So greedy Walmart destroyed Ma and Pa businesses nationwide. Greedy Amazon destroyed online businesses nationwide. WTF do we do now?

184  2017-09-13 by LightBringerFlex

To top it all off, one look out the window and anyone can see endless nationwide corporations planted all over the place taking up valuable real estate where Ma and Pa shops used to be.

Some examples are McDonald's, Burger King, Best Buy, Taco Bell, Verizon, etc..

What a fucking joke. They took all of the business from the 99% and gave it to the 1%. Then they wonder why the top 20 richest people have more wealth than half of the world's population. The people who don't need the money are scrambling to take over all the Ma and Pa businesses without a care in the world.

Then dumb asses like Bush say that these Big Businesses need more money so they can hire the Ma and Pa shop employees who are now broke and need a job. So he, and others, lower taxes on these filthy rich claiming the trickle down effect will solve all of our problems while knowing damn well that it will increase the income gap.

Then they (i.e. Obama) spend our tax dollars on shit like funding ISIS and paying Rothschild for so graciously printing our money and lending it to us at high interest rates. Hell, we are barely covering the interest rate on Rothschilds Federal Reserve bills. All those tax dollars are going to the people who don't even need it like Rothschild and billionaire arms manufacturers.

These same people consider themselves to be above the law and so they do every vile thing imaginable (pedophelia, cannabalism, human sacrifices, organ harvesting, prostitution, etc..).

When we complain, they tell us to write our congressmen and everything will be OK knowing damn well the Congressmen don't give a shit about our letters. They probabaly don't even read them personally.

Most of the US government is guilty of treason and sabatoge.


"I for one welcome our Corporate overlords"

it takes two to tango. we feed the corporate monsters with more than just cash.

I think step 1 should be ending taxes. We, the people, would end them so that more money floats in the economy. I don't like funding terrorists or cops who steal any loose cash they find on citizens.

2nd, we should all try our best to shop and Ma and Pa shops. The problem is these corporations are enourmous and have hoards of money but by giving our money to Ma and Pa shops, we are keeping our money in the general 99% pool who will end up spending it instead of hoarding it like the corporations do.

We should end taxes on the working class and tax the shit out of the upper classes.

Careful now, you're sounding awful socialist.

Very happy to sound like a socialist.

Before anybody goes "muh tyranny" at you, I've been saying this for months: libertarian socialism is a thing, y'all.

Problem with that is that wealthy people might pack up and move

Good. No more greedy plutocrats. Don't threaten me with a good time! 😂

These people have you convinced that you're more dependent on them than you actually are.

Idk, I'm not an economist but you'd have to think there'd be significant economic consequences if the top .1% all pulled out of the USA.

Probably, but most are not actually going to do that. Not any more likely than any random celebrity is to leave the country if their candidate doesn't get elected. The real truth is that the reason they stay here is because they want to be here. If they didn't really really want to live in the USA, goodness knows they could build a much more comfortable life in another country.

There would be in the short teem, but it'd worth it in the lomg term.

What? And just leave all that water, wood, diamonds and gold to be extracted?By the populous? Lol

Without the wealthy corporations most people wouldn't have jobs.

No, people would start co-ops and there would be better, more gainful employment.

so you want communism, but also want a smaller government?

says the guy who doesn't understand how communism works

Never even said that I wanted communism, though. Although with rapid automation of everything, it sure looks more appealing than what we've got now!

in a communist system the government would seize the means of production private assets, how would that make the government smaller than it is now?

Government seizure is not the same thing as democratizing the enterprise.

How do you propose we end taxes? All taxes everywhere?

We, the people, simply stop paying. We can forgive our own debts in the same exact way. We, the people, outrank the government. If we don't like something, we can just stop doing it. There is no need to wait for corrupt gov officials to change laws because they never will so we simply just do it.

If we, the people, had ideas like that we could do way more than address taxes. How do you get we, the people, to act on ideas en masse?

It takes a generational leader. Someone like MLK or Ghandi.

This is how it starts. We start on subs and expand our way out. It's very similar to how a large amount of people got respilled. We start here and expand. Before you know it, people will stop paying taxes like popcorn Popping in a microwave. Eventually all the popcorn will pop. We act as the heat in the microwave.

