Aspartame (found in all colas and most every drink at 7-11 including teas) consumption causes a variety of symptoms including anxiety attacks, slurred speech, depression, migraines, obesity, and cancer.

222  2017-09-18 by LightBringerFlex

This is one of the most dangerous substances next to white sugar which is probably worst. These corporations are knowingly poisoning us with addictive poisons like aspartame because they seek to keep us addicted for higher profits.

I could tell some of the diet teas at local stores tasted unhealthy in comparison to preservative free diet tea which is pretty much the only healthy drink left other than water. I checked the back and saw it had aspartame. This unhealthy drug along with white sugar are prime suspects in the diabetics and obesity epidemic in America and most people have no idea that this is a problem.

More info:


Literally everything seems to cause depression. From cell phone radiation, to wifi radiation, to fluoride, to pesticides, to everything we drink...

Good thing there's a pill for that!

But yeah, aspartame is deadly. I remember there was buried research in order to get it legalized. The research showed that it literally put holes in rats brains.

We live in a diseased, corrupt, dysfunctional society where bad behavior is reinforced and good behavior is punished. This will end very very badly and there is no way to prevent it.

This is the end. They ruined the richest country on earth. Systems break down when they are built on weak ideas like the federal reserve or endless fake wars.

On the bright side, there is a lot of talk on disclosure and mass arrest happening this year. I hope it ls true.

What do you mean (((they))) ruined the richest country on earth buddy?

China is doing great!

The other Jews and I wish you happy New Year from Beijing!

That's today, Jews and the Chinese use a lunar calendar- it's great! I don't even have to acknowledge the secular new year and Christmas is not celebrated here at all, fucking paradise.

Get learning Mandarin buddy

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It's also the Muslim new year.

I'm not from the US and haven't noticed talk regarding disclosure. Are there MSM reports or something like that? Do you have links?

I think that's the official site for it.

Everything is harmful in excessive doses, but there is a definite link between artificial substances and weird health symptoms that exceeds what you'd expect from natural foods.

My cousins father in law was recently diagnosed with plasma cancer. Seriously, blood cancer attributed to drinking 7-10 diet pops a day. That seems like a high amount sure, but now he's dying due to drinking this stuff. Worse off is I myself am diabetic (type 1) and I use to drink a lot of diet pop because it was free of carbs. Turns out it's probably worse than normal pop. I drink water mainly now, with pop being like a treat.

Same boat here. I live up in NY but I have to come down here a day or two a week to take care of my sick mother. She's had cancer on-and-off for 15 years now. She'll change everything about her diet except an addiction to this Gold Peak diet candy water that she must drink a gallon of a day. Maybe more. And she mewls like "but I neeed it" in this childlike way so we just let her have it. I probably should just dump it all down the drain and say straight tea or water from now on. But she's one of these "I don't like the taste of water" adult babies that needs everything to be candy and pleasure. It's just so sad. "I prefer my soda..." What a life.

I make black sun tea with a teabag of mint added. The mint mimics sweetness, imo.

Run to the Deep Woods my friend. If you can. The Forest and its creatures will heal and invigorate you.

Can you not make it sound so creepy though?

sorry friend. the human race has been completely enslaved by the Alien Archons. good people are being completely LIED to and forced to reincarnate. learn the actual truth:


Shit, Could it just be life that sucks that cause depression?

Everyone should check their Vit D level. Many folks are deficit and if you supplement, take with calcium for optimum absorption.

Yea, I used to chew gum that contained aspertame, it had an odd chemical overly sweet taste and it gave me killer headaches. I only drink water now and nothing that have artificial sweeteners

came here to talk about gum. 99% of gum is "sugar-free" now, which means it contains aspartame. Who is really worried about how much sugar they will ingest from a single stick of gum?


And keto dieters.

Oh so diabetics are getting all of their nutrition from gum now? They eat 40 - 50 sticks of gum per day? Even if what you're saying is true, the gum industry supplied the demand for sugar free gum, why is it almost impossible to get regular sugar gum nowadays? I've seriously tried and only found Hubba Bubba.

Oh so diabetics are getting all of their nutrition from gum now?

He didn't even remotely say that. You must not know many diabetics. And gum with real sugar certainly exists.

Sugar spikes insulin

"Our seniors are eating paper towels because they can't afford prescription drugs!" - Darrell Hammond as Donahue

stevia is a safe alternative

Stevia still has that fake, Soylent Green-y flavor.

Yeah, i agree it tastes pretty much just like aspartame which IMO is shit flavoured least it won't kill you.

