The artificial rat race.

28  2017-09-18 by LightBringerFlex

In the Protocols of Zion , the minutes show that the Illuminati creates an artificial rat race to keep the people busy so that they don't have time to think about the important things in life. That book is over 100 years old so they must have figures this out a long time ago.

Every system is different but we should talk about Capatalism since this is America.

The idea to keep people busy in a Capatalistic system is to reduce the cash flow of the 99% so that most all people are always low on cash. Since people arw always low on cash, they will work harder, for longer hours, for less pay, and they will enlist family members like wives and children. Women used to work on the house and kids only which is a full time job but now they are forced into paid labor as well.

Here are the mechanics of it all. Let's assume 100 people live in America. 1 of these 100 represents the deep state billionares who owns everything of value including money printing machines. This person also controls the government. He also is able to control the flow of money. For example, if he wants to absorb more money out of the economy, he would simply open a thousand more corporate stores across America and let nature take its course. He can also create fake wars which distribute money from the middle class to his own weapon making corporation. He can increase the price of gas to do the same. He can also let money flow into the 99% if need be using very simple techniques.

So this 1 billionaire out of 100 people owns most everything in the courty and the 99 other people can either work for this guy or they can compete against him using MA and PA shops that oftentimes go bankrupt since the 1 billionare has a huge advantage over them. For exanple, the billionaire buys in bulk from China for dirt cheap prices and sells sneakers he bought for $1 for $150 in his Reebok corporate stores. If anyone beats his price, he drops it down more until he is the low price leader. Since there isn't much money in the economy, people buy at the billionares store to save a few bucks.

Now we have 100 people who would need about $5000 each (this is just an example) to keep an economy running smooth. Cash has to travel and circulate through America and $5000 per person would be perfect. That would make about $500,000 flowing through the economy. The billionaire is still a billionaire and his job is to take more than he gives using all his corporations across America. He can't take too much through or else the people would revolt. So he keeps the economy weak enough to create massive struggles but strong enough to prevent a revolt. In this case, he can slash the $500,000 economy into a $250,000 economy where he pockets the other $250,000. Now everyone will panic and enlist their wives and children into the work force. He can drop it even further to create recessions or even depressions at anytime. They love recessions because it causes massive amounts of fear and people freeze up when they are afraid. Frozen people have a hard time standing up for themselves. They also like weak economies where the 99 people are all chasing the same dollar over and over again because it keeps everyone busy for about 10 hours a day. Busy people are too busy to fight back. Also, on a side note, they lie and claim these corporations are run by ordinary people when they are actually just insider stooges. These stooges are used as idols for the people. They want people to idolize people like Steve Jobs so they end up working harder in hopes to become Steve Jobs one day which will never happen. It does motivate people into being a better corporate slave though. Even private business owners are corporate slaves so we are all living in the shadows of corporations.

When government and corporations team up against the people like this, it's called fascism. America is a fascist country.

All those times Obama or Bush or Reagan or whoever came out and said "Folks. We have good news. We think we can improve the economy by 1.2% within 8-10 years" or when they say "We are trying our best" it's total horseshit. Human beings are ingenious as a planet. We have insanely smart PHDs workin with the government who have ready to go, fully researched systems that can be implemented to cause record breaking economic conditions but that is not what the cabal wants. The cabal simply wants suffering for a multitude of reasons.


I hope they bring Breckin Meyer back for this one. And Rowan Atkinson

What would your solution be?

Woah, slow down buddy! No solution available at the moment.

End State: nationalization of the federal reserve under a reformed constitutional republic.

The most valuable resource on the planet, may disturb you. It's not gold, it's not oil.

It's Humans.


God damit lightbringerflex!

The protocols are fake!

You need to except that your failures in your career are because of YOU not the Jews.

I mean it's ridiculous and you sound ridiculous and I understand that when a persons life is shit they need to cling to magical thinking but if you put in as much effort in just fixing your career as you do in hating Jews then you would not be poor and angry!