We are already in a quasi-military state. What do you think would happen when everyone just stops paying taxes? It will become a true military state and our rights might literally be taken from us.

They depend on your fear to maintain power. We can figure out problems as we go. It's like chess.

Gandhi, for example, was most known for was preaching nonviolent protest. There is nothing illegal about that, and thus people would follow the movement.

If you want to tell people to stop paying taxes, who will fund the prisons that you will be inevitably sent to? We don't have to take the offensive against the government because we will never win that way. There are countries (eg. Sweden,Denmark) where over 50% of their income is taxed, but their country is among the happiest. The problem isn't the government taxing us, it's necessary for societal progress in the forms of welfare, education, infrastructure, etc. The problem is when the government uses the tax money for the wrong reasons.

This is adorable. I mean, it's complete nonsense as far as an actual policy goes, I'd call it extremely short-sighted, but that would imply it would achieve any part of what it was meant to do in the first place.

Whos gonna fill potholes

I ask because they aren't being filled for free at the moment

We will figure all the problems as we go. We only need to cooperate with each other and the rest will take care of itself.

So later on i guess we'll pool our resources together, kinda like saving 1/10 of your daily allowance - And we'll all do it, since we all cross the pothole.

Hey dont they have a word for that?

So you are gonna just remove the government to replace it with good will?

Not just me. There are at least millions of white hats in action all over the world and in every agency. We need to work in concert with them.

Humanity doesn't work like that.We are very selfish beings and for the most part only care about things that directly affects us.Most of civilisation only works because there are laws we have to abide.What's keeping me from killing you because I want what you have if there is no capable force to prosecute and jail me?

First: are your employed?

Second: how many years have you avoided filling a tax return?

Stop shopping at Walmart and amazon?

All major corporations but especially those 2.

I think step 1 should be ending taxes.

Good luck with that.

We dont need to alter laws. We simply decide on it and act. I am only asking that others decide what is best for us all right now so we can skip all this shit.

You seem very idealistic and naive. I like that. An important phase to go through.

Pessimists see optimists as naive children.

Optimists see pessimists as naive children.

Both of us experience the same world in totally different ways.

What is an 'optimist' in your mind?

I'll have to use batman as an example here but batman, a character that defies all odds, always says "There is always a way". This is optimist. There is always a way is a true statement.

Pessimists usually think of a complex problem and when they are unable to resolve it quickly, they simply give up deeming it impossible. What they don't realize is that there is a way to solve the problem but they simply don't know the solution yet. Instead of working towards a solution, they simply give up and deem the problem to be unsolvable.

I was trained to be an optimist in the military like many others. It takes trial and error to become an optimist. Belief is the most important step. Pessimists often give up before even trying because they simply dont belive things are possible.

So 'optimism' is synonymous with delusion to you, then.

Good luck with that.

Batman is a pessimist, bro. That's a big part of his character and why he acts like he does. I think you have him confused with Superman.

do you realize how retarded that sounds... taxes are what keeps are government running, without a government it would be anarchy. I agree that taxes could be lower and government is not as efficient as it could be, however not paying taxes is the dumbest thing I've heard in awhile, no wonder this sub gets a bad rep.

You say this because you are brainwashed like most of us. We are living in artificial scarcity. Everything is designed to make our lives as hellish as possible for a mutitude of reasons. Think outside the box. Forget everything you were taught and start fresh.

I'm not brainwashed, I just understand that government is a necessary evil and the alternative you are proposing is anarchy which is the worst thing that can happen to a society, go live in venezuela right now and see how long you last when there is no authority to protect you and uphold laws.

I believe in representative government. I also believe we have many white hats in gov. Ultimately we need to expel the black hats. I bet if we stopped paying taxes, the white hats would cheer us on.

So you believe if the working class stopped funding the government, it would become more aligned their ideals?

You don't get it. The government would ultimately cheer because they weren't getting paid anymore.


Oh yeah

We would force their hand to take bolder steps like ending the federal reserve or taxing the billionaires.

ending the federal reserve would mean the collapse of our economy, no way around that. If you just taxed billionaires you wouldn't have enough money to sustain the economy, both are not viable solutions. Do yourself a favor and learn basic economics before proposing solutions to systems which are clearly beyond your comprehension.

