Left vs Right divide and conquer happening in /r/conspiracy

50  2017-09-15 by Mrexreturns

Let's get this straight. This sub is being subject to divide and conquer attacks from the left and right.

Pro clinton shills/bots are pretty obvious here and one just needs to look at the bottom of the comments section of top posts to see them.

Pro trump shills apparently are also on the rise trying to praise trump as some sort of untouchable god by downvoting and attacking anything that criticizes trump, regardless of legit or not.

I'll ask this question: What did Hillary or Trump did in their entire political career save for waging wars overseas and disrupting the order of the states to the point of civil war and global chaos? Did Hillary actually give women rights? Did trump actually enforce stricter laws on immigration? Did anything EVEN change?

Or i will ask you this question. DID Trump take any action against Hillary after he is president? Did he take action against the endless stream of mainstream media and communist revolutionary terrorism AROUND THE COUNTRY?

This is divide and conquer and it is their tactic of removing this sub. Keeping the left and right fighting until no consensus can be performed. That said they will be happy to give every archive of this sub to Geneva and mark people for mass purging by united nations troops in the future.

Nothing will change no matter who is the president, and we are losing all our rights with self compliance.


That said they will be happy to give every archive of this sub to Geneva and mark people Trump supporters for mass purging by united nations troops in the future.

They're all talk and we'll never see action. Divide and conquer only works if you fall for it. I won't give into it. If this is a war then let's stay strong guys.

Always the same message. Hate Trump. He is no different.

Yours is a message of division disguised as being against division.

Trump stopped the creation of the one world government. That is why the deep state and their minions are so against him. They worked on this plan for generations and now you can see their anger and failure with your own eyes. The flood gate of immigration slowed drastically just by him becoming president and stopped the world government economic structure the TPP. These 2 things were to drastically lower wages and living standards to make countries more even to be easier to govern economically for the world government. He has opposed the carbon tax schemes which was going to be the world government tax system that gave the world government full control of all business, manufacturing, transportation, and power utility. He rolled back the infrastructure set up for the FCC to regulate and censor the internet. The world government's plans are now in shambles.

We know who is driving the division.

The media has been running 2 minutes of anti-Trump hate propaganda every single day for a year now (1984 reference). They have been the ones spinning and amplifying the racial tension, making false statement, and brainwashing with it's most effective form, repetition.

The Soros groups have been the outlet for anger and violence for those that are mad about the world but to gullible or stupid to understand who to be mad at. They have now become the enforcers like Mussolini's Black Shirts or Hitler's Brown Shirts.

Indivisable with their mandate to Stall the Trump agenda by forcing them to redirect energy away from their priorities. Sap Representatives’ will to support or drive reactionary change. Reaffirm (create the illusion of) the illegitimacy of the Trump agenda.

Shareblue and CTR with their social media and reddit propaganda teams who's job it is to turn people against Trump at all cost.

Great summation.

Exactly. ^

Trump stopped the creation of the one world government.

You're not serious.

The Soros groups have been the outlet for anger and violence for those that are mad about the world but to gullible or stupid to understand who to be mad at. They have now become the enforcers like Mussolini's Black Shirts or Hitler's Brown Shirts

Can you link any group in the US that promotes violence to Soros?

Factual information only please.

You fell for this?


It's funny... Do you really think Soros was able to overthrow Ukraine by making public his funding of the groups he had protesting/rioting?

Wait, what's your point here?

You think the lack of evidence proves that Soros was involved?

Ukraine wasn't overthrown...

Please please don't take this as an attempt to refute your claim.

Can you link any group in the US that promotes violence to Soros?

But I do believe I read that Soros' funds some nonprofit that has directly funded Antifa. For the life of me I can't find the source, but I know I read it, and if anyone can assist with researching that, wonderful.

Btw I DO NOT agree with OP that Trump "stopped the creation of the one world government".

Sorry, it's already here, it's been here for a very long time, and it's a cartel of bankers that answer to no one.

You are blind if you think trump is stopping the 'NWO plan'

He said he would prosecute hillary, he is not. Trump supporters were convinced he would investigate 9/11 . He is not.

Trump supporters were convinced he would investigate 9/11 . He is not.

Can't really blame Trump for people being stupid on this one.