The science is still out on this

Sugar rots your teeth. Pe ole want sugarless so they're not rotting their teeth by bathing them in sugar.

Sugarfree gum here often is with xylitol which is beneficial for teeth and safe

Also a laxative. But better than aspartame/NutraSweet in every way.

P.S. there is an 80x stronger version of NutraSweet called NeoTame. The FDA ruled that since NeoTame requires so little with it being so ridiculously strong it need not be included in ingredients lists or labeling, and can even be added to "organic" milk.

Fucking FDA. It completely boggles my mind some of the shit they do/allow. They know most people glance at the calories without even looking at the serving size. The FDA is a PR firm at this point

Toxic to dogs

I'm a candy addict and the gum with aspartame gives me lock-jaw like symptoms. Hard to find gum without aspartame these days.

Here's a link that has a list of aspartame free gums.

This guy chews

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Wrigley Doublemint perfectly sweet does not have artificial sweeteners. (Purely Trident has aspartame, but no artificial colors. Don't be fooled by the name!)

I also used to chew a lot of gum. I thought it was good for my teeth (lol). Haven't chewed gum in a long time now, ever since I discovered what was actually in it.


for a short time I consumed aspartame mints and would get headaches within a couple of hours. Also the gums would make me feel nauseous.

mannitol it is a baby laxative used to cut cocaine or coat sugarless gum. also used to lower cranial pressure

I used to drink a type of instant powdered coffee as a teen which was full of it. Drank several cups a day for about 5-7 years and ended up with gallbladder problems in my mid 20s and needed it removed. I've never been a very big soda drinker and I ate relatively healthy as a teen, so it's a bit suspicious to me.

Wow, I never even thought about my gum being the source of my headaches. Thank you for the information!

ALL colas?

I'm amused by the recent attempt to single out 7-11 as a sugar pusher, very overt effort, I wonder which of 7-11's competitors is set to benefit the most from the campaign

You actually think this post is a campaign against 7-11?

found the Chevron shill!!!!

Removed. Rule 10. Only warning.

i thought it was pretty obvious that it was a joke, ya know, with the context being about campaigning against a convenience store chain, but okay LOL

You tell me. The article makes no reference to 7-11, so what was your motivation to single them out in your title?

7-11 is the most commonly known convenient store. When I say 7-11, I'm hoping the reader understands this goes for all convenient stores. I'm not targeting 7-11. I'm targeting apartame and white sugar.

Most convenient stores are full of junk. Not just 7-11.

You could just say "gas stations", since they all push sodas.

Next time ill say convenient stores.

Im just giving you shit. People are quick to assume that you are some kind of shill.

The actual shills have been running a campaign to discredit me. I don't even care because most people know better.

It's called "poison the well". If they can convince real users that I am deep state, then they won't listen to the truth bombs I keep dropping which happen to be decimating the deep state's reputation.

Flex is a bad ass real human who cares and kicks major ass. Flex is literally 100% AGAINST the SATANIC NWO...

Thank you good sir. At the end of the day we all want a peaceful, prosperous world of love and happiness free from these artificial problems.

yes! they pulled out ALL the stops to make sure this poison got on the market.. they should inject him with 10g of it

Here's something you don't know my picky health conscious friends: every sushi bar's pickled ginger is loaded with aspartame. Go to an asian market, read the bottles. It's beyond belief how they slip poison to you. Another: Dr. Paul Ehrlich wrote in the 70's of a central American herb the native women used to abort and prevent pregnancies. Know what it ended up being sold as? Stevia.

Wha? Stevia is bad? How so exactly?

It disrupts hormones needed for reproduction. One would think this would be front page news in medical journals concerned with infertility. Imagine if you were a fertility specialist and your patient was handing over thousands of dollars for a cure at the same time as she was sweetening her tea with stevia? It could go on forever! Sweet lucre, vacations, caviar dreams!

To answer your question, it's in one of the early books on mass depopulation by Dr. Paul Ehrlich author of "The Population Bomb".

Oh god. We need to drain this swamp asap.

Yeah... That's priority number one on old donnies list

The swamp doesn't want itself to be drained and they be prepped better 'n you 'cause they'n done grabbed the juicy bits.

There was an article lately that mentioned male fertility was down in most western countries. I wonder if this is the reason why.

Specifically no, men's balls are being disabled via other technologies.

Low fat diets

What the fuck, so the only safe thing is to drink water and herbal teas?