Why do you believe that are many white hats? When on your twitter you say you are working with white hats.

There are always more good people than bad.

Yep. Step one is for all of us to end our corporate slave positions and start working for ourselves. Start growing our own food. Start researching truth. Start doing anything else

No, that would be step 2. Step 1 is to stop giving our money to these corporations. Why buy movies? Why subscribe to Netflix? Why drink alcohol regularly - or, if one must drink, why not learn how to make your own? Why purchase brand name clothes?

One of the reasons there is practically no real, skeptical, independent, research-based media out there is because there is no money in it. 'Conspiracy' people claim to believe in truth and goodness, wbut when it comes to the crunch, they spend their money like regular normies.

It's not really feasible for 99% of Americans to do that, let alone Europeans (Europe has a much higher population density). Plus, even those who could would be giving up their quality of life.

Sure, being spied on and manipulated sucks, but so does living in medival conditions, especially after being used to modern middle class life.

corporate monsters get a lot of fringe benefits from cities, states, fed gov and counties that the mom and pop stores never got.

They are playing on an uneven field. They are cheating.

Yes but even if you strip those fringe benefits Walmart and the like can still offer a bigger range and lower prices because of their size. This is Capitalism in action is it not?.

I fully agree that they should not be able to dodge taxes etc but unless there is a ban on franchising this will be bound to repeat.

This is not capitalism. Walmart doesnt have to pay their employees a decent wage because they shift the cost of health care to the state by having their employees go on medicaid.

Walmart is the worst example of "capitalism" imaginable.

Im not saying capitalism is good or bad. I am saying this is not capitalism and walmart is not capitalist.

But America has placed no legal obligations on Walmart to pay healthcare etc. The issue seems to lie with the government not really with Walmart. Walmart are massive dicks for abusing the system, but the system is open to abuse.

and the system is not a capitalist system if an entity like walmart can shift its cost of doing business to the tax payer.

That is a fair point, but I feel like the anger is pointed in the wrong place. There will always be dicks who try take advantage of others, it's the governments role to prevent this. The angry should be directed at the government. Walmart is just a symptom of a much worse problem.

Regulatory capture my friend. The corporations own the government.

We need a society without government and without corporations.

The revolving door between government and corporate boardrooms will forever lead to corruption. Literally putting the foxes in charge of the hen house and trusting theyll run it in an efficient and fair fashion:

Oh my god!! The foxes appear to have eaten most of the hens and have sold their eggs in a complex futures trading scheme. However could this happen!!!

Name a business that doesn't benefit in some way from the state. Social formations are complexities of relations, of interlinked parts, and there's nothing non-capitalist about it - you simply need to be a bit more realist about what capitalism is.

This is exactly what Chomsky referred to years ago as really existing capitalism. Stop pretending there is some platonic ideal form of capitalism instead of facing the reality that they system is working exactly as intended.

I'm not pretending anything.

If humans are involved, the system will be fucked regardless of the system.

and yet we've managed to live as a species for an incredible amount of time, creating countless works of beauty and wonder... I don't agree that humans are antithetical to a sustainable system. In fact, I believe we are a critical component. I also don't deny we have the capacity for self destruction, and perhaps it will occur if we continue to indulge our basest desires, but if we decide instead to focus on our higher inclinations, for the benefit of all living beings, life's systems could easily thrive! Probably to a degree that we currently cannot even imagine. At times it seems we are just on the cusp taking this incredible step forward, perhaps it is closer than you think.

I don't share your optimism at all.


The system is at fault more than Walmart.

It's absolutely capitalism.

This is completely right. The imaginary duality.

We made our choice where to spend the money that enslaved the world.

So glad this is the top comment. You wanna know who killed the mom n pop shop, THE CONSUMERS. People made a choice to stop shopping at local businesses and instead opted for big box and online mega stores. Fuck the corporations but also, fuck the people who made them that big to begin with.

Also, fuck the mom and pop stores who made zero effort to change when they saw it coming. A lot of the time, a lot of these stores weren't really paying that much more for their products, they just chose to drive the price up to 2-3x Wal-Mart retail, then cried when they lost customers, even though they could have still made money on slightly above Wal-Mart margin.

