Today is the first time since 2001 that I didn't get mad as hell at the terrorists BECAUSE I'm now aware that 9/11 was a well-orchestrated false flag event. Downvote all you want shills, the world is waking up to the truth. Everything from JFK to 9/11 is a rich man's trick.

1191  2017-09-11 by skylerjam


Congrats, but why post this?

Because 9/11 and this is r/conspiracy

How do you feel about T_D as a sub disagreeing with you on this topic?

I part ways with T_D when I come here. In here, we know the truth and I take a step back and ask myself is God Emperor Trump all part of this? I can't imagine it but I'm willing to accept anything after understanding a part of what the deep state is. They have trillions of dollars in assets, a world military, the CIA/FBI, 95% of news media. Yet they don't everyone convinced. Thank god for the internet and experts such as the engineers and architects (and first responders) that are willing to make a statement about what they know. The_Donald is entertainment only at this point and I hope Trump isn't part of the deeply-embedded power.

You think t_d is a place of sanity? Jesus no wonder people make fun of 911 truthers

if you come to reddit with non hatred for trump, yes that's a sub you can enjoy. Say anything on how israel or jews could be involved in said conspiracies, it will get you banned.

Try 4chan ptg general, may be your speed depending your amount of redpilled. Just dont make a comment till you understand the lingo.

There is a lot of support for the truth regarding this topic on T_D. A significant amount of "pedes" are redpilled, and not in the religion/social way that the mods of the that sub would have you believe.


I'd still get mad at the terrorists..

The only difference is now you kno that the terrorists are brown people on the other side of the world. They are the people who take your money, freedom and potential on a daily basis and always demand you give more.

Don't wanna give more? Maybe a horrific false flag will change your mind...

just to be clear: 9-11 was a joint effort between Mossad and the DoD.

THe DoD switched the airplanes and gassed the passengers while Mossad placed explosives and detonated them in the three towers.

I really wonder what was so incriminating in building 7. Best hypothesis is there was evidence in there that implicated Israel in the Kennedy assassination. Getting rid of JFK took away the obstacle between Tel Aviv stealing nukes from the US.

Just to be clear: 9/11 was a coup.

Who took over from whom?

You could say that the deep state seized additional power from the people following 9/11? I'm not sure that's what they meant though.

Necons involved with 'Project for a New American Century' (PNAC) and their cronies basically took over intelligence networks of the United States. Which is of course where most of the real power lies. Look up their article 'rebuilding america's defenses' which literally calls for a "pearl harbor like tragedy" to convince the american public to give up their rights and security and allow them to build military instillations all over the world. Along with drop a few government regimes that were competing with them for things like oil and drugs

He poisoning the well?

Wait what? Building 7 was probably their planning center for the whole 9/11 attack. I personally don't think any passengers ever existed. They faked the phone calls from the plane's.

I know someone who died on those planes so...

They still died pal just not in a plane. They died with a bag over their head and bullet in their brain

fuck man. wow.

The truth can be painful.



No, planes empty. Pay attention.

I don't believe you. But if you want people to, one step is to be nicer. The correct way to phrase that would be something more like:

"Man, I'm so sorry you lost someone. I think the government may have had a hand in it, is there anything strange about the flight you can tell us?"

Maybe then someone would be willing to provide evidence one way or the other. Just saying.

That's not what they were saying or wanted to say though. They weren't asking a question, they were merely and admittedly quite insensitively saying how they may have or probably did die.

I agree it was insensitive and a bit rough to say it how they did especially to who they did but your example of how it should've been said was not what they were saying at all.

Oh for sure, I mean I admit I'm just guessing at his intent. But still, nicer is better typically. Just saying, your point comes across better when you use a little tact.

Easier just to pump gas into the planes air system.

I don't understand people can be so ignorant and think all this suffering was faked or phone calls were faked, like you obviously don't know what you're talking about, you said "probably" and "personally" which shows you haven't done real research, and I'm not talking about YouTube videos and Facebook posts from conspirators, I really wanna know where you got this info from to be saying all of it was faked.

so you could get clear cell service 7 miles up going 600 mph in 2001?

Yeah I'm pretty sure the twin towers were not 7 miles high

and i'm pretty sure they weren't headed straight for the towers when they were highjacked..