Probably not. The water should be reverse osmosis or distilled. Teas? Nope, one of the earliest discoveries by the British was that Tea has an affinity to fluoride rich soils: the cheaper teas have more fluoride. At the time they noted how sedate and accommodating, and dumber the population became. The Brits taught it to the Krauts who saw fit to pump it into the camp's water supply, Auschwitz etc..

These fuckers are slow killing us, but not until maximal income can be made off them, easy when bad choices made by poisoned and sick people lead to more opportunities to fleece the chumps. Example: booze and the attendant health issues..."but I was just trying to relax...."

Well i'm pretty much fucked since i drink one to two glasses of coke zero a day, so in used to the taste of aspartame. Now Stevia is supposedly bad, normal water and tea too, there is no escape? What do you personally do in this case?

Go for the large bottles of Coke Zero, double or triple consumption, the "problem" will take care of itself. And when you awake on the heart/lung machine connected to a taxi meter, ching ching ching the bill's goin' up and up! You'll say, oh, I see. When that last dollar is gone..."but, but, but can't I have a Coke from the cafeteria?"

Whhhhhhhhhhaaaaat?! My ginger? !

I drink so much regular soda fuck I need this wakeup call now

Switch to natural flavored club soda. I bet a huge part of your addiction is the carbonation.

Thanks! I'll try that. Or

Sorry to rain on your parade, but carbonation leads to calcium leaching in your bones. Best to start making your own tea or kombucha. It was easy, but I don't drink alcohol, so I had to quit, cuz I was catching a buzz when check on fermentation.

Nah man, rain all day until I realize what I'm doing to myself!

Well, I'm about to order Papa John's, after spending $40 at the farmer's market, so maybe I should stfu...

I wish I could upvotes

*woman. I supplemented some green beans straight off the vine as I waited for delivery.

What's a good mint? I do white tic tacs everyday and know it can't be good.

It must also negatively effect the overall human energy field. 8 years ago I drank it exclusively for a one month period. Everything bad started happening to me from health issues and relationships, to problems with my car, house and belongings. These all corrected immediately after ending consumption of Aspartame.




blaming car issues on drinking soda

Now I've heard it all.

i listed numerous things that went very bad friend. and to be clear, i am actually very "well off", and those things never previously happened to me.

lol no that's probably just the weed

actually i do not smoke. that being said; my friend who lives in aspen recently saw the inside of The Matrix that enslaves us...

I too have tried DMT ;)

This man can vote....

I'm not sure he's capable of enough critical thought to even make it to the voting booth in the first place.

I apologize for the essay post I'm about to write. I just have a lot to say about this subject because it's something I personally went through. I didn't pull this off youtube videos or anything.

Let me start off by saying I know there's a lot of bad *hit in this existence. Maybe I was naive to have the small glimmer of hope that I had involving dangerous things not going to market. Needless to say I've grown wiser and it's something I don't believe anymore. Show enough money and it'll pass through.

So Aspartame. Ah, my own little "Flowers in the Attic" poisoning scenario. Still blows my mind what that mess could do. I'll flat out admit that I've suffered from depression and all the bad crap that comes with it since I was a kid. I think this stuff amped me up to another level. The things that were happening to me due to aspartame and other sweeteners* I'll list for everybody.

I was very jumpy. The smallest noise would practically make me jump out of my skin. Looking at how I was acting, you'd probably think I had came back from a war zone and had PTSD or I was on hardcore drugs.

Eyelid was swollen a couple of times.

I got a rash on my skin that wouldn't go away no matter what kind of lotion I put on there.

I noticed if I put on a certain type of lip gloss that contained sweetener, my hands would shake. It was a very noticeable shaking. Threw the rest of the container away.

At the risk of being tmi, I'm a woman in my early 30s that still has a menstrual cycle. My periods were worse on the bleeding and cramping factor.

Mouth bleeding. I had a cough and used some grape cough syrup and the sweetener in that caused such a horrifying reaction that I'll never touch cough syrup again. I'm not talking a little bit of blood that only happened once. I'm talking about enough blood that it looked like I'd been punched in the mouth. This would happen multiple times a day and lasted about a week until the *hit was out of my system.

I rarely have headaches. I had the worst headache after I started coming off Aspartame and eaten a carrot salad prepared with sweetener.

I want to mention that when I cut that shit out completely, a lot of things I'm talking about went away. I don't jump out of my skin at the smallest noise anymore, my eyelid hasn't been swollen, the rash went away, etc.

Diet Pepsi. Now Aspartame free!

