Tfw shills

0  2017-09-13 by Iceboundend

Tfw shills stop defending the DNC, stop shooting down pizzagate and stop trying to beat the wardrum

Pretty telling week, that shills moved onto 9/11 exclusively


The wardrum is their last stand

pizzagate is fake news

fake news is fake news

Oh so yout the guy

The guy that tells me why the ex boyfriend of DNC operative David Brock named James Alefantis - an innocent pizzeria owner who owns property next to besta pizza - met with obama 4 times per the whitehouse logs?

So..lemme guess, obama loves Chicago style?

So the automatic next thought is child sex ring?

If you wanna teardown pizzagate allegations then what else is suppose to replace it

If obama aint apart of pizzagate or that pizzagate is fake news, then why would a sitting president even met with a local pizzeria owner?

HOLY crap. Why would the most busy guy in the freeworld meet with a pizzeria owner

I guess it all depends on how sinister of a person you think James Alefantis is...what parts of his character that we know of would indicate he would be capable of this kind of evil?

Thats what im saying, even if you don't believe pizzagate because it is indeed a bunch of stringed information from the net; Then why did a guy who appeared on Megyn Kellys show did not have a legitimate reason to meet with obama. Infact all through the year.

Can't give a legitimate reason why his shop is next to besta pizza, why he met with obama, why his exbf is the head of media matters

At your very worst, pizzagate is true, best case though? Best case is that the entire street is operating as a money laundering front

Maybe he just makes killer like you said, his bf was the head of Media Matters. Regardless, I don't see the jump to the accusations that pizzagate levies.

Yes. Ex-bf.

Then why not blast that out, don't wanna propagate "CTR shareblue and DNC" as a viral search, okay.

But the republicans and the leadership! Alleging for years how liberals are trying to make frogs into gayfrogs,that democrats are pushing "satanist" values like incest, pedophilia and beastality.

And the republicans won't touch it? Suddenly worrying about the dems PR huh?The thing they've been saying for years while pizzagate allegations are floating around and NOTHING. It stinks to high heaven that republicans don't wanna investigate this.

Oh, I think I know where you're going with this now. Can I explain some things to you about the Republicans?

So you have Alex Jones and Fox and some extreme conservatives alleging the things you talked about, and then there's some less extreme that act like they're the Christian party with morals. They're not better people that anyone that's not a Republican, they just try to make people think that.

The reality is, there's nothing to investigate, and they're not even trying to score political points. Trust me, if they wanted to try to make Obama and Hillary look bad, they would.

Im sure; hey who all voted to bomb the shit out of Afghanistan and later expanded it into WWIII by adding another 6 countries to the heap

All while trying to push TPP and fighting like patriots to maybe set minmum wage to 12 dollars, MAYBE give us healthcare insurance because they sure as shit weren't ever gonna fight for singlepayer. The dems and repubs are one team playing two units

And then, trump came into the presdency

Quite a leap to jump to child sex ring based on absolutely nothing.

2007 fbi hidden pedo symbols

Cheese pizza being synonymous with childporn as early as 2007

Some instagram photos weird as fuck

All of that found using google, publicly available information. If there was no podesta leak, then alefantis name wouldn't have appeared in the 1st place.

Your statement that it was based on absolutely nothing is false

It was born out of the Podesta Leaks, published by Wikileaks. SOURCED and CITED by google.

So some stuff from 4Chan or whatever, and Instagram photos that you consider weird.

Ye, so why did obama actually meet with that weird fuck? Megyn kelly interview couldnt have settled that?

Did you really just use 4chans use of CP as a line of logic? Next you're going to tell me everyone named Chad that owns a Pontiac is a pedophile.

The fact of the matter is that Cheese Pizza is been a long established method for talking about/requesting Child Porn.

Its not me who was making vague food references to kids and shit. Theres enough discrepancy that an investigation should occur.

Like it is incredible, pizzagate is fake news?

Then whats the legitimate reason why a goddamned pizzeria owner would meet with obama. They say fake news but WTF is the real reason

I'm sure I'm not gonna convince you of anything, but I was curious so I looked up Alefantis' meetings with Obama- I found 5 not 4 on the site, which seems legit.

