There is a page dedicated to pizzagate on Why won't the media talk about it ?

218  2017-09-15 by toddler361

It is a complex decision. On one hand, they would love to say Julian Assange is a crazy conspiracy theorist. On the other hand, they are afraid people might look at it and think pizzagate might not be a baseless conspiracy theory after all.

So far the strategy seems to be : We don't talk about it. It might change in the future. If they don't want to talk about it, it means we SHOULD talk about it.

EDIT : Look at the brigading right now. Exemple : "Why isn't the media talking about flat earth? There's a Wikipedia page on it but for some reason the lamestream media only wants to talk about Cassini! Wake up sheeple!!!!" with five upvotes currently. Do you actually believe these upvotes are legit ?

Please upvote for visibility as there is clearly some brigading going with coordinated downvotes to bury this thread.

EDIT : When I say the media doesn't talk about it, I'm not talking about pizzagate in general : I am talking about the specific fact that there is a page dedicated to pizzagate on Wikileaks. It should be news, because even according to their narrative, they should report it as "Wikileaks promoting conspiracy theories", which IS news, given the importance and credibility of Wikileaks.


Why isn't the media talking about flat earth? There's a Wikipedia page on it but for some reason the lamestream media only wants to talk about Cassini!

Wake up sheeple!!!!

I haven't seen any updates concerning flat earth theories, but low level and high level government officials have indeed been recently prosecuted for sex crimes.

Do all sex crimes involving politicians = pizzagate?

That's a good question. Perhaps there should be a proper investigation.

About the meaning of the term "pizzagate"?

I mean, tbh, atleast the media should question nasa and why they havent A) gone back to the moon b)deleted all records c) no other country has gone d) no non-photoshopped pictures of earth from space

Your post actually helps OPs argument bro.

We went to the moon 6 times. Should the media be grilling NASA to find out why we haven't gone 7 times?

Question: Why do you post here? Seriously. You're literally mocking the users of the sub and deriding the very concept of conspiracies. What purpose do you have with this attitude.

And as for what you said, you're literally acting like politicians being involved in underage sex scandals is equivalent to believing in the earth being flat.

Everyone look at this comment as proof of how many shills there are in this sub, the fact that it's at +16 is just atrocious.

Question: Why do you post here? Seriously. You're literally mocking the users of the sub and deriding the very concept of conspiracies. What purpose do you have with this attitude.

What's up with your attitude?

If this user bothers you so much then block them or engage honestly.

Don't gatekeep.

Meanwhile the Government of Iceland just collapsed today when the PM lost support after being outed as a pedophile supporter.

Oh god please just do some basic research. You've got it wrong.

Everyone look at this comment as proof of how many shills there are in this sub, the fact that it's at +16 is just atrocious.

How in fucks name is the score "proof" of anything?

Do you see +16 and think "shills!!!".

You may want to develop critical thinking.

The voting patterns are outrageous. I've been saying it for some time now. Seems very statistically improbable in many, many threads including this one.

I would venture to say it's because cps is trafficking kids, some to pedophiles, and making an industry of it. If any kids are saved from abuse, others will follow. That's not the narrative here.

I would venture to say it's because cps is trafficking kids, some to pedophiles, and making an industry of it. If any kids are saved from abuse, others will follow. That's not the narrative here.

Ooooh. That's why so many sized children are placed into custody of sexually abusive people.

Fucking hell.


our sick sad world

Exactly. There's no trusted adult.

Because they are in one way or another complicit, would be my guess.

They want to bring attention to it because they're complicit?

The media, not WL.

Lol, my bad. Duh!

Haha, I was like seriously dude? This has gotta be some of the weakest trolling I've ever seen.

Haha and I was genuinely curious about your angle.

There's a lot of shit going on in the world right now. Who gives a fuck if wikileaks has a page about pizza gate? Stop expecting the news to stop everything and report on the bullshit you wanna hear about.

The media never talks about the communist infiltration of America either. They don't talk about lots of things. They don't want people to know these things because they are a part of them.

They probably don't because there isn't a communist infiltration of America.

there isn't a communist infiltration of America

In case anybody was wondering, this is false.

