Hurricane Irma
8 2017-09-06 by Not_A_Biased_Bot
Someone said to me that the government can control weather patterns, and there are declassified documents that show capabilities of using lightning to strike targets. Could Irma be manufactured? Could it be used as a ploy to distract the public against something bigger?
1 ABrilliantDisaster 2017-09-06
If nothing else, ask yourself what exactly would stop the government from using weather warfare? Simple weather manipulation was going on almost 50 years ago.
1 EnoughNoLibsSpam 2017-09-06
its flooding down in Texas... all of the telephone lines are down
1 mastigia 2017-09-06
I'm not generally given to the spiritual woo...but there is seriously something weird in the atmosphere out here right now. Air is like breathing anxiety. Anyone else feeling anything like that?
1 PreachyVegan 2017-09-06
Out in the mountains and it's very smoky from all the fires, a bit eerie. Then a meteor flew by and exploded last night, causing a HUGE flash of light and a sonic boom like an earthquake... I keep saying to my friends, 'things feel a bit fucky right now'. So yes, also feeling like the atmosphere is a bit weird.
1 mastigia 2017-09-06
Glad I'm not alone. And normally I think the posts we get those biweekly "does anyone else feel like something is about to happen?" are straight psyop temperature checks. But honestly not feeling right atm.
1 PreachyVegan 2017-09-06
You are never alone! I stopped feeling anxious about those 'is something about to happen' posts and just let it all go... feel like they were sort of temperature checks too but they create anxiety too. Something might happen, something might not happen. It's beyond my control. Everything is made of energy so certainly we feel things around us all the time. Whatever they may be. Demonstrate extreme self care, be prepared for anything and keep on trucking. Hope you feel more 'right' soon my friend.
1 MilkyWitness 2017-09-06
Are you in Oregon?
1 PreachyVegan 2017-09-06
nope, good old Canada.
1 WaitTilUSeeMyDick 2017-09-06
Yes. The vibe is... At the very least a "uncertain anticipating calm". Which can be paranoid, skeptical, or advantageous, depending on where you are individually
1 mastigia 2017-09-06
Literally just started pouring outside, thunder and rain. We hardly ever see that here. It was probably just static haha.
1 EnoughNoLibsSpam 2017-09-06
I'm rolling thunder, pouring rain
1 EnoughNoLibsSpam 2017-09-06
i can feel it coming in the air tonight
1 DirtyBird9889 2017-09-06
Soon they will start blaming the climate chaos on Trump. I'm just surprised they didn't wait until next year.
I have been paying attention to suspected weather manipulation for several years now. It appears that the weather manipulators are not able to create tsunamis or high winds. They are really only able to laken it rain a lot. Most of the damage comes from overflowing dams and spillways.
Also, the organizations that control spillways and dam levels have shown a suspicious ineptitude in the moments leading up to hurricanes in recent years.
I can't remember what that one that hit Columbia in 2015 was called, but it was as if the state was ensuring the most damage possible. They let the water out of the dam just as it began to rain which ensured that the spilways were full when they needed to be empty to be effective.
Another interesting one is Patricia. It was supposedly the most powerful hurricane of all time and it hit land in Mexico and did virtually no damage, but then caused flooding in TX.
Irma is supposed to be extremely powerful, but watch, we will experience it as rain. Likely lots of it.
1 PreachyVegan 2017-09-06
hmmm, interesting and true observation. it does seem limited to rain. let's see what happens this time.
1 EnoughNoLibsSpam 2017-09-06
still rainin'
1 EnoughNoLibsSpam 2017-09-06
i love the rainy night!
1 Not_A_Biased_Bot 2017-09-06
I remember reading about our ability to enhance or slow down hurricanes. The reason for this is we can send frequencies that vibrate certain particulates (metals and ions?) and align them with certain wavelengths, changing their tendencies. Idk it's been a while honestly so take it as you would an onion article or anything on Reddit without proof. I've noticed first hand many weather mitigation attempts (there are laws and bills that point to this) involving rain production, especially around airports, but I just don't know to what degree this hurricane shit is literally manmade.
What bothers me, too, is the hoard of theories, which sound uneducated, and to me, it seems that often the peddlers of these theories aren't informed or patient. However, sometimes it makes sense. But as Chomsky said: sometimes we want to believe it was a conspiracy because what we see is so unbelievable and unexplainable (why else would we keep using fossil fuels?).
I don't know, I can't know, maybe I won't know
1 PreachyVegan 2017-09-06
The short answer is yes. 'They' are absolutely controlling the weather and getting pretty good at it, so it would appear. Natural disasters are a great way to create chaos that unleashes martial law, etc. At the very least it lends credibility to 'climate change' which is definitely part of the power that be's agenda. So many possible scenarios... stay up all night researching :)
1 MilkyWitness 2017-09-06
Yeah pretty much. They controlled Katrina, they controlled Harvey, now Irma (who knows what else). I remember hearing some military official saying they could have stopped Katrina with ~8 airplanes with special tech if they wanted to but didn't. Cannot find that video at all though..
