As the Earth changes for the better, the once powerful service to self Cabal is losing power. Soft Disclosure is their hail mary pass to cling to power. Humanity is awakening. "Researchers find secret, warm oasis beneath Antarctica's ice that could be home to undiscovered species"

77  2017-09-09 by Loud_Volume

This is all a play and it is playing out beautifully. As the once powerful shadow government held grasp onto the narrative of man for far too long, they have finally reaped what they have sowed.

Humanity is awakening to the truth within us all and we are seeing exciting changes play out in front of us in real time. This has been an accumulation and everything has fallen into place perfectly for us to undergo this leap of consciousness into a new understanding of awareness and our connection.

There have been many rumors and mysteries surrounding Antarctica, and has captivated many of us here on conspiracy. Right now, on the front page is this.

"Researchers find secret, warm oasis beneath Antarctica's ice that could be home to undiscovered species"

For months, various people and governments were visiting Antarctica.

At one point Buzz Aldrin needed to be medically evacuated from Antarctica.

Is there something more under the ice that "they" have kept from us as a collective? I have long suspected so.

This goes way back.

Operation Highjump December 1946

During this secretive mission, grand admiral Richard Byrd led a team of military personnel in an Antarctic expedition at the south poles. The government also hired Richard Cruzen as part of the task force to help Admiral Byrd training personnel at the research base on Antarctica (Little America IV).

Some of the projects researched were testing equipment in the cold, scientific conditions of the area, and how easy it was to establish this base. All of this was very secretive. These missions even uncovered a secret land with warm spots and warm water in Antarctic proving that the Earth could be hollow. This could mean there is life down below.

The Smoky God, or A Voyage Journey to the Inner Earth is a book presented as a true account written by Willis George Emerson in 1908, which describes the adventures of Olaf Jansen, a Norwegian sailor who sailed with his father through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole.

What do you think Conspiracy. Let's have a discussion :)


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Interesting I'm going to keep researching

Combine hollow earth with growing earth and youre smooth-sailing.

Burroughs and Verne would approve.

always thought something was up with Antarctica , no way it can be majority solid ice like we are told , Hitler visiting it always made me wonder about what's really there

Yeah, I think that is the huge variable here. Hitler who saw and acted on a lot of interesting data - spent resources to explore and develop there. Why?

I think they're concerned that climate change and the melting ice caps will reveal what's underneath.


It's also plausible they are purposely melting the ice caps

Right you are

ffs, according to this sub, global warming isn't even happening... now its happening purposefully? Why is listening to scientists so hard to do?

Because they are included in an Establishment that the people in this sub are aware of.

They have an agenda at times, and get stonewalled at other times.

Is it climate change or geoengineering?

I'd say the second.

That's not how science works. If I claim that water makes towels wet, you or anyone else around the world could test this, to disprove me or to support my hypothesis.

That's how science works. One group of scientists makes a discovery, they announce it, and then any scientists around the world who feel like it, will try to disprove it, successfully or not, etc, etc. Reality is objective. Scientists who push a wrong hypothesis will eventually be dis-proven by other scientists, and that's how you have things like the internet, cell phones, and electricity. Science is literally the opposite of people pushing an agenda, it's people studying objective reality, and comparing notes, to learn about this crazy universe we live in.

Hm. Well, I've read enough papers and reports that make it reasonable that what the Scientific Establishment claims as psuedo science is actual science being stonewalled.

I get what you're saying, but youre barking up the tree.

This is a conspiracy subreddit. Something that has been accepted for a long while here is that widespread manipulation has been done on every major facet of Western society.

There IS a scientific establishment that has thrown out valid theories. That IS going on.

We all know what science is.

The Establishment, unfortunately, doesn't give a shit.

what the Scientific Establishment claims as psuedo science is actual science being stonewalled.

so prove something, do some experiments.

There are several flaws of the peer-review system such as the tendency for journals and scientists themselves to bury studies that fail to replicate widely accepted results, widespread use of incorrect statistical methods, and the effect of political and funding pressure on scientists and research institutions. The climate models so far have cometely failed to predict the current climate, or to agree with each other, or to predict anything useful, so I'm hesitant to accept any policy proposal based on that science.

Why not both? I do listen to scientists, I also make my own weather observations, listen to other people, and question who funds scientific research before accepting it as dogma.

The discovery is cool and all, but are we living on the same planet? I see their power doing nothing but growing.

"As the Earth changes for the better" was my tip that the guy doesn't know what he's talking about...

Yeah I mean I appreciate his optimism but it doesn't appear to be accurate with how terrible this world is lol

It's hard to believe, what with global communication and all, but this is, statistically, a very peaceful and prosperous time for humanity. (Because the past sucked so hard.)

Yes statistically this is an okay time. I wouldn't say "very" peaceful. What did WW2 take out like 1% of the worlds population? We can't really compare it to that but you still have millions dying every few years in the middle east. I definitely see shit ramping up over the next few decades.

Obviously the nature of humanity is changing. People think the "old days" where a lot of people died is no longer possible because they have iPhones and watch Keeping up with Kardashians lol.

The more you research, the more you come to realize there is more to us than our physical bodies. We often rely on relying on our eyes to perceive the world around us, when we are merely only seeing a select few certain frequencies.

We need to remember that we are all energy, slowed to a vibration. I've quoted this Nikola Tesla quote so much but it's spot fucking on.

If You Want to Know the Secrets of the Universe, Think in Terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration – Nikola Tesla

Because we all came from source, we are all divinely connected, and equal and thus have sparks of light within us because we are apart of the divine itself. This is why the cabal focuses our attention through the mass media to skin color hatred and divide and conquer, so they get us to forget that we are all one.

We all have amazing co-creative and individual creative powers within us all. Our thoughts build reality, and collectively, our thoughts and collective consciousness structure the "physical" illusionary reality we all see before us.

The cabal do not want us to know these things. If we did, they would not be ruling over us because we would have awakened to our true own inner spiritual power and divine equality.

Our state of the world would change drastically if we were all self aware and conscious of these facts. The powers that be (or were, because "THEY" ARE LOSING because humanity is awakening now because of the darkness we have been subjected to) only exist and survive in power because of the service to self dominated culture we have become accustomed to.

This is why I chose that title. Because it's the truth

If you wish to believe the main steam medias version of the cabals truth which is deceit lies and darkness and a world plagued with violence fear and hate then yes, my title is false. It's your choice to make.

good grief, mysticism as well as pseudo science and magical lands that time forgot.

Same, unfortunately.

The Smoky God at

TPTB aren't worried about shit. They can control weather and create mass casualty false flags. If anything crazy was happening and they want to distract people they can just create a hurricane and a huge terrorist attack at the same time. 95% of people would forget what Antartica is for months.

a big part in this is more and more people are offering private tours of Antarctica. its bound to happen someone will find something and shit hits the fan.

Ninety Nine Years ago.

The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Right you are

ffs, according to this sub, global warming isn't even happening... now its happening purposefully? Why is listening to scientists so hard to do?

Because they are included in an Establishment that the people in this sub are aware of.

They have an agenda at times, and get stonewalled at other times.

Is it climate change or geoengineering?

I'd say the second.

Why not both? I do listen to scientists, I also make my own weather observations, listen to other people, and question who funds scientific research before accepting it as dogma.