Yeah but they were headed straight for the towers when they got hijacked, we have footage of the planes hitting the towers, oh shit...was that faked? Damn I need better evidence.

don't you mean they were highjacked and steered towards the towers? We don't have footage of them hitting the towers we have footage of the slicing clean through the towers

We have footage of the second tower being hit

more accurately we have footage of them this isn't 2002 you are allowed to believe your own eyes no one will call you un patriotic.

"Slicing clean through" "hit" it doesn't matter how it's said, what I know is the plane went in and didn't come out, what I want to know is why you guys truly believe it was an inside job or It was faked

"Slicing clean through" "hit" it doesn't matter how it's said, what I know is the plane went in and didn't come out,

It does matter hitting implies that's what we saw which it isn't.

Look! does that make any sense?

what I want to know is why you guys truly believe it was an inside job or It was faked

Maybe we just understand the history false flags and the art of manipulating pubic perception better than you

remember reading this a while back. i think they made new law after that incident.

that all future high rise building would have to be built to withstand an airplane crashing into them

Ok so you are saying that the plane didn't really crash into the building? Or it did but it sliced it? The picture you sent looks like it was a small plane not a large jet that is heavier. It's like saying someone got cut with a large steak knife but since you got sliced by a butter knife one time and the wound looks different it was faked.

then it would be an even bigger circular hole not a wile e coyote style cut out

Okay so are you telling me that the footage was faked? Or the phone calls or both or everything or even the day? Cause all I see in that picture is a building that got "sliced" with a plane.

maaaaaan youz a feisty bitch nigga

Using plane phones... Most planes have had them since like the 90s, it was shown in Die Hard remember?

You sound like the ignorant one. Explain how the calls could've been made at those altitudes and speeds with 2001 tech if you're so knowledgable?

Phones that were built into nearly every headrest on planes back then. Swipe your credit card and there you go.

I have actually researched it on and off for years. What the person below you said is what I am talking about how the claimed cell phone calls were impossible. Also that no plane can fly through steel beams like butter. There were no plane passengers. I don't know what happened to the people or if all of the people they say died really died during the whole event. I know a lot of people did but two of the memorial websites used pictures for some people that looked like one was just altered. There's one where you can see where the ladies glasses were photoshopped off. So don't accuse me of not knowing my shit.

Gassing passengers sounds so much more complicated than actually using real planes with passengers , why do you think they gassed passengers?

The speed the plane was traveling, there is no way people were able to connect to a cell tower quick enough to maintain a phone call as long as they did, especially using the cell technology in 2001.

I don't fly often, but I've never had any cell service on a plane, unless it was sitting on the tarmac...

I fly a lot and generally have some service up to about 5000 feet approximately. Probably not enough for a phone call but sending and receiving an occasional text is possible, at least with current technology.

5,000 ft ≈ 1,500 metres

metric units bot | feedback | source | block | v0.8.2

why do you think they gassed passengers?

It's called poisoning the well. Some people like to give extreme theories that are implausible. They do this to make it seem like all stories outside the "official narrative" are extreme and ridiculous. Some people also claim that the planes were holograms or that the buildings were downed by "directed zero point energy attacks" or something. They do this to discourage people from considering alternate explanations. Basically, they want to make us look stupid by association.

If the main problem is that normal planes and their fuel can't do what it is said they did, the alternate is explosive missile planes.
Gassing the passengers on the "placeholder" planes, if you will, would just be an extrapolation adjacent to the main idea. They could have been 'gassed' with bullets too, it's irrelevant to the idea that the planes were landed and swapped ("is this real world, or exercise?") for something with the necessary punch.

A remote controlled plane could definitely could do that. I'm not sure how to piece the rest of the puzzle together regarding what happened to the passengers, but to me it's obvious they were remote controlled.

what happened to the passengers,

Planes landed, yadda yadda yadda, backfill back to grade, frame up and pour a new hanger slab.

What are you basing this off of?

Schroedingers box combined with Theatrics and Logistical common sense.

I stand corrected, those are some pretty solid references.

You could always just comprehend the words in the comment chain properly, but that'd have to be done first before you conceive your notions. Too late for that.

No abla inglais, sorry

There's more than one alternative theory.

You don't say..?