That's exactly what a communist would say, to try and throw suspicion off his trail. I'm on to you.

A communist would say "Don't listen to the naysayer; there is a communist infiltration of America" to throw suspicion off his tail?


Exactly! Everyone knows that if there's a few voices loudly shouting something people believe to be untrue, that won't make people believe it to be more true - it has the opposite effect. By carefully placing a few voices here and there who claim there's a communist invasion of America, it ensures that people won't pay attention to it. Basically the same thing as conspiracies in general and flat earthing.

Okay. I'm not really sure what your point is - seems like you're just shitposting.

Well, yeah, I more or less am. I'm liberal, so I tend to get called a shill a lot, to the point where I've given up at pointing at my post history and instead just say "no u". It's faster and better for my mental health. Besides, I quite enjoy this sub.

There have been people saying that the communists are taking over America for about a hundred years, yet I don't see a hammer and sickle over the country.

u/ducttapehamster thank you lol

It's a joke. Pizzaghazi is just as real as the Red Menace.

Communists in America? Even Bernie Sanders, a self proclaimed socialist who is considered far left in America, would be a centrist in most civilized countries.

As soon as you guys have universal health care like the civilized world you can start to whine about communists. Until then, enjoy your corporate oligarchy.

WARNING: This investigation is a Speculative investigation which lacks clear and provable evidence, yet could be interesting should additional evidence be presented.

It is NOT an endorsed by WikiLeaks for quality of the material, content, or judgement. All statements are user generated free thoughts. Please keep Speculative Threads and informal investigations within this content area

Well shit, nice of them to lend the cause some bandwidth then. +1 for wikileaks.

In my opinion, they are likely hosting a limited hangout, attempting to contain the pizzagate investigation to the limits of their site rather than actively investigating.

Plausible; no reason to trust wikileaks since last october

And a lot of reason to be suspicious of their authenticity since

actually no real reason not to? besides schizo babble about holograms

Nice account Shariablue

You've got it quite backwards.


I bought into the bullshit too when things were all over the place, but it's done with. Assange isn't dead, and you are doing nothing to help their cause.


Then why are they hosting a page for which they admit there is no clear or provable evidence?

It's a community research page. They probably have to do that for legal reasons. Pizzagate is real. Don't try and pull that "no evidence" bullshit, and if you try and tell me that Alefantis' Instagram isn't pedophilic in nature then you're defending pedophilia.

Pizzagate is real. Don't try and pull that "no evidence" bullshit

Is this satire?

LOL! Oh it's the totally not a $h1LL guy that goes around saying there's no evidence for pizzagate.

Alright man whatever makes you happy.

If someone's IG being creepy is enough for you then I hope you can do the proper thing and contact the police.

It sounds like they need you to identify pedophiles.

Have you contacted law enforcement?

This is sick. How anyone like you can try and sweep this under the rug with a clear conscience is seriously sickening.

Have you contacted law enforcement about your absolute certainty that James Alefantis is a pedophile?

I'm not sweeping anything. I'm asking you the same question.

Seven times by my count now.

Have you?

You seem so sure.

The DC police have been notified. They said they investigated, but that was a lie.




I've never seen real evidence that the pizza shop has anything to do with pedo rings

Pizzagate is not just about the pizza shop. It is about the conspiracy that those in positions of power are deeply involved in-- child sex trafficking.

K. But I've never seen evidence that is podesta or the pizza shop though

Have you seen evidence of the pizza shop owners pedofilia interests?

No, I've seen off sounding shit but definitely not evidence

Oh, we'll look at alefontis instagram, it is littered with pedofelia references.

Wowee, I just want some answers man

To what?

To what happened in October 2016

I think Wikileaks's may have started with good intentions but now it's simply an avenue for assange to attack his perceived enemies.

I'm a big fan of Snowden because to me he seems pure in his desire for more transparency. Snowden seems to me to be someone of historical significance not because that's what he wants but because his motives are pure and I think privacy is kind of the civil rights of my age group.

Assange seems to be someone who desires notoriety and he is in my opinion a partisan hack and Wikileaks's is his own personal propaganda arm.

