Documentation of US Dept of Defense admitting ‘losing’ $6.5 trillion ($65,000 per average US family), with 18 year history of ‘losing’ trillions. Your .01% illegal rogue state government at ‘work’ until ‘We the People’ demand arrests for OBVIOUS crimes in war, looting, lying

103  2017-09-07 by wildfireonvenus

...We’ve already documented how the global so-called “elite” 1% are now wealthier than the 99% while ~30,000 children die daily from preventable poverty in gruesomely-slow agony. Just 62 people on Earth own more than the bottom 50%, with the most recent data of just five humans owning almost more than the poorest half of us (a ratio of 5: 3,500,000,000 or 1:750,000,000).

The US .1% own more than the bottom 90%.

The top 20 Americans (.000006%) own more than the bottom 50%.

The top three public benefits of monetary and banking reform would add ~$1,000,000 to every US household.

The lies of omission and commission by US “leaders” with legal fiduciary responsibility to communicate full and transparent economic data to never advise Americans of these options is a massive crime causing damages in the trillions of dollars yearly.

Our current system of creating what we use for money as debt has the so-called “developed” and “former” colonial nations $50 trillion in debt, and lying for public austerity rather than admit the option of monetary and banking reforms.

Demand .01% arrests for Orwellian lies and crimes

The categories of crime we can demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt now include:

Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit).

Likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths.

Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing intentional policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).

Tens of trillions in looting beyond the $6.5 trillion just reported by the US Department of “Defense” as “lost.”


I wish I could lose $6.5 trillion and just shrug it off...

"What did you do with all that cash?"

"Uhh, would you believe me if I said... we lost it?"

"Oh yeah, oh well, that's reasonable."

This is unacceptable and if we don't do something, the financial suffering and heartaches that come with it could be overwhelming. We need to get off of trade and into a gifting economy where we just work and consume for free. This way we will defeat the people who enslaved us using money.

WTF are those poor people in Texas going to do? 1 million cars were destroyed along with homes and businesses. Either all these people need potentially billions on donations to start all over again or they just work in a gifting economy where everyone works and consumes for free. The latter option seems optimal.

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When I read 1 million cars destroyed it reminded me of this article about huge car lots of unsold cars that are sitting all over the world.

"Thousands Of Unsold New Cars Are Being Abandoned And Left To Die In Lots. This Is Insane."

As a rich Jew banker in china I say tough shit

I got mine

The every man for himself motto doesn't work. It works for the cabal but not for us.

Yay it's lightbringerflex!

Ok let's start from the top buddy

I have fish and you have corn

I want your corn but you don't want fish.

You follow sacred economics.

I say, give me all your corn right now, I promise you a sacred economics credit for it later. You give it.

I sell all your corn and all my fish to people in other countries that don't follow sacred economics

You ask for fish, I say go fuck yourself

The cop who follows sacred economics says he only works from 1am-5am and that he is allowed to sleep while he works and that nowhere in the sacred economics model does it say he has to be awake to earn his labor credit

You die of starvation

Khazars win again

Still thinking Israel is ending in 2018? I will bet you everything I own that (((ivanka trump))) is probably not gonna let it happen pal


That's not how it works. Kushner is done. Ivanka holds little power.

We need to make this a planetwide program so that you can't sell to other countries. Also, the policy is consume as you go. You can't take all my fish. I would let you take 30 or so if you have a big party but if I catch you trying to come up with excuses for more and more fish, I would probably end up calling shenanigans meaning you only get a few fish.

Cooperate my friend. The world does not revolve around you. You are not superior to others. We all hold special gifts and our power comes from unity and cooperation. It's time to grow up and flush the toilet like a big boy.

That answer was such shit you got down voted by your own goons

Sacred economics makes no sense because it does not scale, has absolutely no supply chain system, no enforcement mechanism, and no legal system- your response was that you just won't give me the fish. That goes against the model you post. It's based on trust. As soon as you begin to question that aspect of the model it all falls to shit.

Why 30 fish? Why not 300? Or 3000? What if I say I need them? You have no way to kwno. There is nothing in the model for that.

Because economics is not based on trust, it's based on supply and demand. The only trust is that the product sold functions as advertised, if it doesn't then the consumer will shop elsewhere.

As to Jared Kushner, his Jewish cock is still slamming into perfect white (((ivanka trump)))- so not really that done

When she is suddenly fucking Richard Spencer and her children are being executed I will believe Israel is getting dumped by the trump- prolly not happening in the next year though, gonna have to push that back till at least after the midterms


Sacred Economics is way easier to run than capatalism. See answers to all your questions here:

Israel is through. An organzition that evil cannot stand. I don't care how smart Mossad is or how many nukes they have. Nothing will be enough to stop the blow back that just recently blossomed. I hear Netanyahu made a run to Latin America on a critical date related to this new accusation that he was involved in fraud. How convenient.