Actually in U.K. The trend is moving back to smaller stores, U.K. Consumers are moving more and more away from mass produced garbage aswell, at least the middle class types are anyway.

Enjoy the everyday low prices and free home delivery.

I will not.

Where I live in Canada if a small business can't make $250,000-$500,000 per year they deem it not worth the effort. I have seen numerous small businesses go under by refusing to be competitive and gouging with ridiculous costs. I recently renovated a kitchen using Ikea for $7500 The closest small business was $12,000. Now it took a little longer and I had to do the work but the quality of Ikeas product was better. If I wanted equal quality the quotes where closer to $20,000 which is ridiculous for a small kitchen.

So you weren't willing to pay a premium to have it done by a local company that is contributing to the local economy and maybe even paying their employees a decent wage but Amazon and Walmart are the problem?

When the difference is $12.5K and over 150% markup, it's kinda hard to see why he wouldn't go with IKEA.

You CAN buy IKEA cabinets and have them installed. It's around 4k for a medium sized kitchen for install. So 11.5k to buy them and have them installed. 20k doesn't matter when you have the same IKEA cabinets installed for nearly half that.

No I was not willing to pay $10-15,000 profit to a guy who orders cheap product from a giant company for cheap because he has a contractors license and then spend 6-8 hours screwing cabinets to a wall. If he was doing heart surgery or actually building the cabinets by hand that's another thing. Comprehension issues?

You CAN buy IKEA cabinets and have them installed. It's around 4k for a medium sized kitchen for install. So 11.5k to buy them and have them installed. 20k doesn't matter when you have the same IKEA cabinets installed for nearly half that.

Actually I DO now what I'm talking about because I've done 3 kitchens, one by a outfit one by a friend and one by myself so I know the time and cost and a coworker went to Ikea for the identical kitchen I had and the install was more than the product. And if the job is prepped and you know what you are doing it is only 6-8 to install cabinets. I think you should quit while you are behind. I can tell by your rhetoric you have NEVER installed anything except maybe plugging in a video game controller!

I'm not sure what to do about all that bigger picture stuff, but don't buy into the corporate culture as best you can. Buy local when possible. If it's a product on Amazon you really need, check to see if the seller of the product sells it on their own website. It'll almost always be the same price, and they often provide coupons that offset shipping or even makes it cheaper to purchase directly. It'll just take an extra week to get it.

If it's a product on Amazon you really need, check to see if the seller of the product sells it on their own website. It'll almost always be the same price, and they often provide coupons that offset shipping or even makes it cheaper to purchase directly. It'll just take an extra week to get it.

This is exactly what I do but I find with most I don't need a coupon or anything, the shipping is just free. I also usually get it in just a few days but with Amazon, since I don't have prime, it takes a week just to leave their warehouse.

Start making your own stuff, and trade with other people.

I'd personally love to go back to bartering!

No one is stopping you...

I know.

Newegg doesn't let me trade service for computer parts, yet. :/

use bitcoin

Something no one is mentioming is the products being sold on amazone are actual sellers. I'm an amazone seller and running about 12k in revenue a month with only 40 listings. Amazone does take a small cut, but it's worth the exposure.

Shit. How do you do that?

I will look! Thanks!

Let me add, I don't use amazon fulfillment, I package and ship all the products myself. It really only take an hour or 2 a day and that's with me fucking around here.

That is pretty damn good. The last thing I want to do is go back to working in an office.

What state do you live in, I have an easier way to make cash.

I ordered some cookies on Amazon last month and they arrived from

You sure they were walmart, not sure in a walmart box. Also is also a e-market place for sellers as well. In fact I think they purchased a month ago or so.

They are trying their best to make this country not look like Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda or any other banana republic but epically failing. It's just that bad.

In fact America is indeed a banana republic on the leagues of Kenya, Bangladesh, Indonesia and other stuff. The big cooperations all over the place don't make it any better; They make it worse.

If we had streets of mom and pop stores instead of cooperate infested buildings, we may even look a lot less like a banana republic. But the truth is this country is going straight into a banana republic and we all know it.

when you outsource your skilled labor to 3rd world countries and you import 3rd world people into your country to do the unskilled work you end up with a third world country.

