"There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself." — Senator Daniel K. Inouye at the Iran Contra Hearings (1987)

316  2017-09-11 by Orangutan


United States House of Representatives

Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran

Lee H. Hamilton, Indiana, Chairman Dante B. Fascell, Florida, Vice Chairman

Thomas S. Foley, Washington

Peter W. Rodino, Jr., New Jersey

Jack Brooks, Texas

Louis Stokes, Ohio

Les Aspin, Wisconsin

Edward P. Boland, Massachusetts

Ed Jenkins, Georgia

Dick Cheney, Wyoming, Ranking Republican

Wm. S. Broomfield, Michigan

Henry J. Hyde, Illinois

Jim Courter, New Jersey

Bill McCollum, Florida

Michael DeWine, Ohio

-Dick Cheney, Wyoming, Ranking Republican

The most important fact from that committee and their closeness to Shackley-Helms to Bush axis.

Did he stand up to Obama?

Did the people of the Republic demand that their representatives address this disclosure? If the People didn't demand change after this statement, why would you stick your neck out again.

I remember Inouye standing up in Congress and telling people not to talk details about Iran-Contras or ask Oliver North tough questions because of national security.

Inouye helped cover it up.

If you rationally think about it, the U.S government as it stands, only makes any sense if you conclude that it is run by violent criminal gangs of slightly different fractions.

The U.S "security Services" that are many, are not unite with us, they are armed against us, the the legal institution of slavery in the United States never went away, the narrative was changed.

We are all in it now regardless of creed or color, we need to rise up to the truth in a civil manor and use the Constitution against these people that only serve themselves.

fractions => factions

manor => manner

The thing we civilians dont realize is we have the power to create our own organizations as well. We have little power alone but together we could create the same.

What is he talking about here? CIA or DOD or what?