I'm not saying Jews deserve punishment. Actually I hope the Jews live in a paradise with the rest of humanity. What I am saying is that Israel's Zionist government and their goons are done for. No amount of planning or energy will stop this. The dominoes are falling as we speak. The only reason Israel survived this whole time was becauee the cat was in the bag. The cat is out of the bag now. We all thought Israel was a nice, peace loving nation but now we know it's the most dangerous state in earth. Those poor Jews need to arrest their Babylonian captors so they can be free once and for all. Mark my words. It's over. The evil that sprang up over the years already reached max capacity and will be swallowed up whole. The only way they can survive is in the shadows but they once they walk into the light, as they have this past year, they will melt down and lose power overtime until there isn't much anything left outside of what the common man has. Then we will build a wealthy planet and we will all be happy again.

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No one ever thought Israel was a peaceful nation, it has been in three gigantic wars!

There are no dominoes falling, this might be hard for you to understand but global opposition to Israel peaked in the 1970's when the entire world- including America- put a weapons embargo on Israel with hopes that it would lead to the eventual disarmament of its nuclear program and divest from the occupied territories.

That embargo was crippling and probably would have eventually succeeded in getting Israel to divest and give up the nukes- however instead of following through on the embargo the Sunni states, led by Egypt and the famously brilliant general Sadat, in a coalition of virtually every Mideast state, with soviet intelligence and equipment- performed a surprise invasion of Israel on its holiest holiday while its army was on standby.

Israel won the war and America looked like absolute idiots for having supported the embargo, because in the end the embargo was just a ruse to weaken Israel for the invasion and the Sunni coalition never intended to allow it to succeed

Now skipping ahead 40 years- every single country from that Suni coalition is either an open ally of Israel, its trading partner or has normalized relations with Israel.

The Abbas government is weak and broken and can't form a coalition with Hamas so they have no leg to stand on in talks. Hamas is not being recognized by Egypt because they backed the Muslim brotherhood coup against Mubarak so the Gaza border will stay shit until Hamas surrenders to the PA which will happen on the 12th of never and really is not Israels problem at this point. The Jordan side of the West Bank has become as militaristic as the Israelis side and they don't issue PA people transit visas anymore- the West Bank is surrounded by enemies including the Arabs and no one gives a shit anymore, the Saudi government is done paying billions to fund the pa - the West Bank state is inevitable and it will suck for the PA who should have sought reunification with Jordan but they, like you, thought the Jews would just go away.

Netanyahu might very well step down, his wife is being charged with fraud, its similar to what happened to Olmert. He is not the first prime minister in Israel to be made to resign through finance shenanigans and I doubt he will be the last.

Israel is going to out last you and me and all of us, and it must drive you fucking insane

No my dear uneducated fool, their is no apocalyptic end to Israel coming, just the simpering end of the pa because the Muslim states no longer care to support it- you can blame an rising Iran which has scared the Sunni coalition to working with Israel or simply that the old kings are dying , or the a huge supporter of Palestine was always the Soviet Union and its collapse really marked the end of their ability to be viable- take your pick

Sacred economics doesn't use credits.

Man... people like you are bias. You are blinded to the fact that Israel is surrounded with spears right now. Everyone form Iran to the civilian population of America has a bone to pick with Israel. This era is over. It wasn't over in the 1970s. Now it's 2017 and damn near the entire planet hates the gov of Israel. The pressure is just to high. The world hive mind will slaughter Netanyahu like a pig and I'm not even joking. The lures of evil are empty, false promises. Whoever told you that you would be comfortable for the rest of your life under the Zionists lied to you. Evils days are always numbered. The only way to live a comfortable life forever is to build a planet of wealth where no matter where one goes, there is enough to go around. Fucking up the world economy and enriching a few useful slaves to the Zionists isn't a good long term strategy. In fact, it is shortsighted. We can see the evidence if an impending fall or winter in nature. In the same way, we can see the end of Zionism. It wouldn't even matter if Zion controlled alll the intelligence and law enforcement agencies on earth because all those agencies have pissed off white hats in them overturning the black hats as we speak. God forbid anyone gets their hands in Netanyahu. They would actually crucify him on a hill in Jeruselum and feed his body to the pigs.

Rule 4. Of sacred economics in the Econ section- consumers work is tracked by an ID card that is then swiped when goods want to be consumed.

