Is a massive coup and civil war scenario, aka the breaking point happening in november 4?

1  2017-09-08 by Mrexreturns

Straight from ANTIFA

Be prepared to stock Food, water, gold, silver and medicine and hopefully you have guns or ammo before this time comes. This is like Ukraine or Yugoslavia; Once the "people" take on the streets, regardless of how peaceful they initially look like, you are pretty much prepared for civil war and worse conflicts. Donald Trump is not a savior, but a puppet, a punching bag and a decoy of the "deep state" that people fantasizes that he opposes.

DO NOT forget when this comes world war iii will likely happen at the same time which involves a quick defeat of the west, south korea and japan by russia and china within months and the creation of the new world order.

THIS is the final stage of the west's programmed collapse in front of communism and the new world order.

Hundreds and Millions of americans will die in front of this and the provocateurs from both sides, the establishment and the government will help in the destruction and purging of the American people.

Be prepared for it.


The stupid AntiFa can't even meme a revolution correctly. At least wait till the 5th of November to hold a revolution.

I wouldn't worry too much OP, but keep stacking.

Guy Fawkes was a monarchist so left wingers aren't really into him.

It still memes better now that Anonymous took Nov. 5th for themselves.

But I see your point, AntiFa would hate to see their establishment actually in shambles.

It still memes better now that Anonymous took Nov. 5th for themselves.

Anonymous's iconography is really cringey to people outside of it.

But I see your point AntiFa would hate to see their establishment actually in shambles.

They would not see replacing State/Capital authority with Monarchical/Religious authority as progress.

You know they are making all the moderates take a position. I really don't think this is going to work the way they think. Antifa is so retarded they don't realize they are working for Trump. They are making people like me, who had 15 years of my life ruined by police...sympathetic to the police.

Trump ran on an ultra authoritarian law and order platform. They are giving Trump what he needs to completely unmuzzle law enforcement. Antifa is enabling the police state. But they are so fucking retarded and blinded by hate, they can't see it.

GG dipshits. You work for Trump. The irony...

Funny how you think the correct response to a government threatening to repress you is to behave yourself more.

There's a way to go about voicing dissent, and then there's ANTIFA's way. I won't speak for mastigia, but personally, they seem to give a violent label to the idea of dissent as a whole, creating the opportunity for future critical voices to be compared to them, and immediately discredited. They say one thing, and help accomplish the opposite, which leads me to believe that was likely the goal all along. I could definitely be wrong, but that's my take from what I've seen so far.

Most of them look like they're cosplayers dressed up in all black costumes. They've been conditioned to hate anything outside of their ideology and being led astray by whoever is funding and organizing them into thinking they are fighting the good fight.

They are playing into Trump's hand, in a way, but I'm not sure how Trump can unmuzzle state and local police when he controls federal? I think they are a part of Soro's purple revolution. Paid and organized protesters were a big part and start of the other color revolutions.

People have been throwing the martial law fearporn stuff around conspiracy forums since they existed. But we are for the first time imho entering a state where that is likely. And people like me, that would normally be the one going up against the cops, are going to just make popcorn and watch the bloodbath. And watch what little civil liberty we had left go poof, and hope for the best.

It's possible but I think it would take a lot more than a couple hundred or thousand of antifa to cause martial law. I'd imagine it would take riots like last year in Baltimore to happen in many cities at the same time before it could be declared.

Imo, more likely would be the slow incremental taking away of rights. Like say a ban on wearing masks. That would open up more possible surveillance with facial recognition and things like that. But so far, I've only seen anything like that happen at the local levels.

Antifa are assholes but still small in the big picture. The media has amplified their projection of force by taking a magnifying glass to them and showing us the magnified picture. I hope it doesn't lead to a new or revived version of The Weather Underground, like one of Obama's mentors was a part of, and start blowing shit up.

I know it is just a handful of people. My concern is that, like you said, this will be magnified by the media, and create a perception of conflict that will cause some kind of hysteria. And in the interest of restoring order and "the common good", LEOs will be granted exceptional powers to make the problem go away.

If the antifa hasn't been co-opted by the people backing Trump yet, it is only a matter of time. They are the ideal boogeyman to scare the sheep into further submission.

