Lurker Here, Have a question?

0  2017-09-06 by samuel_petard

I come here in one day or two to check if any new interesting conspiracy have come up

But I have a meta question

Has this sub gone from T_D 2.0 to R/politics 2.0 in two days?

Tone, comments, content everything has changed suddenly

What happened?


No. The sub just isn't a safe haven for the Donald as much as it was and everything g is being treated more balanced.

The tone should certainly have been expected to change once they got rid of mods who were literally using multiple alt accounts to manipulate the sub.

Thanks for illustrating OP's point. Well done!

Could you explain? Your comment doesn't seem to very sober.

It's not cocktail hour yet 😞

Ok so you can't explain. Just saw something you didn't like and typed some words. Coo.

Taking lessons from someone that literally spews nonsense nearly a comment per minute, lol.

Can you counter any of my points or is it just antics with you too?

You've seen this guy? He's a troll.

What are you stalking me now kid. Do you have anything to contribute to the post. Wtf? Weird.

I already contributed more than you.

You have literally only made two posts stalking me not one single comment related to the op at all.

Like I said weird. You are having a full blown internet meltdown. Embarrassing

I'm having a meltdown but you're a) racially abusing me and b) sliding into my DMs?

/u/jamescolespardon are you going to do anything about him or do I need to go to the Reddit admins?

Go cry to the admins dude. The meltdown is complete. I decimated every argument on race you made and you devolved into some weird hand clap emoji meltdown.

Take a break.

You have a very strange idea of what decimation means. You haven't contributed anything in any conversation you've been having on here other than casual racism.

Keep accusing me of racism while you melted down with the hand clap emojis dude. It's really sad watching you flail around cry to the mods and now the admins because you got owned in an argument on race and discrimination.

I'm curious as to how this doesn't constitute trolling, and I'm very sure I didn't get "owned" by the guy that doesn't think positive discrimination is discrimination.

Positive discrimination? You didn't hear a word I said. Affirmative action does not involve discrimination in any way shape or form in the United States. You are a hand clapping broken record that just sticks to your guns even after things have been intelligently defined for you.

Ah yes I must have forgotten the part where the subject of this thread (Munroe) was in the US.

Never mind that even in the US blacks get an effective +230 and Hispanics a +185 on their SAT scores when applying to elite colleges. But that's not discrimination apparently.

Keep falling back on that MUH but Europe line. And I really need you to review the United States Supreme Court cases on public education affirmative action before you go spouting off white supremacist talking points that are literally made up.

It's not "falling back", unless you mean sticking to the topic of the thread. Which Supreme Court ruling are you referring to? Because all the ones I can find seem to contradict you for example:

This is real tiring you know; it's been a long time and you still can't tell me how discriminating in favour of minorities isn't discrimination (because it's a fundamentally flawed position). That's fine though - I'm going to assume that you have sailed through life never needing to be any good on the basis of affirmative action and put you on silent.

That's the best thing to do with racists.

You brought up SAT scores dude. Wow. You lose that argument and then start crying about what the OP was about.

And I'm white as Jon snow buddy. So much for your profiling.

And omg as if you can read an actual 75 page brief and understand it at all. I will tldr for you.

The affirmative action program employed by the university of Texas is constitutional and is not considered by any measure of the law to be discriminatory.

Let me ask you this brother, do you believe dark skinned people are genetically inferior in any way?

And do yourself a favor and check out brown vs board of education.

FWIW - decimated means to reduce by 10%.

The work you're looking for most likely is Obliterate.

Haha a good point from someone to counter me finally. Thanks jcp.

Report the racist comments please.

Removed. Rule 10.

I thought they only got rid of one mod?

Well the one mod and all his alt accounts he used to literally manipulate the sub.


This irony is triggering me so baddddd 🤗

The "other side" of the useful idiots brigaded. Don't bother with "hot". Use "new". That's how I found this before one side or the other sank their teeth in. When a thread gets big it gets shit on by the opposite faction justifying it with "DAE IT REACHED R.ALL? THEREFORE IT IS JUSTIFIED FOR US TO COME IN AND BASTARDIZE THIS THREAD".

R.Pol and T_D don't give a fuck about an issue outside of how they can benefit from spinning it. They will both fuck a topic up if it doesn't match their narrative.

Meanwhile I look at both as brainwashed chumps. The President got elected. He is thereby owned. It will go no differently than if Hillary got elected. Bought, sold, owned. Bribery, extortion, or outright threats. Take your pick.

this ^

Big mod upheaval lately, there is/was a sticky.
Unsure if related, but more likely than sudden parallel universe.

Literally no one on the mod team changed except one person.

That certainly has been the goal of a concerted bunch. Many folks have moved on to other subs after growing tired of fighting bots determined to make sure the content here is indistinguishable from your facebook/snopes's news feed.

That certainly has been the goal of a concerted bunch.

That is certainly one possibility. There is another. Humans are emotional creatures. Have we simply witnessed another example of how humans tend to get caught up in their own egos?

I guess this is irony. No, the bots don't have emotion.

Feel like this post and many of the comments are a total setup.

Any so called "Lurker" who's been here at all in the past week would have an idea of what's been going down.

Check out /r/conspiracyundone if want a different atmosphere.

Remove comment if not allowed.

try r/alternativehistory

Could you explain? Your comment doesn't seem to very sober.

What's racist about it?