The Id is your digital recording of your 5 hours of labor to show you can consume.

Congrats! We are living on a digital credit system, but instead of fiat currency it's labor credits - it's just money by a different name 😎

I mean serious, I am an actual lawyer and I actually read the entire stupid model! It's nonsense. I think at this point I understand this lunacy better then you.

Netanyahu is just the fucking prime minister of Israel! It's an elected office, he is not even the most corrupt one in Israels history or the most war thirsty- he is just the one we have now. If he resigns from his wife doing finance stuff nothing is going to happen to him, just like nothing happened to fucking Olmert.

What spears! Iran? Iran has spent 8 years lobbying to NOT have a war with Israel! Israel is the one who would benefit from a conflict from Iran since it would allow them to annex additional territory and shore up their regional alliances, likely use a war with Iran to expand into the Golan, none of the Sunni states should care since Iran would have been blown up

I mean in your brain is it just that all the Muslims are one giant slobbering beast? Like that they are not separate governments with separate issues? Egypt is MAD at Hamas it is not going to help anyone overthrow Israel. Jordan is not going to overthrow Israel.

Saudi Arabia is at war with Yemen right now! Right now and no one cares lol 😂 they are not going to war with Israel

America can't figure out how to stop North Korea! But it's going to attack Israel! How? Why? Because you don't like Jews? Sorry pal, that's not how it works. Wars cost money and people die in them- no one in America is going to fucking invade Israel lol

America could not even send our pacific fleet to the Sea of Japan, it got lost and ended up in Australia

But this year we are going to annex Israel.

Before the midterm elections. Without a budget. During two giant hurricanes. With a president who is openly Zionist and has a Jewish family- we are going to invade Israel with American soldiers

Sure, let me get my sacred economics labor credit card ready too

Lol, you think Trump is for Israel. That's what he wanted you to believe. Honestly, I don't have the energy to explain the whole SE system but I shouldn't have to say a lick about the future of Zion. It's obvious. Iran, Russia, and Syria have troops on the Israeli border. Trump defunded ISIS which was Zions private mercenary army. Qatar bailed. There are legal problems looming with Netanyahu. The masses suddenly woke up and realized Israel is a major terrorist state. It was even marked as an apartheid state and obama didn't stop it from being so. How much denial are you in? Either way, you will see with your own eyes.

Not as much as you

You're writing fanfic

"Trump fooled us all so he could kill the Jews!" Or that trump was ever funding isis or had any control of isis spending.

You guys can keep saying isis works for Israel but it doesn't.

Russia does not have any troops in Syria they withdrew months ago. Syria can't win its own civil war so how can it possibly invade Israel? Iran, like I said, is doing everything it can to avoid a war with Israel- Israel is the one that WANTS a war with Iran to attack its nuclear plants!

Qatar is being sanctioned by the rest of the Sunni coalition and it has no army, its army is Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. And they are busy murdering Yemen 🇾🇪

Netanyahu may very well resign, that could totally happen- Sharon could be prime minister, Livni, or a different guy who has not a made a big splash- or they could have a snap election - he is not a king, the country does not dissolve if Netanyahu leaves office. 😂

The UN report calling Israel an apartheid state was debunked and criticized- it states right in its opening that it does not recognize the existence of the PA government and considers it to be only one state- which is false since the West Bank Is not seeking unification with Israel or Jordan! So it's a lie!

Obama is the one who made the Iran deal, empowering them and terrifying the Sunni coalition- I think he did think a strong Iran would hurt Israel but it only made Israel able to form better deals with now very scared Sunni states- unintended consequences we see playing out in Yemen and Qatar

Fuck your fish

That's when it was first reported. Yes, the story is true.

Look for factual data, and you can hunt down a lot of truth with a little bit of effort, beyond the simple tidbit that these photos are more than five years old.

For example, we can find how many cars are being sold in the U.S. now, along with plenty of historical data. In 2009, when these photos were taken, U.S. auto sales were running at barely a 9 million annual rate. Fast-forward to today and, as we learned at the beginning of this month, we are running at an annual rate of more than 16 million autos. That is an improvement of 78 percent.

Yes. 2009 is when it was first being reported with the pictures. Ever since people went crazy about it claiming it was fake and "debunking" it on their little websites. Unsold car lots are very real and yes they do exist.

I said this earlier in another comment, it is just too late to stop the slow motion train wreck. You are just along for the ride.

IMO what we are seeing is decades of CIA developed mind control being used en mass on the population. It is literally too late. Every major institution is infiltrated and controlled.