Just go back to school! Or get a real estate license! Or just leave America and move into a different line of work- lots of people use tefl as a way to get out of America when they are broke- if you have a college degree you can get a high paying job teaching English in a country you might like more and actually go live your life instead of just whatever is fucking wrong with you.

Have you ever just considered that YOU might be the thing holding back your success because you are so obviously uneducated!

I mean you talk about economics and have no idea what you are writing, you write about Jews like they are vampires and you talk about Israel as if America is invading it tomorrow- you are in a bubble!

I come on to Reddit because I enjoy talking to crazy idiots, you are by far the craziest idiot

I like his breakdown of the economics though. Regardless of titles or books or groups, the simplified description is educational to the unaware. Besides, the nonsense of his post will lure people into reading something that might educate them. Also, the evil depicted in the the book he talks about IS real. However, the evil has no affinity to a name or a group, and it will spread and infect any group or person it can.

I really hate his economics descriptions because they are so childish

The big bad men are stealing all the money to make everyone work as debt slaves. It's all based in a very narrow view of how shit the American economy is which is 100% from bad policy- during the Obama years our GDP was at 1% for 8 years! Instead of that being the focus we got nothing!

I live in china where the economy is amazing and you realize America is just fucked, and all this anger is because a lot of people want a solution to the ducked economy but that would require real leadership and we just have none on economic issue currently.

Republicans can't do tax reform and democrats won't even admit the economy is bad because then they have to admit Obama did not fix the recession- so we have nothing

People like lightbringerflex need to get their shit together and fix their lives, and that might require radical change- like moving or going back to school- stuff I don't think people want to hear

You speak of two parties as if you really believe people can be categorized sufficiently within the two. The polarization is bad, but mainly because of perception and the technological and geographical echo-chambers we have created. The Chinese just move on.


Basic economics principles that are simple enough for a 5 year old to understand is more accurate and applicable (on the micro and the macro level) than whatever traditional economic model you want to push. Complex adaptive systems operate on very simple principles. The complexity originates and emerges from the quantity of the agents (and their interactions) and the ever changing landscape. The maxims remain.

For example: let's reduce the number of agents in the system to 3. Each agent is allocated 100 currency units. Each cycle the agents transfer 20 units of currency amongst themselves in commercial transactions. Each transaction is taxable at 20% per cycle and payable to Government A. So the first cycle removes 4 units of currency from the money supply. After the 70th cycle there is not enough money to conduct business normally (regardless of distribution of the original 300 units)

From this simple example you see that income tax removes money from circulation and will eventually cause the system to collapse without putting money back into the system. So you say we need to put money back into the system! Good! At this point a myriad of problems will make themselves known to the intelligent observer.

So, as I said, I appreciate the basic economic models because even children can learn and contribute. The ego's desire is to complicate things for self-gratification.

Again that's a really stupid analysis because you all ready assume currency is finite and that it even needs to be a physical unit- currency has been everything from cattle to shells.

Money is just the third thing in the coincidence of wants in any transaction- a third item that both parties agree to act as value aside from the items being sold- that's it!

You and lightbringerflex are so crazy in a bubble to attack even the concept of money because of a larger agenda that you are missing the simple concepts

Regardless, I was making a point about how you are both from a narrow view based and you continue to demonstrate that.

Making a set of circumstances where you have a flat tax with predetermined amount of currency that would run out is without logic because it presumes the payor would not give money to people to work, or that people would not stop working without money- you all ready assume an additional authority creating the currency above the payor who now has all the currency in the world- if this is literal then it's either a stoppage of labor or an increase in wages or a decrease in tax or enabling slavery thus ending the wages to the workers because again if the payor has literally all the money in existence why give any at all? Why have a tax? What does it support and who does it go to!

You see? Stupid childish thought problem that comes off clever to stupid childish people

It's a medium of exchange. And I am not attacking it. It's a social technology and it's needed. You're missing points and can't see the forest for the trees. Have a good day.

Why does your IP address say your in tel aviv, Israel?

You may want to start looking into why jews have been expelled from countries for the last 1000 years. Also these jews that he is talking about are not real jews. They are deceivers.