I hate seeing this being brought up. It hits really close to home for me. The wife drinks this shit(diet coke) like it's water. While drinks water as well I can't help but feel that she's affected by it.

She works out 3X week and eats totally clean otherwise. Consistently depressed, with the odd panic/anxiety attack once a month, sometimes more. She's taking anti-depressents, that aren't doing a damn thing.

She refuses to believe me on this "conspiracy." So frustrating.

Show her how it's linked to breast and bladder cancer?

My ex was a diet soda junkie. She was approaching obese, suffered from migraines and mood disorders, and took 6 different pills multiple times a day.

I brought up giving up diet sodas and she lost her shit on me. Good thing she's an ex.

Saw this guy's links a few times today, decided to look him up.

The site and his company, Mercola LLC, brought in roughly $7 million in 2010 through the sale of a variety of alternative medicine treatments and dietary supplements.[1] The site promotes a number of alternative health ideas, including the notion that homeopathy can treat autism, and that vaccinations have hidden detriments to human health.

Questioning whether HIV is the cause of AIDS, claiming manifestations of AIDS (including opportunistic infections and death) may be the result of "psychological stress" brought on by the belief that HIV is harmful.

He also has a history of trying to pass off health supplements as actual medications that treat conditions, as well as failure to "...have tested for purity, strength, identity, and composition his "Dr. Mercola Vitamin K2" and other products.[41]"

He's a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

which is described as "...generally recognized as politically conservative or ultra-conservative, and its publication advocates a range of scientifically discredited hypotheses, including the belief that HIV does not cause AIDS, that being gay reduces life expectancy, that there is a link between abortion and breast cancer, and that there is a causal relationship between vaccines and autism."

To me it appears as though at minimum, there is a conflict of interest?

At one-year follow-up, 2.7 percent to 7.1 percent more regular artificial sweetener users gained weight compared to non-users matched by initial weight. The difference in the amount gained between the two groups was less than two pounds, albeit statistically significant. Saccharin use was also associated with eight-year weight gain in 31,940 women from the Nurses’ Health Study conducted in the 1970s [20].

2lb difference while significant in a study context does not translate to insane in the real world.

The consumption of calorie-free beverages sweetened with artificial and natural NNS have minimal influences on total daily energy intake, postprandial glucose and insulin compared with a sucrose-sweetened beverage.


Quick, attack the messenger. Many people have written about the dangers of aspartame for years. It also has an extremely questionable history with regards to how it got approved. Less science, more politics.

In a subreddit based around the central tenant of questioning everything, I'm suddenly not allowed to question something. Fascinating.

Question all you like, but trying to undermine the credibility of the source is the oldest trick in the book. I mean you could bring up studies that suggest the opposite, that aspartame is safe. But no you are quoting shit about HIV and AIDS which has little to no relevance to the discussion.

The credibility of the source is important though.

Sure, but quoting stuff about HIV is reaching a bit in your attempts to discredit this guy, so no one bothers to read what he actually says. That's generally the point in attacking the source. X was wrong about one thing, therefore no one should listen to him on any other subject. It's much more productive to actually a challenge the source on the chosen topic.

  1. He didn't discredit anybody. I did. Try to direct those accusations towards the right person.

  2. There's a difference between being wrong about who won last night's football game and being wrong about medically accepted facts. The fact that he believes discredited research while also pushing other medical beliefs is why I being his credibility into question. If this were political in nature you would not see anything wrong with my questioning.

Remember that girl that survived the al quaeda attack and testified before congress? If she made another claim of that kind, would you not question her credibility based on previous false assertions?

Medically accepted facts. Who decides what are the facts? Did medicine get the lipid hypothesis correct? Was the conclusion reached by the official organizations at parity with the majority of the published research? The answer is probably no. Health has become extremely politicized. Just because this guy has opinions that do not align with these organizations does not mean he is correct or incorrect. It also doesn't invalidate his conclusions about aspartame. If you want to actually debate the subject, you should debate the subject, and not try and discredit the source based upon unrelated claims. If you can't address the argument at hand, you probably have no argument at all.

Dude he literally thinks you can psychologically stress yourself into giving yourself HIV. That's so beyond fucking stupid I can't believe I have to repeat that statement to you. If that doesn't discredit him in your eyes, then you're a lost cause to me and I won't bother trying with you.

Okay, I'll pretend and accept he actually claimed you could catch a virus from stress. That still doesn't mean his points about aspartame are incorrect.

The war on sugar is a joke. There's nothing wrong with eating it unless you have too much. Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame are infinitely more harmful. Newsflash - if you want to lose weight, exercise regularly and reduce carb intake. There's no other way.