All they have to do now is keep majority of tax payers with their heads just above the poverty line, keep them entertained with media entertainment and trivial gadgets, polarized with bipartisan politics and pluck out the highly intelligent ones to use for furthering the agenda until AI and automation are developed enough to kick their depopulation plans into high gear.

I said this earlier in another comment, it is just too late to stop the slow motion train wreck. You are just along for the ride.

IMO what we are seeing is decades of CIA developed mind control being used en mass on the population. It is literally too late. Every major institution is infiltrated and controlled.

All they have to do now is keep majority of tax payers with their heads just above the poverty line, keep them entertained with media entertainment and trivial gadgets, polarized with bipartisan politics and pluck out the highly intelligent ones to use for furthering the agenda until AI and automation are developed enough to kick their depopulation plans into high gear.

Make sure your loved ones know that you love them and just do the best you can. I think all you can do now is be good to the other passengers on the train and bear witness to what is happening.

Is it possible we could unify people instead of just laying down and waiting to die?

If you know how to counter decades of mind control, please take the lead and be our savior.

Great, thanks. Got lots of ideas. The campaign can start with educating many on the false usury and enslaving federal income tax. If we can get many aware of this, we can proceed. Help me educate many on this topic.

From there we have excellent goals, such as wealth reclamation and one time re-distribution. In addition, aiding nations like mexico with their private central bank.

They are trying to drive many nations to war, and people within the USA to follow the 1920s-1940s Europe script commies versus nazis. I have a counter script, it's everyone versus the world bankers. Making all aware of these bankers and their deeds is the first step. 20 minutes, drier, just the federal reserve details, Mike. 30 minutes, cartoony, a little extra, easier to swallow. 42 minutes G Edward Griffin Creature From Jekyll Island Second Look at the Federal Reserve 43 minutes, all wars are bankers wars, illustrates the federal reserve some, places context surrounding it and the global banking system in general. Century of enslavement 1:30 Money Masters 3:30

Much of this illustrates these ideas in depth. 20 minutes, drier, just the federal reserve details, Mike. 30 minutes, cartoony, a little extra, easier to swallow.

You can't even get an average person to swallow these small bites. I tried showing coworkers these videos when they were first posted and it literally does nothing. Do you know why? It is because it goes against the mainstream narratives. Even if they could get past that, to make things better, things are going to have to get a whole lot worse first. These people are more than willing to go along with the current narrative so long as they have their own comfy bubble to live in and a talking media head telling them what they should think and feel. Most people, if you try to pop that bubble, even slowly deflate it with small pinholes of truth, they will take it as an offense to their whole existence.

Good luck getting someone to watch 3 hours of money masters when 30 minutes of something easy to digest does nothing. I watched this with a friend many years ago who I considered to be well educated on US corruption and it was still hard for him to digest.

Your heart is in the right place, but you are just full of wishful thinking. You don't understand how mind control works and how deep it is in the minds of people. Your efforts should be going toward figuring out how to break the hypnosis of mass mind control because the only way to get your information through to them is to first break this hypnosis and you can't do that by just spreading videos even if they have the truth in them.

The only way I have found to do that is through the use of psychedelics. I talk about it in my comment history if you want to look. It took many years for me to be comfortable enough with psychedelics to be willing to introduce others to them. It takes time and it is like chipping away stone to make a grand canyon. It is the only thing I know how to do and it still feels too big of a task even with a small army of experienced psychedelic users (shaman) to help counter mass mind control. It is too late to really be effective. Just going around telling people to do psychedelics to break mind control is not effective or responsible either. You have to experience it and master it yourself before you can work on others. Psychedelics are a powerful tool and like any powerful tool if you use it wrong you can hurt yourself and others.

If you feel good about spreading your ideas and videos and think it does good, then keep doing it. Like I said, do the best you can. I personally just don't see how you can break a matrix of mind control by doing what you suggest. Mind control is not just broken by you telling someone the truth, if you think so you don't understand how mind control works. It is ingrained into someones mind and they will revert back to the programmed thinking.

You don't understand how mind control works and how deep it is in the minds of people.

I personally just don't see how you can break a matrix of mind control by doing what you suggest.

Maybe. I think my goal is to start with a series of campaigns of propaganda on a specific idea. Repeating over and over 'they enslave us through federal income tax which goes to the owners of the federal reserve' and some variation. However, I am not expert and hope to rise people such as you to the task. They own the media.

I doubt you'll get many to do drugs, I think studying the subject of propaganda for the both of us may be of more use. Many are controlled through ignorance and mass media. They control the media and use it to spread their lies as truth by saying it over and over.

Sometime to remember: vast majority of this "wealth" is largely nonexistent, except in digital records.