The ONLY people surprised by this are the dumb people not paying attention.

On the bright side, you can now get the KY delivered to our houses directly.

Man I can't wait for Trump to raise taxes on the rich and the big businesses, and lower taxes for the middle and lower classes.

I trust him to do the right thing

Amazon defeats Walmart... Meteor defeats Amazon.

Other than on your telescreen, have you ever seen a 'meteor'? Be honest.

Walmart creates Amazon... Amazon defeats Walmart...God creates man.... Man destroys God... Man creates dinosaur....Dinosaur eats man.

Woman inherits the earth.

We evolve...

If change didn't happen we'd still be riding horses or maybe worse...


Miniature horses?

now its amazon vs Walmart, and amazon is winning...

Walmart has like 3x the revenue of Amazon though.

I thought Amazon was growing faster...We'll see the battle or US retail domination is really between them now.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was growing faster, it just has a long way to go before it catches up.

amazon owns media and web hosting that walmart will never ever get

bezos owns washington post with a cia contract.

Indeed they do. My comment still stands, they make considerably less than walmart.

This is just the evolution of capitalism and our economy. I don't see it as evil as it's all happening due to consumer preferences. Also when you mention franchises, those owners are not always the 1%.

To top it all off, one look out the window and anyone can see endless nationwide corporations planted all over the place taking up valuable real estate where Ma and Pa shops used to be.

Most people would miss this, I even think you missed this. They are using your money to steal valuable real estate at no cost to them.

I actually have no problem with Amazon or Walmart. They are only distributors. They did what any smart entrepreneur would do. Scale to a global level. Jet even competed with amazon as a startup and sold for several billion dollars.

Complaining over and over again isnt going to fix the problem though, post solutions. Example: create anopther jet to squeeze in on amazon's and walmart's profits

Teach people alternatives and show them how to get 0% taxes or how infrastructure projects could increase everyone's lifestyle to that of a millionaire within several years quite trivially

Why would I want the life of a millionaire? To be a drug addict? Sex addict? Money addict? Material addict? Fuck that. No money is better.

Why would I want the life of a millionaire? To be a drug addict? Sex addict? Money addict? Material addict?

This things are born out of an individuals weakness, all money does is enable them.

Desire for money is a weakness in itself.

What's after "global level"?

Nah, think metaphysical - your conscience. It will be the most profitable way the globe's largest trillion dollar entities can still expand. Unless, of course, economic systems collapse under their own weight first.

Buckle up, buckaroo.

Here's the thing though. When a local business does try to compete, they do well. Where I live, two locally owned grocery stores have managed to run Kroger, Albertson's, Brookshires and Safeway out of town, and have split the local market between themselves. The closest Wal-Mart Supercenter is miles away and on the other side of the interstate in order to not conflict, and even stopped price matching long before they did company wide recently.

Their prices aren't really as competitive, but they offer fresh, custom cut meat and fresh local produce. They consider Wal-Mart a non-issue. Too many of these mom and pop shops that are being oppressed by big bad Wal-Mart are trying to mark their products at triple Wal-Mart retail and expecting you to hunt down whatever place they stocked it, and they're not intending on helping you look for it.

Definitely agree with what you say, but it does require to have the type of demographics (upper-middle class) to support a business that offers as increase in quality for an increase in price.

It's not even an upper middle class area. The prices aren't that much more than Wal-Mart, 5-10 cents on average. They just do the job better, something most mom and pop stores don't even take a cursory stab at.

Oh ok, I was thinking it was more like a ~30% higher prices

Nah, it's not Whole Foods pricing, but the conventional wisdom is that the Wal-Mart would be dominating and killing the local stores, which is the exact opposite of what's happening. In inclement weather situations, they frequently sell out of milk and bread well before the Wal-Mart. I've seen them selling Wal-Mart product before ice storms because they ran through their stock and went over and bought unsold Wal-Mart merchandise.

We're the ones buying the corporate crap! Takes a nation and we're all part of the problem.

What do you "do"? You already did it; you flocked to Walmart to drive mom&pop out of business, then got too lazy to even do that, and demand Amazon bring all the crap to you.

