorities. If you know anything about him you know that he has black friends, Hispanic friends, and friends of other "minorities". He also did not consider himself a Republican until he decided to run for president. Also you're grossly generalizing all Republicans by saying that they coincide with "disliking minority's" (way to show your brainwashing/bias).

<That being said, I've seen plenty of racist democrats and plenty of accepting, tolerant republicans, so political party affiliation is not the ultimate determiner of values

While you are correct in saying that political party affiliation is not the ultimate determiner of values, the MSM and just about everyone else wants you to think it is. Most people would consider the Republicans as the "less progressive" more "old fashioned" party, while most people think of Democrats as very "progressive" and more "modern". This is the way they want it to be.

So what did the parties do then? Feel free to educate, but reminder: I didn't make a claim they flipped out of nowhere, merely that they flipped.

Lord, you can't even quote me properly. Trump has shown a great bias against minorities, and the 'friends' argument is one of the weakest I have seen in a while. If not racism, what was Trump's purpose in the New York 5 case after a ruling had been put out?

And what is your point of the last statement?


You know the KKK officially endorsed Trump, right? David Duke, too? And Duke lavished praise on him for saying there were fine people on both sides of the Charlottesville debacle.

What you've posted is as pertinent as how the Whigs felt about slavery.

Fake endorsement from a fake group controlled by George Soros to try to hurt Trumps run for President.

That actually makes sense now. Thanks for bringing that up.

Soros controls the KKK?



are you saying racists arent real, or that soros controls all racists? im confused how you explain the rest of the kkk's or soros activities

Sorry, kid. Official Klan newspaper. Did George Soros make David Duke endorse him and thank him for his Charlottesville response, too?

You should go back to T_D and let the adults talk.

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

Go check out the Klan's website or "The Crusader," they're not shy about their love for your "god-emperor."

Did George Soros make David Duke endorse him and thank him for his Charlottesville response, too?

Wouldn't surprise me.

Dude. This is a conspiracy subreddit. Either debunk it or stfu.

Wrong. And there were people on both sides of the Charlottesville incident. It was not one-sided. I actually can't believe that it's still being debated.

There were white nationalists and those who oppose Nazis. One side killed someone and fired into the crowd. It was one-sided.

Nope, once again incorrect.

and those who oppose Nazis

So what you actually mean by this is paid ANTIFA protesters showing up in masks with weapons.. bussed in by the people writing their paychecks.

Yeah, it was one-sided...

Again? When was I ever wrong?

Surely you have proof that these "Antifa protesters" were paid, and not just some shadowy bullshit allegations about George Soros, right?

Of course not.

You should take a look at the rest of the sub, someone posted a video by a right-wing/libertarian documentarian that proved that many "Antifa" members who stirred up violence at protests were cops. Guess they kind of were being paid...

How about the Craigslist job postings that were found in the Charlottesville area looking for protesters?

How about the fact that there are companies that exist whose only purpose is to provide crowds for events?

I could post an ad on craigslist right now for anything. You understand they're not like vetted, right?

" there are companies that exist whose only purpose is to provide crowds for events" - therefore, the majority of the people who attend Trump speeches are paid to be there.

That's you. That's how you logic. Sad!

For someone whose username includes the word "curiosity", you seem to be pretty close minded to things that are relatively obvious, based on your level of intelligence.

Huh....maybe you really don't know what "proof" is. It doesn't involve Craigslist ads.

It doesn't involve your opinions either

Dude my fucking friend lives out there and his friends were hit by that fucking car. They weren't fucking payed antifa you delusional fucking asshole.

I don't know you, or your friends, so unfortunately, your claims hold very little weight with me.

Do you not think it's possible that there could be more to the story than what is being reported by the MSM? I mean, come on. We've been consistently lied to for a long time now.

Think whatever you want but what I said is 100% verifiable fact. Is it possible that there are people trying to stoke the flames, but that doesn't change the fact that there are real white supremacists in this country, be they KKK or neo-nazi and many of them are vocal about their support for Trump. Sure, you can believe that the democrats are the real KKK supporters while they push for laws and policies that the KKK fundamentally hate but imo that is stupid when you look at the recent Republican laws and policies they have been pushing that happen to line up with fundamental KKK views. But no in your mind, the KKK love Hilary, gay marriage, healthcare as a right, making Christians make cakes for gay couples, legal weed, no border wall, easier path to citizenship, promoting diversity, more non whites in positions of authority, ending laws and policies that put a disproportionate amount of black people in jail for non-violent crime and a myriad of other things that counter the KKK's fundamental values. Makes a lot of sense.