Jews where kicked out of countries for a really simple reason- they did not worship Jesus!

Here is Jesus saying convert or die- Mohamed learned from watching him

Guess what? People took Jesus seriously

really? So they never inhabited non-christian nations? Try harder shill.

I have a masters degree. Stop slinging accusations like you know me with your 22 day account. Also, stop taking that paycheck from the cabal. That ship is sinking.

Keep talking mr twitter account about how I am the one working for money

Other people are calling you out on exactly what you are doing

I can live with the ShareBlue shills on this sub. They honestly entertain me.

You damn well know I am not a ducking share blue shill you hack!

You are ridiculous and you know it- you are openly quoting the turner diaries and proudly discussing trolling as if it was a magic theory.

What's your masters in? What's your actual job? To afraid Mossad will "put" kiddie porn on your computer if you even try and explain your precious career- you keep subbing to those dirty YouTube subs all yourself and you have no one one fooled

As I said before, other people can tell you are a paid larp for a particular twitter, you can just keep doing it but I don't have to pretend it doesn't explain everything you are doing

But that's you to a tea- attack the age of the account and ignore the message because it's all just hasbara

You are pathetic

Time is an arrow, forever moving forward- you are just the walking dead

You damn well know I am not a ducking share blue shill you hack!

You are a new user with a 22 day old account attacking truthers like your life depends on it. What else am I supposed to think?

Why are you getting so emotional anyway? Are you that high up the cabal? Did you sell your soul for money?

Oh shut up rabbhi


Man, every time I see one of your posts I think to myself "Yeah, this is the guy that got caught emailing HIMSELF "evidence" that was supposedly from "sources"". You shot yourself in the foot. I can't trust a word you say.

I checked your account age to see if you were a shill trying to derail the conversation.

Sure enough, you have a 3 month old account.

The old "attacking an account's age tactic". Well done. That's the go-to when you don't have an actual defense.

I'm not victory of the light you moron.

Well then... I didn't know it was "Even through". Well shit, that clears everything up. My apologies.

Cell phone + autocorrect fail.

All right, fine. I won't attack your English but you don't know who I am. I'm not some shill for any company or governmental agency. I just actually have opinions and, from what I've seen, I don't know how I feel about your posts. Yes, I do agree with a lot of what you post, but what relationship do you have with victory of the light?

I follow VOTL and others as well such as Kabamur. I have always believed them to be real. If you truly suspect shenanigans because VOTL emailed himself an email, keep in mind that doing that strips away private identifying information.

I could be wrong and VOTL can be CIA but I don't think so because we exposed so much dirt on the deep state. He gave vital insight into all of it. Why would he do that if he was deep state?

Also, others I follow say the same thing as VOTL. When multiple people say similar things, it is a good sign that the information is good.

Of you are wondering why I work so much on reddit, it is because I know the only answer to all of our problems is to drain the swamp and replace it with a dynamite system that will turn this whole planet into a wealthy one. I know it will happen as long as some people put in the necessary work so I am doing my part. Everything will pay off soon when we decimate the deep state's reputation across the world and we have already made insane progress. We are a giant team and our combined force is crushing them.

I will concede that you are not victory of the light. For that misconception that I originally had, I apologize. I will commend you on your so-called fight against the Deep State because I really do believe all of us to be in a situation where we are controlled without our knowing and controlled in such a de-facto way that we have no power against them. I would, however, ask you of some kind measuring rod to understand how you think you've made such great strides against the Deep state?

Ah ok thanks. I also confused you for a share blue member but it appears I was wrong.

Well, long story short, with everything I learned in college and through my own research, I found out that each human being is way more influential and powerful than I could have ever imagined. For example, every time I drop a truth bomb, potentially thousands of people see it, get alarmed and talk about it with other human beings. Those human beings talk to even more human beings. Basically the truth bomb spreads out across the world like lightning depending on how shocking the truth bomb is. I try to find the stuff people haven't really thought about yet as well which forces transparency into the cabal. They hate transparency because too much transperancy will eventually kill them. The truth is very ugly and the evil is being done by people we pay taxes to and trust with our country. Can you imagine if the entire country knew this? They would run the cabal off depending on how much they found out. If the people found out too much of the truth, the would kill the cabal with their bare hands. The truth is that ugly.

