Just some thoughts on my Anti-Semitism.

0  2017-09-05 by [deleted]



So the only redeemable (insert anu group here) are the ones that accept all their ancestors crimes?

What country do you come from?

You know what, that's a simple way of putting it that I never once considered. Shouldn't life be about trying and learning from mistakes, whether our own or other's?

I know it was asked rhetorically, but that's succinct.

The issue is for every genocide/ethnic hatred both sides have such long memories and thus both are equally bad overall but they can't break the cycle.

Let's imagine that if the kurds started expanding their territory in the middle east and began butchering villages of other ethnic groups they could easily point to hundreds of times when they were killed for no reason besides who they were

Totaly agree. I'm Polish, one of my grandfathers during WWII was forced labor in a coal mine after being caught in the resistance. The other one once the USSR took over confiscated his lands for owning too much and imprisioned him. One grandma sent to Kazakstan to work the fields. The other escaped any wrongness.

I could be pissed at both countries, or move on. I've dated two German descent women. Amazing people. If I was stuck in hatred. I'd never experience that good in my life.

Jewish groups have amazing communities and support. They help each other to get ahead in the world. Instead of blasting them we should strive to make our communities as strong. Learn from others.

Of course those groups do lead to anti semitism because they aid jews in being successful fuelling the conspiracy of 'da jooz'

Poland is a great example of a country where you could literally list hundreds of years of atrocities by say Russia but it doesn't achieve much

There is anti-semitisim, but mostly in order folk. It's peculiar as I was growing up I heard plenty of "jokes" about news from Uncles and Aunts. The generation that came after would straight up ignore them very apparently, it was very jarring and the younger group never made these remarks. Maybe sometimes a generation needs to pass before people move on.

Great post. Get prepared to get crucified.

It's the jews. The JEEEWWWSSS.


Our enemy isn't actually the Zionists. At all. It's what is being accused of them - lust for power, control, greed, dehumanization of people and the like are the enemies. They don't do "jew magic" and have their orders magically carried out, it's the willing participation of the majority of the society. It's the acknowledgment of the game.

You think racism, hatred and the desire for a "pure race" is only for the Zionists to believe? No, but these are our enemies too. We can't answer racism with racism or hatred with hatred, well only rebrand the oppression with our own, which is why I think it's foolish to cry jews or Zionism or blame this race or that one. It's our minds, our perspective that shapes reality.

I know about the religion of our enemy. They hate humans, and seek to enslave us. The majority of society is clueless, and do not believe the truth when told.

Again, the problem is the lust for power over others and hatred itself. The extremist Muslims have been accused of the same thing, and the crusades were about the same thing. Take your pick, but at the core are the views I've mentioned earlier. Don't get distracted by categories.

The problem is the lust for power over others and hatred itself. The extremist Muslims have been accused of the same thing, and the crusades were about the same thing. Take your pick, but at the core are the views I've mentioned earlier. Don't get distracted by categories.

You mention extremist Muslims, but they are being moved into Europe and elsewhere. I assume it is for a reason.

Probably because their countries are being destroyed by war and displacing millions. If their countries/cities were more habitable, then I'm sure there's no reason for them to be immigrants. Now when you mix radically different beliefs, there's going to be conflict. I've read and seen the news on what these people are doing and find it disturbing, but again it's about the act itself. It's not only found in a specific race. We shouldn't be sensitive about their beliefs if they're enforcing them on to others with violence. It should be stopped and those people should be held accountable. Just like any other human that perpetrates these sorts of crimes.

Yes, you are right. I have been telling people that for a while. Look at Central and South America. The people there are not allowed to build the lives that they want. The Cabal, who controls the CIA, go in and steal their natural resources and enslave the native people. The native people want a better life, but they have to leave their home country, and many illegally immigrate to the U.S.

If we stop interfering with other countries, then the immigration problem goes away, but that will not happen.

The Cabal is driven by greed and a hatred of humanity.

I agree. We should support our neighbors from afar. And yes I believe this is so. So long as the powers that be are of that orientation, there's going to be a lot of harmful-to-humanity type situations.

Congrats you came to a final solution that Hitler would be proud of. You truly are enlightened.

Can't tell if sarcasm or not.