A response for the ages. Bravo!

Been a long day. You exhaust me

I'm, bringing the simple fact that the KKK was an actual official wing of the Democrat Party.

Which historical fact is neither a conspiracy or a secret and is being pointed out despite it's complete lack of any real relevance to much of anything for the purpose of pushing an agenda by insinuating that it is somehow relevant and meaningful to contemporary matters. Or in a word "propaganda".

Oh it's relevant.


You agree and are you saying you don't want a conspiracy sub, you just want another propaganda only sub?

You're not very bright are you?

Impressive, two comments, two personal attacks.

Impressive that you had three posts to make some kind of valid point and you still haven't said anything of an use to anyone.

There's your third personal attack.

Are you going to post a 4th useless post?

And after three posts you can't answer a simple question. Do you want this to just be another hate sub?

Ask a question. LOL.

Ok, I have a question. Why do you hate Trump so much?

Why do you need to troll?

Not trolling, just asking a question. I'm perfectly ok with you avoiding the question if you don't feel like answering it.

Then ask a relevant and useful question.

Like I said, I'm perfectly ok with you avoiding the question like you did. You have a nice night.

It's not a shit post political attack at all. This post is about the real history of our nation, which is suppressed by TPTB and not taught in school on purpose.

The dude is obviously trying to say that the Democrats are currently still like this and therefore there is some secret KKK shit and Trump isn't really liked by any KKK members. This is plainly a shit post political attack.

No, Trump is just as bad as any Democrat. They are all crooked, and their allegiance is to money, power and influence first and foremost.

I interpret this post as trying to bring light to the fact that the Democratic Party is not really what it makes itself out to be. The only difference between the Democrats and Republicans is the Democrats are better liars.

the funny part is that it seems to be kkk types or sympathisers or however youd categorize the alt right. the strategy seems to be to smear the democrats with their own name?


its not suppressed at all lol

unfortunately the people who parrot the same talking point expressed in OP seem to have not done so well in school (look at the demographics :) )

we all learned this stuff and its common knowledge that the parties werent the same a generation ago. really not difficult stuff to understand

The only hate I've ever seen is from the left- when

oh ran out of batteries

How is historical evidence backed by proof a form of shit post ?

History is the key word.

So? It's relevant to now. Because Democrats are trying to use kkk as a way to attack Republicans

Show me a Democrat linking KKK to Republicans.And you claim is "Democratc are trying. . . " So show me a Democratic doing so. What you mean is the media is linking them. So stop claiming there is a narrative that doesn't exist

Interesting history! Do you know why the white supremacists have decided to vote Republican in the last few decades?

LOL. Can you back that assertion with any facts? That appears to have been the narrative that we've been fed from the msm, but is it actually true?

Is that survey comparable to the polls that guaranteed Hillary the office of the President in the run up to election day?


It's a post election analysis.

What polls? Source me a single reputable poll that guaranteed Hillary the office of president.

sorry people who say stuff like that dont understand probability/statistics at any level

This is about education. Not racism

white counties shifted to Clinton

that's interesting though

High-education, medium-income white counties shifted to Clinton

Oh let's not cherry pick friend, I'll be better at it then you.

Interesting. So more people that went to places like berkeley and got liberal arts degrees voted clinton. Interesting

What's wrong with a liberal arts degree?

That's a good question, and I see a lot of anger towards liberal arts graduates. Maybe it's the word "liberal" that sets them off.

It tends to be from non college educated individuals as well

They may be wary of things they have no experience with. It's a common theme.

Who knows, although I enjoy people shitting on liberal arts based educations.

I went to school at one and like to think I turned out okay, but who knows, maybe I was secretly programmed to be a shill?

its a chance to feel superior to people who did things they didnt/couldnt do

4 or maybe it's because getting a useless liberal arts degree from some left-wing Nut Job activist Professor isn't the same as getting an education. It's just listening to left-wing propaganda for 4 years

So what is an education then?

check stormfront

Apparently OP has never heard of the Southern Strategy.

I'm sure they've heard, but based on their responses having a discussion isn't why they are here.