1 Not_A_Biased_Bot 2017-09-06
So here's my issue with this statement. I've spent a lot of my adult life backpacking, traveling, and eventually settling down and being a contributing member of society (buzz buzz). I've read about actual cover-ups, seen many of our capabilities first hand, and been lucky enough to have two family members, one of which has been working for the government in the aerospace division and one who works in the private sector doing contract work. I've gotten a good feel and look at how the mechanisms operate.
What I can say with the least doubt: there are things that seem to be provoked, planned or produced by very illusive actors in the world. Sometimes, we know what we're told is a lie, sometimes we don't. But when we know it's a lie, we don't often know what is behind the lie.
For example, 9/11 theorists were many and their opinions were diverse. Some said it was Saudis. Some said it was Bush. Some claimed it was the Illuminati, some claimed it was the NWO's plans, and many more. The science that convinced me was the footages that defied that the senate committee found to be the case (for example, one was that there had to be an explosion in the trade centers to explain the speed and arc of certain debris caught on camera). That says to me we had an incomplete conclusion.
That could be because: -There were rushed politics to get the war machine out of the garage -Much like this administration, there were a bunch of dumb asses in power who didn't want to look bad -It was so intricate of a plot, we'd look foolish to reveal it -It was an inside job -Etc.
All of those are plausible. Depending on what set of facts one looks at and the conclusion they make, it'll seem that way. There was no conclusion based on all the publicly available facts. That's why so many damn conspiracists gained traction. When we don't know, anything is possible, and the more unbelievable something seems, the more malicious we think the intent to be.
Same with this hurricane stuff. Where's the evidence that the government or some private contractor has interacted with hurricanes and produced/accelerated them? I was lucky enough to get to see the creator of HAARP give a great speech on his tech and how it can be used to alter the weather to dramatic degrees. But to what degree and where the evidence of that actually is, I don't know.
All I'm saying is, could doesn't mean is. Possible doesn't mean happening.
1 Danbing1 2017-09-06
People are more willing to believe in secret weather machines being controlled by sinister forces than climate change...
1 bozobozo 2017-09-06
Why not both?
1 duganaok 2017-09-06
I would say one is irrational.
1 bozobozo 2017-09-06
One is clearly happening to the earth and the other has been shown to work.
1 HelperBot_ 2017-09-06
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1 Not_A_Biased_Bot 2017-09-06
For sure. I'm not arguing against man-made climate change. We're definitely and increasing the frequency and intensity of storms. House bills passed for weather mitigation are available for you to find on any website that grants you access to legislature. The creator of HAARP systems has spoken of what his technology does. There are many "HAARP farms" that people trip over saying it's there to control mind's--I don't think so, but I'm not certain (who is certain of anything?). We're very capable of changing jet streams, and weather. Heck, even countries like Russia and Iran did weather mitigation tests in the mid-late 1900's.
1 hrccbr1000rr 2017-09-06
Could be as simple as they are softening us up for the false flag that is incoming.
1 Not_A_Biased_Bot 2017-09-06
I just don't like the evidence I see, ya know? This Admin is the anti-establishment to the current establishment. Non-scientists filling roles of scientists, "former" bankers regulating banks, former industry workers regulating their own industry, anti-public education Devos gets appointed head of the edu dept, and the list goes on and on and on.
It's like the poison is seeping into individual roots of every agency (appointees making policy changes that create domino effects down the agency ladder). And in the midst of it, hardest flood the US has ever seen, Russia is fucking with AI, N. Korea is going bananas, the media here is literally excluding Kim Jong Un's statements that they're willing to put all their nukes on the table if the US backs the fuck off (I'm sure china supports that), and frankly, much more.
1 hrccbr1000rr 2017-09-06
I hear you, I like little to nothing that is going on right now. It feels like we get what TPTB want no matter what we do and of course people will say, well duh. But it's now becoming SO obvious that you would think even the "Trumpers" and "GOPers" might get it. Think about it Trump had it all and the GOP wouldn't work at all with him. It's like a stall to the midterms where they can tank on purpose and then say well, there's nothing we can do. The system is setup to be gridlock so we can all bitch about our side. And then nothing ever changes.
1 10000snakes 2017-09-06 I know it seems fake but the evidence is overwhelming. Watch one of the videos and decide for yourself. I believe these are definitely manipulated storms.. and look who they are targeting.... Florida and Texas both the biggest republican states.
1 Not_A_Biased_Bot 2017-09-06
Right, but also in 2007 and 1998 we had two identical situations, plus, those states are in hurricane paths. I've seen footage and video, even pics of the eye of hurricane's being geometric.
1 EnoughNoLibsSpam 2017-09-06
I'm rolling thunder, pouring rain