There was a tv show I watched on BBC where a pair of identical twin brothers each went on a diet.

One diet was a junk diet of whatever he wanted to eat, the other brother had a strict zero sugar diet.

At the end of the test period it was the guy who had ate no sugar at all that was at high risk of diabetes. You need some sugar, just as you say not excessive amounts. A bit of fruit everyday will do the trick.

  • found in all diet sodas

Well, I'm a heavy cola drinker and got 4 of the 6 symptoms so far

i feel like those symptoms would still be there for most people even if aspartame didnt exist.

I quite that stuff for stevia

It is worth reiterating that the post title is misleading and erroneous. While aspartame is indeed a poison, it is neither found in all colas nor in most every drink stocked at convenience stores. It is common in diet sodas and other "diet" products, but not in full-sugar or high fructose corn syrup beverages. However; take a close look at ingredient labels on some "natural" or cheap sweet drinks, and you will discover that sucralose (Splenda) has been slipped in without any special branding to indicate its use. Last time I looked at the ingredients in Monster, sucralose was present. Also the case with Peace Tea (all natural?), Faygo, Shasta, etc. Read your product labels because no company is going to tell you the truth about a product's wholesomeness in their large print.

For reals, avoid: Aspertame Sucralose Stevia High fructose or any corn syrup Xylitol "Natural" flavors And limit your cane/sugar. Even commercial grade honey now has a lot of corn syrup added. Buy real maple syrup and raw/organic honey/sugar.

I break out in bad hives all over my neck if I have aspartame. Gum is fine I guess because its a small amount, but if I actually drink a diet soda, my scalp and neck get incredibly itchy and I end up scratching my neck until its bleeding. I've been served gin and tonics more than once that were made with diet tonic water. Apparently this is common because many people think the diet tonic tastes better.

It's been in my experience that there's actually three kinds of artificial sweeteners: tastes like metal, pounding migraine, and explosive diarrhea. Which is why I'll just deal with the sugars and take my chances with diabetes.

From what it sounds like here, I'm guessing this is the pounding migraine one?

1) Don't buy anything with the word 'Diet' in it.

2) The difference between white sugar and brown sugar is simply that you don't get the good minerals from the brown sugar. White sugar is not bad for you as such. Only too much sugar in general is bad (and seriously addictive)

Sorry but I think you are mistaken. White sugar is a very addictive substance that is only good in very small quantities per day. Anything more than a tiny bit can lead to obesity, diabetes, addiction, anxiety, and other stuff. I personally stay away from it all the time but then realized Aspartame is just as bad.

Brown sugar is white sugar + molasses, which does have natural occuring minerals. Raw sugar is cane sugar, less refined, it is the "better", but pure maple syrup or raw honey is the healthiest sweetner choice.

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There was a guy I used to work with, he'd drink about 4-5 coke cans, smoke ~5 fags a day, for lunch he'd have either dominos, burger and chips or subway. He knew he was overweight and understood why, but could not figure out why he had headaches, sweats, fatigue, cramps, IBS and muscle pain all the time. He'd spend every fucking day moaning about something causing him pain while we're all stood there watching him drink poison. (yes we told him many many times) but no it has to be an underlying medical issue doesn't it, fatty?!

I am addicted to Diet Mt. Dew, this sort of shit reinvigorates my desire to quit completely. Down to one a day, but still...ingesting the chemicals of the state every day can't be good.

My old dumbass roommate once made a "drink" with a whole fucking packet of zero cal drink mix (that was supposed to be used for two quarts). Drank the whole thing and woke up with a headache and joint pain that persisted for the whole day.

The most common artificial sweetener aspartame has been widely used today but it has been the major concern for many people because of its rumors claiming for many years that aspartame can lead to health problems like cancer, headaches, depression etc. For more information visit (

List of Products Containing Aspartame

Regular Coke and Pepsi DO NOT.

Quick, attack the messenger. Many people have written about the dangers of aspartame for years. It also has an extremely questionable history with regards to how it got approved. Less science, more politics.

  1. He didn't discredit anybody. I did. Try to direct those accusations towards the right person.

  2. There's a difference between being wrong about who won last night's football game and being wrong about medically accepted facts. The fact that he believes discredited research while also pushing other medical beliefs is why I being his credibility into question. If this were political in nature you would not see anything wrong with my questioning.

Remember that girl that survived the al quaeda attack and testified before congress? If she made another claim of that kind, would you not question her credibility based on previous false assertions?