Based on the info there it doesn't seem like Alefantis 'met' with Obama in the sense of sitting down with him and discussing something. Of the 5 visits, Alefantis' groups numbered 758, 498, 19, 4, 4. The larger numbers to me indicate big dinners or meet-and-greets, the parties of 4 are labeled as tours of the White House, and they were not personally hosted by Obama. I looked up a couple of his companions for those, 1 was a photographer and the other (I think, a couple different people with the same name) was an assistant to a Congressperson or something.

But more tellingly, if you look at all visits hosted by Obama, there were tons of them, sometimes more than one in a day and often with dozens or hundreds of people. So to the degree that Alefantis 'met' with Obama, so did many thousands of other people who were not policy experts or Senators. Keep in mind Bush did not readily give up his visitor logs, and Trump has generally avoided it (I believe- might be wrong). If you looked at visitor logs for Trump's White House or his place in Florida, I suspect you would see a lot of similar big events.

As for why a pizzeria owner would be at the White House for these events, I believe he owns two pretty well-known restaurants and an art gallery. He seems to be a popular figure in DC, labeled in the top 50 most powerful in DC by GQ a few years ago, for whatever that's worth.

Again I'm not hoping to change your mind, but if you're curious about a different viewpoint from a doubter (but not a 'shill' in any sense of the word), I don't know much about the whole conspiracy but it seems much more likely that a popular figure in the art and food scene would go to large events which were common, than him organizing a prostitution ring with Obama or whatever the theory is. One just seems much more believable than the other, by a huge margin.

I don't want a redditor to break it down for me i want investigation with an official of government , peer reviewed results.

All of what you said is plausible, but so are pizzagate allegations. No republicans want to investigate. The geopolitical norm is smashed with this one issue. Why don't republicans wanna drag the dems through mud just to have the dems clear the allegations?

Republicans get their hyperbolic talking point, dems get free'd from these allegations. Why oh why has the deadlock suddenly ceased to exist? Because they are all in on it

The answer to your question is because the dems and the repubs are the same fucking team and they're just putting on a shit show to keep everyone distracted while they pillage the economy and human rights.

Of course they're in on it, they have to be in order to be effectively controlled, or they're out of the club. That's why they're scared shitless of that unraveling. Which is why your seeing all these snilly comments in this thread with all the apologists.

You bet pizzagate is real.

So your first link shows that you seem to be upset there's an anti-Trump sub. Just don't go there; problem solved.

I have no idea what your second link is because it says "over 18."

I was linking to my months old comments asking what i'm asking here

What is the official reason obama met with alefantis if pizzagate allegations are fake news? I don't quite see anything that has been 'faked'

Again, your second link says "You must be 18 to view this community." No, thanks, that could be anything.

I don't know why Alefantis was at the White House, but they weren't one-on-one meetings, and anyway, you don't get to decide people are guilty of something and expect them to prove they're not. You're making the accusation and the burden of proof is on you.

Im not making the accusation, im reading and synthesizing information together available on the net.

The source of the rumours is wikileaks and by extension by Podesta, should'nt have been vague food references in his communications which were LEAKED to wikileaks.

Probably by seth rich, as assange has hinted numerous times about the source of the info.

My daddio wouldn't have let me on the internet at this hour with no Parental Protection. He'd accuse me of watching porn.

So the automatic next thought is child sex ring?

Oh, I think I know where you're going with this now. Can I explain some things to you about the Republicans?

So you have Alex Jones and Fox and some extreme conservatives alleging the things you talked about, and then there's some less extreme that act like they're the Christian party with morals. They're not better people that anyone that's not a Republican, they just try to make people think that.

The reality is, there's nothing to investigate, and they're not even trying to score political points. Trust me, if they wanted to try to make Obama and Hillary look bad, they would.

Again, your second link says "You must be 18 to view this community." No, thanks, that could be anything.

I don't know why Alefantis was at the White House, but they weren't one-on-one meetings, and anyway, you don't get to decide people are guilty of something and expect them to prove they're not. You're making the accusation and the burden of proof is on you.