You have been banned from /r/Conservative

Lol I bet I am!

One of my favorite things about that sub is any mention of the southern strategy results in arguments, bans, and vitriol.

I was a contributor in that sub for a short period of time, years ago. There was a point where that community was accepting, to a point, of other views and the people were willing to discuss things. Then things changed over time, which I think was partially due to random redditors going in there and picking fights. I thought it was unfortunate.

Not all Trump-supporters are KKK, but every Klansman voted for Trump.

Most slave owners were Democrats, and, yes, the founders of the Klan likely were, but to pretend this reflects on either party today is deilberately obtuse.

Klansman voted for Trump

According to the George Soros MSM. LOL.

Dude the fucking ex grand wizard publicly showed his support for Trump. White supremacists were out in force a few weeks ago and they all talked about Trump. The white supremacist Daily Storm talked about how they loved that Trump didn't call out white supremacists, Nazis, and KKK members in Charlettsvile. Sorry you like the same guy as those literal Nazis. Maybe you should take a deep look into your views if that bothers you.

Dude. They're actors. It's all a show.

Oh give me a fucking break. You have to be real delusional to believe that. My friend was in Charlettsvile during those protests. I've known him since middle school. He isn't a fucking actor. His friends got hit by that fucking Nazi's car. This country has a real fucking problem right now and it isn't as simple as, it's all orchestrated, they are all actors and whatever other delusional nonsense you want to spout. If anything you're a fucking actor saying stupid bullshit so other idiots believe you to further divide this country. But I think you're just an idiot without critical thinking skills.

Final warning rule 10.

What do you call it when they string people up in trees?

I was talking about the modern day version of the KKK.

sorry i hurt your feelings 😢

Not really.

Not all Trump supporters are KKK. but almost every klansmen voted for Hillary. Not all Hillary supporters are terrorists. But every terrorist voted for Hillary

not all Hillary's voters are illegal immigrants. But every illegal immigrant voted for Hillary

David Duke and the KKK, literally, endorsed Trump, not Hillary, and illegal immigrants can't legally vote.

So, yeah, no.

MSM fake news to propagate the fake narrative that the fake KKK loves trump.


It's saying the kkk loves Clinton...

Yeah the problem is a political party (of which the definition totally hasn't changed over the years) not racism itself. Let's attack parties and divide each other, ohh. Good one. Global prosperity is one successful democratic/Republican party in power away right guys? Guys?

Today KKK are FBI.

They were back during the Greensboro Massacre as well. 1979.

It began as a masonic organization. Same people that were agitating for the US Civil War, like Albert Pike and Judah Benjamin, Knights of the Golden Circle, etc.

good God. yes ignore what they all say today, from stormfront to richard spencer, and look at that 'democrat' word.

does anyone think this is useful information? Im always seeing the far right wing people parrot this talking point, but i think they are the only people simple enough to think it has any bearing on current political parties

Good timing, OP. This was just broadcast last night:

Because the way things were a century ago is the way things are now... I guess I'll go shit in my outhouse and ride my horse to work at the asbestos factory.

I'm just pointing out the facts.

It's well known. What's the conspiracy? I never understand why people point this fact out. They always seem to want to try and prove that republicans are not racist because the KKK was part of the Democratic party like it has some bearing on what is going on today. In my opinion all it does is make Democrats look good. They were racist but they decided it was wrong and came to their senses and now they don't act racist and fought for civil rights. Republicans on the other hand were the party of Lincoln who freed the slaves, now they are thinking better of it and the party is full of white supremacists? Seems like the Democrats are a lot more reasonable to me.

And after three posts you can't answer a simple question. Do you want this to just be another hate sub?

MSM fake news to propagate the fake narrative that the fake KKK loves trump.


Nope, once again incorrect.

and those who oppose Nazis

So what you actually mean by this is paid ANTIFA protesters showing up in masks with weapons.. bussed in by the people writing their paychecks.

Yeah, it was one-sided...

I don't know you, or your friends, so unfortunately, your claims hold very little weight with me.

Do you not think it's possible that there could be more to the story than what is being reported by the MSM? I mean, come on. We've been consistently lied to for a long time now.

I was talking about the modern day version of the KKK.


are you saying racists arent real, or that soros controls all racists? im confused how you explain the rest of the kkk's or soros activities