Is Conspiracy Right dangerous?

0  2017-09-12 by IbnKhaldune

Articles on their reach pizzagate level shit in retardation. Posts about Trump being drugged, deep state exposed and sensational headlines with zero fucking evidence with Alex Jones articles being the main source. This info is obviously biased worse so than t_d, politics and every other biased sub. This sub was biased sure but it had it's moderates at least.


Are you saying this sub is dominated by right-wingers? I see all kinds of views on here.

More so than left yes, but it does has both sides

Most conspiracy theorists are Anarchist Capitalist/Libertarian/Conservative/Moderate types. There are very few liberals who are conspiracy theorists; unless it has to do with Russia.

There are very few liberals who are conspiracy theorists;

Uhhhhh, there are a TON of us that woke up during the Bernie campaign, watching real live news coverage on events we were witnessing firsthand being COMPLETELY misreported so brazenly was frightening and eye opening. Then Bernie betrayed us and half of us figured out what was happening (finally!) and we stopped defending him immediately. 10% fell off the face of the earth in despair, 10% continue to act like he is some sort of God to this day, and maybe 30% switched teams and voted for Hillary in earnest, and of those, probably 60% went full r-word and succumbed to Russia hysteria. We're here, the racism and sexism is pretty obnoxious on these sites, but it's still nice to occasionally be reminded that not everyone is completely asleep...

What is it with you people? Like why do you all get so upset every time you here a Conservative Opinion? If you aren't emotionally Stable enough to handle hearing the opinions of people who think differently then you then don't click on those links or go to some Left Wing Conspiracy Sub like r/politics.

They created "trigger warnings". That should tell you all you need to know.

Aye but people who would be considered left wing is kind of growing but we've always been the minority.

Not that I am a true left wing but understand that what I believe is happening will have mostly liberal points, therefore, the left is the only category I will fall under.

Who's upset? I mean, it is annoying that supposed conspiracy theorists are pro government but mostly it's just funny to see so many Trump cheerleaders.

And whenever you call them on their establishment shilling they respond with "you mad bro?? Free speech?? Why you triggered?"

As if outright commendation of the status quo is the only way one supports the powerful establishment. No, the mods who mod right wing subs, the contributed astroturfing using pro-donald memes and the obvious doublespeak and dog whistling doesn't matter. I don't identify as X i just agree with every thing they say, post in all their subs, brigade posts I disagree with and spam their memes. Y u mad

You guys are just proving OP's point with your downvotes. Oh no can't have any liberals here.

Did I read a different post? I thought he was asking if r/ConspiracyRight is "dangerous".

I was responding to the idea of right wingers here, and again, the downvotes of myself prove it. "Downvote the liberal guy! He doesn't belong here!"

He is not getting down voted because he is Liberal he is getting downvoted because he is trying to silence Conservatives. If the Conservative Post bother him then ignore them

It is southern slang.

"You all are right crazy." or "This game is right stupid."

Not politics.

Shut up. I dont complain about stupid leftist shit that pops up here everyday, because I want to keep this sub as apolitical as possible. Just mind your own conspiracys, and discuss them. Not this shit. It only furthers thw divide and conquer agenda.

It's fun to not have any political affiliation, so you can just sit back and laugh at everything.

pizzagate level shit in retardation.

What do you mean by that?

Claims that Trump is being drugged, probably to justify every tweet he's ever made.

That's pretty tame compared to some of the theories on here. Do you know what MKULTRA was?

This sub has those posts, too.


No. It's people talking about conspiracy theories, that's not dangerous.

Pushing pizzagate was. All the posts are meant to tell them what they want to believe. Fox news, infowars typical for a right sub but more unsubstantiated

Like Muh Russia!!!

Muhhh Seth Rich!!1!!1!!!

Is talking about Seth Rich's murder "dangerous", or do you just not like it?

No wouldn't say dangerous was just responding to that kids autism

More Evidence for Muhhh Seth Rich then for Muhhh Russia Snowflake.

Definitely triggered here and LMAO

is that what mueller is hiring prosecutors for

Dude cling to whatever you need to cling to do get you through these next 8 years.

haha thought i was in t_d for a minute


It sure looks that way.

Even if you take away everything he's being investigated for, he's still extremely unpopular, and if he's still president in 2020 he wouldn't even make it through the primary.

To the Op's Fee-Fees it is

Conspiracy is the "horseshoe bend," where the extremes of the left and right meet.

I'm not bothered by the right-wing or pro-Trump stuff even though I lean towards the left.

The only thing I can't stand is the OMG (((the jooz!))) shit.

PS pizzagate is real

It's pretty easy to drug someone.

It must be hard breaking through that echo chamber post modern liberal shell and stepping into the reality of the world around you.. Sir down i have something to tell you, take a deep breath... Ok..ok.. The deep state has a choke hold on US federal government, the CIA enacted Continuity of Government just after the attacks on September 11th. Since that time C.O.G. Has run the show through FEMA and the CIA, the Constitution has been superseded while under the threat of terrorism. A threat that Bush enacted Nd Obama 're - issued twice.. Pedophilia is rampant in the elite rings of power all you have to do is look at Jeffery Epstien and Jimmy Savile.. Or read Cathy Obrians book about being a sex slave to the super wealthy and political leaders.. Trump is a puppet.. Period, he was started by Rothschikds who sold him resorts international for pennies on the dollar, George Soros loaned trump 160 million at one time and the two are friends. I don't know what your background is, but when you step out in R/Conspiracy the foreground here is verified and blatant disregard of opinion.. It is what it is.. Welcome..

Deep state nice, more like rule of law

There is no rule of law.. HAa! Rule of law.. The CIA rules, that's the only law.

sensational headlines with zero fucking evidence

You just described CNN and other media for the last two decades. Think about the larger picture.

The idea that this /R/Conspiracy is too left-wing, and a safe space /R/ConspiracyRight is needed, is hilarious.

It's also hilarious they're talking about Trump being drugged. It means they actually realize he's unhinged, but need to find a way to explain it away as not being his own fault. No, not Daddy, he's just trying to MAGA!

This post is retarded as fuck man. Youre a black trump hater we get it. What makes you think everybody in this sub is a trump supporter to start with? I'm here from the UK for conspiracy theories not fucking trump or clinton . Say this shit in that toxic fucking sub why you here like it's this sub . and if this sub is mediocre and biased and your believing the trump nazi shit and the shit on black lives matter you my friend are a imbecile. You've fell for a fucking conspiracy of the government. Take your one sided view and speak to a mirror because you're talking to yourself in here with that shit. We have no time for idiots who don't research what the fuck they are saying before they go mad at that people who are seeing through the shit you are falling for.

Black Trump hater? Never mentioned race

It's all in your profile with your past comments in other subs.

I just watched 4 women do the football show on CBS analyzing what appeared to be a sport played 100% by men..I think right wing conspiracy theories are safely confined to these lonely and often silly corners of the web. relax. let loose and check out the fun other subs if you think this one is dangerous like dimension jumping and the mandela effect.

It's not dangerous, it's just retarded.

Best answer to this. You're right just dumb people spreading horseshit

Is talking about Seth Rich's murder "dangerous", or do you just not like it?

More Evidence for Muhhh Seth Rich then for Muhhh Russia Snowflake.