Yea I know people will say they have never leaked a fake document and that very well maybe true, but that doesn't mean the can sensationalize and editorialize information like they do, which by the way they do with a distinct partisan skew.

Assange personally tells you what to think of whatever leaks. I'm sorry but Hillarys emails didn't have anything truest nefarious in them, but Wikileaks's chose to act like they included a secret child molestation code, which lacked the slightest bit of actual evidence. An organization without bias wouldn't behave that way, if Wikileaks's leaked info and let readers interpret it themselves I'd think they were doing good work but that's not what they do. They are pretty much like CNN running the break news graphic for every story, they're media not some safe haven for truth. They could be that but they have made the conscious decision to sensationalize and editorialize, media masquerading as bias free is all they are.

I thought the supposed code came from a 4chan thread?

Snowden was probably a CIA agent whose mission was to embarrass the NSA with leaks that were already confirmed years before by Bill Binney.

Assange was raised in one of those creepy cults that is so central to the secret society mystery school monarch programming whatever... Oh and what happened in October 2016??

Its all fake. It's all theater. Hypernormalization.


then why did someone inside WL edit all file dates to 1-1-1984 and tweet a code for "Help him?" I guess everyone will just take your word for it that Wikileaks is still the real deal. Who would want to manipulate them, right.... who has the millions of dollars to successfully do so, right... sure

we have video footage of Assange, and why would anyone digitally alter that footage in any way, that's all I'm saying.

Those dates changing are really sketchy. I don't deny that and it's the only thing of the whole timeline I can't explain. The whole "Help him" stuff I'm not convinced of. You need to switch the order of the tweets around to get that.

I think the concern about it in general is warranted, but I don't see a reason to think Assange is dead or has lost control of WikiLeaks at this point. He's been seen outside good balcony since all of this.

Thanks for being reasonable with me. Got harassed by a cruel shill earlier today. I'm glad to see someone arguing fairly.

This disclaimer is saying that there is currently no factual evidence to support it. So the question then becomes why does it exist at all? Because Wikileaks has evolved into a partisan political weapon.

It's not endorsed by Wikileaks, but it sure as heck is encouraged. And looking at how Assange has been defending trump and bashing Clinton you can see how it's part of a pattern and a larger picture.

Do you think it is fact that alefontis social media account displays a public interest in pedofelia? Can you answer that question directly or will you refuse to because you think it cedes ground?

I think you're reading something into it that doesn't exist.

Seems to be wikileaks mo as of late. Push a bullshit narrative but then scrub their hands of accountability.

Feed the divisive political fire without doing anything to further any real progress.

Because Wikileaks works for the Russian government?

Not sure if it's a direct relationship like that, but interests certainly align.

Russia, sure, nobody thinks they're angels.

But people should look at WL objectively.

It's a mix of:

1.) All the resourceful media is owned by the same power elite

2.) People who research pizzagate are labeled as crazy conspiracy theorists.

The ranch was not Scalia's...

Did you ever think that some of us, who regularly contribute to this sub, just don't believe in Pizzagate?

Why does everything have to be about brigading? When I read the title of your post I had the same thought as your edits: just because something has a page on Wikipedia doesn't mean it's worthy of news coverage.

Face it, some of us looked at Pizzagate, didn't see anything there, and view the pushes for visibility as nothing more than Trump supporters out to bash Clinton, which is getting really old.

The worst part though is you assuming there is some conspiracy against you; maybe we're just tired of hearing about the same old, unproven, lies to smear someone that no one likes (and who lost the election and isn't in power).

If this sub cared about children as much as the Pizzagaters claim, there would be some serious digging into Trump and Epstein (yes, Clinton went to his island too. I know. Bill and Donald are both disgusting).

" just because something has a page on Wikipedia doesn't mean it's worthy of news coverage."

It's WIKILEAKS idiot, not Wikipedia.

Sorry, mistyped that.

Let me rephrase: Just because Wikileaks reports something doesn't mean it's worth of news coverage.