Can't blame trump? What do you mean? He pandered to the conspiracy theorists telling us 'the establishment is against him and he is against the establishment.' Which is a lie. But I fail to see your point, considering how vocal Trump was about 9/11

I'm not trying to further divide so please take this comment with that in mind.

Pro clinton shills/bots are pretty obvious here and one just needs to look at the bottom of the comments section of top posts to see them.

Pro trump shills apparently are also on the rise trying to praise trump as some sort of untouchable god by downvoting and attacking anything that criticizes trump, regardless of legit or not.

Do you know what I see more than Pro Clinton shills or Pro Trump shills? I see more accusations of shills than actual shilling. Sure, you are right that they do exist. But I would argue that as a percentage of commenters it is extremely small.

What we actually have is real people arguing their real perspectives. One thing we can do to bridge this divide and play against the powers that be, is stop with all of the accusing and converse on actual points without resorting to yelling Shill. I'm not saying this is what you do OP. This is just what I see when I read the comments in many conspiracy threads.

I wish us all luck with moving beyond the divide. I will continue to browse /new and throw my upvotes or downvotes where I choose and help to have a little influence on this board.

Good stuff

What we actually have is real people arguing their real perspectives.

Oh dear god I hope you're wrong. The arguments I've heard in support of HRC and DJT are so bad that if they were true It'd be scary how stupid some of the people on this sub are.

That said they will be happy to give every archive of this sub to Geneva and mark people for mass purging by united nations troops in the future.

I strongly advise you to get off the internet for a bit.

This is not healthy.

The last time the UN did something effective was .... never. It is the most incompetent and inefficient international institution. I don't see them invading anything anytime soon lol. I love what the internet does to people.

OP, you begin your attack on division by making a divisive attack on Hillary.

Color me ironic, while I laugh all the way to the coffee pot for refill.

I think these posts do it more than anything.

Quiet or the UN will get you

No what's keeping this sub alive is that we have disagreements and discourse. If we're all on the same side and trying to push one agenda then were no better than t_d. The point of this sub is to always be questioning and analyzing each post, even one's that we might agree with

I like you, orange pill. Can you tell me, what was the last major thing you changed your mind on? Your most recent 'revelation', as it were?

There is no left right divide, left is entirely shut out, right is front page material. Find 1 single pro clinton post on the front page vs 10000 attacking anything to do with hillary or dems.

The Clinton Shills attack comments, not posts.

Oh yeah they do

And nobody posts pro Clinton threads, or defends Clinton.

That's the big distinction here. Nobody is defending Clinton, but there are a shitload of people defending Trump even though he's the president and Clinton is running around whining about her loss and trying to sell books.

And yet every fucking day a dozen or more new anti Clinton politically based threads pop up, and many of them get propelled to the front page even though they don't relate to any conspiracy and often times even if they are conspiracy related it's old, old news.

That's why I attack the comments. It's a handful of accounts and bots using this sub for partisan political bullshit. I could care less about Hillary Clinton, I think she's horrible and I'm glad she lost......... But at the same time, that doesn't change the fact that there is an ongoing organized effort in this sub to turn it into a TD echo chamber.

It's pretty obvious what's going on. I just avoid it. Comment sections are generally a poor use of energy.

That's why I made r/conspiracymiddle no divide.

Im just amazed at the amount of people in the sub who still think trump is here to save the day and is not like everyone else. Thats the only thing that baffles me. When i see the anti left or anti right posts im just like people still think there is a difference? Onoy when it becomes obvious that there is none can the conversation move to the next level. This sub will get there one day.

It's the Demokins and the Republicats.

The people are still choosing team Red and/or team Blue. What they don't realize, is that it's the governments team vs. the peoples team.

Only until it affects American pocketbooks, people in the US will continue living in their bubble or working M-F, whilst spending money and pretending to be something more financially on the weekends. People graduating from Clown University and joining that Rat Race!

Amen. I say we force them to back into a corner by introduced something like the single transferable vote system. If something like the STV system doesn't result in a more representative democracy, it would have to be due to vote rigging (which a lot of us suspect is going on anyway, hence the backing them into a corner) since STV is a mathematically proven superior form of representation.


It's funny... Do you really think Soros was able to overthrow Ukraine by making public his funding of the groups he had protesting/rioting?