My entire comment was in defense of the parent comments mention of gassing passengers, against the claim that

They add irrelevant, extraneous details that lack supporting evidence to make it seem like all ideas outside the "official narrative" are extreme and ridiculous.
Where as, In the scenario that involves a plane swap, a mass disposal of the passengers is in no way extreme or ridiculous.

Sometimes the best cover up is to do something so extreme and out of the ordinary thst when you say it, it just makes you sound crazy...

Building 7 had offices from everyone in government from the CIA to the New York mayors office. But that doesn't hold any weight compared to American Express, Provident Financial Management, the Federal Home Loan bank, and NAIC securities. All of those in the financial sector in that building had a lot of information that later on down the line would have proved useful (or incriminating) in the entire crashing of the housing market a few quick years later.

Can you provide proof please?

That's wild off mark. If you want to argue I'm available.

That seems a little deep for me.

I'm banking on loads of backup financial records, possibly in relation to the DoD's missing Trillions no one cared about after this happened.

Or just shady financials of any other type... Reducing it to dust seems an effective way to deal with evidence.

Yet as I look back on my life, a strange but unmistakable pattern seems to emerge. Every person who has ever harmed me in my lifetime-the boss who fired me, the teacher who flunked me, the principal who punished me, the kid who hit me in the eye with a rock, the other kid who shot me with his BB gun, the executive who didn't renew TVNation, the guy who was stalking me for three years, the accountant who double-paid my taxes, the drunk who smashed into me, the burglar who stole my stereo, the contractor who overcharged me, the girlfriend who left me, the next girlfriend who left even sooner, the pilot of the plane I was on who hit a truck on the runway (he probably hadn't eaten in days), the other pilot who decided to fly through a tornado, the person in the office who stole checks from my checkbook and wrote them out to himself for a total of $16,000-- every one of these individuals has been a white person! Coincidence? I think not!

I have never been attacked by a black person, never been evicted by a black person, never had my security deposit ripped off by a black landlord, never had a black landlord, never had a meeting at a Hollywood studio with a black executive in charge, never seen a black agent at the film /IV agency that used to represent me, never had a black person deny my child the college of her choice, never been puked on by a black teenager at a Motley Crue concert, never been pulled over by a black cop, never been sold a lemon by a black car salesman, never seen a black car salesman...

--Michael Moore

Wait, so it took you till this past year to come to this realization? If this is true, could you elaborate on why it took this long to realize it and what was the trick to bring you around finally? This info could be helpful in trying to understand the mindset of people that still have their head stuck in the sand.


Took me 16 years to accept the truth about 9/11. Not long ago, I'd come on board here and make fun of you freaks until I learned about WTC7. Then starting digging with an open mind. Now I'm free and mad as hell at the rich oligarchs that are willing to shamelessly kill Americans and manipulate the population into keeping us hooked on blood, oil and war.

Welcome :)

It is not just Americans that they want to kill. They are ready and willing to kill anyone who stands in their way for whatever reason.


welcome, friend. if you are not aware, please take a look at the massive destruction vaccines make as well. it also takes time to snap out of it.


Arabs in caves did 911, even though some are alive, couldn't fly for shit, and WTC7 wasn't hit by a plane but fell like controlled demolition.

You fall for the official dumbass theory regarding 9/11, that arabs, directed by a super genius living in a fucking cave leveled the financial district of Manhattan, part of the pentagon, four airplanes, and 3000 people.

Are you on dial up, you are clearly too lazy to look up the facts for yourself.

There is no REAL surveilance video released to the goyim showing the 911 hijackers on 911 at the final airports. No arab bodies listed on the autopsy list for the Pentagon.

so nice seeing people still waking up to this day. Keep digging, you will soon learn most things you thought were just indoctrination. 2years ago i was a super bernie supporting liberal. Now... never again will they use my empathy against me. Never.

Think of all the thoughts that make you feel guilty for even thinking them. If those thoughts are about historical events or society... That's the feeling of indoctrination. look into them much more deeply.

Digging deep into 911 is a mind fuck.

I feel like you learn a lot. Especially back in the day when people used to argue on the internet. I learned so much by having to defend my position.

It seems like nowadays debunkers and conspiracy theorists for the most parts avoid each other.

Well a good majority of the debunkers are paid to do what hey do. It really is pointless to argue with someone who is there just to confuse or disprove what you are saying.

Well a good majority of the debunkers are paid to do what they do.

I absolutely don't believe that.