Lol, I love how people can say things like "dumb narrative" in response to something of this magnitude. And then blame it on another subreddit. Tell me, what ARE your thoughts on Laura Silsby?

Or the three children waiting in the hot tub for their entertainment

Yeah, that wording is never going to sit well. And it's ridiculous how many people have come on here to defend that line as being innocuous. Sorry, syntax is everything, and there's no correcting that record.

It is a dumb narrative. There is more evidence of the Russia hack of the election but most on this sub say that pizzagate is real but not the hack.

You are not the person I replied to, nor did you respond to the IMPORTANT part what I said. Conflating it with a different story is a complete diversion. Both stories COULD be real. More "evidence" of a Russian hack does not make Pizzagate a "dumb" narrative. Where is the logic that? Tell me how the Laura Silsby part of the narrative is "dumb". Same thing with Dennis Hastert, or Jimmy Saville. All just dumb stories, right?

Yet you couldn't refute his points

What is your explanation for Alefantis' Instagram? Did you actually look into everything? What would it take to convince you?

It's hard to get all the evidence since it's been silo'd to certain parts of the internet, but more there than almost any other conspiracy I know about.

You seem to care a lot about abused children.

How much research have you done into eastern european child model agencies? The ones that are routinely busted for trafficking children and creating "custom" videos for wealthy customers?

So Clinton went to the island (just Bill?), yet no one connected to them is shady at all? This is "nothing" but Trump supporters bashing Clinton? Why do you care if they are both disgusting? Wow! So...much...cognitive...dissonance...

You realize Trump went too right? He called Epstein a good friend so he I guess he's just as tied into this as anyone else.

Yeah so investigate them both just cause trump did it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

We're in agreement, it's scumbags all across the political spectrum that need to be taken down.

see r/upcomingww3

I read the comment I responded to, and am very familiar with things. So, yes, of course Trump knows what's going on. All the world leaders do. That's what's really gross. People really don't know what the diplomatic and jet set classes live like. Saying Trump is AS tied into it as anyone though is disingenuous, because you and I don't and can't even know that at this point. There is evidence that Clinton is more tied into it than Trump especially in terms of trafficking. People aren't making Trump jokes about Haiti.

He also had a major dust-up with Epstein after hearing about him making improper advances on one of his staff at Mar-a-Largo and had him permanently banned from ever setting foot the place again over it and he's never referred to Epstein as being a friend of any kind again after that.

If he knew Epstein as well as everyone surmises, or was of a like nature himself, why would that infuriate him to that extent? Moreover a great number of people were well aware of the fact that Trump personally kicked him out over that particular incident when he could have easily covered it up and made it go away.

Now most men are attracted to women that are younger than they are and in some cases even a decade or more younger, just as most women prefer a man that is older than they are and in some cases even a decade or more older, all of which is a private matter between consenting adults and shouldn't be conflated or misconstrued with underage females either being taken advantage of or forced into prostituting themselves by older and even much older men.

As far as we know Trump only flew on Epstein's plane to his private island on one occasion at a time when he was single.

He of course knew Epstein as another partying skirt chaser looking for young and beautiful women in New York which he was also in the market to do and no doubt did at that time. "Clubbing" or "looking for action" isn't exactly a new phenomenon, least of all in New York City and amidst all the glitz, glamour and wealth that abounds there and just like today you find many of the same people turning up in a variety of places who all eventually get to know one another or strike up a casual friendship simply based on that.

Now we have no way to know if Trump actively and knowingly engaged in anything inappropriate or illegal with any underage girls either on that plane or at Epstein's island on that one particular occasion or why Epstein either never asked him again or Trump never accepted another invitation from him again but either way it doesn't fit into the narrative of Trump being like Epstein or sharing his interest in any young women that are actually too young to be called that.

Trump also has two daughters of his own, Ivanka who would have been in her late teens and Tiffany who was somewhere around seven or eight around the time in question. Another reason why Trump would have had a distinct disinclination to be attracted to any overly young girls if we give him credit for the normal paternal instincts he's always shown towards all of his children without any reservations.