So basically by dropping truth bombs, I both increase transperancy and spread information though the human press by word of mouth advertising.

There are millions of others doing all kinds of stuff that is helping my cause while my work is helping theirs. We just feed each other naurally without even knowing each other. These millions of people are pushing together across the whole world right now. Once 5% of the population gets involved, the other 95% will join us. 5% is critical mass.

This has been going on for a long time (decades) but shit really hit the fan in 2016 which is when I woke up. This past year has been devastating for the cabal.

At this point, the cabal is hanging by a thread. Random people on the street are saying rothschild is causing these hurricanes and that is a great sign. It means people are really waking up.

I'm on mobile as well so I will try to address your points as you go through them.

First of all, fuck shareblue. I hate those people.

Secondly, I can only imagine that if an entire country new of the wrongdoings of our government, most of them would still bury their head in the sand. We honestly live in a country full of pussies.

Thirdly, how do you differentiate yourself from the mountain of fake news that is shovel fed to us on a regular basis?

I try to objectively show people how powerful they are when united. N (squared) is the formula for power through unity. This is why they divide us all the time. It's so simple and practical and it only takes a mental adjustment to do.

Fake news is dying fast. I rarely watch TV and have made posts of the dangers of TV. Those truth bomb posts have spread like wildfire (hopefully) and that always helps. CNN and MSNBC reputation are down the drain. FOX is at serious risk. These organizations are bound to die. Actually old America is collapsing as we speak. Ultimately we have to take our media back from the Zionists.

We are on the right track but we all have to put in a little bit of work to finish this era in life. Another thing I learned is that if everyone puts in a hairline of work, we can move mountains. It only takes a little work from evreryone.

I agree with you in saying that people can move mountains. That has never been an issue. What is an issue, and something that I currently disagree with you with, is that I don't think the mainstream media is going anywhere soon. CNN and MSNBC are always going to be there because they are basically operated by the CIA. The money is going to come from drugs or whatever and is going to constantly Supply those news agencies with more than enough money to continue. Even the Washington post is now in the back pocket of the CIA.

Yeah, but the difference is that most of the mainstream media is just AWFUL to listen to nowadays...makes it so easy to ignore. It's good for a quick laugh, or to see what they are "pimpin'". Seriously, most videos by random people on Youtube are more informative. Like Rachel Maddow with Hilary Clinton. Hey, let's show a video of a sneezing panda, because our time with such an important political figure is soooo important. Anyhow, they might not be going anywhere, but their clout is being flouted.

Yeah, it is good for a quick laugh but I think that if, given the fact we are currently on the conspiracy subreddit, most of us reading this or engaging in this conversation are currently woke to the idea that we don't believe the mainstream narrative. That is to say that the majority of people are not woke. So, even though we view the mainstream media as a laughable joke, the majority of people buy into it Hook Line & Sinker.

I disagree, and I talk to "normal" people. The majority don't give a shit, and numbers and viewership can be easily lied about.

I just think the vast majority of people are uneducated about the types of topics we talked about on this subreddit. I am glad to hear that the normal people you talk to are not the same, but maybe you are just speaking to intelligent people. But, I do believe the numbers are completely fabricated about the mainstream media viewers / listeners

According to the underground press that I follow, white hat agents in every single agency including the CIA have finally defeated the black hats after years of secret waefare but the black hats still cotrol a little bit of power since they have their hands on triggers to bombs they planted across the world in case anyone ever tries to topple them although many of these triggers have already been neutralized. They estimate total neutralization by November max and say that we will see mass arrests by November max.

There are a variety of sources saying this will happen which is a green flag. If it was just VOTL, then I guess it wouldn't hold as much weight. Also, VOTL said on 9-8-17 to look in the skies for UFOs and I ran into 4 sightings on YouTube already.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

When you are talking about bombs, I assume that you mean metaphorical, right? And I guess we will certainly see come this November but I have a high suspicion that nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens.