So, you might as well embrace the Chaebol you've enabled, and settle in for the next one: That 'internet' you think is replacing MSM & Cable is instead becoming MSM & Cable.

Someone needs to start a corporation, and then give away free stock to those that qualify. The corporation could do it all. It could manufacture everything, and provide every service imaginable. The only thing necessary is that the people who are the first to join are excellent in their trade or skills. The main corporation holds 51% of the stock, meaning it is in control, and the other 49% is broken up into small companies whose owners have served their dues by working as "apprentices". Once they have served their apprenticeship they are given ownership of their new small business. They own 49%, while the main corporation owns 51%. The little business owner must follow strict guidelines and regulations to keep the business honest and competitive. There is more to this, but this idea could put all those large corporations out of business.

We need a company that provides infrastructure for third parties to compete but doesn't compete with them itself. Problem is if our only goal is to pursue supply side efficiency, there's no room for third parties; the system is designed for winner take all.

Stop buying so much shit

Use crypto, become self-sufficient.

Vote with your dollars, and break ground on your idea/invention/project TODAY.

Yeah. That's pretty much it. Democrats love republicans and republicans love democrats. As long as one of them wins. The duopoly continues. It's really unfortunate the reality that both parties are treasonous scum. Whatever. Football Sundays.......

I had an idea that there should be a minimum wholesale price for any item and that's it. No discounts for bulk etc... just one 'this is the bottom wholesale price" and all wholesalers sell this item at this price.

Smaller shops get the same price as a huge discount store. It levels the playing field for small business versus the big players.

When a major corporation can buy in bulk and sell for far less than a local business... guess who is going to go out of business?

Throw some tax relief into real and true small businesses and maybe the damage could be contained from the huge corps.

/r/NoCorporations welcomes you.

Wrong. The consumer destroyed ma and pa businesses

Wait for anti monopoly laws to kick back in...


The issue with this is that you are basically arguing against the very idea of capitalism. When business is made to be more efficient and cheaper the consumers benefit and the need for a strong workforce diminish. This workforce is now displaced, but it opens up room for them to go to another area of the economy that could use more attention.

I'm sure people are happy to use Amazon over having to 15 dollars for relatively cheap orders that shouldn't require such a high shipping price.

Of course the displacement is uncomfortable, but technology brings jobs and destroys them. It may of given you walmart, amazon, and netflix which kills small business, yet it has also given you call centers, information technology support, computer repair, and factories (which displaced a lot of skilled labor I might add).

load up on amzn calls.


Take your meds please

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They depend on your fear to maintain power. We can figure out problems as we go. It's like chess.

Pessimists see optimists as naive children.

Optimists see pessimists as naive children.

Both of us experience the same world in totally different ways.

I'll have to use batman as an example here but batman, a character that defies all odds, always says "There is always a way". This is optimist. There is always a way is a true statement.

Pessimists usually think of a complex problem and when they are unable to resolve it quickly, they simply give up deeming it impossible. What they don't realize is that there is a way to solve the problem but they simply don't know the solution yet. Instead of working towards a solution, they simply give up and deem the problem to be unsolvable.

I was trained to be an optimist in the military like many others. It takes trial and error to become an optimist. Belief is the most important step. Pessimists often give up before even trying because they simply dont belive things are possible.

So 'optimism' is synonymous with delusion to you, then.

Good luck with that.

and yet we've managed to live as a species for an incredible amount of time, creating countless works of beauty and wonder... I don't agree that humans are antithetical to a sustainable system. In fact, I believe we are a critical component. I also don't deny we have the capacity for self destruction, and perhaps it will occur if we continue to indulge our basest desires, but if we decide instead to focus on our higher inclinations, for the benefit of all living beings, life's systems could easily thrive! Probably to a degree that we currently cannot even imagine. At times it seems we are just on the cusp taking this incredible step forward, perhaps it is closer than you think.

Batman is a pessimist, bro. That's a big part of his character and why he acts like he does. I think you have him confused with Superman.

Nah, think metaphysical - your conscience. It will be the most profitable way the globe's largest trillion dollar entities can still expand. Unless, of course, economic systems collapse under their own weight first.

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