Welcome to club-freak

It can drastically shake a persons entire world view they've had their whole life, their perception for everything in their structured world. That can be hard to swallow

I still get mad at terrorists because I still have a need to stroke my outrage bone.

I got banned from TD for trolling/conspiracy for saying

"9/11 was an inside job"

9/11 was a fucking inside job, fuck you reddit, fuck you TD, and that's saying a lot coming from my profile...

I saw a ton of T_D "truthing" posts and comments ... then came back hours later and found it was all [deleted]

What did you expect, that place was run by cambridge analytica and is run by intelligence agencies now.

Well I may join you soon. I'm going in - WATCH ME

Were you banned yet?

nice typo

anything that becomes as influential as TD will, without fail, be compromised. the question is how robust are the supporting beams?

come check out /r/DrainTheSwamp

This is life on the bottom of the barrel of the belly of the beast On the brutalist of subs in the shadowbans In the East
where I'm from reddit's a wasteland
Chased by the devil, keep the karma in your waistband
And we powerful as Kennedys
March in a single-file line like centipedes

I got banned for saying that causing a woman to have a heart attack by almost hitting her with a car is still a crime.

I was ready to upvote and was nodding along with your post right up until you said, "Downvote all you want shills", which suddenly gave me the urge to downvote.

Do you also downvote small children and puppies?

Children yes, puppies no

Nobody would downvote a puppy. Or a kitten. Or a baby tiger. They're adorable.

Exactly. Children are terrible creatures. Puppies are amazing and fluffy.

Until a teething puppy goes through your supply of phone charging cables😒

I don't think that small puppies have much to do with this treason.

Only if those children say, "Only shills will downvote this post!"

As for puppies.. I will upvote any post from a sentient, literate puppy.

I always downvote posts that dare me to downvote.

Downvote me all you want, but you suck donkey dick and downvotes are equivalent to the dicks you've sucked! /s

Sorry mate

Had to

We all have out fetishes.

Yes. We definitely do, unless we're close-minded vanilla mothafuckas who can't shit a big constipated turd without a safeword.

That sounds horrifying.

'Scuse me doctor! I need impacted! I get too much pleasure from this motherfuckin' pain!

Upvote me.

Ha! Jokes on you I downvote people who beg for upvotes!

I upvote them because I don't like people telling me how to live my life

Why? Astroturfing is a thing, and it is obvious how prevalent it is. Knowing and addressing that is a good thing. Calling someone a shill just because they don't agree with you is another thing, however. You agreed with him until he said "shill". If there's one thing you know legitimate shills do, it's poo-poo on people who think the official 911 narrative is full of holes.

well, their certainly are shills all over reddit. I mean, the 'most addicted to reddit' award went to eglin airforce base not too long ago.

Then notice this article, an excerpt: Here is a paper funded by Eglin AFB studying how to establish majority views, social control, influence conversations, contain unwanted information. Eglin AFB is a major hub for Pentagon domestic manipulation programs online.

Whether it was done by muslims or the American elite, this is still a day to remember as a horrific act upon America. This post undermines that in my opinion.

I don't want to do anything belittle this day.

I'm not sure why this is getting downvoted. It was a horrible thing for our nation to allow Saudi Arabia to get away with

I don't care about the downvotes, our nation was wounded one way or another. No conspiracy theory should undermine that.

What part aren't you getting though? This isn't bazaar conspiracy theory, this is what happened. Nothing changes how terrible it is, but to just want to silence the explanation because of "respect" is just ludicrous

In my opinion, 9/11 is a day to mourn, not a day to point out a conspiracy. It takes away from what people have lost. But what do I know.

Truth is important for this, just the same as any murder. People need closure, and the 911 commission's story doesn't provide it. Seeking and finding the truth is the best way of honouring the fallen victims, and their families. The murderers are still walking free.

This is why places like fakeologist are worth checking out. When you understand that the the TV is lying, it is all media fakery, there is a certain calming effect on the soul.

Everyone needs to watch the movie "Network". It was made in 1976 but the themes are as relevant as ever. They're lying to us, they always have and always will.

100%. Excellent film. That scene in the boardroom is burned into my mind. Yes, the masses thirst for lies.

bill nye gives me a smile even though i know its a snake. Makes it fun.

Everything since world war 1 has been a rich man's trick.