I'm not trying to either defend Trump or leap to any particular conclusions based on what we know but to bear in mind that there are other facts about him that we also know and that when he claims that he strictly knew Epstein "socially" and simply in a friendly manner that he may actually be telling the truth and may not have been privy to his darker activities or in the circle that usually and frequently were. It may be easy to believe that Epstein did nothing but that but there were many who knew him and dealt with him that had no idea at all that until the scandal about it made the news. Something of a good natured and over aged playboy of sorts, but nothing worse than that, which is pretty much how Trump described him when he was asked about him.

The media doesnt talk about it because it became obvious a long time ago that Pizzagate was designed as a political weapon, and there's no evidence to support any of it.

IMO Wikileaks would only endorse pizzagate if it becomes so well documented that it becomes acceptable to the mainstream. Opening the flood gates to the child sex trafficking world is a death sentence.

pizzagate will NEVER be acceptable to the mainstream. The mainstream media will deny it to their last breath. Only after a revolution and the complete collapse of the current power structure in the USA will pizzagate be "mainstream".

You're strange

see r/upcomingww3

if it becomes so well documented that it becomes acceptable to the mainstream.

Or so well documented it's actually, you know, true.

That as well, but even if it were, they wouldn't rally behind it. It's the kind of content that needs the group think seal of approval.

Because they are complicit/controlled by those who use Gentile children for their blackmail and occult practices.

The shills really came in clutch for this thread. super scary...


I agree. The media should do more reporting over the clear pattern of Wikileaks carrying Russian water. Its obvious and has been for a while.

No one believes in Pizzagate

I believe it.

Makes me sick. There's still people on this sub saying it's untrue aswell.

Probably because of the zero evidence And wild speculation.


Kinda seems like the whole thing was a bad joke.

More than half of my school friends experienced sexual abuse, so I guess it's only funny to the people in-on the joke.

Just because opinions you disagree with are being upvoted doesn't mean you're being brigaded. I, for one, upvote all of these sane theories. Pizza Gate only exists to make us look bad.

Cuz muh conspiracy theorists!

Why are you going with that pizza gate strawman again? To entertaine your strawman arguement:

I'm skeptical on Pizzagate (could be a psy-op) but I'm maintaining an open mind simply due to the fact that other things like this have been exposed in the past from the elite establishment across the world, often times with heavy pushback and denial in the beginning of investigations. It's not impossible something like this could be happening, and there is certainly a lot of circumstantial evidence presented in the community findings. There's no actual hard proof...yet. It hasnt been proven fact or fiction in any way. The fact no formal investigation has even been made into this being a possibility is what really drives it home for me. MSM is so furiously attacking this as "fake news" that it's only adding fuel to the conspiracy fire IMO. I'm hoping there will be more facts and info to come soon so this can be put to bed as either fact or fiction once and for all.

Pizzagate has not been proven or disproven. There has been no formal investigations. There is circumstancial evidence. People get investigated for on circumstancial evidence all the time, even with less circumstancial evidence.

Best doc on PG so far:

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That's exactly what a communist would say, to try and throw suspicion off his trail. I'm on to you.

In my opinion, they are likely hosting a limited hangout, attempting to contain the pizzagate investigation to the limits of their site rather than actively investigating.

I would venture to say it's because cps is trafficking kids, some to pedophiles, and making an industry of it. If any kids are saved from abuse, others will follow. That's not the narrative here.

Ooooh. That's why so many sized children are placed into custody of sexually abusive people.

Fucking hell.


our sick sad world

There have been people saying that the communists are taking over America for about a hundred years, yet I don't see a hammer and sickle over the country.

About the meaning of the term "pizzagate"?

Pizzagate is not just about the pizza shop. It is about the conspiracy that those in positions of power are deeply involved in-- child sex trafficking.

You are not the person I replied to, nor did you respond to the IMPORTANT part what I said. Conflating it with a different story is a complete diversion. Both stories COULD be real. More "evidence" of a Russian hack does not make Pizzagate a "dumb" narrative. Where is the logic that? Tell me how the Laura Silsby part of the narrative is "dumb". Same thing with Dennis Hastert, or Jimmy Saville. All just dumb stories, right?