Sarcasm, there's nothing enlightened about being a racist

I see. That's what I was thinking, but I do know of some people that would believe it to be enlightened activity or gods work or something crazy like that.

Lol. What is racist about being against a religion? Religion is not race. Besides, he is talking about anti-Zionism, but calling it anti-Semitism for some reason.

He says "jews", also his latter comments make clear he believes all jews are somehow complicit

Yes, he does say Jews but I think he means Zionists. The anti-Zionist Jews believe that Israel should not exist because they should not have a homeland until their Messiah returns.

Which brings up another point. God kicked the Jews out and dispersed them. Does this mean that God is anti-Semitic, too?

I am an Atheist, but others believe this stuff.

I don't agree, you can believe that israel should exist while accepting supposed wrongdoing in the past. You would be a zionist but to OP be ok

I am sure we can come up with all sorts of combinations. What do you think of the plight of the Palestinians?

The ones who were genocided are now committing the genocide, no?

Yea Judaism can be treated as a race, feel free to google it. Anti-Zionism is just racist/anti-semites just trying to justify their hate for Jewish people as smart. I know you won't agree so I think it's best we end here.

Yes, I disagree.

Calling someone racist and saying that they only hate Jews because their smart is a very unproductive thought-terminating cliche. Perhaps open your mind and try to understand why people might feel this way, and why over 100 societies throughout history, all over the world, have kicked them out.

I wasn't saying that jewish people are smart( some are some aren't just like any group of people) I was saying that ant semites claim to be anti zionists because they think its an intelligent way to hide the fact that they're racists.

Ah, I see. Do you think its possible that there is a group of people, who happen to be Jewish, who control most of the positions of power in the US and Israel and support Jewish supremacy at the expense of the goyim, etc?

Let's just assume you believe this to be true (you may not and that's fine). Could you be against this group without being against all Jews? Personally, I've known many Jewish people and some of them were extremely nice, good people. I don't consider myself anti-semitic because I don't judge a Jewish person just because they're Jewish. I have certainly been accused of being anti-semitic for things like questioning the official narrative of the Holocaust and WW2. I may be anti-Zionist, or whatever you want to call them, though. Does that make sense?

I think anythings possible but I don't believe that to be true. Let me put it this way i've never heard someone use any version of goy who isn't pretending like they're not anti-semetic (they are).

Same shit to me as someone saying I know black people and some are great people but lets be honest a lot, are criminals, lazy, welfare queens, etc... That is racist, I doubt you agree but thats what i think

I don't know what to tell you. I really don't hate Jews, I just think there is a very powerful sect of Jews who do have far more control than most people know, and who do look at non-Jews as worthless goyim to be exploited. And that is exactly what they are doing and have been doing for a long time now.

And i think thats a thinly veiled reasoning to justify being a racist

If that's what you think, so be it. It really doesn't matter one way or the other. Personally, I think labeling someone as a racist for the beliefs I laid out above is pretty lazy and stupid way of thinking. I'm not sure how anything I said could be characterized as being based on my own racial superiority. I think "racist" is just a thought-terminating buzzword that has been firmly implanted into impressionable young minds like your own by the media.

Equating Judaism with zionism as you do is extremely antisemitic. Indeed you are exhibiting the full extent of your prejudice by assuming all Jews would subscribe to a collectivist and supremacist policy of conquest and death.

Not all whites are KKK. Not all blacks are black panther. Not all Jews are zionists (actually most zionists in the world are not Jewish).

Yep you got me, I'm anti-Semitic because I don't think hiding behind the label of anti-zionist prevents someone from being racist...good point

The final solution was not to expel them.

Hitler's initial plan for Jews was to forcibly remove them from German territory it evolved to killing over time.

Yes, but the foreign powers resisted relocation. The Final Solution was much more sinister. If Hitler had gone after the international bankers instead of the poor Jews, then his place in history would be very different. Hitler captured a Rothschild, but ransomed him. That was a mistake. Hitler was also influenced by the Jesuits. That was another mistake.

Ya but his biggest mistake was deciding that all of Germany's ills could be attributed to a group of people and over time deciding that the best way to deal with that was genocide.

Oh, I agree. WW2 happened because Hitler kicked out the bankers and took control of the German Central bank. No more usury or inglation, and the German economy improved a lot.