True that.

Anything before that wasn't any better

Almost makes me wonder if being greedy and power hungry is just human nature. Like once you're on top you have to stay on top.

that or old societies that have existed since the bible days still exist and exert influence.

^ this, there is a clear inherited tradition of evil handed down from generation to generation of elite families that has existed for millennia. They live on through secret societies and occult philosophies.

Of those families fall, would others not take their place?

Almost makes me wonder if being greedy and power hungry is just human nature.

To a degree. Give a lot of power to a normal person, and they'd likely turn into a piece of shit asshole. It takes a special brand of sociopath to approve of using a false flag attack in the middle of Manhattan, not just everyone would make use of such a thing to advance an authoritative surveillance state. Would you kill thousands of your own citizens just so you can trick them into accepting further subjugation?

Well like, what if people who profit off of military need to keep making money, and they tell you that you must start a race conflict to promote war or you will stop being paid?

Well like, what if people who profit off of military need to keep making money, and they tell you that you must start a race conflict to promote war or you will stop being paid?

Well you don't get to the top without stepping on some people to get there and that's putting it lightly. Genuinely kind people just don't become powerful because they feel bad and the tyrants rise to the top.

Human nature no. But that is certainly the argument those with power want you to believe in order to keep and perpetuate their power, and class position. The same can be said for the state apparatus. "You need us because ABC reasons." Actually we don't. Never did. Never will.

Human nature is largely predicated on our material conditions, socialization, conditioning, etc. Eg. Greed is learned; It's not some natural phenomenon based on any overriding biology... Unless of course you are a socio or psychopath or something. But for the majority, that shit is merely learned.

On that note, I recommend everyone read Peter Kropotkin's work, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902.)

Human nature is everything. It's the potential to exhibit feelings and emotions from across the entire range of the emotional spectrum. It just depends on what parts you exercise that take you down any given path.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln

It was just more obvious in the past. It is no different today than it has ever been.

So ww2 was a rich mans trick?

Of course. Funded by the queen and the Bush family among others.

Ive always been doubtful but not 100 percent confident it was a lie. What i can say if it was all a lie can you imagine how many peoples loved ones were tricked into fighting and dying over a lie? MILLIONS would have died over a lie.

A government that would kill millions over a lie should not exist. So i dont know for sure the truth about 9 11 what i can say is ic enough peopld TRULY believe it was fake they shouldnt be going 2 bed at night they should be trying to amass a civilian army to overthrow the government.

Because if it is true that 9 11 was a well orchestrated tactic to force millions to die so a few could profit that is a very big problem. If they did yet away with it it explains why they got confident enough to try and pull off sandyhook.

When people were not buying that shit they classified all the information to stop researchers from digging 2 deep.

I think people who wre not interested in finding and knowing the truth are mentally ill. I think people who dont mind being ruled by those who would kill millions for konetary gains are "mentally ill" but we can never know the truth about 9 11 we can only speculate.

What we can learn though is to always be VERY observant going forward.

One of the best documentaries to put 9/11 into context:

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick

This is a great documentary, but I think it barely touches on 9/11. I think the history of turn of the century power and world wars is amazing. I wish there was more about his views about WW2. I liked the JFK information, that was probably the main focus of the documentary.

This is a must watch! Don't think the red pill only goes back to 2016 or 2001 or 1963. This documentary tells a different version of history I had never heard before.

I called out a post at T_D that seriously encouraged muslims were responsible and should be wiped out of the earth and I got a 1 day ban. They can't fucking take a negative comment every once in a while, very disapointed.

But yet I bet the post saying Muslims should be wiped out was just fine with their mods. Ridiculous

I don't think they would've been able to keep that secret.

So just to be clear, although an inside job, there were no muslims that actually went and died in the planes to jack them?

Really, as far as I know all of that would be speculation. We don't know the exact manner of how the planes hit, if they were real passenger planes, if they had bombs aboard them. But we do know there were "war games" or so called training exercises taking place at the exact time of flight controllers in a hi stress scenario involving hijacked planes being blown into buildings and targets. They were being distracted from something no doubt. At first they actually thought the planes being flown into buildings were not real because they were faking it at the exact same time. Not to mention it was the first time basically in modern history fighter jets did not intercept at all, much less within minutes of transponders going off.

