WTF? Did CIA have british intelligence agency illegally spy on Trump or not?

7  2017-09-20 by 5pointlight

In March Guardian UK posts article saying it's crazy talk that Great Britain spied on Trump for the CIA. The Guardian UK now reports that GCHQ did spy on Trump plaza...


Did you forget about Snowden?

Everyone is spied on all the time.

Deserves to be stickied at the top of the sub for a month.

Hear hear

It would clear out about 20% of the posts being submitted recently.

I'm surprised that people are still surprised by these type of articles.

We know that the NSA can spy on us at any time, we live in a surveillance state, but it is a different beast is US intelligence agencies are having foreign agencies spy on us in order to sidestep the need for warrants right?

Any country with an intelligence service is already spying on everyday Americans, just like the NSA.


That part of the article is based on a claim by a Fox News talking head.

Isn't that how this whole thing works, CIA spies on the UK, GCHQ spies on the US and they share the info. That way they can claim neither are spying on their own country.

Why do they even pretend anymore?

So talking heads on MSM can act astonished when someone claims the CIA is spying on everyone.

I didn't click your articles,but the title as seen on the second link explains what we were told more thaan a year ago that several European spy agencies reported they had observed people from Trump's campaign meeting with Russians.

That does not in any way imply or suggest they were asked to do so by anyone in the U.S.A.

Sure, I guess it depends on whether or not they spied on US citizens on our soil. If so I think it is an enormous violation of our rights. There are multiple stories out right now that claim John Brennen had GCHQ tap the tower to avoid needing warrants. The Russian lawyer that the Trump party met with had all U.S. travel revoked long before the meeting but the Lynch DOJ had the travel ban removed for the meeting (which is suspicious). I neither like or hate Trump, I just want to live in a free rebuplic with government transparency. Will be interesting to see if these articles from sketch sites like true pundit have any validity..

Um so let's imagine what happened. Russia is hostile to Western democracies and working hard to undermine and disrupt them. We have a security agreement with most of the Western EU nations called NATO, meaning we share important security information with them.

They of course monitor Russian agents traipsing around Europe and notice people from the U.S. are meeting with some here and three. They are in fact carrying out their commitment to the NATO agreement, not violating anyone's rights when they then notify, us.

This seems to be similar to what happened in the U.S.: British intelligence agencies are tapping shady Russian agents, Trump campaign people pop into the mix, U.K. intelligence goes "WTF we better tell the Yanks about this."

Ya. 2nd article points more towards Trump camp going "oh shit" than "they spied on us illegally".

"oh shit" cause the people they were in secret contact with were being watch for one reason or another and they got caught in it.

What law was broken?

The 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Does that apply to U.K. Citizens now? And doesn't it apply to search and seizure?

You just said Donald Trump is a citizen of the UK.

I was referring to the U.K. Investigator, who OP implied broke a law.

That's called "spying" and it's a death penalty offense.

The U.K. Investigator was not operating in the US, and please cite which capital crime.

Are you seriously arguing that foreign agents surveiling a US official is not spying? Do you know what the word spying means?

For starters, trump wasn't a us official when this took place. Second, the allegation is based on a statement from a Fox News talking head. Third, I assume many us officials have been spied upon by foreign agencies abroad and they aren't subject to US law.

You're literally claiming that foreign surveillance of the President of the United States isn't a crime. Have a nice day.

You are claiming that US laws apply to foreign countries.

I'm not explaining jurisdiction to you.

That's probably a good idea, since you claim the us has jurisdiction on foreign soil.

The acts were not done on foreign soil. They were done on US soil, thus conferring jurisdiction.

That's you're conjecture, it's not stated in the article.

Since the entire premise is based on an unproven claim by a Fox News host, it's all bullshit anyways.

Considering the reporting on this has changed each time new info comes out, I will say that there are some reports that gchq was doing the surveillance from fort Meade under the supervision of the NSA. the source I saw it is not one I deem credible but these types of sources appear to be proving the MSM wrong time and time again this year so I'm not writing it off just yet.

Well, the source of this rumor was a Msm source talking head with a known bias.

There was a FISA warrant on Manafort for years because he is a criminal.

Maybe so but why should the NSA and British GCHQ lie about whether or not GCHQ tapped the phones if it was legal? They were adamantly denying in March...

FISA warrant wasn't public. It's called a secret.

If a FISA warrant was approved, why get British intelligence to do the work?

I don't know what your hard on for the Brits is. I don't think some secret cabal in the CIA directed the Brits to do anything. Manafort was surveilled, not Trump. The fact that Manafort lived in Trump's building is being used by Cronies of Orange Julius to justify his idiotic Obama wiretap claim.

  1. Manafort not trump.
  2. No idea what the Brits are doing.
  3. GCHQ and CIA/NSA look at a lot of the same people, all the time, 24/7. SO if Manny and Trump and fam were calling a bunch of Russian goons it's very likely that their calls were intercepted and that's even more likely that we know Mannyboy was being surveilled continuously for years.

Sweet! Sitting at Zero upvotes, must have found something good!

Sure, I guess it depends on whether or not they spied on US citizens on our soil. If so I think it is an enormous violation of our rights. There are multiple stories out right now that claim John Brennen had GCHQ tap the tower to avoid needing warrants. The Russian lawyer that the Trump party met with had all U.S. travel revoked long before the meeting but the Lynch DOJ had the travel ban removed for the meeting (which is suspicious). I neither like or hate Trump, I just want to live in a free rebuplic with government transparency. Will be interesting to see if these articles from sketch sites like true pundit have any validity..

Are you seriously arguing that foreign agents surveiling a US official is not spying? Do you know what the word spying means?

Considering the reporting on this has changed each time new info comes out, I will say that there are some reports that gchq was doing the surveillance from fort Meade under the supervision of the NSA. the source I saw it is not one I deem credible but these types of sources appear to be proving the MSM wrong time and time again this year so I'm not writing it off just yet.