If your civil liberties were contingent on good behavior, you never had them to begin with.

People have been throwing the martial law fearporn stuff around conspiracy forums since they existed. But we are for the first time imho entering a state where that is likely.

Can I ask how old you are?

Almost 40.

Why do people think antifa is being funded? They show up in ratty clothes with homemade signs.

When I see pictures of antifa I see a bunch of tattooed, body modified, mentally unstable, socially retarded, physically deformed freaks....wearing black....and bandanas.

Im not saying they are not dangerous, because they are, Im saying they are not the kind of people that will win over the hearts and minds of normal people.

That last bit is a bullseye. Not winning hearts and minds.

That's not their goal. Their goal is to make fascists fear for their physical safety.

Yeah, but the problem is they are the fascists and don't realize it. They are the problem masquerading as the solution. It reminds me of the Khmer Rouge. In the end, it was a bunch of retards that went around murdering anyone with glasses or soft hands.

Idiocracy was not an instruction manual.

Fascism is more than just political violence. The aspiration to statecraft is fundamental because of fascism's emphasis on hierarchy and nationalism.

I know, it was a critique of an extrapolation of the West's current consumer capitalist culture.

Hi. I'm going on a limb and presuming your an American. Ever been to Cuba?

Yes, I have, in late 2016, it did not resemble Idiocracy at all.

Yes, I have, in late 2016, it did not resemble Idiocracy except there was a lot of trash in the streets.

No. Take a taxi? Ever have to stop at a farm to have the driver buy gas to put in said taxi? It's communism in practice there. Point being, we're educated and free enough here to criticize things here. That's a freedom that many in the world don't enjoy. To suggest the system there is better is kinda bad. Only touching on the somewhat anticapitalist statement made earlier.

Reasonable discussion > *

Didn't mean to resonate with the idiocracy statement, although I feel at the time, that was meant to draw attention to the horror show of the Bush presidency.

This won't happen. Things will change before Nov. 4.

Oh, I am not worried about them doing something on Nov. 4th specifically. I am worried about the apparent progression the media is going to feed to get everyone riled up.

Smart to worry on that front. Antifa is too reactive and without proper planning skills for a real protest to work.

Lots of these Antifa pussys will need to go home after a few hours, especially if it's cold or their mommies call. I'm hard-pressed to believe it lasts much longer than Sunday night the 5th. Thanks for the heads-up though, OP

If it does, it'll certainly be a 5th of November to Remember. Maybe.

This doesn't look like Antifa to me.

Oh geeze. I guess we'll see. Surprised they didn't wait til the 5th of November. Honestly though I don't know if antifa can organize it's way out of a paper bag, but we'll just have to wait.

Sorry but if the NWO always wanted communism why did the soviet union collapse and since then all nations have moved towards capitalism?

China can't really be described as communist, north korea relies on a capitalist black market so their population doesn't starve

It's a financial reset with the resulting chaos to be blamed on AntiFa, then Trump, then somehow both.

Buy lots of ammo, hit the range, practice lots of dry fire scenarios. Of course, y'all should be doing this anyway.

Run, lift (especially very heavy singles), work on unarmed combat in case you get disarmed.

I would suggest a lot of CrossFit and training with samurai swords. Don't get concerned with shaving, especially around the neck area, the facial hair with intimidate others.

Heavy singles are great for fighting. IDK about cross fit. Rucking would be better if you had no vehicle and had to bug out.

LEOs would probably confiscate your sword, at gunpoint. Knife fighting skills, with a fixed blade knife or pike, would better. But fixed blades are also illegal for carry in many places.

Lol and people accuse antifa of roleplaying.


Make a game out of it. Grab a high-powered rifle w/ a good scope. Stake out a high spot. 10 points for every Antifa asshole you take out. 20 points for headshots.

Well, nice how that turned out.

I know it is just a handful of people. My concern is that, like you said, this will be magnified by the media, and create a perception of conflict that will cause some kind of hysteria. And in the interest of restoring order and "the common good", LEOs will be granted exceptional powers to make the problem go away.

If the antifa hasn't been co-opted by the people backing Trump yet, it is only a matter of time. They are the ideal boogeyman to scare the sheep into further submission.