Going Postal. What what's the deal with that, was that some experiment on postal workers? Why so many in such a brief slice of time? How come it never happened again.

33  2017-09-12 by CivilianConsumer


My understanding is that the Postal Service gave preferential hiring to Vietnam veterans, many of whom were riddled with PTSD. Now, Vietnam vets are retiring, rather than being hired.

They also had to work terrible shifts under extreme stress. They had to go though a letter a second or something like that I forget the exact details, but I heard it described as them being forced to become part of the machine. Drove people crazy.

Consider it was at a time when the U.S. Postal System and the employees were under attack from the anti-government conservatives Conservatives with a goal of privatizing the U.S. Postal Service.

They did manage to make it a quasi separate operation, yet choked by only allowing Congress to approve rate increases and did very successfully break the Postal workers union where there are now new low paid employed and older better paid retiring employees and the is a current plan with a few attempts at deployment to steal tha massive forced by congressional act pension funding that cripples the Postal Service's ability to function and leaves them open to privatization and those pension funds will be stolen.

I am referring to the Congressional Mandate that the Post Office fund their pension and health care funds an a rate not required by any other entity, from the W. Bush years.

new low paid employees

I have an in-law working for the USPS and they are newish and very well paid.

the laughable thing is a criminal record does not stop someone from working there at the USPS...

I don't consider $15-$20/hr to be well paid, no one should

move outside of a big city to 80% of the rest of the USA then.

I didn't suggest a minimum wage of $20/hr. I said $15 too $20 per hr. is not, "well paid."

The minimum wage would be around $13/hr if it had kept pace with inflation.

Why do you love the wealthiest few and hate your working neighbors, friends and family?

Big leap, I don't think anyone said they loved the wealthiest few. $15-20 outside of a city isn't terrible, as a starting wage it's good. I live in a city where u need to make 22 to survive and minimum is 11, if your somewhere with low living costs 15-20 is all that is needed for a single person, families need more tho. I agree it's sad that we've come to expect the minimum for a quality life to be "well paid".

who said anything about a min wage? You should read again, more slowly and without assumptions.

I suppose, but plenty of companies are fully private that don't have mass shootings. The 'Nam PTSD and forced human automation seem to be the more plausible scenarios

We don't know if certain employees were targeted and pushed. I do remember being a child and watching the man who delivered our mail and who had been a postman for all his life, literally fall apart and retire early the, pushing included supervisors following the postmen around on their routes and increasing workloads, though I probably mostly remember it because my parents discussed it during dinner.

that's a real possibility , that's why I was saying experiment, they might have targeted a few based on personality tests and MK'd them from there

This are just propaganda excuses. Make no mistake about it, something was going on with post officer workers and it was hushed up and it cost people their lives.

I know what it was. My sister worked there and she told me. It was because the supervisors were recruited from the military and their 'leadership' was terrible. It made people crack up.

Yes, based on the average age, could be ex-Vietnam vets, management and employees.

Exactly, hard not to assume this is the case based on the intensity and short window of time the "going postal" events occurred.

Besides these other stories likely being somewhat true, there was an interview with someone who worked with one of those gone postal, saying that work at the post office was not all about the carriers you see on the street, but rather before automation years of very mundane sorting in back offices drove people crazy. If you were already mentally unstable, this may have been the tipping point.

My sister used to be a postal carrier. She said it was a place where retired military were recruited as supervisors and they made the people under them absolutely miserable.

Post traumatic stress disorder was one factor.

new low paid employees

I have an in-law working for the USPS and they are newish and very well paid.

the laughable thing is a criminal record does not stop someone from working there at the USPS...

I suppose, but plenty of companies are fully private that don't have mass shootings. The 'Nam PTSD and forced human automation seem to be the more plausible scenarios