What the hell happened here?

12  2017-09-06 by [deleted]

The same people that want you to criticize Trumps every move turn around a defend Obama. Guess what? We got duped by BOTH of them. They both promised change that didn't happen. They both support ever reaching surveillance and war. We only have the illusion of choice when it comes to presidents or even a lot of things. There is no right side in this thing. People who voted differently than you are not the cause of everything shitty the government does. Why do we keep blaming each other for things we have absolutely no control over while the people who are actually ruining shit go unnoticed? It's not a surprise Trump is turning out to be like every other president so why is it so important we act like all this is new or different?


What exactly has President Trump done wrong?

Personally I don't like his stance on surveillance or when it comes to state power. He likes the idea of militarizing police. Stuff like that.

So you supported Obama?

No. But I didn't obsess over making him look like a bad guy either.

Depends on perspective. Conservatives love him, liberals hate him. We'd be in the same boat with any Republican, they just wouldn't sound like a child delivering the message.

We'd be in the same boat with anyone. Ya'll need to move past republican/democrat and realise they all work for the same people. And those people ain't us.

Among others things, net neutrality and marijuana legalization would be different. And I'm sure people benefiting from DACA would disagree.

Attacked Syria, shipped arms to Saudi Arabia to attack Yemen, arms to Ukraine, threatened Iran, N Korea, not pulled military out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya...

Same shit, different actor. No surprises here.

I really wouldnt call dropping some tomahawks on some canisters really attacking Syria. I don't have an answer for SA thing. Show me something that says Trump armed Ukraine. What President HASNT threatened Iran. Has he actually done anything at all to North Korea? Im pretty damn sure (Im sure you wont take my word for it but it has to do with Soros Open Society Foundation and sending out "refugees" from these countries) he has a good reason to have troops in those countries for the time being. I have heard Trump doing anything in Libya.

SA is interesting. Trump strongly implied that SA was behind 9/11 during his campaign, then he sells them $110 BILLION in arms. How is that not treason?

I'll be honest because I respect your past comments. Good question that I don't have an answer for. I think Trump does a lot of shit just to see how people react. But I'm not necessarily saying that's the thing here cause I don't know. I think that's why he did the Syria bomb thing and the Afghanistan bomb. To see how someone reacts to see if their actions are the same as their words.

Imo theres a lot of shit can't come right out and say because the general public is so brainwashed so bad they would turn on him. For example im damn confident he's going against Israel right now, but he has to skirt all around because the general public would call him antisemite and probably call for his head.

8D chess then. I don't buy it. He's Republican Obama, imo. His party loves him, other party hates him -- divide and rule. Foreign policy marches onward.

Right on man. Keep on doin your thing. Be safe.

If you truly see Trump as infallible then you are just as silly as the blind Obama supporters. He may end up doing some good but he is far from a perfect president.

Your attacking me because I asked a simple question?

Not attacking you just said you may be silly. Also I can tell that it is you instantly downvoting my replies to your comments and that is what I made my assumption based off of. Is there a reason you are downvoting my every response? I was just being honest with you.

You downvoted me on my simple question right off the bat.

Nope you are mistaken. I haven't downvoted a single comment in this thread. I don't typically downvote except for comments I find extremely ignorant. I voted for Trump bud but I am still skeptical of his intentions. I have hope but not much confidence.

I'll take your word for it. I reversed them all. Thanks for discussing this with a level head. Ive noticed that is rare here.

That's all I want to come back to this sub. People used to actually discuss here and not just dismiss whole ideas before they are even presented.

It's not a surprise Trump is turning out to be like every other president so why is it so important we act like all this is new or different?

It keeps people voting at all.

From the user level it's far easier to bitch or praise a leader than to make real changes where you stand.

From the systemic level, if nobody's thinking about you then you've lost your power.

This combination of perspectives leads those invested in the system to instigate pointless discussions about things we already know or boldfaced lies, the user then is able to perpetuate the discussion instead of engaging in productive behavior.

From the user level it's far easier to bitch or praise a leader than to make real changes where you stand.

Very well said. The reality is that most people are incapable of making positive changes to their own lives. They have tried and failed. They have tried and failed to lose wight, or to save money, or even to read books. It is all too hard in an age of instant gratification, a world at our fingertips in every smartphone.

Sadly the conspiracy subculture is overrun by downtrodden people looking for somebody to blame, rather than the person in the mirror. H.L. Mencken was right. How many people really want to think for themselves, though?

Hello, Fellow Traveller!

Do you have a lead on any online communities where there's some critical thought and problem solving among action oriented individuals?

Greetings. They say dreaming is dead, but that's not true. There are still dreamers out there. It is just that nobody teaches it any more.

I have searched far and wide and it is difficult to find honest, open, non-partisan discussion about what this existence is, what is happening, and why. There are forums like GLP which are full of legitimately insane people (or people pretending to be). Too much doomporn, same as zerohedge. Most places which discuss conspiracy are still oblivious to the most important elements of 9/11 (some even ban discussion of it).

I often post links to fakeologist.com where they are at least completely awake to media fakery. They don't much discuss the JQ there but if that is your thing there are plenty of outlets for that. Sadly, those outlets are oblivious to media fakery. It is tough to find a place that is truly open to everything.

If you know of somewhere worth visiting, please let me know.


There are a couple of interesting threads to tug on and users to interact with over at /r/sorceryofthespectacle and /r/ancientfutures

What tends to interest me the most these days is the previously unseen ground of language being used to manufacture "meaning" to great effect. The map being the territory because we all have the map, everybody knows the mappitory!

There are people who've traveled to the undefined edges, realized that anything is possible there and never wrote "There be dragons here." Although, the dragons on the map can be as real as one requires. It can remap the whole territory for you, or you just might prefer to remain in the territory instead of the demanding photorealistic map.


The government has them all convinced that gay marriage and gun control are what separates liberals from conservatives. So in that regard the murdering, lying Obama is a hero, while the murdering, lying Trump is a murdering liar. Same goes for the other side though, so don't mistake me for taking sides here. (this should be a popular comment)

And how many years after years are those going to be key issues for people when there are much more important things to worry about. Let women have abortions, let gays marry, and let people own their guns and lets fucking move on.

Well from what I have seen that divide has started to erode. Not that people on both sides of the issues no longer care about it, but because focus started to be placed on government corruption, the stakes were raised. We're having a little Nazi vs. Commie civil war now, courtesy of COINTELPRO and stand down orders to police.

I'm afraid there will always be some hot ticket item to distract us.

Greetings. They say dreaming is dead, but that's not true. There are still dreamers out there. It is just that nobody teaches it any more.

I have searched far and wide and it is difficult to find honest, open, non-partisan discussion about what this existence is, what is happening, and why. There are forums like GLP which are full of legitimately insane people (or people pretending to be). Too much doomporn, same as zerohedge. Most places which discuss conspiracy are still oblivious to the most important elements of 9/11 (some even ban discussion of it).

I often post links to fakeologist.com where they are at least completely awake to media fakery. They don't much discuss the JQ there but if that is your thing there are plenty of outlets for that. Sadly, those outlets are oblivious to media fakery. It is tough to find a place that is truly open to everything.

If you know of somewhere worth visiting, please let me know.