WW2 happened because Germany decided that they had a right to take Poland

That was the excuse given. And a very weak one at that if you study what actually happened. Of course they aren't going to say "We declare war on Germany for kicking out the international banking cartel that controls our governments."

The Polish were massacring Germans who were living in Polish controlled land that was annexed from Germany after WW1. Hitler warned them many times to stop, but they didn't.

Sounds like your empathy is trying to tell you not to hate, but you want to come up with excuses to rationalize your ignorant bigotry so you don't have to deal with the shame and guilt associated with the realization that you hold hateful and stupid view points.

Hatred is never the answer. Also, I have several Jewish friends who are very critical of Israel and Zionism and their exclusionary, destructive tactics. You're making some pretty sweeping statements. (This coming from someone who had a Holocaust revisionist conversation yesterday in which I was arguing how crazy it is we aren't able to question the 6 million number)

How do they react when talked about the elite's conspiracies? do they accept it or shout Anti-Semite? how many Jews do you know that are willing to accept the fact of the elites conspiring against us?

Like I said, a few. One of my closest Jewish friends is one of the most knowledgeable conspiracy theorists around-- you better believe she thinks there's a problem.

I'm Jewish and voted for Trump. I don't support the Zionists. I'm just an average person, a stay home Mom. I'm not a fan of Soros and all the others. So no, we are not all brainwashed.

I was born and raised in the USA. I can trace my maternal line back to 1750 here in the USA. I'm not leaving either.

Thank you for posting that. There is a lot of confusion about anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. They are not the same.

You are talking about Zionists, not Jews. Keep in mind that Hitler wanted to expel them but was rebuffed. Some Jews made it to Cuba, but were sent back to Europe. Why didn't the Zionist bankers save them? Are the Zionist bankers anti-Semitic?

There are some Jews that are anti-Zionist.

It is important to use the correct language when discussing this issue.

Op why post this personal hate confession in r/conspiracy?

If you must know, I don't have a lot of places to rant anymore...

reddit is full of hate subs try r donald.

The conspiracy undone sub seems really hateful too.

This is clearly recruitment, he posts a diatribe of overt anti semitism. Sees who is sympathetic to his cause then gets in touch with them. There's no point to this post other then to say "hey I hate Jewish people, here's why" and then see who agrees.

Below he says there's no where else for him to rant, but with views like OPs there are many boards designed specifically for this type of rant that I'm sure they are more than familiar with. But no op comes here ( community that is likely to have some who agree) plays the victim and try's to make new anti Semitic friends.

This couldn't be more transparent

I have an open mind but have no interest in entertaining the thoughts of racists and bigots

Doesn't sound that open then. You know these racists and bigots are humans, right? Why not hear them out and explain to them why they are wrong?

Unless, that is, you are afraid they might have a compelling argument

Theres no compelling way to say one group of people is inherently worse than another, and seeing how it is all iterations of that as their argument i think I've entertained it enough

Well perhaps you could help them straighten out their thinking then

I think the problem is that many of them follow the Talmud. From my perspective, the Talmud is less a religious book and more a book to be followed in order for Jews to control and mold society solely for their benefit, and at the expense of all us goyim.

Through their tribal nepotism, they control the top level positions of the media, Hollywood, banking, and politics. With control of these levers of power, they are able to influence the thinking of most of the general populace very easily. And they introduce degeneracy and other things harmful to the fabric of society, not to mention plundering our wealth through interest and inflation.

Certainly not all Jews are in on this game, but those who are in on the game are mostly Jewish.

The thing I don't get is why they have their own word for those that are opposed to them or don't like them in any way or form whatsoever. Keep in mind I have no problem with anybody and try to love/accept all, but this for some reason strikes me as odd.


uh wut? Why is there a word for that? https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Futurama-Fry.jpg

How do they react when talked about the elite's conspiracies? do they accept it or shout Anti-Semite? how many Jews do you know that are willing to accept the fact of the elites conspiring against us?

Yes, but the foreign powers resisted relocation. The Final Solution was much more sinister. If Hitler had gone after the international bankers instead of the poor Jews, then his place in history would be very different. Hitler captured a Rothschild, but ransomed him. That was a mistake. Hitler was also influenced by the Jesuits. That was another mistake.

WW2 happened because Germany decided that they had a right to take Poland