In fact some of the terrorists they named as being the hijackers, were later found alive and well ...

They even found the terrorist leader's passport perfectly intact after those planes exploded and the buildings fell.... very convenient and unlikely

This! This has always bothered me. Everything is dust but that passport is fine. Didn't they also find one at the Shanksville crash site?

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a terrorist is one who would create public events of fear,

a terrorist would not have crashed into wtc or/and make it fall in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping

That would not have achieved their purpose

remember that

((rich man's trick))

Seriously, put down the pipe nimrod!!

Preach brother

Yeah I got banned from my favourite sub because of this post.

It just baffles me that people actually believe the official story. And the fact that the official story is so mainstream and the "conspiracy" theory's around 9/11 are mocked only makes me think there is a larger conspiracy in itself with the media (not just MSM) that is put in front of our faces.

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How to be a Jew: 1. Be a miserly money hoarder.

  1. Promote abortion, pornography and homosexuality.
  2. Have a big nose and rub your hands in a diabolical manner
  3. Have your penis mutilated and sucked by a creepy rabbi.
  4. Think you are special when you aren't.
  5. Hate Muslims and Christians.
  6. Hate and ridicule Christ.
  7. Control financial markets.
  8. Play the victim and milk the Holocaust lie for all it is worth.
  9. Control global affairs.
  10. Control Hollywood and global media.
  11. Be responsible for most wars.
  12. Be loyal to Israel not the country you live in.
  13. Foment conflict between blacks & whites

Federal reserve and their owners is the top of it all.

9/11 was still an act of terrorism.

Problem is that the real terrorists are still out there.

There have been 35,000 deadly muslim attacks since 9/11.

Whenever I read the word "shill" I just can't take that person seriously.

I don't take shills seriously either. Shill is definitely a shill-magnet. In fact, I'm having shills for breakfast right now. Want to know a great shill recipe?

Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick; great documentary.

People, watch Ryan Dawson's "war by deception" on youtube

Class warfare/quarrels is a outdated scapegoat.

It's comforting to believe someone is running the show.

I didn't realize yesterday was 9/11. Even saw that video posted yesterday. I failed at never forget.

Upvoted. I'm close with a gentleman who worked in a building directly across the street from the towers. He was there and witnessed when the first tower came down..... nobody has ever validated our theories on it as much as he did.

Well no duh...Globalist agenda all to unite us under one world. They have a documentary about this. I forgot the name of it. OMG but yeah it's this prophecy about all of us under this mark of the beast shyatt. Apparently globalism under such an devolved state would bring the worst kind of evil in this world.

Anyone ever wonder how none of the victims families are ever on here defending what happened?

It doesn't stop there, honey!

I'm not sure why this is getting downvoted. It was a horrible thing for our nation to allow Saudi Arabia to get away with

You could say that the deep state seized additional power from the people following 9/11? I'm not sure that's what they meant though.

Truth is important for this, just the same as any murder. People need closure, and the 911 commission's story doesn't provide it. Seeking and finding the truth is the best way of honouring the fallen victims, and their families. The murderers are still walking free.

Necons involved with 'Project for a New American Century' (PNAC) and their cronies basically took over intelligence networks of the United States. Which is of course where most of the real power lies. Look up their article 'rebuilding america's defenses' which literally calls for a "pearl harbor like tragedy" to convince the american public to give up their rights and security and allow them to build military instillations all over the world. Along with drop a few government regimes that were competing with them for things like oil and drugs

That's not what they were saying or wanted to say though. They weren't asking a question, they were merely and admittedly quite insensitively saying how they may have or probably did die.

I agree it was insensitive and a bit rough to say it how they did especially to who they did but your example of how it should've been said was not what they were saying at all.

Really, as far as I know all of that would be speculation. We don't know the exact manner of how the planes hit, if they were real passenger planes, if they had bombs aboard them. But we do know there were "war games" or so called training exercises taking place at the exact time of flight controllers in a hi stress scenario involving hijacked planes being blown into buildings and targets. They were being distracted from something no doubt. At first they actually thought the planes being flown into buildings were not real because they were faking it at the exact same time. Not to mention it was the first time basically in modern history fighter jets did not intercept at all, much less within minutes of transponders going off.

In fact some of the terrorists they named as being the hijackers, were later found alive and well ...

He poisoning the well?