Actual bombs planted in locations to kill the planet off but they say most are disarmed now.

I hope it does. Either way we need to keep putting in work and never stop until we achieve victory. Nothing will happen if we don't work.

All right, I'm willing to put in some work. Do you have a source or link to the idea of bombs being planted across the globe?

Cobra is the guy running the white hat operation and he gives updated here.

Also, you can search google for toplet or stranglet bombs. These are the types of bombs they rigged. They use some kind of unique technology.

Holy crap! That link is eye cancer on mobile. But I will do what I can and look into it when I get a chance. Thank you.

Obligatory plug: u/EagleofAmerica, if you are reading this, know that you are batshit crazy.

Go home, you're drunk and arguing with anti-masons.

That's probably bullshit, but it could be codes for other stuff. Hydrogen bombs = toplet bombs, or something similar.

It could be but Cobra is all over the place. He's done many radio interviews using a voice altering device. Many insiders keep referring to them on their twitter posts. It's pretty elaborate but I guess it could be an elaborate Larp.

Omg you just described Trevor's Axiom!

There is no magic to what you are doing- you say insane crazy shit(the protocols are real and the Jews control us man!!!) hoping to get people either angry at you (fuck you man they are fake!) or to support your insane position (he is right fuck the Jews!) just to get as many of those people arguing with each other as possible for no reason accept to get attention!

Jews don't make hurricanes! No matter how much you want to think French bankers are making hurricanes they are not!

There is no fucking cabal! If there was a fucking cabal do you think they all had a meeting and went- yup, let's put Donald Trump, the real estate guy in charge! Fuck it!

And even with Donald Trump you think he is in a secret war with his own son in law! Like even Donald Trump is not just plain enough for you because of course (((Ivanka))) can't really be just fucking a rich Jew and Donald trump just doesn't give a shit 😂

  1. 22 day account.

  2. Claims cabal isn't real.

I've read most of your posts and comments over the past few months, and I applaud your patience and steadfast behavior. I do have one piece of advice: please turn your focus to a single concrete area in this fight. We don't need liberal arts majors knowing little about lots that then go get high and theorize about the abstract. We need doctorates that hyper focus on single issues (and their solutions) that are prudent, possible, and righteous. Carry on.

In the Protocols of Zion...

With a start like that I can't wait to read the well-sourced, critical analysis that follows.

Yes and it delivered the expected.

You speak of two parties as if you really believe people can be categorized sufficiently within the two. The polarization is bad, but mainly because of perception and the technological and geographical echo-chambers we have created. The Chinese just move on.


Basic economics principles that are simple enough for a 5 year old to understand is more accurate and applicable (on the micro and the macro level) than whatever traditional economic model you want to push. Complex adaptive systems operate on very simple principles. The complexity originates and emerges from the quantity of the agents (and their interactions) and the ever changing landscape. The maxims remain.

For example: let's reduce the number of agents in the system to 3. Each agent is allocated 100 currency units. Each cycle the agents transfer 20 units of currency amongst themselves in commercial transactions. Each transaction is taxable at 20% per cycle and payable to Government A. So the first cycle removes 4 units of currency from the money supply. After the 70th cycle there is not enough money to conduct business normally (regardless of distribution of the original 300 units)

From this simple example you see that income tax removes money from circulation and will eventually cause the system to collapse without putting money back into the system. So you say we need to put money back into the system! Good! At this point a myriad of problems will make themselves known to the intelligent observer.

So, as I said, I appreciate the basic economic models because even children can learn and contribute. The ego's desire is to complicate things for self-gratification.

It's a medium of exchange. And I am not attacking it. It's a social technology and it's needed. You're missing points and can't see the forest for the trees. Have a good day.

Well then... I didn't know it was "Even through". Well shit, that clears everything up. My apologies.

Cell phone + autocorrect fail.

really? So they never inhabited non-christian nations? Try harder shill.